#sab speculation
capinejghafa · 2 years
Since sab show is basically fanfic at this point, I do hope we'll get a Genya and Inej scene. Just can you imagine... just them talking and learning each other's strengths, learning that you can love after all the bad things that have happened to them... just two badass women being in each other's presence 😭😭😭
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littlebigmouse · 2 years
Thinking about it, I don't think we'll ever get a properly faithful adaptation of the Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom books, at least not without some serious retconning of everything that happens with the Crows in Shadow and Bone. Let me explain:
As of now, the Crows are cleanly split into two groups. Those who are right where they should be for the Ice Court Heist to begin right now in S&B Season 2, and those who aren't.
Kaz and Inej were clearly set up to be prequel characters that explicitely still have other stuff to do before the Ice Court Heist can happen. They aren't as ruthless or violent as their book counterparts, they work better as a team, Kaz isn't reporting to a boss or running a gang that can usurp him later (we see him running a club, not a gang), Inej is still looking for her brother in Ketterdam and has only just killed a person for the first time, and we didn't see Kaz get violent with anyone at all.
So it wouldn't make sense for these two at all to start next season off with some kind of Ice Court-ish subplot, because that Heist relies on two leads with rather different personalities, and the story would lose a lot if that were changed.
So let's assume we won't get anything Ice Court-ish next season, but instead some sort of plot that gets Kaz out of the the other barrel leader's sight, the Crow Club back (presumably Kaz and the Crow Club are 'saved' by Per Haskell, if they ever want to actually do something resembling the books), potentially a subplot for Inej to find her brother, etc.
But then what the hell are Nina and Matthias supposed to do for another two seasons?
Right now, these two are exactly where SoC starts off. Matthias is in prison, Nina got him there, she still cares about him, he hates her now. Sure, Nina needs to get herself work in Ketterdam and needs to get to know the Crows, but we already got a shot of all Six Crows together in the Sneak Peak for S2, so they won't just slowly get to know each other, they'll already be working together. All six. Matthias, presumably outside of prison, then.
I suppose they could do that. By some ploy, Matthias gets out of prison, Wylan joins the team, they (probably only briefly) all team up to briefly intersect with whatever Alina has going on in her plot. For the team up to make a bit of sense or at least for Nina&Matthias to not remain ultra static for the next two seasons, they'd need to make up again, or at least begin to tolerate each other.
Two possibilities from then on out:
1) The SoC books do get adapted and by some strokes of probably pretty awkward writing Matthias is put back in prison by the end of S3, they hate each other again, Wylan didn't tell anyone (except maybe Kaz) about his dad, everyone's all set up for the Book Heist now. Which would be awkwardly doubling a few points and/or retconning a bunch of plot.
2) No retcons, no changes, but the Ice Court Heist starts from a different point/gets changed to fit where the Crows are at the end of S3.... Which would also make the Heist almost boring, if not completely different, because the biggest factor of that adventure was that everyone at least majorly distrusted one other person on the team and at least half of them would have easily betrayed the rest. That's a big part where the tension came from. Matthias as the hostage, hating them all but Nina in particular, Nina absolutely planning to assassinate Kuwei behind Kaz's back, Kaz and Jesper fighting over Jesper's accidental early betrayel, Kaz having how own unresolved revenge plot for which he endangers the whole mission, no one really knowing Wylan or the truth about why he left home, etc.
I have a feeling S2, if not then S3 will already dig into Wylan's backstory a bit, probably showing him escaping his father's assassins, but if they spoil/reveal the "If you read this, you know how much I love you" plottwist, I will be so mad. It was incredibly well done in the books and to this day one of my fav plottwists ever.
They already gave us Nina's and Matthias' whole backstory, uncovering which was also a pretty nifty part of the Ice Court Heist because it meant you didn't know exactly where these two were coming from until they discussed openly betraying each other & Kaz in the forest the earliest, but I guess the story still works if their backstories aren't revealed gradually. An early reveal of Wylan's entire backstory would tank a lot of tension of the first book, imo.
Since they didn't really do anything with Jesper in the first season, he and Wylan are kinda wildcards. They could both start into the SoC Heist right now, since Jesper's power- or ruthlessness level doesn't really change (he's arguably way weaker in the books) and the only things missing (a serious treatment of his addiction, his crush on Kaz, his relationship to his father) can all still be added later without breaking what has been already established about his character (since he doesn't really have an arc or an inner struggle in S1, that is, not much in the first place).
TL;DR: We'll either get a significantly changed SoC/CK adaptation after S&B, or they'll have to seriously change some things up in S3/post S3 with regards to Nina&Matthias especially for SoC/CK to still work out similarly to the plot in the books.
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tiptoputop · 1 year
i really hope we get a third season of shadow and bone, but if it’s not a new, original storyline about Alina’s new power, but instead they give Zoya’s arc to Alina, and make her attempt the obisbaya to get rid of her shadow powers, I will bite whoever’s responsible for stealing my dear Zoyalai from me 🙂
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purpleyin · 1 year
One thing I'm curious about for if we get the Ice Court Job in either S3 or a spin-off, is how Inej will be involved now she's free of her indenture. I do think she will still be involved in the job, same as the books, because honestly I think most of the fandom would riot if she wasn't. But it's interesting thinking about how they will set that up with the show changes that have already happened. In the books, her motivation is to get enough money to buy out her indenture – which the show has already dealt with in the first half of S2 – so what's it going to be instead?
Some options:
to earn money to buy her own ship now she's gotten a taste for it sailing on Nikolai's
to earn money to fund her anti-slavery efforts in general
possibly something to do with finding her brother? Maybe he's indentured as well and she can't sneak him out from where he is for some reason and needs money to buy his indenture out too
just not wanting the crows to die horribly attempting a plan that seems impossible without her
In practice, I would reckon it's likely to be a mix of several of those. Maybe she just likes the challenge of it even. I'm just as interested in how things go with whether Kaz wants Inej to be involved. Will it be a convenient excuse to see her, pretending it's all business with them? Or will he actually not want her involved at all, considering his reaction to her coming back for the Shu Han job and his 'why would this be what you choose to do with [your freedom]'?
I do wonder if the 2x08 lines from Kaz of 'look for a girl named Kesh,' and offering Menagerie girls work, isn't just to show character growth on his part, but perhaps to setup Kaz getting a new spider now Inej has left. In S1 Inej says Kesh is like her, she has skills, though it's not clear how literally she means that, whether Kesh could do the same thing for Kaz that Inej did. But if so, maybe he plans the job with Kesh in mind for the incinerator climb initially, assuming Inej still isn't an option or not wanting Inej involved.
Which could cause tension if Inej's feathers are ruffled by feeling like she's been replaced, even though it's necessary and Kaz is eminently practical in most cases when it comes to his business. Or there could be tension if she knows they do need her specifically to succeed but Kaz is risking the job to keep her out of it - I'd say that's a not very Kaz thing to do, risk a job like that and yet for the reason of protecting Inej I could possibly believe it. Anyhow, I really hope we get to find out how that all resolves because there's interesting possibilities there.
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Thought about the final episode of season 2:
I think the writers are TRYING to go with the angle of Malina as endgame, with them choosing each other and rejecting Destiny. I think they see it as a powerful "Team Free Will" statement for the show and the fandom..Fandom... but the problem with this is that IF Merzost requires a price, then that price must either be that she loses Mal forever (she brought back something which should have remained dead, someone whose death was almost literally designed and shepherded along by Fate for centuries/millenia, so he no longer has a place in the life of one of Destiny's Chosen) OR that she gains the ability to summon shadows via the corruption/taint of it. Both things are too big to be lumped together.
If it's a function of the amplifier bridge, or of the Tether (which, I hope still exists in the 'verse, even though the show hasn't utilized it), then her use of the Shadow cut could be an indicator that 1) Aleksander is still "alive" (either because of Elizaveta, or their Tether has anchored his spirit to the earth); 2) he can be reborn/resurrected like a true Firebird of myth; or 3) an indication that Grisha can and should be able to learn multiple abilities (although they will still have a strong affinity for one discipline over all the others).
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rayanlovestaylor · 3 months
i feel like the industry plant conversation around gracie is so boring lmao. children of famous creatives have access to funds, opportunities, and connections by nature of being born into that world - yes it sucks for all the insanely talented people elsewhere in the country/world whom the system doesn’t favor and makes incredibly difficult to break through. that doesn’t mean the kids who were born with access are being “planted” and can’t also be talented. she fr just grew up a taylor & phoebe fan like so many of us and wrote music as a form of expression & escapism, she gradually built a following of people who liked the stripped down, conversational style of her songs & lyrics. no one’s pretending to like it 😭 she didn’t blow up overnight, go from nobody to top of billboard 100 with one random hit within the first year of creating - that’s what might be speculated as “planting.” it is possible for people to actually like the music of someone who had a leg up / the right cards dealt. it also shouldn’t be surprising? the girlies love the talk-singing quiet singer-songwriter personal, diaristic stories. those are all the people whose clips are adored on tiktok. idk i just hate when defending artists who also don’t deserve being called industry plants (sab, chappel), im seeing so much of the go-to “g a is right there” like ??? how ab we just let the women create & u only need to support who you want to. i love all these ladies they all make me feel understood & that’s worth something <3
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livingforstars · 3 months
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M81: A Bulging Spiral Galaxy - July 13th, 1996.
"Few stars are still forming in the old giant spiral galaxy M81. The blue regions in this picture - representing ultraviolet light - highlight regions of bright young stars and star formation, which appear more rare than in M74 and M33. The red regions - representing the visible light - show a large population of older, less massive stars. M81 is therefore classified as spiral galaxy type "Sab" on the Hubble Sequence of Galaxies. One distinguishing feature of these types of galaxies is the relatively large central bulge surrounding the center of the galaxy. A massive density wave circulates around the center of spiral galaxies. It is not well understood why the bulge of M81 glows as brightly as it does in ultraviolet light. Speculation includes that this may be due to hot, evolved stars such as those found in the ancient globular cluster Omega Centauri."
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I know it's probably illogical and most likely somewhat of a trauma response from Disney's Willow betrayal but I don't think I can keep Netflix if they cancel Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows.
Netflix has already canceled so many series that were unique and important to people in terms of diversity and representation. They have been especially bad about canceling series with Lesbian representation. The erasure of Tamar and Nadia would be another example of that. SAB is also one of the few fantasy series with a WOC lead. And while the actor portraying him is not (as far as I know), Kaz is a character with a disability that is not treated as a liability or a victim. As I pointed out in my Willow posts, it's rare to see this type of inclusion in fantasy series without it seeming forced or false.
While these things alone do not necessarily make a series worthy of continuation, fans have proven time and again that there is a growing interest in this series. This is largely due to the amazing cast and their continuous support of and friendships with one another. The found family dynamic they display both on and off camera creates a richer viewing experience not just in the series but their interviews and appearances around it.
Added to all of that, the story changes mean the cliffhangers of season two would go largely unexplained even to book readers. Considering that the books' author is a producer on the series this leads me to worry about Netflix's ability to deliver complete and cohesive stories that they adapt.
To me that shows that series like Bridgerton, or even One Piece could be treated just as callously in regards to any canon divergences and completion of the story.
I genuinely hope my worries will be unnecessary and the series will continue. Shadow and Bone has not yet been canceled but it has also not been renewed and as we near the eight month mark with no news I can't help but speculate. I realize that it has not been long since the end of the WGA strike and the SAG strike is ongoing, but in that time Netflix has renewed and released updates on several other series so it is unlikely that would be the only reason for the delay.
I still look forward to the success of SAG and hope answers swiftly follow. In this time of price spikes and story erasures, I cannot continue to financially support any service that seems blatantly discriminatory. When fans are begging daily for a series to return and continuously ignored I can't see it as anything else.
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serpenteve · 2 years
I just read a comment where someone said that people who read SaB and shipped darklina weren’t reading critically and misunderstood that the book was a cautionary tale against abuse but were too stupid to see it 💀 interesting how this ‘critical’ reading of the text ignores the nuance presented in it with the treatment of grisha and their place in society as the ‘abused’ and focuses on the darklina relationship instead 👀
It definitely comes off like a misdirect and it's mostly the result of Leigh not bothering to build up a real antagonist for the series. She really could have done something with the King and Vasily, especially given how the Lantsov dynasty has been exploiting Grisha for centuries.
As for the idea that darklina shippers "read the book wrong", I have to cry laugh. Because having been a shipper since like 2014-ish (??), the fandom shipping Alina with the Darkling was very much a reaction borne out of disappointment and spite for the original series. People were so fucking pissed at how shitty Mal was in the books, how Alina lost her powers (despite other male characters shown to be more power-hungry than her not getting that fate), how Alina turned down Nikolai (??? HOW? WHY??? he was literally written to be a fairy tale prince), how Alina was weirdly not really all that interested in a geopolitical situation that was very relevant to her, her country, and the whole reason her parents died and she became an orphan in the first place.
There were a lot of aspects of the narrative, the character arcs, the conflict, the romance arc(s), the world-building that left a lot to be desired. So people latching onto Darklina just felt like another way to "fix" the series of its wasted potential.
The antis didn't really exist in the fandom until maybe like 2018/2019? The sheer IDEA of a Darkling anti would have been fucking hilarious prior to then. And it may have had something to do with Leigh changing her tune and retconning all her own writing decisions. The original Grisha trilogy was just bad, especially compared to Six of Crows. It was badly plotted, poorly planned, with frustrating characters and an anti-climatic ending. But it wasn't bad because of Darklina shippers, for fuck's sake ☠️It's like Leigh forgot how she used to bait and ship tease Darklina, even in the text of Ruin and Rising itself. She encouraged speculation of who Alina would end up with, reblogged Darklina fanart, wrote blog posts about the appeal of the bad boy, and then suddenly turned around and pretended like that was all fans "reading the book wrong" even though his character and his interactions with Alina were literally the only compelling thing that brought readers to the trilogy and fueled copious amounts of fanfic and engagement. After Darklina shippers, the next biggest shippers were Nikalina shippers (this is before canon paired him with Zoya). Shipping Mal and Alina unironically was kind of considered a fandom taboo ☠️
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A UK-based drag queen well known for his performances to children is fundraising for the funeral costs of a convicted child sex offender he calls his “friend.”
A UK-based drag queen well known for his performances to children is fundraising for the funeral costs of a convicted child sex offender he calls his “friend.”
On January 23, drag queen Aida H. Dee, the stage name of performer Sab Samuel, announced on Facebook that he was fundraising for the funeral costs of Darren Moore, a fellow drag queen.
“Taken unjustly!” Samuel wrote in his post. “I’d like to help give my friend the send off he deserves,” he wrote, providing the link to a GoFundMe campaign for Moore and affixing to the post a photo of Moore and his husband.
But what Samuel neglected to mention was that Moore is a convicted child sex offender. 
Moore, 39, was found dead in full drag costume on the streets of Cardiff City Centre on the morning of 22 January. Previously known as Darren Sewell, Moore was convicted of four counts of rape on a boy under the age of 14 while living in South Wales. As a result, he spent 3 years in a Young Offenders’ Institution.
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Following his offense, Moore was also banned from having contact with children. But in 2011, he was caught working with youth as a gymnastics and dance tutor and was convicted of breaching the lifetime order. He was sentenced to a three-year sex offender’s treatment program, a 24-month supervision order, 300 hours of community service, and a six-month curfew with an electronic tag.
Moore changed his name after he married his husband, who is also named Darren.
At the time of his death, Moore had worked as a jeweler and performed drag under the names Crystal Couture, CC Quinn and Dolly. Moore had exhibited his jewellery at RuPaul’s annual Dragcon event in London in 2020. 
As a drag queen, Moore once represented British Airways at a Pride Festival in Brighton in 2018. When his previous convictions came to light, British Airways released a statement saying he did not work for the airline but was brought in by a “third party entertainment agency who supplied a number of people for the event.” They also said they were unaware of his convictions under his previous name.
Also in 2018, audience members walked out of a “Pride Without Prejudice” performance of Moore’s after he made light-hearted comments about child abuser Jimmy Saville.
Investigations are still on-going into Moore’s cause of death, but police have cautioned the public against speculation. Despite this, some members and supporters of the drag queen community have already begun to claim Moore’s death was the result of a “hate crime.”
Upon announcements of his death, the drag queen community, particularly in Cardiff, began mourning the loss of Moore on social media.
Sab Samuel, known as “the story time drag queen” Aida H. Dee, posted on his Facebook page that Moore was “an exuberant human being, taken from the world too early,” adding: “Rest In Power!” 
He also shared that he wore jewelry that Moore made for him, and provided a link to a fundraiser to raise money for his funeral costs. Samuel has been seen wearing the ADHD necklace he references in the post at story time events with children and in official Drag Queen Story Hour UK photos.
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Just over two hours later, Samuel posted again in memory of the child sex offender, writing: “Taken unjustly! I’d like to help give my friend the send off he deserves. Please see the link below. This is to support the husband in this horrible horrible time.”
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The top comment on the post raised awareness of Moore’s previous convictions saying “Lots of media now reporting on this death but referring to him as a convicted pedophile.” Comments have since been disabled on the page.
Samuel shared the link to a Gofundme for Moore a third time today, which reads:
“Anyone who knew Darren would know how he was never understated in his appearance and costume. His larger than life character and charisma was something that you’ll never forget. We’d like to support Darren and the family and give Darren the biggest send off. If you’re able to and can afford a few quid, please donate what you can to ensure we do him proud.”
The fundraiser has already surpassed the £3,000 (approx. $3,700 USD) target and has raised £4,875 (approx. $6,000 USD) at the time of this writing. One donator left a message on the page reading, “Had the pleasure of meeting Darren last year in Gran Canaria, although very briefly, you could just tell what a beautiful soul he truly had.”
Another donor wrote: “Darren was and will always be a very special person to have known and been a friend with, his out there personality was contagious and he was someone who you couldn’t but love.” 
Samuel has raised concerns on social media in the past for his conduct around children, with some calling his drag costume inappropriate due to its sometimes prominent genital “bulge.”
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Despite tremendous backlash, he continues to be routinely booked for “story hour” gigs in libraries and public venues across the United Kingdom.
Just weeks prior to posting in support of Moore, Samuel, who is the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour UK, announced he was set to perform for children at The Tate Gallery in London.
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Concerned parents in the nation opposed to Drag Queen Story Hour have established a group called “Art Not Propaganda” and recently stated they have formally complained to The Tate regarding their decision to host the story hour event.
The parents have established a petition which currently has 3,400 signatures, and lists historical posts made by Samuel the group says raises safeguarding concerns.
“Sab Samuel has shared multiple images and comments on social media which raise serious safeguarding red flags. A teacher would be dismissed for the same,” they wrote in the petition. Amongst the infractions are a Twitter post from July of 2020 which Samuels captions “love has no age.” The parents point out that the phrase was popularized by a group which once campaigned to lower the age of sexual consent.
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Other groups, such as Safe Schools Alliance UK and the Family Education Trust, have similarly raised concerns about Samuel’s past conduct. On January 13, Samuel responded to the backlash in an interview with Pink News where he blamed the conservative government for enabling “queer hate.”
Just last year, Pink News named Samuel “Leader of the Year” at their annual awards show for his “work with children, helping them fall in love with literature.”
Samuel first rose to infamy after he began touring libraries across the UK to read in his drag persona. He founded the UK branch of Drag Queen Story Hour in 2019, and his enterprise proudly boasts it has been featured by the National Health Service, Greenpeace, Forbes, and more.
In November of 2022, Samuel uploaded a video to Facebook in which he was almost on the verge of tears while recounting his experience hiding his sexuality from a family member’s children.
“I did not want to tell my family member or their children about me being gay because I could have been a danger — I don’t know, it was weird … I think back to that moment, I felt like a disgusting human being. I’d grown up with the idea that being gay was disgusting,” Samuel says. “People wonder why I do drag queen story hours, it’s because of those reasons there. Because I grew up hating who I was. Now, any kids who are queer are not going to grow up with that in their life. I want kids to grow up to love themselves, but to be surrounded by those who love them too.”
As backlash continues to mount against “drag queen story hours” around the world, Samuel’s events have been met with protests.
During one demonstration at Reading Library last year, two protesters managed to interrupt the session while about 25 others continued outside the venue. They were escorted out by staff and the event continued.
There have been similar demonstrations against such events in North America. As a result, antifa militants wielding guns have been seen standing “guard” in front of some venues hosting drag shows for children.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
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capinejghafa · 2 years
I know the lives of saints are short stories, but it is truly a nothing book, and I wish I could ignore it. But as per Leigh's suggestion that there's an easter egg in the new season, I thought I'd try again.
Like there's really a small story about soldiers who didn't freeze bc they prayed to one of them. And that's it. That's the whole story... I just... you know, what do I do with that lol
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 11 months
Have you thought why s2 is so bad? I'm not just talking about darklina but in general. Most fans didn't like It, regardless of who you ship or which character you like. Why did they make it like this? Are they dislike their own project? Or want to be canceled? Or they just want to get a spin-off so bad so they just don't care about main show? If sab cancel they will not see spin off. Also this stupid idea of putting two volumes in one season, I'm just trying to understand why they decided to make the second season the way it came out
I talked a little about this before but I really do think it comes down to a misjudgement on their part. They were super excited to get to a particular plot point from the crows book series. I don't know much about it as I've not read those books but I've seen alot of crow fans talking about hellgate heist I think, correct me if I am wrong. But I think the writers saw that the crow fans were excited for the story to reach that point, they could see that the crows were popular within the series and so they thought because the fans liked the crows and the book readers were excited to get to that point in their story that they could just rush through the grishaverse trilogy and no one would care because they'd just be too hyped to get to the crows story. Basically I think they've overestimated how much pull the crows had on the audience. Yes they are popular but that didn't mean that the audience wanted a rushed mess for season 2, they still wanted the show to take the time to develop the characters and show their journey.
After the backlash the team's response was to say please watch the show so we can get a crows spin off, again hoping that the popularity of the crows would be enough to encourage people to sit through the mess that was season 2 just so they could get the spin off. They didn't promise that if they got a season 3 they would take more care with the story and characters they just again tried to push the crows onto viewers.
The problem is two fold. One is that there are some people, like myself who haven't read all the books, or might not have read any of the books and so don't know what this exciting crow storyline they were rushing to get to is. So all they saw was the carelessness with which the writers treated the characters they had loved in season 1. Another problem I think (obviously I can't speak for the crow book fans so this is just speculation on my part) is that those who were excited to see that storyline from the six of crows books lost faith in the writers after they saw what they did with season 2, why would they assume that the writers are going to treat the crows characters with any care or respect after what they did to the grishaverse characters?
Ultimately they might have utterly shot themselves in the foot and ruined any chance they had at having a season 3 of SaB or a Crows Spin off. Anyone else getting a Benioff and Weiss flashback, rush a perfectly great series to get to a project you care more about only to create a shitshow and a hell of alot of backlash instead. 🤷‍♀️
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lilisouless · 2 years
Fruszi theories
So, we know nothing about Fruszi , i will make a ton of speculations bassed on absolutely nothing besides the actress´s look and how imdb list her as apearing in 6 episodes out of 8 (which is why i would rule out she being Misha´s mother or any character that won't require more than one episode)
I repeat myself, none of this things are bassed on material, this is me grasping at straws and trying to find an explanation.
She is reemplacing Marie as Sergei´s girlfriend who gets killed in Os Alta attack
The Darkling´s second in comand since Ivan is probably dead and Zoya defected. To have someone to spill information and exposition.
Related to above, may be Ivan´s sister
Someone on Nikolai´s crew (unlikely since i didn't see her in the teaser)
Since Zoya is out of the question now, she will be a soldier and fill Zoya´s place on the Malina drama in S&S (i HOPE is not this one)
For some reason, sab choose to change Anika´s name
Fedyor´s sister and (this is a complete stretch) instead of Marie & Sergei, it´s Fedyor & Fruszi. Ex: after Fedyor dies, Fruszi betrays Alina like Sergei did on the book. OR , to make it more twisted: Fruszi dies like Fedyor does on the book and it´s Fedyor who takes Sergei´s place as the traitor
Last one...i am going on the rails here, it´s really important to me that you know that , i am very veery speaking from a place from bias...alright, this is it: Fruszi is a fake name, she is actually Dunyasha (I KNOW IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE THE SUBTLETY BUT....)
Not mine but:
-She is Matthias´s sister, this was told by someone else to me and while i don't see it pausible due to screentime needed, i will still put it because the things i listed before have even less bassis.
If anyone has something else, something that makes more sense that all the bs i just spit i would love to hear it.
UPDATE: i just remembered Arken was a show! only character who appeared in many episodes. So maybe is that, Fruszi is there to take the crows storyline , whatever it is.
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purpleyin · 1 year
Still watching Band of Brothers but the narrative format they used made me wonder about Masters of the Air...
(Warning for both BTS spoilers and some vague character spoilers too)
BoB seems to use a secondary character(s) focus for each episode (e.g. Sobel episode 1, Hall + Guarnere episode 2, Blithe & Speirs contrasted in episode 3 etc). If we get this format again for MotA then it seems like there'll be an ep focusing on Tuskegee Airmen based on behind the scenes pics & I hope we get a focus on the servicewomen too perhaps.
So, a thought about Freddy Carter's character related to this...
His character is based on Lt. David Friedkin who was an actor/writer/director serving in the Signal Corps in WWII. I am wondering if we might get an episode focusing on ground crew supporting the airmen and/or about the Signal Corps specifically, with significant Friedkin in. Probably this is wishful thinking and I should keep expectations low about how much Freddy will be in the show, but I also don't think it's outside the realm of possibility we might get a Friedkin POV/focus given past narratives choices made for BoB. I guess we'll see in 1-5 months whether I successfully plotsniped this or not.
Also watch me hope that maybe just maybe we might get a POV/focus on Thomas Flynn's character too but I don't know what the chances are of that
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
sometimes i just really wish the crows weren't in shadow and bone.
don't get me wrong, i absolutely am very grateful that we get to see the crows adapted on screen. it's just that with all our talk of the crows stealing the show, i'm kind of scared it will get overshadowed by shadow and bone, like even a little bit.
i am so bad at wording my thoughts but when/if the six of crows spin-off comes out, i want to watch all scenes of the crows together like a marathon without having to also watch shadow and bone. (i love shadow and bone though!!!)
there's also a part of me that wants the spin-off show to be really, extremely accurate to the books. i want scenes in the book to happen the exact same time and order in the show and with the crows being in shadow and bone, we will get some of those scenes in sab and not their own show.
i am kind of specifically talking about how i don't think we'll get the inej bleeding on the docks and kaz carrying her to the ferolind and inej says "Say you're sorry" and kaz doesn't know what for but it was because he called inej replaceable, "I need your skills, Inej. That's not the same thing. You may be the best spider crawling around the Barrel, but you're not the only one. You'd do well to remember it if you want to keep your share of the haul," scene because in the show, he admits to Inej "She isn't like you, no one is" and says sometime later in the season "I need you" to her. i don't know, i just feel some sort of remorse knowing we might not get that scene exactly that way anymore.
like i want kaz's backstory to be in their own show. i want the breaking matthias out of hellgate scene, which we only speculate will be in season 2, to be in their own show. all these important scenes and moments, i don't want them treated as side happenings of side characters because they are anything if that to me.
and i'm totally okay with whatever happened in season 1 but i'm really scared for season 2 how it might affect the potential crows show in the long-run.
i just want them to shine on their own.
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bisluthq · 3 months
I don't mean to change the topic but I was just wondering about the new Gracie Tay collab and I saw the video of them writing it together and I'm having thoughts. Like first of all the Cowboy Like Me reference is insane because WHY lmao when it's clearly not about Matty...Tay loves her misdirections (The Alchemy is not about Travis change my mind)
Also the "give it 10 months and you'll be past it" is very Clean-esque to me. I know for a fact that Clean is about Jake G because she did NOT give that many fucks about the british teenager to write THAT song about him.
The 29 years old again. The bridge is literally verbatim the description of the dude in All Too Well. My only problem is that why would there be so many Taylor references on a Gracie album even if blondie wrote it?
I get that we think it's about DOB but the streets are saying it's all speculation, plus he was hanging out with Taylor as late as after Joever, and he already had the Paris gf by then so it just doesn't make any sense. If he dated and ghosted Gracie BEFORE that, why on earth would he still be cool with Taylor?
The timeliness make no sense to me...he definitely had a thing wth Sab but that's about it. Him scoring both the Taydaughters sounds like fanfiction to me I'm sorry.
My theory is genuinely that the song is very Folklore adjacent wherein it's not about any particular real life event but instead a fictional narrative inspired by true occurrences. The song SCREAMS Gyllenswift in every shape and form. Maybe Matty slightly.
The video where they're writing it is very clearly them coming up with lyrics that suit the song and it's not that serious idk.
People are very defensive about it being Matty coded but like who gaf Tay has a whole double album about his ass
I’m defensive about it being about Matty/Jake because it’s GRACIE’s song. To me it’s predominantly about Gracie and Gracie’s experiences and life. I think Taylor could relate to what she’s going through and contributed but I just don’t see Taylor sitting down with her mentee and writing predominantly about her own life - I’m sure she contributed things she related to but idk. It’s just odd to me that when Taylor collabs on a song then everyone assumes it’s more about her but when people collab with her it stays more about her. Like a great example is EHC which definitely has Ed’s ideas on it but everyone tries to match it entirely with a Taylor boyfriend/hookup/person. I think it’s more an idea Taylor had but Ed added to it. SOTB is another one - it’s definitely inspired by an idea Taylor had but it’s got a lot of Lana’s flourishes on it. So to me us is Gracie’s idea with Taylor’s flourishes. If it was more her idea she’d have released it ft. Gracie Abrams and scored bigger numbers ykwim? Gracie releasing it suggests it was more Gracie’s thing.
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