books-in-a-storm · 6 months
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Paranormal Star Review
Title: Urban Academy #2 Semester 2
Author: Mazzy J. March
Pages: 127
Synopsis: I ran across the country to give myself a new start, a new life–I never thought it would end up like this. One week I’m a janitor for the Urban Academy, a place rich in things that go bump in the night, including someone who I swear turned from a human to a beast right outside the window. The headmistress knows what I saw and her reaction was to give me a free ride to this college and make me sign a peculiar NDA. Doesn’t matter. I’m getting a free education, room, and board, instead of working myself to the bone to afford a tiny apartment and some scraps of food. The only thing left is to figure out what the hell they are teaching in class and catch up, plus, I have a crush on the guy who turned into the monster. And maybe one or two others… That may be a problem.
First And Last Sentence: Here
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artbyaine · 2 years
Exhibition Wall
On Friday, I printed out all of my favourite pieces, and the work that I felt best represented my project and each of my electives and hung them on the wall in the ceramics studio.
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I chose to showcase my Zine as I put a lot of work into its design, and I feel as though it perfectly encompasses each of my chosen electives.
I hung my ice block photography work as I feel that that was the piece where I most connected with my chosen theme of ice. Despite my missteps along the way, I feel that I left that experiment with some strong images.
I also included my character sheet and final scene as I felt that I was really able to capture the visual look and feel of ice whilst also balancing storytelling elements within the scene.
Finally, I added my Pinhole camera images as I felt that they conveyed my theme in a more abstract manner whilst referencing back to the initial images of the shattered mirror portraits that led me down the route of ice.
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studyinsilence · 1 year
Some goals for semester 2 this year 📖📚
Attend all of my lectures
Study for at least two hours each day (with one rest day each week)
Get 8 hours of sleep every night
Eat proper meals
Enjoy my classes :)
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k00282802 · 2 years
Semester 2 movement brief: statement
For my movement brief, I followed the theme of movement through combat/ fighting. My electives for this semester were painting, animation and graphic design.
I explored this theme through looking at three areas of combat to focus on; hand to hand combat, weapon based combat, and simulated/video game combat. I explored these areas in my primary research and narrowed down my theme to the specific areas of kickboxing, sword fighting and using a vr headset. I connected my three electives by using these three forms, and turning them into characterizations , and used them throughout my elective work
painting- painting using tools related to my theme such as knives, my own hands/fists and pointillism, also explored movement through how I moved while making the painting.
animation- 2d animation of three characters based within a fighting game, cycling through idle animations on a character select screen.
graphic design- three posters based on my three areas of combat explored, inspired by the workshops I did and the artist I researched.
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bukunmiakintola20 · 2 years
Christmas Break and the Dread of School... Generally
Hey pumpkins~
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I hope everyone had a wonderful break!!! Is it too late to say that www Anyways, I finally stopped procrastinating and finished le post. Yay!!! Also alot of you have said you like my Improving in Gyaru series, so if there is a topic you'd like me to write on just let me know! Now on with the post.....
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I don’t know if it’s because I’m a medical student but as soon as it’s November 1st, I was officially counting the days until break would start. So when break arrived I was soooo excited (+ I got to go back to Canada). But then, since you’re normally so busy, having no work feels so unusual and by the time you adjust, its already time to go back to school again… (;ᴗ;) This is what I got up to over the break ^.~
For the first few days, I just chilled for a bit and kinda adjusted to the house that my family was staying in within our neighbourhood (note: the basement at my house burnt down last semester, so everything is getting renovated and the things that can be cleaned are in the process of being cleaned >_< ). My family then went on a road trip to a nearby town where my dad works (though we had to wait until my brother arrived, also an international student).
Photos from new years ★
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When we finally got there after 7 hours of driving, I honestly couldn’t go out much because my younger brother was finishing his IA’s and my older brother was studying for his last semester. If you have strict parents then YOU KNOW you can’t really go out when the atmosphere is like that σ( ̄、 ̄〃) I did do some work of my own like plan a little for the step 1 (USMLE) and look over the courses I have to take this semester. It was break after all tho, so I watched some movies and tv show I didn’t have the chance to watch when school was on. A few days after new years we drove back and I had a bunch of fun. I went to the theatres and watched Avatar and the new Wakanda movie (they were released in exam season so I couldn’t go watch them), went shopping, did a bunch of other fun stuff, and I got my hair braided to go back to school! 
As always, thanks for reading! And if you enjoy what you're reading, hit the follow button at the top of my blogger. It's anonymous, and helps me feel more loved by you all. Buh bye~
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k00283533 · 2 years
Semester 2: Movement
On 11 of January, when exploring theme movement I began exploring the environment around me that caused, affected or used movement such as wind, light, rain, people, animals or concepts that could be considered part of movement such as feminism, communism, peace movements, environmental etc...
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taylastudio2022 · 2 years
"New Zealand-born artist Alicia Frankovich works predominantly in performance and film, but also has been known to utilise mediums such as drawing, sculpture and photography. Through her work she grapples with the performativity of bodies, exploring the body's presence and identity within space and amongst other bodies” (Ocula.com). 
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^ Alicia Frankovich's installation Medea,  or Contemporary Art (ACCA), Melbourne, NEW010 exhibition, 2010.^ 
I love this work, how it is hung and how it appears as though the work is falling, drooping. In terms of form - this work has the most similarities to my own practice. I imagine, because of the materials used as well as how it is installed, that this work would allow for a full body, almost sensory experience. Something that hasn’t been a main focus of mine, but an idea I have in the back of my mind as my work has developed in terms of installation, and use of materials. 
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Found objects used in Medea =  plastic carabenas, dirt, coconut fibre, newspaper, water tank, water pump, poly piping, nylon webbing, gaffer, sash, steel, basil, kiwifruit vines, tuscan kale, broccoli, flat leaf parsley, curly leaf parsley, long snake beans, purple kings, greens, tomatoes: black krims, black russians, tigerella, red fig dwarf, peach dreams, chillies: hellfire mix, jalapeno reds, capsicum: mini yellow, mini red, long yellow, mini chocolate, long green, bronze fennel, succulents, eggplants: heirloom mix, long jacks, red oakleaf lettuce.
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^ Alicia Frankovich, The Female has Undergone Several Manifestations: Lebenspartnerschaft, Alex Martinis Roe and Alicia Frankovich, 2016 fabric, fan, ribbon, wood ^
“The all-encompassing phenomenon of the body — its insides, outsides, material and immaterial ways— could be considered the underlying fascination of Frankovich’s work” (starwhite.co.nz). 
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^ Alicia Frankovich, Outside Before Beyond, 2017 installation view, Kunstverein fur die Reinland und Westfalen, Dusseldorf curated by Eva Birkenstock ^ 
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^Alicia Frankovich, Orpheus 2010 aluminium, egg tray, eggs 205 x 85 cm ^.
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^Alicia Frankovich, Rapture 2010 installation view, Dunedin Public Art Gallery ^. 
“Frankovich’s practice investigates how the physicality and behaviour of a body operates within social settings and constructs – including plays of dominance and re-negotiating the audience/performer relationship” (starwhite.co.nz). 
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^Exhibition view: Alicia Frankovich, Starkwhite (8 February–6 March 2019). Courtesy Starkwhite ^ 
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The Female has Undergone Several Manifestations - installation view, 2016. Starkwhite. 
I definitely resonate with  Frankovich’s interest and focus of the body and the bodily - and her exploration of such through sculpture, materiality and  form. Like myself, Frankovich works with some found materials, and has a wide collection of work including natural materials, vegetables, blanket sort of materials, drapery, etc. Medea is my favourite among Frankovich’s work - the installation aspect, as well as the cohesive nature of it. 
In relation to my practice, Frankovich’s practice offers further possibilities into how might display my work - as well as further abstract ways of investigating the body and the bodily, or provoking a bodily engagement/experience with the work. Her wide use of materials also makes me think about my own selection and how this has recently expanded and developed to include things that have a smell (such as her use of food etc)....
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trinitycove · 9 months
All PO's (pass outstanding) this Office Simulation week! And 66 wpm in keyboarding 🥳
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o-wild-west-wind · 1 year
ofmd is like not comedy as in sitcom but comedy as in shakespearean where it’s psychological trauma and conflicts of violence but with dick jokes and the promise of marriage in the end
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soaladin · 1 year
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rahdiwae · 1 year
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books-in-a-storm · 1 year
Bishop had stood me up.
-Semester 2, Mazzy J March
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artbyaine · 2 years
Finished Zine flip through.
Here is a flip through of the zine in its final booklet form.
I didn't realise at first, but I am grateful that I left those Zine projects until last in my Movement project as it both combines and displays all three of my discipline electives in one piece. The perfect way to end my semester 2 project.
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belido · 1 year
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hodinodi · 6 months
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they say THAT friendship lasts the looooongest!
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itsamiaamario · 2 years
will english or physics or math be the death of me??
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