ma-iya · 5 years
This photoset on my photography blog has been flagged for “adult content” because??????
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ma-iya · 6 years
Does Tumblr want to do something about this, or are they too busy censoring things that don’t need censoring?
Terribly upset
Someone probably hacked my tumblr account. More than 3000 photos removed. Try to solve it.
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ma-iya · 6 years
tumblr is over
 tumblr to me was the wild mix of art, trash, self-expression, passion, porn, kink and sex. Like a dream or the subconscious: never pretty, never nice but immensely vivid and inspiring. An tumblr was truth. People would spill out their phantasies, their fears, their secrets…
Censorship - Only nice stuff allowed
With the new regulations in place tumblr will be heavily censored and all about nice, nice…like facebook or instagram. I don’t need that. I’m on Facebook and on Instagram already.
Nobody needs another Instagram
I joined tumblr in May 2013. Today I have over 57k follower and nearly 1000 posts of original art.  I have little interest in what tumblr has become.
I will not post anything in December
Here is my call out to you. 
Stop posting art and visuals! Post your protest! Nothing else!
Use the hashtag #tumblrisover
Make yourself heard. Make #tumblrisover trending. 
Don’t like this post:  You need to  REBLOG / SHARE !!!!
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
Alternatives to Tumblr if Yahoo goes any further
  Soup.io - well-known alternative to Tumblr. Reblogging, post types, themes, collab blogs, dashboard, artsy, great community already there. Soup can auto-import everything you’ve posted on Tumblr.
TypePad - Includes reblogging. Dashboard and post types similar to Tumblr.
Jux - Artful posts, beautiful blogging experience
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ma-iya · 6 years
Tumblr, what the hell are you doing? 🙄
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Oh come on….
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ma-iya · 6 years
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Lucky Clover Cat
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ma-iya · 6 years
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It doesn’t feel as bad as it looks, and it definitely feels a hell of a lot better than when I dislocated it (my shoulder, that is) this morning, then spent the entire morning in excruciating pain at the hospital while alternating between propping up the arm with my other arm and on my husband. I absolutely thought resetting it was going to be a nightmare, but it was actually the least painful part of the ordeal. Thanks to the amazing staff at Toda Central General Hospital who patiently talked me through everything even with my massive gaps in Japanese medical vocabulary. Teaching with my arm in a sling this week is going to be...something. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqRycR4A8Uy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r9vylldn3x02
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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Ok. I have one thing to say about this. That one thing may end up being a long or short comment, but we’ll see where I end up.
This whole thing really upset me on a very personal level. Whether or not you agree on the validity of the umpire’s initial call, the penalty was too much, for one. That’s the first thing.
And then everything that followed (and here we get to what I found so personally upsetting). As a Black woman, I saw myself in Serena in that moment - from this man taking umbrage with how SHE dared to speak to HIM to the point where he felt her behavior was aggressive enough to warrant a further penality, to the how the press characterized what she said to the umpire as her “lashing out”, or having the “mother of all meltdowns” - it was so frustrating to see the actual video footage of what happened and read these publications’ completely overblown take on the incident because I, as a Black woman have been on the receiving end of this same type of bullshit (from men of all races, white women and Japanese women) in the workplace and elsewhere .
Express an opinion- too angry.
Matter-of-factly declare something unfair - too aggressive.
And the unbelievably screwed up thing about being in that situation is, once you start to defend yourself (reasonably), you’re painted as combative, unreasonable, irrational, and even sometimes dangerous, all because of some people’s hang-ups about your race and gender at the same time.
I also find it especially egregious, again as a Black woman, that so many commentators and journalists are painting Naomi Osaka as the non-Black foil to Serena the Black brute (that awful cartoon is the perfect example of that), even though Naomi is also Black! She is a biracial Japanese and Black woman. There is lots of historical context to the stratification of Black people regarding their phenotypical closeness to or distance from whiteness as a background to this shaping of the Serena vs Naomi narrative here. And that’s bullshit because, Serena is Naomi’s hero, and Serena was warm and supportive towards Naomi during the trophy ceremony (or did people like the New York Post journalist completely miss that video and later, Naomi’s interview with Ellen DeGeneres?)
But lastly, it was seeing people I thought I knew happily run with this narrative as gospel, and gleefully disparage Serena as brutish, aggressive and arrogant, needing to be “knocked down a peg or two”. People whom I’ve actually had in my home. And then I have to wonder if that’s how they see me too. What kinds of things are they saying about me behind my back whenever I express an opinion about or disappointment with something? I almost cried over the weekend over this. So many people here on FB made me super uncomfortable with their takes on the whole thing.
/end rant
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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ma-iya · 6 years
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