#sadie yoo
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eye-of-elena · 6 months ago
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Celebrating Walker - Character we should've seen more of: Sadie Yoo
There was so much I wish we could have seen with all the characters, but especially with Sadie. We know barely anything about her past. And I would've loved to see her bond with Geri and all the Walkers.
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laf-outloud · 9 months ago
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Well, at least they have everyone together for the series finale. 🥹
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im-a-mess-that-works · 8 months ago
This was a great finale for Walker. It felt like a finale and came to a good conclusion. August graduating and getting into the colleges he applied to. Geri opening a second Side Step. Bonham and Abby working together again. Cassie getting the lieutenant position. Cordell wanting to take a family vacation and inviting Geri. I loved Cordell’s speech at August’s graduation party. I thought it was sweet. Stella, Sadie, and Geri talking about everything that’s happened. Liam awkwardly asking Ben to move in. Cordell apologizing to Cassie. Then taking a leave of absence for the summer so he can go on vacation with his family. Liam getting a call from the governor. Cassie moving into her office. Bonham and Abby going out on their boat. Cordell with a ring in his pocket! The new neighbors felt like the only real cliff hanger along with whatever the governor needed Liam for. But it was a great finale despite that it wasn’t initially planned to be the series finale. I’m still disappointed it got cancelled. Walker has been one of my favorites shows and I’m going to miss watching new episodes especially when I want to know what happens next! I’ll definitely be rewatching the show more than once.
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walker-extended-universe · 6 months ago
Walker Season 4 Deleted Scenes
4x01: The Quiet
Stella enters her dorm room and turns the light on. She locks the door before turning around. Her steps slow as she sees the window. The glass is blank and shows a clear night outside, with the blinds up and the curtains pulled aside. Stella drops her purse on the floor, quickly walks up to the window, and closes the blinds and the curtains. She then walks over to the bed and pulls her boots off, leaving them on the floor as she gets into bed still fully dressed. She reaches for a round fluffy pillow and holds it to her chest as she lays there silently. Ambient sounds from the dorm hallways can be heard throughout the scene.
4x04: Insane B.S. and Bloodshed
We pan up from an abandoned drink on the bar of the Side Step to see Sadie staring in through a clean spot on a cloudy window. We hear a robotic voice telling her to leave a message at the beep. She then leaves this message:
Hey, Ger. Um, I thought I'd catch you closing up the Side Step.... But, uh, I just wanted to say bye. Some tour stuff came up. Big opportunity! Um, I wish I coulda stayed longer, but I'll try and call from the road. Um.... Keep an eye on Stella for me, okay? Thanks. Alright, bye Ger.
As she talks, we hear some real regret in her voice and it's clear she's not telling the truth.
While she was on the phone, a car pulled up, illuminating her with headlights. Someone honked the horn, prompting her to quickly end her message. She rolls her eyes and grabs the backpack she left on one of the outdoor tables and heads for the car that's parked off screen.
4x10: End This Way
A light gray truck slowly drives down a road in a sunny area. As the truck pulls to a stop in some shade, we see Cassie is driving with David Luna in the passenger seat. After stopping the truck, Cassie pulls up her phone and starts poking at the screen. She says that the gazebo they're looking for is supposed to be on the north side of the lake, but she can see one much closer. As she confusedly looks for more information, she complains about the low quality of the map on the website she's looking at. David suggests they just go check it out and starts getting out of the truck. As he rounds the back, Cassie follows him out.
4x13: See You Sometime
Scene 1:
We see Stella and Liam walking alongside a fenced in field. Liam is looking over the horses and Stella is talking about her confusion over college and everyone expecting her to know what she wants to do with her life, echoing her earlier plotline about being unsure what she wanted with her life.
But, now that everything is done with the hunt for the necklace, she's remembered that, in her heart, all she wants to do is help people. She's not entirely sure what that looks like yet but lists psychology, sociology, and criminal justice as options she's looking at. Liam teases her and calls her a "regular Cordi Jr.", making them both laugh.
Stella then shifts the conversation to the rescue and suggests getting help for the rescue. She starts to explain that she's been collecting resumes but she needs help when Liam interrupts her and says they might not need more help, as he's recently received an offer to buy the horse rescue and he thinks they should take it. They've got it off it's feet now and it helped them both a lot, but it's clear that they're both at a point where they have different priorities. It's time to let it go. Stella asks if Liam is serious and Liam confirms that he is, but that he won't go through with it unless she's okay with it.
"So, what do you say? Should we move on to greener pastures?" he asks, holding a hand out to shake. Stella smiles and shakes, agreeing that it's something to consider.
Scene 2:
Sadie closes the trunk of her van and turns around. The camera pans over to show the farmhouse as August exits the front door. August apologizes and says he just got her text and starts to explain that his graduation party is actually at the main house, but stops talking as he sees what Sadie has.
The camera jumps to show her standing next to a pile of music stuff- August's old things he sold earlier in the season. She presents it all proudly.
August, in disbelief, asks if she really got all his old stuff back and Sadie says she did. She says he shouldn't give up on music. August, still shocked, agrees, saying he was thinking the same thing. He has a lot of decisions to make about school and he was actually thinking of waiting a year to make some money, work on photography and now his music.
Sadie then says she might need a roadie. August, in a different stage of disbelief, asks if she's serious. She nods, saying it's best to make music with people you trust, and that after everything that's happened this year, she trusts him. She says his family.
August thanks her and they hug. He then awkwardly brings up that they're not technically family in that sense and she tells him not to ruin the moment. Besides, they both have places to be. They both laugh and start carrying August's things back inside, where they belong.
Scene 3:
At Ranger HQ. Cordell, in his civilian clothes, enters the bullpen and interrupts Trey at his desk. They fistbump in greeting and refer to each other as "partner".
Trey asks if Cordell is ready to hit the ground running and Cordell explains that while he is excited for everything that's coming next, he's just put in for a leave of absence.
Trey, surprised, asks if everything is okay. Cordell says that it is, or that, at least, he's trying to make it that way. Trey nods in understanding and says he's not going anywhere.
Cordell then notices a sticky note Trey is holding and asks what it's about. Trey hesitates and explains that an old army buddy of his named "Jenny" has been repeatedly calling him and he needs to figure out what it's about. This old buddy of his is the kind of person that will just show up and "it might be a good time, but it's never good news". Cordell laughs and says he knows the type.
Trey then moves the conversation along, saying it's not Cordell's problem and that he should go have a good time with his family, wherever they're going. They laugh and hug as Cordell leaves and he says he'll "see you soon, partner". As Cordell leaves, Trey sits down with a smile on his face.
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heyjayyay · 1 year ago
Shit quality. But here’s Catch Me First for anyone who was asking to hear Saylor singing on Walker. 🙃
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madlyn5ever · 11 months ago
Suddenly Stella and Sadie are giving big ‘romantic tension’ energy what the hell.
Also, why did we not get an august/Sadie reunion moment didn’t he have a whole crush on her in her three episodes last season? Like I get that he’s having a crisis about almost selling all of his music stuff but. It would at least be awkward! For a moment, right? But I’m so excited actually cause I waited two whole episodes for her to return and shes actually in it a whole lot more than before.
(Maybe I just missed a line with the august thing I was too busy looking for characters I hadn’t seen yet so)
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perfectlybriefmoon · 1 year ago
Walker characters dynamics I want to see next season
Cordi and the kids
Bonham and Abby
Stella and Auggie
Cassie, James, Trey and Cordi
James and Cordi
Sadie, Stella and Auggie
Ben and Liam
James and Kelly
Cassie and Ben
Larry, Kelly with the Walker kids seeing how DJ is at college
Abby with her grandkids
Bonham with his grankids
Abby and Cordi
Abby and Liam
Bonham and Cordi
Bonham and Liam
Cordi and Liam
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lih67 · 2 years ago
I really want that Sadie Yoo song from Walker, You'll Have To Catch Me First.
I can't find it though.
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 2 years ago
Like this post if you would like me to hop in your DMs and plot a thread with any of my Walker characters/verses
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laf-outloud · 10 months ago
Witt took care of that other guy a little too handily, like he's had some experience covering up crimes...
LMAO! The air quotes!
Aaahhh!!! Detective Luna!
I'm here for all of the hair jokes!
Poor Cap thinking Kelly is pregnant.
Uh, Stella, talking to your dad about a criminal is not rash. When did Sadie become the responsible one?
Ooh, an old-fashioned stand-off!
Awe, Augie was so sweet there! But also, that's an alarming amount of trauma for two teenagers.
Poor Cap (continued). His rangers and his wife have been lying to him, and the Jackal is back.
Love the callback to Stella and Augie chatting while lying down. Especially loved Augie's "August Walker." A few more years and he can add "Texas Ranger" to that introduction!
That final shot of the all the rangers at the crime scene... beautiful and heartbreaking.
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alldancersaretalented · 7 months ago
Duos/Trios 23/24
Here's a small collection of Duos/Trios sorted by dance studio!
4PM Dance:
Mila Madriles, Kennadie Wright - Hey Mickey
Avi's Dance Project:
Aubree Ginter, Coraline McClintock - Only Hope
Terryn Jackson, Sydney Williams - Let Me Think
Christine He, Nicole He - Home
Mariah Merrigan, Kaydence Thomas - Secret Symphony
Aubrey Avila, Alyssa Garay - Islands
Molly Croll, Ella Siders - Stand By Me
Evianna Granado, Ana Roman - We'll Be Fine
Alexa Estep, Caylin Garcia - Song For You
Bobbie's School of Performing Arts:
?? - Not A Mountain
?? - Don't Give Me Up
?? - Life's What You Make It
?? - LiourI
?? - Only Ever Loved Your Ghost
?? - I'm Through
Canadian Dance Company:
Ellianna Buck, Olivia Colozza, Delia Wu - Freeway
Emma Lee, Emma Phillippe, Stella Savage - On Broadway
Olivia Colozza, Filip Lipiec - Hard To Handle
Alexandra de Groot, Kadence Wright, Clara Zhao - Snowing
Callista Crowe, Damian Shillis - Every Little Thing
Jessica Battley, Kadence Wright - Swing Phenomenon
Jessie Alfaro Kazula, Sabrina Digings - Feet Don't Fail Me Now
Ryan Blackburn, Callista Crowe - Anything You Can Do
Damian Shillis, Sophia Van Haastrecht - Last Night
Cydnee Abbott, Chloe Greenfield, Sadie Wen - Mind-Link
David Blackburn, Arianna Frano - Moves Like Jagger
Therese Marie Adap, Sadie Wen, Avery Yoo - Aaab
Therese Marie Adap, Oliwia Lipiec, Avery Yoo- Contra
Aliyah Demone, Irene Rose Santos, Analia Theofilopoulos - Glitch
Ella Boughner, Lauren Gibbon, Anna Volkova - Drive
Lauren Gibbon, Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro- TBA
Lauren Gibbon, Brandon Yoo- Die Trying
Olivia Granic, Gabriella Seixeiro - On The Jazz Four
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio:
Addalyn Daley, Coco Gonzales, Ivy McEwan - Run The World
Kate Baker, Violet Schwarz, Anistyn Larsen - The Grudge (Shannon Mather)
Kylie Lawrence, Elliana Wilson - Say A Little Prayer
Tessa Ohran, Rory Frye, Hadlee Heriford - We Could Stay (Noelle Marsh)
?? - Evening Ceremony
?? - Inside
Club Dance Studio:
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - Dreamscapes (Jenn Peterson)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Sylvie Win Szyndlar - La Rapture (Brady Farrar)
Amelia Principe, Annalisa Francis, Mackenzie Hammer - Diamonds
?? - Big Love
?? - Party Girls
Penny Harris, Brody Schaffer - My Girl
?? - Nana's Flowers
Aspen Bloem, Annelise Hseih, Ryee Kameya - Funk Soul Brother
?? - Tres Chicas
?? - Tick Tick Boom
?? - Rhythm X 2
Dance Deluxe:
Haven Bryan, Adriana Houlihan, Adaline Louderback - You're Invited
Allie Aston, Livian Bailey, Lily Conaway - Hollywood
Jake Roberts, Stella Roberts - We Go Together
Emerson Mullan, Avery Stephens, Adelina Quintanilla - Hocus Pocus
Brighton Taylor, Briele Bailey, Remi Skidmore - Big Finish
Kamdyn Arnold, Haylie Birchman, Aracely Lee - Snap
Eva Gonzalez, Remi Skidmore - Snowing
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Somebody
Gage Davis, Vanessa Soto - Falling Slowly
Dance Enthusiasm:
Liesl Dowdy, Margot Phelps - Shake Your Groove Thing
Kayleigh Stoler, Violet Werner - Sign Of The Times
Julia Visan, Olivia Visan - Optical Prism
Shelby Ellis, Kayleigh Stoler - Made For You
Olivia Visan, Violet Werner - Explosion
Jazmine Raine Werner, Violet Werner - Time
Amelia Gonzales, Kayleigh Stoler - Dream On
Malia Gazda, Paige Kim - Falling Leaves
Shelby Ellis, Janea Latimer - Let Me Follow
Taelyn Albrecht, Paige Kim - Refugees
Taelyn Albrecht, Jazmine Raine Werner - One Sec
Taelyn Albrecht, Alexa Lynn - Carry You
Christina Kalafatis, Emily Zolla - Hocus Pocus
Dance Precisions:
Aliyana Denham, Aniyia Ortega, Kennedy Wong - Think
Everly Park, Skylie Schreppel, Grecia Underwood - Like This Like That
Emma Orr, Xara Sakhrani, Charlotte Stirling - Shake Your Tailfeather
Elleyna Kadera, Raegan Wendell - I Feel Good
Sydney Ko, Londyn Nevois - Nowadays
Dance Town:
Belle Marie Arauz, Amanda Carpenter - My Dolphin And Me
Krystal Alvarez, Luna Santana, Arantza Sardinha - Con Altura
?? - Without You
Elektro Dance Academy:
Niah Corpeno, June Townley - Butterfly
Elite Dance Pro:
Peyton De La Cerda, Valynnita Mei, Alice Yan - Forget About That Boy
Alexa Schwarze, Summer Skousen, Chloe Tarwater - Fleur
Olivia Quintana, Ella Rempfer, Charlotte Woodside - Bang Bang
Carlin Ciocchetti, Lily Douglas, Sophia Schiano - To Falter
Elite Danceworx:
?? - Life Is Circles
?? - Make It Matter
?? - Cranes In The Sky
?? - Third Dream
?? - Free To Form
?? - All In The Same Breath
?? - The Beauty of Dissolving Portraits
Epic Dance Complex:
?? - Let You Know
Evolve Dance Company:
Olivia Bennett, Adeline Vogt - Wash That Man
George Grech, Jaydnn Mendez - Creeks
Alexa Kunishige, Ava Sparks - Thousand Eyes
George Grech, Vivian Grech - Groove Is In The Heart
Ava Banuelos, Sienna Thor - Don't
Trinity Hastings, Tanziana Contino, Viviana Contino - Iris
Evolve Dance Complex:
Dylann Sebes, Brynley Brett - It's Raining Men
Jossi Josephic, Hallie Oberhofer, Deanna Tierno - Bites The Dust
Ella Martindale, Natalie Vinton - Sweet Dreams
Kyleigh Harbarger, Lola Rodi - Adios To You
Andrew Spalvieri, Abby Spalvieri - Devil Went Down To Georgia
Cami Vorhees, Elyse Wingertsahn - Stay Away
Samuel Evans, Onna Williams - Implacable Hearts
Evoke Dance Movement:
?? - Boogie Shoes
?? - About Today
?? - Come Let Us
Imperial Dance:
Malia Gandy, Dayana Hernandez, Sophia Solano - Took The Night
Isabella Cruz, Eliyan Rall, Zarielle Trimmings - Call Me Mother
Myla Durand, Anaya MIchell, Sofia Velazquez - Run To You
Aria Edmond, Sarai Trimmings, Savannah Yard - Secure The Bag
Sophia Basso, Sophia Solano - Mini Me
Leyla Bedoya, Marley Cheron, Gabriella Cuadrado - This Woman's Work
Aryanna Anujar, Sophia Basso, Hannah Galantai - Amor
Marlon Cheron, Layla Hernandez, Arianna Velazquez - Love Me Or Leave Me
K2 Studios:
Emery Cordero, Rylai Orozco - Safe And Sound
Belle Anguiano, Sadie Anguiano - Beautiful Thing
Juniper Balatero, Rosalind Balatero - Stand By Me
Lilly Douglas, Penelope Lee - Breakin Dishes
Ella Cordero, Alani Hernandez, Jiselle Saavedra - Dem Girlz
Riley Fernandez, Nicholas Turner - I Follow
Jessica Sutton, Rebecca Sutton - Fix You
Adiyah Ayres, Kynzli Reece - Madness
Ariana Gomez, Neriah Karmann, Nicholas Turner - Unbreak
Neriah Karmann, Abby Viramontes - Save Me
Alex Almeida, Zoey Garcia - River
Love Acierto, Alex Almeida, Jordan Wallace - Be Alright
Tessa Andelkovic, Jade Castaneda - Monsters
Larkin Dance Studio:
Stella Ames, Jade Glyzinski, Harper Kill - How Long Will I Love You
Hallee Anderson, Gigi Shea, Sailor Stormoen - Bird On A Wire
Elia Cocchiarella, Eleanor Lamers - Checkerboard
Savannah Jackson, Maylin Munos, Neala Murphy - Dream
Matinly Conrad, Chase Lang - When I Was Your Man
Evie McCune-Barrett, Truett Ziemke - As Long As You Love Me
Lexie Charnstrom, Scarlett Manzel, Evie Mccune-Barrett - Change
Maddie Kulenkamp, Brody Lanoux - Mr. Postman
Mila Ayshford, Tillie Kuhl, Palmer Peltier - The Trumpet In My Head
Lilly Anderson, Bella Charnstrom, Malia Scott - Too Tightly
Jemma Eisenbrei, Mia Kostinovski, Hailey Turnbull - Gold
Finley Ashfield, Kelsie Jacobson, Savannah Manzel - Picture Perfect
Sienna Powers, Hazel Semans, Savannah Werner - A Noise I Once Heard
Belle Hughes, Maizie Hughes - Near Me
Erik Barker, Laci Bloss - To The Moon
Lola Boisen, Sarah St Cyr - Twilight
Matissa Conrad, Tahari Conrad, Ava Rothmund - Eternal Voice
Kate Monge, Giselle Mourad, Harlow Pike - To One's Perception
Laci Bloss, Daphnie Braun, Kira Riessner - Allure
Caleb Abea, Keira Redpath - Empty Apology
Isabella Jarvis, Claire Monge, Keira Redpath - Stuck In Pause
Miami Dance Company:
Varia Mari, Brooke Martin, Kylie Sanchez - Rise Together
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy:
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - Deeper Love
Lindsey Gruidel, Tatum Jackson, Savanna Pitcher - What It Means To Be Human
Murrieta Dance Project:
Rylan Ashley, Sierra Koops - That Beautiful Sound
Lily Dejoya, Carter Ruiz - Total Eclipse
Brooklyn Coronado, Jaclyn Coronado - Can't Let Go
Kailyn Nong, Emma Vianzon - When Doves Cry
Juliana Kang, Emmersyn Van - Little Fluffy Clouds
New Level Dance Company:
Gisele Alpendre, Haley Raines - Wherever You Will Go
Francesca Caputo, Harper Stein - Until We Bleed
Natalie Frantzen, Noelle Klug - Fix You
Charlotte Danford, Beata Polunin - Paint It Black
Brooklyn Bailey, Sabryn Stein - Tragedy
Marisa Bruno, Ainsley Rice - Black Car
Charlotte Dister, Taylor Lapointe - Selah
Elle Bonner, Myiah Brown - Awards Night
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance:
Ella Saad, Sophie Saad - Venus
Lily Marshall, Daisy Nuznov - Carry Me
Maria Carpenter, Camille Moore - ??
Stella Bennett, Sophia Cialkowski - ??
Isabella Jaczynski, Danica Lentz - Tumbling Lights
Lily Saad, Mila Saad - Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
?? - Last Goodbye
?? - Lucky Ladies
?? - Big Finish
Orange County Performing Arts Academy:
Bailey Chalmers, Kiera Simon - What's On The Menu
Everleigh Alonzo, Annabelle Bright, Camila Valdez - Emergency
Harper Bridge, Elle Dahl, Raegan Gold - Conga
Olivia Montano, Hayden Peterson, Parker Seymour - Space Jam
Elizabeth Leiter, Hannah Wright - Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
PAVE School of the Arts:
Aniston Maurer, Lola Mesa, Sophia Smith - Mr. Postman
Claire Devine, Emma Wishart - Showtime
Ashlynn Fairfield, Rebecca Kessler - Dancing Machine
Annelise Chan, Kirsten Kim - Zero To Hero
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Creep (Sasha Dee)
Stella Fisk, Emi Hoang - Tightrope
Kensington Arrendondo, Talia Donaldson, Kassidy Luong - Diamonds
Paisley Branch, Kira Guchko - Angels
Kaylee Baldwin, Kaylee Townsend - Women Be Wise
Hayden Calder, Wavy Hazen - Nowadays
Joah Moore, Bryn Zimmerman - Look
Charlotte Minhas, Phoebe Black - Gimme Gimme
Oliver Hincy, Olivia Battle - Moving Pictures
Adriana Krall, Alexa Krall - It's All Coming Back To Me
Emersyn Fee, Sienna Hardin - Everytime It Rains
Kailey Longshore, Peach MIller, Ella Smallwood - Bassline
Spree Hazen, Ava Kendall - Tell Him
Ava Zimmerman, Kate Allen - Silhouete
Project 21:
Kami Couch, Katie Couch - To Cross Paths
Renner Dance Company:
?? - End Of The Line
?? - Climb Every Mountain
?? - Pixies
Charlotte Bailey, Madeline Collier - I Enjoy Being A Girl
Charlotte Lewis, Olivia Siri - Sugar And Spice
?? - Dog Days
Leighton Crump, Seneca Hrdina - Found
Emily Fedirow, Presely Krohn - Surround You
Ella Garrett, Grace Snider - Girls Night Out
?? - Never Grow Up
Rose Mangan, Brantley Meador - Dancing On The Moon
?? - You Are My Sister
?? - In The Distance
Sophia January, Stella January - Inside
Sarah Martin Duncan, Ensley King - A Winter Story
Claire Naismith, Lauren Stubbs - Ends Of The Earth
?? - Pressure
?? - What Might Have Been Lost
?? - Still Life
Stars Dance Studio:
?? - Proserpina
?? - Rollin'
?? - Mirrors
?? - Here On This Hill
Studio 19 Dance Complex:
Frances Farone, Mackenzie Smith, Leira Wilbon - California Cuties
Brynleigh Kerestes, Kallie McKenna - Small Word
Nitalia Manilla, Alessia Price - Think
Landry Blosser, Brynleigh Kerestes - Sugar And Spice
Ashlynn Bickford, Iris Edwards, Charlotte Haas Itsy Bitsy Spider
Harper Miller, Sloane Sherrets - Opposites Attract
Scarlett Fornear, Olivia Fornear - Good Company
Maddie Maker, Sadie Vaccaro - If We Hold On Together
Maddie Chiplock, Maddie Maker, Addison Smith - Venus
Claire Osche, Grace Sypien - Holly Rock
Mila Jaymes, Brooklyn Schirripa, Evelyn Woodburn - Gonna Get Ya
Carina Lavella, ?? - Mr. Sandman
Sienna Arias, Atalia Spagnolo - State Of Shock
Tia Adams, Sienna Arias, Ella Laughlin - Meeting In The Ladies Room
Sofia Farone, Brooklyn Schirripa - Good Versus Evil
Avery Organ, Evelyn Woodburn - Sassy X's Two
Camia Adams, Kendall Nace - We're Gonna Party
Gianna Cugliari, Melanie Steed - Silent Night
Gianna Cugliari, Madison Makowski, Karsyn Schifino - Choose Your Path
Alexandra Bayles, Antonia Spagnolo, Haley Steed - Scarborough Fair
Kileigh Davison, Sophia Haas, Sophia Lapina - Bad Apples
Calista Herbst, Emma Schrock - Ashes
Haley Steed, Hannah Steed - Tappin With My Twin
Lexi Pompa, Taylor Williams - Troubled Waters
Gia Booker, Aliana Spagnolo - Running With The Wolves
Ella Barch, Keira McKenna - Carry You
Mia Jackson, Ava Means - Don't Stop The Groove
Ellie Rosenwasser, Mia Mirabile - In The Hold Of A Dream (Chelsea Jennings)
Soleil Herbst, Mia Jackson - Hold Me Down
Emily Holcomb, Becca Kohler, Allie Philips - Why
Millie Julius, Rowan Mansfield, Ciera Ragula - Islands
Haley Engelmore, Raelyn Rectemwald, Kyleigh Turner - She's Not Me (Talia Flavia)
Tessa Pagone, Madeline Schrock, Addison Vargo- Hold On Tight
Studio 702:
Grace Peralta, Kamea Solidum, Reese Tolentino - Balacobaco
Aalayah Perkins, Breanna Tenney - Belly of the Beast
Charley Lehman, Faith Letourneau - Cyber Surveillance
Redle Edler, Alysa Owen - Vulgar
Studio X Dance Complex:
Emery Bourne, Braxy Montana, Karter Strong - Proud Mary
Emma Acosta, Hannah Martinez - Free Me (Victoria Wootem)
Kambria Keegan, Berkeley McGrath - Dangerous
Berkeley McGrath, Abigail Weber - Rain
Summit Dance Shoppe:
Jemma Scates, Shayla Scates - Girls Night Out
Meadow Majkrzak, Brooklyn Peterson, Malia Reuter - Luminous
Monroe Johnson, Zoey Schelitzche,  Camryn Westrum - Best Of My Love
Katy Lawrence, Tova Thompson, Greta Wagner - Stop
Audrey Boro, Nora Turunen, Finley Weigelt - I Believe
Kinsley Fairchild, Annie Zechmeister - Carmen
Lily Buchholz, Calia McArdle, Emma Misuraco-Janish - Carry You
Temecula Dance Compancy:
Amara Fisher, Alana Kalahiki, Luke Noss - A Little Less Conversation
Bailey Dalton, Teaghan O'Reilly, Cece Radach - Calling All B.B.S.
Ava Aflague, Anaya Johnson, Ava Thammavong - Soy Yo
James Hetsko, Jocelyn Hetsko - Mr. Zoot Suit
Hudson Locke, Jake Pribyl, Vera Spencer - 3D
Audrey Fite, Piper Conway, Alyssa Vinskey - It's A Mood
Andrea Tylman, Ella Zhang - Forever Friends
Paige Caveney, Giada Gariffo, Brinleigh O'Reilly - F.U.N.
Scarlett Berroteran, Ta'ina Gonzalez, Princess Sanchez - Shake That
Kyrstin Duquid, Brooklyn Powell, Ava Radach - Scheibe
Carter Roa, Lacey Walker - I Love You But Don't Trust You
?? - Diamonds
?? - Chase
?? - Skinny
The NINE Dance Academy:
Abigail Mathias, Evelyn Rego, Ella Waltman - Material Girls
Charolette Baldassarra, Laurina Lin, Gia Traficante-Petrozzi - New York New York
Sienna Di Pietro, Mia Jorge, Alina Sedova - Statues
Molly Kravetz, London Mandell, Ashley Shultz - Piano Man
Nathaniel Chua, Tristan Redly, Ashley Shultz - Is There Somebody
Emily Bertola, Jessica Brettone, Lily Kravetz - What Lies In The Balance
Nathaniel Chua, Shaunaughsey Meagher - Bound To You
The Vision Dance Alliance:
Julia Amato, Violet McGuire - Void (Jess Malafronte)
Julia Amato, Emily Polis - Willow Bends (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Emily Polis - Two Organs (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis, Emily Polis - You Are Every Memory (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Hannah Beatty - Claim It (Jess Malafronte)
Caitlyn Polis, Maddie Polis - Human Touch (Jess Malafronte)
Vlad's Dance Company:
?? - Without Hesitation
?? - Not To Be Forgotten
Westside Dance Project:
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Cells Divide (Timmy Blankenship)
Isabella Kouznetsova, Diana Kouznetsova - Sharp Dialogue (Alina Krasovskaya)
Esme Chou, Tegan Chou - Amaru
West Florida Dance Company:
Marlow Hess, Lola Bryant - All That Jazz (Jess Disalvo)
Macey Strickland, Stella Brogan - Shot Me Down (Struther White)
Scarlett Griffin, Sophia Griffin - If I Could
Lily Hackney, Reagan Hess, Desa Jankes - Movies (Jess Disalvo)
Ava Kim, Natalie Kim - Sunshine
Bella DiBenedetto, Aubrey Haugh - Swim Good
Stella Fowler, Caleb Monnell - Your Angel
Hudson Heath, Caleb Monnell, Indy Ray - Bad Romance
Woodbury Dance Center:
Ian Stegeman, Skylar Wong - Depth Over Distance
Wyatt Brisson, Klaire Simek - What Weighs Me Down
Caleigh Proulx, Samuel Sharp Jr. - Glacier
West Coast School of the Arts:
Isla Benedetti, Olivia Conner, Aubrey Minadeo - Werk
Kinsley Cooper, Larkin Low, Paige Perez - Jail House Rock
Genevieve Lee, Marlee Ninofranco - Eyes In The Back Of My Head
Lily Meghdadi, Mila Osgood - Young And Beautiful
Skylar Nixon, Dakotah Robinett - Play That Sax
Alexa Perez, Mackenzie Perez - Opening Up
McKinley Barragan, Kensie Lee, Ayla Mohtashami - In The Zone
Madison Fontanilla, Marlee Ninofranco - Journey Of You And I
Lyric Low, Camdyn Mitchell, Makayla Tran - Everybody Needs A Best Friend
Ally Cheung, Casey Cheung - How It Ends
Leyna Huynh, Sophia Thayer-Pham - Move
Ally Cheung, Gabi D'Ambra, Sophia Oppegard - Poison And Wine
Yoko's Dance and Performing Arts Academy:
Priscilla Huang, Isabelle Shi, Grace Yan - Firework
Arielle Konaris, Anaya Seals, Avery Yamaguchi - I'll Get You Home
Michelle C. Wang, Alexander Wang - Why Don't You
Kaelani Carlson, Isabel Dela Cruz - When The Party's Over
Fiona Wu, Raina Wu - Bitter And Sweet (Megan Ellis)
Avery Du, Grace Koo - Black Horse And A Cherry Tree
Samantha Tan, Isabelle Tang - How To Save A Life
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walker-extended-universe · 10 months ago
One thing I'm losing my mind over in this episode is my theories coming true
I've suspected for the longest time that Sadie was related to the break-in in some way because of how she introduced Stella to Witt and @theladywyn and I speculated that she came to Austin to do just that. We sort of speculated that Sadie was there to essentially do recon for the break-in and that it could be related to something Hoyt did many years ago. That whoever was behind the break-in pointed Sadie in Geri's direction after helping her settle her debts after her mother passed.
This episode feels like a confirmation of that. She knew Witt, she knew there was a woman in charge, and she knew this was all about a necklace- likely a stolen necklace- before Witt even brought it up.
I'm starting to suspect that the reason she hadn't stayed anywhere longer than a few nights while she was gone for those 5 months is because she, like Witt and Stella, was terrified for her life after the break-in. She didn't want to go to the cops at first because she didn't want her record exposed. Now that Witt is alive and could probably vouch as a character witness alongside Stella, she feels like going to law enforcement- specifically Cordell- is the safest move. And she's leaving again because Stella won't follow her reasoning.
I have no idea if the Jackal is actually connected to all this but I wouldn't be surprised if she was in a compromising situation in a later episode.
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heyjayyay · 1 year ago
Hearing Saylor say "bastard" and "hell" on Walker makes me unreasonably happy. Also, her little growly vocals were so cute!!!!
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miseongz · 1 year ago
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loading . . . seongmi’s basics !
( ✶ ) BIRTH NAME: ko seongmi.
( ✶ ) ENGLISH NAME: sadie ko.
( ✶ ) NICKNAMES: twice’s princess (by twice), seongie (by twice), kpop’s secret weapon. sm’s biggest loss. jyp’s lottery ticket, jype’s backbone, industry’s little sister, chorus fairy.
( ✶ ) BIRTHDAY: may 26th, 2000.
( ✶ ) AGE: twenty three.
( ✶ ) ZODIAC SIGN: pisces.
( ✶ ) BIRTHPLACE: yongin, gyeonggi, south korea.
( ✶ ) HOMETOWN: yongin, gyeonggi, south korea.
( ✶ ) RESIDENCY: yongin, gyeonggi, south korea (2000-2009), seoul, south korea (2009-present).
( ✶ ) NATIONALITY: south korean.
( ✶ ) ETHNICITY: korean.
( ✶ ) LANGUAGES: korean (mother tongue), english (semi-fluent), mandarin (conversational).
( ✶ ) HEIGHT: 158 cm.
( ✶ ) BLOOD TYPE: a negative.
( ✶ ) HAIR COLOR: dark brown (naturally, also currently).
( ✶ ) EYE COLOR: brown.
( ✶ ) BODY MODIFICATIONS: nine ear piercings. two tattoos.
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( ✶ ) CLAIMS:
face — lee seoyeon.
vocals — lee seoyeon.
rap — lee seoyeon.
dance — yoo jimin (aespa).
( ✶ ) GENDER: cisgender female.
( ✶ ) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual.
( ✶ ) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: taken (since 2019).
loading . . . seongmi’s basics !
( ✶ ) STAGE NAME: seongmi.
( ✶ ) COMPANY: sm entertainment (2009-2012). jyp entertainment (2012-present).
( ✶ ) TRAINING PERIOD: six years.
( ✶ ) AGE AT DEBUT: fifteen years old.
( ✶ ) GROUP: twice.
( ✶ ) SUBUNIT: tzunami (tzuyu, nayeon, seongmi).
( ✶ ) FANDOM NAME: once.
loading . . . seongmi’s personal !
( ✶ ) MBTI: isfj.
description — isfj (defender) is a personality type with the introverted, observant, feeling, and judging traits. these people tend to be warm and unassuming in their own steady way. they’re efficient and responsible, giving careful attention to practical details in their daily lives.
( ✶ ) HABITS: fighting, ignoring managers, pranking the members, biting (literally just in general), sleeping anywhere, biting off more than she can chew.
( ✶ ) STRENGTHS: attention to detail, focused, always prepared, time efficient, advocacy, personal hype girl.
( ✶ ) WEAKNESSES: defensive, not accepting to criticism, emotionally suppressing, easily annoyed, overconfident.
( ✶ ) LIKES: dancing, sleeping, animals, flowers, perfume, vanilla, jjangmyeon, being spoiled, holding hands, jewelry.
( ✶ ) DISLIKES: being yelled at, any criticism at all, crying, losing, being dirty, waking up early/staying up late, drinking, noise.
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perfectlybriefmoon · 1 year ago
Walker hiatus pairings I want to see in season 4
Trey and Cassie - lord knows after the trauma of season 3 they both deserve to be happy and I want Cassie to be able to date someone who DOESN'T turn out to be a domestic terrorist and Trey deserves to be happy after Micki
Bonham and Abby - I definitely want to see more of them and I'm not going to get my hopes up for this but I want them to have a slightly calmer season after the events of season 3 though given what's going on with the whole Stella/Sadie/Witt/Liam situation I don't think that's going to happen
Liam and Ben- I would love to see more of them since they are the cutest together though I wonder if Liam will tell him about the situation with Stella, Sadie and Witt and will that get back to Cordi through Cassie
Cordi and Geri - after that has happened last season they more than deserve to be happy though with everything going on the the Jackal and the whole situation with Stella, Sadie and Witt they might get another curveball thrown at the couple
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rose022 · 9 months ago
Yoo I adore rick riordan, hoo is amazing. Who's your favourite character from that extended universe (/no pressure if you can't think of one)?
Also heya hopefully things are going well:)
okayyy so my favs are prolly percy (ik basic, but hes amazing), nico, alex, and hmm annabeth too cus shes so awesome. honorable mention sadie too
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