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grrl-beetle · 9 months ago
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Rian Treanor & Ocen James - Saccades
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harmonic-psyche · 2 months ago
I found research supporting what @what-if-i-just-did and @foone said. The University of Rochester's science communicator Lindsey Valich reported several recent studies on the topic, like on 2023-02-23:
Our eyes are never at rest. Instead, they remain in motion, even between our voluntary gaze shifts, through fixational eye movements—small, continuous movements of the eye that we are not aware of making…
In a paper published in Nature Communications…the research shows the visual system continually monitors motor activity, even when people believe they are maintaining a steady gaze.
She reported another on 2021-11-19:
Fixational eye movements are tiny movements of the eye—so small we humans aren’t even aware of them. Yet they play a large role in our ability to see letters, numbers, and objects at a distance.
In a new paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers…[were] studying how a type of fixational eye movement called a microsaccade affects the foveola, a small region at the center of the retina…
The researchers focused on microsaccades, tiny rapid gaze shifts that frequently occur when we’re examining fine details. It’s long been known that vision is transiently impaired during larger gaze shifts, such as those we are aware of making, for instance looking back and forth between two computer screens. This phenomenon of transiently impaired vision is known as saccadic suppression. Until now, however, it was unknown whether a suppression also occurs during microsaccades…
“We observed that microsaccades are accompanied by brief periods of visual suppression during which we are essentially blind…This brief loss of vision likely occurs so that we do not see the image of the world shifting around whenever we move our eyes. By suppressing perception during saccades, our visual system is able to create a stable percept.”
“Human Time Perception And Its Illusions” (David Eagleman, 2008-08-08) reviews many time-related optical illusions:
Here is a do-it-yourself demonstration to set the stage: look at your own eyes in a mirror and move your point of focus back and forth so that you're looking at your right eye, then at your left eye, and back again…
[B]ut here's the mystery: you never see your own eyes move. What happens to the gaps in time while your eyes are moving? Why doesn't your brain care about the small absences of visual input?
Eagleman (2008) specifically describes potential explanations of the “stopped clock” second hand illusion @foone mentioned:
In recent years, several groups looked at time perception around eye movements more carefully. This began with an examination of the ‘stopped clock’ illusion: upon first glance, the second hand of a clock sometimes seems to be stopped in place momentarily before it continues to tick at a normal pace.
Yarrow et al (2001) proposed that the scene the eyes land upon fills the time gap retrospectively [7], such that the eye movement is an integral part of the sense of time. Morrone and her colleagues then discovered that duration judgments were compressed during saccades [8]: when subjects were asked to judge an interval between two flashes near in time to a saccade (by comparison to two more targets well after the saccade), durations were underestimated by about a factor of two (Figure 1a).
More recently, Terao et al (2008) suggested a possible explanation for the saccade results, showing more generally that stimuli with reduced visibility (as stimuli are during a saccade) lead to the same sort of duration compressions [9]. While the data are clear, the mechanisms are still a subject of debate [10].
An intriguing explanatory mechanism for visual subjective time distortion is neuronal repetition suppression:
When a stimulus is shown repeatedly, the first appearance is judged to have a longer duration than successive stimuli [19-22]. Similarly, an ‘oddball’ stimulus in a repeated series will also be judged to have lasted longer than others of equal physical duration…
[N]euronal firing rates in higher cortical areas quickly become suppressed after repeated presentations of a stimulus [26-28], an effect generally known as repetition suppression…We have previously speculated that…a suppressed neural response corresponds to a shorter perceived duration [19].
Note that the duration distortions also occur with higher-level predictability. For example, if the series 1-1-1-1-1 is presented, the first stimulus appears longer…critically, the same illusion also occurs for the sequence 1-2-3-4-5 [19], presumably because the successive stimuli are predictable, even while their low-level shapes differ. This finding indicates that the predictability of successive stimuli involves higher cortical areas than the primary visual cortex, and that repetition suppression may be a special case of prediction suppression.
So, something I learnt the other day. So, you know how dinosaurs supposedly can't see you if you stand still? Well that myth is based on real-life lizards/etc and how eyes in general work. So, once my dad starts infodumping, here comes some other cool information. We, humans, can in fact, also not see something unless it's moving. We fixed this by having our eyes constantly shake. And then our brain compensates for us, so we don't have to have shaky vision.
What if aliens don't have this? Like. What if they find out when one of us was looking at something in the distance, and they walk around this thing that's in front of them, and the alien is confused so they bob their head and oh, there's a thing there, but how did the human know that, and then we explain and they're like, horrified.
Humans are apex predators. They can hunt in packs. They can hunt in pairs. They can hunt on their own. They're persistance predators, which is unheard of. They get stronger when they're mad or scared. They have this thing called 'body language' which acts like a type of hivemind, even if they'll claim it isn't. And. They can see you. When you're not moving. They can still see you. If you ever find yourself in a fight against a human, for whatever reason? Run. Run as fast as you can. And hope, pray if you have a religion, that they won't follow.
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cintade90 · 1 year ago
Saccades - New Star Line
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inthewindtunnel · 1 year ago
Nearly Dreaming
Land Of The Hearth
Saccades is Nicholas Wood, 1/2 of The KVB
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stevenvenn · 2 years ago
Saccades - New Star Line (from Land of the Hearth) Nicholas Wood from The KVB is releasing a new solo album under his Saccades moniker. Love this new single. Album is out August 25th!
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shock-centurion · 1 year ago
Blindsight is in fact incredibly good and im delighted to see it brought up here
The humans can't see the critters but the cameras can
Also the Vampires have seizures when they see right angles, which is why crosses work on them
It's great
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ambereddragonfire · 10 days ago
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a good day to salvage out in on top of your closest city
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coarsely · 3 months ago
Wrote one (1) sentence in my WIP after months of nothing. Who cheered 👏👏
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tomorrowcoast · 7 months ago
don't rlly post things myself often but i was having fun making this
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oplishin · 5 days ago
musings and rambles this took me like 40 minutes to write and it doesn't make sense
thinking about the way roman weaponizes "little brother" (2024) against seth when seth, despite being fitted into the youngest sibling role within the shield, was always the one holding them together.
tribal chief roman uses family dynamics as a means of validating his abuse. he's the able-bodied patriarch of his family. jimmy and jey don't have the experience he does. they can't handle the responsibility he has. his control is love, it's him taking care of his loved ones. he needs to control them now! he can't let what happened with seth happen again!!! (something something, recreating the shield dynamic through the usos only nothing can go wrong this time!!!)
"lil bro"-ing seth is simultaneously roman's means of dragging seth back into that system and also a reminder to seth that he left roman's family. Their relationship is too far gone for roman to recognize that seth is what he wants. he says "little brother" with such demeaning spite. it's also a reminder of what seth left behind and the power structures roman raised in his place. roman is responsible for his own actions, but he'd love if he could pin them all on seth.
the fact that jey has left at this point is also important. jey, who was forced into the younger brother role, actual cousin though he may be. the one that's demeaned and treated as incapable despite being tasked with responsibility.
"little brother" is his way of putting seth beneath him, demeaning his experiences and everything he's done- it's the same thing he's done to his blood family. but there's a deeply important irony to that: when seth really and truly was roman's little baby brother, he did all the work of holding their pseudo-family together. it was crucial. it was crushingly difficult. maybe if roman had recognized that then, none of this would have happened.
the "I'm the strongest man in the family you have to listen to me" power dynamic roman has constructed fundamentally doesn't work. it has already failed twice. he's learned nothing. that's not really accurate. in his anger, in his agonizing fear of abandonment, in his search for validation that always leads back to his terrible awful family, he's willfully forgotten.
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turkmenogluavm · 3 months ago
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TÜRKMENOĞLU İSTİKBAL'DE 6 m² HALI 6,800 TL. İKİNCİSİN'DE NET:% 50 İNDİRİMİ KAÇIRMAYIN. Türkmenoğlu’nda; #Yatak Odası, #YemekOdası, #KoltukTakımı, #OturmaOdası, #Bebek #Çocuk ve #GençOdası, #BeyazEşya, #ElektronikEşya, #KüçükevAletleri, #Züccaciye, #HediyelikEşya, #Halı, #Perde, #Avize, #Aksesuar, #Masa, #Sandalye, #Bahçe ve #BalkonMobilyaları, #EvTekstili, #Yatak, #Baza ve #Başlıklar Bulabilirsiniz. #Türkmenoğlu #İstikbal #Vestel #ÇilekOdası #Bosch #dostmagaza
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rainfallinhell · 7 months ago
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oc be upon thee
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soysaucevictim · 1 year ago
Given the foreword to this interesting video... yeah.
It seems that E/M/D/R is just an overwrought protocol to deliberately stim to ground and direct attention away from disturbing traumatic thoughts. (Grounding is all about practicing healthy detachment and pull you out of your head.)
The whole "it's easier to give your attention to something else than it is to stop thinking about Thing."
Frankly, I don't think the EM part is particularly a special activity - any repetitive stimulation could soothe/mitigate symptoms. (Not outright resolve the underlying issues.)
Okay. Some commenter using the phrase "very memory based traumatic incidents" basically said nothing really.
So there's like just having an acute trauma response. Frankly something EVERYONE will experience eventually. Usually a death of a loved one because Death Is Like That. But also accidents and health crises Because Shit Happens.
The difference between THAT experience and (C-)PTSD is how that experience STAYS with you in a way that's significantly impacting your life. And one of the friggin' diagnostic criteria? Memory problems. Disturbing flashbulbs? Check. Dissociative amnesia (what I like to call Swiss-cheese memory)? Also, check.
I just- this person just regurgitated the byline of this treatment "being effective for PTSD" without actually saying PTSD. :I
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rcannon992 · 1 month ago
Dragonfly vision and prey catching
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iamat0m · 5 months ago
I think the important part is that they feel it's 'theirs' in between changes, because that resets what makes up the ring each time. The material makeup can slowly change, but the logical construct of 'their thing' is both immaterial and maintains continuity.
When working at the jewelry store I referenced the ship of Theseus all the time without actually being able to reference the ship of Theseus.
People would get emotional about needing to swap out gems or work on the metal. I’d say, “If you had a violin and had to change the strings it’s still the same violin, right? If you have to put new tires on your car it’s still your car. Your ring will still be yours even if we change a small component of it.”
This generally worked extremely well in overcoming the emotional component because they couldn’t deny that it would in fact still be their ring.
Ship of Theseus solved by mass consensus.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
just another list of "beautiful" words
for your next poem/story
Agelast - a person who never laughs
Afroth - in a state of lively or angry excitement
Apatheia - freedom or release from emotion or excitement
Biblioklept - one who steals books
Calendula - any of a small genus (Calendula) of yellow-rayed composite herbs of temperate regions
Deipnosophist - a person skilled in table talk
Ductile - easily led or influenced; capable of being fashioned into a new form
Eremitic - characterized by ascetic solitude in mode of life
Imbibe - to take in or up; to receive into the mind and retain
Intellection - the act of the intellect or exercise of the intellect; a synonym of thought and reasoning
Jentacular - pertaining to breakfast
Obliquity - deviation from moral rectitude or sound thinking; indirectness or deliberate obscurity of speech or conduct
Pernoctate - to stay up or out all night
Saccade - a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading)
Solitudinarian - a person who leads a secluded or solitary life
Solivagant - rambling alone; marked by solitary wandering
Troglodyte - a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves
Umbrageous - inclined to take offense easily, belligerent
Variegated - having discrete markings of different colors
Vestige - a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (such as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Lists of Beautiful Words ⚜ Word Lists ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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