monarch-moon · 2 years
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Last to the impromptu art dump, this time Aetrius flavored, a random assortment of unsubmitted-for-some-reason arts and doodles. Featuring Rhaoru, Roneku (who is...going through some camPAIN in the campaign hAHAH), Moro (@solanne-c) and Olis (@zinyawolf)
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snoopdoggs · 1 year
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whupdates · 2 years
lots of tension in the house lately, anything you'd like to see happen at the party?
hoping @niickvs will headbutt @mavcriick and knock over one of the christmas trees decked out in disco balls. @detectingdolls & @minachvi getting into a fight and tossing a bottle or two at one another. @aranyafms coming out of her shell and letting everyone know what she's really thinking. can't say i'd hate a steamy coatroom hook up either ??
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row4ns · 1 month
#📍 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 ♡ @bvrningflames dijo “ hm, esa camiseta es un tanto… particular. ¿te la vas a llevar? ”
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‘ ¿particular en qué sentido, preciosa? ’ extrañeza se vuelve evidente, ante inquisitiva ya no se siente tan certero de llevar consigo la prenda que carga entre manos. ‘ no pensarás que el mensaje que tiene es ofensivo, ¿o si? —— prometo no usarla cerca de alguna escuela. ’ mueca intenta apelar a su favor. ‘ había peores de donde elegir, pero de todas parece que hicieron esta especialmente para mi. ’
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everydaygremlin · 3 months
hold on i need to go research more of alternia lore
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pop-culturalist · 1 year
Co-Founders Connor Saeli and Mike Xhaxho Talk Waterboy, Creating Their Brand Identity, and More
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dragonsoftheeast · 2 years
Valyrian Name Meanings
I am just really too into baby names and High Valyrian, so here comes a long post about both. So what follows is my headcanon completely, though certain choices (i.e. Aegon) I feel are just too coincidental for David J. Peterson not to have done it on purpose. 
Based on established Valyrian words, grouped by root
Aegon: from āegenkon, iron
Aelor, Aelora, Aelyx: from  ēlie, first
Aemon, Aemond, Aemma: from aemagon or emagon, to have, own, or contain
Aenys, Aenar: from añogar, blood
Aerea, Aerion, Aerys: from aeragon or aerēbagon, to travel
Aethan: from itatagon, to finish
Alyssa, Alysanne: from ālion, a piece of land
Baelon, Baela, Baelor: from baelagon, to help
Corlys, Corwyn: from korzion, Valyrian steel
Daemion, Daemon: from tēmagon, to prick or poke
Daeron, Daella: from dāez, free
Elaena, Helaena, Laena, Laenor: from elēni, voice or music
Gael: from gēlyn, debt
Gaemon: from gēlyn, debt, and mōris, end
Jacaerys: from jaes, deity, and sēter, spell
Jaehaerys, Jaehaera: from jaes, deity, and aeragon or aerēbagon, to travel
Jaenara: from jaes, deity, and ñages, dawn
Lucerys: from loktys, sailor, and sēter, spell
Maegelle, Maegon, Maegor, Maekar: from maege, prudent or practical, also the root for maegi
Monterys: from manda, kind or courteous
Naerys: from naena, multitude
Rhaegar: from rhēdegon, to be known, to have renown
Rhaelle, Rhaella, Rhae: from rāelagon, to keep or maintain
Rhaenys, Rhaena, Rhaenyra: from rhaenagon, to find
Saera, Shaera: from zāeres, crystal
Shaena: from saelie, third
Vaella, Vaegon: from vēzos, sun
Vaemond: from vēzos, sun, and mōris, end
Valarr, Valerion, Valaena: from valenka, male or masculine
Visenya, Viserys, Viserra: from vestriarzir, story
Based on my own headcanon words
Daena, Daenys, Daenara, Daenerys: from dēnas, lamp or lamplighter
Maelor: from maelagon, to wander
Matarys: from matarion, fountain
For notes on the gendering of Valyrian names: 
Some names, namely Aemond, Vaemond, Gael, and Rhaelle, do not decline normally in High Valyrian from what I can tell, though if someone can tell me otherwise I will gladly listen. However, for now I am going to chalk these up as Westerosi influence, and gender the first two as terrestrial-gendered names, and the other two as aquatic gender. I am pulling the rest of this essay completely from my mind, so be warned!
Obviously, the four Valyrian genders (lunar, solar, aquatic, and terrestrial) don’t map exactly onto the male/female naming scheme, but it does seem that the lunar gender is exclusively for female names, though of course this has more to do with GRRM using English naming conventions, and I will also chalk this up to Andal influence as well. Terrestrial gendered names similarly seem masculine-leaning, though there is the notable exception of Alysanne, which I have in the past put down as “Alisān” when referring to her in High Valyrian.
Now, this may be overcomplicating things, but I would just really love it if the gendering of these names was significant- I am basing this a little bit on Chinese baby naming where the radicals that make up a kid’s name are treated superstitiously. When it comes to baby names, I lean more towards the idea that they reveal more about the parents than about the kid themselves, but Valyria also has access to dragon dreamers and prophecy, which does lend itself to the idea that the parents might use some vision of their child’s future to inform their name. Also, the further removed Valyrian speakers are away from the culture, this importance might fade away entirely in favor of what sounds good to the parent- there are only a few names from here that we know came from Valyria itself: Aenar, Daenys, Gaemon, and Jaenara.
Anyway, solar and lunar gendered terms are mostly reserved for humans, so I think gendered names here may center the meaning of the name around the character of the child itself. Solar gendered terms include names of occupations, so I think perhaps solar gendered names refer to what a parent might wish for what the child might do, or a great deed- so it may be a sign of ambition or dreams for a child. Lunar terms in turn might instead refer to traits, so what the child might be, so more like virtue names in English. So we might be able to relate this difference with the name root “Rhaen-”. In the name Rhaenys, the meaning could be interpreted as “finder,” while in Rhaena or Rhaenyra, it would be closer to “found.”
On the other hand, I think aquatic and terrestrial might refer to events that might happen in a child’s life- so this may refer to a prophetic knowledge of what is to come in the child's life. The genders themselves fit their names pretty closely: aquatic gender terms tend to refer to things related to liquids, and terrestrial gender terms tend to refer to things related to the earth. Aquatic gender I think would refer to a pivotal moment in a child’s life- not necessarily good or bad, but a moment that changes the course of a life. Sort of like the sea giving and taking away.
I think terrestrial gendered names might be sort of protective charms, like a shield against terrible events. So we might be able to relate this difference with the name root “Maeg-”.  In the names Maegor and Maekar, it would indicate “he will become prudent”, while in Maegon, it would indicate a “may he be prudent because he needs to be.” I think this also adds a new dimension to every single one of Jaehaerys’ sons having a terrestrial gendered name.
To make a full summary with a new name, I am going to be using the name root “Bael-”, which we have examples of three genders for. The one we don’t have, solar, I am going to invent, Baelys, might mean “helper.” In lunar gender, Baela, it might mean “helpful”. In aquatic gender, Baelor, it might mean “he will help/be helped and change his life”. In terrestrial gender, Baelon, it would mean “may he be helped when he needs it.”
So there you have it! My unnecessary but super fun headcanons about Valyrian baby names! Thanks for reading this essay.
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rosehagikure · 5 months
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Very normal for Durgetash.
Just an old sketch of my Durge, Saelis, and Gortash pre-tadpole.
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What would happen to Baelon and his mother after Maegor dies?
Baelon spent his entire life watching his mother suffer and attempting to save her. Maegor was the main reason for her suffering and he hated him for it but he was still his father.
Baelon would do everything in his power to keep the throne for himself because then his mother would be the Queen mother and no other woman would suppress her power. Baelon is no idiot though and knows his cousins would try to take the thrones.
Maegor’s wish did come true and Baelon does claim Balerion the black dread and that was his biggest advantage to the throne. Baelon’s first move was to win the people over by throwing festivities and doing charities. Even going as far as letting peasants into the Red Keep to meet him personally. Baelon knows that power comes with respect not fear.
Then his next move is to end the feud with his cousins and that ensues with his marriage to Alysanne, this way he unites the family once more, his uncle’s blood will be on the throne, his uncle’s wife will not be able to harm him seeing as he is her son in law and also his mother would accept the marriage since marrying cousins was not seen as incest.
Baelon is not cruel and knows that Alysanne is still a child so he vows in their private quarters that he will not touch her before she is of age and ready. Baelon however made it very clear that he plans on resuming the blood line and having children and Alysanne was on board considering the fact that I vision her mother convincing her to bring heirs to the throne so their blood would rise to the throne.
Baelon is a strong king, however he is both brains and muscle, he uses strategy to ensure wining the Dornish war instead of battle like Maegor. The second his firstborn was confirmed to be a daughter who named Vaenora he travels to Dorne to make a marriage pact later on known as the sun and moon marriage alliance for Vaenora’s hair was compared to the moon in color once she married the Dornish prince and moved to live in Dorne.
Baelon is a traditional man so his three daughter Vaenora, Saelys and Elaenerys were pushed back in line for the throne in favor of their younger brother Rhaelor. Baelon and Alysanne were blessss with seven children, after their three daughter and son they were blessed with twin daughters named Lucenya and Daegelle followed by a son named Aelyx. After they had the heir and spare they ceased having anymore children.
Baelon was the king to unite the seven kingdoms by ensuring to marry his five daughter to five different kingdoms, Vaenora to Dorne, Saelys to the Stormlands, Elaenerys to the North, Lucenya to the mountain and the Vale, and Daegelle to the Reach. His eldest son and heir married from the rock and his youngest for the isles and rivers. Baelon was a smart kind yet a strong one, not one to shy from a fight or a war, always joining the tourneys until his age betrayed him and winning almost every time and never failing to crown his lady wife Queen Alysanne his Queen of love and beauty never once embarrassing her in public or private.
Baelon’s mother’s wish if him falling in love never came true but Baelon was content with his wife and children. He never complained and he never once disrespected them or made them feel less than Queen and Princesses and princes.
His mother passed away during his tenth year as king failing to meet his five youngest children. Baelon gave his mother a funeral that will be remembered for centuries to come. Her body was dressed in the purest of whites, silks and laces. A crown of winter flowers upon her head and a bouquet of roses in her hands. Every finger adorned with rings of all shapes and sizes that were hiring with her.
Her corpse was paraded around the streets for people to pay respect with him in the lead with his crown on his head. A crown she had designed herself for him and placed on his head during his wedding as a gift. Alysanne flew her dragon above their heads before meeting Baelon at the Sept and witnessing the funeral. Baelon never truly recovered from her death. He build a statue of his mother in the gardens of the keep and was usually found their during hard times. Some servants swore they heard him talk to the statue, asking for advise.
Baelon went on to be loved and respected as a son, husband, father and king.
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thealmightyemprex · 5 months
X Men 97 Episode 6 thoughts
I legit didnt expect to get an update on Charles Xavier
The Adversary is friggin terrifying,props to Alyson Saely Smith
Storms reaction to Genosha broke my heart
Love Xaviers astrals class room
"WE were dancing,drinking wine and making love !!!!".......So I now know he is referring to Lilandra,,,,,But since he was looking at Gambit my brain went"XAvier and Gambit made love ??"
Man,ya know things have gotten fucked up when TRASK is overwhelmed with guilt
@ariel-seagull-wings @piterelizabethdevries @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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g3nd3rg4y · 2 years
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native latino Percy wont leave my mind. all my faves gotta be venezuelan. here are some of my headcanons: Sally’s actual name is Saeli, she changed it when she got to the states but Percy still calls her by it. she grew up in Maracaibo, Zulia, and left when she was a young adult Percy grew up knowing english, spanish, and a bit of wayuunaiki (just simple phrases, Saeli doesn’t know much of the language either) Saeli knows how to knit, she learned from her mother, she has been knitting Percy’s backpacks since he started going to school + she also made him a chinchorro (hammock) for his cabin at camp cuz the swinging motion helps him sleep better :3
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starrylol · 10 months
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Another art trade with @hermannsprecursors ! with their lovely ocs, Saelis and Setal! Very fun to draw nd I even did a little background, it's Vulcan. Perhaps they're goin out on a date or something :3
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whupdates · 2 years
any predictions for the season?
@shcnleys and her fictional boyfriend will break up , @aranyafms & @mavcriick and @denvcrs & @niickvs will hook up. @minachvi will threaten to leave the trip early. @cxrnelius will start a cabin fire.
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bludthirst · 2 months
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𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎   𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍            ...            #𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗗𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧.      dependent   collection   of   unimaginable   horrors,   otherwise   leashed      by      𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮.      𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚎𝚍   𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑   𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
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alec   desmond.       beckett   miller. coraline   knightley. dana   kattan. dorothy   kemp. evangeline   liu. flannery   plath. ingrid   miranda. jasper   mitchells. jay   virani. lilith   augustin. mira   sastry. nikolas   tyrell. odesa   roxas. roman   eklund. sacha   mahdi. scout   vonnegut. solera   saeli. tristan   lewett.
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godsandmonstersrpg · 11 months
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We are pleased to announce the arrival of { PRINCESS LYANNA} of { HOUSE STARK } to King’s Landing! The { 27 } year-old { FEMALE} is whispered to be { STUBBORN AND WILD} but in reality they are { GENEROUS AND NURTURING}. They are also said to resemble { NATALIE DORMER} They are { NEUTRAL } a new treaty of peace and unity between House Targaryen and House Stark. Things, however, are not always quite what they seem, are they? [ Cara, GMT UK, She/Her. ]
We are pleased to announce the arrival of { PRINCESS SAELYS } of { HOUSE TARGARYEN } to King’s Landing! The { 27} year-old { DEMI-WOMAN } is whispered to be { cold-hearted and sly } but in reality they are { silver-tongued and erudite }. They are also said to resemble { EMMA D'ARCY }They are { FOR } a new treaty of peace and unity between House Targaryen and House Stark. Things, however, are not always quite what they seem, are they? [ Kestrel, US PST, she/her. ]
We are pleased to announce the arrival of { PRINCESS VISENYA TARGARYEN } of { HOUSE TARGARYEN OF DRAGONSTONE } to King’s Landing! The { 40 } year-old { FEMALE } is whispered to be { stubborn and impulsive } but in reality they are { resilient and loyal }. They are also said to resemble { KATHERYN WINNICK }They are { NEUTRAL } a new treaty of peace and unity between House Targaryen and House Stark. Things, however, are not always quite what they seem, are they? [ Joann, GMT, She/Her. ]
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nightrestrp · 1 year
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Catherine Graves reporting live from outside the Royal Cove Yacht Club which hosted the Charity Gala for Mama's just a few hours earlier. Our sources have told us this event claimed the lives of eight people and left two injured.
The victims— Shadae Okoro, Dean Hadwin, Aylin Yilmaz, Selin Temel, Aranya Saeli, Malachi Phillips, Kennedy O'Neill and Peter Buckley— are reported to have died from fatal stab wounds, though details surrounding their deaths still remain unclear. Jieun Park and Kage Himura were injured tonight and both are currently receiving treatment at Griggs General.
Everyone in attendance at tonight's gala are now being questioned. At Nightrest News, our hearts go out to the families and friends of the victims. We promise to deliver updates as this story develops. As always, we urge anyone with information to contact law enforcement.
I’m Catherine Graves. This has been Nightrest News. Please, stay safe.
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