#s33k the highb100d
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pastabaguette · 6 months ago
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a few pieces of the beginning. if anyone was wondering exactly where the events diverge from the main story, it’s here. [S] Equius: Seek the highb100d goes exactly the same as it does in canon. the only difference is the time nepeta shows up.
also, as this au moves forward, please don���t take it too seriously. again, i’m really just making this for fun and practice. it’ll inevitably be imperfect.
(next parts: 1, 2)
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propheticclown · 2 months ago
I haven't made a homestuck post in a bit so I just wanna talk about how much Nepeta as a character makes me a bit sad. All Rouges in Homestuck have problems with romance related to their aspect, with Roxy, as a Rouge of Void, fighting to feel relevant and seen through attempting to be seen as a "fun-loving, hot girl". As well as Rufioh, as a Rouge of Breath, struggling to stay bound in a romantic relationship, cheating on Damara with Horrus and wanting to leave Horrus by the time we're introduced to him. Heart players also struggle with Romance. This is shown with Meulin (who I have made a post about because I love Olive Bloods), who has had a failed relationship with Kurloz and a toxic moirailigence with Horuss. And Dirk, who fails to realize that he only loves his own idea of Jake until going into trickster mode. Nepeta as a Rouge of Heart is a heartbreaking mishmash of both of these traits. Not many people know, but Nepeta uses her shipping wall as a coping mechanism for her feelings of loneliness. Her unreciprocated flushed feelings for Karkat don't help her in the slightest. Although a lot of the ships she has come true, due to the fact that she's a Rouge, she can only give the romantic relationships she craves to others, guiding others to a treasure she cannot possess. Despite this, she's a very upbeat and pawsitive character (pun intended). She holds no negative feelings towards Terezi despite Karkat having a crush on her, in fact, she doesn't hold any negative feelings towards any of the Beta Trolls, including Eridan, who she actually feels sad for after discovering he died. Speaking of Eridan, I would like to point out that both Eridan and Nepeta have a LOT of things in common and unique interactions that not many people talk about. Firstly, both Nepeta and Eridan are the only two Beta Trolls who never got kissed. Along with this, while Eridan's arc revolved around switching sides and wanting to join Jack Noir, resulting in his death, Nepeta's arc revolves around her undying loyalty to her friends, which also results in her death. Also, Eridan is canonically the ONLY troll in Homestuck to have any romantic feelings for Nepeta. Along with this, Nepeta is the only character besides Feferi that Eridan asks to be matesprits with. Small tangent aside, Nepeta's lack of aggression towards the beta trolls is due to the fact that she has the only healthy moirailigence in the entirety of Homestuck. Although she often gets upset at Equius' behavior, she overall enjoys his presence and have a mutually beneficial relationship, with Nepeta calming down Equius' constant inner anger and strength complex and Equius letting Nepeta vent her frustrations to him about her deep feelings of loneliness. Her loyalty to her friends and complex inner turmoil as a Rouge of Heart leads her to have a deep wish to experience a love that will never flee from her. She ends up feeling as though she needs to be loved in order to be whole as a person and although the feelings towards Equius are strictly platonic, it's that loyalty and understanding that leads her to want to save him from Gamzee during Murderstuck.
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In the end, Nepeta as a Rouge of Heart is a girl with a simple wish. To find love in order to not feel lonely and even though she doesn't succeed, she still fights to protect those she holds closely and while I believe her arc should've been written WAY BETTER AND KILLING HER OFF WAS SUCH BULLSHIT AND HUSSIE DIDN'T EVEN BRING HER BACK WHEN JOHN GOT THE ABILITY TO DO THAT AND IT MADE ME SO ANGRY!!! She's still one of the most enjoyable characters in all of Homestuck and my personal favorite Beta Troll. *Cough cough* anyway read S33K THE HIGHB100D by @pastabaguette it's beautiful. *Cough cough*
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> s33k the highb100d.
Finally, we come to the last Fanadventure of the 2024 (so far) Fanadventures, and what better way to end it off than with a HOMESTUCK AU that’s not “Act 1 but Different,” but is instead that other old chestnut, “What if Gamzee *hadn’t* killed Nepeta????????” This is like, classic wish fulfillment. Probably one of the bigger wish fulfilment plotlines, if I’m being honest, since the root of that wish fulfillment was seen within the haunted halls of “ALTERNATIVE MEWNIVERSE.” Also this is the second-highest favourited fanadventure (as of writing this), behind Home-Skillet. So yeah, I’d say the theme is popular.
Much like many of the other “What if Nepeta Kills Gamzee instead” Fanadventures, it knows what you want to see and sends you directly to the action. But like, writing that out in that last sentence, I realized, how else are they gonna do it. Are they gonna, like, go through the stations of canon all the way up to Act 5, and there’s no changes? That sounds terrible. Better to just start your station of canon at the part where you’ve changed it. Anyways.
Well, I mean, I thought this was wish fulfillment, and it might be providing that niche to some, but so far (and by so far I mean. Literally all the parts that are there right now) it’s just. A Fight Scene? Which, if you’ve been following this blog at all, you’ll know that I am slightly skeptical towards the inclusion of in any Fanadventure, but that’s just my personal taste. It is kinda…brutal? Not that brutal, but kind of. Also apparently this fanadventure has been already written out yet if the description of “not spoiling the ending” is any indication, which makes me think that probably Nepeta’s going to sacrifice herself to save Equius, which would not. Entirely be the direction that I would think the wish fulfillment would go in. But that’s merely speculation on something that I’m not exactly “tuned-into” at the start of. Anyways this is probably the most competent one of these fanadventures I’ve seen, so…yeah.
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antiling-but-simic · 6 months ago
S33k the Highb100d is gonna be the next CSAU I'm calling it right now.
An MSPFA with a simple AU concept from a prominent member in the community? Yeah it's happening again
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greaserzahhak · 2 months ago
She Equius: On My S33k Till I Highb100d
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cerulean8looded · 6 years ago
:33 < just heard an ice cream van while sitting in the train in my nepeta cosplay and suddenly I was back in the grate waiting for equius to s33k the "highb100d" scared out of my tiny fucking mind
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pastabaguette · 2 months ago
s33k the highb100d pgs 36-39
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this thing has almost 40 pages already, wow!
anyway, sorry if my dialogue’s not up to par. i haven’t done this before, and i’m not the most confident in my ability to do these things.
same with pacing. i don’t mean the time in-between updates, but the pacing of the panels and actions themselves. sorry if it sucks.
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pastabaguette · 9 days ago
s33k the highb100d pgs 46-49
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pastabaguette · 1 month ago
s33k the highb100d pgs 40-45
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as of right now, linking images on filegarden to MSPFA is still not working, at least for me. i'll keep posting updates on here as i have been.
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pastabaguette · 3 months ago
s33k the highb100d pages 32-35
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back to 33100posting for now. equius and nepeta have their first actual pesterlog.
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pastabaguette · 4 months ago
s33k the highb100d update, pages 24-28
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i’m finally back to releasing new panels. sorry they took so long.
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pastabaguette · 5 months ago
s33k the highb100d update, pgs 14-16
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i’ve been having fun trying to write dialogue for the funny purple clowns lately. is it evident?
it’s harder for me than with some other characters, so it’s been good practice, i think.
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pastabaguette · 4 months ago
s33k the highb100d pages 28-31
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i'm back on my grind for the time being. i'm trying to make these updates here on tumblr somewhat of a weekly thing.
equius finally showed up again after something like 20 pages. he's still there. yeah.
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pastabaguette · 5 months ago
—> s33k the highb100d. update
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additionally, added this panel on page 2 to soften the transition between pgs 1 and 3
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i figured out how to get the textboxes working, though, so i’m happy about that!
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pastabaguette · 6 months ago
—> s33k the highb100d. update
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now on mspfa, if anyone missed the announcement. i think i’ll try to post updates here on tumblr every few pages added.
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pastabaguette · 5 months ago
s33k the highb100d update: pgs 18-20
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in other news, new banner image:
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it will display on the mspfa homepage during the week of the fanventure’s anniversary.
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