littlemut · 8 months
Tumblr media
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durbikins · 7 years
69, 70 😊
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? -RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
70. Very first game you ever beat? -Pokemon Silver
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sakii-sh · 10 years
sadwaffle replied to your post:◇ kawaiijedibritt ◇ sadwaffle ◇ vaiiele...
*o* thank you for having my blog among your faves *w*
bcus you're a cutie ♥ uwu
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kokonemoved · 11 years
thats a tough one but i really like snivy!!/// he was my fav grass type starter
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ayukawa · 11 years
i like your blog and your theme (oh and i also like madoka ayukawa like crazy) just saying >w
aww thank you so much!! maybe i should use madoka as background image again then? your blog is also pretty nice btw. i like it a lot
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sarahstankin · 11 years
Envy:Something I wish I was better at.
organising my time and actually being able to put effort into the things i have to get done for my job and school work, i swear if i spent as much time writing as i do dancing in my room to beyonce i would have at least five novels finished but no, i don't even have one even half way started.
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fer-aligtr · 11 years
Once you get this message you must give five random facts about yourself and then pass it onto your 10 favorite followers c:
sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this ♡♡
i've finished school up for the next 8 months last week woot
i still haven't wrapped all my christmas gifts for a few people yet
i just finished reading At Home by Bill Bryson, my fave author 
i'm watching The Office rn, from the v beginning
i have to work on christmas eve :'(
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salamence · 11 years
sadwaffle replied to your post: /breaks selfie drought me on ...
You look like rnortal
what the heckie is a rnortal
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32floz · 11 years
what are some good anime blogs you follow?
i adore these guys/gals!!!!
they all post mostly anime, and ive probably missed a few so ill be making a blogroll probably tomorrow so u can go through some others!!
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sarahstankin · 11 years
(。◕‿◕。) : what do you want to name your kidsI don't want kids cuz I have a phobia of pregnancy and I'm getting my tubes tied and my fear moved onto kids in general, I get really uncomfortable around them like even babies. I can't even do those stupid voices to a baby or even hold them it's really severe. But, if I wasn't afraid I would name them Quinn, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. Such a cute name
Thank you for the ask boo
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octomeido · 11 years
URL: not bad | good | great | flawless | perfection | asdfghjkl;
ICON: not bad | good | great | flawless | perfection | asdfghjkl;
THEME: not bad | good | great | flawless | perfection | asdfghjkl;
POSTS: not bad | good | great | flawless | perfection | asdfghjkl;
OVERALL: not bad | good | great | flawless | perfection | asdfghjkl;
FOLLOWING?: no, sorry 3 | now | yes | 4EVAH
luv u babe
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durbikins · 7 years
❤️ 5 people you love, ✖️ 5 things you hate, 🍎 favorite fruit
❤️ 5 people you love
friends and cat
✖️ 5 things you hate
traffic work www.tumblr.com anime life
🍎 favorite fruit
I will eat lemons like an orange
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flux98 · 11 years
11 & 12 (:
11. Turn ons?
Talking to sleepy boys, chivalry, deep eyes, prominent cheekbones and jawbones, cool hair, hands and veiny arms, tasteful humour, intelligence, pretty clothes, uniforms and non-PG things lol
12. Turn offs?
When boys make rude jokes/comments, insensitivity, loudness, um?
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salamence · 11 years
milk tea
milk tea: current fashion obsession
hm woww i've been lazy all summer and not rly caring about what im wearing too much BUt.... . . . hm i've been really into sporty looks lately??? like i've become kind of obsessed w/ buyin some really nice white nikes and running shorts lol
all the rest of my fashion obsessions have been in animal crossing lmffoa soryr
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urotsuki · 11 years
tagged by sadwaffle!
1. what do you hate the most about your parents?
my dad's a giant butthead with little to no redeeming qualities if you're unfortunate enough to be living with him. my mom's a bit of a worrywart and she's not entirely fond of how i choose to dress and present myself but i get along pretty fine with her
2. what’s your favorite kind of sweet?
cream puffs!
3. what’s your favorite tv show?
south park and whose line
4. what’s the best memory of your childhood?
probably the times i shared with my friends in 6th grade
5. a thing you learned from having a blog
the amount of attention you get is a big gamble and not always guaranteed. at least in my case :o)
6. what’s your favorite anime/cartoon?
lucky star, jojo, spongebob
7. what do you like to do the most during summer?
try not to die from heat
8. what do you think of people who don’t shave their legs or armpits?
doesn't bother me in most cases. sometimes i prefer hairy bodies
9. is Xmas special for you?
it usually has been, but the past few years have been pretty disappointing on my end
10. have you ever been scared of your future?
i used to be, but these days i'm a little more at ease
11. what do you like the most, cereals or biscuits?
depends on what kind. i think i prefer cereal
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sarahstankin · 11 years
sadwaffle replied to your post: ...
wow forever *-* you’re so cute >^< i really really really like your blog as well!
thankyou hon, youre such an angel<3
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