falling-mellow · 4 months
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Looks like it's emotional breakdown o'clock @ some of the comics I'm reading rn
The Exiled - Katterpies (DA) / @the-exiled-comic
What Lurks Beneath - ArualMeow (DA) / @whatlurksbean
Between Darkness and Light: Red Stars - SacredRoses-Art (DA) / @hallow-comic
Glowshine's Guilt - Turkeyflight (DA) / @ghostsong-wc
The Dog Star - Razmerry (DA)
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rosexknight · 1 year
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OC-Tober Day 16: Felix Thyme
Oh hey look I drew a pony OC that I completely forgot I had but OH BOY he made a perfect tiefling. Felix Thyme is an artificer and the head engineer/mechanic for EMSEE and all of the EMSEE units in a certain guild hall. He's a slightly timid little guy but never get him started on the practical application of magic in robotics, he will never stop.
Original pony design is #11 from here! https://www.deviantart.com/sacredroses-art/art/Steampunk-Poni-Auction-CLOSED-673717332
Hope you enjoy~! Want art like this monthly? Why not join? My General Patreon, safe for all audiences: www.patreon.com/rosexknight My 18+ ADULT-ONLY Patreon: www.patreon.com/rosexxxknight
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meian-of-yinyang98 · 1 year
Artfight #2
Cat with the Feathered Name
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Second Artfight piece of 2023 for https://www.deviantart.com/sacredroses-art of her character Raven from her comic Hallow. I highly recommend checking out her comics and art!
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heyashcat · 6 months
3d Print Commission Info [OPEN] by SacredRoses-Art
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lilartifex · 1 year
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For: SacredRoses-Art Character/s: Redpaw (black and white she-cat), Greykit (grey she-cat)
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mediumsizetex · 5 years
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End of an Era by SacredRoses-Art
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Soulbound Raptor
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“Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)” © deviantArt user SacredRoses-Art, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Another boss monster from a video game I’ve never played, Clockwerk is the main boss of the first Sly Cooper game, and a recurring background presence in the rest of the series. Since his whole deal is that he turned himself into a robot in order to pursue revenge on the Cooper family, I wanted him to be sapient, rather than “just” a mindless clockwork construct, and I wanted some continuity of intelligence rather than the brand-new intelligence of a Pathfinder robot.
Like with Dream Lord Grimm, the size is something of a fudge to keep the feel of the fight similar from screen to tabletop. Since I haven’t played any Sly Cooper games, I’m not sure if the funny animals within are roughly human-sized as a default, or if Sly Cooper is actually supposed to be the size of a raccoon.]
Soulbound Raptor CR 15 LE Construct This creature appears to be an owl the size of a dragon, constructed from metal machinery. Despite its weight, it flies effortlessly, gazing dispassionately from luminous eyes.
The soulbound raptor is an improvement on the soulbound shell, granting its soul a body not in mimicry of the humanoid form, but a mighty and oversized bird of prey. Most soulbound raptors are designed as the destination of the creator’s own soul, and they are animated by the ritualized death of their creator as the work is finished. Thus, an ambitious construct maker can gain immortality without all the fuss of dealing with undeath.
A soulbound raptor is a beast in combat, exulting in the strength and physical power they lacked in mortal life. Their talons are tipped with adamantine claws, and they can shrug off most physical attacks. Soulbound raptors are subject to the same cemented minds as lesser soulbound constructs, but are adept at self-delusion to the point where they assume that the spells they have are the perfect tools for almost every occasion. In the cases where they need different abilities, they collect magic items to supplement their powers. A soulbound raptor is difficult to kill, and they often fight until death in denial of any possible failure.
Since soulbound raptors maintain their ability to create constructs, they often surround themselves with armies of automata to acts as minions and soldiers. As the years pass and they become more detached from mortality and morality, their goals tend to become monomaniacal. Small whims or grudges of their original lives become all-consuming, obsessive hatreds, to the point where a soulbound raptor would not hesitate to spend a fortune in treasure and lives in pursuit of a single enemy.
Constructing a Soulbound Raptor A soulbound raptor is made from steel and copper, adamantine worth 6,000 gp for the claws and a gemstone worth 5,000 gp as the soul focus. The soul of a willing 13th level or higher spellcaster is imbued into the raptor as part of the creation process.
Soulbound Raptor CL 13th; Price 86,000 gp Requirements Craft Construct, false life, geas/quest, magic jar, make whole, overland flight; Skill Craft (clockwork) DC 25; Cost 48,500 gp.
Soulbound Raptor  CR 15 XP 51,200 LE Huge construct Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +21 Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 27 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +15 natural, +4 armor) hp 190 (20d10+60); fast healing 3 Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 10/adamantine and magic; Immune construct traits; SR 26 Defensive Abilities resilience; Weakness cemented mind, susceptible to mind-influencing spells Offense Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +26 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +26 (2d8+8) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks adamantine claws Wizard Spells Prepared CL 13th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) 7th—delayed blast fireball (DC 26), waves of exhaustion 6th—chain lightning (DC 25), contagious flame, geas/quest 5th—cloudkill (DC 22), cone of cold (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 22), teleport 4th—ball lightning (DC 23), dimensional anchor, fire shield, scrying (DC 21), stone shape 3rd—arcane sight, blink, dispel magic, elemental aura (DC 22), fireball (DC 22), lightning bolt (DC 22) 2nd—blur, false life, make whole, scorching ray (x2), see invisibility 1st—floating disk, mage armor (already cast), magic missile (x3), unseen servant 0th—detect magic, mage hand, read magic, open/close Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con -, Int 25, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+32 sunder, +34 grapple); CMD 46 (48 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct (B), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Toughness Skills Craft (clockwork) +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, engineering, history) +27, Perception +21, Spellcraft +33, Use Magic Device +23 Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ soul focus Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Adamantine Claws (Ex) A soulbound raptor’s claws overcome damage reduction and hardness as if they were adamantine. Cemented Mind (Ex) A soulbound raptor can never change its known or prepared spells. Resilience (Ex) A soulbound raptor gains a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. Soul Focus (Su) The soul bound to the raptor lives within a gem inside its head. As long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to animate another soulbound raptor, at the same cost as creating a new soulbound raptor, and retains its personality and memories. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 hit points, and a break DC of 20. Spells A spellbound raptor casts spells as a 13th-level cleric, witch, or wizard, but does not gain any other class abilities. Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects (Ex) A soulbound raptor is not immune to mind-affecting effects.
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zekrommoo7 · 4 years
I Now Present You
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Aku cat
all further cat refs will be moved to @askbungoustraycats​​
base credit/ extra under the cut
Aku cat has normal legs, unlike Chuuya cat.
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base credit: SacredRoses-Art on DeviantArt (P2U cat bases)
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parius · 5 years
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End of an Era by SacredRoses-Art
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agiantmixingbowl · 2 years
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My Art Fight: artfight.net/~Solstice The Attacked: artfight.net/~Sacred-Roses / https://www.deviantart.com/sacredroses-art
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zekrommoo7 · 4 years
I Present To You
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Chuuya cat
Remember when I said I was gonna make an ask blog for 100 followers? I’m working on it! It’s gonna be the bungou children as cats!! My artist is just busy so I’m making the refs for all the characters. I’ll be sure to let y’all know when the blog is up! Also base from SacredRoses-Art on DeviantArt
also credit to @blade-0f-grass for helping out with the design. They’re my artist in case you wanted to know.
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