#sad it doesnt' have miku
fleshsqueeze · 2 years
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Miku Doodle Collection
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hinamie · 20 days
having a good time drawing late night angst as usual then get right fv comes on and i am once again reminded that fushiguro megumi will never leave my head
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mr-turtle-for-the-win · 4 months
The fact that Rin doesnt have that many figures is so sad atchually. Like theres so many Miku figures for decent prices that are cute, but if you want a rin figure you need to SEARCH and almost all of them are really expensive. ;_;
I understand why they are because there old, huge, really detailed, etc. But like wheres the rin prize figures and such. Idk I have one rin figure and I got her for 30 dollars. I cherrish my silly girl but I wish there was more Rin figures.
Also how come PJSK has miku figures but no rin. Give me MMJ Rin and Miku. Or VBS Rin and Len. Or WxS Rin and Len. Or Nightcord Rin.
In short I want more Rin figures to be made because I love her.
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piromantic · 24 days
twitter does suck but now that that place & this place are more cut off than before its weird to still see both sides because it very frequently is the case that context doesnt get translated from one to the other. a twitter post will inspire three days of discussion and when it gets posted here it inspires a week more except the discussion is based on a fundamentally different understanding of the original post and its intent
anyway this is about the miku trend. i think part of the reason that some interpretations on here leave a sour taste in my mouth is that the original explosion of art on twitter that turned it into a trend was fueled by love. love of the artists culture and love of the connections various cultures have with each other, particularly cultures from places that have been through colonization and are generally ignored or looked down upon in mainstream global media
but in translation it just turned into 'draw miku in your local fashion' over here which. i'm not going to tell people they can't participate, but it feels like a lot of recent iterations i've seen don't have that same kind of joy in them. hey guys should i draw a miku even though i hate where i live. hey guys here's 30yo depressed white office worker miku. hey guys here's christian girl autumn miku.
i've seen enough angry and defensive posts to know that people are going to be willfully ignorant about this in the name of letting people have fun, but still its like. you guys aren't even having fun. you're coming into this trend full of ideas that are kinda self deprecating and/or self hating just because you want to participate in the hashtag of the week. it's sad
also why are all of the midwestern mikus white
unfortunately we've reached the final stage of the meme cycle where people are just back to drawing mikus in various mainstream fashion subcultures but the first day of the trend was sweet at least
EDIT because im bad at remembering words: it feels like a lot of recent tumblr iterations frame their art as a punchline. anyway
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im so happy miku is being talked about and so much art of her is being drawn with the rise of brazillian miku. i remember about 4 years agoi was getting worried and sad about miku’s popularity dying down and her becoming a more obscure character. but i guess i dont have to worry about that happening anytime soon. now yall go listen to vocaloid music so that doesnt die either, i dont want just miku as a character to stay relevant.
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the-last-f2p · 2 years
Jackpot Sad girl Mafuyu x reader
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Blue= You
Purple= Mafuyu
Purple & Blue= Whatever you person is
TW: Horrible parents, please tell me if theres anymore tw I need to put
Song: Jackpot Sad girl
Living in the standard deviation
My life is alright it could be worse.. My parents are alright it could be worse... My grades are alright... Everything is alright. Well actually theres something that isn't alright my friends they're above alright.
A liveless face a rotten soul
Mafuyu quite weird she seems so nice and perfect but when she's with me , Kanade , Mizuiki or Ena she's pretty blunt and sometimes pretty mean. But for some reason I like her a bit..
Hey look when you realize it
I clicked on 'untiltled' it had been about a week since we all found our ture feelings but I still felt uncomplete and more attracted to Mafuyu she just seemed like a fun person to hang around.
The days pass by just like that again
It's been days I think atleast I'm working on a song with Kanade that will make Mafuyu smile I haven't been to school for a while and I think I'm going Hikkiomori but I really wanna see Mafuyu's actuall smile.
Special talents and the desire for expression
"Yes finally lets go K!" I hit my screen to try and give a virtual high-5 to Kanade. My talent is my voice I've always been told that but I've only sung songs I thought would make others happy people here more do it for expression I admire that.
Mean nothing when you live a life without purpose
Mafuyu smiled at the song and I think I've grown closer to her. She told me that she wanted to be a nurse but her parents told her she should be a doctor. Thats sad. But it made me think how much I admire Mafuyu for her kind of knowing what her purpose is I'm just going with the flow hoping I'll be alright.
No way I don't want to
I told a bit about how I feel to my parents and they told me that it doesn't matter because if I'm not a lawyer I'm a dissapointment. I also told them about Mafuyu and said that I should stay away from her and the other band members.
But I don't want to
Regretfully continue living like this
I think I like Mafuyu yes I just realized this but it doesn't matter her mom hates me so a Tsukasa would have to say that he wasn't a star before we went out. It maybe a regret but Mafuyu doesn't like me that way...
Feelings that are difficult to except
I found out today that I like Y/N and I have hunch she may like me back but even if I ask her out what will mom say?? Its difficult to except but are these even my true feelings?
To shove them all in is what we call love
I couldn't focus today because of my 'feelings' for Y/N I even asked Miku and she said it was love its weird a lot of things are considered love even obsession so how can I know that Miku is right?
I should stop denying my feelings at this point its just sad. They put some much effort into everything they do for me and I obviously like them thats the sad part.
Without understanding anything
I got a note from someone to meet me on the roof I don't know if I should go or not what if they want to confess to me I should atleast show up.
I come up from all the stairs and there is the long haired purple girl Mafuyu Ashania she then proceeds to tell me this.
"I like you Y/N but I can't like you. If that makes sense." "Not really." I say
And end roll of dots and lines
"I like you but I can't like you because my mom doesn't like you." Of course Mafuyu's mom doesnt like me makes me wannna fight her.
"I understand I like you aswell Mafuyu. That's what this is for." I then kiss on the cheek on run away blushing I didn't think to look at Mafuyu but I had a feeling she was as well.
Paint my everyday life
She then ran away as I turned as red as Ena's brother's hair did she just do that and now I need pretend that I don't like her. Damn this is gonna be harder than I thought. Its just pretend though you've done it for this long Mafuyu.
There was value in keeping feelings hidden from everyone
I haven't told any of the band members about my crush well if it counts if she already knows I mean whats the point in keeping it a secret if Mafuyu knows I just won't say unless they bring up.
Because the awnser I was looking for
So I told Miku and all she said was
"Seems you've found your true feelings." If these are my true feelings I wonder if they're also Mafuyu's or was she just lying to make me happy. I have to ask her.
Just like the future was in my hand all along
You put a note in Mafuyu's locker telling her to come to the roof and just like you came.
"Mafuyu I have a question." "I had a feeling you put the note in my locker ask away." "Do you actually like me or were you messing with me?" Mafuyu walked up to you and then kissed you on the lips.
"Does that awnser you question?" ".... Yep. Do you wanna be my secret girlfriend Mafuyu?" "Yes." You kissed her once more and then walked down the stairs holding hands I think its safe to say Mafuyu's one more step closer to finding her feelings thanks to you.
Her Secret S/O Y/N L/N
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
HELLO MOOTIE!! I AM SENDING A MATCHUP REQUEST FOR MY NEW OC I MADE THE PAST COUPLE DAYS—! Also I do gotta say that I rlly do enjoy your work and keep going! you make a lot of people happy, i can tell but anyways I’ll do a romantic matchup for Akudama Drive, Danganronpa and Monster High!! here we go—!
Name: Anonymous (yes that’s her name)
Sex: Woman but shes not real, she sounds like a robot but her form is unknown to all
Pronouns and Sexuality: She/Them, Bisexual and Asexual
Powers: she has a lot of powers that can affect human which the powers are listed in this link here
Fun fact: she is made by Joey (me LOLOL so she acts like him but theres some things off and also he’s like her best friend/brother so he’s there to protect her and she’s there to protect him so there siblings who are there for each other)
Personality: Well, she is a ENTP but mostly all the time shes Introverted and barely talks, when people ask her questions like “what are some of your hobbies?” or “what do you like to eat” she’ll replay “ないです。人間じゃないので” which translates “Nothing. Because i'm not human.”, but when she warms up to someone she can love or just be comfortable around with then she will show a little bit of emotion but not much, she doesnt show any emotions shes just neutral, she stays away from people a lot because she doesnt wanna try to converse with people but if it's needed then she’ll talk, since she is a robot shes basically really intelligent in everything, shes a very anxious person and she does care a ton for the people around her she loves but doesnt show it--!, shes also like a mother she knows how to comfort people and talk with them, so shes like the therapist mom! Oh and one last thing shes very great in combat she has hand guns with her just in case for incidence for whatever it may be but may not use it a lot since she has powers and she also has a lower monotone robotic voice like miku.
Apperance: she has long, messy and uneven warm grey ponytails that fall down to her knees that have a darker gray coat at the very bottom of her ponytails, they are held up by their white bows while the other bow is uneven on her right side, she has heterochromia so her right eye is a turquoise and the other is a pink one, her eyes also change color when she has a mood like red is upset, yellow is happy, baby blue is sad, etc, She wears a white, long-sleeved collared blouse with buttons that go all the way down to the bottom, with 3 buttons unbuttoned at the end to reveal a petticoat. The dress is thigh length and turns gray towards the bottom, either by design or from dirt. Around her neck she wears a thin red bow and her nails are painted turquoise. She wears a black harness across her chest. On her right leg, she wears a dark grey sock with no shoe, and her left leg and foot is left bare and she also wears some gothic clothing from their creator which is a long black dress with a black headband that has a little veil with a black rose and gold trimmings on the dress. (Also this is the inspiration and yes this is her apperance off of her bc it’s amazing and I could t progress anything else
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Likes: we know that there were no listed hobbies but she does enjoy singing but she also likes to spend her time in more quiet places like a library and maybe she’ll watch a show or read a book, but she mostly likes to sing and sleep
Dislikes: she has no dislikes, like at all, and alos no discomforts either.
Matchup For Anonymous! An Oc Created By Joey!
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Akudama Drive: Doctor
When first meeting her, she wasn't much of a talker or a friendly person and neither were you and that's what made you catch her attention. You were different from the others in the group, you talked when it was necessary and you didn't need any saving, always being able to protect yourself. She also doesn't hate that you're a robot and thinks that you're better than all of the others who stand around and waste her air.
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Danganronpa: Nagito Komaeda
He made the mistake of trying to playfully attack you and that backfired with him being tossed onto the ground with the air knocked out of him. You immediately apologized, not realizing it was him and helped him from the now prominent bruise forming on his back.
When the two of you are alone, he'll ask for you to sing to him saying that it helps him calm down. He definitely has a recording of you singing and when he can't sleep he'll use the recording to help him drift off thinking that it's a melody from a goddess.
Monster High: Robecca Steam
There's times when Robecca remembers that she's the only one left of her family and that she'll never be able to hold her father like the two did when they were younger. You make sure to be there for her when she gets those thoughts and comforts her, telling her that you're here for her and that you're not leaving anytime soon.
Library dates are a must for the two of you, especially when Robecca needs to find pieces for one of her projects or when the two of you have to study for an upcoming test or quiz. When the two of you agree that a break is needed, the two of you read a book having a book club just with the two of you, (Don't tell anyone, but it's not really a bookclub and instead the two of you cuddle up close to each other)
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jotarrokujo · 2 years
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i like how my top artists have been the same for years now (got top 0.1% of the mountain goats listeners again 🤪🐐) though i was expecting marina to be there too this time. i listened to seventeen and are you satisfied like a million times this year...
also it seems to not recognize vocaloid stuff as a genre which is kinda sad... my 4th genre was "dance pop" which is probably it but id have liked it to be more unambiguous even more so bc miku doesnt get counted as an artist or else she would have definitely been in the top five
i also like how emo is ALWAYS my top genre lol #notaphase
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cowgomoo1123 · 20 days
I was sad i dont have much culture to make a miku of
And remembered i cant draw miku anyway so it doesnt matter
(i HATE drawing people man)
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tail0rm4de3ra · 27 days
[orange slices rain down from the sky as Miku does what she does best, about 9 feet away from anyone, around seven more of the plastic humanoid figures fall and barrel on the ground causing them to bounce back up, before finally resting with about two of them having their legs shattered in half due to the impact with the ground]
[.... there's also a can of antkiller.. the same one that someone was so desperately keen on being held away... huh..]
" \/\/ hY a re ther3 s0 m4ny ...💧 " (Why are there so many...)
She doesnt even have an umbrella. Sad!
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chisatowo · 2 years
I always forget english sekai exists and is always does me such intense psychic damage. What do you mean Rui's stamp where he is literally just sighing got translated as "seriously?" what the actual fuck
#rat rambles#sekai posting#obviously Im nowhere near fluent in japanese and am not a proffessional translator but. hes literally just sighing.#idk maybe 'sigh....' would give off the wrong vibe in their minds??? but also paired with the imagry I dont think it would#Im also not a fan of how they translated his laughing stamp into just 'chuckle' instead of writing out the soubd but thats not as bad#also Im a bit confused as to why they kept miku's 39 stamp the same#like I kind of get it but also it removes the conversational use of it since in japanese its a pun#its both the miku number and it is also pronounced similar to thank you (san kyuu)#and I know that pun super doesnt translate into english so killing it one way or another was necesary but Id personally prioritise the#conversational use so it doesnt just look like one of bndori's nonsense stamps gkfbsjrg#tbh thats the real reason why I care more abt sekai stamp translations because they have actual conversational value fkfndkfb#wait oh god is emu's evil laugh stamp still that in english lemme go check#ok thank god they kept it I was so scared I love that stamp tkfnsuef#WAIT NO NO NOOOOOO THEY DIDNT CARRY OVER HER HEY HEY HOH PROPERLY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#THIS IS THE WORST CRIME KNOWN TO MAN WHAT THE FUCK IS READY SET GO VIOLENCE MURDER KILL KILL#ok but like I guess I get it but still gross horrid I hate it#I also am sad they killed her EEEEH? but again I get it but also a bit sad how adverse they seem to be to bringinh over noises#aparently in the en beta emus evil laugh was just transkated as lol so thats an actual crime and thank god they changed that at least gnfkf#and while I dont hate the english wonderhoy as much as my sibling dies I will say its weird to look at. its わんだほい what are you talking abt#I was gonna type it out in english but wandahoi also doesnt feel right to look at fnskdnf#in my head I tend to spell it as wondahoi which doesnt feel as weird to me but isnt technically accurate either cndjd#if it were me Id probably have kept the i at the end for english but also I do get it its not that big a deal#even if I do gut hate it sometimes fjdbdjfb#Im also sad abt kaito's crying stamp translation but ehhhh could be worse could be seriously dmcmdkndkf#maybe I should do a fun dive on what I can read and compare and contrast everything since I havent seen all of em
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sparkys-voca-corner · 4 years
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steadfast tin soldier
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breadboylovin · 2 years
confused how many men ya wanted, boss
1) Dan Harbour. I’m sorry he’s stranger things adjacent
2) Steve Buscemi
3) Daveed Digs. With or without the miku binder, your choice
4) Rahul Kohli. do not consider without facial hair (undercooked)
5) Aaron Paul
6) Gerard Way, any iteration
7) Nicholas Braun
8) Kieran Culkin
9) Jerma. Is he a celebrity? He is now.
10) Jim Carrey. but only from Sonic.
11) Kayvan Novak
oh this is a wonderful selection of men thank you
1) Dan Harbour. I’m sorry he’s stranger things adjacent
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
despite his affiliation with stranger things i have huge respect bc i think he was the first dilf type guy that made me go O___O. like this changed me
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2) Steve Buscemi
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY Sexy as fuck in a weird looking guy way
please refer to the three different fancams i have of him on my blog
3) Daveed Digs. With or without the miku binder, your choice
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
i like his smile :-)
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4) Rahul Kohli. do not consider without facial hair (undercooked)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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5) Aaron Paul
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
now normally this type of guy would be very Ehhhh to me. however jesse pinkman rewired my brain chemistry and now i want aaron paul carnally. especially in this gifset
also you get a pic of him with bryan cranston cus theyre besties :-)
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6) Gerard Way, any iteration
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
i was gonna say im just not into him bc no facial hair but i looked up pics of them WITH facial hair and its still not doin it for me. sorry. huge respect tho
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7) Nicholas Braun
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
i like how tall he is and the 'sad wet rescue kitten' swag he exudes in succession but idk how much i like the real life guy. this pic is cute tho
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8) Kieran Culkin
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
this look changed me. i thought i had two types in men (bears and 'feminine in a queer-coded villain way') but i think this invented a secret third type for me that i cant understand
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9) Jerma. Is he a celebrity? He is now.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
well hes just some guy to me. instead of adding an actual pic of jerma i will show you the jerma bowl that my bestiecrush made which he told me to bring back to my dorm only for my beloved roommate isabel to condemn it to our hallway within a salt circle
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10) Jim Carrey. but only from Sonic.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
respect the goofy villain swag but its just not for me
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11) Kayvan Novak
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
well hes just alright. i know die girlies auf tumblr love him but he just doesnt hit for me like matt berry (my wwdits man of choice) does. also i was gonna crop this next pic but actually guillermo deserves to be there too
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and all of these different dudes are from this ask meme
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Opinion tim
- They’re homies tho. She convinced him to pop jiros bubble. It made a mess.
- “Tai i got you a miku binder” “you fucking WHAT”
Sato-sensei :):
- Looks up to him a lot.
- role model lol
- “Sato sensei why do bad things happen to good people”
- Tries to dodge questions about parent teacher conferences though.
- Will linger after classes though
- Ik the whole adoption papers thing was a joke but. Tai would just hand it back. Saying while he appreciates the sentiment and sees sato as a role model, he already has a dad. Sure, he doesnt get to see him often and it makes him sad but,, Signing the papers would feel like he was disrespecting him.
And then he find sout it was a joke and is like “OH HAHA,,,,, YEAH M,, ME TOO,,,BVYE”
- sato pls let him make a lgbt support group thing PLEASE HE WANTS TO MAKE ONE SO BAD
- Fanboys a lil bc holy fuck that quirk is cool
- Kinda sad that she has to die for it though
- Too awkward to approach
Miss me:
- Think shes cool
-Why her titties out tho in her hero uniform.
- “ma’am arent you cold”
-trans solidarity
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itsthesinbin · 4 years
i say this unironically but harry potter is the absolute worst thing to have existed for the sole fact a good majority of its fans are unbearable and annoying and im glad i never got into it
no i dont care that youre “distancing” the series from its author. it still doesnt change the fact that all of her views are deeply rooted into the series.
miku made minecraft was ran into the ground but an easier joke to swallow bc 1 notch had already sold minecraft to microsoft so he like no longer really has anything to do with it (i believe), and 2 minecraft is a game that has almost NO outside/real world influences beyond animals and some logics (tree = wood and sticks).
saying “miku made harry potter” or whatever the fuck is an insult to the people that JKR has actually profiled and stereotyped, the people she’s hurt and insulted, and does nothing but show you’d rather sit in ignorance than accept a shitter of a woman wrote it than look at it critically and say something like “I still enjoy the series for nostalgia’s sake, but I now see the flaws and insults hidden in the work”.
If you’re one of those “harry potter came from space” people or whatever you’re sad and i dont want to interact with you ever.
also to get back to my first point about its fans being annoying bc i kinda derailed:
“hermione would throw a fit at schools being cancelled over covid because-” shut the fuck up people were/are dying that hermione bitch doesnt fucking exist grow the fuck up. theres a difference between using fiction as a coping escapism mechanism and saying insensitive shit like that
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ririnpoga · 4 years
Ok anyways yeah 2 am. And i just. Rambling timee
This will most def be gone tomorrow but anyways
Most of the time ive been called a villain apologist and ykw? Yeah, i am
I never felt a big enough attachment to the pure and morally white heroes, not at all. Their actions never really hitted me the way that someone who was opressed by society fighting for their own ideals hitted. In one hand you had a person with the upper hand, fighting for something the entire society believed was right, while the other fought for something they believed would be better, and i do think this is also the approach id have towards stuff anyways, because i don't want rules being pushed onto me
I wanted to form my *own* living world, and in a sense i feel this is one of the reasons of why i just. Really enjoy toga and dabi as characters
And even when they actually are fully evil? They're still great and a lot of fun! Sure, i can't fully relate but there's something so great about a villain who acts this way just because they *can*!
Still, people always told me i was in the wrong for this, and i think this is where came a very specific love and interest of mine: blank characters. Characters who have nothing on them, you are the one writing them and their story, be it on a game, story, series or anything else! They just feel so much more interesting than this because they arent someone who will be the same for everyone, and while my first experience with such a thing were rpg maker games like Ib and Yume Nikki, where the character didn't really have a strong personality and could have been seen as different interpretations... I think there's two main points i had during my life with these blank characters: undertale and vocaloid
Let me start talking by the possible simplest one to understand: all the frisk's and chara's are different from others in undertale, they're never the same. Someone can see chara as the villain who made frisk kill everyone, other sees chara as a traumatized child who watched *you*, the player, kill everyone important to them. They're blank characters, frisk themselves has no personality at *all*, just following your instructions at the game to complete it with no problems and finish a pacifist, neutral or genocide route. ALL of these frisks are different, and i think that's most noticeable by your "level" in the game, it shows that yes, it's still frisk, but something is different: they arent "good" anymore, but morally grey
They were a blank state, and you ended up filling frisk with blood
And i think this was the first time a blank character ended up getting a LOT of attention from media. Undertale is honestly amazing and i never understood why i felt so much attachment to it and these two specific characters until recently: they dont have a fixed personality, im the one who's supposed to interpret them however i want
... but then i think about vocaloid in general
People never understood when i said that "miku is one of my favorite characters" — even if that was a lie, because my favorite vocaloid is another one, miku is still extremely special to me
And why? A lot of people ask, she doesnt has any personality at all at first view, being portrayed as this cute girl or just sad teen in other songs is not like she had a fixed personality, right?
Except this is exactly why i love vocaloid as a whole, in a way
None of the characters here have a fixed and fully developed personality going for them. Sure, there are some stereotypes for some vocaloids, but they have almost 0 canon background, on some we know their profession or favorite food and that stuff but they have *no* story or personality at all... And that's what made me love them so closely
Am i feeling sad? There will be a song that i could listen to, no problem. Am i happy? Hell, let me fucking blast mitchie m and dance. Am i just feeling numb and close to dissociating? No problem, i can listen to some of wowaka's amazing work and slowly come back from it
I had everything, even when i was 9 years and just learned about it — the full range of musical styles and composers never left me, specially my favorite ones with the exception new voices — both as vocaloids and composers — came into scene, hell, i'll never forget the shock it was when i first saw my personal fave kwbdkdh
Still, i can never explain to people why it's so important to me
A community where people arent afraid to make songs about controversial and somewhat heavy topics, but still lighthearted and fun most times, with amazing artists and being the sole reason i went back to doing professional dance...
Still, i can *never* find the words
I guess that just comes with liking blank characters after all, they dont have something fix to them, people are the one who write them, and you cant do anything but end up attaching to your own personal idea of them
Anyways yeah sibdksjs 2 am i should sleep by
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