we-are-knight · 1 month
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regina-del-cielo · 27 days
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latin-phrases-showdown · 11 months
Round 1 Poll 24
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. (Etiam eget ligula eu lectus lobortis condimentum. Aliquam nonummy auctor massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla at risus. Quisque purus magna, auctor et, sagittis ac, posuere eu, lectus. Nam mattis, felis ut adipiscing).
"there is no one who loves pain, who seeks after it, wants to have it simply because it is pain" : for the part adapted from Cicero (and not in the parenthesis here), the rest is gibberish
Lorem ipsum is a common placeholder text to demonstrate a typeface/visual form of a document without using content with actual meaning
In saecula saeculorum
"Unto the ages of ages"
Expresses the idea of eternity, or an indeterminate number of time
It's a Bible phrase I don't remember from where but it is in the New Testament. BUT i heard it. more at the church and when old ladies and people raised by grandmas are complaining about long periods of wait/expectation is very funny
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iwasagod · 5 months
"You and I know about this. That's where it stops, you understand? It never happened."
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⸻ Doom folded his arms, perhaps a hint to not exactly agreeing with the Colonel. He could see where he was coming from, he respected the man for his career, wits and skills, but from time to time even Doom had to disagree.
Both did remarkable work together even if, yes, there was no one greater, better than Doom himself. But given time and successful results between their collaborations, Doom couldn’t help but start to take a certain…liking to the Colonel. The information Zemo provided allowed Doom to be one step ahead of everyone else (although, he insisted, he always had been one step ahead of everyone), but he had to give it to Zemo for making it way easier for him to get access to Stark tech.
“Doom sees where you are coming from, Colonel. However, I must disagree this time.”
When had he gotten so soft with his opinions?
“Our collaboration must continue. It benefits both of us, Doom is sure you see it as well.”
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sovaghoul · 8 months
I've done it. I've reconciled inconsistent Nihil Lore.
Ok so most of us know and have laughed at the discrepancy between "his father's father's father" and the Dance Macabre video. In the latter, it seemed Young Nihil was just some random (un?)lucky dude that Young Seestor decided should be Papa.
But what if, and hear me out, what if Seestor knew something he didn't that night? What if she knew who he was, but he didn't? And it was only after the party that night that he learned about his father's father's father?
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
short story; Vizerxa's Goal
A cloaked Draconic leaned on a tall oak tree near the edge of a cliff, watching the sunset over the ocean on the horizon. A red haired Origin stood beside her, watching the odd being. The two had met up with Soliel, the Phoenix King and final member of their trio, for one of their rare meetings. The Avian had left an hour ago, leaving the Origin Ruler and Fallen Draconic alone.
"... Vizerxa, do you mind if I ask you a question?" the Origin asks, looking over at the crimson eyed being.
Vizerxa glances at the Origin, unmoving and expressionless as always. "... alright, Vurxe Ceriex. What is it?" She replies, voice quiet and monotone; an unchanging part of the mysterious and reserved Draconic.
"..What is your ultimate goal? What did you do everything for?" Ceriex asks, choosing her words carefully so Vizerxa won't be able to answer as cryptically as normal.
Vizerxa hesitates for a few moments before sighing. "...To be remembered, I suppose," Vizerxa shrugs, "what's the point of living if you'll just fade away, insignificant to everyone you've ever known?"
Ceriex didn't quite expect such a straight response, half thinking that Vizerxa would have just remained silent like she normally did for questions like this. "Can you... elaborate?"
"...You know how Draconic Spirits, and spirits in general, work, correct? ..We lose our mortal life to whatever kills us, and we exist in either the Afterlife or a Realm that almost intersects with it, where the Living and Dead live side by side. There's two things that can kill a spirit; what took our mortal life, and being forgotten," Vizerxa explains, finally looking at Ceriex fully, though her expression is as deadpan as always.
"That Second death is what most of us fear. Specifically, being forgotten. I am the same. I have no reason to fear death itself, but... when you're Forgotten, it's slow and agonizing. You know why you're dying. You know why you're slowly fading. Not enough people remember you; you're unimportant and still losing significance. Once it starts, nothing can stop it. Even if you make a new legacy, you're Fading. Eventually, you won't even be visible, even to yourself. Subtly, every day, every moment, you're losing yourself, forced to watch the world continue perfectly fine without you," Vizerxa stands up fully, stepping closer to Ceriex. She rests her hand on the Origin Ruler's shoulder, suprisingly Ceriex slightly. Vizerxa rarely initiates physical contact.
Vizerxa's eyes look... dull... as she keeps talking. Empty and utterly exhausted, just like her voice. "We are insignificant, unimportant, and completely meaningless in the fullness of this Megaverse. I know that. But... it's terrifying still, isn't it? The idea that you'll lose your life to a painfully slow and miserable end because you failed to make yourself even slightly important."
For the first time, Ceriex realized how incredibly tired the Draconic in front of her was. Vizerxa looked almost... defeated. Nothing about her was what you'd expect from someone who had a reputation like Vizerxa's.
Salha's Grim Reaper, the Usurper of the longest reigning tyrant of any Realm, the Bringer of Tragedy who wades through oceans of blood... was nothing more than a frail and paranoid being who had nothing to live for except the fear of her death.
"I don't care what my fate is, as long as that isn't how I die," Vizerxa murmurs, closing her eyes and turning away from Ceriex. She put her hands in her coat pockets, bladed tail swaying idly as she walks away, footsteps silent as always.
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Ceriex Saecula
Name Info
Full Name: Ceriex Vurxe Saecula 
full name meaning:  the Powerful and Great Ruler of Eternity 
nicknames: Cece, Ceri, Rie
preferred name: Ceriex Saecula 
General info
Gender: apagender
Pronouns: any
height: 7'9
technical age: 1,195
physical age: 32
Other info
Hobbies: reading, writing, cooking, painting, gardening 
Likes: moths, snakes, Xerivelm, silver, red, magic 
dislikes: low quality wine, most birds, fire
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their eye color is always shifting somewhat; it's unnoticable until you look away then back at them.
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shoutsthedustflake · 1 year
People on this fucking website keep restating Sturgeon's Law like they've uncovered a new book of the damn bible.
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flagellant · 3 months
What would you say is the earliest church heresy? Like, the original big no-no
Oh see now you've hit an interesting little rabbit hole without realizing it, because we know both a whole lot and also not much about the early days of the Christian church as we understand it.
So this faith leader guy gets executed or whatever, right? And now you have a bunch of his post-postmortem followers running around spreading his branch of weird Judaism which gets twisted into the first beginnings of Messianic Christianity. But this is back in ye olde days, and also the Romans are gonna be killing any Christians they can find, so the earliest days of the church are mystery cults sporadically popping up like mushrooms. (Is the Holy Spirit like a mycelial network? Who can say)
One of these early Christians was a very popular guy named Arius. Arius told his followers that Jesus WAS born of God, but that he was NOT God himself (the word you're looking for vis a vis that relationship is that Jesus is consubstantial with God, as in, made of the same simultaneous divinity.) and therefore should not be worshipped as one would God.
Then some time passes and all the big bishops of this hot new gig called Christianity realize, wait, hold on, we need to get shit straightened out. We can't ALL be calling ourselves Christian when people are saying Jesus was a hologram, or that he was born of God but isnt God, or that he was just some guy that God really liked. We need to all sit down and decide what we as a unified and universal group believe about our religion. So they all go down to this little place called Nicaea where everyone hashes out exactly what they believe in as Christians, and the end result is that Arius was shot down, which is why in the Nicene Creed there's that one specific line that goes something like this:
Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum, ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero, genitum non factum, consubstantialem Patri; per quem omnia facta sunt.
Sharp eyes may have spotted that special little word consubstantialem in there. The earliest founders of the early church basically made certain that in their formalized dogma, Arianism would always be called heretical, because Jesus' position in the trinity requires him to be equal to but distinct from the Father. All of trinitarian Christianity agrees that Arianism is a no go.
Personally I do think we should have more Judasian heresies though. Like I guess I get why so many early heresies are centered around the nature of the trinity and specifically J Dog but it does begin to grate.
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jaysker · 11 months
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"Saecula... saeculorum. Be my friend, be my friend..."
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"And here I thought your brother was desperate for help..."
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everlastingdreams · 8 months
The Weeping Monk x Reader : Born In The Dawn Chapter 41
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Story Summary: Locked inside a dark room in a dungeon, kept alive only for your power, you believed you’d never see the daylight again. That is until the Weeping Monk finds his way down and steals you from your captors. It is the beginning of a journey that leads you through hardship and newfound hope, but nothing is assured in a world that is changing for the Fey. The magic that runs in your veins is drawing out the worst the world has to offer, does it include the man who pulled you from the dark?
Chapter Title: In Saecula Saeculorum
Notes: Contains spice. 🌶️ I can't believe it's the last chapter. 😭
Warnings: Grief. Violence. Torture. Sexual Assault. Rape Threat. Gore. Enemies To Lovers. Pining. Trauma. Flagellation. Manipulation. Strong Language. Blood. Gore?. Misogyny. PTSD. 🌶️!!!Spicy and smut parts!!!!🌶️. Slight redemption arc.
Special warnings: Scent-Kink. Foreplay. Unprotected sex. Consensual. Strong language.
Other warnings: Jealousy. Forbidden Love. Romance. Slow-burn…
Word count of this fic: +220K
Chapter:  41/41
Perhaps it was silly, but you lighted every single candle that was in your bedchamber, the small flames were barely enough to see the room and it’s furniture. You took the figurine from the pocket of your vest and placed it next to the doll on your bedside table. Then you fished the nightgown from under the sheets where it was left that morning, it’s thin fabric would not offer much protection from the cold but a solution would be entering the room soon.
Your clothes were discarded into the wardrobe, the nightgown slipped on so easily and it flowed around your curves freely. In the back of your mind, you kept thinking of what you had agreed to. Never did you think you would ever wed, the idea was almost ludicrous. But now… now it felt so natural, so right to take the step. You were fidgeting with your fingers when the knock on the door came, your heart picked up it’s pace and for just one small moment your confidence wavered. You tried to beat that feeling down before it could grow stronger, it was just nervousness because everything was still so new.
You went to the door, slowly opening it, and ignoring how shaky your legs were. You peaked through the gap and saw those weeping eyes stare back at you.
“Hello…” There was not a chance that your smile didn’t give away your nervous state to him. He tilted his head a little to the side, eyes inquiring.
You swallowed hard and opened the door further, letting him in. He placed the promised bucket of warm water near the bed. The only thing that betrayed his own spiking nerves was his hand clasping and unclasping at his side a few times. Your eyes were drawn to it, to the shape of his hand and the form of his fingers, the strength with which it had often held you. When your gaze lifted, you found his own studying the way you were undoubtedly staring at him, a hint of a smile formed on his lips.
His eyes narrowed, smile growing, a teasing statement, “You appear nervous.”
Your chest felt full of air but none of it would release to let the wit out, a shrug of the shoulders would have to suffice. The Ash Man’s gaze lowered from your face, brow slightly arching as he took in the sight of you.
“Maybe I am.” It was unfair how much your voice was fighting your will to keep it steady.
He had definitely heard that tremor in your voice, he forced his attention on something else, the doll sitting beside the figurine on the bedside table was his chosen target. Lancelot picked it up again, the faint smile disarming as he looked down at it.
“Are you here to play with my doll again?” You jested.
“Not with your doll, no.” He flashed a grin.
Your mouth fell agape, an incredulous look send his way, “I beg your pardon?”
He grew a lopsided grin, to timid to face you after that bold statement. You walked further into the room, stopping a little away from him at the foot of the bed. He placed the doll down again, then took in your appearance once more, his gaze grew undeniably hungrier.
He took off his cloak and draped it over the foot of the bed, then stopped right in front of your nose. His hungry eyes flowed over your form, even as he circled around slowly and stopped behind you. He pulled you closer by the hips, his palm skimmed across your abdomen.
“I love how you look in this.” His mouth moved against the skin the nightgown left uncovered at your shoulder.
You felt the fabric move against your leg and realized he was bundling a side of the nightgown up. Soon your thigh felt the chill in the room. He kissed the back of your head, you felt the heat of his quick breaths on the nape of your neck. His fingertips grazed over your bare thigh and your breath hitched.
“Do you know,” He said softly, “how much I wanted to have you among those books back there?”
He left you to think of that whilst he kissed your shoulder.
Back in the library, he was astonished by his own self-control. It had crossed his mind more than once to put you on that table, instead of the book, and read every inch of your skin with his eyes, his mouth, his hands…
But the risk to be disturbed was far too great and only the heavens knew if you would even have agreed to it. Never did he think it would be like this, to have such improper thoughts that were so difficult to contain in the back of his mind. Never did he believe to be the sort of man to even consider such actions. You had awoken something that had been kept buried inside, and whenever you were near it rose to the surface and clouded his mind into an irresistible haze.
You bit your lip and leaned into him a little. “You have been very patient tonight.”
He hummed, hearing the playfulness in your tone, and made you turn to face him, “And you? Have you been thinking of this moment?”
Your nod in response came comically quick. Tentatively, his fingers skimmed over the fabric of the nightgown, until they began their work to undo the small knot at the neck that kept it secured.
“As lovely as you look in this, I will have to take it off of you.” He nodded to the bucket of water.
You gulped at the huskiness in his voice. He sought your eyes while slipping his fingers under the shoulders of the nightgown, the fabric slipped down your arms and bared you upper body. He helped it fall to the ground completely after it had stopped at your hips. The cold chill ran over your skin until his warm hands came to brush along the length of them.
“Alright?” He asked when seeing the slight shiver.
His arms wrapped you in his embrace, his body shielded you from the cold in the room. You hadn’t noticed until now how hot he felt, warmth was radiating from him.
As he warmed you up, he asked, “Must I ask Helio’s permission for our joining?”
He didn’t sound opposed to the idea.
“You didn’t ask permission for anything else.” You deadpanned with a grin.
“I prefer to not make you a widow so early.” He jested back, a pinch of genuine concern.
You leaned back and pecked his lips. “I will wed you, even without his permission. But it would be nice to have it.”
He shared the opinion, his gaze fell to your bare front. “I will prove to him how good I will be to you. I swear it.”
His hand moved from your waist and slithered it’s way higher to cup a breast, his head tilted to kiss your throat. “I will show to you tonight how good I’ll be.”
You suppressed a giggle when he began to nip at your throat, and neck, rather playful. “Promises, promises…”
“I always keep my word.” He breathed.
That wasn’t quite true. “You are literally breaking the vow you took while saying this.”
He was smiling against your neck. “I always keep my word to you.”
Your soft laugh filled the room. “You’d better. I want my husband to be truthful.”
He leaned back to see your face. “I want my wife to be content.”
With one step back, he broke away and saw how you moved your arms to cover yourself. It was mostly because of the cold chill that hanged in the room that you were still adjusting too.
“Fear not. I made certain the water I brought is warm.” He consoled, while undoing the belts of his jerkin.
The sight of him undressing helped warm you up rather quickly. He took the leather off, and then the shirt, placing them both near his cloak and making matters more fair. He came closer again, you met him halfway.
You weren’t going to let some cold air ruin the plans you had made. You noticed a small birthmark on his neck that you hadn’t before, and touched your fingertips to it. He studied your actions for a moment, chest rising and falling quicker, then he took hold of your hand to lead you closer to the bucket with him.
“Do you still want this?” He asked, eyes locking on yours.
You were trembling, this time with anticipation. “As much as you do.”
A spark went through his eyes, that boyish smile tugged at his lips. His breathing was uneven, as if he hoped to get just enough air to keep his lungs working. He swallowed the dryness in his throat away and reached into the bucket to grab the rag. Suddenly the wet rag was above your head and he squeezed, the water dripped down heavily onto your hair and made you flinch.
“You rotten knave!” You cursed, and tried to cover your eyes against the water. Another spark flashed through his eyes, the smack to his arm did not discourage him in the slightest.
Now that the excess water was out of the rag, he started. It was surprising to see how he took the task seriously. He began at your face, went carefully around and over your lips, making his way down your neck. That rag moved over your skin with precision and eye to detail. You felt like a book being read, letter by letter. By the time the rag was at your chest, you wanted to take it from him and discard it, too eager to grab him close.
Still, you stood very still. Even as the rag tickled down your sides, to your hipbone. He sank to his knees, moving the rag over your thighs, slowly the warm rag slipped between them and your hand flew to his shoulder for support at the contact. He was ever so patient and gentle, letting the warmth of the rag tease a little. His lips touched your abdomen lovingly brief. He rinsed the rag in the bucket and continued down to your calves, careful at the scar of the wolf’s bite. His mouth brushed over your thigh, and he gingerly held your leg.
The scent of you like this made desire hit like a kick to his stomach.
He was on his feet again, took the linen towel and began to dry your skin. For him, it was easily the perfect excuse to touch you. Then it was wrapped around your shoulders, the fabric hugging you, as well as him. The warmth of his chest heated up your back, the hotness of his breath took away the chill on your neck.
You reached behind, to cup the side of his neck while he nipped at yours. His firm grip turned you by the hips, you leaned in to kiss the small scar that sat on his chest, your hands greedily skimmed over his abdomen. Your bottom lip dragged over his skin to his collarbone, where you placed another wet kiss, not caring in the slightest if you behaved licentious. You wanted to taste him, to feel him shiver under your affections and bring him to the edge of that self-control he always had. The linen fell off your shoulders, he held you tight, touching the low of your back.
“On the… bed…” He could barely form the words through the haze he found himself in. “Get on the bed.”
It could have been an order, if it hadn’t sounded so desperate, almost pained. For a second you thought about giving a witty response, until you saw how the raw, pure, lust had overtaken the blue of his eyes. Your mouth crashed to his, tongue touching his lips. All you registered was that he had turned with you, the next second you found yourself on the bed. The chilly sheets were a great difference to the heat of his body that was already covering your own.
His knee was placed between your legs and moved so little just to create more space for himself. As his tongue searched for yours, he began to undo his trousers and soon they were discarded on the floor. Your hands didn’t know where to touch him first. His neck, his chest, the muscles of his back, you wanted to feel all of him.
His mouth slowed down as it moved across your skin, a sudden patience had taken over in him. You intended to continue what had been interrupted the previous night and reached down to palm him. He prevented your hand from getting anywhere close to his groin and pinned it down above your head.
“You will feel me soon enough.” He tsked into your ear.
You already had, his hardness had brushed against your inner thigh. His mouth moved along your collarbone, the touch of his lips increased the further down your body he went. His hand glided down the inside of your wrist and arm, and made you learn how sensitive the area truly was.
A pleasant tingling spread up your chest, to your neck, and down your shoulders. You couldn’t help the content noises and small gasps from flowing out. It only seemed to encourage him, spurring him on to flood your being with all he could give. He brought his hand down between your legs, stroking through the wetness with two fingers. He was sucking on the skin of your neck with fervor, it was a feverish mess of moans and increasingly strong need.
His hand was gripping at your hip, trying to bring you closer than you could possibly be. He was breathing hard, his thumb was circling exactly where it needed as he sank two digits inside with ease. You grasped a hold on his shoulder when he began to slide them in and out at a steady pace right away. A moan spilled out. “Oh… gods… fuck…”
He crashed his lips to yours at hearing the crude language. It still wasn’t enough to silence it when it spilled from your lips again, and the word rolled into his mouth, where it soon escaped him too. He knew then, that you couldn’t help it, and neither could he.
The knot in your core was winding itself up tightly, he was getting far too good with knowing how to work your body. It felt like such a desperate need to have all of him, but he was so focused on your sole pleasure. With the last bit of self-control you had left, you grabbed his shoulders, moving him up more. His movements halted, eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort or even protest. The first thing you did was move a knee up against his hip, another push…
He read the silent request in your eyes and made you hook your leg around him, he rolled over, and by doing so got you on top of him. The pads of your fingers pressed into his chest, slightly grasping at him as your lips dove down to litter his skin with their silent confessions of love. His hands never left you, one skimmed over your torso, the other caressed your thighs and between them again.
“Oh… f-” You swallowed the curse, for a moment it brought you close to crying at the sudden pleasure it caused rippling through your bones.
He could see you shiver, feel you try to clamp your thighs together more to try and numb what he was doing.
“Does it feel that good?” He was genuinely curious.
How good must it feel for you to be moaning like this and looking close to tears? The thought that you were as desperate for him as he was for you made his mind spin.
“Uhuh.” You barely managed a nod.
Your mind and body were fighting each other when you took his hand and stopped it from bringing you to your release. He looked up a little lost, until you palmed him, positioned and brought him inside. A strong jolt went through him, his hands flew to your hips.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait.” You grinned down at him devilishly.
He was upright and locked on your lips instantly, a breath, “I don’t mind.”
You cupped his face and let him steal the air from your lungs, letting him replace it with the essence of his being. The kiss was intense, consuming you of time and place itself, for a moment nothing else existed. Your hips had moved almost by their own volition, he groaned into your mouth and drew in a sharp breath through his nose. Once they had moved, they didn’t stop their calm pace. The difference in being above him, was having more control, it was surprising how willing he was to give it. It was almost as if he was less hesitant to think of his own pleasure now that you were on top and reminding him of it. His neck was already flushed down to his chest, his skin hot beneath your palms everywhere they moved over him.
He had to break away from your lips, his breathing was heavy, he began to kiss your collarbone up to your neck and down again. The cold in the room was long forgotten, heat spread through your body and caused lightheadedness. His body started to meet your movements, and you had to hold on to his shoulders at the feeling it send into you. Your fingers laced themselves into his hair, massaging his scalp while you felt him leave a wet kiss against your throat. “I love you. I love you so, so much.”
The confession caused a strong reaction. A quiet gasp escaped him, a shiver made his whole body tremble. And then your back met the sheets again, he never even broke the contact between you. He took control again, quickly putting you under him. His hips rolled into yours, chasing what was being build together. It left your breathless, your mind a cloud.
His husky voice snaked into your ear, warm breath running over your temple. “I love everything you are, my sweetheart. Now and always.”
The lovely admission was yet to be processed, when he made another of a different sort. He said it just when he thrusted, slow and deep, “I love the way you look at me when I have my cock inside of you.”
You gasped, he grinned. This time he caught your hand before it could deliver the scolding smack to his arm, and he pinned it above your head into the mattress. His pace was beginning to quicken, as he held your hand down.
It was indescribable to be at his mercy and be rendered speechless by how good he was making it feel. Your eyes fluttered shut, head lolling back, surrendering to the feeling it was building. You felt his other hand return to tease, two fingers working together, circling and stroking until he knew where they were needed to draw the moans from you.
The urge to press your legs shut was building along with the tightening knot in your core. Your hand was finally freed, thank the gods because you needed to hold on to something as the overwhelming sensation was nearing. You held on to his arms, told him to keep going how he was going because it was just what you needed. He obliged, clearly close to his own release, but by the gods he obliged.
And then the knot in your core snapped loose. Stars exploded behind your closed eyelids, cries fled their constraints, your mind lost control over your body as the sensation coursed through your veins. He thrusted deeply once more and moaned lowly as his release hit him. The tense muscles in his arms relaxed, just like the rest of his body as it entered a state of bliss.
Shaking breaths of air filled your lungs slowly, you wrapped him in your arms, his head came down to rest on your chest after he withdrew himself. Silence enveloped you, and you listened to his slowly steadying breaths and found your own start to match. It wasn’t long before his lips trailed over your collar bone, working their way up your neck to your face. He kissed your chin before locking his mouth with yours, cupping your cheek ever so gently.
His stubble tickled your jaw. “I cannot get enough of you.”
“I can tell.” You tried to keep the giggling quiet. “You’re in luck. I cannot get enough of you either.
He gazed down into your eyes, a smile that bordered on shy curving his lips. You cupped his neck and kissed him, holding him close and hearing the content sound erupt from deep within his chest.
You broke away and bit your lip. “I think I will need that bucket and rag again.”
“And my aid?” He asked.
“That sounded hopeful.” You jested, a grin formed on your face.
He tilted his head.
The idea did sound nice. “Your help is welcome.”
His eyes squinted for a second, then the offer came. “I must admit, the effort of bathing you now could be pointless again.”
“Meaning?” You dared him to say it.
He opened his mouth to answer, but then it curved into a smirk. The answer became evident when he started kissing you again, with the same passion and fervor. Bathing would indeed be pointless, because neither of you were done for the night yet.
It was the first time when waking up into his arms came without a certain rush to avoid being exposed as a couple. And you took your time just enjoying the earlier morning, his arm around your waist and his quiet calm breathing on the back of your neck. You turned around, facing him. He was sleeping so peacefully, some stray hairs falling over his closed eyes. It was irresistible to touch his hair, his face…
It took him quite some time to wake, it happened so calmly. A smile was forming first, his eyelids still heavy from sleep opened very slightly.
“You are not sending me out the door?” He sounded so content while stating it.
Your index finger traced the mark under his right eye. “No. We do not have to hide anymore. So, I’m enjoying my morning with you.”
He lifted himself up to sit upright, and was quick to grab you. You gasped when his first action of the morning was to kiss you so fierce.
“Gods.” You scrambled out of his grasp, giggling at how his greedy hands tried to catch you again. Almost did you fall off the bed to get away.
His eyes took you in slowly, the hunger in them appeared near instant, it took far too long before they reached your face. Your cheeks burned, and you quickly grabbed your nightgown off of the floor to cover up.
“Good morning to you too.” You grabbed the cloak hanging on the foot of the bed and tossed it in his direction.
Even when just awake, his reflexes did not fail him and he caught the cloak before it could hit him. The way you looked, bare in the morning sun, a divine vision to behold.
Lancelot put the cloak aside, laughing quietly, “My trousers.”
You watched him gesture to them and look at you inquiring. You tossed them at him next, and a laugh erupt from him in response.
“You are feisty this morning.” He commented, and saw you search your wardrobe for clothes to wear.
“If you are to be my husband, you should get used to it.” You shot him a grin.
He stood up from the bed, confident and bare, to put his trousers on. Your eyes had wandered briefly and he had caught you looking. Whatever he must have seen on your face, it had certainly stroked his ego.
He smirked. “I am going to ask Helio for your hand. Unless you object?”
You winced. “He might cut off your own for it…”
He approached while you began to put your clothes on, not to help, “Will you still wed me with one hand?”
You heard the amusement in him. “Without a doubt.”
He stole the bodice to delay you getting dressed. You stole it back after a brief struggle.
“I want to tell Percival. Before he has to hear it from others.” He said.
A smart decision. “Good plan. I do find it important that he is alright with us joining.”
He hummed in agreement. It didn’t need to be said that the boy’s opinion could potentially end this betrothal.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to tell my father of our plans first?” It would not be surprising if he feared a bad response.
“He would not appreciate it if I do not show the courage to tell him.” Lancelot said.
It was perhaps correct to assume that your father would react better if he knew the Ash Man showed the courage. “Alright then. Just know that I’m here for you. Whatever happens.”
Without asking, he helped you close up the bodice, often letting his fingers brush against your chest. You cupped his neck and drew him closer to kiss him.
“Get dressed, Ash Man.” You spoke against his lips, smiling.
It took him another moment to show the self-restraint and step away to do exactly that. A lifetime of mornings like these, was a beautiful prospect.
Stepping out the door of your room together did not go without a moment of awkwardness when Ser Florent walked past.
“Good morning.” The knight said to the both of you. Without a warning he leaned in and tugged at the hem of your shirt that had been stuck under the bodice, the fabric fell more neatly now.
“Uhm… thank you, Ser Florent.” You were a little amazed at how observing he was.
“You are welcome.” He said, then turned to Lancelot. “I would think you would have noticed that, considering you never stop looking at her.”
Lancelot let out a small breath, seeing how the knight was almost grinning. “Good morning, Florent. Have you seen Percival?”
He gave a nod. “I saw him run in the direction of the dining hall.”
Lancelot thanked him for the information, and before the two of you could walk off, Ser. Florent pulled your attention.
“Y/n. Colette has been speaking of you. Would you sit with her at breakfast? She would like that.” Ser Florent was asking so politely and full of hope.
You couldn’t say ‘no’ to that. “I’d love to.”
Ser Florent smiled at you, something he didn’t often do for others. Maybe the knight considered you a friend, you hoped he did. “I appreciate it. As you may have noticed Colette is quite shy, it’s good for her to have someone to converse with more often.”
You touched his arm amicably. “I look forward to getting to know her better.”
Ser Florent gave a respectful tilt of the head. “Lancelot, I was informed that I am to guide you through your duties as a knight until we know for certain that you will do well on your own. Is that alright?”
The Ash Man was a bit surprised by the news. “That sounds alright. Thank you, Florent.”
The knight bowed his head once more, and went on his way again.
“He avoids much conversation with the knights, but seems to enjoy conversing with you.” Lancelot said.
It was nice to hear it. “He’s kind. I like him.”
“As long as you like me more.” There was just a pinch of jealousy under the jest.
You sighed. “There is only one other knight you have to compete with. Don’t worry.”
His brows knitted together. “Who?”
“Squirrel.” You reminded him.
He drew a deep breath and cleared his throat. “Oh. Of course.”
“Oaf.” You said, and started to walk to the dinning hall.
He quickly caught up to walk along. And you found Squirrel not far from the dining hall indeed. Lancelot called out to the boy, beckoning him over and sharing a look with you.
“What is it?” Squirrel wondered why you were delaying getting your breakfasts.
Lancelot knelt down to the boy’s level. “Percival, I wish to tell you of my plans before others hear of it.”
The boy was more than happy to hear a ‘secret’, “What plan?”
How was it possible, that he was more nervous to tell the boy than he was to face the wrath of Helio?
“I have asked y/n to wed me.” He searched the boy’s face for any reaction, big or small.
Squirrel blinked a few times, then leaned back a little. “Have you gone mad?”
Madly in love, more like.
Squirrel looked up at you, pleading for the Ash Man. “He can be a bit daft. Please, don’t be angry with him for it-”
Lancelot narrowed his eyes at the child. “She agreed.”
Squirrel’s eyes darted between you and the Ash Man in disbelief. “What-… how?”
You snorted a laugh and turned to hide it.
Deep down, he knew the boy was just doing it to get on his nerves. It was perhaps Percival’s way of showing affection. And he could not deny that it did entertain him often.
He was patient with the witty boy. “Because she loves me, as I love her.”
Squirrel looked up at you again. “So you’re staying here right? With her, with us?”
Lancelot smiled at him, it was clear that the boy had still been worried about him staying at the fort. “Percival,” He placed a hand on his shoulder, “do not doubt your importance to me. I never wanted to part with you, or her. I am staying.”
“Won’t Helio be mad at you again?” Squirrel was concerned.
Lancelot squeezed his shoulder. “Let me worry about that.”
You knelt down too, taking hold of Squirrel’s arm “May I have your blessing for our joining?”
The boy looked at you and Lancelot, both on your knees to seek his approval. The nod from the child send a wave of relief through you and the Ash Man.
You pulled Squirrel into a tight hug. “Thank you, my Little Squirrel.”
Mirena’s voice sounded, and offered Squirrel the freedom he was trying to regain from your arms when you let go. “Such emotions so early in the morning, how come?”
Helio stood at her side, looking down at Squirrel with curiosity. You and Lancelot stood up from the ground, he held Squirrel’s shoulder and you believed it was for the unspoken support he was about to need. Mirena was smiling, blissfully unaware of the storm that threatened to come down on this peaceful morning. Squirrel seemed to sense the anxiousness in the Ash Man and stood in front of him, shielding him from Helio with his small frame.
Lancelot cleared his throat, looked at you once before locking eyes on Helio. “I asked your daughter to wed me.”
You drew in a sharp breath at the announcement. Mirena looked stunned, then her eyes went to her husband to see his reaction.
Helio’s voice was colder than frost in winter. “Did you now?”
Lancelot’s confidence wavered for only a second, he picked it back together and said, “Yes, sir.”
A chill crept up your skin when they let their stubborn nature match against each other.
“And why do you believe I would allow it?” Helio’s tone was firm.
“Helio.” Mirena tried to get him to control his flaring temper.
Lancelot tried his best to speak of it in a calm manner. “You love your daughter. You want to protect her, I respect that more than you might believe I do. Truly, I-”
Helio stepped forward and took you by the arm, “I will speak with my daughter of this. After all, it is her life and future this concerns.”
You couldn’t bring a word out and Helio walked off with you.
Two hallways of silence, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You dug your heels into the floor and made him stop. “Father. I know you are against this-”
He turned to you, grabbing you by the shoulders. “How can you be certain? Little Moon, how can you know he will not break your heart? Wait a while, if he truly loves you he will wait.”
Words failed you, you had never seen him like this. He was begging you to think about it, to wait.
“Father…” You kept calm, trying to be considered of his concerns. “Nothing is for certain, only the presence. And what I am certain of now is that he loves me, and I love him. I am certain I want to join with him.”
He pulled his hands away, composing himself, the agony in his voice remained. “When you wed, where will you live?”
Was he sending you away?!?
“I swore to Squirrel I would never abandon him, you cannot throw me out of our home!” Your voice raised a little.
Helio recoiled like it had physically struck him. “I will not discard my child!”
Relief washed away the worry. “Then why did you say that?”
“Because if I let him wed you, the Ash Man will have to consider this place his home. He is not riding off with my daughter never to return. You, and him, remain here. With us.” He pointed at the floor, making his point.
You found those terms agreeable. “I understand. I think he will agree to-”
He interrupted. “There is more.”
Helio laid out his plans. “Listen well. I am not getting any younger. This place is all there is left of our clan. Someone should always be in charge, someone of the Dawn Folk. Ciro, bless the boy’s heart, is not suited for this task. But you are. And perhaps Lancelot is suited to stand beside you in this task with his experience. We have a duty to our people, to this court that carried the hopes of our clan. Stay here, with him, with us. Learn to rule this court from me and ensure it’s future. That is what I ask in exchange for my blessing.”
You were quiet for a while, processing what this meant. Helio’s eyes fell on something behind you and you turned just enough to see Mirena and Lancelot standing at a small distance.
Mirena pushed him forward a little by the arm. “Go…”
The Ash Man slowly approached, stopping a few steps away.
“My home is wherever she is.” Lancelot said. “If she agrees, I will be at her side and rebuilt what has been lost.”
He must have heard the terms Helio had laid out. But he had only just broken free of having to lead an army of Red Paladins, did he not wish for another life? One where responsibilities were not so heavy to bare.
“Are you sure?” You asked him, this would change the future. “Lancelot, my father is asking us to be in charge of this fort in time. Are you sure you want to do this? I will not force you into a life of duty if this isn’t what you want.”
Lancelot locked eyes with you. “I understand the choice I am making. And I understand why it must be made.” He looked around himself for a moment. “This place, it’s history, it cannot be forsaken. Your home, your heritage, you still have it. It can still be saved. How could I refuse?”
You quickly walked up to Lancelot and whispered. “You don’t have to do this just to please my father. He’s not Father Carden, he won’t-”
He silenced you by cradling your head all of a sudden. “I am not doing this for him. If this was my home, if these were my parents, my heritage… if you were asked to help rebuild what was lost of my clan, what would you do?”
You realized he was doing this not out of duty, but out of the love he had for you. It rendered you speechless.
His voice was softer. “Would you stand by my side?”
You were nodding, and quietly answered. “Always.”
He blinked, his gaze intense and full of devotion. It made you forget who watching this display.
Helio tried to sound firm, but it was audible that he couldn’t muster it. “That is settled then. Yes?”
Lancelot’s hands fell away, letting you answer the question for the both of you.
“We agree.” You faced your father.
Helio gave a nod of approval. “We will talk about this after a meal. We cannot fill our stomachs with romance.”
He walked in the direction of the dining hall again, only stopping to tell the Ash Man, “Treat her well. My legs may be getting slower, but no man can outrun an arrow.”
“Helio.” Mirena sighed.
“Father.” You scolded.
Lancelot reaction was unexpected, he smiled at him. “I swear it. Sir.”
Then Helio smacked his hand unto the Ash Man’s shoulder, and looked absolutely amused by the way he nearly jumped. “Good.”
Helio released him and walked away. Mirena was smiling at you widely.
“My Little Moon is going to have a joining.” She was delighted and came to cup your cheeks, pressing a kiss to both of them. “I cannot believe it. I still sometimes think I will see you run in here with your trousers full of mud from playing in the creek.”
You couldn’t say a word when you saw her become emotional for a moment. She was apologizing for the way her eyes were getting watery. You embraced her until it stopped.
She took a step back and looked at Lancelot. “Not many are brave enough to face my husband the way you have done now.”
Lancelot tilted his head down. “I will do what I must to stay with your daughter.”
Mirena hummed, then said, “Helio likes you. It does not appear so, but it’s true.”
He wasn’t sure on how to respond to that claim and only gave half a smile, a sign of hope.
You still wondered what her opinion on the matter was, “Father will agree to us joining. But will you?”
Her gentle eyes rested first on you, then on him. “The paladins, Father Carden, the Reaper… no one has been able to keep you apart. I believe it is your destiny to be together.”
It was true, the odds had not been in your favor, and still you and him had stood strong against it all.
“And with that in mind, I give you my blessing.” She said, then turned to Lancelot. “Although I doubt it would stop you if I didn’t.”
The Ash Man send his eyes to the floor, always surrendering to Mirena’s knowing looks.
“We should be heading for our breakfast, before young Percival takes our plates. We did send him in there alone.” She said.
You took hold of Lancelot’s arm. “Good plan.”
She gave you a secret smile and walked ahead, still she caught a glimpse of how the Ash Man leaned in and kissed your head whilst walking behind her.
Ser Florent had come to collect Lancelot right after breakfast, the knight took the task of guiding the newest knight serious. When evening came, and after you had read for Squirrel and Ciro until they fell asleep. You searched for your betrothed throughout the fort, but it was outside the curtain walls of the fort that you found him. He was sitting in the same spot as the night of the feast. You went to sit beside him as he watched the sea in the distance, the moon reflected on the water as if it was full of stars.
You sat down, not close enough to his liking because he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against his side. His nose was in your hair, inhaling a few times. You felt his heartbeat under your palm, it quickened just before he kissed your temple. For a while nothing was said, you held his arm around your waist.
“That was your way of asking my father for my hand?” You broke the silence and snorted a laugh at the memory of the moment.
He was chuckling. “It is harder to say ‘no’ to a statement, than to a question.”
Your shoulder bumped into his. “Oh, you think you’re so clever.”
“It worked.” He protested.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, fingers playing with the leather straps across his chest. “We’ll be ruling over this place someday. I don’t know if I’ll be ready when that day comes.”
He brought a hand up to massage the back of your neck. “Everything will be alright. You are far stronger than you might think. I’ve seen it. And if there are matters you cannot handle, I shall take care of those. We will do as we have been doing, work together.”
You nodded, it was hard not to think too much of the future and get anxious over things that didn’t even happen yet.
His hand was brushing over your abdomen. “A warm day of spring was a good idea from Mirena to choose for the joining.”
It also offered your father what he so wanted, some time to get used to the idea.
“By then, everyone will have processed the news.” You hoped.
He hummed. “And Helio might be less inclined to chase me with that crossbow again.”
A small laugh escaped you, before you could stop it. “I’m sorry.”
“Do you think he would ever left me borrow it?” He sounded like he was already dreaming of it.
“I would wait to ask him that.” You said. “For at least a year. Don’t tempt him too much.”
He chuckled. “I suppose you are right.”
You couldn’t stop grinning. “You already have his daughter. Don’t try to take his weapon too.”
His chuckle turned into a laugh. He pulled you closer again, moving some of his cloak over your form as well. It was a pleasant way to sit together like this.
His nose touched your temple, “The last time I tried to kiss you here, you turned away from me.” He recalled the moment he regretted. It often still caused him shame.
You lifted your head, your own nose almost touching his. “I don’t think I would have turned away if you hadn’t be drunk.”
That certainly surprised him. “No?”
You shook your head. “You are hard to resist.”
He tugged at your waist, smirking. “Then don’t.”
His hand came up to your face and his fingertips glided down over your cheek, he repeated the caress with the back of his fingers. You followed that advice and brushed your lips to his, and broke away two seconds later.
His hand was on the back of your neck quickly, a smug smirk dancing on his lips, “Think you can get away so easily?”
You furrowed your brows until his mouth collided to yours, a silent scolding for denying him what you were so eager to give. When his hand on your waist accidentally made you ticklish, your giggle made your lips break free.
He couldn’t stop gazing at the way you smiled.
“I need you with me. Always.” The confession fell from your lips so effortlessly.
Raw emotion flashed through his eyes, intensifying them so much that it was hard not to look away.
“My sweetheart…” He whispered, quietly.
Your lips reconnected and refused to part for the night.
The Hidden had been persistent since the day you met him, and now you were grateful for it. They had brought you together.
Two summoners, chosen by the gods themselves.
Two lovers, chosen by free will.
Two lives, to spend together as one.
And a love that was written down in a book on matters of the heart, to be read and spoken off for centuries to come.
@ourlazydetectivekitten​​ @the-great-adventures-of-me​ @linkpk88​​  @fxrchxldws​​  @elenaoftheturks​​ @slytherlight​​ @beananacake​​    @crystallizedtime​​  @moonlightaura03​​  @angrygardendeer​​  @have-aheart​​   @5am-cigarette​​ @arcanenature​​  @thewinterskywalker​​ @notyourwildestdream​​ @coloursforyourportrait​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @nike90​​ @n1ghtlux​​ @rachlovesactors​​ @luckyzipperscissorsbat​​ @morena-doing-stuff​​  @the-fangirl-diaries​​ @gipsydanger17​​ @heavenly1927​​  @phantasmalbeiing  @labyrinthonmymind  @asarcastic-thiamstan​​  @rainyv-skies @kissingandromeda @stclairesplace @​​katjusja @isla-bell-blog @beebeerockknot @sahvlren
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regina-del-cielo · 27 days
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peachyghuleh · 2 months
Fun lil fact about me for my new followers, I recently got a 'saecula saeculorum' tattoo on my forearm based on the lyrics from Ghost's Zenith, I got it in the spot I used to SH as a lil reminder that I gotta keep going ❤️
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iwasagod · 3 months
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse.
@argentarrogance said: "My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like."
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⸻ "Doom wonders if you know the correct definition of 'glamorous'."
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danjaley · 4 months
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Marianne: Wasn’t it enough that I had to live through such a thing once? I had my heart broken in Scotland and now this country went ahead and murdered my husband! I’m just destined to be lonely.
Roseanne: Don’t be silly, Maman! You were married for nearly forty years and have three grandchildren!
Marianne: How do we even get a Christian funeral? It was his last wish!
Sr. Thérèse: Quia tuum est regnum et potestas et gloria in saecula Amen. Je sais où se cache le Père Leclerc*. Pater Noster qui es …
*I know where Père Leclerc is hiding
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[End of part 2.1 (I decided to subdivide this)]
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creatorbiaze · 7 months
instrumental / lyric-less songs that fit my characters & I can't explain why
Zenza.- GOD COMPLEX by Psch
Vizerxa - Crystal Kingdom by Nox Arcana
Star Seer - Mysterious Paths by Marco Belloni
Clara - Meeting the Fairy by Matthew Myers
Videns - A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night by Shane Rogers
Genesis - Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling
Saltator - Xenogenesis by TheFatRat
Ceriex - Lost One's Weeping by MyReminiscence
Vizerivu - Anubis by Brandberg
Amatus - In The Hall of the Mountain King
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