#s3 was not perfect but was imo very good overall this? ABSOLUTE trash. bad writing bad acting bad filming bad plotting bad audio
realbeefman · 1 month
Thoughts on the umbrella academy season four? If you don’t mind me asking.
whoever was in charge of the audio mixing for this season needs to be BARRED from ever working in the industry again. anyways completely bullshit season through and through. i KIND of liked the five/lila plot and that’s about it… even that was very poorly done imo. what was the overall message the show was even trying to send??? that love means nothing??? nothing was even really explained in the end??? how does undoing marigold in ONE timeline undo everything??? poorly executed poorly logicked and entirely nonsensical. perhaps one of the most egregious cases of character assassination i have ever witnessed. boring bad and borderline unwatchable.
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