#sadly I don’t have that many headcanons for Mio Lanz Sena and Eucine at the moment
rainbowwing251 · 3 years
It took a while for me to come up with all of these, but now that we have a little more information on the six protagonists in Xenoblade 3, I’ve decided to post a some headcanons for them!
Just like the headcanons I made on everyone’s position on the lee-ler-switch spectrum, these headcanons could change as more information comes out about these six characters. For now, however, this is what I have for everyone.
I’m putting these under a “Read More” just in case this post gets a bit too long.
I’m updating the headcanons I previously made for Mio and Eunie. My headcanon for Mio’s position on the lee-ler-switch spectrum is now a ler-leaning switch, and Eunie is now a pure ler. The headcanons I made for Noah, Lanz, Taion, and Sena remain the same for the time being.
From the most ticklish to the least ticklish, we have:
I don’t have a specific placement for Taion and Lanz because I have no clue if Lanz would be ticklish in the first place. Judging by his appearance, he might not be ticklish at all due to his mechanical body (or at least, it looks like a mechanical body. Maybe he’s related to the Machina from XC1 somehow?).
If he is ticklish, however, I think he would be in fifth place, which would make Taion the least ticklish out of the six protagonists.
According to Lanz’s character bio, him and Noah are childhood friends. Given this information, I don’t think anyone would be surprised to know that these two get into tickle fights All. The. Time.
I use the term “tickle fight” VERY loosely, because 99% of the time (or 100% of the time if Lanz isn’t ticklish), it’s just Lanz tickling the shit out of Noah.
Eunie will occasionally join in on Noah and Lanz’s tickle fights, usually so she and Lanz can work together to tickle Noah into hysterics.
There are times where Lanz and Noah will team up to tickle Eunie, but this rarely ever happens, mainly because Eucine will somehow find a way to tickle Noah and convince Lanz to help her tickle him.
Regardless of whether or not Noah is related to Shulk, he does share a weak spot with him, that being his stomach.
Noah can not take tummy tickles AT ALL. He’s just too sensitive there!
Hell, you don’t even have to tickle his belly if you want to make him laugh! You could put your hand on his stomach and not even move it an inch, and he’d still fall into a giggle fit.
Of course, everyone in the main party loves to take advantage of this. They mainly use this weakness of his to lift his spirits after he comes back from his duties as an off-seer, but they can also use this to their advantage should they get into an argument with him (both Lanz and Eucine can confirm that this works. Both of them have used this strategy multiple times in the past).
Noah has two other weakness: raspberries and feathers. He absolutely can not handle either one of these, especially if they’re used on his belly.
Similarly to Noah and Lanz, Mio and Sena will often get into tickle fights. Unlike Noah and Lanz, however, there’s a 50-50 chance of either one of them winning, even though Sena is physically stronger than Mio.
Unless of course Taion shows up, which in that case, both of them will lose.
Mio and Sena share a tickle spot with each other, that being their Core Crystals.
Taion is a downright EVIL ler. He will learn all your worst spots, and he will find all of your weaknesses. He will then proceed to come with a way to make his lees a giggly mess by combining the above information together. He’s a tactician, what more did you expect?
Long story short, don’t fuck with Taion. He will wreck your shit.
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