#safe to say neither really want them there lmao
ask-the-nine-links · 1 year
A little cat comes wandering into camp. Makes it way over to twilight who is fish next to time. Let’s out the tiniest mew. As if trying to talk to them.
A few more cats then show up watching them.
Twilight: Guess I have a few cats now.
Sky: Twi, you do know that it would be extremely hard to care for them while we are traveling right? And that they would be in danger?
Twilight: Doesn't mean its impossible. Or are you trying to tell me you don't want them here?
Sky: Well-
Four: Fuck yes, get them out. Demon hellspawn.
Twilight: What do you mean demon hell-
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kuzakat · 11 months
Hi hello his was supposed to be a reblog of a post about oc lore but it somehow glitched and I didn't wanna rewrite the tags so
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eeunoia · 3 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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pairings: lee heeseung x reader
synopsis: you’ve been secretly admiring and slightly staking lee heeseung for a while now. the admiration you once thought to be harmless started to evolved and made you do something unexpected.
warnings: grammatical error, obsessive love, stalking (slight), yandere.
word count: 5k.
note: this took a while to be posted. i know, i’m so lazy to post it, i’m sorry lmao. anyway, enjoy! also this is connected to the other yandere fics of enhypen. i will probably put it into a masterlist together. replies and reblogs are highly encouraged! send me a message to my asks too! i love reading them. thank you so much, ily. stay safe!
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved
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‘Have you ever liked someone?’
Probably, right? Okay, let me rephrase it...
‘Have you ever liked someone to the point that you feel obsessed? Like you watch him silently, dreamt of him being with you...’
“Hi Heeseung!” your eyes snapped open when you heard that name. With squinting eyes, you tried to scan the wide field of your school to look for him.
And there he is.
Lee Heeseung.
Standing confidently by the field, wearing his jersey like he was meant to play rugby even before he was born. His pitch black hair falls messily on top of his sinful beautiful face. He smiles softly as he waves at the girls by the end of the bench. They screamed loudly after managing to catch his attention.
The handsome man doesn’t seem to even be slightly bothered by it as he comes to receive such reactions from girls everyday. You knew. Because you always watch him from afar, admiring him.
He’s one of the popular kids in your school. Very handsome, plays sport, not so bad with his acads and from a wealthy family. Girl’s will fall on their knees for him and you cannot blame them. He is worth to be simped for. Mainly why you had fallen into this deep dark obsession you slowly grew addicted on.
It started normal. A girl catching attraction over his schoolmate. Somehow, you wanted to blame him for being so cool with everything. Whatever he does, he have this way of turning it into an attractive way. It was hard to properly explain, but its sums up to Lee Heeseung being overwhelmingly admirable.
“You should go for it, dude!” your steps halted from walking along the long hallway when you saw two familiar tall figures.
One was Park Jongseong, also known as Jay, and then the taller one is Lee Heeseung leaning over one of the lockers. They’re looking over somewhere— more like someone. You unconsciously followed his line of sight and saw Irish, one of the cheerleader of your school. Totally hot chick babe and almost everyone in the campus knows her.
You saw how Heeseung’s stares pierced right at her while she laughs with her friends, unaware of it. Something bitter slowly spreads your chest and made it harder for you to take further steps.
Heeseung didn’t say a word to his friend and just kept his stares over Irish. Like he’s watching her very closely, observing everything about her. Just like how you are to him. A part of your heart cracks at the thought of it, but you couldn’t really blame him. Irish are exactly the type of girl that fits him very well. For all you know, the whole school will rejoice.
You snapped back to reality when you saw them slowly facing your way. Panic consumes you when you saw them heading your way. You and Heeseung will walk across each other. As usual, you lowered your head trying to prevent any chances of eye contact.
While in a hurry, you unexpectly clash over someone and you turned right away to face them. The lace to your i.d slightly got tangled with the other person and because you faced them, it got off. Thankfully, neither of them got broken.
“I’m sorry fo—” your eyes grew wide at the sight of Lee Heeseung. His placid expression as he stared down right at you just sent shivers to your spine, stomach churns and legs wobbling.
Your heart bursts just by short eye contact so you bowed politely and run away. You probably look like a pathetic loser for him now because of how you reacted and the students around who witnessed the scene might think you are being crazy.
The thoughts and worries were forcedly shoved away by your consciousness. Finally snapping out of the embarrassing quick flashback. It’s not like he will remember you anyway. Nobody in your school does. For them, you’re invisible.
You have no friends. It’s totally fine for you. Its not so sad to the point you cry inside your bedroom every night just because you have nobody to walk with you along the school premises. You aren’t a loner because they isolated you purposely. It was your own choice.
Besides, how can you freely spy Lee Heeseung if you have a friend that goes around with you all the time? They will just think you are a creep or much worst, they might report you.
As you try to catch your breath and calm yourself, the vivid memory of Heeseung’s face up close flashes back to your mind. His pretty eyes, nose pointy and kissable lips. Not to mention his slightly tan complexion. Suddenly, your heart starts racing once again.
Bumping into him was so far your first true interaction with him and the distance a while ago was the closest you got. Due to his tall height and slim body proportions, he doesn’t seem like someone whose physically strong. But when you bump into him, he didn’t even moved. Like as if you hit a wall and not a person.
Just by thinking of it makes you blush hard. It feels illegal to feel so good about it. With a ghost of smile, you started heading to your next class.
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It was break time already and so Heeseung and his friends gathered together as usual. When he arrived, he already saw some of his friends hanging out near the cafeteria, causing some traffic due to the girls who wants to stare at them.
“Let’s go. I’m starving.” he says that caught their attention. Jungwon whose on his phone nods, while Jake headlocks Ni-ki so they can go inside.
Jay waits for Heeseung to catch up on him before he lays his hand on him, asking for something. He smirks before fishing something from his pocket and handed it to him without a word.
Sunghoon and Sunoo follows behind them as they go inside the rowdy cafeteria. Eyes follows them shamelessly and they didn’t really put much care into it. As long as they don’t bother them, he’s cool with him.
His eyes roamed around and caught Irish' group of friends at the left corner. She’s talking with them while she fixes her hair from time to time. Heeseung snaps back to reality when someone claps their hand to his shoulder. It was Jake.
“Do you think it would work?” Heeseung unconsciously asked.
Jake follows his line of sight and he chuckles, “It will for sure. Don’t you trust me?”
Heeseung whips his head to face his friend and smirks at him. “I trust your plan. I’m just a little excited.”
His friends flashed him this teasing grin before nodding his head while smiling downwardly.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get her soon.”
He nods and the line moved so its their turn to buy food. They chose the table near the entrance so they can leave easily. Their heads looked over Jungwon when he sighs a little, resting his phone down the table. His food untouched.
“What’s wrong?” Jay asked the younger one, a little concerned.
Jungwon eyes them and shook his head once. “(jungwon’s girl)’s refusing to eat again. She said she wants to come out of the house.” his tone low, enough for them to only hear.
They seem unbothered by the fact that their friend, the kind Yang Jungwon, president of the student council, has been hiding one of their schoolmate. The one that has been missing for months now.
“Why? I thought she’s finally behaving already?”
Jungwon smiles a little, a sign of victory.
“She is. Well, she gets bored of waiting for me to come home everyday from school. She wants to go out and attend school again.”
Heeseung’s mind went blank before his head unconsciously darting at the left corner of the cafeteria. He saw her finally eating her food. He watches her silently while imagining being with her. Holding her by his arms, inhaling her scent, kissing her neck, cheeks, nose and lips.
He cut his own thoughts as he’s slowly falling deep into it. He can’t be submissive over his own greed and ends up messing everything. It can’t be good, specially that they need to follow.
“Oh, right...” Jungwon starts that caught his friends' attention.
“Did you manage to get the part time?” he asks his Sunoo hyung. The latter smiles brightly and raises his thumbs up, making them all smile as well.
“I bribed the manager to let me work there for a week or so. He didn’t even think twice.” he announced.
Ni-ki scoffs after taking a sip from his drink. “What about your parents? Did they ask why you suddenly want to work a part time job?”
“Mom got curious, but I told her I just really want to try working.”
“And she buys it?”
“Yes.” and Sunoo nods.
They resumed eating, talking from time to time. They enjoy their food while the other students enjoy watching them eat.
“Look who's here...” Jake whistles and nudge his chin over a direction, informing them of who just entered the cafeteria along with her best friend.
When their eyes saw who it was, Heeseung’s eyes flee over Sunghoon and he already has glaring eyes towards Jake.
“Don’t whistle like that. She ain’t a dog.” he seriously said that earns only playful giggles from Jake and Ni-ki.
“I heard she likes you very much Hoon.” Heeseung says.
The statement made the boiling anger in his friend’s eyes calm down as he licked his lips, ears burning red.
Jungwon chuckles, “You’re still after Heeseung hyung, remember that.”
“I fucking know. So hurry up so I can have mine.” he said directly at Heeseung that only made him smile. He badly wants to do it quickly as well.
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Your obsession is getting worst. Before, you’re already contented just by looking at him, watching him. And now seeing him lurking around Irish makes you feel so mad. You have no rights to, but that’s what you’re feeling.
How can he show those sweet smiles towards her? Carry her bag? Stare at her eyes softly? Why can’t it be you?
It's been a week ever since you’ve seen Heeseung hanging out with Irish too often. News of the two of them dating surrounds the campus like a wild fire and its making you feel so... jealous. You know its bad. You know its wrong, but you’re starting to hate Irish. Even if she’s not doing anything to you.
No... Actually she did something. She stole Heeseung.
While studying one night and obviously having zero progress, you decided to cut some slack and lay down your bed. Scrolling over your tiktok and then switching it to naver, scanning some latest news. It was pretty boring, not until a popular search caught your eye.
‘How can you make someone like you back?’
You’ve never clicked so fast in your life. Feeling impatient for it to load completely, you nibbled on your lower lip, eyes fixed at the screen of your phone.
There are pretty decent suggestions, such as dressing up, having make overs, try to get their attention.. blah blah. Same bullshits that you can see on movies or tv series. Its actually annoying how they think that could work? For people who's naturally pretty or full of charms, maybe.
You cursed and was about to exit the damn article when something caught your attention once again. Its a comment probably left by someone in a joking way. A hundred replies were left beneath it and it gained almost a thousand likes.
‘Kidnap them and keep them in your house.’
Your heart beats so fast by the illegal and dark thoughts that occupies your mind. These are the things that can ruin everything in you, but this obsession seems to be feeding and growing nonstop inside you and now its unstoppable. All you can think of is that you have to get him. You’ve got to have Lee Heeseung for yourself.
A week later, with nervous hands fidgeting together and rigid breathing, you pull your face mask upper to make sure it covers the lower part of your face. A black hat tops your outfit. People won’t be suspicious of you as wearing face masks became pretty normal already.
You can almost hear your heart thumping loudly inside your chest when you felt a presence looming behind you.
“Coal?” one man muttered the code name you told him to use once he arrived so you’ll know its him.
You didn’t even glance at him and just try to hand him the paperbag containing your payment for the stuff you asked online. It was odd that you’re here at the vacant park near your apartment building but its much weirder that you can buy these type of serums on the internet. Although it requires a lot of secrecy, but still. Now this feels very illegal.
After he handed you your package, the man never said another word. It was impossible to tell who it was too since like you, he’s all covered. Well, if he’s going to illegally sell these meds he really needs to hide his identification.
He left afterwards. It was like as if he wasn’t even there. It makes you feel shivers down your spine and eyes dropped at the paperbag. Your heart thumps, remembering what it contains inside. You’re a little hesitant, makes you wonder if you should continue your plan or just back out.
But then Heeseung kept flashing inside your mind.
You decided to walk back to your apartment as it was late already and you shouldn’t encounter anyone. Nobody should know that you went out of your apartment at this time.
Once back inside, you went to the fridge and get your favorite drink. Thankfully, you stopped by the convenience store near your place before going home. You didn’t need to go there right now that can make you suspicious.
You have a simple plan. It’s not the best one you can come up with, but its better that way or not getting Heeseung at all.
First, you will wait for him at his usuall route back to his apartment. For some reasons, he take the shorter way near the park where you just got your package. He walks there whenever he doesn’t take his car because of practice.
They have rugby practice during tuesdays and thursdays. You’ll wait for him that day and quietly stalks behind him. That won’t be too hard because you’ve done it multiple times, he never caught on you. It’s either he's really dense or he’s just very tired from practice to even give a fuck.
While you stalk behind him, you will find the perfect timing to go close and point a knife on his side. You will threaten him to come with you or else you will hurt him.
A lot of contrasting thoughts occupies your mind, but you disregard all of them and stayed positive.
There’s just some minor problems. Sometimes, he walks with another friend. Another one is that since he’s very tall and obviously much well built than you, he’ll probably fight back, right? Will your plan even work? The last problem is that you have to make sure nobody will see it. His practice ends late, so he’ll probably walk home late as well.
The next day was wednesday and you’re planning to execute your plan tomorrow. They will have a practice and since the games are near, surely they will stay late. Mixed emotions while trying to prepare yourself for what's about to unfold.
“Ack!” your head unconsciously snaps over to the side after hearing someone shriek from the corner.
Three people are at the far side of it, making sure their presence will be unknown by any school officials. You kept staring and when you realized that Jay was one of the three, you let out a sigh. He’s probably bullying lower years once again.
He often loves playing pranks or occasionally makes fun of the lower batch. You slightly feel bad for them, but there’s really nothing you can do. Jay’s one of the most influential kids in your school. His family is very wealthy and have a lot of connections all over the town. It sure is a bad idea to go against him.
Just like other students, you turned blind-eye and just went on walking back to your classroom. Being observant gave you the ability to adapt to your surrounding and to avoid any way to get into people’s bad side.
Specially to Heeseung’s group of friends' bad side. They’re the most dangerous kids here if you’ll be very honest.
Starting off with Yang Jungwon. His father is the Governor. Being the younger son, his parents always favor him. Next is Jay, his father owns a big travels agency. He’s their only child too so that only means his parents will do anything for him.
Follows up to him is Jake Sim. His parents are both doctors and they own multiple Hospitals. They also own one of the biggest pharmaceuticals in the country. And you know what it means when your source of income aligns with health, it reeks of money. Health is wealth, that’s what they said. Well, he at least he do well in school unlike some of them. You’ll give him that.
Park Sunghoon. The first child of the owners of the biggest and most famous Law firm in the country. His father won a lot of big cases local and international. It was no doubt that he have the ability to manipulate the law itself in any way he wants. He’s a snobby one too.
Kim Sunoo is the youngest child of business tycoons. His parents owns big and well known commercial establishment all over the country. He’s no joke. Very spoiled as well and have a rude attitude. His face speaks for him whenever he look over people that are not on his level.
Nishimura Riki, middle child of said to be owners of Engineering and Architectural companies that said to be incharge of building the biggest establishments and also the roads of the country.
Lee Heeseung is just the same with the six of them. His parents owns an airline and is currently one of the three biggest in the country. He’s the youngest of the two sons and sure is spoiled rotten.
Their families are considered the most powerful and influential families in the town. They basically rule this place. Nobody, as in no soul dares to mess with them. Their kids, which is the seven gorgeous boys you just mentioned, were the ones that rules the school like their own playground.
The thought made you halt your step. Are you really gonna do that? You’re probably losing your mind at the moment. Lee Heeseung is the son of one of the most influential people in your town. There’s no way you could execute this plan properly, right? This is probably the worst idea.
But as if like the fate is playing jokes on you, just in time Lee Heeseung walks ahead of you. His familiar manly scent made it to your nose that instantly drawn you into a spell. A dangerous one.
Your eyes follows him while he walks confidently over the hallway of your building. His wide back and long legs sure is eye-catching as you watch students almost breaking their necks just to get a good glimpse of the said boy.
Still under that dangerous spell, you ignored all those thoughts and your decision to do what you planned ruled over the fear.
The next day came and you’re currently at a near convenience store to buy your favorite drink. You mindlessly grabbed one from the big fridge then walk towards the counter. Your eyes settles to the cashier boy that focuses on scanning your order as the familiar beep sound errupts from it.
“That’ll be 2000 won.” he mumbled softly. Your eyes are glued to him for some reason.
“Miss?” he calls you again that snapped you back to reality. It somehow made you feel shy for spacing out.
“U-Uh, yeah. I’m sorry.” you lowered your gaze to fish something from your wallet. As you grab your money, you kind of felt off.
“Here.” you placed the correct amount of payment and watch as how he slid the drink near you.
His fair complexion grabs your attention and it made you tilt your head to the side. You’ve been in this convenience store a lot and not once have you seen this person yet. Well, you can’t really tell who it was since he’s wearing a cap and mask. But his built and all is very unfamiliar, far from the people who you saw working here.
In the end, you realized that maybe the fact that you’ll be doing something illegal tonight makes you overthink alot. It makes you overanalyze everything. So you disregarded all those thoughts and just go to where you need to be.
Just like how you planned you waited patiently at the usual route Lee Heeseung takes whenever he has practice. Just near a vending machine, you crouched to hide yourself from his sight.
Exactly how you expects him to arrive, he did. There he is. Wearing a plain white t-shirt and his sweats while his big duffel bag hangs loosely over his body. Both of his hands are inside his pocket.
His tall figure kind of intimidates you, but there’s no chance of backing out at the moment. It’s better to take action right away.
When you’re about to walk towards him, he stops that made you stoned to your position. You carefully watch his movements and somehow expects him to turn around.
He didn’t. Instead, he started rummaging over his bag making him totally unaware of his surroundings. He’s so busy looking for whatever that thing he’s trying to get inside his bag. You silently cheered and advances near him to execute your plan.
A few steps away from him and you can already smell his addicting manly scent. Once you’re near enough, you stood behind and placed one of your hand at his shoulder. Your other hand holding the knife points over to his side, making sure it won’t hurt or bruise him.
“Don’t move.” you tried to hard to sound so intimidating.
You felt Heeseung tensing up and stiffened in front of you. His tall figure almost covers you from the view of people in front him. He didn’t said anything right away.
“What the...” he mumbles.
You take a deep breath. “Don’t even think of doing something funny.” you threatened again, pressing the knife more. Just so he can feel it and be scared of it. His head craned to the side so you know he’s now aware of the weapon you have.
“What do you need? Money? I can give you all of mine.” he casually said. He doesn’t even sound scared. You gulped, nervous now.
“I d-don’t need your money!”
He turned his head and was about to face you, but you pushed him over the shoulder to prevent it. He sighed and tilt his head. His large figre in front of you makes you feel dizzy.
“Start walking! Do as I say or I will seriously burry this knife on your side.”
He was silent for a while, unresponsive. You’re already worrying that he’s about to fight back, but thankfully he started walking towards the direction you’re guiding him.
“Where?” he asks, still sounding calm.
“To that building.” you said seriously and started guiding him inside.
The guard on patrol are probably out on a break so he's not on his usual spot by the entrance of the apartment building. Heeseung stayed silent until you reached the elevator.
You stretched your arm to press the floor button and met eyes with him through his reflection on the elevator doors. It made your heart race insanely fast. You kept your composure and went back on standing behind him, knife pressed on his side.
His eyes looked blank while staring silently at you. It made you shiver, but there’s no backing out anymore. If you showed him that you’re scared it will backfire on you.
“You know you’ll get arrested for this, right?” he asks calmly.
You know that very well. But you alreay lost your mind for him. Obsession sure is a dangerous thing, toxicating.
You ignored what he said and pushed his back so he can start walking again once you arrived at your floor. Since its already pretty late, the hallway was empty as expected so it was easier for you.
“Don’t make a sound.” you reminded him, knife still pressed at his side while you hold his one arm.
“What? Do you think I will scream like a fucking pussy?” his tone was full of sarcasm that completely caught you off-guard.
You’ve always know that he is confident and brave. But how come he can still be this arrogant despite a knife being pressed over him? Is he really this fearless? Or maybe he just don’t take you seriously.
“Watch your tone.” you hissed at him.
He craned his neck at the side and stared down at you. It was cold and blank. You shivered once again, but you kept a glare on him.
“Punch my code in.” and you started to dictate your pincode for him.
He surprisingly obliged without giving you a hard time and noticed how natural he looked pressing those numbers in. The door made a sound and you kicked it open before pushing him once again.
He didn’t say anything and just struts inside. His head moves side to side, scanning the whole room. You felt your cheeks flushing by realizing that Lee Heeseung is inside. Just by standing behind him and watching him awkwardly standing in the middle of your small living room, makes you realize that he look out of place because he’s so big.
Your apartment never look so small before.
“Sit down at the couch.” you ordered after snapping out of your trance.
He turned around to face you and cooly slid his hands back inside his pockets. He stared at you with his intense blank eyes.
“I said sit down!” you shouted, feeling worried that he will really fight back already.
To your surprise, Heeseung obliged with no complain. He sat down, occupying a large space to your almost worn out sofa. He stared at you, still with no words coming out from his sexy lips.
You started walking closer, his eyes following your movements. You gulped and pursed your lips before grabbing the handkerchief that has a chloroform. His eyes darted at it but remained silent.
“You won’t be hurt as long as you behave yourself.” you mumble and walked closer to him.
His head tilts to the side, the side of his lips lifts. “You have the guts.” he whispered but enough for you to hear.
You gulped and acted quickly pushed forward and covering his mouth and nose with the handkerchief. His hand reaches out for you and it felt so warm over your skin. He was trying to resist but you pour everything to keep him in place.
After a while, his movements became weak and his eyes started batting slowly. You cheer inwardly and smiles when he finally fall over to the sofa, unconscious.
You heaved a heavy sigh watching him knocked out. Slowly standing up and staring down at his sleeping state, a victory smile spreads across your face. Both of your hands raises up.
“It actually works!” you cheered, very cheeky.
You leaned closer and softly poked his cheeks to check if he's awake. When he’s not responding, you quickly grabbed the rope and tape you bought. Carefully you tied him up, making sure it won’t him too much.
After making sure he’s all secured, a big smile makes it way to your lips once again. You leaned towards him and can hear his calm breathing.
You chest thumped loudly and you can feel your whole system almost comvulsing in so much thrill. You can feel your throat drying up just by staring at his pretty face. Not once did you imagine being this close to him. Dreams do really come true.
When your finger touches his soft face, you retrieve it like as if you got burn by it. You bit your lower lip trying to suppress the big, crazy grin on your face.
“You’re really here with me.” you utter and giggled as you stood up.
Deciding to kill some time to wait for him to wake up again, you went to get your favorite drink so you can drink it. It’s a pre-celebration for actually executing your plan.
You have a big smile on your face as you drink from it. After that, you sat at the other sofa and opened the television to entertain yourself. You glanced over to Heeseung and giggled once again, seeing him sleeping cutely.
While watching this show, you can feel your eyes losing focus, your lids feeling heavier. You’re starting to doze off. Suddenly you feel so sleepy, but its different. Like it feels heavier, your body weighing tons.
As you slowly falls back to the couch, dozing off, before your eyes fully close you can see a shadow from the corner of the room. You don’t know if its just your hallucination or what, but you have no time to confirm since your eyes fully closed.
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A figure slowly loomes closer to Heeseung’s body at the coach. His arm stretches with a knife and then he freed his arm and legs from the ropes you just tied him with. Heeseung’s eyes cracks open and it quickly darted at your direction.
“How long will she be out?” He asks his friend after he took off the tape on his mouth.
“If Sunoo did inject the right dosage I told him, two to three hours.” Jake informs him and even glanced at the drink they just spiked.
Their head snaps at the door when it opened revealing Sunoo with Jungwon. Sunoo’s still on his uniform from the convenience store and Jungwon with his hoodie and sweatpants. Their brows furrowed hardly.
“How is he awake?” Sunoo wonders, referring to their friend.
Heeseung teared his eyes from them and struts closer to your position.
“He just pretended to pass out.” Jungwon concluded, putting two and two together. Sunoo nods and roams his eyes around the place.
Sunghoon, Jay and Ni-ki finally arrives and they’re all wearing their hoodies and sweatpants. Some of them wears caps.
“Did you handle the apartment manager?” Jake asks.
Jay nods his head, smirking. “That sum of money is enough for him to shut his mouth. Nobody will know we’ve been here.”
“I also made sure no one’s around the neighborhood saw.” Ni-ki mumbles while eyeing his eldest hyung crouching in front of your unconscious body. His hand carefully stretches to reach for you, gently brushing some hair away from your face.
“Irish won’t say a thing too. I returned her card pass for this building.” Sunghoon says and tilts his head. “What did you even do to her, hyung? You scared the shit out of her.” he chuckles lightly and roams around your small apartment.
“You don’t want to know.” Jake smirks and glanced at his hyung.
Heeseung is silent while staring at your unconscious body. A small evil smile spreads across his face before he slid his arms to carry you.
“You’re going to keep her here?” Jungwon asks then he knocks on the wall. “The wall’s too thin.”
Heeseung shakes his head side to side.
“I’m taking her home with me.” he heaved a sigh, calming himself down.
“I’m finally taking you home with me, baby.” he whispers down at your sleeping body.
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permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @love13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @ayayiiie @aeyeree @heeseung-min @in-somnias-world @psh-pjh @hveanlyanqelic
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astrow0rldx · 2 months
PAC: Messages to your mental health 🌑
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૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
yoooo everything came out creepily clear. take what resonates tho & use your intuition to pick a photo.
Pile One:
(OVERALL: Queen of Pentacles & The Empress. also: 2 of cups, Ace of Swords, three of pentacles, & the star.)
Self worth, Self Value. A lot of you are trying to find & embrace your femininity. Be grateful, live in gratitude. Be grounded, be responsible. "Don't be a Lady, Be a Legend." Focus on building the life you want because you deserve it. Your beautiful, Your safe and secure, Your everything you need.
I could see that your probably focusing on a connection, could be platonic or friendship, but any type of bond in your life. You might have something you want to know about them, and need some clarity. You might want to build with this person, a connection, a goal, anything. Have Faith be Optimistic.
It's not saying this is a bad part so if this has not happened YET, if theirs a person in mind you might need to talk about, and build with them on some type of plan you guys have going on. Let them know information.
Bonus; I picked an artist that came in my mind & shuffled:
Of all the ones Of course I'd want the one who doesn't want me Of all the thoughts Of course I'd think that you'd know how to love me
But damn, I wish you did Oh, what I would give Just to be in your possession But I won't influence Or try to convince You, that I'm the right decision
(Heavy Taurus & Libra energy)
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Pile Two:
(Overall: 8 of swords, Judgement. & King of Pentacles, Five of pentacles, Wheel of fortune, The Chariot, Strength.)
Overall you stressed out & you need a blunt. lmao.
By the picture you picked & the cards, you need your bag. and your probably feeling a lot of lack in your life. you feel like material will make you fulfilled & secure. your trying to have hope but what you need to do is use that Chariot & Strength energy. Chariot don't fall to obstacles, neither as Strength. You can get it if you want to.
I see that overall is the 8 of swords & Judgement. So you may be, what should I call it. Delusional & Heavy Anxiety. Stuck in your overthinking, floating in your anxiety and judging yourself & everything around.
Instead build on your insecurities so you can chase the security to make you feel fulfilled. Not trying to scare you, but their may be entities around, or just energy like people in your life that don't want you to enlighten & grow. mentally, emotionally, financially. They want you to be stuck in fear & judgement. An emotional frequency that's scientifically stronger than Love is Authenticity. So if theirs a certain college path, or some type of path or thing you personally want to uniquely do, do it!
..... my username is literally astrow0rldx. So I'm going to refer you to your astrological chart. Look at the house of your Uranus for what you should be different in & revolution. If your feeling stuck & need some more strength and responsibility, look at the house of your Saturn for where, but how to express it in your daily routine is the planets or signs in the 6th house. And if you want to know what you should become in this life, look at the house of your North Node for your life purpose, your Sun for where to find your identity, your chart ruler or rising sign for the big bingo on the outlook you should have on it. and your Midheaven/Planets on the 10th house that everyone talks about, which is how people are going to see you, as a place in this world. your reputation in society.
I shuffled:
Can't stand it, backhanded They wanna see us fallin' apart You know that I love you So let me into your heart
Let me into your heart Do you really love me? I'm gon' get you, girl, ahh
Girl, you really got a hold on me So this isn't just puppy love
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Pile Three:
(Overall: Five of Swords & Hanged man. & Wheel of fortune, Nine of wands, Ten of cups, Death, & Ace of swords.)
So my stomach dropped before I pulled your cards. Are you guys emo's, or am I talking to fellow witches. Are you down rn, cold, resentful, vengeful? Casting spells, ready to kill or something.
Your feeling competitive ready to fight & go to war. Has there been an ending, some news you got. HMMM.. very dark pile. for some people, could be the complete other way around where your the victim in the situation. and your feeling defeated, defenseless & that fate is just beating you down.
I shuffled:
OMGGGGGGG! The music video looks just like the photo you picked- ummmmmm. Motels could be literally significant. Very dark music video, prostitution, casual sex. Money, drugs, Sex trafficking, Kidnapping.
What do you mean? Oh, oh When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no What do you mean? Hey, yeah Better make up your mind, what do you mean?
You're so indecisive of what I'm sayin' Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart Don't know if you're happy or complainin' Don't want for us to end, where do I start?
First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right (Right) Wanna argue all day, makin' love all night (All night) First you're up, then you’re down, and then between ('Tween) Oh, I really wanna know
You're overprotective when I'm leavin' Tryna compromise, but I can’t win You wanna make a point, but you keep preachin' You had me from the start, won't let this end
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hey! i've been thinking, how would team 141 react to an autistic reader suddenly making sounds? like a meow or a hiss, without them even realizing they produced that sound because it was completely automatic?
i really wanted to see this because i just whistle out of nowhere and i never realize it unless i get lectured for whistling at an inappropriate time for example Dx
141 headcanons
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I too make random noises at times, mine is quoting memes or noises I hear lmao.
John Price
Price would notice pretty quickly, but I can’t imagine him honestly saying anything about it since it doesn’t bother anyone. He might say something if your noises end up being distracting during mission though, but he doesn’t mean it in any bad way.
He isn’t likely to join you in your noises, but hearing you does make him smile softly whenever he does, as it means your by his side and feel safe enough to not feel the need to mask around him. It makes Price feel good that you are just yourself.
He finds it cute, because its something so you that he can’t help but love it. It becomes a quirk of yours that he associates with you as a whole.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Gaz, like Price, doesn’t really mind or care all that much. Oh, you’re meowing? Cool, you’re hissing? Rad. Gaz seems like the type to give you nicknames based on the noises you make, not in a bad way of course, but because he thinks they’re special to you as a person.
You don’t get it when he starts calling you chatterbox, and before you know it everyone on base calls you Chatterbox as your callsign. Its first when Gaz explains the reason to you that it strikes you.  Of course, you’d be embarrassed but Gaz makes sure you aren’t, as he loves you and anything special about you.
He might start making noises alongside you, but he does it fully on purpose, unlike Ghost he cant help it. He just likes having something with you, and he thinks its funny how if he joins in you start making many more noises.
John “Soap” MacTavish
Soap would ask you about it after a while, as he doesn’t get why you make noises. When you look confused as you don’t realize you’ve been doing it, he explains all the meowing and hissing. When you get extremely embarrassed and apologize, he just tilts his head in confusion cuz why apologize? It was cute.
After you explain it to him, he’s like “ooooh, okay, cool” and he just lets you continue as you have in the past. Soap doesn’t mind it, unless its during an important mission, but that’s for your mututal safety for the most part, so he doesn’t mean to be mean when he tells you to be quiet during missions.
He makes noises with you, on purpose in the beginning but at some point, it becomes habit and he doesn’t realize he’s meowing alongside you until afterwards. Calls you animal-based nicknames and has a different one each day, he makes a game out of it.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
I shall drop my hc that Simon is autistic in here again, so whilst he doesn’t make noises, as he’s trained that out of himself, he has other quirks. He tends to stim with his hands or chew on his lip or nails, so he doesn’t judge you for your quirks.
Being around you might honestly start making Simon verbal stim too, like you’ll meow and he meows back on instinct. Neither of you notice you guys are doing it, until Soap starts joining in over comms when you two have been meowing for the past 20 minutes.
He thinks its nice and comforting that he’s not the only autistic person on the team, and he’s almost a little jealous but also proud that you can be yourself without having the need to hide yourself like he feels he does.
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People asking which one we get between Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie, while I'm sitting here in a Comm class thinking "Why not both? Lmao". We all recognize them easily, so having it a twist(heh) of both, with Jack's being a hero character and Oogie being the main bad, could work out with how they actually are.
How Yana could go about it, idk, we'll have to wait and see. But honestly, am so fucking hyped for it. But what exactly do you think could be a possible plot idea or what do you think could happen in the event?
You can answer at your own leisure.
[Referencing this post!]
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I don’t think it’s strange at all that people are speculating which character will be the one twisted. Yes, Fellow and Gidel were introduced as a pair, meaning that there is no limit or precedent set for there only be one new character revealed. However, it’s very clear that Fellow was the star of the show, as he has the stronger presence (and ended up getting the SSR as well). Ultimately, it does mean they end up being treated like a single character rather than individuals anyway. So really, I think most fans are still running on the logic that only “one” can be twisted.
The problem with Jack and Oogie is that they are both strong presences, neither dominating the other when it comes to being attention grabbing. Fellow and Gidel go together, but Jack and Oogie are opposing forces, not teammates, in their own story. This makes it hard to predict which of them will be twisted and makes it less likely they’d be crammed into the same card.
(ncbsbsvwjwheisn NOT GONNA LIE, I’m really hyped for a twisted!Jack Skellington… but a part of me is also really attached to my OC that’s twisted from Jack 🤡 That’s not to say that I don’t want a canonized one; I think I’d actually ASCEND if we got a twisted!Jack Skellington for real!!! It’s just that I wouldn’t know what to do with my OC after the fact 🤷‍♂️ Something similar happened with my Snow White OC when Neige was introduced in book 5 www)
A popular idea I’ve seen in circulation is another isekai plot where either the students go to Halloween Town or the Nightmare Before Christmas characters come to Twisted Wonderland from Halloween Town. I’d wager that’s a pretty safe guess! Like… they’re doing their Halloween parade prep and there’s a new character disrupting things. Maybe they’ll have to pull off a heist or kidnapping of some kind?? 🤔 It would be funny if the NRC boys had to help play matchmaker for a Sally and Jack/j Personally (and this is a stretch), I really would like to see some kind of casino or gambling element because I love those design details for Oogie’s lair. Not sure if it would make sense being a large part of the event story, but it would be cool to consider.
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jeannineee · 1 year
I love your blogs!
I just wanted to ask what it would look like to be in a relationship with Azriel?
Being in a relationship with Azriel would include…
a/n: requests are open.
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
There’s a lot of comfortable silence between the two of you
Now!!!! I know that might be a weird place to start, but listen!!!
The two of you will sit in silence, enjoying one another’s presence. Like, you’ll be reading, and Az will be looking over reports. Neither of you feel the need to speak 24/7.
Azriel may not be shy, but he is very quiet. He watches everyone, notices everything.
He notices EVERYTHING about you. The way your eyes light up when you’re talking about a passion of yours. The way your brows furrow when you’re focused. Your fidgeting when you’re nervous.
Before the two of you even started your relationship, he picked up on your likes and dislikes, your habits, your routines.
Not in a weird way LMAO!!! He’s just veryyyy observant.
Say it with me: Az is TOUCH STARVED
Doesn’t care for PDA, but he’s very affectionate in private. He cuddles with you every chance he gets.
His shadows watch over you when he’s gone. It’s a non-negotiable for him. He has to know that you’re okay.
He won’t admit it, but he loves verbal reassurance, too. When you remind him that he’s good, and that you love him and need him in your life. :(((
He’s kinky. It’s a fact.
He is dominant a vast majority of the time. But, as your relationship progresses, he’ll sub for you every now and again. But it takes a lot of trust for him to get there.
But he is AMAZING and very good at discussing boundaries, safe words, aftercare, etc.
I’m just gonna list of what I think some of his kinks are because there are a LOT
Bondage (with his ropes and/or shadows). Like he LOOOVES keeping you restrained as he teases and fucks you.
Definitely has a size kink. Even if you’re tall, this mf still towers over you. Plus he’s chiseled like a Greek god. He loves seeing the bulge in your tummy as he thrusts into you.
Breeding kink!! I feel like most of the ACOTAR men have them, tbh. It’s just a primal thing, for them.
Mixes praise and degradation.
“You’re so pretty when you’re all fucked out.”
“Such a pretty little slut for me.”
“Good girl, taking my cock so well.”
Def enjoys overstimulation and edging.
When he’s subbing, he LOVES when you touch his wings. It gets him off really quickly, if you touch the right spots.
I need Azriel. :/
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vivalas-vega · 11 days
will you marry me? // dagger squad x reader
howdy y'all !!! this was a random idea I had well over a year ago that I never actually finished and just found when clearing out my wips and thought it would be a fun little thing to post, so please enjoy the dagger squad and what engagement ring I think they'd pick !!! I didn’t even intend for it to be a recurring thing that the proposals don’t go to plan or are silly but I guess it’s just on brand for them lmao
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
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this man is all about the classics - I mean, look at his bronco... he wanted to get you something simple with a bit of a modern twist. he's also a very sentimental man. he'd play it casual all week leading up to date night but surprise you by taking you to where you had your first date, whether that's a restaurant or a bar or the beach, and after the most perfect evening he'd propose with his mom's ring. because he's bradley and incredibly thoughtful, he'd also want you to have a ring that's only yours and I think he'd surprise you with that one randomly -- maybe after celebrating the engagement in bed that night, or the next morning over breakfast. you end up wearing Carole’s ring on your right hand (sometimes putting it around a necklace of hers Bradley also gifted you when you want to keep it extra safe) and your new ring on your left.
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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Jake is all flash, but that doesn't mean he lacks substance. he scours your pinterest board for weeks and asks all your closest friends for their input, but at the end of the day he trusts himself to get it right because he knows you like the back of his hand. you deserve only the best, and he wants you to park your pretty butt on the beach when he's flying by and to be able to catch a glare from the rock he put on your finger. he'd either propose in the ice cream aisle at the grocery store (which surprises him as much as you) after watching you hem and haw over which flavor to get and deciding to get all three - or, he'd go all out and plan the perfect vacation to a destination that's been on your bucket list and research the most romantic spot in the whole country and really there's no in between.
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
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our sweet man of few, but impactful, words. his ring choice and proposal is no different. he wants to get you something beautiful and unique, but neither one of you are known for being frivolous. he picks something modest that shows how well he knows you and how much he loves you. something about him screams christmas proposal - either at his family's snowy farm early in the morning before anyone has a chance to sweep you up in the festivities or in your shared home before heading to Mav and Penny's holiday dinner. either way, its just the two of you wrapped in your own bubble and you tease that Bob should be writing the proposals for hallmark movies because what he says is so perfect. you'd open a suspiciously wrapped gift you think is the worlds lightest pair of shoes but to your shock you find a ring, and Bob always regrets not setting up a camera to capture the priceless look on your face.
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
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Natasha never thought she was one for marrying until she met you, and she'd definitely get you something beautiful and intricate without sacrificing delicacy. she'd plan the perfect evening in and cook your favorite meal, but absolutely ruin your favorite cookies and while she's flustered and panicking over a sheet of what looks like coal you're just laughing and gazing at her with this dumbstruck look that translates to you're such an idiot and I'm so in love with you and when she catches it she can't help herself and it just flies out, really she nearly yells and you're just standing watching her fumble to get the ring out her pocket not realizing you'd already said yes before you even saw it.
Javy 'Coyote' Machado
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Much like Jake, he wants to get you something flashy but he was drawn to this one in particular because the band reminded him of airplane wings and he liked the idea of you not only having a token of his love on your hand every day he's on deployment, but one that has a little piece of his second love too. I think he'd definitely plan a big elaborate proposal but Jake's got a big mouth and didn't know you were at the bar and asks if he popped the question, only to see horror on Javy's face and you standing right behind him so he was really forced into it but of course you said yes because it was chaotic and imperfect and everything you could ever want.
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Mickey would definitely want to get you something a little funky - neither one of you are known for being super traditional, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want you to have the perfect ring. true to his nature as soon as it's in his possession he's a little too excited to wait to plan something out and while you're all snuggled up watching star wars for the hundreth time he just blurts out that wants to marry you and when you look at him in shock he thinks he's ruined it and offended you by not doing it properly but once you get your wits about you all you can say is 'of course I'll marry you, you big idiot'
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch
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I think Reuben leans more towards the classics as well, but with a little something extra. your relationship has always been sweet and fun and lighthearted, and your proposal is exactly the same. he takes you to the putt putt course you had your first date at and proposes in front of the windmill, and you can't keep it together long enough to say yes because he dropped the ring in the hole and even when he retrieves it your 'yes' is hard to decipher around all your laughing.
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annwrites · 4 months
I will find you.
— pairing: simon x fem!reader
— type: one-shot
— summary: simon was your dad's best friend, & after your father's death, was tasked with looking after you. the two of you found solace in each other, until you were separated. you reunite when he one day shows up in alexandria w/ the saviors
— tags: age gap, traveling, angst, falling in love
— tw: major trauma bonding, hate sex, p in v sex, choking, degradation, humiliation, m receiving oral, slapping, spanking, hitting with a belt, abusive relationship, sex without a condom, depression, suicidal ideation
— word count: 8,408
— a/n: i am aware i switched tenses incorrectly a few times in this. i edited it some, but am leaving things as-is for now. this is simply who i am (someone who can't get her tenses fucking straight) lmao
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You had intended to be in your house before the saviors pulled in, but you'd been late coming back from the pantry—you'd been helping Olivia take inventory, and had simply lost track of time.
You keep your head down, trying your utmost to remain invisible as you round a street corner, your home within eye-sight.
The street in front of it? Crawling with saviors. You pray that, so long as you seem harmless enough, they'll leave you be.
You've nearly reached your front porch when you stop dead in your tracks, an all-too familiar voice echoing off the houses.
"Alright, everybody knows the drill: spread out and half of everything. Negan wants a thorough cleaning done this time around. He's a bit concerned the 'fine residents' here might be holding out on us."
You stare at the back of his head—his thick cropping of dark-brown hair—then to his tall frame, strong shoulders, thick tanned arms.
No. He...he was dead.
You'd denied that truth to yourself for months, wanting to believe anything but. And then you'd come to accept it, knowing you had no other choice if you were to go on living. Or trying to, at least.
You shake your head. You're just hearing things. But you still silently plead for him to turn so you can see for yourself that it's not really him.
He settles his hands on his hips.
You take a tiny step closer. "Simon?"
You're so quiet when you say it that you barely even hear yourself.
Another step closer. "S-Simon?" Your voice has risen now, considerably, your tone almost panicked.
He slowly turns to face you and at first when his eyes settle on you, he stills. Then, "Oh, baby girl."
You break into a run, slamming against his solid chest and he quickly picks you up. You wrap your legs and arms around him, crying tears of joy, running your fingers through his hair.
"I found you. I found you. You're alive!"
You crush your lips to his, and you kiss him so long and so fervently, that when you finally pull away you're forced to draw in ragged breaths.
He nearly falls, stumbling as he lowers the two of you to the warm pavement, you in his lap, peppering his face with kisses as he laughs.
Neither of you see your people, or his staring at the two of you, some with jaws dropped in utter shock.
All you see is each other.
He slides his hands under the back of your shirt. "Oh, sweetheart, I thought..." He shakes his head, willing those horrible fucking thoughts from his mind. "Doesn't matter. You're here. You're safe. Alive and healthy."
You nod fervently. "I can't believe you're here."
Tears shimmer in your eyes and he removes one of his hands from your bare skin he'd missed touching so goddamn much to brush them away.
"I'm here, baby girl."
You press yourself against him, his own arms holding you in a tight embrace, terrified of ever letting you go again.
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After the world fell apart, you, Simon, and your dad had been on the road together. You watched as they gradually changed right before your eyes. As the smiles and laughing and jokes they used to easily share over BBQs and working on cars disappeared and were instead replaced by paranoia, anger, dejectedness.
You grew more and more quiet as time went on. You had no idea how to survive something like this, whereas they got the three of you by alright. Hunting and scavenging. Even killing, once it became necessary.
You still remembered the first time Simon ever shot someone.
You'd been looting supplies from a local grocery store, which had, unfortunately, already been pretty-well picked over. You had wandered into the back when you'd felt a pair of arms wrap around your middle and throw you down on the floor. You'd only had enough time to scream as loud as you possibly could before a boot met the soft flesh of your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. It took you so long to catch your breath, you were afraid a lung had collapsed.
The only thing you saw when you finally looked up, was a very brief glimpse of his face before a bullet went through his head, blood spraying outward before he fell forward—dead.
Simon had kneeled down next to you, pulling you against his chest as you began to cry. "Baby girl, I'm sorry."
You'd never clung to him before like you did in that moment.
You didn't know what it was—gratefulness, trauma bonding, the fact he made you feel safe—but after that day, you began to look at him differently.
You were in your early-twenties, so no longer a child, but obviously now was not the time to admit some girlish crush on your dad's best friend. You felt mortified that you felt that way in the first place. Especially when you looked at the new state of the world around you.
But as the three of you walked, you couldn't help but admire his tall stature, broad shoulders and strong chest, the veins in his rough hands, the way he carried himself. Even his voice.
He'd only caught you staring once or twice, to which you'd always looked quickly away.
He had thought nothing of it.
He didn't think of you like that. Never had. He'd known you your entire life.
You were okay with nothing more ever coming from whatever it was that you felt. It was just nice to feel something other than fear for once.
Until grief consumed you when your dad died.
He'd gotten bit and forced the two of you to leave him behind. You'd begged and pleaded to stay with him, out of your mind with denial. You told him he'd be okay. You'd find medicine—something—and he'd be okay. He had to be. He was your whole world. You couldn't live without him. Couldn't live in a world where he no longer existed. That you'd never stand a chance of surviving without him there to protect you.
He'd told you that he loved you. That you were his whole heart and the best thing he ever did. That he was proud of you.
That Simon would take care of you from now on.
Simon had had to pull you away, even if you'd fought against him with everything you had, until you had relented, for your dad. It was his last wish.
You'd only been walking for a handful of minutes before you heard the gunshot.
After, your feelings constantly rotated through anger, grief, mourning, depression, hopelessness, rage...it took a long, long time to try and accept that your dad was gone. Even just barely.
You and Simon didn't talk much at first. Neither of you knew what to say. Maybe you had nothing left to say.
He did as your dad had asked of him: he protected you, kept you safe and fed. You tried to contribute as best you could, even if you didn't see the point. That's how you both felt. But you kept going for him.
Sometimes you resented your dad for it. Because all you wanted to do sometimes was lie down and give up.
The first time it happened was nearly three weeks later. The two of you had been lying on your sleeping bags, you staring up at the stars, head empty, apart from one thought.
It hadn't been about lust. Hadn't been about your crush that you'd forgotten about as soon as that biter had latched onto your dad's shoulder.
It had been about...working something out of yourself. You didn't have many options in terms of working out your problems—you couldn't exactly start firing off rounds out of anger; it'd waste ammo you didn't have, not to mention what it might attract. You couldn't expend your energy trying to hunt down biters that might bring you to the same fate as your father.
"Do you want to have sex?"
You weren't sure whether you hoped he was awake or not.
"No." Had been his immediate answer.
But you decided not to listen. You stood, walking over to him, lying down next to him, trying to press yourself against him, reaching down, trying to find his cock, even if it was flaccid.
He'd promptly rolled over, turning his back to you. "Go the fuck to sleep."
"No," you repeated back at him. Then you'd slid your hand along the side of him. "Please," you'd whispered, your voice pleading.
He'd remained silent. "Please, Simon. Please."
He'd growled, rolling back to his other side, hand coming up to wrap firmly, but gently around your throat. "I said get away from me."
Undeterred, you'd reached down, finding him hard. You'd gently squeezed his erection over his pants and his grip around your throat had tightened. "Stop it."
You did it again, palming him. "Please."
"I don't have any goddamn condoms. Are you stupid?"
When had he grown to hate you so much? You didn't care. You hated him, too. It should've been him instead. At least if it had been, your dad would still be here.
"I don't care," you'd craned your neck toward him, trying your utmost to press your lips to his, but he'd held firm.
He studied you for a moment, the look on his face hard, if not nearly irate.
Finally, he pulled you toward him, crushing his lips to yours so hard that it hurt. He'd grown a thick beard by this point, no longer seeing the point in shaving. The wiry hairs scraped against your soft skin, but it didn't matter. You knew: you wanted the pain. Wanted more of it.
He'd climbed on top of you, roughly pulling against his belt, unzipping his jeans, and then his erection sprang free. He scooted higher until his cock was directly in your face. "This what you want? Huh? Whole world fuckin' gone to shit and this is what's on your mind?" His voice was raised, breaths ragged, and all you could do in response was nod.
He'd gripped the back of your head, fingers tangling painfully in your hair as he forced your mouth down the full length of him.
You gagged as he shoved himself further down, using both hands to fuck himself inside your mouth.
The only sounds to fill the previously silent forest were you gagging for air—gagging against him—him grunting and moaning.
Drool covered the length of him, the salty taste of pre-cum coated your tongue.
You looked up to him, desperate for him to slip out of you long enough to let you get a breath of air.
Instead, he’d looked down. “You wanna breathe?”
You’d done your best to nod, despite his hands holding you firmly down on him.
He shoved himself further in, your nose pressed against his stomach. “Take it. Fucking all of it. Swallow it.”
You’d choked against him—his thick length filling your throat. Tears stung your eyes and you felt dizzy, black spots filling your vision.
Finally, he pulled out and you drew in a long, ragged gasp of air. His thick cock hung before you, covered in spit and dripping cum.
He grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks between his fingers, stroking his cock with his free hand. “Open your fucking mouth. Now.”
You did. Wide, sticking out your tongue.
He sneered.
You wondered if it was in disgust. You felt the same toward yourself. Not even you understood what had come over you. What the hell you were doing.
You didn’t care to think long enough on it to try and find out. All you wanted was his cock back in your mouth so you could focus on sucking him off instead.
He shoved himself back in and laughed. Laughed. “Looks like daddy’s 'good little girl' isn’t so fucking good after all.” He gripped your hair again, bobbing your head against him over and over. “Fucking whore.”
You choked on him again, but he'd merely kept going. “Finally found a use for you. All this time looking after you and for what? Risking my ass to keep yours fed? Guess I found my repayment.”
He slipped out until only the tip of him was on your tongue, then plunged back in so hard that it had hurt.
“Swallow my fucking cock, you stupid slut.”
You circled your tongue around him as best you could and his hips jerked. “Do it again.”
You did as you were told and he moaned.
He slipped himself out of your mouth once more, then stood. “Take off your goddamn clothes.”
You couldn't get undressed fast enough.
Once the two of you had not a stitch of clothing on you, you spread your legs apart and he snorted. He then got on his knees, grabbed you roughly by the hips, and flipped you onto your front side, your ass in the air. He used one hand to direct himself inside of you—shoving himself into your cunt in one swift motion, which made you cry out in pain—the other pushing your head into the dirt.
“You made me do this,” he said each word between rough grunts.
As he pounded into you brutally from behind, all you could think was how good it felt to finally do so: feel.
Even that, even pain. Even humiliation.
It didn't take long for his climax to build, and when he finished, it was all over your back, his cum warm...and there was so much of it. You'd briefly wondered when he last came. Then you'd thought how you didn't really care.
When he fell back on his ass, he'd taken a moment to look at your gaping red hole, satisfied with his work. He didn't give a shit if you'd finished as he dressed himself.
You stood, doing the same after cleaning him off of you.
Neither of you spoke another word to the other before lying down and both of you falling quickly to sleep.
When you woke the next morning, it’d been to a new soreness between your legs, but it felt good.
Simon glanced to you every few moments, and you didn't know it, but he’d been filled with complete fucking guilt. How could he have done that? Have spoken to you like that? You were such a good girl. Innocent, sweet. He’d been so fucking rough with you. Had…had that been your first time? Did you consider it a mistake? Or something worse? Something so terrible he couldn't even think the word.
“We should talk about last night.”
You didn't even look at him, but you did roll your eyes. “No.”
“Y/N,” he said, taking a step closer to you.
You felt disgusted by the guilty tone of his voice.
You looked up to him. “I wanted to get fucked and you gave it to me. We don’t need to talk. About anything. Got it?”
You started heading out of the woods, toward the road.
His feelings of guilt quickly fled him, instead replaced with a need to fill that foul fucking mouth again.
As the two of you traversed this road and that, you tried not to focus on whatever had happened to you—your sudden change in demeanor. It had started before last night: the feelings of absolute hate that now filled you.
Simon had gotten his release, but not you. Instead, you'd just felt sexually frustrated. You looked at him with a glare, at how relaxed he seemed, then back to the road. Prick.
You didn't know it, but when the two of you raided a pharmacy, Simon had taken nearly every single condom he could find, stuffing them into his backpack as he looked at you—thinking about all the things he wanted to make you do and do to you.
That night, after a rabbit dinner, he'd leaned back against a tree, and stared at you staring into the fire.
“Do you want to fuck?” He asked.
You looked at him and shrugged. “Sure.”
You took your time undressing, while all he bothered doing was pulling his pants down, rolling a condom over his already-hard member.
“Where did you get those?”
You didn't even nod in reply before straddling his lap, easing him into you with your dominant hand. You threw your head back and moaned in the back of your throat.
He gripped your hips so tightly you were sure he’d leave bruises. In fact, you hoped he would.
You'd begun to ride him, roughly, the back of his shirt scraping against the tree bark behind him. You'd reached up one hand, gripping his hair, forcing his head back, the other coming up to grip his face. You stared down at him with loathing as you looked into his eyes.
“I fucking hate you. It should’ve been you.”
You'd rode him harder, growing wetter.
He smacked your ass.
“Fuck you,” you said before crushing your lips against his.
He'd then pulled away. “Already are, you stupid slut.” He spanked you again and you clenched around him. So he did it again and again, alternating between ass cheeks.
Until, finally, he gripped both, guiding you against him as you began to bounce on his member.
When you came, it was so overpowering that you had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming in ecstasy. You drew blood.
He followed shortly after, your tight walls clenching, encouraging him toward the edge.
Everyday became like that. For awhile. There were times the two of you fucked up to five times a day—sometimes having to stop in the middle of a road, or doing it up against a tree, him rutting away behind you, hand fisted in your hair as filthy obscenities spilled from his mouth.
Once, you did it against the counter of some office you’d looked through—your feet dangling, your stomach flat against the countertop as the edges pressed painfully into your ribs, him fucking himself inside of you, telling you how pathetic you were, both of you cumming twice and loudly.
Another time, you’d been in a store and had knocked the shelf he’d been fucking you against over, your legs wrapped around his hips, both of you completely naked. You had been so wet it’d gotten all over your thighs and stomach. He’d mocked you relentlessly the entire time about it, about how disgusting it was that you could get that turned on when you’d just watched him kill a bunch of rotting, walking corpses outside. That you were truly fucked in the head now.
A number of nights he fucked you much like the first one—into the dirt, refusing to look at you, or teasing you with his cock, telling you that you didn’t deserve it until you proved that you really needed it. He made you do humiliating things to earn it, like tell him your most depraved fantasies. And then he used them against you when you least expected it.
But he always made them come true. Always. Those were the times the both of you came the hardest.
One time, you’d come across an abandoned neighborhood. He’d selected a house for you to stay in while he scavenged nearby.
When he returned, you’d been in the master bedroom, ass in the air, hand between your thighs as you rubbed away and fingered yourself.
He’d loudly dropped his bag, but you had barely given a reaction at his presence behind you. Other than slightly turning your head back to him, never stopping with rubbing your dripping cunt, and telling him to “get out”.
He’d walked over to the closet, found a satin tie and climbed onto the bed behind you.
You’d stopped touching yourself then as he leaned over you, breath hot against your ear as he told you lowly “this is what happens when you play with toys and don’t share with others”.
He’d bound your wrists together, then knotted the tie around the wrought-iron headboard.
He’d found another tie and yanked your head back. “I don’t want to fucking hear that foul mouth while I fuck you. Turns me off.”
Even though you knew otherwise.
He didn’t gag you with it until you nodded your head.
Finally, he’d climbed off the bed, breathing raggedly, heart pounding as he removed his belt.
“I’m going to spank you with this, little girl, and I’m not fucking stopping until I’ve broken skin. Do you understand me? It’s time you learn a lesson.”
You looked back to him, erection bobbing between his legs, then to his leather belt and then to him.
You nodded again.
“Let’s start then.”
He wailed against your bottom hard enough to make you cry out in pain and tears sprang to your eyes.
He huffed. “Not hard enough. Guess I need to try again.”
He brought the belt back down and you choked against the tie.
“Still not hard enough.” He walked around to the side of you and squeezed your face in his hand. “Maybe I should put my back into it. What'd’ya say, sweetheart?”
You nodded eagerly.
He studied you for only a moment before walking back behind you and bringing the belt down as hard as he could.
You screamed in agony that time.
“Now we’re getting somewhere,” was the last thing he said before you heard his belt clatter to the floor and the mattress dipped behind you and he plunged his throbbing erection between your dripping folds. “Oh yeah, much fucking better.”
He fucked you brutally that night. You’d been in tears the entire time, drooling against that tie, snot running down your face and you were so wet you could hear it.
And your ass hurt horribly as he pounded into you from behind.
“You like that, you needy little cunt? Hm? That what you wanted from me? You wanted me to fucking hurt you? God, you’re so fucked up.”
You clenched around him.
“Jesus Christ, you should be ashamed of yourself.”
You clenched again. And then he fucked you harder.
After coming once, he’d tossed the used condom on the floor before walking around and untying your mouth. He smirked at the sight of the pillow below you, even your breasts, covered in spit and drool.
“Open your hole.”
You opened your mouth, wide, and he shoved himself in.
Your lips closed around him and the both of you moaned.
You bobbed your head against him, hollowing your cheeks, sucking as hard as you could, swirling your tongue around him.
He leaned back, his cock jamming against the back of your throat before standing straight again. He gripped the hair at the top of your head, forcing your eyes to look up at him standing over you, the tie around your wrists pulling tightly. “This is all you’re fucking good for, you dumb bitch. Having your holes fucked. This is the only use for that pretty little mouth. I can’t stand a single goddamn word that comes out of it. The sound of you sucking me off is so much better.”
He slips out, quickly grabbing your face, slapping you with his other hand. “Open, slut.”
You did and he forced your mouth back down. “I’m startin’ to get bored with that disgusting overused pussy. Maybe I’ll just fuck your ass next.”
You whimper, liking the sound of that.
“You like that, you nasty bitch?”
You suck harder.
“Yeah, I bet you do.”
He slips out of your throat again and you whine, looking up at him as he jacks himself off for a moment. Then he slaps you again and again. “Open. Open your fucking mouth.”
He brutally fucks the back of your throat, using both hands to control your head movements.
He doesn’t stop until you’re choking on his cum. He then unties your wrists
He puts on another condom, even though you feel exhausted. He eases into you from behind, wrapping your hair around his fist and he fucks you one last time, holding your backside against his front, palming your breasts, pulling painfully against your nipples.
He reaches down, slapping his palm against your clit and you cry in pain.
“Good. Keep crying. It makes my fucking dick hard.”
He does it again, then wraps his hand around your throat, gently squeezing. You clench around him and he squeezes harder.
“Mm, please.”
“Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear you talking. You want me to lose my erection?”
He reaches around, shoving his fingers in your mouth and you suck on them.
“Good little whore. Just like that.”
It’s only a few moments later when your breathing becomes more ragged, you begin clenching more quickly around him.
“You’re fucking close aren’t you? Go ahead, then. Come on my cock. Do it, you nasty fucking cunt.”
And you do. And you cry as it washes over you, fucking yourself back against him, riding out your high. Riding him.
He follows right after, shoving you face-first down into the mattress, not stopping until he’s satiated. He then gets off the bed, walking into the adjoining bathroom and returning with a couple towels. He tosses one at you.
“Clean yourself up.”
You wipe yourself off. Your face, your backside, your pussy and once you’ve deemed yourself clean enough, you lie down.
Simon had tossed his dirty towel in the bathtub and when he returns to the bedroom, you’re lying on top of the covers trembling, quietly crying, curled in on yourself.
He lies down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and you quickly sit up, pushing him away. “Get off of me! Get the fuck away from-”
He grabs you, forcing your arms down to your sides. “Stop fighting me and let me fucking hold you.”
You hang your head and begin to sob.
He tentatively wraps you in his arms again before pulling you into his chest. He pulls the covers back, settling them over you. He brings one hand up to very gently massage your head. “Just close your eyes. Get some rest,” he says it quietly against the dark of the room.
He pulls you impossibly closer and you fall asleep like that, breathing in the scent of him, counting the steady rises and falls of his chest.
When you wake in the morning, it’s to the feeling of Simon’s hands rubbing something cool and slippery on your ass.
You’d eventually, at some point in the night, rolled over onto your stomach, which was how you were laying now.
You try to sit up, but he grips the backs of your thighs. “Hold still.”
You look back at him. “What the hell are you doing? What is that?”
“Triple antibiotic. And lotion. Should’ve cleaned my fucking belt off before I used it on you.”
Your brows furrow. “Why?”
“To make sure you don’t get a goddamn infection. Fuck knows what’s gotten on it over time-”
“Who cares?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid.
You continue. “Who gives a shit if I get an infection, Simon? You should want that anyway. You’d finally be rid of me.”
He frowns and you roll your eyes, turning away from him.
“Means I’d have to find a new fuck toy. And the market isn’t exactly booming.”
You roll your eyes again.
Finally, he stands, walking around to the side of the bed and he sits. He squirts some lotion onto his hands, then reaches toward your face, which now has finger-shaped bruises.
You flinch away and he freezes.
He gently reaches toward you again, rubbing it into your cheeks, making sure he doesn’t miss a spot.
You’d spent the rest of the day in the house, lying on your stomach for most of it, far too sore to sit down. That night, you and Simon had eaten some jars of Chef Boyardee for dinner. And you’d fallen asleep with him holding you once again, even if you’d told him to fuck off somewhere else. That you hated when he touched you unless you were fucking.
You ignored your body slowly wrapping around his for warmth.
After that night, he never slapped you during sex again and grew angry whenever you asked for it. Not even taunting him got him to do it.
Eventually, the sex grinded to a halt. It became a couple times a day, then once, then every other day, then every other week.
You told him you’d grown bored of him. That his cock just didn’t do it for you anymore. He told you he felt likewise, that he’d used you all up, stretched you out. Wished he had a tighter cunt to play with.
You said horrible things to each other until you stopped speaking altogether.
And then you stopped eating.
And he stopped caring whether you did.
You killed walker after walker, hating every one you laid eyes on.
He told you you’d become a little monster yourself.
You told him you hated him and hoped he died and became one of them.
He told you likewise. At least he wouldn’t have to look at you anymore.
And then had come the night when something inside of you broke.
You’d been doing…quite badly for awhile. Each day got worse. You no longer felt angry. You didn’t feel anything. All you thought all day long were horrible things about yourself. And then you felt it: you were worse than the walkers. He’d been right: you were a monster.
And he’d be better off if you were gone.
So you’d left while he slept, leaving everything behind with him, minus a knife to kill with.
You decided you didn’t care anymore what happened to you. You knew he wouldn’t look for you.
Until he found you, out of his mind with anger at what you’d done. You’d merely stood there numbly as he yelled at you, telling you how fucking stupid you were, asking if you had any idea what could’ve happened to you.
You didn’t respond.
And then he’d finally opened his eyes and saw what he’d turned you into.
You looked just like them: a walking corpse. A shell of the girl you once were. Your eyes were completely empty and it fucking terrified him.
When he tried to touch you, you'd flinched, afraid.
You told him to kill you.
He refused. And then cried. You’d just stood there and watched.
He’d got on his knees and begged for your forgiveness for the things he’d done to you. Had pressed his forehead against your stomach, his trembling hands holding onto your hips. Had asked you to forgive those horrible things he’d said. How brutal he’d been when you had sex, using your for your body.
You said nothing in return. You didn’t care.
Not anymore.
Eventually, the two of you came across a small cottage in the woods. It wasn’t much, but there was a small garden you began to tend. You thought of dying every day, but kept breathing because he refused to give you your gun back. Or let you out of his sight.
You slowly began to gain weight again, even if food didn’t seem appetizing anymore.
You slept. A lot. Nearly all the time, really. You didn’t have interest in doing much of anything else.
Simon began to grow out his beard again—having shaved some time ago before he gave you oral once. Even if you’d insisted you didn’t mind, didn’t give a shit.
He tended a fire at night, making you both dinner, and you only traded a few meaningless words as a poor excuse at conversation here or there.
Until the night he refused to let you wallow in your misery any longer. Not without finally hearing him out.
“I’m sorry.”
You’d looked at him.
“After your dad-”
“I don’t care.”
You’d stood, tossing your blanket on the floor, but he’d gently grabbed your hand, pulling you into his lap, even if you withdrew from his touch in disgust. “Please come back to me,” he’d whispered, tears in his eyes. “Please. I can’t survive this without you.”
You looked at each other. For a long time.
You knew the things he’d said before—he’d not meant any of it. You’d known that all along. Just as you’d not meant the things you had said to him. You’d both just been so angry. So lost. You needed someone—anyone—to take it out on.
Sometimes it felt good when you hurt him. Even just for a second. You tried to ignore when the guilt set in.
He reached up then, cupping your cheek, and you let him.
He rubbed his thumb along your lower lip. Then leaned up and kissed you. So, so carefully.
And then he did it again. And again. He gently gripped your hips. “I want you. So please…”
You’d stood, taking his hand. “How?”
He’d nodded to the floor, the plush rug before the hearth. “Here.”
He’d slowly undressed you. Before he removed each item of your clothing, he’d looked at you, asking silently for permission. And you’d granted it each time.
And then he began to undress himself, until you sat up, your hands resting over his.
He let you take over without a second thought.
Once the two of you were naked, you explored his body with your hands. The hard planes of his abdomen had now softened a bit and you smiled slightly to yourself at that, for some reason liking it. And then you lightly touched his hips, his thighs, his calves. You reached up and gently tugged against his beard.
“Do you want me to get rid of-”
You’d promptly shaken your head before softly pressing your fingertips against his cheeks, then brows.
You pressed your lips to his, then laid back on the floor.
He’d leaned over you, softly cupping your cheeks, tracing your lips, then running the palm of one hand down the plane between your breasts, down your stomach, then gently squeezing your hips, touching your thighs. He planted kisses to your knees.
“You’re so beautiful,” he’d whispered.
You didn’t believe it, but you believed that he did.
He’d lain his body over yours, gripping himself in his hand. “I’d like to make love to you.”
You suddenly realized you’d never done that before. It’d always been so violent and angry when the two of you joined your bodies together.
You reached down, taking him into your hand instead and you guided him into you.
He’d been so slow as he eased in and out of you you were sure it was going to take all night. So you’d tried to wrap your legs around him, tried to scoot closer to begin fucking yourself against him, until he’d gently pressed your hips into the floor.
That was what he had taught you sex was. He hated himself for it. What he’d done to you.
“We have all the time in the world, angel. We don’t have to rush. Not this night.”
You hadn’t understood, but you’d planted your feet back on the floor.
After some time, he’d lifted you into his lap, still deep inside of you, and gently tugged against your hips before wrapping his arms around you. You began to move against him.
He tucked some hair behind your ear. “That’s it, sweetheart. Just like that. Take your time.”
You pressed your forehead against his and whimpered.
“Shh, I’m right here. Just go slow, baby girl.”
Tears stung your eyes. That’d always been his name for you. When had he last called you it? You could no longer remember.
You laid your cheek against his shoulder, rocking your hips slowly against his, quietly crying.
Neither of you came that night. It hadn’t been about that. You’d just…enjoyed the intimacy. For hours. Until you fell asleep with him inside of you.
He’d carried you to bed, wrapping you in quilts before lying down beside you, holding you close.
You'd both slept until well after noon. When you woke, you'd traipsed into the kitchen to start cutting up some of the vegetables you'd recently harvested, Simon's shirt hanging from your frame, before you felt a pair of strong arms slowly wrapping around you from behind.
"I can do that?"
You shook your head, holding up a slice of potato, which he took from you, chewing on it. "It's ok."
So the two of you had sat and ate slices of potato covered in salt for breakfast. You didn't speak. Your only contact was one of your feet resting over his under the table.
And then you'd both gone back to bed and lied on your sides, looking into each other's eyes. Occasionally, he'd brush his fingers along the skin of your cheek, or you'd run your fingers through his beard.
Until, finally, you fell asleep again.
Everyday became like that. Eating, sleeping, few words shared between you. Communicating primarily through soft touches and gentle looks.
Sometimes it felt wrong. Because it wasn't what you were used to. Sometimes...sometimes you thought you wanted to go back to the way things were: him fucking you until you were both so raw neither of you could barely stand to walk, him continually adjusting himself trying to get comfortable as you traveled. Or fighting—saying the worst things imaginable about each other. Insulting one another's looks or short-comings or how you were in bed. Telling each other how you thought one another would die.
"You'll get bit. Only a matter of time. Fuckin' stupid enough to let it happen."
"Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll put that gun in your mouth one night. At least I won't have to be around you anymore. Probably just let the biters have you."
Even the sex became less rough and more...violent.
Him throwing you around, you hitting him, both of you leaving bruises on the other, him pulling out your hair, you leaving him covered in deep bleeding scratch marks, hoping they'd get infected. Or at the very least leave him in pain.
You both told the other nearly every day how much you hated each other. And just how deeply. How you wish you'd never met.
And yet you still stayed together.
One night at the cottage, Simon had been sitting in a recliner, looking at the fire and you'd gotten up from bed in search of him, wrapped in a quilt, naked underneath.
You'd climbed into his lap like that, legs bent, head resting against his chest. He'd placed one hand against your back, the other in your lap, which you took in both of your own hands, amusing yourself by tracing his callouses.
He'd rocked the both of you until you fell asleep there.
You'd woken first and placed a featherlight kiss on his lips. His eyes had fluttered open.
"Hi," you'd said softly, pressing more soft kisses to his eyelids, his cheeks, his chin.
"Morning," he replies quietly. "Did you sleep okay?"
You nod, resting your head back on his chest. "Yes."
He wraps his arms around you again. "Me too."
You close your eyes for a moment, until he speaks again.
"It's okay if you tell me no. But I'd like to eventually talk about...what happened to us out there."
You lift your head and bring one of your hands up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb against it. "It's not that I don't want to. I just...don't know how."
He begins to slowly rock the two of you. "I know, baby girl. It won't...be easy. I just...I think I just need to..." he sighs. "Guess I don't either," he says with a quiet chuckle.
After eating, the two of you had gone out to sit on the porch, your feet resting in his lap as you sat on the porch swing.
He didn't look at you as he spoke, massaging your feet. "The shit I said... Maybe at the time I thought I meant it. I was just so...so pissed off all the time. I was in pain, so I wanted to cause it, too. And you were there. Every hour of every day. So I made you into my own personal punching bag. Having brutal sex with you, saying evil shit... Sometimes it made me feel better, or made me forget how much I hated myself. I never bothered to pay attention to what it—I—was doing to you. Until it was too late."
You slid your feet from his hands, then climbed into his lap, sitting on his thigh, your eyes looking into his own.
"Simon, I... I wanted it. The angry sex...I asked you for that. I'm not a victim that you created. And I gave just as good as I got. What about the things I said...did? I missed my dad. I hated...everything. Hated just waking up in the morning. So I took all of it out on you, too."
You pressed your forehead to his. "I'm sorry. I never meant it: telling you that I wished you were dead." When you looked into his eyes, your own were shimmering with tears. "Because I would be without you. You kept me alive all that time. Despite no longer having a reason to."
You pressed your lips to his.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you against him. "I'm sorry too, baby girl." He began to sob.
You'd cradled the back of his head as he cried for what felt like hours. And you cried with him. The two of you kept apologizing to the other over and over and over again.
He told you he never wanted to have sex like that again.
You told him you weren't sure that you ever wanted to have sex again in general.
He told you he was okay with that. Even if guilt filled him at knowing he'd made it such an ugly thing for you to endure. He wasn't entirely sure that he believed you'd wanted it like that every time. He didn't want to think about the time he'd fucked you while you were on your period, telling you how revolting you were, but that the sight of the blood turned him on, because he could imagine what it would be like to watch you die.
You had slumped into the dirty mattress he'd taken you on then and sobbed as he finished into his condom.
You'd stayed away from him for the rest of the night, crying quietly across the room.
He wanted to stick a gun in his mouth for it.
Finally, he told you he loved you. More than anything in the entire world.
And you repaid the sentiment.
He said you were meant to be together.
You agreed with that.
And you knew the reason the two of you felt that way was because of what you'd gone through together—had put each other through. No one else would ever understand the other the way you two did.
He'd carried you back into the house, just liking the feeling of you safe in his arms, and he took you to bed and laid on his side looking down at you, telling you over and over and over how much he loved you.
That he would until his heart stopped beating.
You asked him through tears to please not talk about such a terrible thing.
He'd nodded, kissing you.
Later that evening, you'd gone outside and sat in the grass side-by-side. You watched the lightning bugs all around the property, flickering here and there. And he watched you.
You ate venison that night. Simon had killed it a couple days prior, then cooked the meat. You made a vegetable soup, at least as best you could. He told you it was the best meal he'd ever had.
Sometimes when you slept, you had horribly vivid nightmares. Sometimes they were about Simon doing terrible things to you. Sometimes they were memories.
But when you woke, he always took you into his arms and promised that you were safe now. That you could close your eyes again; it was okay.
One morning, Simon had found you in front of an open window at the front of the cottage, watching birds playing in the birdbath outside. He's wrapped you in a blanket and then his arms. "What're you thinking about?"
You laid your head back against him. "I keep waiting for this to end. For one of us to die, or for me to wake up and find out this was all just a dream. For us to go back to the people we were. Or for this place to get overrun or be taken from us. Nothing good lasts anymore."
"We've made it this far."
At what cost, you'd thought.
He'd brought his lips close your ear. "Maybe we can try and make this our new home?"
You'd only nodded slightly. "Maybe."
You should've never bothered.
It was a month later when a pack of four men stumbled across the cozy abode. Simon had been outside chopping wood when he heard them in the woods nearby. He'd come inside in a panic, shoving things into a bag for you.
He'd told you that you had to get out, that he'd find you.
"N-no, we can't be apart. Simon, please-"
He'd cupped your cheeks firmly. "Baby girl, you have to. We don't have time to talk about this. I will find you. I will find you, but you have to leave now."
They were now pounding on the front door.
"Slip out the back and I'll distract them while you run. Sweetheart, no matter what you do, do not stop running. And if you come across another person, kill them. Don't trust anyone."
"How will you-"
"We know someone is in there! C'mon out. Just want to talk. Nice lil' place you got here. Ain't no place this nice without a woman's touch." You heard some laughing and your bowels turned to water.
He crushed his lips to yours then. "I love you. Now go."
You spent weeks alone on the road after. Every time you heard a twig snap in the forest or the sound of a bird's wings taking flight, you'd jerked in this direction or that one, uttering his name, praying he'd finally done as he'd promised and found you.
But that never happened.
The both of you had only just begun to mend what had broken between the both of you and then...you were torn apart.
You were forced into being strong, no longer having him to rely on for survival. You scavenged on your own, took down walkers on your own, built your own fires.
Even despite how much you had grown to despise each other, he'd still made sure to teach you the necessities. And you loved him all the more for it.
Every day you spent wandering aimlessly.
Until one evening, you came upon large steel walls and a gate. You'd only just looked up long enough to see someone aiming a rifle at you before you blacked out.
And when you'd come to, it'd been like you'd been dropped into a whole new world.
Acclimating to Alexandria had been...difficult. You kept everyone at arm's length, and walked by that gate every day, considering going back out there. Perhaps permanently.
Until you adjusted, which had taken a long while to come around to.
You'd only told Deanna half-truths during your initial interview. And you knew that she knew that you were withholding half of your story. She told you as much. Then told you she was okay with it. She understood.
You'd cried.
And then she'd given you a job, helping with the pantry. She said it was, at the very least, something which would help occupy your time and hopefully take your mind off of whatever you'd endured out there.
And so you went to work every day. Olivia was cordial with you. Nice even. She understood you didn't want to make friends. So you worked in amicable silence.
And you slowly began to make the house you'd been given into a home.
Had started taking daily walks around Alexandria. You'd never know it, but Deanna watched you some days, a small smile on her face.
One afternoon, Spencer had been waiting on your porch for you when you got back. He'd asked you to sit, then nervously asked you over to dinner, offering to make anything you wanted.
You'd turned him down. Told him you were still in love with someone else. And that that fact would never change.
He'd pushed further, telling you that whoever he was was gone now. That you could move on and not have to feel guilty about it.
You'd stood without another word and slammed the door in his face.
He didn't try again after that.
You didn't want to consider his words as being true: that you'd never see Simon again. You didn't want to think he was...dead.
That one small conversation had sent you into a spiral. One where all you could think were the horrible things you'd put him through. What if he was gone and the last thing that went through his mind was you telling him that he deserved it?
You'd started volunteering to go on runs then. And you looked for him everywhere, but never found him. Not a trace.
Until he found you.
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Once you and Simon finally stood, breathless from kissing, you'd firmly twined your fingers between his and led him inside your house, locking the door behind you.
He'd carried you upstairs to your bedroom and the two of you couldn't get undressed fast enough.
You'd made love repeatedly. Had said all those things you should've before. Had told each other of the things you'd done and been through while apart.
Simon had promised you'd never ever be parted again. That he would either stay in Alexandria, or you would come back to the Sanctuary with him. But going back out there...it wasn't an option.
Eventually, Simon had left you for just a moment. Long enough to go outside for just a moment.
A fellow savior had told him they were just finishing up.
He'd told them he was staying for now. And to relay a message to Negan: he finally found what he'd been looking for.
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moodymisty · 9 months
How do you think various legions would react to a primarch's lover? Especially if they're mostly a regular mortal. We got a hint of it with your Guilliman piece, so I'm biased and wonder what other headcanons you have for how the Ultramarines reacting to Guilliman's lover. Any ideas you have for Angron, Perturabo, and Dorn would be great to read too! 💙❤️💛
[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
[ Part 2, Part 3 ]
Author's Note: So, I might've gotten carried away. I decided to just do the ones you mentioned, but I have drafts for the other legions so if anyone is interested in seeing those as well, feel free to say. I hope this is what you were looking for, and that you enjoy :3
Relationships: Implied Perturabo/Gn!Reader, Angron/Gn!Reader, Roboute Guilliman/Fem!Reader (because of the term 'lady'), Rogal Dorn/Fem!Reader (because of the term 'lady')
Warnings: None really apart from the toxicity that's expected of romancing a Primarch, Typical 40kness
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➧ Iron Warriors:
Absolutely not lmao. Haul ass if you see these guys look at you funny.
The legion of brutal industrialism isn't going to tolerate their Primarch thinking of anything beyond the scope of their ambitions for war. Part of you swears it's something that's just hard wired into them.
So while you might love Perturabo, his legion does not love you. Asking for respect would be a joke. Perturabo might be able to beat them into not saying anything, but they have to hold their tongues quite hard between their teeth.
Needless to say, your first introduction hadn't gone well. It's not a scene you want to remember.
It's all sort of a cruel irony; Given Perturabo has always had desires beyond being just a war machine, but his legion treats his foray into love with the same horrible attitude that Perturabo has come to viciously hate about them.
It all makes you feel like you're wedged between two massive walls. Perturabo is borderline obsessive over you, but his Legion treats you as if you're a plague upon their Primarch. Neither is willing to budge on the matter. The walls keep squeezing closer and closer together, and you're trapped right in the middle. You sometimes wonder who is going to snap first.
Most of them just actively ignore you, which you won't complain about. You give most of them- apart from a few of the more amicable Iron Warriors- quite a wide berth. The less time around them the better.
Just let Perty be happy, man.
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➧ Imperial Fists:
The way Dorn's legion treats you- you would call it suffocatingly overprotective, but Dorn and his legion call it otherwise. This legion takes everything stupidly seriously. If you leave, you are expected to leave with a retinue of guards, and return by a set time. You will be dragged back if you don't. Your location is known at all times, and while it's reassuring at times to feel safe, at time it feels, stifling.
Though, you knew what you were getting into; So you suppose you can't really complain. You can appreciate that they seem to not think too poorly of you, considering your stature. Being a baseline human amongst Astartes and Primarchs isn't easy, but at least they act somewhat blasé about it. Though it might just be their general dispositions.
They speak to you with the level of formality Dorn orders of them, no more no less. Some of them are a bit confused why The Praetorian even indulges in something like romance, but they don't ask questions. As long as it doesn't interfere with Dorn's ability to do his duty. Any doubts are kept firmly to themselves unless they feel it needs to be brought to attention.
They still treat the Lady of the Imperial Fists with decorum, and some, dare say, even enjoy your company. Communicating with them is certainly interesting however given their stalwart nature. Getting one to crack their neutral expression at a joke is a popular pasttime of yours.
You don't mind it all... Too much. To be respected and protected by them, to even have some you would consider friends- or some odd blending of the term, given some of them have begun referring to you as mother- is something that makes you happy and so unbelievably lucky in this galaxy.
So while it's rigid, it at least makes sense. Dorn makes it up to you by building you your own library room. Don't ask why there isn't any windows.
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➧ World Eaters:
Babe, your Primarch has a legion named the 'World Eaters', what do you think is gonna happen?
But to be serious, it probably isn't the worst Legion to be pulled into- but not by much. The World Eater Astartes are desperate to gain the eye and approval of their genesire, so if scorning you squanders that, then they will accept your existence and bite their tongues. Somewhat.
Khârn specifically doesn't enjoy that his Primarch is distracted by such pursuits.
However he's not going to say he isn't somewhat impressed that you are able to stand ground against Angron as he towers near double your height. You would be nothing but a bug beneath his boot if Angron lost control of the nails for even a moment, but Khârn won't scoff at your ability to hold your expression and not completely crumble whenever he turns your way. You seem to understand the Nucerian Primarch well. Not many within his legion can even claim that honor.
Beyond that however, he wants little more to do with Angron's temporary pursuit, same as his battle brothers. Overtime perhaps he might warm a tad, but don't expect it.
You don't spend much time around them at all. You make them angry for shifting the priorities of their Primarch to things as frivolous as love and lust, and they make you sad as you watch them slowly destroy themselves for little more than bloodlust.
A tragedy, Angron and his legion is. You try not to think about it all too much.
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➧ Ultramarines:
The Ultramarines have a distinct attitude for you, as Guilliman choosing a beloved wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. It takes time, and while they respect you at first, overtime they'll grow to trust you and even grow fond of you. Titles like Lady of the Ultramarines and Lady Guilliman weight heavy on you, but at least your shock wears off over time. They are still hilariously formal even if they call you titles like 'Legion Mother', and encouragement for them to not act so stiff falls on deaf ears.
They do have their moments where they stop being such terrible sticks in the mud and joke around, and you've noticed they get weirdly prideful if they're the one to make you laugh.
You remember once when Guilliman had left you with one of his lieutenants, you were watching some men getting used to their new Terminator armor. The lieutenant had muttered in disappointment under his breath that one man looked like he had a metal support beam firmly lodged from ass to helm, and you'd snorted into a full laugh. When Guilliman returned, he asked what you'd said when he was gone; Remarking that the lieutenant looked as if he was about to lead a military parade with how puffed he seemed.
There's no time now where there isn't a set of transhuman eyes on you, and part of you wonders the things Guilliman has seen that makes him so willing to splurge such valuable resources.
That's not to say the Ultramarines don't have their doubts about their Primarch's relationship however, at least in a logistical sense. It's mostly thoughts kept to themselves, or spoken by a Captain or Commander to Guilliman in private.
It's not as if they're angry their Primarch is happy, but a normal un-augmented human, one that under the lens of a massive crusade- you are effectively nothing more than a defenseless tool to be used against their Primarch. This behavior and thought process gets dialed up and stays for longer if you're dealing with 41st Millennium Ultramarines, given their zealotry towards their gene-sire's supposed divinity.
The Ultramarines are by far one of the better Legions to 'marry' into so to speak. They are organized, respectful, and many even slowly come to treat you as a sort of respected figure. Many will defend you with everything they have without hesitation. They have their doubts, but you'll admit they are reasonable doubts for them to have.
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bambisnc · 7 months
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nobody knows [ft j.sc]
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pairing : sungchan x reader! genre : cavity giving coded fluff cw/tw : use of caps + suggestive mention if u blink u'll miss it :P wc : 0.4k ish
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[03.17] Ding!!
bee eff (🦌) : HEY where tf are youuuuuuu it's FREEZING here your hot adn super loving bf is FREEZING alone AT NIGHT for you
you : 3 am is literally not even night,, + if you're hot.. then how are u freezing darling bf ?
bee eff (🦌) : yk what i meant !!! but feel free to elaborate on my being hot 😏😏
you : LMAO ur so cute i'll be right down
quietly making your way out of the house to meet sungchan, your boyfriend. neither of you was yet over the hype that came after having officiated your relationship with the title of dating. after years of pining, the (literal) boy next door and your childhood best friend was finally yours; as much as you were his, of course.
there were a lot of perks of dating your neighbour, to be honest. being able to meet him almost anytime of the day was definitely one of them. there was also, however, the tiny issue of having to ensure that all your rendezvous remained secret.
because, you know, there is the fact that neither of your parents would have been very approving of a partner "at this young an age?! you kids need to be focused on your studies! dating and whatnot will only jeopardize your friendships and make you one of those hermits who stay locked away in their room when a boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you!" you're pretty sure the thing about friendships was somewhat targeted..
you really did try to ignore your feelings for the boy. safe to say, that didn't work out well. his earnest confession and admittance of the fact that he was willing to take responsibility to keep you both a secret and completely hidden from all prying eyes was more than enough for you to brush your lips against the corner of his own and say yes.
bee eff (🦌) : HEAVENLY CHORUS MY GF'S COMIGN GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!! <33333 when ur here i'm gonna hug you so hard frfr. not letting you breathe for like 10 mins AT LEAST
you : oh? not going to let me breathe huh~? very 🥵🥵 of you~
bee eff (🦌) : your mind? out of the gutter please i'm trying to be romantic here!! xx but if that's what you want sure <3 i'll do anything, everything you want forever, i promise.
you've had doubts about this sometimes, a lot of worries, but you've never regretted it – and seeing how sungchan greets you with a huge smile and an exclamation of "yn!! you're here pretty!!" followed by a, as promised, huge hug – you don't think you ever will.
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notes : not even gonna lie i lowkey cried at the last text,..... oh adn kiss of life nobody knows stays winning ty for ocming to my ted talk + [m.list]
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menlove · 3 months
as a card carrying terf I don’t think trans ppl are disgusting and neither does any radfem i’ve ever met, vast majority of us dgaf about trans people specifically; we want single-sex spaces to exist and btw trans people need those single-sex spaces too. trans women deserve to have spaces for Just trans women and cis women deserve spaces with Just cis women etc etc. i highly recommend doing some actual research into radical feminism instead of repeating the "theyre all conservatives who hate gnc people and find trans people disgustinf and want to kill them" that is simply not true lmao. you may be surprised a what you learn! sincerely a gnc lesbian and proud radfem
I have in fact done much research into radical feminism babe! trust me I have spent hours in yalls spaces! and you simply cannot speak for every single terf just as I can't speak for every trans person. you can't say "come on NO ONE IS SAYING-" just like I can't say that either. do you know every terf? have you seen every blog? have you been a trans person (particularly a trans woman) on the internet trying to just exist in peace? no? then you don't get to say "no terf is SAYING-" because yes, a lot of you are!
"no terf thinks trans people are disgusting" cool so when I was 19 and hadn't touched testosterone a day in my life and had she/they in my bio one of you coming into my ask going "I can tell by looking at you that you'll never be a woman lmfao" bc I'm latine w a shitton of body hair and non-eurocentric features, THAT was out of love for ✨women✨.
when yall (not you specifically but your group you associate with) get on twitter and pick apart the selfies women post telling them they're ugly and following it up by saying you KNOW they're "men" and it turns out 9/10 you've just harassed a cis woman who just doesn't meet eurocentric beauty standards, that's so totally cool and awesome and out of love for cis women and a want for separate spaces right?
when yall go into trans people's asks and tell us to kill ourselves, call us pedophiles, call us rapists, call us ugly... that shit just doesn't happen, right? and yes I'm Aware yall get death and rape threats too. you shouldn't, it's gross on both sides, but really it's not proving your point here.
it's fucking infuriating. you're infuriating. because radical feminism could be something worthwhile (and funnily enough I've met a lot of older ex radfem lesbians who have veered away from it bc of how fucking vitrolic yall are towards trans people). but instead, it is steeped and inseparable from the mire of hatred and disgust that you parrot. you don't give a single shit about women, whatever sex.
I'm an assigned female at birth lesbian who has only ever slept with other people with vaginas (consensually anyway). I can't tell you the amount of hate I've gotten from yall. just for being trans. even though I meet your definition of being a woman and being a lesbian. it doesn't matter because your hatred for people you deem as degenerate outweighs actually fucking advocating for feminism.
I'm not even going to argue with you on how useless single sex spaces actually are bc despite their best attempts there's always going to be problems (namely: fun fact cis women can be awful too AND how the fuck are you going to check and enforce this rule? what is your end goal?).
but what I AM going to say is no, sorry, that's NOT what a lot of you think. that's what YOU think. that's why YOU'RE a terf. but actually fucking look at the people around you. go on a trans person's blog or twitter who's receiving harassment and fucking try and tell me it's to promote "uwu safe spaces" like.... be fucking serious with me right now lmfao
you're not conservatives! but you are a bunch of fucking assholes who care more about harassing trans people than building a feminism that might actually have teeth. if you're using those teeth to attack a group more vulnerable than you, you're just an aggressor.
tldr you don't speak for all of them, go fuck yourself, etc
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Synastry aspects with my unforgettable and beloved ex (Personal Experience) *Part-1* 💝👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic about the memories I had with my first ex in these days. I normally don’t reveal my feelings this because I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself and things would go worse as I tend to be impulsive when I really want something. However, I checked our synastry chart last night as I couldn’t sleep and I saw some lovey-dovey aspects as well as heartbreak aspects so let’s dive into it!🤿
His sun conjuncts my moon
💗This is a traditional soulmate aspect and I also think he’s my soulmate. We broke up because we were too young and our parents forced us to. Also, it was because he was moving to another city. If it had not been like that, I’m pretty sure that we would still be together to this day. He has also told me that he felt that we’re soulmates. I felt very comfortable with him most of the times and he just got me. He understood my feelings and I also could tell his feelings just by looking at him. Our energies also sometimes were mixed up. If he was sad, I was sad too and we were not even in the same place at those times. It was like magic. He was like the Ying to my Yang and Romeo to my Juliet. Even though we don’t have mercury aspects, our conversations were always going with the flow and there was not a single time when we had nothing to say. We were friends and also lovers.👫🏻
His moon conjuncts my Venus
💗This is also very warm and sweet, especially in Cancer. We both were romantic but needless to say, as I have a Venus in 12th house, I made more romantic gestures for him than he did for me. Whenever we were together, we stared at each other while holding hands and we smiled and giggled. It was like a scene from a typical high school romance movie. I loved to hold his hands so much. I felt very safe when I held his hands. I used to hug him from behind and from the front and at those times, I just felt like I was at home even though I was at school where I hated the most. I used to rub his cheeks while holding his hands from the other hand when he cried. I felt appreciated with him and we loved each other’s presence. Lovey-dovey for sure!👀
My moon conjuncts his mars
💗This is known as a “baby making” aspect in synastry from my knowledge. And even though we didn’t have sex and he didn’t even touch my private parts and neither did I, I always felt this electric connection flowing in my body whenever he touched my arms and thighs. My blood boiled suddenly and it was special. I felt like he could be the father of my children lmao😭😂. And I also loved staring at him and brushing off his hair when he slept. He was like a cheerleader for me too. He supported me emotionally and I supported him to take actions to achieve his goals. I was prone to anxiety attacks so I had difficulties in studying but he uplifted me and I also helped him learn by studying with him together. The connection between us felt so traditional though. Most of the time, I loved switching gender roles (not in bed). For instance, I didn’t want to become a housewife who stays at home and takes care of children. But with him, I just wanted to marry him, stay at home, nurture him and our children, cook for them and do typical housewife duties.👰🏻‍♀️
His venus trines my mars
💗That also indicates a sexual attraction but his Venus was in Leo and I am allergic to guys with Venus in Leo. I just don’t get along with them normally because they irritate me. They want someone who they can show off to public and I don’t know his intentions towards me but urgh idk I don’t like Venus Leo men (I love girls though). At this point, I think I played as a masculine role and he was in feminine mood because I kissed him first. Yes you saw it. He wasn’t making any moves so I wasn’t patient anymore and I just kissed him and he was soo surprised because in our country, girls don’t normally kiss first. He told me that it turned him on more but in a romantic way and not sexually.😃
My moon conjuncts his Jupiter
💗We were bubbly together. I laughed with him a lot and our relationship was teemed with giggles and crazy laughs. I enjoyed his company and he enjoyed mine too. I felt expanded intellectually when I was with him and I was willing to do everything together with him such as traveling and trying out adventurous activities. I provided him to open up his feelings but he never fully did.🤷🏻‍♀️
My sun squares his mars
💗We rarely fought during our relationship but there was one fight that I can never forget. At that time, he teased me about a trivial matter and I was so serious about it because I was on a period and I lashed out my anger at him. He didn’t get it and he never retreated and went on teasing me so I didn’t talk to him for 3 days even though he was sitting beside me in the class for all those days. He tried so hard to make me talk to him but I kinda insulted his mom and his exes and then, he fought me back (he was a momma boy, he still is). Our argument was intense and explosive. My mars Aries shot his ass off with non-stop cursing words and he also said that I was selfish and etc. The fight ended with the help of mutual friends but during the argument, it was like two tigers fighting for a piece of beef.🐯
His sun sextiles my Venus
💗I have to admit it. I liked him first and I kind of flirted with him. He flirted me back and we got together. From the first time I saw him, I had this lil crush on him like he was my type even though he didn’t meet my expectations. I adored him the way he was. I just felt so positive about him and he told me he felt it too.
My north node squares his moon
💗I have seen in a post on tumblr (I don’t remember the original author sorry) that those people whose personal planets make square aspect to your north node may drag you down or delay you in some way. In other words, they may be the reason for delays and restrictions to get to your life purpose. His moon squares my north node and I had to process our break up for about a year because of his feelings and mine. I don’t know how to explain this but I felt emotionally stuck with him like I could not escape from my own emotions and I felt that he was the one responsible for it.
My Lilith conjuncts his Venus
💗It’s really interesting to see this pattern going on with me because there are 3 guys that I can never forget in my life and two of them have their Venus conjunct my Lilith. I’ve read countless posts about Lilith contacts and I still don’t clearly get who is more obsessed with who but I’m pretty sure I was the one more obsessed with both of them. I couldn’t let go of them even after a long time. This guy and I broke up 3 years ago and look at me, I’m still here, writing a post about the synastry between him and I😭😂. Plus, I felt that I could show my Lilith side to him without worrying about being judged. So if any of you have experiences with Lilith conjunct venus, please share yours freely because I’m so curious!!😩
His Lilith conjuncts my mercury
💗He was obsessed with the way I talked. He told me to talk more with him about various topics because he felt good hearing my voice. I find this funny because my word usages are not even attractive and my voice is also not hot but he said he loved it. He didn’t like it too when I talked to other people, even to my older cousin brother. Pretty bit of a tiny red flag but I was so in love with him so I was blind at that time.😪
My Chiron opposes his Venus
💗This is also a same pattern because I was always heartbroken by guys who had their Venus in aspect with my chiron (not only opposition). People say that Venus conjunction chiron is a marriage aspect and it’s very healing but I got major traumas from a guy whose Venus conjunct my chiron so hmm umm excuse me!? Back to my ex, his Venus is in opposition with my chiron and it was not healing at all. AT ALL. He traumatized me. His parents traumatized me. His friends traumatized me. Honestly, it’s very complicated to explain but the reason why I got bullied and slut-shamed at school is because of him. But those experiences made me stronger and more mature. It brought me to where I am right now and that’s why I don’t regret it. It hurt me so much though. Like a sword in my heart.😔
His Saturn conjuncts my ascendant
💗So, I don’t have much to say about this aspect but I felt insecure with him at some times. Especially when it came to my daily activities and my appearance. I felt that I wasn’t pretty enough and I felt ashamed to mention what I did in my daily life. But this is not very personal because most guys from my class had their Saturn conjunct my ascendant as Saturn moves not so fast and those guys were at the same age with me. In a way, I felt insecure about my appearance with people who were at the same age with me.
His moon conjuncts my ascendant
💗I’m not very sure about this because I don’t know his birth time and the moon can differ from 1-10 degrees forward or backward depending on the birth time. But his moon is at 15 degrees (without birth time) and my ascendant is at 21 degrees, so it conjuncts as of now. I felt at ease with him as I mentioned earlier but I’m going to talk more about this aspect in my later post because his moon is in my 12th house and I have a lot to say about that. Even creepy and paranormal stuffs.🥶
His chiron conjuncts my descendant
💗I searched it up on Google and I saw that the chiron person is destined to give the descendant person a lesson in whatever ways and that is absolutely true. He brought lessons into my life and I’m really grateful for those and interestingly, back in those days, most guys in my class also had their chiron conjunct my descendant and they also brought me lessons and lessons and lessons. The whole class didn’t speak to me FYI. And also the whole school. That’s okay now because I realized that being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely and you can feel lonely even though you’re going out with friends if you’re not in the right circle.
Anyways, I had to write this out because my heart was crying out for him so much and the only thing I can do at this time is writing this and recalling some sweet memories we shared. I have a love-hate relationship with him and currently, I miss him so much and wanna talk to him but I can’t. I wanna g we back with him kinda but as my friend said, there was a reason why I broke up with him and why I blocked him on social media so I shouldn’t go back.
This is the end of this post and remember these are not facts. These are just my personal experiences so take them with a pinch of salt!! Thank you for reading to the end and have a nice day!❤️
•There is gonna be a part-2 for the synastry with this ex and I will be mentioning about house overlays in that post but mainly about moon in 12th house so stay tuned!✨
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14dyh · 7 months
hey! im the one who requested 17 with hange and loved it :) was wondering if u could write an other where hange catches feelings for reader, maybe from hanges pov? still angsty cuz hanges afraid of getting rejected, your choice on how it ends:)
Nebula | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x gn!reader Summary: Hange recognizes their inner conflict about falling in love with you. Word count: 1.3k A/N: aaeegghh I'm glad you like it! sorry this took so long lmao but i already have that kind of part 2 in mind so here you goooo
Sunlight dappled Hange's desk from where you sat. It was a little too early to get up but you wanted to admire the nebula-shaped flower on Hange's desk. The shape, the edges, and even the colors imitating the swirls of light and the glowing stars and clouds that make a nebula made this flower so fascinating to look at. It felt like a cosmic wonder that could be held in mere human hands.
Hange remained asleep in your bed, cuddling your pillow close. They might have a hangover from last night so you were quick to make the both of you a cup of tea. Hange stirred slightly when you entered the room and closed the door behind you, two cups of tea in both hands before placing it on the table beside you. Hange noticed how much you admire that flower from where you're sitting.
"How long have you been growing this? It's beautiful," you mused, a finger hovering over the flower petals. Long ago, Hange's mind wanted to say but maybe you would ask how long would that be so Hange found a safe answer and said, "Certainly not as long as it would take to form a nebula, but it's been quite long."
Hange smiled, dragging a chair beside where you sat. They couldn't find the courage to tell you that the growing flower was there with every thought of you in mind. It was something that they planned to grow a year ago, convincing themself every day that it was just a testament to the admiration and friendship they have for you. Every day they would watch over that plant, waiting for it to bear a flower.
"It was something I planned a year ago," Hange explained, sipping on the tea you gave them. "Pretty quaint, huh?"
"It is... Looks like a nebula," you observed, looking at the flower from different angles and finding it beautiful all the same.
"That's what I'm aiming for. I'm glad it didn't turn out with a weird shape," Hange chuckled. There was a silent pause, and only the sound of the morning filled the room. Hange tried to tear their eyes from you but couldn't.
"Hey, Y/N?"
Hange noticed that your eyes were still on the flower and thanked the heavens, you don't seem to notice how they're looking at you.
"Can we go to the ball together?" they asked. "I mean, it's not really our cup of tea but maybe we could have some fun and go to the art museum afterwards. What do you think?"
Hange saw your eyes brighten at the suggestion which made their heart leap.
"Sounds good to me."
Later that evening, both of you attended the simple ball hosted by the school to celebrate the patron it was named after. Hange would excitedly pull you on the dance floor, both of your movements rhyming up with whatever music played. But most importantly, you talked and talked, exchanging ideas one after the other until the event became too commonplace for the both of you. Hange held your hand and sneaked you two towards the exit, giggling to yourselves for successfully escaping the party.
A few people crossed by, sometimes art critics and sometimes lovers. Hange's eyes walked with them and wondered which of the two groups you would both belong to at the end of this night.
You walked together in the tranquil silence of the night. Birds would hum as if in a gentle serenade as Hange held your hand. Neither of you spoke until you reached the art museum you both longed to go to. Eventually, you stepped into the place, taking in the gentle atmosphere of being surrounded by beauty and color, the soft hues of red and pink settled on each painting depicting love and romance.
Hange still remembers the nebula-shaped flower whenever they look at you. They mused over how things in nature are bound to connect in one way or another and how such an infinitely strange world could be thought of just by looking at you. Everything sings and the world loves randomness enough to give it its unique pattern. Hange was deep in thought of you and the universe. They only snapped back in reality as they heard your gentle query.
"Hange, do you perhaps think that love has a place in every art no matter how tiny it may be?" you asked. Hange thought over your question as your head leaned against theirs. They observed how you sat beside them, eyes wandering over the painting before they spoke.
As you walked home together, Hange held your hand tighter this time. Their heart rammed against their chest, their mind broke itself apart by brimming with the thoughts of love, of the universe, of you— all the good things that make up their world.
"I think it is. Love has a place in everything, it is either too much of it or lack of it that makes up an object. And either way, it leads back to love," Hange answered softly. They speak of such love in a room full of romance paintings but they only looked at you with a smile etch across their lips. Your presence made them think of art and science — all the wonders and inventions born because one mind loved another. It may be an idea or a person but it all led back to passion.
This time it would hurt them to deny how much love they have for you from the beginning. Their heart held you dear too much but their mind refused for the sole reason that they don't think they deserve you enough to be in a special place in your heart.
All friendships and acquaintances they made so far flourished out of tolerance and need. People loved them through time and tolerated them because of that love, but it was never like this. To be loved and to be understood rarely comes along together. So Hange's mind racked itself and often wondered how you managed to give them both.
For a long time, their heart clammed up, tricking themself that they would love someone else, that they loved the girl who rejected them, and all because they wanted to avoid this situation. This very minute, they wanted to confess and recognized that their great fear came from being rejected by you. Given a day or week, they could get over any rejection from love or work but feared that your rejection would become their ultimate ruination.
And it was as though you could hear their thoughts as if their heart whispered their love to you. When you both reached the room you shared, Hange was taken aback by the sudden hug from you, their knees turning so weak that they had to grip the edge of the table. The nebula-shaped flower remained still on the desk as if watching things unfold.
The loving embrace you gave them just now triggered their desire to confess so they started slow.
"That flower... I must admit that it was for you. I made it for you," they let out before their throat could clam up. Hange finally found the courage to hug you back at this moment without trembling.
"And it means that I..." they tried to continue with much struggle. "That I..."
That I love you, it was so simple but they couldn't take it out of their mouth.
But somehow you knew, and it reached your heart nonetheless. You pulled away slightly to give them a gentle kiss, your lips careful around theirs. Hange freeze momentarily but something in them awakened their courage to kiss back and hold you tighter. Perhaps it was the relief that you love them as well, or perhaps it was the overjoy of their heart for letting themself open that love to you.
For a long moment, Hange refused to let you go and when they did, their mouth couldn't mutter anything but the love that tormented them for a long time. They wanted to cry or even scream in relief as all their fears became powerless to hold them back. Many things born out of fear ran through their head, thoughts of losing you or ruining the friendship they treasure the most but everything changed, knowing that you love them back. Hange wanted to ask how or why but realized that maybe your heart found true haven within theirs as well.
Hange's heart found delight when you let them embrace you throughout that night. And when the words “I love you too” came from your lips, Hange thought about the universe again and they were sure that right that moment, everything was in synchrony favored towards them. 
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cravingpepsimax · 9 days
hs reference like a flashbang aside, choosing a dave and rose excerpt activated something in my brain. (stan voice) it’s just like them. in a way
one is a certified journal writer mastering the arts of the horrors and homosexuality, while the other’s a comic drawing “”cool”” twin with a touch of big brother worship. ford a constant knowledge (light) seeker. stan and the motif of fire. the similarities obviously stop at the surface level traits but thats actually so funny
actually, i wouldn’t say the similarities are surface-level at all!
both ford and rose deal with the Horrors, yes, but there’s more to that. the reason they deal with them is for the same endgoal — obtaining knowledge. this even results in them both being taken advantage of a nigh-omniscient, devil figure (doc scratch vs bill). like you mentioned, she journals, but i’d also like to point out her walkthrough. kanaya reads her walkthrough, not knowing the identity of rose, creating an idea of her in her head, using it as a reference for her own journey… hey, doesn’t that sound familiar?
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also, like, horrorterrors aside, you’re out of your mind if you don’t think ford would have a book called “grimoire for summoning the zoologically dubious”. like, title alone, that’s a ford thing.
like ford, rose thinks of herself as a character in a story, rather than just… a person (light player moment). she’s surprisingly calm about sacrificing herself to create the Green Sun, like how ford had resigned himself to being trapped in various hell dimensions, as long as that meant his dimension being safe from bill. also, they’re both nerds that are terrifyingly good at combat.
the rose-ford parallels aren’t shit compared to the dave-stan parallels, though.
they’ve both got a father that isn’t easily impressed, that pushes them to learn how to fight and how to fight well, who wears sunglasses 24/7. they both seem to have complicated feelings about their father, despite their father being shitty & abusive.
despite their detached appearances, both stan and save genuinely care for those close to them, and will do drastic things to protect them. becoming davesprite, dying for jade, actually just dying a lot in general (time player moment), and sacrificing himself for the Green Sun are just a few examples of this.
neither of them really want to do what they’re doing, either. dave doesn’t like time travel. it’s complicated. it’s scary. he’s afraid of his own mortality, and time travel involves a LOT of death. not just his own, either — if he fucks it up, he could end up killing literally everyone. but he does it anyways, because he has to.
stan hates science and math. growing up, he struggled in school, even with the smartest kid in school being his brother. but he still taught himself everything he needed to know to get the portal up and running — with only a third of the instructions. he did shit he hated, complicated shit he hated, for 30 years, because he had to. despite ford criticizing his recklessness, there’s not a single timeline where ford gets sucked into the portal and stan DOESN’T try to save him. and, just like how dave sacrifices himself for the Green Sun, stan’s willing to have his memory wiped for the sake of beating bill. sure, the Green Sun might’ve led to dave god tiering, but dave didn’t know that — just like how stan didn’t know his memory would come back.
they’ve also got the whole “i’m not a hero” thing, despite regularly doing heroic things.
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(also, couldn’t find a gif of it, but ford calling stanley a hero both in the show after his sacrifice & in the journal)
also, just… read the aspect descriptions for light and time and tell me that isn’t ford and stan. especially time for stan.
…also, erm, fitting the themes of this blog, dave has… some stuff going on
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also apparently davesprite and his rose may have gotten together according to the hs book commentary but i don’t own those and i can’t find an actual like. image or anything so don’t quote me on that lmao
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
NSFW WARNING, for anyone who may want to skip
Hi, first time requesting you!! Really like your work. I may be blind but I can't find any request rules, hopefully this is ok!
Can we get how 141+ König react to f!reader squirting for the first time during sex? Lmao thanks <3
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Summary: How Task Force 141 and König would react to you squirting for the firs time with them~
Genre: Imagines, request(s) Characters featured: Price, Gaz, Ghost, Soap, and König.
Warnings: ‘N.SF.T’ situations, squirting, oral sex (afab receiving), consumption of bodily fluids, you get the idea, folks!
A/N: Thank you so much for the first time request, it is very appreciated! Also, I apologize because the reason you couldn’t find my rules is because I’m currently rewriting them. Still, most is allowed so long as it’s not gross and/or illegal. Other than that, I’m usually fine with it. Also, when I tell you I jumped at this request because I already had a few ideas for Soap regarding something similar. I needed to say my piece, damn it! Anyway, sorry for rambling, I hope you enjoy!   ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Ghost has been slowly working you up so you could take the entirety of his length, something you had stated you wanted to do since the first time the two of you had become intimate. He'd warned you it'd take some time - especially with him being away so often - but you didn't mind in the slightest. Reassuring him you wanted this for the both of you.
He'd already managed to work three orgasms out of you and felt you were finally ready. Still, that didn't stop him from being safe and lubricating both your cunt and his cock regardless of how wet you were. He was on the larger side and knew taking him while unprepared would be uncomfortable for both of you.
"Ready, dove?"
He wouldn't move until you gave the go-ahead.
Once he had the signal to continue, he pressed his lubricated cock forth. Sliding his length against your own wet core and clitoris till both of you were groaning and rocking against one another. Glancing over at your eyes, Simon made sure you were looking at him the moment he pressed the head of his cock against your opening, gently prodding and pushing forth till you split open and welcomed him inside of you. Both of you sharing a moan as he sank in till half of his length was nestled inside.
"Jesus, sweet'eart, feels like I'm gonna split you in two."
Even with the throbbing ache that comes with every inch of his cock sinking inside of your tight cunt, you can't help but want more. Shifting till you were able to wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him forth to show you were ready for more.
With your eager coaxing, Simon rocked his hips forward, pushing the last few inches of his member in till his groin was nestled directly against yours. His balls flush against the curve of your ass as the two of you held onto one another for support. Both of you groaning and shivering now that he'd managed to nestle himself deep within your cunt entirely. After a few moments - and many reassurances that you felt comfortable enough to continue - Simon found himself losing composure the more he fucked up into your wet, hot pussy.
With every piston of his hips, he watched as your stomach bulged out a bit each time he bottomed out within you, causing him to groan and fuck you even harder. Pounding you with reckless abandon now as both of you held onto one another, exchanging noises of ecstasy between the sound of flesh meeting flesh repeatedly.
With him nearing his end, he wanted you to reach yours before his own began. Reaching between your sweaty bodies, he pressed his thumb to your clit so he could swirl the pad of his thumb against it. Stimulating you whilst he continued to fuck you even as he felt your muscles twitching and milking his length. Gritting his teeth with a low growl, he ups the ante of his thrusts, fucking you through the aftershocks of your orgasm until both of you become lost in one another.
Neither of you were sure when it happened, but when Simon finally seizes his hips so he could pump the last few spurts of cum deep within you, he finally realizes both yours and his thighs are soaked, hell, he can even see a few drops working down your ass when it hits him.
That was the first time he'd gotten you to squirt for him, but he certainly doesn't intend for it to be the last.
The two of you had been fooling around one evening when Johnny had tried to wiggle down your bottoms and underwear. Grinning cheekily before he saw the hesitant and worried look on your face, causing him to stop and ask if everything was alright. After you'd explained that you'd never had anyone go down on you before, he found himself both surprised and aroused altogether. Needless to say, he wasted little time in asking if he could do you the honors of showing you how good he could make you feel if you allowed him to.
Should you say yes, he's picking up where he left off, quickly ridding you of your bottoms and positioning himself between your legs. Guiding one of your legs over his shoulder, he'd wrap an arm around to position himself better before tossing a saucy wink up at you.
Using both hands, he strokes the pads of his thumbs over both sides of your slit, causing you to bite down on your bottom lip. Silencing any sound you could have made as you also tossed an arm over your face to hide your flushing cheeks. Despite the fact that you trusted Johnny more than anyone else, you couldn't help but feel both exposed and raw in such a vulnerable state. Yet, you didn't bother to ask him to stop. 
After a few more strokes, Johnny spreads you open with his thumbs, exposing your glistening core to him right before he leans in. As delicately as he could, he licked a vertical stripe along the length of you before latching onto your bundle of nerves. Sealing his lips around your clit and sucking just hard enough to make you finally break your resolves. Lips parting with a soft cry as pleasure began to bloom throughout your core and lower belly.
As you began to pant between the light moans you couldn't hold back, your arm fell away from your face and you sat up, supporting yourself on your elbows to watch Johnny work you over. Unsure as to why, the sight of him lapping at your pussy like a starving man made you feel a rush of excitement course through you. His tongue worked tirelessly against your slit till he was moving his calloused thumbs again.
This time, he'd kept you spread open so he could freely lick and suck at your core, thoroughly coating you in a lewd mixture of your own arousal and his saliva before introducing two - very thick - fingers against your opening. Glancing up at you to silently question if you were still on board with things, once you gave your silent approval, those fingers were pressing against you and struggling for a moment before sliding in deep. Johnny not bothering to wait as he worked you open till you were able to take both of his digits to the third knuckle. He also began to crook those fingers in random spots, doing his best to seek that spot inside of you as you groaned and writhed beneath him.
When he finally felt you twitch and cry out loud when the pads of his fingertips brushed against a firm yet pliable spot within your core, he'd double down on fucking you open with his fingers. Smirking directly against your mound and placing a kiss on the soft skin there before moving down to capture your clit with his lips once more. This time, he'd kiss the throbbing nub before opening his mouth to flick the tip of his tongue directly against you over and over.
Your thighs began to shake uncontrollably beside his head and your sounds of wanton pleasure could no longer be held back as you fell back. Resting against the bed so you could squirm comfortably against the soft surface as your arms gave out beneath you. Releasing a string of curses beneath your breath, you could feel your inner muscles constantly clenching around his fingers as he alternated between flicking his tongue against and sucking at your clit till you felt a foreign yet painfully familiar sensation rushing through your lower body. Before you could even warn him, you felt a sudden gush of liquid rushing out of you right as your orgasm hit.
Pulling away with his mouth and chin thoroughly soaked, Johnny didn't seem bothered in the slightest as he took in your overstimulated, twitching form with pride. Knowing that not only had he succeeded in being a good partner for your first-ever round of cunnilingus, but he'd also happened to help you discover you were quite the talented squirter in the process.
After that night, he fully intends on seeing how often he can make you squirt like that as often as he can.
"Go on. You know what to do."
Pouting at John, you huffed as he remained still. Currently, he had both of your arms behind your back, held together by his hand. He had you seated on one of his thighs, straddling it with your own so he could press his up against your mound. Flexing his muscles to tease you as he brought over his free hand to rock you back and forth across his leg.
With his encouragement, you began to slowly rock your pussy over his clothed thigh but the slight pleasure you felt from the subtle stimulation didn't stop you from being a brat.
"Touch me, Captain."
John chuffed out a laugh, shaking his head. "When you're not even bothering to say 'please'? Sorry. No can do, love."
Damn him and his brat-taming tendencies. You exaggerated your reaction by groaning with displeasure despite the fact you were still riding his thigh. The feeling of your swelling clit gliding back and forth across the rough material of the clothing between you two was maddening. You needed more, even if he didn't want to give it to you.
Carefully stabilizing yourself on your legs, you increased the rhythm of your rocking till you began to softly pant and moan with every movement of your hips. The once subtle pleasure was quickly increasing to the point you couldn't think of acting out much more. Instead, doing your best to chase the high that you were currently riding out.
"Atta girl." John's hot and heavy gaze never left your form as he watched you get off on his leg. He could already feel a wet spot where you'd been grinding over, but he didn't mind in the slightest. Instead, he loosened his hold on your arms so he could reach up to your cheek. Caressing the soft and chubby skin there with his thumb rubbing over it before the same thumb moved to your lips. Sliding in past them as you welcomed his calloused thumb into your mouth to suck on. Hips faltering in their movements every so often.
Feeling your clit pulse in time with your heartbeat, your heavy breathing fanned over his hand as you weakly sucked at his thumb. Fucking yourself over his thigh till your legs were growing weak and you could feel yourself approaching that familiar edge. Using the last bit of strength you had left in your legs and hips, you let go and let yourself fall against his thigh. Heavily grinding down against his thick, taut muscles until you were hissing and nearly biting down on his thumb. Your orgasm hitting you harder than you'd expected.
Unable to stop sloppily grinding against him as you came, your upper body slumped forward to be held up by him as you rode it out together. His hand stroked over your back whilst you writhed and mewled against him before having to stop. Your own thighs felt like jelly as you stopped and pulled back. Glancing down between your bodies to see that not only had you gotten his pants wet, but you'd completely soaked the entirety of his thigh and knee with your orgasm, causing you to groan and hide your face against his neck.
"Aw, acting all shy now?" John teased in a mocking tone. "Better straighten up soon. You're gonna be riding my other thigh here pretty soon."
"Feeling alright, love?"
Unable to speak at the moment, you nodded silently up at Kyle as he smiled in return. Tweaking his wrist, he'd watch with glee as you cried out and twisted your hip, fighting not to pull away from the sex toy between your legs.
Before he'd come home, you'd teased him with the mentioning - and maybe a video or two - of the new sex toy you'd ordered. Saying that it felt good, but nowhere near as good as when he used them on you. At first, you'd only been playing up the part to tease him in your sexts, but... somewhere along the way, it'd stopped being an act.
Kyle held the buzzing vibrator directly against your core and clit, giving neither enough stimulation to make you cum, yet just enough to have you constantly teetering on the edge. Your own acts were too predictable, maybe that's why it felt so different to him... You didn't know. The one thing you did know was that you weren't sure how much more of his delicious torture you could endure. Huffing after every deep inhale, you glanced up at him beneath wet lashes. Wordlessly pleading for him to allow you to cum sooner rather than later.
"Think you've been good enough? 'Specially with all those damn videos you sent me while I was away?" He teased, pressing a button so the vibrations shifted to a pattern he knew you specifically didn't enjoy because it offered little pleasure for you. Purposely keeping the odd pattern going against you longer than usual before pressing the button a number of times. Switching over to a constant, heavy vibration just as you were about to beg him to allow you to cum.
Instead of begging, your mouth fell open in a silent cry as you felt your orgasm washing over you gradually as Kyle swirled the buzzing tip of the vibrator against your clitoris till you were shaking. Breathing heavily as he also took it upon himself to play and tweak your nipples as you rode it out together. His pressing of the toy against you was unrelenting, even as you began to cry out and try to move away, he didn't give in to your pleading.
Instead, he pressed his free hand down against your hip just as he watched your core quiver and glisten with your release. Entrance twitching and shaking around thin air whilst clear fluid shot forth from you, catching both of you off guard despite the two of you sharing an expression that could only be interpreted as 'holy shit'
That particular sex toy becomes a favorite of his to the point he often finds himself driving you mad with it many, many nights.
It was an idea that had rooted itself deep within his mind the moment he'd laid eyes on you. The Colonel wanted nothing more than to watch you fuck yourself on his desk for him whilst he watched. Before, he'd thought it was nothing more than a fantasy until you'd asked if there was anything he'd really wanted to try. He couldn't have stopped himself from blurting the thought out even if he wanted to.
Now, as he watches you take your spot on the desk he cleared for you, he feels nervous. Far more than he should. His anxiety flares for a moment as his mind fills with worry and doubt.
You're a soldier yet you're acting like a schoolboy in front of a beautiful woman naked before you?
Behind his mask, he squeezes his eyes shut tightly. Taking a few moments to clear his mind of his more negative thoughts so he can be there in the moment. Truly enjoy it with you. When he finally opens his eyes again, he sees you smiling at him before you part your thighs. Allowing him to see the hidden treasure between your legs as he audibly groans at the sight.
His light eyes roam over every inch of your form as he watches your hands explore your own body. Your delicate fingers stroke over and pluck at your own nipples, making him shift in his seat in front of you. He can feel his own fingers twitch - wanting to reach out and touch on his own - but he remains seated. Instead, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly when he notices your palms gliding down the length of your stomach. Down, down until your fingertips are brushing over the curls covering your mound. Glancing up at you, your eyes meet and König feels like lightning has struck him.
"Mein schatz, touch yourself, please!" König pleads.
Hesitating in delving lower, he watched your sweet smile morph into a wicked grin as you tilted your head to the side ever so slightly.
"But you sound so good begging like that, babe~"
Despite your teasing, you'd give in and press forward, indulging in yourself as you slid your fingers over your mons and straight to your clit. Circling the sensitive bundle of nerves with two fingers and moaning before sliding down the length of your slit. Gliding up and down over and over till you could feel your own excitement begin to build up beneath your fingertips. Eventually coating them as you continued to tease yourself in front of him.
König can feel himself straining against his pants but he doesn't move to touch himself, nor get up to touch you. He wants to see how you make yourself feel good. Taking mental note of the methods you use and for how long for future reference.
Eventually, he notices your expression shifting from a teasing one to that of pure arousal as you begin to get into it. Masturbating in front of him as if he wasn't even there to begin with. It's exactly what he wanted and if he didn't have the self-control that he did, he'd probably be on his knees, drooling in front of you by now.
"König, I-I'm getting close..." You gasped, left knee beginning to shake a bit in the process.
"Don't you dare stop. Make yourself cum for me."
Releasing a high-pitched whine shortly after you heard him order you not to stop, you couldn't help but slide your fingers back up so you could quickly rub at and around your clit. Switching back and forth between different speeds and positions until you found just the right one. Your legs quivering just as your orgasm began to overtake you. Moan after moan spilling past your lips before you suddenly felt your hips jerking forward on their own accord, clear liquid gushing out of you with every pulse of your spent muscles. When the pleasure finally subsided, you fell back against the desk. Panting heavily as you tried to catch your breath.
In front of you, König couldn't stop staring at the clear fluid that'd spilled onto the floor. Silently standing, he walked over and carefully brushed his hands over your inner thighs, delighting in the way they trembled beneath his touch as a result of you still being hypersensitive.
"I hope you know you're not leaving my office until I see you cum like that again, liebling~”
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