#sadako is so good we love them!!!
dawnedon · 1 year
Dawn's phone is specially modified to allow for her Rotom, Sadako, to enter and take over as they please, though her phone can function without Sadako. Dawn doesn't want to keep Sadako away from their home - the Old Chateau - for long periods of time. This modification allows Sadako to come and go as they please, making it so they never feel obligated to stay and worry over how Dawn's phone will function without them. The only time Sadako will stay in the phone for long periods of time is when Dawn travels out of the region, like when she took her trip to Paldea with May.
Sadako can also enter Dawn's Poketch, though this is a less frequent occurrence as Dawn generally always has her phone, and the phone has more features naturally than the Poketch does. Her phone and Poketch are connected, and Dawn can read messages and such from her Poketch, but ultimately, Sadako prefers the phone.
When Sadako is in Dawn's phone, they tend to spend time educating themselves when Dawn isn't using it. Things like home repair and maintenance mainly to help aid Dawn in the repair and renovation of the Old Chateau. They also will look around at furniture and decor for the chateau, keeping a list of things to show Dawn at a later time - usually when she's awake. Other times, they'll watch short-form videos
They don't tend to pry much in her messages or emails, generally only responding for Dawn if Sadako knows the person. Usually, Sadako will respond to any of the Leaders or Elites, and May. It's fairly clear when it's Sadako replying vs when it's Dawn replying. Junk/spam numbers and emails are blocked immediately, though Sadako will save some of the funnier spam emails to show Dawn.
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deadbydangit · 5 months
Ah! I’m obsessed with your writing!! If you don’t mind, I would like to make a request! 🩷
A killer!reader who is very quiet due to shyness, so they have a difficult time trying to get along with others 😔 (characters of your choice! but I’d like to see Wesker because I like him very much haha)
If there are any struggles, don’t feel pressured !! Take care and Thank you!
I think I can do that. I'm going to tweak it a little so it's easier to write about. Please enjoy.
With a shy reader: Mastermind, Nightmare, Onryo
Wesker doesn't mind that you're shy.
He isn't the most talkative person himself.
He can be, if he has to be.
But he would otherwise prefer to remain quiet.
It isn't that he shy, he just rather not talk to the others.
He finds them annoying and not worth conversing with.
Having a super outgoing partner wouldn't work well for him.
He's the type who would prefer to stay home rather than go out.
So if you don't want to go out?
That's fine by him.
Besides, he finds your coy nature to be charming.
And, he won't say it out loud, but he thinks it's adorable.
Though he will poke fun of you from time to time.
"Speak up dearheart. I won't know what you want unless you tell me."
"Ah, you're blushing. How adorable."
He'll even pinch your cheeks.
Part of all this is him just being a tease.
The other part is him trying to get you to stand up for yourself.
He may not vocalize it, but he is worried about you.
He knows he won't always be around to protect you.
And you're going to have to confront others eventually.
He may seem like he's being mean, but it's really his way of showing he cares.
But he isn't like that all the time.
If you're in a situation you're uncomfortable with, just tug on his jacket.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. We can leave."
And it doesn't matter what he's doing either.
If you want to leave, then he'll help you.
With this guy?
Good luck.
This asshole is going to tease you till you're close to tears.
Freddy does that with everybody so don't take it too personally.
That's one of the reasons that most of the other killers and survivors don't like him.
He doesn't like them either. Which is why having you shy is nice because he doesn't have to deal with them around.
It could just be the two of you. He's fine with that.
But having you so shy, and so unwilling to stand up for yourself, it's prime gold for him.
What, you expect him not to take advantage of this opportunity?
In your dreams.
Which is where he often is.
Teasing you and poking at you.
Just seeing how red your face gets when you get so worked up.
He can't get enough of it.
If you actually start crying you will stop though.
But only if you start crying.
Otherwise he won't put on the brakes just because you're his significant other.
But, if you say something, he'll stop.
"Come on baby. I can't hear you. What do you want?"
While he's laughing in your face.
Don't get too mad at him though.
It's just how this idiot shows his love.
You two could be shy together.
It isn't so much that Sadako is shy.
She just doesn't talk.
And, nearly all her experience with people is bad.
So the less people around, the better for her.
Unlike the others, she won't taunt or tease you.
She likes that you're quiet.
It's peaceful that way.
Most of her life was filled with sadness and hate, so the silence is a welcome change.
You two could sit in silence for hours, not saying a thing.
And she would be perfectly fine with that.
But, if you do want to talk, she'll listen.
She enjoys hearing you speak.
The sound of your voice is relaxing and comforting.
And she'd never judge you.
So don't ever feel embarrassed about speaking.
You won't ever have to worry about someone taunting you either.
Because Sadako we'll take care of them in a matter of seconds.
Can't bully somebody if your neck is broken.
She'll make a gruesome show of torturing the person who was bothering you to others.
It's her way of saying that you are under her protection.
And God help anyone who decides to mess with you now.
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months
It's done
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Fuck you Tumblr for butchering the quality
Anyway!! Tahdah!
Close ups and notes below
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The moon from @justmwahstruly!
I love her design, andddd took some creative liberitys. I gave her a silk, floaty scarf to kinda differ her colors from the background. I also have her a sparkly phantom arm because.. that's cool in my brain.
Hope you like my take on her
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Next is this bug dude from @3amclothesmonster
This bitch is silly. I didn't know what personality they would have so I kinda. Gave them this silly, childish pose.
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This smokey thing is up next by @thegreatgeodo
They seemed very childlike to me. Kinda went ham on the smokey look
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Then sadako by @gojohnbishop
They look like they smoke/pos
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Meat ball by @meatybunger
They reminded me of a DND monster lol.
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This Twink/j by @choppytransteenageangst your user is TOO LONG and CHANGES TOO MUCH
I was watching someone play Amanda the adventurer while drawing this
Oh and a little tip! For the colors lower the saturation ^^ makes it easier on the eyes. Still good oc
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then we have Jupiter by @lucytsukii.
I love them?! Their design is fun and I feel like I didn't do it liberty at all. I'm not good at curls/waves. Still I hope you like it <3
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finally we have this oc by @thegenderconfusedpuffball!
They are also, very silly.
And the last oc on it is mine so I'm not displaying it lol
Hope y'all enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoy drawing your ocs
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gojicorps · 2 months
Ok I don't know much about your OCs, so it's time to learn!! Watermelon - what are your ocs biggest pet peeves? Grapes - what is your favorite trope you've used in your WIPs
Apple - Which of your ocs do you think you can take in a fight
Orange - what is your ocs ultimate goal in life? What do they do to get there and how does this contribute to the story?
Ohhhh shit prepare yourself cz this will take a while! I'll make just about the 5 protagonists of my main story.
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Ettore: Despises everyone who has bad manners, he had a pretty strict mother who made him a really gentleman. He like to keep the tables clean.
Sadako: She can't stand nosey people. Arrogant one's are even worse
Helis: He vibes with anyone! But please be clean, no one can handle smelly people.
Steffany: She doesn't like when people start to shake their legs, chew loudly or people who wears gold pieces. FOR REAL SHE FINDS THEM SO WEIRD AND UGLY.
Valentine: Everyone who he finds odd, like not the good type of odd. The one's who are an absolute menace and are WEIRD, he hates loud noises too, specially if they aren't harmonious and people who tries to outshine him.
Hmmmm, probably Man vs God, since GOD I LOVE THIS TROPE, a bunch of my villain's are "gods" who're jerks and need to be beaten by a bunch of misfits. And mad scientist, all my stories have at least one.
Annie: "Don't you dare answering that."
Stefany: "You can't beat any of us"
Valentine: "Please don't embarrass yourself"
Sadako: "Hold' on let him cook, I'm curious"
Ettore: "I definitely can train him, just give me the time and I'm sure he can beat at least one of us."
Helis: "God I wish I had your self confidence, wait why is Annie here?"
Annie: "I just wanted to say hi, bye!"
All of them: Ohhhh, Bye!
Well, since they all shattered my hopes, dreams and stuff like that I'm pretty sure I can at least beat... Any of them? Like all my characters are superhuman in some degree, yeah I can ride over them with my car but they definitely can survive that. But if I'm becoming my versions on the universe (Merle or Lazarus) I still can't do much shit against the main cast, I definitely can fight some early villain's as Merle and some really strong folks as Lazarus but fighting against my main cast specially if they are all together? Impossible, I'll be beaten easily.
Shit that's really complicated, I want to tell about everyone but it's already getting too big, well my story is called Live this Way, and well... Sometimes we can't live this way forever, it's about changing, choosing who you want to be after everything you have lived. That's the moving force of Sadako and Valentine, they both wear mask as heroes but for different reasons. We all wear masks, but one day we'll have to choose which better suits you, and if You're ready to live this way
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regarding-stories · 1 year
Shy, literal, beautiful: "Kimi ni todoke - From me to you"
Netflix has been recommending this to me for a while, and I'm so glad I've caved: Kimi ni todoke - From Me to You is a thing of beauty. For lovers of anime, watch the two season love story unfold. (There's also a live-action adaptation but I don't watch those. Why do such things exist?) And if you fall in love with the characters, know that the story will continue. The original manga is 30 volumes long and the anime series stops in volume 11. And it's gorgeous as well!
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Meet Sadako/Sawako
Sawako Kuronoma is a shy, lonely girl. (You might have noticed I like the type.) People around her decided she's scary. She does look like Sadako from The Ring and the label stuck as a nickname. She also does have the unlucky habit of making some weird faces and has poor communication skills. Hopelessly naive, she never thinks of the people around her as bad. She is probably anime's most pure-hearted character altogether, and yet she is convincing.
One of her traits that keeps the story going, dramatic, and twisting is Sawako's straightforward mind. She also makes a lot of assumptions. Ask her if she is your friend and you might get a very confusing or misleading answer, but ask her if she likes you and she will immediately admit that she loves you over the moon. Because she doesn't know "what everybody knows." She navigates common definitions by herself in her head. Her feelings run deep and what others around her see is just the tip of the iceberg as far as she knows.
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Thankfully, Sawako's isolation soon ends. She's befriended by two other outsiders. Chizuru Yoshida is a boyish girl that others are afraid of because she's so competitive. She used to challenge boys all the time. What makes her immediately endearing is that if somebody or something touches her heart, she's immediately in tears and her tough exterior softens. Watching her for any length of time I just love Chizu, no matter how clueless she is. (She's also one of the two worst performers in her grade.) The third girl is Ayane Yano, a girl that looks very styled, mature, and is a bit of a snob. She got labeled by other girls as a slut, essentially. Be prepared for her to mystify you for the run of the anime series. Her story takes the longest to unfold, and by volume 22 of the manga still is. Let it suffice to say: Ayane is a nice girl putting up a tough front. And she doesn't believe she's nice.
But of course there's more. There's a boy, duh, one Shouta Kazehaya. He's the popular guy everyone likes. Not because he used to play baseball. Not just because of his good looks. Kazehaya is nice to everyone. He does not care about reputations, he doesn't try to be popular or cool. Whoever engages him gets the real deal. We actually learn that he was so popular in middle school, girls formed a pact that he's "everyone's" and nobody would ask him out anymore since too many hearts got broken.
Take it for granted that this is the story of Sawako and Kazehaya. Because they met on the first day of high school and she smiled a rare smile because she could help him, and they both never forgot.
After being a loner for a while the mandatory seating change for the upcoming term mixes things up. Kazehaya, Yoshida, and Yano insist on sitting with her, and are joined by Ryu Sanada, a quiet boy and baseball player, and as we soon learn, Chizu's childhood friend. And suddenly Sawako is in the middle of things.
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Just watch it, dammit!
I don't want to spoil this show for you. It has a unique art style. It has lots of heart. It's beautiful. It has twists that hurt. And it's irresistible.
The manga's just as good. Everything derives from the characters - keep track of the traits established about them and you will notice how consistent and driving they are. The feelings of these high schoolers may seem simple, but their assumptions and limitations make the situations complicated. And sometimes it makes you laugh out loud.
What is love? Love changes, love grows. Love is bigger than words to put it in. But sometimes feelings reach - from me to you.
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(Oh, and a word of warning. Season 2 is much shorter. But it was sooo hard to watch. It pays off. But I suffered and ended up screaming at the characters when it got too much.)
[EDIT] PS - I have read 20 volumes to finish the manga as well (the first 10 became the anime). I loved it. A lot. Chizu forever! Go, Sadako!
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Holy shite, i missed a (ten) spot!
When i tell you i actually panicked a bit when i realized i'd not put up a recap post. It took me a hot minute to figure out that i was only a day late, but still.
This level is so loud. Like, thankfully it's also pretty short, but it's still awful damned loud. i try not to get on creators' cases about sound balancing; my ears are so bad, whenever i use music or sfx they're either too loud or too soft, because i honestly can't tell? But even still, i wish more creators would fiddle wiv the volume a bit, especially when they're using community-made tracks; they're always way too loud. Otherwise, this level is, it's fine really. Nothing that really stands out about the gameplay or presentation, but it's fun enough for a couple of minutes. i do have to say it was interesting they used this section of The Cosmos backdrop, 'cause i hardly ever see it. Usually folx (myself included, mind you) pull it down to the arcade cabinets, or mid-way up to the more space-y section. This part is kind of neat too.
This one's such a neat idea, and really well presented too, right down to the music (tho', if i remember right, Baile-Flamenco was kind of known for that). Kind of half-in-half-out on puzzles and platforming, where you can transfer movability to objects by grabbing them (the in-universe explanation is you're painting them wiv a puddle of blood). i love the little diorama bit toward the end, wiv all the world's monsters, including... YOU! The Sadako climbing out the telly is a top notch bit. i also really appreciate that the creator went to such lengths to put the level in English. It's not perfect, maybe, but their writing/speaking style has a lot of charm, and doing that kind of thing is hard work.
Just a simple little bounce around the screen grabbing point bubbles and avoiding bombs kind of gig. It's well presented, tho', and the home-brew bounce pads are still functioning mostly right, which isn't always the case wiv LBP1 levels in LBP3.
i may have gotten on a bit of a taka061 kick that week of recording, but his levels are so good. It does raise a bit of an issue for me, 'cause sometimes i'd really like to just record a bunch of levels by one creator, but wiv only one episode a day, i feel a bit like i'm taking space from other folx? Honestly, i'd love to just take two weeks and play all of chronos' stuff for the archives. The only thing of note here, aside from the level just being really, really good, is i wound up having to record it again a few days after the episode went live, because i needed some b-roll for my LittleBite-sizedPlanet look at Tic Tac Sunset, and that playthrough was way better than the one we have here. Just a little salty about that.
Kind of weird we had two levels based around colouring the environment in the same chunk of ten. That wasn't planned at all. Neither was my having a pseudo-y Roman-y motif-y kind of level to be published on the Ides of March. Just happy accidents all over, i guess. This one is nice enough, but it is just a bit too much, and i felt like it'd worn its welcome out by the end (tho', in fairness, that was on me since i wanted everything i could get for the archive). Now i really appreciate that the creator apparently had the same idea, and gives the player two chances to bounce early. That's not me giving a backhanded compliment, i really do think that's a cool thing to do. There've been plenty of levels i've played, even quite good ones, where i've found myself thinking "please, just give me a scoreboard already." One interesting thing wiv this one, or at least how it dovetails wiv the LittleBite-sizedPlanet for this upcoming Friday, is how if you make too many things interactable, your brain (or mine, at least), just starts to actively not care? Because there are just too many things going on to track, or for any one of them to have real importance in comparison to any of the others.
It's a little weird that this level leads off wiv that wee robot-y(?) character being very clear that you have to turn every valve, and then half the valves in the level not actually doing anything. i wonder if that was on purpose, or if something went a bit sideways in the translation from LBP2 to LBP3. i liked this one fairly well; it's got a really solid material and decoration set that get put to good use, tho' i'd say they're presented best when the camera is pulled in a bit more. That happens a lot, i find. It's rare for a creator to get a big environment looking real good, even when it's necessary for gameplay to have a pulled out view. That's not meant to be a knock on any creators, just that it seems a tough trick to pull off.
We talked about this on Friday, and i stand by everything i said there.
i wound up really enjoying this one, and i'd like to give the LBP1 level it's adapted from a play on stream. The swimming bits were a little hard to navigate, on account of them being dark, and my always forgetting you can't just change layers underwater, but i really don't have any big complaints about this one.
Gameplay-wise there's nothing too flash in this one, but i really found myself charmed by the environment. kome managed to nail a scale that felt just right. The incidental details really put in a lot of work too. Like, those terrariums? <chef's kiss> i did discouver thanks to this one (we'd actually played it on stream before i recorded it for the archive) that Twitch mutes the audio in the VoD download file, not just the VoDs that are up on Twitch, and i hate that like the devil hates sin. i'd suspected it to be the case, but i never listen to my streams once they're up. Even searching for a thumbnail i tend to have it on mute. It just popped in my brain to make a point of checking this time, and sure enough. i tell you that really frazzles my frizzles.
Dry tree yo. Just.. Dry tree. i don't even really know what to say aside from it is so very, very good. The fact that it has still, somehow, managed to not be Team Picked (despite having picked up a Level of the Day nod) is, quite possibly, honestly a sin. If it weren't for the fact that some of the Team Picks are actually very much quality, i'd assume Sumo were throwing darts at a list of creators they already liked. i played through this one so many times trying to get a run wiv all the secrets, which is a difficult feat on account of i never put any points into Spot Hidden, but i did finally manage to pull it off. Gotta say it felt pretty good.
So that's another 10 down, yeah. After the kerfluffle wiv my level last week, i've got the feeling it's going to be a little late to justify an every 50 schedule for a hub publish. i kinda had that feeling tho'. i do think this build is going to go more quickly, since there are a lot of parts to it that i'm keeping from the previous one. Trying it out in dThermo is a bit of a worry; i've never had particular luck wiv that system. Based on what i've heard, tho', at least some of it was just me honestly using it wrong. Thankfully i've got chat helping out, and @mellangard , especially, has a lot of experience wiv dThermo, and his advice has been invaluable.
i don't know that anyone watches the episodes all the way to the end to notice, but i think i changed up the end card somewhere in this stack. Nothing really too drastic, just tossed a progress flag up instead of the black background i'd been using. i don't change the tagline every episode like i do wiv LittleBite-sizedPlanet, and i think we'll probably be sticking wiv "For Fierce Trans Joy" for at least a little while longer. Times have been rough for us, and look to be getting rougher depending on where you live (my trans sibs in Missouri, just... fucking hell); but i want us to have our joy, even if we have to claw it out raw and bloody.
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expfcultragreen · 1 year
Going off what i said about freddy being less good than jason because he's a metaphysical baddie and not a (zombie) guy in a mask, im realizing i skew towards the real in my horror movie favourites? And i completely avoid purely metaphysical horror. It seems so boring to me.
Ive never seen poltergeist or any of the anglosphere ghost movies thatve come out since that import of ringu (which i liked i guess because we were all lowkey kinning sadako in the SAsphere). Ive never seen any of the hellraiser movies even tho i should because all the metal girls say its cool.
Ive watched nightmare on elm street movies and just not dug them.
But i LOVE movies like lake placid, frankenfish, jaws. Those are all like real, meat level things. So are guys in masks (scream movies are my fave).
I like the italian cannibal movies in as postcolonial a way as possible, and theyre very much about realworld figures if not realworld customs.
Love the zombie genre. Not metaphysical. They have bodies and are not disembodied souls or possessed by nonhuman entities. Usually. I give soft possession a pass, eg ravenous. Ravenous might be my favourite horror movie actually. (I rrrreally like scream.) The shining is another one where its like, well IS it ghosts because all i see is an alcoholic guy with alcohol induced psychosis and a psychotic kid and a mom experiencing stress induced psychosis. I feel like the villain here is "whiteness turned inward" and the whole burial ground motif is about how we functionally ran out of outward to do violence to in the west, so we retreat to our manufactured caves and get nutso.
Anyway folk horror is clearly based around the "guys in masks" realm of realistic threats
The ritual is cool because it has a metaphysical component more or less but its almost a blair witch meets wicker man moment and done with. I looooove the spooky manifestation's character design, and like, i appreciate that she's not formless. She's pretty much the opposite of formless.
Blair witch is another one thats like, less and less metaphysical seeming the more lore you know. As a baseline we never see anything happen to them that might be harder to explain than woodspeople running them out of town and getting carried away.
I never really noticed how formalized the conventions of what i deem to be fun horror are
I like aliens in horror...like the xenomorph is great, love the thing. But those are both really cool aliens. Aliens that possess you like in the astronauts wife or the black oil alien arc of xfiles give me the heebies so i guess thats effective horror but mostly i avoid the trope for that reason. For some reason this concept does not bore me like ghosts and demons which are functionally the same story, but i also kind of hate it. Ive never rewatched the exorcist (saw it as a bravo double feature with the shining when i was 11), it didnt fully suck but it didnt give me life.
I could chart like any horror on a gradient from ghost-problem to just-some-guy-problem, or maybe a compass. Hold that thought...
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valleyfthdolls · 3 months
assuming youre an average joe in this situation, out of all the horror movies youre fermilliar with which ones do you think you could survive
Let's see. All the horror movies I think I theoretically could survive of the ones I know.
Five Nights at Freddy's: I'm good with kids, I'm good with trauma, and I know the missing kids' lore. The movie's missing kids show much more consciousness and awareness too, so I think I could much easier communicate to them than the game kids that I'm not a threat and that I'm here to help them, in which case I think I'd generally be ok.
Pet Sematary: Just. leave indigenous lands alone. Louis didn't even have any evidence it worked before he went and disturbed a Mi'kmaq cemetery assuming it'd stop him from having to tell his daughter her cat died. What if it hadn't worked, Louis? What if the place hadn't been cursed? Then you'd just be an asshole.
Saw: By his rules as used in Saw I ("you are a perfectly sane, healthy, middle-class male"- I am clinically not sane or healthy) Jigsaw doesn't get to trap me over "wasting my life". Bitch
Nightmare on Elm Street: You'd think due to my periodic naps I'd be an easy kill, but I wake up very easily. I don't get out of bed easily, but Freddy would have to be very, very persistent in order to get me. If anything in my dream distresses me, I'm up. (One time it was a whale with giant teeth that woke me up.) If I have the slightest passing thought that I may need to use the bathroom, I'm up. There's a very real chance Freddy would just scare me awake trying to kill me.
Trick 'r Treat: I fuckin' love Halloween. Sam would not catch me breaking his rules.
It Follows, Halloween, Friday the Thirteenth:
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Bonus: movies I wouldn't survive, but not for the reason you'd think:
The Ring: "just pass the tape on!" I couldn't do that to someone. "just don't watch it!" I'm an asshole. In Rings, the short film, it's established that if you don't see the full tape, you're fine. I would periodically watch as much of it as I could without getting cursed. I would play chicken with Samara and one day I would lose.
Repo! The Genetic Opera: Though I doubt GeneCo would have a cure for my POTS given they lack a cure for seemingly any blood issues (anemia, low blood pressure, high blood pressure), I do have a metal rod in my back. Though it's possible that we could afford this and it wouldn't get repossessed, it's also possible that we couldn't, and it would.
Smile: I'm not sure that the theory of "you could keep it at bay via antipsychotics" is true. Antipsychotics might just suppress the signs that it's there and then one day it's gonna climb into my mouth and kill me. This is a very OCD thought spiral approach to Smile I think, which is funny.
Ring: I would try to play chicken with Sadako and die because I didn't finish the tape and based on the books that is also a death sentence.
Midori: The freakshow members mostly don't die, and I wouldn't be in or associated with the freakshow, but there is a good chance I would get stabbed in an alley offscreen.
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xtinacherry · 3 months
Ringu Blog Post 4/5
The American version of The Ring holds a special place in my heart because it was the first movie I recollect watching as a child (my sister liked to torture me with horror movies lol), so I have been looking forward to watching the Japanese version for a long time. I view it as such a cult classic and a picturesque movie that models J-horror. I love this movie, and I honestly think Ringu was better than the American version.
Ringu follows our main character, Reiko, as she tries to figure out what is going on with all these strange deaths that seem to be linked to a tape. She has a personal connection with these cases as she lost her niece, Tomoko, to it. After some investigation and travel to the cabin, she stumbles across the tape. She watches it, becomes entranced, and is then put under the curse of dying in 7 days. Her ex-husband, Ryuji, becomes involved and watches the tape a day later. From then on, we watch them deconstruct the tape and run with any clue they can muster from it. 
The first thing I noticed was how much she left her child, Yoichi, alone in the house. At first, I caught myself saying “She is being a bit neglectful to her son!” However, she is a single mother trying to pursue her career, so she sometimes is left with no choice but to leave her son alone (although maybe she could occasionally get a babysitter…). Also, I’m not sure how the custody is between her and Ryuji, but I also find it unfair that the movie perceived her as a woman too focused on her career to care for her child while her father is even more absent in Yoichi’s life and gets to pursue his career to the fullest extent. This seems to be playing a bit into gender roles, in which women are assigned a role as caretakers, thus analyzed under a strong lens on how well they care for their children, while men are not typically represented as caretakers and not often reprimanded for their presence in their children’s lives. Thus men are more able to focus on their careers while women slam into a glass ceiling. 
As a kid watching this, I thought it was just a really good surface-level horror film, but rewatching it as an adult made me realize there are bigger themes in this movie than I thought. Seeing how the telephone, tapes, and television are used in this movie, it definitely brings attention to the fear that is attached to it. It kind of gives a commentary on how technology is not all good and safe, however can bring unexpected horrors if we are not careful. The phone ringing to call you upon your future death, the tape that curses you, and Sadako crawling out of the TV and murdering you. It’s interesting to see how much technological advancements leak so much into Japanese cinema like how we see in manga, anime, and film. Might be a stretch, but I feel like looking back in history, Japan already has a strenuous history with technological advancement, and how it is not always safe and one must be careful in how its utilized and exploited. 
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charlesandmiranda · 4 months
Last days in Tokyo: 2/12
Waking up in Kawasaki after dinner with our friend, the imminent ending of our trip was really starting to weigh on us. It felt like we'd been there for quite a while, but at the same time, each day was so jam-packed and blew by so quickly, it seemed unreal that we would nearly be through with our visit.
First and foremost, we spent the morning before checking out of our hotel totally reorganizing our luggage -- we had several other bags stuck inside our main two pieces of luggage, and we filled them with stuff we'd bought along the way -- again, mostly additional winter clothes for ourselves, but also souvenirs (both for us and others), as well as incidentals we'd picked up along the way. We took our two main bags and filled them with only the bare minimum amount of clothing we'd need for the rest of our trip (pair of jeans, couple of t-shirts and sweaters, socks and underwear, etc) and filled everything else into one of these bags. We left plenty of room in the luggage we WERE keeping with us because Charles planned to buy some guitars before we went home. When all our ducks were in a row, we took this very full duffle bag on wheels to the nearest office of a luggage transfer service. After filling out some paperwork, they took our bag and sent it ahead of us to the airport, where it would be waiting for us upon departure!
Next we snagged breakfast, and my sweet tooth was kicking in HARD. We started off at another MisDo, and then moved on to Hoshino Coffee, a cafe chain. The inside of the one we went to was incredibly fancy. It definitely has more of a sit-down restaurant feel than a Starbucks does, but with a clear focus on their coffee blends.
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Charles had a beef curry omurice, and I had a vanilla soufflé with chocolate sauce.
Then it was time to hop on the train back to Shinjuku, our home base in Tokyo. We initially wanted to possibly spend another night, if not the remainder of our nights, in the Manga Art Hotel from earlier, but they had booked up on one of those two nights, and I was pretty adamant about wanting to spend our last nights staying on one place, so we found an apartment to rent for the final two nights. It was in Kabukicho, sandwiched between nightclubs and love hotels, only a short walk from the Hotel Gracery where our trip began, so it all kind of came full circle!
Back in Tokyo and killing time til we could check in to the apartment, we visited the Godzilla store again, to pick up a few things we'd seen at the beginning of our trip, but didn't want to have to carry for two weeks. I personally was EXTREMELY TEMPTED by a bunch of merch they had that crossed over Godzilla with Hamtaro (?!) which was a cartoon I liked a lot as a preteen and teenager. I also sunk SO many hours into a Hamtaro game boy game, you would not believe.....in the end, I decided to get this clear file (basically a thin clear folder) and a couple of buttons, although there was an embroidered tee I seriously flip flopped over whether or not to get for a loooong time.
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In that same shopping center that had the Godzilla store, we checked out the Surugaya (a chain of used anime and pop culture goods) on the 5th floor again, and found a few more treasures that were cool to see -- especially an uncommon action figure of Sadako from The Ring, and the Japanese versions of some movies -- Martyrs, which is one of the favorite movies of my friend Kim, and Frankenhooker, one of *my* favorite movies. It was so funny to see them next to each other like that! It's interesting to see that physical media is so popular there, and that these DVDs were around $250 and $100.
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In about the time it took us to finish up looking at things, it was time for us to get into the apartment. We unloaded our luggage and took a break (by which I mean, I was exhausted and needed a nap). For dinner, Charles wanted to go to this "Hell Ramen" restaurant that is well known for having especially spicy ramen! I personally did not need something that spicy, and given Charles' gastrointestinal proclivities, I was absolutely not about to let him have something that spicy....but going to visit it and having one of the milder dishes sounded fun!
We walked through Koreatown to get to it, which was very cool and colorful, but...when we got to the Hell Ramen shop it was closed. It was slightly discouraging but we passed no lack of delicious looking places getting there so we decided to try a yakitoridon place -- sadly I neglected to take a pic of the outside (by this time I think I was so wrapped up in trying to enjoy every last bit of the time we had left, I was.....not so good about taking pictures). However, I did have this delicious yakitoridon (chicken and I believe garlic? over rice in a bowl!) Also pictured: charles had some fried cheese, and fried tofu topped with natto)
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We also decided to stop in at an incredibly inconspicuous bar with an easy to miss sign that caught Charles's eye:
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The bar was entirely about tokusatsu, giant monster and masked hero series like Godzilla, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider (we may have mentioned this concept in an earlier post!). The owner had built many of the props himself and had a giant collection of toys and statues. It was sort of like a host bar, where you pay inflated prices to talk to hosts that entertain you and make conversation, but the conversation was all about giant monsters and the prices were very cheap. I ordered the employee choice drink and they asked who my favorite good guy from a tokusatsu series was. I said Jet Jaguar, the giant robot from Showa era Godzilla, and they made a Jet Jaguar colored drink. It was a fun place and very easy to miss from outside.
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We were very close to Golden Gai, there tiny bar area where we like to stop in. 250 or so bars are squeezed into about two blocks of narrow streets. The bar we like best was closed, so we stopped in at another rock bar and ended up making friends with some locals. The guy in the photo is an anime quality control person, checking the animation and comparing it to the character models to make sure it doesn't look incorrect.
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Before we went back for the night, we saw a bar that previously was for locals only, now with a sign that said tourists welcome. It's memorable because it's called Bar Troll. We stopped in for a bit, the bartender was out of his mind drunk and talked to us almost entirely using a stuffed animal. We spoke with some other Americans while we were there. Odd little place.
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After that, it was definitely time to call it a night! Our journey is almost at an end, I hope you'll keep coming back til then!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 9 months
Ju-0N reboot thoughts
Ju-On: The Beginning of the End was.............................. Alright. (obvie some spoilers)
It's a reboot, tho the fact it kinda continues the baby storyline from the 2nd film.....I would've rather had a direct sequel to Ju-On: The Grudge 2. TT0TT
One thing that IS nice about this franchise is that it doesn't try to rely on the same thing too much. Is it always good? Eh. But it is to see them changing it up. This is one of those times (making it more focused on Toshio than Kayako).
I'm happy Kayako gets to talk more (I prefer the OG and possibly the American versions in terms of characterizations, but the actress did a good job being creepy!), but I was surprised how little we learnt about Toshio's original family ;w; I feel like Takeo's situation could've been handled better too.
Ju-On: The Final Curse....so far (still have like 20 min left in the movie) I find this one to be A LOT better than The Beginning of the End. Story is a bit better, and so are the scares.
I really liked how Ena kinda befriends Toshio (hopefully that's not ruined too much in the last 20 min TT0TT). I dunno I just.....like seeing the slight humanization of the ghosties. How Kayako talks softly to Toshio in The Curse, Kayako's sad look she gives to Rika at the end of Grudge 1, the cute little kitchen scene we see play out in the background behind Kyoko with Kayako/Toshio in The Grudge 2, Toshio meowing at a dog toy in White Ghost, and Toshio asking a stranger for help to "find his cat" in black ghost. TT0TT I just like the little humanizing moments (also not in-universe, but the entire promotional stunts they did for Sadako vs Kayako, great, priceless, love it). TT0TT
Hmm I dunno, I think what the reboot might be missing compared to the Original and US ver is......the rage. You FELT that damn rage in the other timelines. This one........Toshio doesn't look rage filled, he just kind stares blankly/innocently at people. Which is fine, but it doesn't sell the main aspect of The Grudge....which is the rage.
Takeo we got cause he was abusive (or at least heavily hinted at it) and then went insane when he thought his wife was cheating on him (she wasn't). We don't get to see all his actions, but the glimpses are a lot more rage filled than the small (still fucked up) segment we get in the reboot. Reboot!Takeo doesn't seem outright abusive, just absent (lol kinda like this film), so his snapping feels....eh.
Kayako is filled with rage (and sorrow, and sorrow turned into rage) cause she got FUCKED over in OG. Reboot!Kayako? Feels more like a protector of Toshio imo......and pissy if anyone comes near her precious kid.
Toshio, both are pretty fucked over in their backstories....the difference is OG!Toshio is the assist to his mama, while Reboot!Toshio has to carry the movies. Which is kinda hard since his whole shtick is to not look exactly super pissy (I think he can do it, the 2nd film showed a bit of anger but eh), I mean he originally was a tragic passive observer of his mother's death so.... TT0TT I get it.
I think what kinda works in the reboot sequel as opposed to the first reboot film is that Kayako is more of a looming presence. And evil/jealous protector if you will. Toshio's to Oskar/Owen as Kayako is to Eli/Abby from Let the Right One In. I mean Toshio is still doing his own kill related stuff but still.
I dunno, I'll give the final verdict later when I finish. Probs gonna take a small break with Naruto and then jump right into the US series next. (then the TV show, then save SvsK till after Ringu.....god Ringu is gonna be a fucking trip isn't it? TT0TT)
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
okey so... headcanons to killer who babysitting Sadako, she is a child she need love <3
The problem with babysitting Sadako isn't due to her age or the usual kid stuff, like her being annoying or hyper or gross or dependent on her care giver, but from her accidentally tormenting them with her spooky mind powers. If we assume that she's got a slightly better grip and overall understanding of them now that she's been taken by the Entity, I think that:
Anna/the Huntress
Would probably be the unfortunate best choice of the entire lot
Actually likes being a mother, something Sadako is desperate for
Would 100% coddle her and make her toys
Teach her how to throw an axe
Would kill anyone that looks at her baby charge in the wrong way
Does not like to share custody not that anyone would want to watch her, besides maybe Sally?
Anna can't read, but that doesn't stop her from repeating stories she's learned orally, from both her own mother and the mothers that she stalked in the villages she raided
Would make Sadako clothing (or would steal what she likes from other survivors or even other killers)
Is Anna a good care giver? Yes- well, no, but yes? She so wants a daughter, but she's, well... a wild woman. Her lifestyle can't support a child, and she's completely delusional, but in a way, Sadako would be the only thing that could possibly give her what she's desperately wanted all these years. Sadako wanted a mother, and she drove hers insane. She drove everyone crazy, but really, she just wants a mommy to hold her and take care of her. In the Entity's realm, it's possible that these two could work, in their own destructive and roundabout ways.
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beelovesnct · 3 years
𝐧𝐜𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
— [era: 2019] wherein aiko got hair extensions for a special stage in mama.
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Special stages in award shows were not new, in fact, they were a staple. Whether that be collaborations between popular groups, or even the groups themselves, performing a special remix with some kind of new twist in them.
Noting the emphasis on the twist as fans and artists alike awaited for something that could blow their minds, out of the conventional and normal performances; luckily for the Czennies and NCT members alike, one particular special performance did not disappoint.
By popular demand, Yu Aiko was invited to sing with some popular members from TWICE, BLACKPINK, and even EXO. They were going to be covering one song from each group: Whistle, TT, Monster, and We Go Up.
Yu Aiko inevitably accepted, honored that she would be able to sing and rap with what she thought, were very amazing and respectable artists. She loved their songs and performances, and looked forward to each and every practice they had together. Her determination and adorable nature immediately made the three artists, namely: Jihyo, Rose, and Chanyeol, melt. Therefore, in just a few practices, Aiko gained herself a few more sunbaenim fans; aside from the already existing Lisa and Baekhyun who visited their practice so much to see their beloved Aiko.
The only downside Aiko could think of, however, was that she had to wear extensions.
Ever since she debuted, her hair had always been short (shorter than most females would wear theirs), and she liked it. The last she remembered having long hair was when she first came to Korea, but she guessed she wasn't too opposed to the idea.
She ate her words though, as soon as the dreamies got sight of her entering their waiting room, all pampered and dressed up, with a longer hair than usual, the dreamies went insane.
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Mark would be wide-eyed, a hand in his mouth as he hovered over Aiko, looking her up and down repeatedly as if he was dreaming. He thought it suited her though, way too much than he'd like to admit. After the initial shock, he'd then be a laughing mess, giggling and clapping his hands, truly amazed at how the usually boyish member looked so feminine. He'd pinch her cheeks, this time finding her too adorable even with the apparent scowl on her face.
"OH MY GOD, DUDE! You look so good!"
Renjun would be stunned, frozen in place as he, like Mark, didn't think he'd see the day when Aiko would look so pretty. She was always pretty in his opinion, but this was a different kind of pretty, she looked absolutely ethereal. He would then try to disguise the sudden beating of his heart with laughter and jokes, asking teasing questions, all while fighting off the blush that was rising in his cheeks. He'd probably try to draw the image he had of Aiko the moment they'd stepped into their dorms.
"Yah! Aiko, why did you decide to wear that?"
Jeno would simply stare. He won't move from his spot in the room to get closer to Aiko like the others were; instead, he'll stare, real good. He'll look Aiko up and down with this cheek laid on his hand. He'll maybe even take a quick picture or two without anyone knowing. Then once Aiko leaves the room, he'll stare at it again, a smile on his lips as he thought about how beautiful she was at that moment. Whispering to himself,
"...so pretty."
Haechan would tease the hell out of Aiko, that would be his immediate response. But the first few seconds will be spent looking at her like what Mark and Renjun did, observing if it truly was Aiko in front of him. Then he'd start, he'd say something along the lines of the stylist noona being crazy if she thought the hair suited Aiko, or comparing her to a scary character like Sadako. He'd stop eventually, though as he states his real feelings, that it did, indeed, suited her so much. He'd peck her cheek, before closing in and assuring her that she was gorgeous.
"I'm only kidding, you look amazing."
Jaemin would have the craziest smile on his face. It looked like his face would actually split into two. Immediately, he'd shout his catchphrase, "sexy!", and hover around her. He would take out his phone to take many pictures of the member, complimenting her with every snap. He'd then make one of the pictures his lock screen for about a month (after he'd find a better picture), and probably share the photos with fans on Bubble and Instagram too.
"Why is our Aiko so pretty, so pretty, so SEXY!"
Chenle would scream and run to Aiko the moment he saw her with the new look. He'd be wide-eyed like Mark and Renjun, with his mouth hung so low you'd think it would reach the floor. But much like the others, he'd also think that it suited Aiko very much, so he would then start stroking her hair (both the real and the extension), cooing continuously about how pretty and adorable she was. He'd probably also ask for a picture from Jaemin soon after.
"My baby is so adorable."
Jisung would malfunction, he'd be frozen in his spot, blinking once, twice, and then thrice before approaching his noona. He'd observe first, like Jeno, quietly hovering around her. But his curiosity would get the best of him and he'd start touching the hair extensions, amazed at how real it seemed, and how it made his noona so unbelievably beautiful. He'd be red all over, gaze switching from the hair to Aiko's face.
"Noona, wah..."
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Aiko then had to go back to the stylist because either the boys messed up her hair (it was already sticking out in certain places) with how much they caressed it, or they smudged her make-up with how they would touch or kiss her cheeks.
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[AN] I had so much fun with this request >< Tell me if I should make more of these, my reqs are open :>
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hoarsedevours · 2 years
my god i am holleringgggg on the damn floorrrrrr!!!!! (pleaseeeee someone make a gifset of shockeed! heedo in the men's bathroom, heard it lengthens life expectancy) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 writers really said let's give them a respite before the real breakup arc begins. ok i am ok with that, i am super okay actually that i get to see some really fluffy moments in this ep, some good tension that can lead to something more significant (👀) in the future, and yes....some sad yet relatable moments...you know...as a member of the proletariat.
i went into this episode with the assumption that i would be kind of awkward when yijin fucking licked that ice cream in front of highschooler heedo lol but what the hell the countless times i pulled my hair because of the giddiness i felt for the YiDo moments ahhhhhhhhh (i can't get behind YiHe sorry 😞😂) heedo's cuteness is out of this world!!!! she is having a crush!!!! and she is conflicted!!!!! and it's making her insane!!!!(more than her usual amount of insanity to be specific) but i have to admire heedo's determination in crossing out every face in daeun's section just to see daeun's face who unfortunately for heedo is inspireed by sadako. we need to protect this cinnamon roll!!!! and yijin really sees her as his personal entertainer, huh? i meant the good kind, the kind where you say shit like "i DoNt nEeD a rAiNb0w" (me continuing that statement: "bEcAuSE u ArE mY rAinB0W...) good goddd i am crazy over these two fools!!!!! i am losing my mind over heedo losing her mind in the next episodeeeeee ahhhhhhhh ahahhahahahshhahahhahaha. however, on a serious note, i think that heedo's the only one crushing hard...good...good...good..... (wow icb im saying these things when ive done some crazier shit when i was 19 🤡)
*sighs like a grandma* the hair ruffle....the fireman carry just to get her feet to safety....the face wiping..... the always on hand stickers that is JUST IN CASE THEY MET OH MY GOD VERY MUCH LIKE HOW HE CARRIES AROUND FULL HOUSE VOLUME 15 *sighs deeply, took my heart out and placed it in the refrigerator (can't have too much fluff or it'll malfunction* (.....if they really didn't end up in the present timeline i think that yijin's carrying in his person some personal memento from heedo or maybe from both of them....you know....just in case......pain)
heedo's mom is insufferable and maybe that's an understatement still. how is she like that???? how does she sleep at night knowing she hurts her daughter's feelings often and once crushed her friend's heart? and she kicked yijin???? but later told heedo that that was a good call?!!!!! maam????!!! we need to get you to a mental hospital, i think. my god the parents of boomers' (omg heedo and yijin can pass as a boomer today lolllll. i mean probably they are generation x but still 🤣) today really have it hard to be doing shits like that. correcting the mistakes of your subordinates is okay but physically assaulting them is not. jeezusssss. she's probably the character i don't like the most in this show. great acting but i hate what her character largely represents.
anyway, i reallllllllllly love seungwan's character. i think she's my most favorite sans the leads. maybe i see myself in her. we have several similarities after all. keep doing u girl! i hope she gets to have some BAMF moment in the future like dismantling capitalism. oh too big? maybe advocating for the compulsory therapy of mothers and mothers-to-be instead lollllll
literally net zero information about min chae's father. it's not like i expected her to say "im so glad father took mother's side" because that would end the intrigueeee. im also here for the intrigue ngl 😭 but like can they give us hintssss to work withhhh? her father quarantining is a solid one but we need moreeeee. or did they alreadyyy.... and i am too dumb to realize it? 💀
.....i think that something really bad would happen to yurim's mom.....
i believe that the majority of this episode is for our sword-wielding bisexuals to expand their rivals-to-lovers dynamic and i am always here for ittttttt like crazy ahhhhhh ahahhahah that tension! man.... kissing is a nice resolution, actually
and the meeting up???? insanity! 🤣 glorious insanity!!!
so when yijin told yurim that he will assess if the person she will be meeting is safe or not, i imagine feral heedo with rabies and yijin have to restrain herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
and as i've said i am hollering over the majority of this episode! great contrast to yesterday's situation. especially when heedo walked decisively to yijin and saying "i have to have you" ah aha hahahh hahhahahahahha hajhdjhagsdjhgajsdjahjkhjkahhjhaks heedooooooooo😭😭😭😭 what do you mean😭 like as a pet? as a clown? as a professional life coach? as your uhhh.....boyfriend????!!!! she really keeps yijin on his toes and keeps his mind sharp because of the thinking he is doing to get heedo out of tricky situations pr even just to understand her actions lolllllll
thank god for fluff i can sleep peacefully now
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souvenirsofsurgery · 3 years
monty’s horror movie list
no one follows me for this but i’m back in my horror movie obsession era so here we go. some of them are good, some of them are bad (but I love them), and some of them are kind of unacceptable, like, morally tbh, I’m sorry
anyway, in no particular order:
mother!: I just watched this one today so it’s on my mind. get ready to be stressed out by deeply uncomfortable social situations for like, the first hour and a half and then genuinely disturbed for the last twenty minutes. i finished this and then sat in my room mouthing “what the fuck, what the fuck”. v good, 10/10
Orphan: What if you adopted a kid but they sucked?
Absentia: I was really impressed, cause this was like a low-budget, crowd funded movie but it’s so so good. This one is about a woman whose husband went missing years ago, a creepy tunnel, and family relationships. V quiet and sad
Possum: Not very much happens in this movie for a long time but the atmosphere is so good, and it’s genuinely creepy. The ending also made me so uncomfortable I almost couldn’t watch it, so there’s that
The Wolf House: Incredible unsettling stop-motion animation, and I’m a sucker for good animation. Makes more sense if you know a little Chilean history, but it’s interesting even without that context
Amityville: It’s About Time: Jumping right from that foreign arthouse film into cheesy schlock, what if a clock made people evil and fucked up?
Hell House LLC: More! Schlock! This is a fake documentary/found footage movie about people trying to make a haunted house in an old hotel... but what if it was haunted for real??
Host (the 2020 shudder original): Unfriended if it was good
Hereditary: Made me sad :( This was one of the first movies to genuinely scare me in a while, and my sister-in-law won’t even let anyone talk to her about it. The story about a family dealing with grief and complicated relationships is also just so interesting to me, this one’s in my top 10
Anything for Jackson: Reverse possession movie: they try to put a spirit IN someone! Hell yeah. So many good, weird ghosts in here, I love some good, weird ghosts
13 Ghosts: (the early 2000s remake) Speaking of good weird ghosts. What if your estranged uncle died and left you a house but there was a ghost jail in the basement? I just rewatched this movie with my little brother and remembered how much I love it. Very schlocky, Matthew Lillard’s acting is off the fucking walls and I love it, why does he act like that??
Kindred: One of the only “is it in her head, or is it real?” movies where I actually really wasn’t sure. It’s about a woman whose husband dies right before she’s about to give birth, so she ends up staying with his family and slowly starts to question their motives
Parents: What if you were just a little kid and you started to suspect your parents were eating people?
Basket Case: I’m not crying over a B movie, I’m not crying over a B movie. In this one, two conjoined twins are surgically separated against their wills, with one of them getting thrown in the trash. As adults, they start hunting down the doctors who did it to them
The Poughkeepsie Tapes: Very depressing fake documentary about a serial killer. Just fucked up and sad
The Taking of Deborah Logan: One of the few found footage movies that I think is actually good. A small documentary crew goes to film a woman and her aging mother who’s suffering from dementia, but they start to think that... huh, maybe this is something a little worse than dementia...
Ju-On: The Grudge (the original Japanese one): this movie just freaks me out, I don’t like how Kayako moves around, I don’t like the sounds she makes, and I don’t like her weird little son
The Ring (the American remake): I saw this movie when I was like 8 bc someone recorded it over the Willy Wonka VHS I’d gotten from the thrift store, and I’ve been fucked up ever since. In it, a woman sees a cursed tape that will make you die in seven days, and has to try and figure out how to save herself before then. GREAT atmosphere, very creepy
Sadako Vs Kayako: What if the girl from the Grudge and the girl from the Ring fought each other? Hell yeah. Plus, love that a ghost hunter comes to help with the situation and he’s got a random mean little girl with him. People are like “why is she here?” and he’s just like “she’s my associate” okay?? Where did she come from??? I’m obsessed with this movie
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A classic. Rancid, nasty atmosphere, just feels gross, 10/10 
Society: Rich people suck so so bad and are very fucked up
House of 1000 Corpses: I love this movie and I’m sorry, its just some disgusting, campy fun. Like, what if your car broke down the night before halloween and ended up in a house with some terrible (but very entertaining) people?
Oculus: The idea of being a little kid, stuck in the house while your parents are slowly losing it, or potentially being possessed by something evil, is really scary to me. This movie does it so well. It moves back and forth from the main characters going through that in their childhoods, to them as adults, back in the house where it happened, and it’s so so good
Hellraiser: You tell me it’s about the blurry line between pleasure and pain and I watch it. The designs for the cenobites are so good. I like this first one a lot, but I also really enjoy the second one bc the torture dimension looks like MC Escher designed it and it’s sick as hell
The Others: This is one of my favorite, like, classic haunted house kind of movie. A mother keeps her kids inside an old mansion, with all the curtains drawn, because they have an illness that means they can’t go in the sunlight. Very, very creepy
The Blair Witch Project: This one just feels so real, I’ve never seen another found footage movie that reached this level. The actors knocked it out of the park, how am I so freaked out just by a couple of people wandering around the woods? It’s the blueprint, honestly
A Nightmare on Elm Street: You guys know this one, he gets you in your dreams! Probably my favorite of the classic slashers, I love some good old practical effects. my brother actually just bought me the WHOLE box set for my birthday so I’m gonna start working though the ones I haven’t seen yet 
Jennifer’s Body: What if your best friend, who you have a very homoerotic relationship with, started eating dudes? Iconic. No, but seriously, this movie has a lot more going on than you might think 
House of Wax (the 2000s remake): Bad, but so good. It’s really got that uncanny valley thing going on, love that fucked up wax museum
Ichi the Killer: Pretty unacceptable, I can’t in good conscience tell you to watch this movie, but it’s definitely an experience. Very very very violent, like super violent, but in the wildest fucking ways. Basically, what if you were a masochistic Yakuza member with a weird joker mouth and you just wanted a sadistic vigilante to beat the absolute shit out of you? Anyway, I think there’s something wrong with Takashi Miike and probably also me
Black Christmas: This is one of the og og slashers. It’s about girls getting killed in a sorority house, but surprisingly it’s like, not really an exploitation film, and I really like the characters. Good, unsettling killer, too
The Baby: WEIRD. Weird and uncomfortable. I’m not trying to kink shame anyone when I say this, but it’s probably definitely a fetish thing. In it, a social worker takes on the case of a family with an adult son who they’re claiming has the mind of a baby. This one’s probably kind of unacceptable too, to be honest with you
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jademight · 2 years
Alright Nerdy’s Shotgun Style Stream of Consciousness Thoughts(tm) on MoM under the cut
Firstly, shoutout to the girl I sat next to in the cinema. I never got to see her face bc of the lights but our elbows touched and we both laughed at the Bruce Campbell post credits scene. We connected. (for this Friends to Lovers arc I need her to be present at the second showing I booked at a different cinema I need that cosmic connection)
Genuinely shocked at how HARD they committed to Evil Milf Wanda. They made her a full on slasher villain and I fucking RESPECT it. (I have no idea how the fuck they’ll walk it back in the future movies but we’ll see. That Children’s Crusade movie rumor seems more likely now)
That moment where she crawled out of the gong like fucking Sadako??? GOOD SHIT. 
Wanda Stans(tm) are going to be fucking INSUFFERABLE though. ‘omg she just wanted to see her kids uwu’ SHE MASS MURDERED INNOCENTS HELEN. SHE SNAPPED AN ELDERLY MAN’S NECK LIKE IT WAS A PRETZEL.
Speaking of, YO HOLY FUCK THEM USING THE X MEN: TAS THEME SONG?!?!?! DOING THE ‘To me, my X-Men!’ MIND WAVES???? Love the touch of putting Charles in his classic black turtleneck and walking when he’s in the Mind Place. 
I SHOCKIGNLY enjoyed Anson Mount’s Black Bolt. Incredible costume adaption, would NOT mind if they retconned him into the MCU post Secret Wars. Dude’s a good actor and brings a certain weight to proceedings. Icb they got me praising Inhumans (not the show) in the year of our lord 2022. 
Oh yeah they are 1000 percent doing 2015 Secret Wars. Get ready to be SICK of hearing the word ‘Incursion’ in the next few years. It’s gonna be the new ‘variant’.
Absolutely convinced they’re gonna use Secret Wars to retcon inhumans and mutants into the history of the MCU once its all said and done. They might fix Kamala yet lmfao. 
Also Krasinski!Reed. Listen, I NEVER liked the fan-casting, they legit just fancast him bc he’s a white dude with hair and a blonde wife. ALL THAT BEING SAID.....I didn’t hate him??? He had a certain Stillness to him that I really dug. Nowhere near enough of a screentime to make any hard calls but seeing a dude in a blue jumpsuit with the number 4 on it does give me an emotion. If he ends up being the Main!Reed....I??? wouldn’t mind it???? Also LOVE the oblique Valeria and Franklin reference uwu. His suit is disgustingly overdesigned though, remove the black parts and its a good suit. 
LOVE the depiction of magic and sorcery. It really enriched the language of magic, I loved how Strange could conjure up arms and weapons and stuff. Love his updated costume with the sleeker lines and outline. 
America was fine. Its her intro movie. I know people are upset that she’s not the Strong Willed Badass but MCU LOVES a ‘Hero finds their inner strength and will’ arc so I’m sure she’ll get there. Loved that moment of her doing The Pose.  
Score was pretty good. Everyone is praising the Musical Note Fight and as they should honestly that was a GORGEOUS moment, ADORE the creativity of fights in this. Bummed that they don’t use the Giacchino theme enough but I’m glad it wasn’t entirety discarded. Also bummed about the lack of ‘mystical’ instrumentation, its just classic Elfman orchestra. Do love the main leitmotif that recurs through the movie though.
OK BUT THE RAIMI-ISMS??? They really Raimi get weird with it. The crossfades, the ‘monster cams’, the keyhole fade (is that the word idk). Bruce Campbell full on breaking the 4th wall. Nobody films New York like he does. It’s so warm, so lovely, so full of life. (also special shoutout to that shot of Amerca and Strange going through the portal from the roof to the street in one camera move).
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