#s6 white collar
fructo · 4 months
just finished "au revoir" less than five minutes ago. i knew the ending already. ALREADY KNEW THE ENDING. yet here I am standing in the middle of the living room crying LIKE A BABY. while I hate that it ended, the last episode was done so wonderfully. i'm in awe. ensue the fanfics and the mass binge again. i'm so awful at finishing shows (my Netflix list is proof of that) but White Collar was so good. wow.
i've seen the clip with Bomer mentioning the possibility of a reboot and while I would absolutely love it (if done correctly and in a way that honors the legacy of Garson, as he did say too) I genuinely do not think I could EVER prepare for that; the possibilities are endless and after the emotional dumpster fire I went through with the last episode? my itty bitty heart could NOT handle it
Ok thanks for coming to my TEDtalk :)
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mattbomerkorea · 1 year
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Man the pilot episode White Collar sets are so weird
The office is completely different. Neal doesn’t have an upstairs apartment? Like he just lives downstairs with June and there’s a balcony upstairs? The Burke house is decorated differently… wild
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epsileonsaturn · 4 days
so all of Peter’s actions towards Neal in s5, especially at the end of the first episode, were Not Okay, but I think it was really fucked up how Peter used the “we’re your family” card ESPECIALLY after the whole thing with Neal’s dad. Like you confide in this guy “yeah i consider you more of a family to me than my own flesh and blood” and then he uses it against you to tell you that you’re just a criminal and oh, btw, you’re getting an entirely new handler who you don’t even know! And Peter does it all under the justification of “protecting” Neal. Not cool!
I get the complexities of the situation but I feel like people are too lenient on Peter bc the show likes to make him out as the good/right one (the copaganda is showing)
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dorelia23 · 1 year
Just finished white collar. Cried a bit and now I WANT TO SCREAM.
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ct-multifandom · 3 months
Miraculous s6 Trailers Breakdown
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Before I get into it, if it calms anyone’s nerves, I think this poster is a case of questionable graphic design. The weird official render style makes the characters look different from normal, plus Chat, Carapace, and Rena are all squished to match Ladybug’s proportions on the poster. This is an interesting choice from the designer: making the smallest character in the group take up the entire height and corresponding width of the poster and then awkwardly smushing the others in next to her. That’s why Carapace looks more short and stout than usual, and why Chat and Rena are kinda elongated. It doesn’t help that they shrunk Rena to accommodate her fox ears.
I’m liking the little updates to the hero suits. I honestly wasn’t expecting to see change for anyone but Ladybug and Chat, so now I’m excited to see everyone else. I love the changes on Carapace. They took his old, pretty simple suit and added a lot of new textures like the chest plate and wrist guards, and they gave him fingerless gloves and neck speakers. This gives me hope that they’ll update other designs that get criticized for just being a bodysuit with a decal on it like Ryuko and Viperion’s into something more interesting.
Rena is very similar, but her ears are bigger and pointier, the flute has been redesigned, her palms are white now, she has big poppin’ eyeliner, and her tail seems to be dark. Some people noted that they seem to be making Alya’s skin look darker after accusations of whitewashing her, so I hope they’ll finally give Pegasus the same treatment.
I’ve seen people say LB and CN must’ve taken influence from their reverse selves for their current designs, and CN seems to have some PV nods like his new shirt collar. Ladybug’s design feels more mature and is probably a response to criticism of her looking too simple as a character with a fashion interest among other superheroes with more detailed designs.
I didn’t include the poster of Marinette’s outfit, but overall I like it. I agree with people saying the bow on her shirt feels extra, but I like her emonette jacket. Her tights under jorts remind me of Mylene’s outfit, making me wonder if there’s some character influence there, or if they’ll be changing Mylene’s clothes so they don’t look too similar.
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First look at Alya! Yay! I love her new haircut. It reminds me of Haru from persona 5. She seems to be wearing the same shirt, which is lame. Maybe the rest of her outfit has changed, or maybe they’re not fixing what isn’t broke. It’s disappointing, though, that Adrien’s outfit looks the same. I can only dream that they’re leading up to a makeover scene where he realizes he’s allowed to pick out his own clothes now, but alas.
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Here Adrien is jogging with a new character (?) who has a prosthetic leg. There’s no good look at their face and even this screenshot sucks. If this is the same scene as Marinette with binoculars, then we might be getting a rare moment of a new character being introduced through Adrien rather than Marinette, perhaps someone he knows from rich people stuff or whatever nebulous and dubiously canon sports he participates in.
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This frame appears after a camera pan right from a modernized remodel of the school. Before, there were average city blocks around the school, so whatever this is might be part of an expanded campus built for Bustier’s utopian academy.
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I think I’ve written in a post before that I hope ML does something to commemorate the Paris 2024 Olympics, so I’m thrilled to see an Olympian akuma in the trailer! Perhaps this character is a celebrity cameo, but idk anything about Team France and its stars. It’s possible this scenario will be a special episode as well, but maybe more like the plastic special than the world specials. I hope they have to beat her by competing in games like Penalteam but with less cheating. It’d be awesome if the other heroes helped represent events that fit their characters. An episode like that would be a fun and light way to introduce the new animation and hero designs without diving into deep overarching drama and lore.
Perhaps the character jogging with Adrien is connected to this episode since they have a prosthetic running leg and seem athletic.
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Here’s our first look at Lila’s akumatization. Her mask thing is very pretty and soft looking compared to Gabriel’s sharp, geometric, simple one. It reminds me of a masquerade mask with all the swirls. Maybe there’s some visual symbolism here of Lila being a more complex butterfly user than Hawkmoth. We also see her shooting some sort of beam at CN from the mask, maybe separate from the akuma’s power. I hope they’ll revisit the somewhat-retconned bloodbending power we saw Hawkmoth use on Evillustrator and Pixelator and explore the full extent of the butterfly’s power over their akumas.
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Tomoe? Astruc said he wants Kagami to fight her and take her down further down the road, and I believe she may be a bigger villain than they’re making her out to be now. Lila is great and all, but an adult threat who owns a tech megacorp and is one of the only surviving members of Gabriel’s creepy billionaire sentibaby cult seems like a scarier enemy than the pathological liar from class. We don’t know Lila’s deal yet, but I imagine her villain motives are probably something deeply personal. Meanwhile, Tomoe might be trying to reach some greater goal that Gabriel failed to achieve. Both she and Lila practically had all the fruits of his evil labor fall into their laps without lifting a finger, so they might have an interesting dynamic as rival villains or fake allies.
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Okay this is from the London special. The synopsis says someone found Ladybug’s identity to take her down, and she and Bunnyx have to solve the mystery and reverse the events. This masked person looks like they may be the enemy, and their design is themed after the rabbit miraculous. People have been kinda assuming that it’s just Lila, but everyone in the audience knows she’s the next big villain right now, so it feels like a cop-out to frame this special as a mystery. It could still be her, and it’s just a mystery to the heroes, but what if the enemy is someone else? If they’re using the rabbit miraculous, Lila wouldn’t have access to it during season 5 unless she stole it somehow and gave it back unnoticed.
My theory is that the villain is Tomoe who got the miraculous from Gabriel. The trailer shows catbug looking in on Adrien and Kagami in their white rooms, so maybe during that time, Gabriel sent rabbit!Tomoe after Ladybug to ensure his victory in the upcoming finale, and maybe she has her own motives as well.
I recall Zag releasing concepts of some hero or spy characters from London a long time ago, and I thought they’d be for the London world special like Eagle and Lady Dragon, but maybe they’re for a different show or got scrapped in favor of focusing on the main miraculous plot (which honestly, good. Please focus on the existing characters)
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Finally, poor Nooroo in Lila’s creepy catacomb bunker. I hope her jumpscare reaction at the end of s5 wasn’t just the sight of him. It would feel odd after the latest of Marinette’s hero friends were totally chill seeing kwamis for the first time. He’s in some bubble here. Maybe it’s stopping him from sharing things he’s not allowed to say, or maybe Lila is forcing him to stay put? I’m also curious about the angle and what that metal bar is a part of. Is Lila sitting under a table?
Anyway! TLDR I like the new designs overall and I’m excited to see everyone else. I’m also excited at the prospect of an Olympics episode and I think Tomoe may be the next big villain next to or even surpassing Lila.
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raayllum · 11 months
Anyway notes on the poster
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There's a swirly, cosmic feel, with both dark magic purple, star magic purple, as well as actual darkness/blackness that evoke the stars and a general feeling of sadness and chaos. This is per the course for Aaravos' colour associations as well as Claudia's
Her hair seems to be 3/4ths white rather than just 1/2, making me think that after 6x01 there'll be a brief timeskip and she'll have whiter hair from doing some of Aaravos' bidding. Her outfit also seems to be different (most notably the white collar) which makes sense and also invokes Kim'Dael's chain a bit.
Claudia is the only character whose never had a significant wardrobe change (Viren had his in late stage S3) in order to showcase her stagnation and preserve the secret timeskip, so post-6x01 might be her last big chance for a wardrobe change (prosthetic leg and all). Here's hoping!
The fact it looks like she's in an ocean of sorts, hair like tendrils in the water, reflects her walking into the water in both Viren's dreams (5x03) and reality (5x09): "The wave - it will swallow you up!" ("I swallowed her" —Aaravos, 5x09)
Claudia crying (as in S6 she'll be undeniably grieving and isolated) makes sense. I'm more interested in the potential eye symbolism, as eyes are accordingly important for dark magic and was a motif heavily present with Viren. Claudia being unable to 'see clearly' through the eye that metaphorically holds her human (dark haired, non dark magic) side? Yeah.
Furthermore, we also see Aaravos in the murky waters below likewise with an eye motif, a particularly bright star in the sky being a stand in for his eye. Together, perhaps, he and Claudia have 'full sight', and it may indicate that constellation's importance to him / general starry vibes, as we know (child Aaravos?) Leola is closest to Claudia on the star chart map. Pre-S4 I'd thought that star had been the south star, but we know that it and Leola's Last Wish is one and same, so it must be something different
Claudia is on the 'human' side of the star chart (where the 5 human kingdoms are) and thereby with more (but not all of her potential symbols, like the bumblescorp on the other side) of her associative symbols: the unicorn (for obvious reasons, and also tied to Leola) as well as the book three (Claudia almost walked into a tree in 1x01 because she was reading, and Callum mentions the three was planted 300-ish years ago, which would line up with the Orphan Queen's origins).
Listen to me. Listen. Claudia is one half of the star chart. I am willing to bet $5 whole ass dollars that a Callum poster will follow up where he is the other half, because he and Claudia are Aaravos' primary puppets going forward. (Would also parallel their dual set up from the "Lost" and "Found" S5 posters.) I need it.
That said if it's not Callum, 1) Viren (as a leftover pawn who cannot escape) and 2) Rayla (as motivation for Callum, much the same way Claudia has been motivation for Viren, and building on their arc 2 parallels thus far) are my next best guesses.
Frothing at the mouth. Gnawing my own leg off. Thank you for everything
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grace-williams-xo · 4 months
I need Diana Berrigan aka Marsha Thomason aka one of the greatest lesbian characters ever made to be in the white collar reboot or I’ll lose my mind.
Also Hilarie please come back I missed you in s5 and s6 🥹 and Sharif ily too 🥹
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loisfreakinglane · 2 months
ben/maddie/ryn ~ siren (never forgive never forget that breakup, they were PERFECT. that show ended with season 2 and i will NEVER EVER EVER forgive season 3's crimes)
kala/rajan/wolfgang ~ sense8 (we were denied a full series arc of them getting together, but frankly i didn't feel it was rushed in the finale. it still felt organic TO ME, largely bc the chemistry between rajan and wolfgang was impeccable immediately)
eliot/hardison/parker ~ leverage (can you believe there's people who watch leverage that don't ship this?!!?!?! there are human beings out there who ship eliot/parker with zero hardison involvement. BAFFLED, FRIENDS)
angel/buffy/cordy ~ btvs/ats (i'm sorry this is based on my own brain falling into the depths of madness when s6/s3 were airing and i was banned from watching buffy so i was reading the transcripts on buffyworld and left to stew over how much i wanted buffy and dawn and tara to flee to la and never look back, while also falling in love with cangel and thinking about how much those three would fit perfectly together, buffy and cordy as two sides of the same coin, just always out of step with the others parallel heroic journey, how much bangel would work so much more for me when it's damaged adults coming together and also raising their impossible blue eyed kids together also connors never kidnapped also also faith moves into the hyperion too and gunn and fred never break up the end okay i'll stop now)
the princess, the prince, and the mermaid ~ the little mermaid (i was infected by the novel mermaid: a twist on the classic tail (heh) in my youth- christopher, lenia, and margrethe had a fascinating relationship i fell in love with. and now!!!!!!!! watching older adaptations of tlm, seeing the interactions between the three of them always intrigue me so hard. pre-disney the princess is allowed to be sweet and kind to the mermaid, if somewhat patronizing to the mute young girl. and when the mermaid fades away, her body in foam and her soul off to heaven, she lays a kiss on the grieving princess's head AND I DIE)
elizabeth/neal/peter ~ white collar (IT WAS SUCH A FUN TRIO I STAND BY THIS CHOICE! also at the time it was extraordinarily refreshing of fandom to not immediately despise and vilify the woman standing between their slash ship. and i adored the canon and the fanon so tbh! this will always stick out as a classique ot3 to me!)
irma/marion/miranda ~ picnic at hanging rock (why aren't we frolicking in oz, wearing white gowns and eating picnic treats RIGHT NOW? anyway they're in love, they're so in love they fell into an alternate dimension)
ann/ben/leslie ~ parks and recreation (am I the only person who was tearing my hair out during ann's search for a sperm donor bc why did leslie never offer up ben's specimen!?!?! she is OBSESSED with ann and way too invasive and beyond controlling and I think way too much about that episode where ben and ann are fighting over the wafflemaker for one of leslie's insane random holidays, then end it off by coming together to make leslie STOP with the incessant celebrations and presents? anyway they should have all wound up together. and not just bc chris was terrible)
huoxin/jing/xiaowei ~ painted skin the resurrection (the lady demon, the princess, and the bodyguard. this trio was EVERYTHING. the demon fixated on the princess and her heart, the princess desperately in love with her bodyguard turned general but clinging to shame over her facial scars, the general who runs from his failure to protect her. ADD IN BODYSWAP SHENANIGANS AND I LOSE MY MIND EVERY TIME.)
ezra/jules/richie ~ imposters (possibly partially queerplatonic bc i'm not exactly sure where jules lies on ye olde kinsey scale, but even if it's platonic on her part i'm incredibly in love with this trio and i SO see it as a working throuple LEAVE ME ALONE)
elizabeth/olive/william ~ professor marston and the wonder women (whether you believe the historical accuracy of this movie or not, this throuple is fucking awesome and i adooooooore them)
gwen/mj/peter ~ marvel comics (i'm so sick of thinking about spider-man rn bc *waves hand at mcu* HOWEVER it would feel disingenous to leave this off my list. i love these three, i love them together so much.)
alex/hal/tom ~ being human uk (the way these characters brought new life to this era of bhuk. these three are in LOVE)
chel/miguel/tulio ~ the road to el dorado (baby's first ot3)
kirk/spock/uhura ~ star trek (THE KELVIN TIMELINE!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO MUCH. still mourning a fic that was deleted off ao3....... sad bean bear city)
art/patrick/tashi ~ challengers (THEEEEEEEEEEEE PINNACLE! there are ppl who cast tashi as the villain of the story and think art and patrick will flee her when the credits roll, and i am so glad i am not surrounded by those types. this is a love story where every person is desperately needed to complete the triad. they just don't work without all 3 of them)
clark/lana/lex ~ smallville (LOOK LOOK LOOK. SHUT UP. anyway i rewatched this show with my father at the height of the pandemic and lana/lex hit hard in a way it never had before, so now i'm p equally obsessed with every side of this triangle and now i want to smash them all together so bad. THIS IS HOW TO FIX EVERYTHING.)
gaby/ilya/napoleon ~ the man from uncle (ready made ot3, i can't be mad)
mylene/shaolin/zeke ~ the get down (did mylene and shaolin hate each other? uhhhhhhh yep. HOWEVER. THAT ALLOWED FOR SOME FUCKING GREAT TENSION. and they were both equally in love with zeke so like............ i wanted it so bad
i'm SURE i'm missing very important ones, but these are my broad strokes 💗💗💗
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dangerously-human · 2 months
Decided to go back to season 1 before starting S6, for two reasons: 1) I've forgotten a lot of details (that I watched back when it was airing, I picked up again now with S2) and I think the final season will carry more impact if I recall where it started, and 2) I've been feeling "stretched thin," my interests and emotional energy too spread out, and this way I'm giving a little less as I rewatch something I already know. (I know that's silly, but I'm writing for a former special interest for an exchange, mostly inhabiting a new one - Dune - with the rest of my time, and I'm afraid of losing Lockwood & Co if I let White Collar take up too much of my headspace. I can only juggle so many enthusiasms at once.) Anyway, it's fun going back to the pilot, because I'm telling you, aside from New Girl (my comfort show), I don't think there's any episode of television I've seen this much. I had it on my iPod as a teenager - I think I might have gotten it for free, actually, as part of an iTunes promo - and I had that thing on endless repeat. I swear I still have more than half the dialogue memorized, a decade and a half later! The setup for this show is so fun, I'm having a delightful time going back to the beginning.
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bookgeekgrrl · 6 months
My media this week (10-16 Mar 2024)
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🥰 Art Thief, Heart Thief (odetteandodile) - 58K, stucky white collar inspired AU - enjoyed how author took the WC set up (fbi art agent, criminal consultant) and made it theirs & perfect for stucky
💖💖 +195K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Midlife Crisis (profoundalpacakitten) - MCU: stucky, 7K - reread, forever fave - the quiet, piercing, understated tenderness in this fic is unmatched
Progredi (justanotherStonyfan) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 37K - the next installment in the fabulous Honey Honey series
Pistachios and Rose Water (goldsaffron) - The Old Guard: kaysanova, 15K - J&N spend 10 years putting down roots, building a home & collecting a found family as Nicky learns to express his love through food
Consensual Catfishing (foresthearts) - Stranger Things: steddie, 32K - modern AU, told via social media - delightful story! adored these characters & their voices and using all different sorts of SM to tell it. brilliant idea, adeptly executed. the art is also pretty great
they're going to send us to prison for jerks (greatunironic) - Stranger Things: steddie, 16K - another really fun modern steddie with a strong social media AU premise
Os Impurum (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle | The Eagle of the Ninth: Marcus Flavius Aquila/Esca Mac CunovalMarcus/Esca, 18K - solidly good fic about marcus/esca post canon, esp marcus discovering some new things about himself 😉
Ghosts (US) - s3, e5
Game Changer - s6, e3
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "For the Hoard!" (s7, e15)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Treachery at Gramercy" (s7, e16)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 1)" (s7, e17)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Two Sides of the Same Coin (Part 2)" (s7, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e12-16
Um, Actually - s9, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Cursed Out" (s21, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Cool Ranch Communion" (s16, e10)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Big Little Crimes" (s4, e1)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Chicanery at Shoeby's Casino" (s4, e2)
D20: Tiny Heist - "Scheming and Scoring Fairy Dust" (s4, e3)
Agatha Christie's Marple - "The Secret of Chimneys" (s5, e2) [shout out to @leupagus for this rec; they were not wrong about the acting choices made here 🤩]
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep001 The Open Door
What Next: TBD - Instagram’s Pedophile Problem
Desert Island Discs - Cillian Murphy, actor
WikiHole - Lenny Kravitz (with Paul F. Tompkins, Drew Tarver, and Heléne Yorke)
This Cultural Life - Andrew Scott
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Our 2024 Oscars Recap
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Grave of XYZ
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Morgan Parker
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Fear of Dolphins (with Kumail Nanjiani, Emily Gordon, and Jonah Ray)
The Allusionist - 190. Craters
WikiHole with D'Arcy Carden - Tetris (with Adam Pally, Jon Gabrus and Blair Socci)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Lighthouse Keeper
⭐ Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Afeef Nessouli
Short Wave - What We Know About Long COVID, From Brain Fog to Fatigue
⭐ Decoder Ring - Why Stylists Rule the Red Carpet
⭐ 99% Invisible #573 - Toyetic
You Are Good - My Best Friend's Wedding w. Sam Sanders
If Books Could Kill - Lean In
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Law of the Tongue
Imaginary Worlds - The Nine Lives of Red Dwarf
Today, Explained - Lip gloss, gum, and the Pill
Dear Prudence - My Ex Had Sex With My Brother. Help!
What Next: TBD - Is TikTok Cooked This Time?
Short Wave - Are We On The Brink Of A Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Love Lies Bleeding And What's Making Us Happy
Endless Thread - The Music Man, Part 1
Welcome to Night Vale #244 - A Multiplicity of Kevin
Today, Explained - Hollywood’s still not back
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #03: David Sims
Off Menu - Ep 233: Frankie Boyle (Live in Glasgow)
⭐ Hit Parade - Gotcha Covered Edition
The Donnas
Smooth Rockabilly
Respect: '60s Iconic Women
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fructo · 5 months
ok i've been on a hard-core white collar obsession these past few weeks and s3 ep14 + ep15 HURT???
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castielcommunism · 2 years
one thing that 9x06 crystallises is spn’s weird economic politics, summarised by dean’s line that cas is “above all this” when he finds out cas is working at a gas station. which is that A) real men know how to avoid poverty and B) wage labour is for cucks unless it is done voluntarily. like the logic here is that the crushing weight of the private market is good because it provides men an opportunity to rise above it, thus ensuring their masculinity, and failure to do so means you are a failure of a man. cas is a failure because he’s working for his basic necessities. which appears to be at odds with the historical tradition of white american working class masculinity (a tradition that owes a large debt to blue collar union work), to which spn’s response is that no those hard working men are all still real men because they’re choosing to individually engage with the market on their own terms and work manly jobs. see how dean becomes a construction worker in s6 because he decides to retire from hunting, or when sam becomes a bartender/handyman at a motel to take a break from hunting. jobs are easy to secure and provides distraction from hunting, because men always need to be productive (being unemployed is also a cuck move unless you’re hunting).
but that seems to ALSO be at odds with the conservative line that nobody would be productive without the constant economic pressure to do so. to which spn says yes! but also real men are above all forms of domination. and also the purest expression of masculinity is domination, which is what hunting is. hunting is where labour (and therefore economic domination) is entirely absent and people who hunt become the dominators. like technically in supernatural hunting isn’t labour - or at the very least, it does not resemble any modern form of wage labour that exists in society. anyway this show is insane
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you've got me in my own white collar binge, haha!! thanks for reminding me how much i enjoy this series
I’m glad I could remind you!! I’ve having a great time watching it and have already written *checks notes* three and a half fics that I’m gonna edit and post as soon as I finish s6. I will bring this fandom back from the dead single handedly if I have to lmao
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curiosity-killed · 8 months
wip ask meme
tagged by @veliseraptor!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
normally i weed this down so it's just wips i'm actually working on/tentatively plan to finish someday/am okay with sharing but this time, i think it's a little funny to dump out the contents of my ~13 wip folders
he xuan and hua cheng bros (tgcf)
hualian makeup (tgcf)
tgcf twt au (tgcf)
altair and al mualim (ac)
altmal 6 below au (ac)
altmal kiss (ac)
altmal modern au (ac)
altmal modern soulmates (ac)
altmal modern swimg (ac)
altmal sex talk (ac)
altmal sparring (ac)
altmal time travel (ac)
convict altair plus future part_OLD (ac)
dragon ALTY (ac)
21st century aliens (mcu)
a small clock seen faintly (mcu)
ascsf (mcu)
before we go au (mcu)
cacw rewrite script (mcu)
counterweight (mcu)
ghostybucky (mcu)
post-AOU fic (mcu)
ragnarok vahing verse (mcu)
this too ch4 (mcu)
tonybucky fix-it cacw (mcu)
vahingonilo sequel (mcu)
white collar au (mcu)
t'challasam (mcu)
a thousand branches (mdzs)
burial mounds pov (mdzs)
copy of lwj thread fic (mdzs)
hua cheng bro (tgcf)
hualian dance au (tgcf)
lwj thread fic (mdzs)
lxc wwx post-whipstitch (mdzs)
sixteen stitches (mdzs)
sizhui bow verse (mdzs)
wangji find me (mdzs)
wenzhou fix-it (woh)
wulian au (tgcf)
wwx as madam yu protege (mdzs)
yunmeng jiang everyone dies (mdzs)
scorpion grass (original fic)
bflf mer au (tgcf)
hualian pygmalion — holy and real (tgcf)
huaqing gay chicken (tgcf)
xianle trio reunion (tgcf)
20200518_Family feels (mdzs)
bodyswap (mdzs)
jc perspective (mdzs)
jin ling wwx empathy (mdzs)
knives for JC (mdzs)
yunmeng bro reunion (mdzs)
adashi s6 (voltron)
ballet au nutcracker (voltron
NSFW captive shance au (voltron)
shallura ballet au_02 (voltron)
shallura crying (voltron)
shiro as death god (voltron)
shiro s6 (voltron)
superhero AU (voltron)
thermocline (voltron)
atla_light dancer (atla)
dreamwalker (the sandman)
hualian idev LMAO (tgcf)
20190429_sotiris and nadia (original fic)
20230528_nadia and sotiris (original fic)
crown of string (original fic)
gemini script (original fic)
overworld script (original fic)
pi & veria (original fic)
tyringay (original fic)
sphinxes (original fic)
untitled document (original fic)
20231130_Consolidated draft01 (original fic)
20190918_Soko family (original fic)
20191222_Sirion blues (original fic)
20200131_Sirion and Jaris (original fic)
20200131_Sirion and Jisel evolution (original fic)
20200217_Jemma letter (original fic)
20200421_Calsir first fight (original fic)
20210414_High fantasy AU (original fic)
20210516_Malia and Rassler (original fic)
20190902_Taelen FW (original fic)
20210908_Valyn POV (original fic)
20223405_Calsir third (original fic)
20230131_Calsir nudity talk (original fic)
20230603_Rafia POV (original fic)
i will not be tagging 88 folks but! an attempt: @lemeute @givemeunicorns @mikkeneko @monroeknoxwrites @crimsonrainseekingflower @lumiink @difeisheng @demenior @aurumdalseni @pengiesama @iamwestiec @saawek @pumpkinpaix @cleromancy @boomchickfanfiction @neuxue
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mistchievous · 1 year
The conclusion of the White Collar rewatch group is that S5 and S6 are so terrible that they don’t count as canon.
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