#safi speaks
adrienbaedrien · 1 year
chloe calling adrien "adri-rien" has my linguistics brain pooping its pants so hard. Ok french lesson
rien = nothing
Adri + rien = Adri-nothing
most cringe roast ever but saying "adri-rien" over and over again with my best french accent is so fun. sorry baedrien it rolls off the tongue
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Wrote a poem, then recorded it. Not sure why, but please enjoy. I call it "Lucky". "Your name might mean "Lucky" but to trust you are a plague, your words are all empty and your commitment is vague. Your name might mean "Lucky" but you're really just a thief, stealing time and love leaving nothing but grief. Your name might mean "Lucky" but your fortune is that of dice, betting on you can come at such a high price…"
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a-heart-of-flame · 1 year
Swedish Midsummer Traditions
Litha/Midsummer is in a month or two, and I figured I would share some traditions fromy my country that might inspire someone for rituals or activities to their own celebrations! • Walking barefoot all of Midsummer Day is said to bring you good health for the rest of the year.
• Medicinal plants are said to be more potent during Midsummer Night, and thus collecting them is beneficial. • Women (but mostly girls) who want to dream of their future mate/spouse should collect 7 or 9 different wild flowers, and cross equally many fences (traditionally it's meant to be the rock fences that separates fields). This is to be done in silence. The flowers are then placed under the pillow before sleeping. • Another way to divine a future spouse or mate would be to watch a crossroads throughout the Midsummer Night, extra points if you can do so seated on a rock that's "earthbound" (partially buried). You may be given a sign such as a sound of a hammer on steel if your future spouse/mate is a smith, or the scent of baked goods if your spouse/mate is a baker, and so on. • Dancing. We dance around "Midsummer Poles" (very similar to May Poles except we do this in June, and not May 1st) Traditionally you're meant to dance and be merry until sunrise. • Bonfires (and more dancing around them, too)
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dark-giver · 9 months
How all the characters in The Witchlands know so many languages like I'm not sure about my native language and in the series everyone knows more than THREE
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immediatebreakfast · 1 year
Well... Classic gothic literature is somehow going to have racism in the narrative, and this was the one chapter packed with it. It's pretty bad in this one.
We as readers can't forget that as much Mary Shelley was a critic of her society's injustice, and a great writer, she is still very much a product of her time regarding some beliefs that influenced her writing. Moreover, it's still important to examine the racism, because it allows us to see how far (not really) we have come as a society.
It is really ironic how in this book Justine's horrible trial and execution is criticized because of the injustice present in it, while not even explaining what exactly Safie's father did to get imprisoned. BUT since this is a 1818 book of course Safie's father ends up being an opportunist who lies, and schemes to get himself out of problems.
Also, I do think that Felix's own reasons to help him went from being altruistic to being selfish the moment Safie entered the narrative. The text says it so! Of course it was supposed to be read differently in Mary Shelley's time, but the paragraph:
"The youth could not help owning to his own mind, that the captive possessed a treasure which would fully reward his toil and hazard."
It really does not paint a good picture with Felix's vows of twisted justice. He offered to get out Safie's father by himself without accepting any payment, but the second Safie comes he decides that she is the reward for something he HIMSELF offered.
And I'm not even getting into Safie's established past, and the weird assumption that somehow christian women are freer in a country where their families could marry them to whoever they seemed fit.
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eti-mun · 1 year
If they announce that Fatalis is the final monster of sunbreak I'm just gonna start assuming they're gonna add fatalis to every single final update of their games from now on and oh boy is it gonna get old fast
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Bunny wow this place is a lake it look more like a ocean is amazing meanwhile in haruki mind orochi is meditating while safi is trying to get his attention
Safi, mind: Hey, Orochi... Erm, what're ya doin' now?
*Orochi doesn't answer, too focused on meditating. Safi tries again, but receives no answer and gives up. Meanwhile, after the break, Haruki takes over the driving and you get back on the road.*
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annymation · 9 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 6- And The Star Answered
Chapter 5
She stopped, her arm was being held back by a large hand.
Asha’s heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird’s wings.
She didn’t want to look back, she was too afraid to look and see the king’s face-
“Asha… We were all waiting for you. Are you okay?”
That wasn’t the king’s voice, it was a gentle and genuinely worried voice, that was
“… Simon?”
Asha turned around, and sure enough, Simon was holding her arm.
And Asha’s other 6 friends were by his side, they were all very worried about her.
“Why are you crying? What happened in there??” Hal rushed over to dry her tears.
“Did you just break out of the dungeon?!? By yourself?!? How did you do that???” Gabo tripped over his words
“For the LAST TIME, GABO! They would NEVER throw Asha in a dungeon for just raising her voice at them, they’re too nice for that!” Dahlia explained like that was just common sense.
And in any other kingdom, yeah it probably would be common sense, but Asha knew that wasn’t the case in Rosas.
Knowing what she knows now.
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“Everyone please, let's all calm down and go talk somewhere quieter, then Asha can tell us what happened” Bazeema chimed in meekly
But Asha didn’t want to calm down and talk, no, she wanted to be alone, she was in no condition to talk with anyone.
“I- I gotta go! I can’t talk with you guys right now…”
She tried to run away again but Simon kept holding her arm, not in a way that hurted though
“Why? We just wanna help. Did they say something that made you upset?” Simon asked very concerned
Dario ran to be in front of Asha so she could see him signing to her “We’re with you on this, you did the right thing speaking up about your grandpa’s wish”
Her friends kept talking all at the same time over each other
But Asha's mind was somewhere else
How can she explain this to them?
“I- I understand wanting to be alone, Asha, I really do, but you’re clearly under a lot of stress” Bazeema stammered through her words.
That everything they've known was a lie…
“You can count on us, we’ll always be on your side” Dahlia tried to soothe her best friend
Would they even believe it?
“Just breathe, we know you didn’t do anything wrong” said Safi
And if they did, then what? They’re just a group of teens, it’s not like there’s anything they can do.
“You’ve always been there for us, so we are NOT leaving your side till you’re feeling better” Hal said determined
Asha is in danger because she knows the king’s secret, she CAN’T risk putting her friends in danger too
Gabo was the only one who didn’t look worried, he was angry, not at Asha, but at the two monarchs who made his best friend cry
“Was that narcissistic dolt rude to you?! If so, I’mma get in that castle RIGHT NOW and give him a piece of my min-“
“NO!” Asha screamed “WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT TALK TO THEM!” She was scared out of her mind.
Asha’s friends were startled, they finally went silent
Asha lowered her voice but kept trying to struggle out of Simon’s grip
“I- I’m sorry. Simon, please, let go of me— I gotta go”
“Go where!?” Dahlia asked
“I- i’ll be fine, really, I just need to be alone for a while, okay?”
Simon, for the first time since the day he gave away his wish 3 years ago, raised his voice:
“I’m not letting go till you tell us what you did!”
… What SHE did?…
Asha looked at him straight in the eyes, no longer just sad and scared, but also angry
“You wanna know what happened so badly?! What happened is that THEY WON’T GRANT MY WISH AT ALL!”
She stepped on Simon’s foot.
He let go of her.
She ran, pushing Dario and Safi out of her way in the process
“ASHA WAIT!!!” Dahlia screamed
Hal, Dario and Gabo started running after her, but of course Gabo threw one last piece of sass while running
“VICTIM BLAMING huh Simon?? Because THAT’S definitely the best way to calm down your crying friend! Great job buddy!” He said sarcastically and angrily to Simon while he ran after Asha.
(Gabo spitting facts)
All the others who stayed behind look sad, but Simon looks the saddest.
Asha can hear her friends calling her as she runs away from the castle, but she keeps running without looking back
Dario, Hal and Gabo eventually lose sight of her.
As Asha runs she keeps seeing the royals faces literally everywhere.
All her life that felt natural, why wouldn’t the people of Rosas want to paint their beloved rulers faces on the floors, walls and have statues of them everywhere?
But now, now that she knows who they really are, seeing how the people are obsessed with them is terrifying.
Eventually, after A LOT of running, she leaves the kingdom
She reaches the forest
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Valentino is hopping after her with his little baby goat legs
Tears are running down her face non stop
Asha felt trapped, hopeless, desperate
She knew that by morning “her wish” will be granted
And she’ll lose her free will, her friends and her own sense of self
The king and queen will steal all of that from her and there’s nothing she can do about it.
Eventually she trips and falls on the floor
We get a shot similar to this one from Snow White
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She sobs in the darkness
Valentino is now next to her, trying to help her feel better by licking her hand
That actually helps her a little, at least she’s not completely alone
She sits down and Valentino comes lay down on her lap
(Seriously little things like this make Valentino MILES better than he was in the movie, movie Valentino didn’t do ANYTHING to help Asha emotionally)
She starts petting him and takes some deep breaths
“Should I have told them?” She asks Valentino “... I wanted to, but– then what? It's not like there's anything we can do to stop them, we're just some teens…”
Valentino interrupts her bleating loudly, with a frustrated expression
She finally smiles a little bit “Right, some teens and a goat hehe…” she pets Valentino some more, her look becomes distant again “… I don’t know what to do…”
She feels a turmoil of emotions that she can’t put into words
And what does a Disney protagonist does when emotions are too strong for words?
… They sing
Sooo yeah, here’s my version of This Wish, enjoy!
Purple lines are Asha, of course
Orange is my commentary and describing what’s going on in the scene
Should’ve listened to my own instincts
No time to cry for what could have been
If I could show them everything I've seen
Open their eyes to all the lies then
Would they believe in me or in them?
(Asha begins singing still laying on the floor, she takes her sketchbook and at "Would they believe in me or in THEM" we see a drawing of the king and queen, she sketched them a few times since there's images of them all over Rosas so she might as well practice drawing poses using their likeness, right?)
Cause’ when I speak, they tell me, "Sit down"
But how can I when I've already started runnin'?
All I wanted to do
Was grant my wish on my own
But now that wish’s stolen and, I am all alone
(So when she sings "Started running" she gets up. And she walks through the forest, she's looking down as she walks looking very sorrowful)
So I look up at the stars to guide me
For I know they can send me a sign
If knowing what it could be is what drives me
Then let me be the first to stand in line
(*ahem* so anyway, she looks up, now recollecting her hopes but... Once she looks up, there are no stars in the sky, because she's deep in the forest and all she sees are the tree leaves... So this is Asha's goal in this song, she's looking for a star to wish upon, she's trying to get out of the darkness)
So I make this wish
Asking us for freedom, hope and bliss
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
(She keeps walking while looking up, searching for any star to be wished upon.)
(Now let me break down my personal favorite change here "Freedom, hope and bliss" these three words summarizes everything Asha wants for herself and everyone else: Freedom for herself, now that she knows the royals intend to imprison her, and also freedom for everyone else that is having their wishes changed; Hope, because she wants the people of Rosas to have hope that they can achieve their own wishes without the king's help; And bliss, the joy that comes with achieving your own desires, she wants that for herself and everyone else)
(As she sings the last line, she steps on a field of grass and some fireflies start floating around her)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah
More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah
(The fireflies fly all around her and her smile returns to her face, as she regains a little bit of hope, she sings "More than this" with her hands on her chest)
For many years they’ve been fooling us all
Yeah, they said “We’ll protect you” while being our downfall
Now what’s a girl like me supposed to do?
How do you fight a king and queen? oh and they’ve got magic too!
(We have a bit of a time skip with Asha still walking around the forest, but as she does so she's flipping through the pages of her sketchbook, and tearing off all the ones that have sketches of King Magnifico and Queen Amable. She looks at each one angrily and crumbles the pages in her hands (I'll excuse littering this one time because the girl is going through the 7 stages of grief and is currently at anger))
And all I've got is reservations and hesitations
On where I should even begin
I'm past dipping my toes in
But I'm not, no, I'm not past diving in
If I could just be pointed in any given direction
On where to go and what to do
My legs are shaking, but my head's held high
The way you always taught me to
(Yeah no changes for this verse, it’s fantastically fitting for my rewrite, and the best part of the song in my opinion. As she’s walking in the woods she encounters many different paths, she looks at all of them unsure on which one to choose. She trusts her gut and picks one of them. Asha run through this path she chose and then… She finds the tree she and her grandfather used to sit on and wish upon the stars together)
So I look up at the stars to guide me
For I know they WILL send me a sign
I'm sure there will be challenges that find me
But I can take them on one at a time
(Her heart swells, she’s full of hope as she runs to that tree knowing without a doubt in her mind that she’ll get a sign on what to do. She climbs the tree determined, and upon reaching the top, she sees it, the first star she sees tonight.)
So I make this wish
Asking us for freedom, hope and bliss
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
(The star she’s looking at is not very bright at all, is barely noticeable in the vast night sky full of other brighter ones, but THAT little one is the one she chooses, and she puts all her heart on the wish she’s making to this star)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (so I make this wish)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (to have something more)
More than this, oh, ah-ah-ah
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this
The song ends.
We see the night sky... and suddenly... The tiny star that Asha was looking at starts getting brighter, bigger, until it's light engulfs the entire sky.
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Asha closes her eyes.
The light proceeds to shine upon all the kingdom of Rosas, and everyone that is touched by that light is overtaken by a pleasant feeling of joy and warmth.
It's very faint, but if you listen closely you can hear the sound of a laughter, the most energetic and youthful laughter you can imagine.
We cut back to Asha, who notices that the light is getting... closer.
And it looks like a big ball of light.
Coming directly in her direction at high speed.
She screams as she quickly grabs Valentino and jumps off the tree branch to get cover.
The bright light passes flying over them and landing deep into the forest. A few animals run away from the place of impact.
Asha is laying down on the grass. Obviously VERY shocked.
Valentino is under her, excitedly trying to get out to check out what that was.
"... As if this day couldn't get any crazier, I almost get hit by a meteor... On my birthday " She's quite done with all of these emotions for the day. She stands up and starts dusting herself off "Come on Val, we better go before... Whatever THAT was starts a forest fire..."
(Any other Disney protagonist would be like "oooh whats that?" and answer the call to adventure, but our girl already had enough adventure for a life time and we are not even in the second act yet ladies and gentleman)
Asha had her eyes closed while she dusted herself off, so she didn't realize that while she was talking Valentino was already happily hopping to the source of the light
She looks to where Valentino was a second ago, aaaaand he's gone
"... Valentino?"
"Maaaa! Maaa! Maaaa"
She heard Valentino's bleating getting farther and farther away... Honestly what was she expecting?
"NO! VALENTINO!! Bad goat! We don't touch stuff that comes from space! IT BURNS!!!" She runs after him.
(Oh it's gonna burn you alright)
(Okay I knooooow ya'll are gonna hate me for this but... *sigh*)
We cut to the villains POV
Magnifico is getting ready to use his magic to open the tower's celling, thus releasing all the wishes to be granted that night.
But he stops when he realizes... The room is getting brighter.
He looks out the window and sees it, the light engulfing his whole kingdom.
He stares at it in shock
Once the light fades away, Magnifico is gazing out the window. His face no longer visible.
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We hear the BLAM of a door opening violently, the queen is running towards her husband wearing a night gown, her long hair is loose.
"What on earth was that light?!” She speaks loudly, firm and precise, confident that her husband will know the answer.
Magnifico is, for the first time since they've met, not paying attention to her...
Nah his mind is somewhere else entirely.
He looks at the horizon trying to remember something, like a memory he has been repressing but now he really REALLY needs it...
Amaya notices his distant gaze and becomes worried "... Mi rei? Is everything alright?… You think it might be a threat?"
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He keeps staring at nothing until suddenly…
He starts mumbling a poem, as if he's remembering the words as he speaks:
“Shining guide of old
Guiding hearts
As bright as gold
To a desire far too grand
To be granted by a mortal hand”
“… EXCUSE ME?!?” Amaya is now even more lost, what’s he talking about?
Magnifico proceeds to the next verse ignoring his wife’s reaction… It’s like he’s trying really hard to remember the whole thing.
“With hair like light
And eyes like prism
That see the truth
And speak through rhythm”
"Darling, what is this nonsense? You're scaring me" She sounds, for the first time in the story, genuinely scared
"Do not fret, they mean no harm
As all they bring is joy and warmth
So if you see the sUN AT NIGHT
He remembered. A sun at night. That was it.
He turned to his wife with the smile of a mad man.
"I KNEW IT!" He starts laughing maniacally as he lifts her up in his arms and starts twirling around the room
Amaya is not in the mood for his romantic acts at the moment tho
"PUT ME DOWN! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS???" She usually loves her husband's eccentricities but this is too much even for him
He puts her down and tries to calm himself, still laughing while holding her by the shoulders "Forgive me my love, but you have no idea what a joyous occasion this is!"
"Well, perhaps I would if you stopped and explained to me" She’s out of patience.
"Listen. I know what that light was, I've grew up with stories about what it means, it's a sign that a being with power beyond our imagination has arrived in our kingdom" He explains like it's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to them.
Her eyebrows raise "... In what WORLD that's a joyous occasion?!"
"Oh but you misunderstand my queen, that power can be OURS… if we play our cards right." A sinister grin forms on his face "I just need to find one of my father’s old books, so I may recall the spell to absorb the being’s power"
That get's her attention "I see... But what exactly is that being?"
"… A Star" He says it in whisper as he starts walking out the room, his steps become quicker the closer he gets to the door "You may go to bed without me darling, it will take me all night to find that blasted book, but it’ll be worth it!"
"ALL NIGHT?! But, darling I-"
But he already left the room
"Oh this is going to be GREAT, just you wait my beldam! Sweet dreams!"
His voice gets farther and farther away as he runs down the stairs
Leaving a very perplexed and alone queen in the wishes room.
Magnifico won't be granting any wishes tonight.
(*phew* okay at least the scene with them is brief and it builds up Aster more with the poem... Btw did you guys like the poem? I think it turned out pretty sweet)
So we cut back to Asha's POV
Valentino pops out of some bushes, he's a few feet away from the source of the light
Asha finally catches him
"GOTCHA! HAha-" She sees what fell from the sky. It a blob of light and sparkly dust that shifts and moves around... Like it's trying to take shape "oh… wow"
She picks Valentino in her arms slowly while still staring in awe to the mysterious light.
"This is... Definitely NOT a meteor... We better go, this thing might be dan-"
A hand pops out of the light and grabs the floor.
Asha get's startled by that and hides behind the bushes.
She watches as the light keeps changing shape, she's scared but she's also... Curious.
The light forms a second arm, and then, with now both arms, it starts using them to shape the rest of itself, like a it's playing with clay.
After trying a few different body types the light takes the shape of a 5 feet tall skinny young individual, but yet with no features.
the now "teenager shaped" light starts to manifest clothes on his body, a black outfit reminiscent of something Asha would often see a prince wear in her fairytale books when she was little.
Then a large cape emerges from his back, flowing in the air with a trail of stardust underneath it.
His whole body starts coloring itself, his skin is no longer made of light, he has tan brown skin.
The only part of them that is still emitting light is his hair, that dances around slightly like the flame of a candle.
After ALL that (that would probably be a pretty quick transformation sequence, think of it like in Steven universe when the gems reform) he is now floating with his back turned to Asha, who is still hiding behind the bushes.
Asha is staring at all this no longer scared but more so intrigued, she looks closer and she realizes that somehow the boy looks like... A drawing... A moving drawing
He is 2D while everything else is animated in 3D
The being then finally speaks, while stretching their whole body:
"WOOOAH HAHAHA Okayyyyy I definitely underestimated how high up I was hahah!" It's a voice full of energy, like they can't contain their excitement, he stretches himself out some more as if to get used to their new form "Wow that was a rough landing hehehe but hey! Not too bad for my first time!"
(I picture him being voiced by Jordan Fisher but you're free to picture any voice you'd like)
The young man is gleefully laughing to himself.
He seems distracted enough for Asha to run away, so she get's up holding Valentino.
But almost as soon as she turns around she's now face to face with the boy flying above her, he's upside down. He gazes at her with bright eyes that seem to sparkle like the night sky and smiling ear to ear.
"Hi there! I heard you cal-"
Asha backs away and accidentally let's go of Valentino. The goat prepares to jump on star to attack him with his little baby goat horns
"Woah woah buddy it's alright, I'm here to help-"
Aaaaand I'll just let this piece of concept art speak for itself:
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"hahHAAHA that tickled" The star says while he's reforming himself back to his original shape.
Valentino looks upset that his attempt to protect Asha didn't work.
The star notices that and tries to make him feel better "Hey don't be sad, I'm sure you can land a hit on me, come on try again!" He says genuinely, like a big brother trying to be encouraging.
Valentino does try again, and this time the star makes himself fall on the floor upon being hit "OOH I've been defeated oh nooo hehehe" He says playfully while lifting Valentino up in his arms, whose now very proud of himself.
Asha watches all of this play out and she goes from scared to endeared by the boy's child like demeanor with Valentino, it's pretty obvious now that he means no harm.
She approaches them slowly looking down on the boy playing with her goat. She's still unsure what to expect but she really wants to understand what this is all about, what he is all about.
The star notices her approaching and stops playing with the goat, they gaze up to her with a beaming smile. Now Valentino is just bleating while standing on his chest like he's asking to play more.
It's an interesting contrast that now he's the one who's bellow gazing up to her, when a few minutes ago she was the one looking up to wish upon them.
"H-hi there" This time it's Asha's turn to say it, she gives the star a little wave.
He seems surprised upon hearing her voice, like it's the first time they hear a voice from up close... Well, because it is, this is the first time a human speaks directly to them... and its HER voice.
A few flowers start growing and blooming around where he's laying down. He realizes that and just reacts with a:
"Huh... Didn't know I could do this... Wonder what else can I do" The star says that second part in a whisper.
The star get's up with Valentino in his arms and hands him back to Asha
"I'm awfully sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He notices a firefly flying close to Asha and starts trying to catch it, he’s flying around but still explaining the situation to her
She’s just watches them trying to catch the firefly kinda amused, it’s cute how easily distracted he is.
"See, I just got so thrilled when I heard you calling me that I completely forgot I had to choose what shape I’d take BEFORE I landed here heh heh that was weird, wasn't it?" The star manages to catch the firefly in his hands, his smiles widens as they look at the little bug closely, he’s fascinated by it.
"... Called you? I didn't call you, I don't even know your name" Asha says while studying him with her eyes, she's mostly amazed that he looks like a drawing but at the same time has dimension to him.
The star turns to her in surprise, like she just reminded him of something really important
"Oh yeah! I need a name, don't I? Hmmm" They ponder a little bit like he's deciding "I think I'll call myself... Aster, yeah that sounds nice, and fitting too since it means star." He says casually, looking around as they speak.
Aster starts flying around the woods, wanting to take a closer look at each little detail with wonder in their eyes, but still speaking to Asha, who’s watching him fly around amazed by the sight
"And of course you called me! You looked at me and wished for more, to yourself and your people, remember?”
Aster starts flying faster and faster, we see a trail of star dust coming out of his cape, leaving waves of light around the woods. He speaks louder so Asha can still hear:
“I'm so glad you wished upon me out of everyone else by the way! Thank you!... You were the first to do so in a while" Aster speaks that last line with a subtle hint of pain in his voice, but he’s still smiling.
Asha starts out very confused by what he's saying but slowly starts to connect the dots, her eyes widen and her jaw drops once the realization hits her.
"Wait hold on, you're- Are you telling me you’re a... A star?!" She exclaims in awe with a wide smile on her face.
Aster flies back to Asha and stops above her head, floating upside down
“You guessed it!”
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Chapter 7
Final Thoughts
THIS CHAPTER TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET IT RIGHT!! Not only because I wanted it to be perfect but also because I've been so busy these past few days!
Also Aster forgetting that he had to manifest a human like appearance before crashing down on earth is the equivalent of you going for your first day on a job NAKED and then you dress up there in front of your boss, like the boy is THAT excited to get there.
Did you catch that Aster quoted two Disney characters? He made a few flowers bloom and said “What else can I do” like Isabela from Encanto, and then he said “I’m awfully sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you” which is a line Prince Phillip says in Sleeping Beauty when he meets Aurora, expect a lot more references like these coming from him. He’s not gonna speak only in Disney quotes all the time but I’ll sprinkle some references in his dialogue here and there.
And speak of him SPEAKING I might make a whole blog explaining why Jordan Fisher is hands down the best choice to voice an embodiment of magic and joy, because that man is not only AN AMAZING SINGER but also just the sweetest person alive, and he’s so underrated! If you don’t know him then look him up on Spotify or YouTube, but here’s an example of him singing: https://youtu.be/KsRi-Aj9fQs?si=RRI8Jvy7AT9EA5_u
It still cracks me up how my version of Magnifico is literally a fun house mirror version of movie Magnifico.
Like Movie Mag was like “oooh noo, what was th-that scary light😣? Someone threatened meee 🥺 I’m so scared I’m gonna use dark magic even though I’m not even sure if it was a bad thiiiing” while my Magnifico is like “*recites mysterious poem* LETS GOOOO AMAYA LETS GOOOOOOO!!! THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR WOOOOOO!! *leaves with no explanation*” like what a chad. And I don’t even have to explain how Movie and Amaya and Queen Amable are opposites because come on.
I reallyyyy hope you guys enjoyed this little taste of Aster I’ve gave here, because next chapter will be aaaaall about them and Asha, so look forward to that! And as always
Thank You For Reading!
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egheitisafi · 3 months
Hi! My name is Judit, but I usually go by Safi or Anemone online. I’m 29 y.o. and I was diagnosed with audhd last year.
One of my special interests has always been learning foreign languages, so this is the main reason I made this side-blog. My native languages are Catalan and Spanish, and I can speak English and French fluently and Japanese (intermediate).
I’m currently studying Arabic (2nd year), Icelandic (2nd year) and Japanese at different language schools.
I studied a Translation and Interpretation degree at uni and passed JLPT N3 7 years ago, so during this past year I’ve been trying to refresh kanji and grammar to be able to prepare for N2 at some point.
Here’s what you will find in this side-blog:
Me trying to journal in Icelandic during this summer
Vocabulary and grammar notes (Icelandic, Arabic, Japanese)
My language learning journey
Stuff to motivate myself to keep learning and studying
I’d love to connect with other people who are learning the same languages or just fellow language learning lovers! I’d also be up to help anyone who’s learning Catalan or Spanish and needs a native friend.
Besides languages I also like:
videogames (honkai star rail, genshin impact, project sekai, sims 2…)
monster high
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted Ship Dynamics 💛💜
The DTIYS challenge is nearly done being made, but in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to share the shipping dynamics for the story currently (and possibly after)
Star x Asha (Starstruck)
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This is actually one of my favorite kinds of dynamics in any media. Someone full of joy and comedy bringing some fun into another person's life and they become better for it is such a wonderful thing. In this case Star bring the joy to Asha that she's been missing for most of her life. And more he shows his kindness, the more she's falling in love with him.
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Star takes a little while to realize what he's feeling for her is love, so his gestures to her go from regular kindness to romantic throughout the story. One thing that he does is kiss Asha's hand to comfort her when she starts to worry. Its actually a celestial based custom one does to calm someone down, but after he finds out its a romantic gesture for humans, he starts to fluster after he does it. (She finds it cute anyway)
He can tell when she's in danger or stressed and Asha can feel the same for Star, even when they're far apart. They can literally feel each other. They just want to keep each other safe in their arms. Could it be because she called him down and they're connected from that? 😉
(During Story)
At first Asha can get annoyed with Star's constant optimism and silliness instead of taking the mission seriously, but the more she's around him, she starts to soften and open up to him later in story about what happened to her father and saba. Not to mention she won't admit she finds him charming sometimes.
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Also, Asha starts finding more things she likes about Star. Besides his optimism, he's also eager to help everyone just like she is. He's got a kind and cute smile, his sense of humor is infectious, he has a cute smile, he's a sweet guy, he also can be serious if someone is in danger and its kind of attractive, and why does she keep thinking about his smile? So when the uh.....ending arrives, the thought of never seeing him again breaks her heart.
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One idea I had in mind after they (possibly) get together is that they go from an awkward pinning phase to being ridiculously lovey-dovey. If you thought Magnifico and Amaya were ridiculous, Asha and Star are just as bad. Minus the stealing wishes thing of course. 😂 Star always show affection and isn't completely shy about it, but after Asha finally opens up and becomes more like herself, the two of them adore each other and are so affectionate it actually starts annoying some of the teens later. Dhalia, Dario, Hal, Bazeema, and Safi are pretty okay with it. Most of them could see the two of them liked each other already. Simon is...indifferent about it for some reason. Gabo is secretly happy for them but he can do without the constant PDA when they get carried away.
Star: "You'll always be my princess." 💛
Asha: "And you'll always be my prince." 💜
Gabo: "And I didn't help take down the monarchy so you two could make just make goo-goo eyes at each other. Get a room." 😕
2. Bazeema x Safi (The background ship)
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I'll keep this part brief since they're actually more of a background thing. Not that there's a problem with it, I just want to make sure that the main story is still being told. It's more of a sweet background ship that you enjoy seeing unfold when there's breaks for the cast. These two are more like two quiet mice with a shared fondness for nature.
They actually know each other from afar, since they both grew up in Rosas. But they never spoke to each other until years later cause they were too shy to talk. Yes, I'm serious, its the worst case of "JUST SAY SOMETHING" ever. 😂 When they get thrown together because of becoming "accomplices" to Star and Asha, that's when they finally get over their shyness. Bazeema sort of speaks like Fluttershy and disappears suddenly, while Safi barely speaks at all. Yeah, he doesn't have a ton of lines, but I swear its not anything against him. (Except for that Chicken obsession, is he just Gonzo?) I think it fits better and its s better not to his Dwarf counterpart. Plus he'll only say things that are important in some way.
They're just really sweet to see together, really!
3. Dhalia x Flazino (Would you believe they got shipped by accident?)
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So I already established that Asha and Flazino are friends only. Since there are some Wish viewers that stated they want to see a male-female friendship without going romantic, so I did that here, they're platonic only. Can't say the same for him and Dhalia though, lol. She's pretty chipper while Flazino wants to burn the place to the ground.
The two of them start out as work friends who only saw each other when Sabor needed his food. Flazino would talk about how stressful being an apprentice is (minus telling about the Hamlet) while Dahlia would tell him the mishaps of her day. They're just really relaxed with each other. At first its just to vent a little once in a while. But then Flaz started showing up to the kitchen on breaks, Dhalia started to bring him extra meals when it looked like he needed the extra energy, the two of them would talk about things more personal for hours..... they're dating and they just don't realize it. 😂
Then there's Dahlia fangirling over Magnifico. She admires his confidence, skills with magic, charisma and his loyalty to his citizens needs. Flazino has only one of those things and it destroys a part of himself that she likes the worst boss on Earth. She'll come to her senses, don't worry. 😅
4. Magnifico and Amaya
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Basically: Team Rocket in public, Hades and Maleficent in private. I liked the idea the art book had of the citizens not knowing they were evil, so I figured they'd have a personality that was friendly and inviting (like how TR puts on acts as charming hosts) to the public. But when they're alone they have a more sinister/spicier side to them and Sabor wants to barf. 😂
While they may have their little differences, the one thing they have in common is wanting absolute power, no matter the cost. They've worked together for years making their magic stronger that they know each other inside and out. So when they go against the heroes, they sort of mock their relationship. Kind of like they're saying their own love is stronger than two teenagers who don't know anything. Stating that there's no way the two of them could love each other after such a short amount of time together. (Its also a shot at the "falling in love in 3 days" trope Disney used to do.)
Given where the Disney villain couple theme comes in, they heavily mock Star and saying its pointless to love a human who can't love him back. And on Asha's end its basically telling her she just calling on Star by accident as if to give a reason the two of them couldn't work and it kind of makes Star question himself and his purpose, same goes for Asha. Yeah, they're just assholes, even towards other couples. 😂
@oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @annymation
@snackara @your-ne1ghbor @ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden
@uva124 @cocoapowderpictures @natsuki208
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adrienbaedrien · 1 year
Miraculous Paris Special???
seems like alya's gonna get some of the spotlight in this!
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I'm... I'm signing the contract for my first "official" flat of my own tomorrow. Dear 18 year old me who tried to kill myself: It gets better sweetie. You CAN heal, you CAN feel joy and love and comfort and you WILL be heard, seen, validated and believed. You won't be the societal norm that your father has forced you to believe is the only acceptable way to be, but you will be proud of yourself. You WILL live past 20 and see life unfold. You won't harm yourself anymore, you won't even want to die anymore. You will know love and friendship. Thank you for trying again, thank you for hanging in there against all hope. Thank you.
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a-heart-of-flame · 6 months
Free Tarot / Oracle Readings ♥ [open]
I don't often post anything personal on this here Tumblr, but if you have followed me for a while or just get a good feeling I would like to attempt some free readings for others! The motivation behind it is merely because I want to practice, and I have come to a point where I feel like readings for myself and referencing the books just isn't getting me further... I do not promise to be amazing at this, but I will certainly give it my best, it's in my own interest to do so as well, after all! ♥ Shoot an ASK, and if you're sending anonymously please give initials or something to identify you by, even if it's a made up name c: Below is more about who I am, and also what kinds of readings I will and will not do, please read it ♥
About Me: You can call me Safi. I'm 30+ and I've been reading tarot for 7 years now. Mainly for myself, any readings for others have been upon a friend's request or for fun at a party etc. I read the RWS System but also with Oracle decks. (If you're interested in my collection shoot a DM and we can get nerdy about it c: ) I won't read about medical issues, pregnancies or legal matters. These are far too serious to give to a stranger in my personal opinion. I don't do readings about what other people are thinking, [I.e "Does X like me?" "What does X think about me?" etc] as that is their business. I do not channel messages from Divine Beings, people or the Dead. I'm simply not good at it, as of yet. I will read about you, your personal situation and so on. For example, if you were to ask me for a reading regarding a relationship I would create a reading to give insight into what this relationship might do for you positively and/or negatively. I might include likelihood of the relationship lasting based on personality clues given from you about you and the person/s you're asking about. I do not believe in "Fortune Telling" or "Future Prediction" with Tarot personally, but I know there are other readers out there who do, and I would recommend you find one of those c: You may in your submission request a Tarot or Oracle reading. I will use Tarot by default and I draw Oracle cards whenever a Tarot reading seems to need it, but you can also suggest one outright. If you want to select a specific deck I will use, please send me a DM rather than an ask and we'll discuss which decks I use for public readings. Much Love, Safi
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synergysilhouette · 10 months
An alternate take on "Wish" (2023)
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I was hoping I wouldn't have to make something like this. I've already done remakes for movies I liked, and I wasn't expecting to make one on this so soon. I heard a lot of discourse about this movie, as well as a lot of praise, and sadly, the negative feelings for the movie are what I aligned with more. It felt like it was rushed and missing important pieces--weird for a movie that's an hour and a half--as well as unrealized concepts altogether.
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Human Star--We all know what I'm talking about. At one point, Star was supposed to be a human who romanced Asha, but this was never realized. Some people surmise it's because Star was confirmed to have (at one stage) been modeled after Asha's grandfather Sabino, who would've been dead. However, in my version, Star is Asha's love interest, sans-Sabino inspiration. He (or whatever pronouns you'd like to use, since Star is nonbinary) would've appeared as a Star at first, helping Asha before taking the form of an ethereal young man after hanging out with Safi, Gabo, and Dario. His fashion would be standout from the get-go, very ethereal and vibrant like a walking ball of light--or a peacock, if you will. In contrast to the yellow aesthetic in the concept art, I'd like a rainbow look or a silver and blue appearance, bringing to mind "Colors of the Wind" and "The Soreceror's Apprentice." He wouldn't speak, instead miming and using sign language to communicate, forming close bonds not only with Asha, but Bazeema and Dario. He's funny and silly, but knows when to be serious and empathetic, like a slightly more serious and wiser version of Sisu. When Magnifico sucks the magic out of him, he falls and starts to flicker, similar to Tinker Bell when losing her magic. This is when the reprise of "This Wish" begins.
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2. Asha's personality--You know, she wasn't as cringey as I was expecting since she was supposed to be adorakale, but I do prefer her being a bit more mature. I'd make her in her early 20s and give her a personality similar to Mulan and Pocahontas--athletic, determined, and heartfelt, while still being vulnerable without feeling like she tries too hard to be relateable (I swear, the scene with her grandfather and mother reminded me of Mulan being told to learn her place). I'd also give her (and Magnifico) a different design, but I've already made two posts about that. And I'd make her a bit less perfect with her ideals; she cares about others, but she's somewhat of a social climber, wanting to be Magnifico's apprentice specifically so he can grant her and her family's wishes. Magnifico appreciates her for her moment of cynicism, stating how Rosas has only grown in size because people want to use Magnifico's powers and leave.
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3. Asha gets the job--Asha gets recommended by Simon to be Magnifico's apprentice, as he's a knight for the king and he trusts his imput. Impressed by how (unintentionally) translucent Asha is, Magnifico decides to make her his apprentice, giving her the power to use magic like he can. As such, she's his apprentice for a bit before running away.
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4. Sakina's wish--Since Asha is over the age of 18, she has already given her wish to Magnifico. She's fine with not achieving her wish, but finds out that her mother wished that her father were alive, as she desperately misses him (it's been about a decade by now). Magnifico becomes something like father figure to Asha, but when she realizes he destroyed Sakina's wish in order to give her magic, she's horrified (she actually finds this out by accident, having overheard Amaya and Magnifico) at his disregard for others' dreams and runs away from Rosas. Magnifico sends people to find her and return her, unharmed, but her magic and her pain summons down Star to help her. Magnifico reveals that bringing Asha's father back from the dead is something he can do--but shouldn't, as it would create unforeseeable harm.
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5. Magnifico and Amaya's Past--It's weird how a film's villain gets such a short and not-so-sweet backstory despite this fueling their whole ideology, huh? Deciding to pay homage to Disney, I decided to change his backstory, making it so that he is a genie--or, he was. He spent centuries being used and abused by mortals who wanted his wish-granting power, until Amaya found him and they fell in love. She wished him free, but only with the condition that he stay by her side forever, for while Amaya loved him, she loved power as well. It's revealed that she's a sorceress, but her power is much more limited than Magnifico's (see 1992's "Aladdin" for the power dynamic between sorcerers and genies). Similar to the Evil Queen, Amaya keeps a magic mirror that allows her to see anywhere in the realm she desires, as well as transferring her image to any location, and she is able to shapeshift. She is shocked when she discovers that Magnifico can gift others powers on his level, but that he never offered it to her.
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6. "At All Costs" and "I'm a Star" are changed for different situations--It's revealed that Amaya is also a villain, and while she loves Magnifico, she has difficulty expressing it, as she frequently emotionally manipulates him in order to control him, as he's never learned the limits of his powers, and believes in maintaining the wishes of Rosas in order to maintain balance and keep bad wishes from being fufilled, which suits his wife just fine, since it makes her subjects more compliant. As a result, "At All Costs" is sung between the two in a powerful, rumbling, vibrant number that shows their twisted love for each other and their subjects. "I'm a Star," on the other hand, is a power ballad Star uses for Asha and the Teens to gain confidence in themselves, using the animals (and having Asha sing) in order to convey the message to her.
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7. The Teens are more present and have lives--Simon is already a knight for Magnifico, Dahlia being a cook for Magnifico is more promiment, Safi comes from an affluent family, Hal and Bazeema are dating (just got the vibe; I'm not saying anything is canon), Dario is a farmer's boy with dreams of being a performer, and Gabo is still figuring himself out, fueling his bitterness in the group since everyone else has stuff going on in their personal or professional lives. As such, no one bretrays or turns their back on Asha--at least, not deliberately; Safi and Bazeema are quick to submit when their families are threatened, while Simon is manipulated into thinking that getting Asha back is solely for altruistic reasons.
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8. Amaya's deceit--Intending to get Asha back when she realizes she's summoned Star, Amaya shapeshifts into her father (who we'll call Ignacio for now) and says that Magnifico brought him back in order to have her return. Star attempts to alert her of the ruse, but they have a falling out over it, and Asha and "Ignacio" sing a reprise of "At All Costs." However, once they return to Rosas, Amaya reveals her deceit, torturing Asha with depictions of a violently bruised and battered Ignacio before stripping her of her powers and throwing her, Dahlia, Safi, and Bazeema in the dungeons. As such, Star must rally Gabo, Dario, and Hal to help them escape. During this time, "Knowing What I Know Now" starts off on a sad note, as Asha reflects on the complexity of wishes and how Magnifico was somewhat right.
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9. Magnifico's Carnage--I want Notre Dame-levels of mass hysteria and destruction; houses are being raided, people are being injured (maybe even killed? Too much?), all because Magnifico is unraveling; after being abused for so long and even learning that his own wife has been secretly using some of his captive wishes and using it to increase her own power, he goes on a rampage, showing the kingdom how selfish they are, and how despite his best efforts to please them, they always wanted more. As such, the kingdom is left in ruins, and Amaya battles him, enraged that she has no one to rule over. Magnifico, not holding back any longer, takes away her own natural powers, leaving her a helpless queen, and during a battle in the throne room, Asha and the gang uses the magic mirror to repel Magnifico's attacks until one of them hits him and Amaya, turning them into a statue of silver and gold.
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10. Lessons learned--While Star doesn't come back (kinda want a "If I Never Knew You" song for this generation), his magic is infused into Asha due to his love for her, allowing her to regain her powers and become a fairy godmother. Asha takes this seriously, seeing how her last experiences with wishes taught her so much and cost so many lives. The people of Rosas are humbled by the experience, and the citizens leave the land as night falls, a shooting star pointing to a distant land for them to inhabit. In the end, everyone wonders what future awaits them, and Asha vows to use her magic to help make it a home--though she asks them to be patient with her, since "even miracles take a little time."
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11. We get more vibrant colors! SO much looks like they've been watered down instead of colorful and vibrant like "Sleeping Beauty" (the visual inspiration for the film) was.
Lemme know what you think! Keep in mind, I only recently saw this film, so as time passes, I may edit this--or delete this and make a brand new remake post altogether.
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tumblingdownthefoxden · 5 months
“The Assistant and The Star”
Chapter 3: Preparations
*Part 1
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*2 hours later
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"Who's there?" Demanded the boy named Safi. "I know someone is in here."
"Hello fair one." A voice replied in a smooth tone. "What is your rank?"
Safi set down his mop. "Where are you? Show yourself."
"Why don't you come this way and find me?" It teased. "I'm closer than you think. Right under your nose. Or should I say, your feet?" The voice chuckled at it's own joke. Safi huffed.
"Do not jest with me! Show yourself!"
"Oh, I won't do that just yet. But come and uncover my whereabouts!" It beamed. Safi stayed where he was. The last time he followed a voice trying to lure him deeper in the library, some rascal pranksters dumped a bucket of dust all over him. His allergies nearly killed him that day!
"If you won't tell me where you are, then tell me your name please."
"I am what I am." It answered. "But do tell me, what is your rank? Are you the King?"
Safi frowned. "No, I'm not. You don't need know my rank! Tell me your name please."
"Oh no, I'd rather not. Are you close with the King?"
"What even is your business here?" He demanded.
"Watch your tone." The voice gently chastised. "Such ill manner speak is unbefitting for a noble setting."
Safi mopped the floor in front of him. "And yet, you interrupt my work to ask about my position without properly introducing yourself. Actually. Talking to you isn't worth my time."
"You are testing my patience." It groveled. "Are you close to the King? Can you at least bring him to me today?"
"And what is your business with-?"
"No more questions." It intruded. "Tell the King to make my acquaintance and come to the library so that we may converse today. Now."
Safi put a finger to his cheek and looked to the side in an exaggerated wondering look. "Hmmmmmmm. Still rather vague. I haven't seen you and I don't know your real name so I can't say who is calling for the King's presence. Given my schedule, I might not have time to talk to him today." He sucked his teeth. "Not to mention that you have no respectable dignity. You want me to tell the King to see you today? Not even consider if he's as busy as me? Without even saying please? Even if I did manage to summon the King here, he has little patience for those who disrespect his associates." He began to walk away. "You're not worth the trouble. Sorry شخص غريب."
The library was dead silent after his remark. Safi dipped his mop in and out of the water bucket when the voice returned. "If you shall not help me, then leave my presence." It hissed.
Safi turned towards its direction. "I'm not finished cleaning."
"Get out." It demanded. The force of the sound vibrated the water in the bucket. Safi frowned. He's encountered arrogant nobleman before but none of them had an affliction in their voice such as this.
"Such ill manner speak is unbefitting of a noble setting." He recited, picking up the bucket. Maybe this was another magic nobleman?
"Get. Out." The voice repeated. It was softer but something about the voice was off. It's tone was venomous and the vocals sounded... accursed.
Safi reflected on their conversation and he got an idea for why this voice wouldn't share its name or show its face. Safi backed away and grabbed his other cleaning bucket in case he really did need to leave after asking this question. "Are you even a human being?"
The boom in the voice shook the entire library floor. Several books fell from the bookshelves and Safi knees buckled as the sound shook his very bones. Only the upright mop kept him from falling. He looked ahead from him to the center library space and his face moved from shock to horror as he noticed a tile from of the floor. A green light was emitted from the edges of the tile. As quickly as he'd seen it, it vanished. Not willing to find out anything else, he stood upright and rushed out of the library, shutting the doors behind him with a gentle ~click~.
After a quick trip to throw away the mop water, Safi made his way to the castle storage closet where he simply set down the buckets and mop inside. Safi proceeded to fall against the door and release a heavy sigh.. As if the day hadn't been exhausting enough, there was, indeed, a thing in the library. He heard a rumor from the other cleaners that the Grand Library was haunted. If you went deep into the library, you could hear a voice. And because of that, the cleaners rarely did the whole library. Safi didn't consider himself much of a skeptic. He wouldn't deny that ghosts or spirits were real, but Safi rarely cleaned the library thanks to the dust bunnies that would ambush his senses if he wasn't careful. However, he hated how the other cleaners left most of the library to accumulate so much dust because of the rumor. Only today did he hear the infamous haunting but what was he to do about it? The other cleaners tried to report the haunting but whenever the guards investigated it, they found nothing to convince them that the haunting was true or could be dealt with.
You know what. Maybe he should leave the Library for another day. He cleaned half of it and it was last thing left to clean anyway.
A/N: Making this into 2 parts because Tumblr will only allow 10 pictures on a post and I need gifs for the rest of the chapter. Comics should not be this hard to make.
Here's a first look at a "new" character but the interaction I planned went sideways. I wanted Safi to find the voice and accidentally offend it but now he's deliberately offending it? Honestly, I like it better but why are you sassy now?!
Also, the Arabic text translates to "stranger", for those wondering.
@annymation @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @chillwildwave @uva124 @rascalentertainments @emillyverse @flicklikesstuff @mythartist21 @oh-shtars
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leucisticpuffin · 2 months
Six Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @thescrapwitch - thank you! I've been chipping away at sandcastles, so have a little snippet from Chapter 1:
“Safi,” I stuttered. “Let’s go–”
But she just sat there, staring up at the stranger with wide brown eyes – until a bony white hand reached down to her. 
“Little girls ought to be careful where they step,” he said, setting Safi back on her feet. “Another foot, and the sinking sand would swallow you all up.”
Even his speaking-voice was like a song: low and melodic and sorrowful. There was humour in it, like playful waves teasing the sea-shore, and yet beneath lay all the strength of a rising tide. I wanted to grab Safi and Sol and run, run, run, until he was only a speck on the seashore. 
“You’re only a foot from the sinking sand too,” Safi pointed out. “And you’ll sink faster, so there.”
No pressure tagging @that-angry-noldo @thelordofgifs @echo-bleu @actual-bill-potts :)
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