kunalp1234 · 1 year
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rabbitrah · 1 year
A continuation on my post about unloved foods, specifically this is my in-depth defense of root beer.
Root Beer isn't inherently gross, it's just one of those weird local flavors that's off-putting to people who didn't grow up with it. We all like different things and also we all tend to like flavors that are similar to what we grew up with. That's okay! But honestly root beer is pretty unique and, in my opinion, delicious.
One of the main complaints against root beer is that it tastes like medicine. Funnily enough, it was originally marketed as medicinal! This is true for most OG sodas actually. Pretty much as soon as carbonated water was invented, people were drinking it to soothe various ailments. A lot of the original soft drinks were actually invented by pharmacists. I just think that root beer is especially cool because the main flavor came from the root bark of sassafras, a common North American shrub. Because it's so widespread and aromatic, all parts of the sassafras plant have been used in food and medicine by many different Native American tribes throughout history and was subsequently picked up and used by European colonists. In the 1960s, some studies indicated that that safrole oil, which is produced by the plant, can cause liver damage. Whether or not this would actually remain true after it had been boiled and added to root beer is unclear, but it was really easy to replicate the flavor, so the sassafras in commercial root beer these days is artificial. Another fun fact about safrole is that it's a precursor in the synthesis of MDMA. None of this information has stopped my childhood habit of eating sassfras leaves right off the shrub whenever I walk past it on a hike. I'm like 85% sure it's safe and also mmmm yummy leafs go crunch.
Another root beer complaint is that it tastes like toothpaste. I think this is probably because another key flavor in most root beer recipes is wintergreen. I'm assuming that the people who think this are the same people who think mint chocolate chip ice cream tastes like toothpaste. I can understand and even respect that some people don't like mint and associate it only with brushing their teeth, but like. Mint is a pretty common flavor. I mean I think it's safe to say that humans have been eating mint flavored stuff for longer than toothpaste has existed... anyway!
Other common flavors in root beer (real or artificial) are caramel, vanilla, black cherry bark, sarsaparilla root, ginger, and many more! There's not one official recipe, and root beer enthusiasts often have strong opinions about different brands. Some root beer is sharper, with more strong aromatic flavors, and others are mild and creamier.
Another thing I think is cool about root beer is that it's foamier than most sodas. This was originally because sassafras is a natural surfactant (and why sassafras is also a common thickening agent in Louisiana Creole cooking.) These days, other plant starches or similar ingredients are added to keep the distinctive foam. Root beer foam > all other soft drink foams. That's why root beer floats kick more ass than like, coke floats.
If you've never had root beer before, imagine if a sweetened herbal tea was turned into a soda, because that's basically what it is. If your first response to that is a cringe, fair enough. That's why lots of people don't like it. If your first response to that is "interesting... I might actually like it, though" then I encourage you to track down a can of root beer today, hard as that might be outside the US and Canada. Next time you see an "ew, root beer tastes like medicine/tooth paste" take, know that there's a reason for that, but also the same could be said for literally any herbal or minty food/drink.
My final take on root beer is that it would be the soda of choice for gnomes. Thank you and good night.
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femmefitz · 2 years
Safrole (sassafras chemical that the FDA hates so bad) is a major component of MDMA apparently. I love that.
0 notes
drogba-prospect · 1 year
Spirit Unity Syncretism Oversoul with Technology, Education, Art, Books, Medicine, Fitness, and Food (TEABMFF) "Issä Spirit Unity Book Real Estate Dictionary Oversoul"
Expansive Mood (Disinhibition, Sensory Overload, XYY)
Posttraumatic Growth Ecstasy Spiritual Healing
Ecstasy Spiritual Healing Water Recovery
Is̈sa Patroness Oversoul (XYY and Schizoaffective Morning Star-Sun-Neptune Ruling Planets Spirit ESTJ Androgynous Type) (Art Financing/Sports Biologist)
Piërre Patroness Oversoul (XYY, MSTN, ACTN3, Mercury-Mars-Sun Ruling Planets Spirit ISTP Type) (Sensory Play)
Yves̈ Patroness Oversoul (XYY, Expansive Mood-Sensory Overload Morning Star-Mars-Sun ESTP Androgynous Spirit Type) (Virtuoso)
Chaärms Patroness (Oblong Face, Novelty-Seeking, Financial Worshipping Disorders, Poker Brain, Chess Decision Template, Insulin Sensitivity, Low Agreeableness with High Conscientious, Asperger's with Savant Skills, Disinhibited Bipolar 2, Grey Matter Brain, Borderline Personality Disorder; Morning Star-Neptune-Mars-Sun-Moon ISFP MBTI Leo Female Lucifer's Wife Ballerina)
Type III (scores 14–20) sometimes mild burn, tans uniformly (golden honey or olive), Wavy Abbreviation: Surfer Black Hair, Grey Eyes (Green or Blue depending on Mood)
Principalities: Euphonic Arabic Script Art History Language; Association with Marriage, Sensory Play, Finance, Science, Auditory Aesthetics, Sassafras & Resveratrol, Impure Aesthetic Poetry, Romance Studies, Blue Zone Gastronomy, and Graffiti-Gambling Vulgar Euphonic Slang (Art Financing-Grassroots Language)
Keystone Habits
Intrapreneurship Joint Venture Sales Pitch
Opportunity Cost with Intrapreneurship for Joint Venture Contract Meetings. The Eisenhower Matrix is best for addressing problems within companies; with these problems, use the Blue Ocean Strategy to create new markets.
International Events
Rugby World Cup, Davis Cup, Bocuse D’or, Laureus World Sports Awards
Capture the Flag, Coup de Pied, Yoruba Jiu-jitsu, Volleyball, Artistic Cycling, Artistic Gymnastics, Rugby
Athletic Platform
Lacoste All-Court: Collagen Athlete (Elastic Force), Baseliner + Serve and Volley, Tennisology (Sports Biology), Stylistic Biomechanics, Tennis Anatomy, Toussaint Cosmetic Surgery (Lipodissolve-Full Body Etching with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers), et Grassroots for Paris Fashion Week
Toussaint Bass: Shakespeare Impure Aesthetics Lyrics and Ballards Vocals-Mozart Effect Composition Melodic EDM; (Layered 808 Progression with Saw Pedal and Syncopated Percussion)
Central African Bathing
3 Shower Sebum Loss Prevention: Soap Moisturizer Bar with First Shower and Second & Third No Soap with Coco Butter-Musk Aftershave Balm Dry Off
Ibiza Tourism Grey-collar Game Theory Network
Ginseng Travel-health Parametric Insurance and Construction Trust Fund
Biogeometry Cosmetic Surgery
Full Body Etching-Lipodissolve and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers.
Hydrolyzed Collagen-safrole Oil, Dextromethorphan, Cycloparaphenylene
Biogeometry, Biomechanics
marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
“a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility”
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions
The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
The civilization of ancient Egypt was indebted to the Nile River and its dependable seasonal flooding. The river's predictability and fertile soil allowed the Egyptians to build an empire on the basis of great agricultural wealth; Egyptian Cotton Canvas and Poplin Shirt.
(Competitive Sensory Play) Armed robbery is typically motivated by the desire to obtain money, which is then often used to purchase drugs; however, some armed robbers engage in the crime with the intention of boosting their status within their peer group. Whatever the motivation, the act is classified as a violent crime, because armed robberies can result in injury and sometimes death to victims.
(Agreggator Model) Some common kinds of robbers include first offenders, persistent thieves and hustlers, drug addicts, habitual robbers, and skillful planners.
(Graffiti Art Galleries) Raiding is a military tactic or operational warfare mission which has a specific purpose. Raiders do not capture and hold a location, but quickly retreat to a previously defended position before enemy forces can respond in a coordinated manner or formulate a counter-attack. A raiding group may consist of combatants specially trained in this tactic, such as commandos, or as a special mission assigned to any regular troops. Raids are often a standard tactic in irregular warfare, employed by warriors, guerrilla fighters, or other irregular military forces. Some raids are large, for example, the Sullivan Expedition.
The purposes of a raid may include: to capture specific key persons; to gather intelligence.
(First Masterpiece) Principalities English: Euphonic Art History Language; Association with Sensory Play, Finance, Science, Auditory Aesthetics, Impure Aesthetic Poetry, Ecstasy & Wine, Romance Studies, Blue Zone Gastronomy, and Graffiti-Gambling Vulgar Euphonic Slang (Art Financing).
Preparation: The first step in creating such a good repertoire is to understand that memorization comes in a distant second to an appreciation of the ideas behind your opening moves
Prophylaxis*: In the game of chess, prophylaxis or a prophylactic move is a move that stops the opponent from taking action in a certain area for fear of some type of reprisal. Prophylactic moves are aimed at not just improving one's position but preventing the opponent from improving their own. 
Pre-Move: This is when you make your move *before* the opponent has taken their turn; Helps with Time, Creates psychological pressure
Tactical Vision: Tactics are maneuvers that take advantage of short-term opportunities. They can support your strategy and/or destroy your opponent's plan and ideas; Tactical and combinational themes must be mastered
Opening Game: A chess opening is the group of initial moves of a chess game. In addition to referring to specific move sequences, the opening is the first phase of a chess game, 
Middle Game: The middlegame in chess is the portion of the game in between the opening and the endgame, though there is no clear line between the opening and middlegame or between the middlegame and endgame. The theory on the middlegame is less developed than the opening or endgame.
Development: It is important to develop your whole Army. Note the word whole. Some players get a few pieces out and launch an attack. The necessity for quick development depends on the type of Center that exists. For example, if the center is closed, development is not necessarily a priority because the enemy pieces won't be able to break into your position. However, if the center is open, development takes on a great significance
Initiative**: The side that forces its ideas on a reacting opponent; Is making believable threats or responding to threats
Dynamic Advantage: A dynamic Advantage centers around temporary items like development, initiative, and more active pieces. Make sure you make use of this Dynamic Plus before the opponent catches up in development, the initiative runs dry, or you're active pieces are exchanged
Compensation: If you give up something (space, structural weakness, squares, material) and get nothing in return you are in trouble. However, if you give up the same imbalances (space, structural weakness, squares, material) in exchange for different types of imbalance you are said to have compensation for whatever it is you gave up
Material Advantage: A material advantage goes to the player who has more and/or stronger pieces.
End Game: In chess and chess-like games, the endgame is the stage of the game when a few pieces are left on the board. The line between middlegame and endgame is often not clear and may occur gradually or with the quick exchange of a few pairs of pieces. 
A pharmacopoeia, pharmacopeia, or pharmacopoea (from the obsolete typography pharmacopœia, meaning "drug-making"), in its modern technical sense, is a book containing directions for the identification of compound medicines, and published by the authority of a government or a medical or pharmaceutical society. Descriptions of preparations are called monographs. In a broader sense it is a reference work for pharmaceutical drug specifications. Although older writings exist which deal with herbal medicine, the major initial work in the field is considered to be the Edwin Smith Papyrus in Egypt, Pliny's pharmacopoeia. Pharmacoeconomics refers to the scientific discipline that compares the value of one pharmaceutical drug or drug therapy to another. It is a sub-discipline of health economics. A pharmacoeconomic study evaluates the cost (expressed in monetary terms) and effects (expressed in terms of monetary value, efficacy or enhanced quality of life) of a pharmaceutical product. Pharmacoeconomic studies serve to guide optimal healthcare resource allocation, in a standardized and scientifically grounded manner.
Cost-of-illness analysis (COI)
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Budget-impact analysis (BIA)
Cost-utility analysis (CUA)
Cost-consequence analysis (CCA)
Cost-comparison analysis
Cost-minimization analysis (CMA)
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)
Activated Charcoal, Colloidal Oatmeal, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
The Manifesto of Futurism (Italian: Manifesto del Futurismo) is a manifesto written by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and published in 1909.[1] Marinetti expresses an artistic philosophy called Futurism that was a rejection of the past and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry. It also advocated the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. 
Institut Paul Bocuse Gastronomique: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Culinary Excellence; Founded in 1990 by the great French chef for whom it is named, Institut Paul Bocuse is one of the world's leading culinary schools. Located just outside Lyon, the French gastronomic capital, it operates with advisory boards that include leading chefs from around the world (e.g., Daniel Boulud, Yannick Alleno, Juan Mari Arzak, Normand Laprise, Thomas Keller). With more than 1,800 photographs illustrating 250 essential kitchen techniques, this 720-page, slipcased volume addresses both motivated self-instructors and trained chefs who may occasionally want to refresh their knowledge of classic technique.
Négritude: Naissance et expansion du concept a documentary by Nathalie Fave and Jean-Baptiste Fave, first minutes online, with the interventions of Amadou Lamine Sall, Racine Senghor, Lylian Kesteloot, Jean-Louis Roy, Jacqueline Lemoine, Gérard Chenêt, Victor Emmanuel Cabrita, Nafissatou Dia Diouf, Amadou Ly, Youssoufa Bâ, Raphaël Ndiaye, Alioune Badara Bèye, Hamidou Dia, Georges Courrèges, Baba Diop; Maison Africaine de la Poésie Internationale. Shot in Sénégal in 2005, 56' (DVD)
Coffee and Cigarette Documentary This 11-vignette film focuses on the human interactions that happen while partaking in the everyday indulgence of coffee and cigarettes. Featuring well-known actors and other artists as themselves or some version thereof, the film highlights the nuances and subtle hostilities that can be a part of seemingly normal conversations. Bill Murray waits on the Wu-Tang Clan, Iggy Pop and Tom Waits get on each others' nerves and Jack and Meg White of the White Stripes discuss Nikola Tesla.
A creed, also known as a confession of faith, a symbol, or a statement of faith, is a statement of the shared beliefs of a community (often a religious community) in a form which is structured by subjects which summarize its core tenets. 
Rejection of Past Africa for Romance Studies and Greco-Grigori Science 
Principalities Settlement on Mercury through Space Chakra
A Lion's, Kangaroo's, & Cheetah's Hearts and a pair of Eagle Eyes are added to Spirits
Virgo Births and Planet Realignment
Mutable Leo, Aries, Sagittarius Sensing Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Patronesses and Planet Realignment; 3 Per Zodiac Sign (Sensory Play Male ISTP, ESTP Androgynous Virtuoso Intrapreneur, ESTJ Androgynous Insurance Agent)
Chinos and Dufflebag Dress Code
Digimon: The Movie is the influence for TK and Kari Digiworld Shamanism (Technology Aesthetic for Patronesses)
Dark Arts-Martial Arts Army Civilian
Principalities-Erotes Aesthetic Theory
Construction Trust Fund Insurance Business Model
Real Estate Identification 
Cash is a Liability in Capitalism
Distorted Sensory Play for Wings Development
Spirit Unity Syncretism Oversoul with Technology, Education, Art, Books, Medicine, Fitness, and Food (TEABMFF)
Sociobiology (Socioeconomic Status Theory of Development; Sociocultural Theory of Development; Sociopolitical Theory of Development)
Gymnastic Rings
Olfactory Arts
Grey-collar Working Class Game Theory Network
GABA Hegemonic Masculinity Settlement Colonization
Age 16 Group Home Passage of Living Like Your Father Is Dead To Become A Man (Exposure Therapy)
Gambling and Bankroll Magement
Collagen Sports Science
Vice Script
Yoruban Jiu-jitsu
Military Equipment
Why Principalities English has a Vulgar Euphonic Accent And Is Classified As An Art History Language (Written by Poets, and is Spoken by Kinaesthetic Learners)
Wine Casual Dress Code (Chino and Duffle Bag)
Keystone Habits
Authors Of Scientific Theory
Heritage Assets
Mastering Dynamic Plank, Reverse Plank, and Hollow Hold
Bioeconomy (BioTechnology Central Hedge Fund-Game Theory Offshore Master’s Exchange Program)
Offshore Aquaculture Predators
Guerilla Fitness Routine
Orthtropics (Jaw Contouring, Mewing, and Masseter Silicone Chewing)
Bengal Cat Owners
Collagen-sassafras Oil BioGeometry Cosmetics Diploma
Nutritional Biochemistry Rations and Take-out
Media Studies
3 Sleep Cycle Naps Twice a Day
Aftershave Balm as a Body Lotion Replacement
30's is the most Important Decade in a Man's Life
Mineral Water Hair Cosmetics
Pearl Mouth Jewellery
Impure Aesthetics Poetry Theory
Sexual Healing Guide
Our Version of Shango's Heavens Belongs to Angels of War (Eros, Gadreel, and Issä)
Toussaint's Physique: Force-Velocity Systematic Calisthenics Contrast Superset Lower Half Influenced V-taper (Plyometrics for Cardio)
Pan-fried & Grilled Crab Cooking Competition Show for Shango
Shakespeare Adaptation Thrillers Screenplay
Vulgar Poetry and Graffiti Graphic Design
Having a Favourite Element on the Periodic Table.
How Eros gave us Dionysus as a Wine and Ecstasy Deity through Pothos for an Energy Drink Microeconomy
Tennis Streetwear during Youth and Wine Country Casual at the age of 18
Economic & Finance Exploratory Schools (5-18)
Mediterranean Games Economy International Event Insurance Business Model
Using Dark Arts for Venus and Mars as Ruling Planets
Andrology Research Video Essays and Online Articles
Toussaint-Nike-Jennifer Psychology Parenthood
Stacked Leucine Bedtime Drink for Hormone Release Recovery and Fertility Nude Sleep
Sensing Myers Briggs Type Indicator Sensory Play Art Schools for Information Processing
Replace Packaged Food with Smoothie Frequency and Nut Bottom Yogurts
Random Acts of Long Distance Food Poetry
The Davis Cup is French Settlement
2 Am Bedtime for After Hours Sensory Play
Coffee Pastry Sheets for Breakfast Pastries
Winter Point Break Gastronomy
Cigarillos-Ecstasy Expansive Mood Oversoul
Travel-health Insurance Sales Agent (Policy, Service, Premium Bought Farmland and Interest Gathering Assets)
Graffiti Cinematography Art Galleries
Acid Garden Streetwear Trade Shows
Sports Performance Center
Coup de Pied Courts (Grassroots)
Video Game Design
Graffiti Graphic Design Sister Company
Collagen Supplement Store with Research Insitute
Economic Forecasting Pool-Live Betting Board Game
Rental Property Farmland and Penthouse Artist Residency Grocery Store
Ibiza Primate Structure
Audio Engineer Red Bull Academy
Ecstasy Concentrate Pedology BioTech Research Institute
Fougere Skincare Manufacturing
Beach Festivals
Bape Corporate Education Art Schools
Gastronomy Tours
Create an Ecstasy Expansive Mood Oversoul for Art through Spirit-Type Syncretism
Opportunity Costs Theory: Opportunity costs represent the potential benefits that an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. Because opportunity costs are unseen by definition, they can be easily overlooked.
The Star of David
Virgin Mary Pendant
De Coelesti Hierarchia (Greek: Περὶ τῆς Οὐρανίας Ἱεραρχίας, "On the Celestial Hierarchy") is a Pseudo-Dionysian work on angelology, written in Greek and dated to ca. AD the 5th century; it exerted great influence on scholasticism and treats at great length the hierarchies of angels.
LMVH Distribution 
Model off of an Amusement Park
Horticulture is the art of cultivating plants in gardens to produce food and medicinal ingredients, or for comfort and ornamental purposes. Horticulturists are agriculturists who grow flowers, fruits and nuts, vegetables and herbs, as well as ornamental trees and lawns 
Sports Performance Facility 
Indoor Garden 
Wedding Host 
Photography Garden 
Food Court 
Restaurants: Upscale 
Farmer's Market 
Coffee Shops 
Cannabis Fields 
Rum Production Centre 
Corporate Meeting: Christmas and New Year's Parties 
Investor meeting spot
Diplomatic Events 
Shopping Centre 
Outdoor Concert Venue 
Theatre Arts 
Business School 
Member Banks Headquarters 
ISSF Olympic skeet: Qualifiers, Membership 
Running Trails: Street Art Stairs 
Ballet Academy
Diamond Bourse
Foreign Relations 
Fund Foreign Expos to Increase Diplomatic Relationship: Increase Tourism, Off-shore Companies, and Bank Accounts.
Cabana Club 
Water System: Experiment with Activated Charcoal, Colloidal Oatmeal, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) 
Debswana Diamond Company Limited, or simply Debswana, is a mining company located in Botswana, and is the world's leading producer of diamonds by value. Debswana operates four diamond mines in the eastern and central parts of Botswana, as well as a coal mine. Debswana is a joint venture between the government of Botswana and the South African diamond company De Beers; each party owns 50 percent of the company.
World Federation of Diamond Bourses Executive & Promotion Committee
The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) is an association of the world’s major diamond bourses and promotes the interests of the member bourses and their members. As the official organization of the international diamond trading sector, the WFDB creates a common set of trading practices in rough and polished diamonds.
Founded in 1947, the WFDB currently has 29 affiliated bourse members located in major diamond centers throughout the world. The WFDB encourages the establishment of new diamond bourses, and aids and supports bourses in their early stages. The organization also invites members of related diamond sectors – such as finance, retail, shipping and more – to join as associate members.
The WFDB Executive Committee: The Executive Committee directs and enforces the policies of the WFDB according to resolutions passed by Congresses and Presidents’ Meetings and has the authority to give them proper effect.
The WFDB Promotion Committee: The Promotion Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee in order to enhance the promotion of the WFDB on various levels, such as via social media, the website and more.
The WFDB Judicial Committee: The Judicial Committee is responsible for all legal matters relating to the WFDB, such as international arbitration issues. The Committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and the affiliated bourses to amend the WFDB Laws and Inner Rules.
The WFDB Trade And Business Committee: The Trade and Business committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning industry relations with financial institutions worldwide, lab-grown diamonds, Know Your Customer and the System of Warranties.
The WFDB Trade And Business Committee
The Trade and Business committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning industry relations with financial institutions worldwide, lab-grown diamonds, Know Your Customer and the System of Warranties.
Ideas: Luxury Goods Encrusted Items Investment Service and Auction; Example, Hermès Bag Investment System, Masterworks Underwriting Auction System Information Catwalks with models then bidding in a separate room with Video Replay for YouTube 
Industries to attach to: Offshore Banking, Insurance, Collateral
ABC Exchange (Alumina, Beryllium, Carbon): There are four types of precious stones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. Each type has its own specific chemical and physical properties. Diamonds are made from carbon, rubies, and sapphires from alumina, and emeralds from beryllium.
Interest Rate Pegging, Environmental alternative to gold, Surplus item during Quantitative Easing, Low Interest Rates lead to spending and loans for investment which means buying and trading diamonds will balloon 
Mine Pairs: What Is a Currency Pair? A currency pair is the quotation of two different currencies, with the value of one currency being quoted against the other. The first listed currency of a currency pair is called the base currency, and the second currency is called the quote currency.
Diamond Mine Investment Group: Mines can create private Investment Groups. Items within Group, Diamond Retail, Panic Buttons, Time Opening Buzzer Entrance, Shatterproof Display Cases, Time Opening Safes, 2 Floor Stores System 
Diamond Trading: Industrial diamond manufacturing sectors, Capital Gains Taxing, Create Offshore revenue through trading. Blockchain is a volatile market for good liquidity, Vehicle Currency Low-Interest Rates mean the currency will be traded against other currencies, Shorting own currency to get foreign currency and exchanging returns for domestic currency stabilize the exchange rate and Currency Basket 
Purpose: Permanent Residence Card or Citizenship By Investment
$200k Deposit
$125k: 60/40 portfolio, 60% Fixed Income & REITs and 40% Blue Chip Stocks 
$50k: Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and Term Deposits are secured investments. This means that you get back the amount you invest at the end of your term. The key difference between a GIC and a term deposit is the length of the term. Term deposits generally have shorter terms than GICs.
$25k: Spending Cash 
Tax Deductible Charity: Ecological Preservation Real Estate & Natural Resources Development (Coffee and Tobacco)
Art Gallery/Diamonds Accessoires OTC Underwriting-Auction and Graffiti Cinematography
Pyramid Sets with Systematic Calisthenics
Isometric Hold, Dynamic Effort Method Lifting, Plyometric, 60 Meter Sprint or Vertical Jump, Intra-Set Stretching 
Isometric Hold-Isotonic Contraction-Cobra Pose (10 Seconds Hollow Hold/15 Bicycle/Cobra Pose, 15 Seconds Hollow Hold/7 Bicycle-Cobra Pose)
Ido Portal's Isometric-Mobility Squat Routine
Contrast Dynamic Hollow Hold
Wall Sit-Weighted Jump Rope
Pull-up Bands
Gymnastic Rings
Weighted Jump Rope
Weighted Vest (Rucking Specialization)
Resveratrol/Soy Isoflavones (Hormones)
Leucine/L-Carnitine/Creatine (Stacked Muscle Growth)
Keto BHB (Fat Loss)
Bleached, Level 2 Temple Drop Fade, ≠ Head and Eyebrow Part, Pencil Mustache
Waves Products: Pomade, Wave Butter, Wave Shampoo, Sea Salt Spray
Shower Brush Method: Detangle Hair with Comb, Soak Hair for a Couple Minutes, Scramble Wash, Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #1 Training Pattern, Create Thick Lather and Shower Brush #2 Training Pattern, Lather and Lay Down Pattern, Put on Durag and Rinse
When hair is dry use Wave Butter, Pomade and Sea Salt Spray
Lifeguard-Butcher-Pastry Chef Job Trio (Dōrifutoshīn Gran Turismo Trafficking, Streaming, and Sports Book)
Fougère Cultivateur
Law and Parenting Students
Cold Brew
Java Tobacco
Coffee Flavoured Chocolate
Coffee Pastry Frosting
Coffee Breakfast Whipped Cream
Coffee Liqueur (Candles)
Doubled Up Meal Replacement Smoothies (Oatmeal, Spinach, Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds)
4 Hour Window (Pork, Seafood, Duck, and Polysaccharides)
7 Pm Workout for Sleep and Morning Recovery
Hotel Vertical Integration Ghost Kitchen Clientele Grocery Stores
French Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play Cooking Channel
Bape Art Corporate Education Curriculum (No Audition Course)
The pioneer was Société Générale de Belgique, the ancestor of BNP Paribas Fortis, which was founded in Brussels in 1822. It invented the hybrid bank, combining deposit management and corporate sponsorship, with Crédit Mobilier (founded by the Pereire brothers) soon following suit.
SONY DISTRIBUTION: Gran Turismo, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost of Tsushima, Gundam Wing, Zoids, Sonic The Hedgehog, FIFA Trafficking and Re-sale Market
Jupiler Rugby Pro Union and Pro League
Barber Salons
As of 2023, the global chocolate industry is worth $127.9 billion USD.
Madagascar Vanille: The global vanilla extract market size was valued at USD 5.26 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow from USD 4.94 billion in 2022 to USD 6.29 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.52% during the forecast period.
According to the report, the global cheese market was valued at over 83.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, and is forecast to reach at over 120.2 billion by 2028.
The global rabbit meat market revenue amounted to $6.4 billion in 2017, picking up by 12% against the previous year. This is according to market research firm IndexBox, which also stated that the market value increased an average annual rate of +4.0% from 2007 to 2017.
However you serve them, duck eggs are an excellent source of nutrition. Their dark yellow yolk indicates that they hold more antioxidants, more omega-3 fatty acids, and 50% more vitamin A than chicken eggs.
Sephora is a leader in global prestige retail, teaching and inspiring clients to play in a world of beauty. Owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world's leading luxury goods group, Sephora has earned its reputation as a beauty trailblazer with its expertise, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit. At Sephora, beauty is in our DNA. Our revolutionary beauty-retail concept, founded in France by Dominique Mandonnaud in 1970, is defined by its unique, open-sell environment with an ever-increasing assortment of products from carefully curated brands, featuring indie darlings, emerging favorites, trusted classics, and Sephora’s own, SEPHORA COLLECTION. Today, Sephora is not only the leading retailer of perfume and cosmetics stores in France, but also a powerful beauty presence in countries around the world thanks to its unparalleled assortment of prestige products in every category, unbiased service from experts, interactive shopping environment, and innovation.
Bassline Genre
Energy Drink
Samuel de Champlain/Jean-Jacques Dessalines/Marcus Garvey (Samuel de Champlain Spirit Type Oversoul)
Alexander the Great
Sephora Girls
Art Curators
Primate State European Architecture Metropolitan Capitals
The Belgian banking system has long been known to be a sophisticated and liberal banking system. Standardized customer account numbers for all financial intermediaries are widely used, and internet and phone banking are well developed. There are no restrictions on the free movement of capital and regulatory requirements are minimal. There is a particularly wide and flexible range of loan products offered to companies, with no discrimination as to the nationality of the investor. There are also many options available when it comes to raising risk capital. Thanks to an efficient branch network, there is a large number of Belgian and foreign banks servicing the country. Due to the sheer volume of international business carried out in Belgium, more than half of all banking transactions are international financial transactions. The majority of Belgian banks also have an extensive international network based on strategically located branches in the main financial markets around the world. A number of the 106 banks located in Belgium feature prominently in the top 100 international banks. The combined assets of the three main banks (Fortis, ING and KB Group) amount to $370 billion. All credit institutions (banks and savings banks) operate under the same legal framework and are monitored by the same supervisory authorities. The Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (BFAC) supervises the activities of financial institutions, including banks, investment funds, stock brokers, finance companies and holding companies. As a result of the deregulation of the banking sector in 1993, credit institutions have been able to offer all financial services, as defined by European legislation. The BFAC supervises the financial sector in close coordination with the National Bank of Belgium (Belgium’s central bank). The main bankcard used in Belgium is the Mister Cash-Bancontact debit card, issued along with a PIN number upon opening a bank account in Belgium. In order to open an account, proof of identity, such as a passport, is required. The Bancontact card can be used to withdraw cash at ATMs, and to pay for almost anything in Belgium, from a newspaper, parking meter, gasoline, or a loaf of bread from the bakery. Credit options are also available on application. All bank ATMs in Belgium accept the Bancontact card; some accept MasterCard, Visa and other credit and debit cards. The major credit cards are generally accepted in stores, restaurants, and hotels.
AgBank and Options Exchange: Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, ABC has been formed and abolished several times. On July 10, 1951, two banks of the Republic of China, Farmers Bank of China and Cooperation Bank, merged to form the Agricultural Cooperation Bank, which ABC regards as its ancestor. However, the bank was merged into People's Bank of China, the central bank in 1952. The first bank bearing the name Agricultural Bank of China was founded in 1955, but it was merged into the central bank in 1957. In 1963 the Chinese government formed another agricultural bank which was also merged into the central bank two years later. Today's Agricultural Bank of China was founded in February 1979. As the People's Bank of China began spinning off its commercial banking functions after 1978, ABC's focus on providing farmers with financial services increased.[10]: 225  ABC was restructured to form a holding company called Agricultural Bank of China Limited.[11] It was listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges in July 2010.[12] Founded in 1973, the CBOE Options Exchange is the world's largest options exchange with contracts focusing on individual equities, indexes, and interest rates.
Bishop's College School or BCS is an English-language non-profit independent boarding prep school in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada for students in Grades 7 to 12.[2][3][4][5] Founded in 1836, BCS is the fifth oldest private school in Canada.[6][2][7] BCS has the highest endowment per student of any independent school in Canada.[8][9] Seven BCS people have been named Rhodes Scholars.[10][11] A royal charter was granted in 1853 from Queen Victoria for Bishop's College when BCS was the constituent junior division. The school was recognized as the "Eton of Canada" initially by the first Governor General of Canada, Lord Monck on a visit in 1864.[12][13][5] It locates at the heart the historic Eastern Townships and near New England. The school is recognized as a Quebec cultural heritage site in the Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec.[14][15]
Grey collar – Workforce that is not classified in blue collar nor white collar. It is occasionally used to describe elderly individuals working beyond the age of retirement, as well as those occupations incorporating elements of both blue- and white-collar.
Gold collar – Refers to children of wealthy parents working jobs they normally would not be qualified for. Alternatively refers to highly-skilled professionals in high-demand fields such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists.
JAVA ANGELINA FRANC (Central African Franc CFA): Petrodollars are crude oil export revenues denominated in U.S. dollars. The term gained currency in the mid-1970s when soaring oil prices generated large trade and current account surpluses for oil exporting countries. A currency peg is a policy in which a national government or central bank sets a fixed exchange rate for its currency with a foreign currency or a basket of currencies and stabilizes the exchange rate between countries. The global coffee industry is worth $495.50 billion as of 2023. The United States contributes $95.58 billion to this total, which is more than any other country in the world.
Athletics Training: The force-velocity curve is a physical representation of the inverse relationship between force and velocity. Understanding the interaction between force and velocity and their influences on exercise selection is vital for any strength and conditioning professional. For example, it is essential that a strength and conditioning coach understands the physiological and biomechanical differences between prescribing a one-repetition maximum (1RM) deadlift and five-repetition maximum (5RM) jump squats – as one will produce higher forces and lower velocities than the other. Failure to understand the relationship and its importance will likely lead to less than optimal training prescription.
Opportunity Costs represent the potential benefits that an individual, investor, or business misses out on when choosing one alternative over another. Because opportunity costs are unseen by definition, they can be easily overlooked.
Game Theory has a wide range of applications, including psychology, evolutionary biology, war, politics, economics, and business. Despite its many advances, game theory is still a young and developing science.
Meat Source: Wild game is surprisingly leaner, relatively higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, lower in cholesterol (due to the low saturated fat content), as well as devoid of steroids, antibiotics and other additives because of their natural origin and active ways of life. When compared to domestic animals such as cows and chickens, game meats have an average of 4.3% fat while their domesticated competitors typically have a fat content of 25-30%. Not just any fat either. We’re talking a lot less saturated fat (aka the bad fat) and a much higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (aka the good fat). Additionally, the protein, vitamin, and mineral composition of wild game stands to compete with its domesticated competitors, especially when it comes to zinc and iron. This is due to their natural diet of wild vegetation as opposed to grain and corn. (Wild Turkey, Deer, Duck, and Jackrabbit)
Alkaline D-Aspartic Acid Gastronomy: D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that is used to make proteins in the body and is a part of several metabolic reactions. One systematic review found that there was evidence of D-Aspartic Acid boosting testosterone levels in male animals. Some foods that are high in D-Aspartic Acid include: Poultry, Meat, Eggs, Dairy, Rice, Oats & Barley Donut Flour, Peaches, Dried Apricots, Nectarines, Cherries, Plums, and Bananas. The alkaline diet is based on the idea that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline foods can improve your health.
Spinach: Specifically, researchers led by Maria Parr — a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany — examined the effect of ecdysterone on athletic performance and muscle strength. EcdysteroneTrusted Source is the main compound in spinach extract. It is a phytosteroid — that is, a steroid that occurs naturally in plants and belongs to a class called phytosterols, which are “structurally similar to cholesterol.” Previous studiesTrusted Source in mammals have shown that ecdysteroids have a wide range of beneficial effects. In the 1980s, researchers dubbed ecdysterone the “Russian secret,” following suspicions that Russian Olympic athletes were using it as a performance boosting supplement.
Salmon as Unsaturated Fat Protein: The fatty-acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are a family of transport proteins for fatty acids and other lipophilic substances such as eicosanoids and retinoids.[1][2] These proteins are thought to facilitate the transfer of fatty acids between extra- and intracellular membranes.[3] Some family members are also believed to transport lipophilic molecules from outer cell membrane to certain intracellular receptors such as PPAR.[4] The FABPs are intracellular carriers that “solubilize” the endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA), transporting AEA to the breakdown by FAAH, and compounds that bind to FABPs block AEA breakdown, raising its level. The cannabinoids (THC and CBD) are also discovered to bind human FABPs (1, 3, 5, and 7) that function as intracellular carriers, as THC and CBD inhibit the cellular uptake and catabolism of AEA by targeting FABPs.[5] Competition for FABPs may in part or wholly explain the increased circulating levels of endocannabinoids reported after consumption of cannabinoids.[6] Levels of fatty-acid-binding protein have been shown to decline with ageing in the mouse brain, possibly contributing to age-associated decline in synaptic activity.
Cathedral Basilica Tax Deductible Charity
BNP Paribas Fortis Offshore Mariculture Division (Cote d'Ivoire, Seychelles, and Madagascar)
Sports Performance Centers (Sports Biomathematics and Intrapreneurship Joint Ventures)
Aether is an award-winning climate tech startup based in New York City's fabled Diamond District. Aether transforms air pollution into valuable goods and materials. From pollution to solution, nothing to something. By pushing the boundaries of product design, manufacturing technologies, and craftsmanship, the company is paving the way for a more beautiful and enduring future for both people and planet. Founded in 2018, Aether has raised over $21M in funding to date and is growing quickly.
Drug Slang: “Chocolate” is used as a euphemism for cannabis in the song: “And my car smells like chocolate”, as well as the line: “Now you’re never gunna quit it / If you don’t stop smoking it / That’s what she said” — 1975
Extinction is the learned inhibition of retrieval of previously acquired responses. Fear extinction is a significant component of exposure therapy in the treatment of fear memories such as those of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can be used for experience.
Money Lessons
Money Jars: Give $100 for every 5 book reports, then divide among jars. $10 Tithe (opened at the end of the month), $10 Giving and Offering (opened on Sundays), $10 Saving (opened on special occasions), $20 Investing (only opened when full), $50 Spending.
This teaches multiple personal finance skills, Motivates independent reading, Teaches oral and presentation skills, Build the habit of gathering information when they are young, and Builds a Corporate Executive mindset; Instead of having this system with chores which creates an employee mindset this teaches kids to be in control of the information they use to get money
After the first trial runs this should be viewed as passive income for your Children.
While balancing school and at-home book reports; this simulates and exposes them to the similarities of having a job and starting their own company
Grey with White Logo Tires
Gold Chrome Rims
Crème Fraîche Tomato-Peanut Soup (Sautée Veggies-Broth Layering) with Challah Bread & Pan Fried Salmon
Skin On Pomme Puree & Pan Fried Salmon
Haitian Macaroni au Gratin (Sunday Meal)
Congolese French Toast Roll Up (Turkey and Cheese with Jam)
Mason Jar Overnight Oatmeal
French Vanille Blueberry Meal Replacement Smoothies 
Eggs, Sausage, and Hash Browns Breakfast
French Vanille Extract-Cinnimon Crème Fraîche Chocolat Chaud Angelina
Gâteau au rhum
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Cinnamon Rolls
Chocolat Oatmeal Cookies
Tomato Soup
Yukon Potatoes
Challah Bread
3 Block Cheese
4 Boxes of Conchiglie
French Vanille Creamer
Heavy Cream
Roasted Garlic Chicken Broth
Olive Oil
Sweet Onion
Roasted Herb and Garlic
Equipment: Mason Jar, Saucepan, Toaster Oven, Panini Griddles, Slow Cooker, Pot, Fruit Ninja Blender, Cup Cake Pan, Frying Pan, Baking Pan, Cutting Board, Colander Bowl, Whisk, Tongs, and Spatula
De Coelesti Hierarchia Raves, Planetary Intelligence, Parking Ticket Free Brabus Dealerships (Angel Status), Pool Access Lifeguard Summer Competitions, Ecstasy, Synth Drum and Bass, Graffiti Cinematography, Undergarments Shopping, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Dirty Dancing, Sexting
Gastronomy Course (Crème Fraîche Chocolat Chaud Angelina; Panini Challah Turkey and Cheese French Toast; Crème Fraîche Tomato-Peanut Soup)
Lifeguard Training
Barber Landlords Course
J'Cartier, Je cours après les vœux de champagne
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
Bleu et Gris Sprezzatura Gastronomie 
Precarious Balance
Precariously: If something is happening or positioned precariously, it's in danger. A glass could be precariously balanced on the edge of a table. If something is on the verge of danger, then the word precariously fits.
Grey & Decentralized Markets
Semblance is generally used to suggest a contrast between outward appearance and inner reality.
High Socioeconomic Status & Tattoos
Having a fantastic or deceptive appearance; adjective. having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination. having the appearance of an optical illusion, especially one produced by a magic lantern.
Socioeconomic Status Development Immigration Multilingual Sensory Play 
Law of Polarity in Relationships
In any successful relationship that has an intimate connection and sexual attraction, there is polarity. What does this mean exactly? Polarity in relationships is the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine. Gender does not affect whether you have masculine or feminine energy.
Second Reflection
Burden Aesthetics with Intentions; The Second Reflection lays hold of the Technical Procedures
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pornosophical · 9 months
So safrole is actually tricky for a couple of reasons. There is some concern about carcinogenicity, but the main reason it is so heavily scrutinized is that it is a reagent with which you can make very high quality MDMA in a straightforward two step synthesis. If you whatched Breaking Bad, you could think of it as a 1 step precursor for the stuff they were reacting with methylamine for most of the show.
this new* information is courtesy of a deep dive into why sassafras is banned from modern root beer
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Root Beer Float Day
Diet?  Not on August 6. It’s National Root Beer Float Day, after all — a time  to enjoy one of the best beverage/dessert combos on the planet. On that  day, some even compete for root beer float greatness. It all started in  Colorado back in 1893. Frank J. Wisner was inspired. Surrounded by Cow  Mountain where his Cripple Creek Brewing Company was located, Wisner  came up with a novel idea. While mountain gazing, he didn’t see  snow-covered peaks. Instead, Wisner envisioned scoops of ice cream  floating in root beer.  Crazy, right? So, today, enjoy the tallest,  fizziest root beer float you can find!
Note: Read on to find out how you can get a free A&W root beer today!
When is National Root Beer Float Day 2022?
The frothy beverage/dessert combo we all love is celebrated on National Root Beer Float Day on August 6.
History of National Root Beer Float Day
The  unique fusion of ice cream with root beer is unlike anything else. This  summertime delicacy has a history as rich as its texture and flavor!
Frank  J. Wisner, the owner of Colorado’s Cripple Creek Brewing, is the person  to thank for creating the root beer float on August 19, 1893. The idea  behind this extraordinary innovation came to Wisner when he was looking  at the snowy peaks of Colorado’s Cow Mountain that gave the illusion of  ice cream floating on a beverage. While staring out of the window of the  Cripple Creek Cow Mountain Gold Mining Company, Wisner thought the glow  of the full moon made the snow-capped mountains resemble ice cream.
The  following day, Wisner got to work combining vanilla ice cream with root  beer and calling the result the ‘Black Cow Mountain.’ The soda he had  used was Myers Avenue Red Root Beer. The root beer float was served to  his guests the very next day and became an instant hit. Children  shortened the word to ‘Black Cow,’ and today it is simply known as root  beer float.
National Root Beer Float Day timeline
1876 A pharmacist sells root beer commercially
Pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires debuts a commercial version of root beer at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
1919 A&W has humble beginnings at a root beer stand
Ray Allen opens a root beer stand in Lodi, California, which would eventually become the A&W restaurant chain.
The 1920s Root beer turns into a fad
The popularity of non-alcoholic root beer explodes during Prohibition.
1960 The FDA bans a key root beer ingredient
The  FDA bans safrole, the aromatic oil that initially gave root beer its  distinctive flavor. The ingredient caused liver damage during animal  testing.
Since  its creation, countless root beer floats have been enjoyed throughout  the world. The tradition of the day is to enjoy refreshing root beer  floats. The original recipe has evolved into many variations, each with  their own unique flavor, while retaining the original root beer float  texture.
Popular root beer floats that have become traditional  favorites include the Coke Float, Boston Cooler, Purple Cow, and the  Harry Potter-inspired Butterbeer.
National Root Beer Float Day By The Numbers
1876 – the year when root beer was invented 16 – the number of roots and herbs that root beer is made of. 3% – the percentage that root beer makes up in America’s soft drink market. 1960 – the year when a key ingredient of root beer, the sassafras root, was banned by the FDA. #1 – the ranking of A&W as the leading root beer brand in America.
National Root Beer Float Day Activities
Whip up your own root beer float
Conduct some root beer research
Throw a root beer party for adults
There's  no better way to celebrate National Root Beer Float Day than by  concocting your own root beer float. Grab a bottle of your favorite  brand of root beer, pour into a chilled glass and top off with a fresh  scoop of vanilla ice cream. Nice!
Now, this is the kind of research you can appreciate! The Root Beer Store sells  more than 100 brands and flavors of root beer. You can check out  customer reviews of all the root beers for sale and even order  mix-and-match bottles. Your local specialty liquor store may also have a  pretty good selection, so drink up!
Hard  root beer is blowing up! Clever brewers have come up with root beers  that include varying levels of alcohol. Invite the neighbors over for a  dessert party and imbibe on some root beer floats. But be careful, while  the root beer goes down fast and smooth, it'll eventually catch up with  you.
5 Reasons We Need A Root Beer Float, Like Right Now
Root root
The Philly float
The custard float is a definite thing
Why float when you can freeze?
The root beer float with a kick
Jeni's ice cream shops can double your pleasure with root beer floats made with root beer ice cream and Boylan root beer.
The  Franklin Fountain in Philadelphia creates authentic root beer floats  made with their own brand of root beer syrup and  ice cream.
Scooter's  Frozen Custard in Chicago offers a root beer float made with vanilla  custard, a refreshing twist on the standard float.
Instead of floating the ice cream on top of a glass of root beer, blend the two together to make a root beer freeze.
SpringHouse  restaurant in Alexander City, Alabama, serves up a bourbon float made  with Buffalo Trace bourbon, bourbon ice cream and a house-made root beer  syrup.
Why We Love National Root Beer Float Day
It's a perfect combination
Floats come in many varieties
It generates donations for a good charity
It  seems like such a simple recipe — root beer  in a tall, iced glass and  two scoops of vanilla ice cream.  But if you're trying to get beyond the  ordinary, then use extraordinary ingredients.  Select a frothy root  beer with a high sarsparilla content and loads of sweetness.  Add rich,  vanilla bean ice cream and get creative with your toppings.
The  Boston Cooler was invented in Detroit, of all places, and is made with  Vernor's ginger ale and vanilla ice cream. In many Asian eateries you  can order a Snow White, which is composed of vanilla ice cream and 7-Up  or Sprite. In Mexico, you can grab a Holado flotante, a combination of  cola and lemon sherbet.
On  National Root Beer Float Day, A&W Restaurants collects donations  for Disabled American Veterans, a charity that fights for better health  care benefits for America's injured heroes.  What a sweet idea!
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pagan-stitches · 2 years
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While most of the recipes I found for sassafras tea used the roots I did find a couple that used leaves. I only found one small tree so I didn’t want to dig up the roots. Plus I read that the leaves don’t contain safrole, which is what makes sassafras potentially dangerous.
It tasted a bit like a mild green tea. I flavored it with a little maple syrup and pumpkin pie spice to make a cozy autumn drink.
I’ll be grinding the remaining tea leaves into powder to make file for stews this winter.
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ruqifuat · 2 years
Cara Mengusir Tikus di Sawah dengan Kapur Barus
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Mengenal Tikus dan Dampaknya pada Pertanian
Tikus adalah hewan pengerat yang dikenal sebagai hama utama di sektor pertanian. Tikus dapat merusak tanaman, biji-bijian, dan bahkan akar tanaman. Selain itu, tikus juga dapat menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi bagi para petani. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan cara mengusir tikus di sawah dengan kapur barus agar pengendalian populasi tikus terkendali. Pada akhirnya tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan sehat dan meminimalisir kerugian yang terjadi.
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Mengapa Kapur Barus Bisa Mengusir Tikus?
Kapur barus merupakan bahan alami yang digunakan untuk mengusir tikus. Hal ini dikarenakan kapur barus memiliki kandungan senyawa kimia yang dapat mengusir tikus. Senyawa tersebut adalah eugenol dan safrol yang memiliki aroma kuat dan tidak disukai oleh tikus. Oleh karena itu, kapur barus sering digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan dalam pengendalian hama tikus. Simak Juga : Biaya Pembuatan Rumah Walet 4x6
Cara Menggunakan Kapur Barus untuk Mengusir Tikus di Sawah
- Siapkan kapur barus dalam bentuk serbuk atau potongan-potongan kecil. - Sebar kapur barus di sekitar tanaman atau di sekitar lokasi yang sering didatangi tikus. - Jangan sampai kapur barus terkena air atau basah karena dapat mengurangi kandungan senyawa kimia yang terkandung di dalamnya. - Ulangi penggunaan kapur barus secara berkala, terutama setelah hujan atau saat kapur barus mulai habis.
Keuntungan Menggunakan Kapur Barus untuk Mengusir Tikus
Menggunakan kapur barus sebagai pengusir tikus memiliki beberapa keuntungan, di antaranya: - Aman dan ramah lingkungan karena kapur barus merupakan bahan alami yang tidak berbahaya bagi tanaman maupun manusia. - Alami: Kapur barus merupakan bahan alami yang dihasilkan dari pohon kapur barus. Penggunaan kapur barus sebagai pengusir tikus tidak akan membahayakan lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia seperti penggunaan bahan kimia. - Aroma tajam: Kapur barus memiliki aroma yang sangat tajam dan khas sehingga efektif dalam mengusir tikus. Aroma kapur barus yang kuat dapat membuat tikus merasa tidak nyaman dan menghindar dari daerah yang diberi kapur barus. - Mudah didapat: Kapur barus mudah didapat di pasar tradisional atau toko bahan kimia. Harganya juga terjangkau. - Bisa digunakan sebagai pembasmi serangga: Selain sebagai pengusir tikus, kapur barus juga bisa digunakan sebagai pembasmi serangga seperti semut, kutu, dan nyamuk. - Tidak menimbulkan residu: Penggunaan kapur barus sebagai pengusir tikus tidak menimbulkan residu atau sisa yang sulit dibersihkan. Hal ini berbeda dengan penggunaan bahan kimia yang dapat meninggalkan residu dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. - Mudah digunakan: Kapur barus dapat digunakan dengan mudah dan tanpa perlu keterampilan khusus. Cukup menempatkan kapur barus di tempat yang sering dilalui tikus atau di sudut-sudut rumah yang rawan tikus.
Tindakan Pencegahan untuk Menghindari Serangan Tikus
Tikus dapat menjadi masalah yang mengganggu di rumah atau di lahan pertanian. Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa tindakan pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan untuk menghindari serangan tikus, antara lain: - Jaga kebersihan lingkungan sekitar tanaman agar tikus tidak tertarik untuk datang. - Jangan biarkan sampah menumpuk: Sampah dapat menjadi sumber makanan bagi tikus, sehingga pastikan untuk membuang sampah dengan benar dan tidak menumpuk di sekitar rumah atau di lahan pertanian. - Gunakan jaring pengaman di sekitar tanaman agar tikus tidak bisa menghampiri tanaman. - Buat lubang-lubang kecil pada dinding dan pintu gudang agar sirkulasi udara lancar dan tikus tidak menetap di dalam gudang. - Lakukan pembersihan dan pemangkasan tanaman secara rutin untuk meminimalisir tempat berlindung tikus. - Buang barang-barang yang tidak terpakai: Barang-barang yang tidak terpakai atau tidak digunakan dapat menjadi tempat persembunyian bagi tikus, sehingga pastikan untuk membuang barang-barang tersebut dengan benar.
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Jenis Kapur Barus Pengusir Tikus
Kapur barus dapat digunakan sebagai pengusir tikus di sawah. Jenis kapur barus pengusir tikus yang dapat digunakan adalah kapur barus murni atau kapur barus kaporit. Kapur barus murni memiliki aroma yang khas dan sangat tajam sehingga dapat mengusir tikus. Sementara itu, kapur barus kaporit adalah kapur barus yang telah dicampur dengan kaporit sehingga memiliki aroma yang lebih kuat dan efektif dalam mengusir tikus. Namun, penggunaan kapur barus kaporit perlu dilakukan dengan hati-hati karena dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia jika terhirup dalam jumlah yang banyak. Simak Juga : Pengendalian Hama Tikus di Gudang
FAQ tentang Cara Mengusir Tikus di Sawah dengan Kapur Barus
Apakah kapur barus aman untuk digunakan di sawah? Kapur barus aman untuk digunakan sebagai cara alami untuk mengusir tikus di sawah. Namun, pastikan untuk tidak menggunakannya secara berlebihan atau menghirup debu kapur barus yang terbang saat digunakan. Berapa banyak kapur barus yang dibutuhkan untuk satu sawah? Jumlah kapur barus yang dibutuhkan tergantung pada ukuran sawah dan tingkat serangan tikus. Secara umum, satu kilogram kapur barus cukup untuk digunakan di sekitar sawah seluas satu hektar. Apakah kapur barus efektif untuk mengusir tikus di sawah? Ya, kapur barus terbukti efektif untuk mengusir tikus dari sawah. Aroma kuat dan tajam dari kapur barus mengganggu penciuman tikus, membuat mereka tidak nyaman dan menghindari daerah yang telah diberi kapur barus. Berapa lama efek kapur barus bertahan di sawah? Efek kapur barus dapat bertahan selama beberapa minggu, tergantung pada kondisi lingkungan dan cuaca. Namun, disarankan untuk mengulanginya setiap beberapa minggu sekali untuk memastikan efektivitasnya tetap terjaga. Apakah ada alternatif alami lainnya untuk mengusir tikus di sawah? Ya, ada banyak alternatif alami yang dapat digunakan untuk mengusir tikus di sawah, seperti menggunakan tanaman pengusir tikus atau membuat jebakan tikus sederhana Simak Juga : Cara Mengusir Tikus di Kamar Cara mengusir tikus dengan kapur barus di sawah dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, salah satunya adalah menggunakan kapur barus. Kapur barus memiliki aroma yang tajam dan khas sehingga efektif dalam mengusir tikus. Selain itu, penggunaan kapur barus sebagai pengusir tikus juga memiliki keuntungan, seperti alami, mudah didapat, tidak menimbulkan residu, dan bisa digunakan sebagai pembasmi serangga. Namun, penggunaan kapur barus sebagai pengusir tikus juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan, seperti aroma yang sangat tajam dan dapat mengganggu manusia, serta penggunaan yang tidak efektif jika tidak ditempatkan dengan tepat. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya dilakukan tindakan pencegahan untuk menghindari serangan tikus, seperti menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, mengontrol populasi tikus, dan menggunakan sistem pertanian yang ramah lingkungan. Jika sudah terjadi serangan tikus, maka penggunaan kapur barus dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk mengusir tikus, tetapi sebaiknya Cara Mengusir Tikus di Sawah dengan Kapur Barus digunakan dengan hati-hati dan sesuai aturan yang ada. Read the full article
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kunalp1234 · 1 year
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annajamessa · 4 months
Polkadot's JAM Chain: A Paradigm Shift for Blockchain Scalability and Interoperability
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The blockchain landscape is constantly evolving, and developers are perpetually seeking solutions to address scalability and interoperability challenges. Polkadot, a multichain network protocol, has introduced a revolutionary concept: Join, Accumulate, Manage (JAM) Chain. This blog delves into Polkadot’s JAM Chain, exploring its potential to transform blockchain development and deployment.
How does JAM Chain Manage Rollups? 
Polkadot utilizes parachains for scalability, but these parachains still rely on the Relay Chain for validation, creating a bottleneck. JAM Chain aims to address this by introducing rollups. Rollups are a scaling solution that bundles transactions off-chain, processes them in a lightweight environment, and submits the results back to the main chain. JAM Chain acts as a dedicated execution environment for these rollups, handling the heavy lifting of computation without compromising security.
How is JAM Chain different from Relay Chain? 
The current Relay Chain validates transactions and coordinates communication between parachains. JAM Chain, on the other hand, focuses solely on rollup execution. This division of labor offers significant advantages:
Increased Scalability: By offloading rollup execution, JAM Chain alleviates the burden on the Relay Chain, enabling a higher transaction throughput for the entire Polkadot ecosystem.
Enhanced Flexibility: JAM Chain offers a more generic environment compared to the Relay Chain. This allows developers to leverage various tools and frameworks based on their specific needs.
Components of JAM
JAM Chain comprises of the following components:
Service Entry Points 
Core Functionality Components 
PVM(Polkadot Virtual Machine) 
Networking Protocol  
JAM Chain's Benefits
The potential benefits of JAM Chain are vast:
Improved Scalability: By handling rollup execution off-chain, JAM Chain significantly boosts the overall transaction processing capacity of the Polkadot network.
Enhanced Developer Experience: The flexible and generic nature of JAM Chain empowers developers with greater freedom to choose the right tools and frameworks for their projects.
Boosted Interoperability: JAM Chain further strengthens Polkadot's ability to connect and facilitate communication between heterogeneous blockchains.
JAM Toaster 
JAM Toaster is a dedicated testing framework designed specifically for the JAM Chain environment. It allows developers to efficiently test their rollup-based applications within a simulated JAM Chain environment, accelerating the development lifecycle and ensuring robust applications.
JAM Prize
To foster innovation within the JAM Chain ecosystem, there is an ongoing initiative called the JAM Prize. This prize incentivizes developers to create novel applications and tools that leverage the unique capabilities of JAM Chain.
Polkadot's JAM Chain presents a groundbreaking approach to blockchain scalability and interoperability. By offloading rollup execution and offering a flexible environment, JAM Chain empowers developers to build next-generation blockchain applications. As the development of JAM Chain and its supporting tools like JAM Toaster and JAM Prize progresses, we can expect to witness a surge in innovation within the Polkadot ecosystem. 
Polkadot experts at Antier can also help you understand in detail about the Polkadot JAM Chain or you can simply visit this blog.  
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meddoctorfree · 6 months
Unveiling the Versatility of Synthesis BMK Methyl Glycidate
Synthesis BMK methyl glycidate, also referred to as PMK glycidate, has attracted significant interest due to its distinct chemical properties and broad range of applications. This article presents a concise overview of its chemical composition, synthesis methods, diverse applications, challenges, and future directions.
Introduction: Synthesis BMK methyl glycidate, a compound with versatile applications, has become a focal point of interest. Understanding its composition and potential applications is crucial for maximizing its utility across various industries.
Chemical Composition: Synthesis BMK methyl glycidate, identified as methyl 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyl-2-oxiranecarboxylate, is synthesized through various chemical processes involving precursor chemicals such as safrole or isosafrole.
Synthesis Methods: Numerous methods exist for synthesizing BMK methyl glycidate, offering flexibility in purity, yield, and scalability. Common techniques include the epoxidation of safrole or isosafrole followed by esterification with methanol.
Applications: Synthesis BMK methyl glycidate finds applications in pharmaceuticals, fragrance, flavor, and materials science. It serves as an intermediate in pharmaceutical synthesis, contributes to fragrance and flavor formulation, and aids in polymer synthesis for materials science applications.
Challenges and Future Directions: Regulatory constraints, safety concerns, and environmental impacts pose challenges to the widespread adoption of synthesis BMK methyl glycidate. Future research may focus on improving synthesis efficiency, exploring new applications, and addressing sustainability concerns.
Conclusion: Synthesis BMK methyl glycidate offers versatility across industries, but challenges such as regulation and safety must be addressed. Continued research efforts are crucial for optimizing synthesis techniques, expanding application domains, and ensuring sustainable utilization, thereby driving advancements in various fields.
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angelinafortinso · 7 months
BMK Glycidate: Composition, Synthesis, and Applications Explored
This article delves into the versatile compound BMK glycidate, examining its chemical structure, synthesis methods, and wide-ranging uses. Through an exploration of its molecular composition, synthesis pathways, and applications in pharmaceuticals, chemical synthesis, and forensic science, the article underscores the compound's significance. Additionally, safety considerations and future research directions are addressed to ensure responsible utilization and maximize its potential.
Introduction: BMK glycidate, renowned for its versatility, is the subject of this article, which investigates its chemical composition, synthesis routes, and diverse applications. Despite its association with illicit drug synthesis, BMK glycidate plays pivotal roles in pharmaceuticals, chemical synthesis, and forensic science, warranting further exploration.
Chemical Composition and Synthesis: The article delves into BMK glycidate's molecular composition, identified as C11H12O5, and its synthesis from safrole or isosafrole via oxidation and esterification processes. While synthesis methods are crucial for achieving high yields, precautions must be taken due to the involvement of hazardous reagents.
Applications: BMK glycidate serves as a precursor in pharmaceuticals for drug synthesis and in chemical synthesis for producing intricate organic compounds. Additionally, it acts as a marker compound in forensic science, aiding in the detection of illicit drug manufacturing activities and supporting law enforcement efforts.
Safety and Regulatory Considerations: Regulatory measures oversee BMK glycidate due to its association with illicit drug production, necessitating compliance with safety protocols. Given the inherent risks in its synthesis and handling, strict safety measures are crucial to mitigate potential hazards.
Future Perspectives: Future research aims to develop eco-friendly synthesis routes for BMK glycidate and enhance detection techniques for regulatory purposes. Collaboration among stakeholders is essential to address safety concerns and maximize the compound's utility across various applications.
Conclusion: BMK glycidate emerges as a compound with diverse applications despite safety and regulatory challenges. By advancing research and implementing robust safety measures, its potential can be harnessed responsibly across pharmaceuticals, chemical synthesis, and forensic science.
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paulinakastro · 8 months
BMK Methyl Glycidate: An Overview of its Applications
This article provides a brief overview of BMK methyl glycidate, highlighting its wide-ranging applications. From its synthesis to its use in pharmaceuticals and other industries, BMK methyl glycidate offers diverse opportunities for research and implementation.
Introduction: BMK methyl glycidate, characterized by its distinct chemical structure, is gaining attention for its versatile applications across various fields.
Chemical Composition and Synthesis: Derived from safrole through controlled reactions, BMK methyl glycidate is efficiently synthesized, serving as a crucial precursor in organic chemistry.
Pharmaceutical Industry: BMK methyl glycidate serves as a fundamental component for pharmaceutical compounds, allowing tailored modifications for specific medicinal purposes.
Perfumery and Flavoring: Its aromatic properties make BMK methyl glycidate a valuable ingredient in perfumes, fragrances, and flavor enhancements.
Chemical Research: Widely used in organic synthesis and chemical investigations, BMK methyl glycidate contributes significantly to advancements in synthetic chemistry.
Industrial Processes: BMK methyl glycidate plays a vital role in producing specialty chemicals, polymers, and agrochemicals, offering versatility as an intermediate.
Future Directions and Conclusion: Further exploration of BMK methyl glycidate holds promise for discovering new avenues of innovation across various sectors, reinforcing its significance in contemporary scientific research and development.
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dvdregionseven · 11 months
Now that I know how to make safrole YouTube wants me to know how to make all the other chemical precursors of MDMA. This root beer is gonna be wild.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Root Beer Float Day
Diet?  Not on August 6. It’s National Root Beer Float Day, after all — a time  to enjoy one of the best beverage/dessert combos on the planet. On that  day, some even compete for root beer float greatness. It all started in  Colorado back in 1893. Frank J. Wisner was inspired. Surrounded by Cow  Mountain where his Cripple Creek Brewing Company was located, Wisner  came up with a novel idea. While mountain gazing, he didn’t see  snow-covered peaks. Instead, Wisner envisioned scoops of ice cream  floating in root beer.  Crazy, right? So, today, enjoy the tallest,  fizziest root beer float you can find!
Note: Read on to find out how you can get a free A&W root beer today!
When is National Root Beer Float Day 2022?
The frothy beverage/dessert combo we all love is celebrated on National Root Beer Float Day on August 6.
History of National Root Beer Float Day
The  unique fusion of ice cream with root beer is unlike anything else. This  summertime delicacy has a history as rich as its texture and flavor!
Frank  J. Wisner, the owner of Colorado’s Cripple Creek Brewing, is the person  to thank for creating the root beer float on August 19, 1893. The idea  behind this extraordinary innovation came to Wisner when he was looking  at the snowy peaks of Colorado’s Cow Mountain that gave the illusion of  ice cream floating on a beverage. While staring out of the window of the  Cripple Creek Cow Mountain Gold Mining Company, Wisner thought the glow  of the full moon made the snow-capped mountains resemble ice cream.
The  following day, Wisner got to work combining vanilla ice cream with root  beer and calling the result the ‘Black Cow Mountain.’ The soda he had  used was Myers Avenue Red Root Beer. The root beer float was served to  his guests the very next day and became an instant hit. Children  shortened the word to ‘Black Cow,’ and today it is simply known as root  beer float.
National Root Beer Float Day timeline
1876 A pharmacist sells root beer commercially
Pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires debuts a commercial version of root beer at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.
1919 A&W has humble beginnings at a root beer stand
Ray Allen opens a root beer stand in Lodi, California, which would eventually become the A&W restaurant chain.
The 1920s Root beer turns into a fad
The popularity of non-alcoholic root beer explodes during Prohibition.
1960 The FDA bans a key root beer ingredient
The  FDA bans safrole, the aromatic oil that initially gave root beer its  distinctive flavor. The ingredient caused liver damage during animal  testing.
Since  its creation, countless root beer floats have been enjoyed throughout  the world. The tradition of the day is to enjoy refreshing root beer  floats. The original recipe has evolved into many variations, each with  their own unique flavor, while retaining the original root beer float  texture.
Popular root beer floats that have become traditional  favorites include the Coke Float, Boston Cooler, Purple Cow, and the  Harry Potter-inspired Butterbeer.
National Root Beer Float Day By The Numbers
1876 – the year when root beer was invented 16 – the number of roots and herbs that root beer is made of. 3% – the percentage that root beer makes up in America’s soft drink market. 1960 – the year when a key ingredient of root beer, the sassafras root, was banned by the FDA. #1 – the ranking of A&W as the leading root beer brand in America.
National Root Beer Float Day Activities
Whip up your own root beer float
Conduct some root beer research
Throw a root beer party for adults
There's  no better way to celebrate National Root Beer Float Day than by  concocting your own root beer float. Grab a bottle of your favorite  brand of root beer, pour into a chilled glass and top off with a fresh  scoop of vanilla ice cream. Nice!
Now, this is the kind of research you can appreciate! The Root Beer Store sells  more than 100 brands and flavors of root beer. You can check out  customer reviews of all the root beers for sale and even order  mix-and-match bottles. Your local specialty liquor store may also have a  pretty good selection, so drink up!
Hard  root beer is blowing up! Clever brewers have come up with root beers  that include varying levels of alcohol. Invite the neighbors over for a  dessert party and imbibe on some root beer floats. But be careful, while  the root beer goes down fast and smooth, it'll eventually catch up with  you.
5 Reasons We Need A Root Beer Float, Like Right Now
Root root
The Philly float
The custard float is a definite thing
Why float when you can freeze?
The root beer float with a kick
Jeni's ice cream shops can double your pleasure with root beer floats made with root beer ice cream and Boylan root beer.
The  Franklin Fountain in Philadelphia creates authentic root beer floats  made with their own brand of root beer syrup and  ice cream.
Scooter's  Frozen Custard in Chicago offers a root beer float made with vanilla  custard, a refreshing twist on the standard float.
Instead of floating the ice cream on top of a glass of root beer, blend the two together to make a root beer freeze.
SpringHouse  restaurant in Alexander City, Alabama, serves up a bourbon float made  with Buffalo Trace bourbon, bourbon ice cream and a house-made root beer  syrup.
Why We Love National Root Beer Float Day
It's a perfect combination
Floats come in many varieties
It generates donations for a good charity
It  seems like such a simple recipe — root beer  in a tall, iced glass and  two scoops of vanilla ice cream.  But if you're trying to get beyond the  ordinary, then use extraordinary ingredients.  Select a frothy root  beer with a high sarsparilla content and loads of sweetness.  Add rich,  vanilla bean ice cream and get creative with your toppings.
The  Boston Cooler was invented in Detroit, of all places, and is made with  Vernor's ginger ale and vanilla ice cream. In many Asian eateries you  can order a Snow White, which is composed of vanilla ice cream and 7-Up  or Sprite. In Mexico, you can grab a Holado flotante, a combination of  cola and lemon sherbet.
On  National Root Beer Float Day, A&W Restaurants collects donations  for Disabled American Veterans, a charity that fights for better health  care benefits for America's injured heroes.  What a sweet idea!
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Extracting Safrole to Make Government-Banned Root Beer
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