#sad gothic lesbian that you are
potekosblog · 2 months
I have a feeling, a terrible fear encroaching
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That I'll never love a boy the way I love the ocean
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dancermk · 1 year
I’m a little disappointed to see so much discourse, fandom competitiveness, and plain arguing going around at the moment in regards to queer film/TV. People complaining about too much sex, not enough sex, too cheesy, made for the hets, too happy, too sad, too realistic, too unrealistic, and a million other petty issues. I, for one, am a queer person in my 50s and I grew up with practically zero representation! Yes, we want to continue onwards and upwards with quality and varied shows BUT let’s be HAPPY we now have representation! Like, actual shows where the central characters are queer, not just a side character who gets f*cking murdered! There is room for all different types of representation - so enjoy the types you like, and let others enjoy what they like.
And on a side note: progress is progress and film/tv is a business that has to turn a profit! If some queer content is made to appeal to the straight community, and will also act as a means of reducing homophobia and increasing understanding, then that’s a good thing. That means in the future more and more content will include queer stories and representation. If only 10% (ish) of the population is the maximum target audience then shows won’t keep getting made!
There is a huge backlash all over the world right now - a “push back” by conservatives and religious groups that want to wind back the clock, and specifically the last decade of advances.
So stick together queers and LGBTQIA+ allies.
I’m super happy knowing I don’t have to wait years between content anymore. And I’ve loved all different types of shows over the last 5 years, for lots of different reasons!
Interview with the Vampire - is giving me the toxic, passionate gothic love affair I’ve always wanted. And addressing interracial relationships.
Heartstopper - is filling me up with pure joy and hopefulness for the future.
Shameless - gave me Ian and Mickey - unique, anti stereotypical gays with a tragic yet ultimately beautiful love story spanning 11 years
Lone Star 911 - is giving me TK and Carlos whose sexuality barely factors into the storyline! Yay!
Looking - gave me an authentic queer experience and an intoxicating love triangle.
Red, white and Royal Blue - gave me a sweet, cute romcom that allowed reality to be sidelined. Fun escapism!
Young Royals - had me captivated by first love and intense angst.
Fire Island - an underrated romcom that made me laugh so hard I cried.
Sex education - shoved the realities of sex in our faces and provided me with laughter and drama and a range of queer identities.
Gentlemen Jack -gave me historical lesbians with spectacular wit, and feminine power.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg- because there’s SO SO SO many more shows I could mention! Don’t at me because I didn’t mention YOUR favourite. This is my point! There is SO much great content it would take all day for me to include everything. This is just a sample - and that’s f*cking brilliant!!
So maybe we could all start posting/tweeting etc about what WE DO LIKE / LOVE / MAKES US FEEL LOVED AND SEEN and put down the device if we’ve got nothing nice to say.
Sending everyone a love filled week! 💜
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elequinoa-world · 2 years
thoughts on Netflix’s Wednesday:
- i did enjoy watching the whole season
- Jenny Ortega did a solid performance as Wedsneday
- I want an actual show about teenage Morticia and Gomez
- Pugsley was adorable even though he wasn’t really in character, he was really cute and I want to protect him too fight me on this
- the scene where wednesday talks to gomez and tells him he’s a good father was really good
- i did like the dynamic between wednesday and morticia, living in the shadow of your mom and all, that was nice
why is every guy in love with Wednesday
why are there so many boys in this show to begin with
where are the female friendships???
teenage girls care more about their besties than boys i swear
also Enid is a lesbian 100% (the whole wolfing out/coming out parallel COME ON)
grown men need to stop writing stories about teenage girls because you don’t know what yo’ure talking about you’re just trying to replicate cliché stuff you see in other medias written by men and it s h o w s
also where was the addams aesthetic? this was just a regular show about a “goth” academy that wasn’t even that goth to begin with
where were the werewolves and vampires and sirens and gorgons you spoke of??? cause i didnt see any for more than like one sec of screentime
where is the goth vibe? the whole point of the Addams family is the contrast they bring against a hypocritical hypercapitalist society, the Nevermore Academy was supposed to be full of outcasts like them but they were just.... some random teenagers dressed in a dark blue uniform?? where is the goth??? where is the criticism??? why did they scream when it rained blood??? why is wednesday the only odd one??
i was expecting something with dark humor, with an actual aesthetic because tim burton meets addams family should have been grounds for experimentation on you know, real gothic vibes, but no, there was no real cinnamon tography in this and it makes me sad
a show like this should be able to be recognisable for its visual brand on any single frame, but no, it was just... a school.... in america.... somewhere... with pilgrims maybe...
a bit disapointed that they didnt do more with the Addams thingy, cause in the end it was just another teenage show about random “supernatural” characters. the story was kind of good even if predictable and still fun to watch and i did like wednesday emotional journey to form bonds with other people, that was done well, but they should have gone with original characters if they did not want to exploit what makes the addams family the addams family....
give me more addams family in a show about the addams family ffs
and that’s my two cents on wednesday
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beneaththefloorboards · 11 months
To my fellow lesbians: I have found something even more lonely than the experience of being around your friends while they're all talking about men.
Let me tell you what happened
I never expected to experience this, as I am the only lesbian I know and while I have plenty of sapphic friends, none of them have ever been in a serious relationship with a woman. That in itself makes me feel quite isolated. But the other day I went to this event that I was so excited for, you see: it was a ball!! A real gothic/victorian/dark academia esque ball in an old art museum with classical music and ballroom dancing!! I was beyond excited and it was a perfect evening, and my heart was elated when I saw how many wlw were there attending... until I realised they were all there as couples.
Except for a few friend groups I was the only single lesbian.
In a room full of wlw couples.
And my heart was so torn. I was so happy for them, for a lot of them were much younger than me and to think that they already knew who they were and were able to date freely (unlike I who repressed my sexuality until I was 23). But I was also hit by this enormous wave of sadness. Of loneliness.
And I wanted to share this story here because, again, I am the only lesbian I know. And I doubt my friends will understand exactly the feeling I was feeling that day. Of being in a room full of people who share your experience for the first time, but at the same time feeling so lonely because you repressed who you are for so long and so you're suddenly overcome with so much longing and jealousy and regret 🖤💀
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kairolee2004 · 10 months
Can you please do the tmnt bayverse boys with a female goth friend (bonus points if she’s a lesbian) and she’s trying to ask out her crush so the boys and April try to help reader on asking her crush out? If not that’s totally fine 😚🫶
Yes!!! Finally a TMNT ask <333
Bayverse TMNT and April O’neil + Female Gothic Lesbian reader!
Relationship: Reader x Female crush
Pronouns: She/Her
Type of Writing: Fluff
Warnings: Cussing
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。
🐢 How could the boys NOT help you? You’ve been talking about this girl for MONTHS!
🐢 But of course ya’ll have to understand that they don’t really know how to ask people out or even talk to strangers. Before you and April, they were always in the sewers.
🐢 Mikey thinks he’s some sort of “love guru” and gives you tips on asking this girl out.
🐢 Leo is definitely trying to help you relax when you overthink about “if she likes you back or not.”
🐢 He also is the main man you talk about this girl with like- he loves you but, chill the hell out!
🐢 Raph is constantly teasing you about this crush you got. But is also asking what she looks likes.
🐢 “Damn Goblin, she’s pretty cute. I might try an save her one day and be her knight in shining… armor?”
🐢 I feel like Donnie would stalk her for you… NOT IN A WEIRD WAY! If thats even possible?
🐢 He tells you about all her socials and lets you know when she posts on platforms.
🐢 Definitely protects her from any hate comments or content made about her. Thinks she kinda cute but definitely doesn’t try anything.
🐢 April has mixed feelings… She’s really happy that you like her and wanna try and get to know her more but then- SHE GETS REALLY SAD WHEN THINKING THAT YOUR NOT GONNA BE HER ROOMMATE ANYMORE!
(For the sake of well- everything, lets name your crush Marianna and her code name is ‘Taki’ because she loves spicy food)
🐢When you first met Marianna she was… different. Always wanting to be by your side, always hugging or holding your hands. Marianna constantly “flirted” with you and says how much “ultimate rizz” she had.
🐢 Of course you felt off about it for a few months. Up to this point you were always made fun of because of your style in everything. But when this short girly ran into your life. Everything changed. Opposites attract right?
🐢 At some point in time, y’all started calling up to half an hour or even 2. Then it became FaceTime calls that were 6 to 7 hours long and ended with one or both of you falling asleep. It just felt right.
🐢 The day finally happened when you asked Marianna out- well actually… she did. You and her were out at the mall getting stuff and just walking around. This was a normal activity for you guys weekly. As you guys were walking done a hall with certain shops, Marianna dragged you into a family owned shop and said, “Wait here love bug, I gotta pick up a order if mine!”
You didn’t think much of it so you waited. When Marianna got back she basically pushed you out the shop and into the middle of the ‘hall of the mall.’
“(Reader)… I have a question I wanna ask.” Marianna said holding both of her hands behind her back. This kinda felt familiar… but how?
“Ummm sure, what’s going on?” You asked getting a little closer. Marianna at this time was blushing a little. Hard to see with her light chocolate skin color but still noticeable. She took a deep breath and took her hands from behind her back. You gasped!
She was holding a large bouquet of glitter (Favorite Color) flowers and a teddy bear that looked like a character from your favorite (Tv show, movie, series, anime). The bear was actually holding a stuffed heart that read “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
It felt kinda hard to breathe… you were smiling like a damned idiot but you didn’t care. You walked over to Marianna and held her waist with one hand and her chin with the other. “Why in the hell would I ever want to pass up a opportunity of a lifetime?” Both of you smiled.
Marianna then leaned forward and kissed you. You then followed her lead and kissed back. <3
The End
Thx for reading!!!! Hope whoever requested this likes it and btw- please don’t try and send multiple requests as if I didn’t see the first one <3 ;^;
Requests are: Open
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thehauntedinfirmary · 9 months
Fic Rec Friday Edition 24
Welcome to Fic Rec Friday! We're in the mood for some longfics for this cozy December evening, so settle in and read along!
Hell for the Holidays by ma_malice Complete | 23k words
“There will be no sacrifice,” Shane said for the third time since they’d landed in Illinois. “Not so much as a chicken. Stop being weird.” Shane takes Ryan home for the holidays. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
Santa Daddies by drunkkenobi Complete | 3k words
“I really think we should just tell her,” Shane argued. “Kids find out anyway, might as well have our girl be ahead of the class.” “Shane, she’s three!” Ryan shot back. “All kids should believe in Santa at three!” Or: Ryan and Shane vs The Santa Problem
The Young and the Hopeless by mccxxvi Complete | 54k words
He lifted the towel to wipe his small mirror, when he saw it. There was writing on the mirror, a single word wiped into the condensation, written with a finger, a set of tidy, straight letters. Alexander. Ryan almost screamed. The ghost wanted Ryan to find his murderer and bring him to the light. Alexander must have been whoever murdered him. Ryan sighed, resigned to be the detective responsible for it. “Fine, I’ll find this Alexander you want. But I don’t know what to do afterwards,” he said to his empty room. A 1960s Professor!Shane/PhDstudent!Ryan gothic novel flavored AU fic, because i know a market gap when i see one.
A Ghoul's Guide to Life, Death & Afterliving by MercurySkies Complete | 70k words
'Shane was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that, to quote ‘the’ Charles Dickens with an emphasis on the 'dick'. They didn’t tell you the great Victorian novelist was also a grade A asshole in high school but then again what do they tell you in high school? Shane Madej was dead, as dead as one disembodied soul standing seemingly above his own corpse probably can be.'
The Last Days Of The Bergara Gang by PhyllisDietrichson Complete | 41k words
“Plus,” and he smiles with all of his white teeth, “if we’d left you there much longer to cardsharp that crew, likely your night would have ended with a knife to the throat.” He reaches out as if to graze his fingers over Shane’s clavicle, then remembers himself at the last minute. His hand hovers in the air. “And what a shame it would be, to mar that throat.” “Do you—what do you want, Bergara?” Shane stammers out. He winces at the waver in his voice. “You,” he responds, his eyes sweeping up to meet him with a gaze that pierces Shane between the ribs.
hey boy, take a look at me by weakspots Complete | 18k words
Ryan is 27, for Christ’s sake, and he’s not exactly hideous, so there’s really no reason to spend his money on a dude — a dude — whose face he’ll never see but whose livestreams he’s been jerking off to for roughly 4 months now. He should be going out and partying and fucking random chicks. Or a guy, whatever, just to get it out of his system and confirm to himself that he really is 100% straight. Because he is. This is morbid curiosity, if anything.
Whatever The Opposite Of Lesbian Sheep Syndrome Is by orphan_account Complete | 9k words
Shane was the one who kissed, not the one who was kissed. Shane was the one who did the holding, not the one who was held, and that was fine.
made it so far in time by addandsubtract Complete | 12k words
“I’m, uh. I’m pretty sure the you I’m friends with is older,” Ryan says, and then winces.
use somebody by bodhirookes Complete | 10k words
“You’re the most obnoxious person I’ve ever met,” Shane says over the sound of Ryan’s workout noises, which are equal parts distracting and hideous. “Why can’t you just be a lazy asshole like the rest of us?” “I have a figure and reputation to maintain,” Ryan grits out, not even pausing to look at him. “Can’t be a big, bad ghost hunter without my guns.” Or, Shane has a thing for Ryan's muscles and Ryan has a thing for Shane having a thing.
a child's answer by deerie Complete | 2k words
“You know, it’s kind of sad about the Queen Mary,” Ryan says as they make their way to the mess hall. “That’s where I saw a ghost for the first time.” Shane stares at him incredulously. Ryan can tell that he wants to say something, but is refraining. He’ll have to find the video of the tube of toothpaste being knocked off the counter as proof to show Shane. Ryan remembers the panic he felt in that moment: the revelation that something existed outside of the realm of what he understood. It’s the same feeling that he had when the Kaiju first appeared, thrashing and tearing and ripping buildings and bridges to shreds.
A Symptom of Time by fightingfuries WIP | 12k words
"Sure," Shane says easily like he doesn't believe Ryan for a second. "You're living out the plot of the 1993 Bill Murray vehicle Groundhog Day. Now where does the kissing factor in, exactly?" "You were all like 'I'm Shane, I don't believe in magic but you should find a tall brunette to kiss.’" Shane laughs again, helplessly. "I'm the tall brunette? I obviously meant Andie McDowell." He catches himself. "If I had said that, which I didn't, because time loops aren't real."
Want to learn more about The Haunted Infirmary? Check out our pinned post!
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celestiachan · 10 days
underrated 3ds and ds games you can get on hshop and archive.org right now for free
Style Savvy: Styling Star is an eshop exclusive 3ds game that released after the Switch. Way after the Switch. It released on Christmas. It is the worst selling game in the Style Savvy franchise. A shame, because it's the best one. It is a fashion game where you dress up different customers who all want to become singers. There are styles in it that I hadn't ever heard of before playing it. It has gothic lolita, gyaru, pop kei, girly kei, and lots of other j-fashions that I didn't know about before playing it. And there's lesbianism in it. I am not joking. There are actual fictional lesbians in this Nintendo published game. Go play it
Boxboy, Boxboxboy, and Bye-Bye Boxboy are three eshop exclusives, with the last one being released after the Switch. I'm noticing a pattern here. They were developed by the same studio as Kirby, and they (debatably) share a universe. The gameplay of the first game starts off slow, but there is a plot twist halfway through the game. This trend continues to a point where I would consider Bye-Bye Boxboy to be a horror game. There is a fourth game on Switch called Boxboy + Boxgirl, but I would recommend saving that one for after you beat the 3ds trilogy. Oh yeah and the main character is a guy and you can make him wear bows and dresses and makeup. He's gnc af. The only other thing I have to say in regards to its plot is to look very closely at the box behind the player character in the first level of the first game.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Last Window: The Secret of Cape West are two visual novel puzzle games for the DS. You play as Kyle Hyde, who is a complete and utter asshole. He is a salesman who used to be a police detective. He shot his partner (who he was probably gay for) 3 years ago and quit the force. Now it's 1979 and he's spending a night at Hotel Dusk for his job. The second game takes place in the apartment building he lives in. Uh oh! His landlady sold it and it's going to be demolished next month. He spends his last week there investigating the unsolved murder of his father. This one only released in Europe and Japan before its developer went out of business. Sad! This is maybe the only video game that has a novelisation of itself inside of it. They really leaned heavily into the visual novel aspect. Also the soundtrack and artstyle of these games are absolutely gorgeous. Please play them
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skyeventide · 1 year
it's sad that I don't quite trust advertising of stories that goes like "lesbian gothic drama" simply because I don't know if I'm being misled. not about the lesbian, about the gothic drama. is this going to be a soft uwu handholding story set in a castle with some lady dressing in black who's sad and ready for a feelsy healthy relationship? and the homophobia, the sense of the forbidden, doesn't come up even once? the equivalent of five green-yellow-red checks in bdsm fic? or is it going to be fucked up as anything gothic ought to be? are you actually selling me what you're trying to sell me? are you going all in, and making me read the most disturbing shit on god's green earth? cause if that's how you advertise, you better.
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steddieasitgoes · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 11 Prompt: Pop/Alt Holiday Songs
Tags: Alcohol Consumption, Established Relationship, Santa Con, Karaoke, Steve Harrington Is A Tease
wc: 1596 | Rating: T
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Eddie’s had his fair share of wild nights bar hopping in Seattle. Sometimes with Steve, sometimes with the Corroded Coffin boys, sometimes alone desperate to break out of the deep-seated loneness that overtakes him every few years. 
But he’s never experienced anything quite like this. 
After a night of endless hopping, they find themselves at a karaoke bar in the heart of Downtown Boston packed with college students and young adults all dressed in their best Santa suits like them. Miraculously, they find an empty booth in the corner and stake their claim. 
Robin and Nancy collapse into each other, shedding their red coats over the worn edge as they do so. Jonathan and Argyle aren’t far behind, though Argyle stays fully in costume. (“I really think I should grow a beard, my dude,” he slurs for the hundredth time of the night as he shuffles across the cracking vinyl.) Steve goes next, sliding in next to Robin and then Eddie follows, nearly missing the seat entirely as the opening chords of Wham’s “Last Christmas” rips through the small bar from the stage across the room. A pair of best friends laugh their way through the opening words, absolutely massacring the song. 
“Oh god,” Steve groans. “They’re disrespecting Wham!” 
“That’s the point!” Robin giggles, moving to rest her head on his shoulder. “No one is supposed to sing good at karaoke! S’why we’re all here!” 
“We are not singing karaoke!” 
“You better turn that Grinch face of yours around because we absolutely are! Nance and I signed us all up weeks ago.” 
“You devious lesbians,” Eddie laughs before leaning around Steve to place a slobbery kiss on Robin’s head. “I owe you so much for this one.” 
“Buy us drinks and we’ll call it even!” 
It’s a fair deal as far as Eddie’s concerned so he quickly gets himself back on his feet and wades through the hoards of Santas until he gets to the bar. It’s just like any other dive bar he’s been in. Sticky countertops, shelves, and shelves of liquor, charming but overworked bartenders working and flirting their asses off for tips. He knows exactly what it’s like bartending and he doesn’t miss it. 
Though maybe he would have had more fun if the places he worked had events like this. At least he’d have people to make fun of beyond the sad drunks that became his regulars. 
Eddie returns five minutes later with a tray of mixed drinks and shots. If he’s being totally straight with himself, he’s not sure what he ordered. They look pretty though and judging by the puckered face on Robin and Jonathan’s faces, they must be mixed well. Lightweights the both of them. 
Needing the least bit of persuading, Eddie takes the stage first, serenading the crowd in a rock and roll rendition of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas” that goes off the rails given he sings it at double the speed. Argyle drags Jonathan up next, the two stumbling their way through “Feliz Navidad” — Argyle carries the Spanish sections while Jonathan squints at the teleprompter during the English bits. It’s a hilarious disaster that has the entire bar cheering them on. 
Nancy and Robin’s rendition of “Last Christmas” gets everyone going and suddenly a complimentary round of drinks ends up on their table as they belt out the final line. A few groups of strangers take the stage next. They’re decent but nowhere as entertaining as any of them. They’re only half watching at this point, too engrossed with their own conversations and carry-over argument over who the best-dressed Santa of the bunch is. 
(“Obviously s’not Eddie,” Nancy giggles. 
“You wound me, Wheeler,” Eddie gasps, clutching a hand over his jet-black fur coat. “Gothic Santa would have killed it in Seattle. You Bostonians don’t understand culture.”)
Another round of drinks materializes on their table and then they’re back in the karaoke rotation again. By the time Steve’s name is being called by the poor bar employee tasked with keeping things running smoothly, he’s the perfect amount of drunk that he doesn’t protest Eddie’s careful tugging. He doesn’t go willingly, but he’s sporting that crooked smile of his that tells Eddie he’s not exactly mad about the events transpiring in front of him. 
“See sweetheart,” Eddie croons, leaning into his space as he passes him the mic. “Just needed a little liquid courage. Now show the world how great of a singer you are.” 
“S’gonna be a disaster.” 
“Oh, definitely,” Eddie smiles, pecking his cheek. “But that’s the point!” 
Eddie doesn’t give Steve time to reach out and instead retreats to the booth. He slides in next to a giddy Robin as they both wait with bated breath for Steve to choose a song. A minute or two of silence passes before Steve looks up from the machine. The old stage lights cast a beautiful shadow over him. Eyes sparkling in the harsh fluorescents. Usually, Steve would be complaining about the godawful lights, but right now he’s winking at Eddie and practically skipping to the center of the stage. 
Another moment of silence passes before the bright cheery guitar of Britney Spears’s My Only Wish (This Year) floods the place. Steve starts rocking his hips to the beat, hand gripping the microphone tight enough that Eddie can see his knuckles turning white. The nerves evaporate from his body the minute he starts singing, though. If Eddie didn’t know better, he’d think Steve has been possessed by the spirit of the Princess of Pop. 
“I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss,” Steve sings, throwing a hand over his lips before blowing a sloppy kiss in Eddie’s direction. And then he’s moving again, skipping around the stage as his Santa coat glides around behind him. 
By the time the second verse hits, Steve’s shimming out of the coat, putting on a show for the group of girls sitting at the front tables. Eddie wants to scream. Wants to stalk over to the girls and tell them to back the fuck up, but he’s held steady in his seat by Jonathan’s comforting hand and Steve’s unwavering gaze as he locks eyes with him across the hoards of people. 
“I want my baby, baby,” Steve scream sings, already losing the beat as his hips continue to sway. 
“Someone to love me, someone to hold!” Eddie shouts along with him as the rest of the table eggs him on. 
It’s chaos after that. Steve throws his Santa hat into the crowd, Robin’s on the table filming the entire thing on her ancient iPhone. “That’s your man, Munson,” Nancy wheezes, nudging Eddie’s ribs every time Steve turns to shake his ass for the excited crowd. 
Eddie’s absolutely captivated by the performance. When he first met Steve years ago he was uptight and reserved. It didn’t matter how much effort Eddie put into his conversations, it was like trying to pry open a bank vault. But when he finally cracked the code, Steve sparkled in a way Eddie couldn’t even dream about. 
Steve’s better now, more open with himself and who is he. Fully embraces the fun that life has to offer, but Eddie can tell there are moments when he retreats to that small boy who never got the attention he deserved. It’s what makes moments like this so much more amazing. Seeing Steve shine and live his best life, free from judgment is the best gift Eddie’s ever received. And he’s not about to miss a damn minute of it. 
When the bridge drops, Steve prances around the stage like one of Santa’s reindeer. He’s sporting a reindeer headband that someone threw up there and there are a handful of dollar bills crumpled up on the edge of the stage. Somehow it’s gone from a karaoke show to some erotic dance number as Steve shimmies around and tries to keep up with the words. 
Eddie’s never been more in love in his entire life. 
“Santa, that’s my only wish this year,” Steve sings the final line, holding out the note like he’s the Princess of Pop herself instead of some high school teacher. 
A standing ovation follows, but Eddie doesn’t have time to bask in the affection being thrown at his boyfriend because he’s moving through the crowd faster than he’s ever moved in his life. When he gets to the end of the stage, Steve practically dives into his arms. He wraps himself around Eddie, legs around his waist, arms around his neck and smiles that perfect, beautiful smile of his. His cheeks are flushed pink from the performance and the amount of liquor coursing through his veins and his eyes are big and bright. 
“What’d think? S’Santa gonna grant my wish?” Steve asks. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie coos, ducking his head to get his lips on Steve’s. “You know I’ll be waiting for you under the tree in a big red bow.” 
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nitewrighter · 6 months
Hi! I wanted to ask for a book recommendation! I'm doing a "get out of your comfort zone" kind of reading challenge and one of the prompts is a book recommended by a librarian, and you're a librarian, so. I'm generally pretty omnivorous, though I lean toward fantasy and I don't particularly enjoy modern literary fiction or things with sad endings. I read a lot, so maybe something more obscure?
You're a treat to follow on Tumblr, so I feel like you'd give good recommendations. Thanks in advance!
Hmm, well it's probably within your comfort zone, and I don't think it's that obscure because it got some buzz on here a while back, but for fantasy one fantasy read that I enjoyed recently was Legends and Lattes, which is like... THEE coffee shop AU to end all coffee shop AU's. It's about an orc mercenary lady who retires and starts a coffee shop and strikes up this very soft slow-burn romance with a tiefling-looking succubus. And there's THE WORLD'S CUTEST RATKIN BAKER. But I'd categorize that more under 'cozy autumnal read.' I feel like T. Kingfisher is also a pretty popular author on here, but I really loved "Nettle and Bone"---good blend between Fairy Tale Tropes and solid worldbuilding there. If you're in the mood for a more ~gothic~ read I've also enjoyed both "What Moves the Dead" and "A House with Good Bones" by her, as well.
For something kind of obscure--I mean I wouldn't say it has a ~happy~ ending but it's a very short read and a fun ride--"Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You" by Scotto Moore was really fun. It's cosmic horror meets kind of dotcom era music journalism. Oh! Another über-short cosmic horror read that kind of defangs itself by being fun! and cheeky! is "Walking to Aldebaran" by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
Another short read, and also part post-apocalyptic part western featuring lesbians: "Upright Women Wanted" manages to hit all my Louis L'Amour plot point bells while also being kind of... intensely introspective about like, masking and closeting and it manages to up its own western tension vibes because of it. Though honestly if you're looking for sci-fi lesbians *specifically* I'd recommend "This is How You Lose the Time War"--not that obscure because it won the Hugo award, but it's also like "If you haven't read it yet, WHAT ARE YOU DOING."
Gosh let me know if you've already read a bunch of these, and I'll see if I don't have other recommendations. I love recommending stuff SO MUCH.
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liesmyth · 2 years
22 favourite reads of 2022!
Yes, that’s a lot of books but also: you can’t ever have too many books. These are some of my favourite reads of the year, arranged by a very rigorous (joke) vibe-based categorization method that I made up myself
✧  the push by ashley audrain — Favourite novel about Creepy Children; alternatively: Favourite novel about A Woman Going Fucking Through It.
✧ bunny by mona awad — Favourite "what the fuck did I read” book, lives at the intersection of litfic and horror, and it’s like if the girlblogging side of tumblr got a MFA (this is a compliment)
✧ jonathan strange & mr norrell by susanna clarke —  Favourite fantasy (with bonus footnotes, cruel faeries, and alternate history)
✧ bringing down the duke by evie dunmore — Favourite historical romance
✧ the witch elm by tana french — Favourite book about terrible characters suffering. Techically also a mystery thriller but the POV does the heavy lifting in why it’s so good
✧ the echo wife by sarah gailey — Favourite speculative fiction that makes a very good case for clonefucking
✧ the plot by jean hanff korelitz — Favourite litfic with a bonus side of Woman, Unhinged
✧ last tang standing by lauren ho + lucie yi is not a romantic also by lauren ho — Favourite romance, specifically: favourite het romance about a career woman over 30 who’s going through it in Singapore, and also the leading men are adorable”. Stellar audiobook version too
✧ my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones — Favourite horror and favourite Horror Final Girl ft. lesbian vibes
✧ erotic stories for punjabi widows by balli kaur jaswal —  Favourite contemporary fiction, and also this is THE book you should gift to people. It has universal appeal and it’s wicked fun and might make you cry
✧ long bright river by liz moore — Favourite murder mystery that’s actually about disfunctional families and your own inner demons. Basically, the Dublin Murder Squad school of sad detectives.
✧ apples never fall by liane moriarty — Favourite domestic suspense but it’s Liane Moriarty so it’s inevitably forthy domestic suspense about middle class het Sydney couples with children. It’s also infuriatingly well written
✧ a deadly education by naomi novik — Favourite YA ft. plucky goth babygirl with death powers
✧ empire of pain by patrick radden keefe — Favourite nonfiction
✧ the last of the wine by mary renault — Favourite homoerotic historical fiction
✧ houston, houston, do you read? by james tiptree jr. — Favourite novella + favourite scifi. Technically a reread but it’s great and you should read it so here it goes! Also I needed a fave story In Space that wasn’t Harrow The Ninth
✧ the feminist by tony tulathimutte — Favourite short story
✧ the cherry robbers by sarai walker — Favourite gothic vibes historical fiction, and also ghosts and lesbians
✧ fingersmit by sarah waters —  Favourite historical fiction about scheming Victorian lesbians. If you’ve watched The Handmaiden, this is the book that inspired it
✧ thank you for listening by julia whelan — Favourite book about books, specifically Book About Making Romance Audioplays. Stellar audio version, too
✧ the last housewife by ashley winstead — Favourite book that’ll make you feel physical discomfort and make you want to commit murder. I loved this book and I want to tattoo it to the inside of my eyeballs but also: the content warnings aren’t fucking around
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creppersfunpalooza · 7 months
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YESSS!!! i haven’t read any gothic lit in a WHILE (last one was the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde which i loved and still have brainrot for), but i DID recently read a really good book that was somewhat based on the style of gothic literature!!! it’s called Our Wives Under the Sea and god it is so good. sorry this is gonna be a rant so i’m gonna try to tell you about it without spoilers
reasons you should read it:
1. it starts in the middle and there’s a lot of mystery regarding everything, so if you like a story where you sort of have to figure things out or theorize it’s great.
2. time jumps a lot, mainly reminiscing. It makes for a really interesting development because you see what the two main characters were like before the incident.
3. dark theming with a pinch of what may or may not be considered surrealist or eldritch horror.
4. if you like junji ito, you’ll really love it. it’s like something straight out of one of his books.
6. religious theming and imagery (not the main focus but still very cool)
7. it’s queer! it centers around the relationship of two lesbian women trying to work through each other’s trauma.
8. amazing characters
9. some parts are really unintentionally funny. like really funny. not any of the horror aspects obviously but some other stuff
10. it follows a dual perspective setup.
11. it has a sketchy corporation so i mean that’s always fun.
reasons you may not like it:
1. slow pacing. mainly focuses on the memories of the two characters.
2. bittersweet ending leaning more towards sad.
3. not every question is answered.
4. has very mild mentions of nsfw, they typically don’t last longer than half a page and aren’t detailed.
5. goes heavy on the gore when you hit a certain point
6. has upsetting topics such as suicide, religious hallucinations and guilt, death, animal death, terminal illness, schizophrenia, drowning, extreme isolation, body horror, loss of flesh(?), and i think that’s all.
I would totally recommend it, it’s incredible even if at some points i wasn’t fully engaged. the body horror is delicious if you like that stuff. i actually picked it out because it reminded me of my friend’s (ray) ocs (grenadier and amitie)
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star-on-a-beach · 2 months
ooo? Always
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Meet Odette
Genderfluid they/them lesbian, Grand Maestro of the Digital Kingdom
Very elegant, fluid, and a fucking master of all kinds of classical, orchestral, and opera music. They come off as haughty/ stuck up sometimes, but really they're very polite and just. Very distrusting, especially of men
They're cursed to basically be a mutant of kinda a deformed cello, and they hate it. Basically, it dehumanizes them, they feel like nothing more than an object for entertainment. Sad. Trauma. Boo. :(
Oh, and they also have a masculine look to keep themselves safe in the village, one that they call Odysseus. So you got Odette & Odysseus.
Other things about Odette: They're afraid of physical touch, ESPECIALLY FROM MEN. They don't trust many men, and are ok with even less touching them. That being said, they and Samuel the himbo are close, and Odette is only willing to get dirty to help out the dragons bc they love the dragons and the dragons love them. So yay. OH also they're very close with Dunite and Icia, those three are the power trio.
Odette in general is kinda the 'lead' kingdom character alongside Sammy and oh my gods I LOVEEEEE them so much. They've been through so much and they keep getting broken apart and oh god it's painful bc they need a fucking hug and a break.
They're also really pretty. Long white hair. White Victorian gothic aesthetic. So damn pretty, I love talking abt their beauty. OH and they're 6'10.
Here's a couple other refs
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I think they'd look gorgeous in your style
Also, spoiler, their design won't be like this for long... BUT we're not gonna think about that :D
Star character rant over
Have my pretty maestro
Have fun
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susandsnell · 5 months
im sorry to drop a fuck marry kill with men into a lesbians box but um ok. fuck marry kill: scarecrow:nolan verse. JOKER:joaquin phoenix. the riddler: THE BATMAN.
Fuck / Marry / Kill
cinthia why are you the funniest person alive. this has cursed me for seven generations.
Okay this is going to be my most "hear me out" of all "hear me outs" except for one answer, but you knew that when you put this insanity in my inbox.
Fuck: deep inhale. I am prepared to accept bullying for this for the rest of my life from you, and that's okay, I'm at peace with my fate. okay okay so. I am not in any way, shape or form attracted to The Batman's Riddler/Edward Nashton. HOWEVER. This man is so fucking bizarre and funny that the reason I'd go for it is literally just to see what would happen. Like, we're talking a scientific approach here. That and I'm good at puzzles, and, idk, I like when men are pathetic like Flik from A Bug's Life so I feel like it'd at least be entertaining. Besides which @bethjohanssen literally once said Reeveseverse/B22 Riddler "looks like a sad lesbian" so it's easier to pretend.
Marry: Easiest answer if you've looked at my blog for more than 5 minutes. Dr. Jonathan Crane, you are my horror movie gothic supervillain blorbo for life in (almost) any iteration, including the funniest possible one where your plots don't add up, you change roles constantly, pop up places you shouldn't, and serve massive amounts of cunt while being the most compelling guy around who isn't named Harvey Dent while being given comparatively so little. He likes lawyers canonically so him and me will hit it right off, and despite very contrasting personalities, I think we'd actually get along okay? I can prep him for his career changes, we can be literary nerds together, and whatever I lack in terms of physical interest in him, I can make up for by being juuuust messed up enough for him to have material for ages. Plus marriage will help with taxes for a guy who takes so many varying gigs all the time! Also you can easily control this Scarecrow by pulling his hair.
And if Nashton is lesbian adjacent, whooooo boy Nolan!Crane...
Kill: Second easiest answer. I do hate to let you down, but since 2019 and through to the present day, I did Not Care For Joker (2019). Phoenix turns in a perfectly serviceable performance, but I find the character's writing to be the apotheosis of cringey SOCIETYYYY~ Flanderization that the Joker gets in pop culture, his tragedy is kind of so overdone it turns into the Frank Grimes episode of the Simpsons halfway through, and he's not nearly funny or compelling enough to balance this out. There's something viscerally unappealing about this version which may be The Point, but also makes this call a lot easier. I'm also just genuinely Not A Joker Person (I love Harley too much) (oversaturation), so this decision was going to be made regardless, but Phoenix Joker is about to Get What He Fucking Deserves (for his movie giving me a massive headache when I saw it in theatres).
thank you so much, I laughed my head off over this
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herefortarlos · 5 months
Hi Desi! Here is my nice ask for you:
Which show do you think has the best soundtrack? (It could be opening and closing songs or just music used throughout the show)
Have a good day! 💜
Dalawa 🥰 Thank you for letting me talk about one of my favorite things, music in anime!!! Anime has some of the greatest opening, ending and in between songs of all time and I have many favorites! I will include a song or music video for each and I apologize for the length of this ❤️
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - The show that started my and my friends 3 episode rule! You must watch 3 episodes of an anime at least to determine if you want to keep watching or not. The first 2 episodes of this show were cutesy and not too much was actually happening. And then episode 3 came in like a wrecking ball and turned this magical girl show on it's head! It was sooo unassuming and good and the music had a big influence on that too, and magical girl lesbians also helped! This show is the definition of, "I would burn the world for you!" And the main artist of the show, Kalafina, a beautiful Japanese women Gothic singing group, is just icing on the cake!
Ousama Ranking - Such an unassuming show with the protagonist being a deaf and mute Prince, who has his rightful place as next in the line for the throne stolen from him! I love this show and the characters and music are a big reason why. The second opening of it is still probably my favorite opening song ever!!! Please everyone at least watch this video if you see this post!! 💖
Yuri on ice - This show was one of my first big obsessions and I am so sad that there are still only 12 episodes and nothing else 😭 An Ice Skating anime that follows a Japanese figure skater as he struggles to get past his self-confidence issues so he can perform on the ice. This show has a fantastic cast of diverse characters and an exceptional soundtrack, as most characters perform 2 different routines and that means they need a song for each of those! I have to post the original opening for this!
Zombieland Saga - Despite what you might think from the name, this show is about zombies, but they are a group of zombie girls trying to become idols to save their Japanese town! It is such a cute show with many great songs throughout sung by some talented people!! And as you learn more about the characters and how they died, you also learn that it's one of the few animes that features a canonically trans character!! The song I picked is sung by my favorite character, who I totally don't have a crush on.
And not a show but I would be remiss if I didn't include one of the GOAT Japanese composers, Hiroyuki Sawano! The atmosphere his songs create in so many shows, most famously Attack on Titan, are unbelievable, chilling and other worldly! It's because of him that I started looking more closely at the music of shows and have found many a great artist because of him! Here's one of his newest songs from a fantastic Manwa (Korean Manga) turned anime, Solo Leveling!
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kings-lone · 6 months
Hello uhh… ✨~pinned~✨? I guess? Haha
She/Her only, please
Hello, I’m Shoko. You can also call me Terra if you’d like.
My main sona/mascot is also Shoko! Art of her will be linked here!
Visual artist, animator, vocalist, lyricist, and writer!
I do vocals for a doom metal band called Kage Musume.
Love designing lesbian goth girls.
Important social links:
🖤 17 years old
🖤 Lesbian, polyamorous, autosexual 🏳️‍🌈
🖤 Goth, pagan/satanist
Special interests: Japanese horror/mythology/culture, music (specifically metal), Bloody Panda, King Woman
Music genres: Doom metal, j-metal, j-horror, sludge metal, post-metal, black metal, drone, experimental, punk rock, noise, hardcore, post-hardcore, folk punk, trip-hop, freak folk, shoegaze, and almost anything gothic metal/rock/punk related
Bands: King Woman, Bloody Panda, Yoshiko Ohara, Gallhammer, Boris, Frayle, Made Out of Babies, Battle of Mice, Julie Christmas, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Vaee Solis, SubRosa, Windhand, X-Ray Spex, Eyehategod, Thou, Jucifer, Gouge Away, Ragana, Foxtails, Blacklab, and many, many more
Movies: Ju-On, Coraline, Ringu, Houseハウス The Shining, Isle of Dogs, My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns
Shows: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, Gravity Falls, Invader Zim, SpongeBob, The Owl House
Games: Little Big Planet, Little Nightmares, Omori, Death Forest, Cult of the Lamb, Minecraft, Splatoon
Visual artists: Yoshiko Ohara, Kittydog
Extra, for funsies! Comfort characters: Kayako Saeki (Ju-On/The Grudge), Sadako Yamamura (Ringu), Rosie (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Six (Little Nightmares), Coraline (Coraline lol)
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