#s1e7 library scene
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taemcains · 3 months ago
please blab to us about ur top 5 moments in hsr
1. cain
2. greg
3. future cain cat scene
4. present cain cat comparison
5. boris death
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watchingspnagain · 4 years ago
Rewatching Hook Man
Welcome to “We Root for the Bad Guys: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s1e7: Hook Man
 Sam and Dean come up against an (the?) actual manifestation of the Hook Man legend when they investigate the violent death of a dudebro who, honestly, kind of deserved it. Another person gets hooked and the boys start suspecting there's a connection to dudebro's girlfriend and her super-strict pastor father. They're... almost right. Dudebro's girlfriend gives a lesson on what not to do if a cute boy is hanging around outside your house at night, stalker-style (thank goodness Cute Boy is just Sammy). There's a quality Winchesters in a Library scene, with a Dean with a Pen Cap in His Mouth bonus.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here.  Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
  [and we begin:]
aw, Jensen is still saying "previously on Supernatural." I wonder when that stops
Ha! I never even notice
"there's a hot chic buried somewhere in there" fuck you, bad friend
Laurie looks lovely exactly the way she's dressed
Come on, hook dude, take care of this douche
routing for the bad guys
look, douchecanoe, in addition to "no means no and only yes means yes," you gotta learn that when the woman says "let's get out of here," YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF THERE
Ha, yep. There's this whole thing now about how villains in movies are becoming too relatable and script writers feel the need to make them do something really unforgivable even if it's out of character just to redirect the audience back to the idea that they are, in fact, the bad guys. It's... not exactly wrong...
Dean's not saying "Dad doesn't want to be found" INTERESTING
and what are YOU drinking, Dean?
he's... liking the new dynamic of he and Sammy and no judgmental Dad, maybe?
not that he would admit that to himself out loud
ooo, YEP
LOLOLOL Sam and Dean as fraternity brothers
omg Sammy actually paints the dude
and Dean isn't exactly not looking, despite refusing to do it himself
lol, Dean letting the church door slam shut
Cas cringes in heaven
I love her hair pulled back like that
she's adorable
agreed it looks so lovely
"young people who are open to the lord's message" the way some of this stuff hits when you know where the show ends up going
Dean blowing the dust off the box and his little "thanks"
Oh Dean, honey, that's not really what college is like
he never got to find out, poor lamb
was that a Ghostbusters reference?
was it? I missed it
I think Dean called Sammy Dr Venkman
omg the Avril Lavigne poster
HAHAHAHA I was just about to type that exact thing
I love all the little things that date these early episodes, especially the clothes - those nearly-too-little blazers and the low ride chinos
it's like getting smacked in the face with college and masters degree school
the first mention of salt shells!
"he had the gun" DEAN
aaaah, nope nope nope behind the couch behind the cooooouch
oof yeah, this is very ew
this is one of those bits that scared the BEJESUS out of me and made me sleep with lights on when I was an impressionable, tiny 25-year-old
Ha! I'm okay unless it's a haunted house
"well you look like a dumbass pledge"
and Dean is Matlock? Dean is a white-haired old man?
OMG DEAN stop thinking about naked pillow fights and FOCUS
lolololol Dean, pay attention, goober
he really REALLY doesn't have a clear idea of what college is like
lol, falling in through the window
this sneaking around and ducking behind things makes them look so tiny
well, Dean at least. Sam looks like a Moose trying to hide behind a pencil
omg their separate views of college I LOVE IT
and Sam's little nod when Dean describes what he thinks it was like for Sam
omg his little pout
omg Dean's disappointment
"next time I get to watch the cute girl's house"
ooo, one of my most favorite shots is coming up
yes, it's always a great idea to go out and talk to the dude you barely know and seems to be stalking you outside your house
aaaww, Sammy. so adorable
but yes he is adorable
I mean, SHE doesn't know he's sweet and adorable
(I think she has an inkling about his adorableness)
ope there it is, yeah?
the match?
Dean holding the match
oh gross, preacher dad
I forgot about that piece of it
omg Sam's face is very "um I have no idea how to deal with this information"
Ooooh, yeah, she clearly is aware of the Sam Cuteness
still probably not the swiftest move
what, you mean, "my boyfriend and roommate were just killed, let's snog" isn't smooth?
I'm also just amused that she's all "gonna go talk to the strange boy stalking my house" and then it turns out he in fact has a bag full of guns at his feet
omg Dean's goofy smile
"hey, brother!"
my god these boys are pretty
I should be listening to their explication but somehow I'm... distracted
eeeee, talking at the same time
and the RING
I'm gonna need them to go back and do some more filming and give me more shots of Dean lounging with his feet up and a book on his lap
avenging angels, eh?
oooo, avenging angels
poor Sam. like, how do I comfort this girl when she's RIGHT?
Dean's over-the-shoulder look
the way they SHOOT these. and the LINES of the shots
"oh, don't worry, we're leaving town" poor boys
always with the "get out of town"
sing off key Ooooouutsiiiiiiderrrrrs*
"we could stay"
Dean's willing to stay for Sammy though
so sweet
(I think he knows it's a safe offer, though)
(kind of putting the nail in the idea from the previous ep with the whole "you can't have friends" thing. Sam's learned it now)
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angel-princess-anna · 7 years ago
Downton Abbey Character List
This is an updated list through Series 6. The original list is here, although I’ve also been updating own list in a Word Doc since 2013, which is what this is based on. Below are the characters listed in alphabetical order by last name (for the most part). Characters not ever appearing on screen are in italics. For real people mentioned, I’ve only included them if the Crawelys et al. knew them personally (references to real historical figures will be included in a separate list). While I’ve included some family members without names who are mentioned, I have left out minor characters with no names and also animals (if you need that info or have any questions on that, message me). This does include information that is only included in the S1-3 script books.
I hope that the Keep Reading works on mobile, because this list is very long!
A Acland, Lady Anne (S6E6) Acland, Lord  (d.; Anne's husband who died in WWI) Adams, Mr (formerly of the schoolhouse)
Aldridge, Ephraim Atticus [goes by middle name] Aldridge, Lady Rose (née MacClare)  Aldridge, Victoria Rachel Cora (b. 1925; we see photos of her) [Aldridge] Daniel, Lord Sinderby [Aldridge] Rachel, Lady Sinderby Other family members mentioned: Lady Sinderby’s cousin Sir John Gluck (at the S5E8 party but not on-screen), The Melfords (Lady Sinderby's cousins, including one named Anne) For Rose’s relations see  the MacClares
[Allsopp] Lord William "Billy", Baron of Aysgarth Allsopp, Lady (d.) Allsopp, The Honourable Madeleine Other family members who appeared on screen: older sister to Lord Aysgarth (S4CS)
Ambrose, Benjamin Baruch (real life bandleader at the Embassy, S4CS) Ames, Captain [no last name given] Alice (S3 maid; no lines) Ansty, Joseph Gerald, the Honourable (winner of Ripon by-election of 1913, probably not a real person based on Fellowes' note in the script book)
Anstruther, Dowager Lady (née Mountevans) Anstruther, Lord, "Jock" (d.)
Astor, John Jacob "JJ" (d. 1912 on the Titanic) Astor, Madeleine (on the Titanic, survived in real life)
[no last name given] Audrey (Edith's S6 secretary) Avebury, Mr (person who helped the second earl, would be d.) Avignon, Arsène (real life chef at Ritz in London) Axford, Sir Patrick (racer, S6E7, blows gaskets)
B Bakewell, Mr Bakewell, Mrs Bailey-George, Lady Elizabeth (S4CS) Margham, the Duchess of (I am assuming this is Elizabeth's mother, she is presenting her) Barrow, Mr Thomas (Acting Sergeant in S2) Other family members mentioned: Father, sister, cousin
Barnard (Downton Abbey gameskeeper, S2CS. Mary references him, and while I'm not sure someone was assigned to play him, he'd be in some of the shooting scenes) Barnes (tenant, S4E1) Bartlett, Mrs Audrey Bassett (gardener at Downton Abbey, S2E1)
Bates, Mrs Anna May (née Smith) Bates, Mr John Bates, [Anna and John's newborn son] (b. 31 Dec 1925) Bates, Mrs (mother of John, d. 1916) Bates, Mrs Vera (d. 1918) Other family members mentioned: Anna’s father (d.), Anna’s mother, Anna’s step-father, Anna’s sister (possibly d.); John’s Scottish grandmother who was a Keith (d.), John’s Irish relatives; Vera’s cousin Mr Harlip.
Baxter, Miss Phyllis Beaumont, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Beet, Mr Alfred (Carson's old butler when he entered service; only mentioned in Rules for Household Staff book)
Bellasis, Tom (d. 1916) Bellasis, Lady Benton, Mrs Benton, Mr [no last name given] Beth (maid at Crawley House; never seen) [no last name given] Betty (maid at Dower House in S4; appears on screen in S6CS)
Bevan, Rita (S6E1, her fake name is "Ellen Gouse") [no last name given] Billy [also credited as "Race Stopwatch Man" in S6E7] [no last name given] Billy [mentioned by Mrs Hughes in S6E7, a hallboy maybe?] Bird, May (”Mrs” as she’s a cook) Family members mentioned: sister Blake, Mr Charles Blake, Sir Severus (Charles' father's cousin)
Bow, Mrs (lived in a cottage on the estate, the Bateses more than likely live in that same cottage now) Bramley (servant who wants to move the feeding pens and needed a decision, mentioned along with Cripps in scene seven in S1E3) Braithwaite, Miss Edna
Brocket, Mr (gardener at Downton Abbey, S1E4. Also mentioned in cut lines in S2E4) [S6E3 has a "Mr Brock" who cuts the flowers for the wedding. I assume that this is the same character]
Brand, Sergeant (works with Inspector Stanford) The Bransons of Cork (not related to Tom)
Branson, Kieran Branson, Lady Sybil Cora (née Crawley) (d. 1920) Branson, Miss Sybil "Sybbie" (b. 1920) Branson, Mr Tom Other family members also mentioned: Tom’s mother, Tom’s cousin in Boston, Tom's grandfather, other cousins (Bill [d. 1916], Nula, daughter of Nula)
Brennan, Mrs (Brancaster cook) Bricker, Simon Bromidge, Mr Bromidge, Mrs (mother of Mr. Bromidge)
Brook, Mr (The Bateses' tenant of their London house until S5E7) Brooks (Carlisle's valet) The Broughams  (friends of Violet's who vacation in Cannes) Bryant, Major Charles Bryant, Mrs Daphne Bryant, Mr Horace Bullock, Sir John [Bunting] Imogen (Sybil's friend; in the final version Sybil doesn't say her last name, but it's in the S2 script book) Bunting, Miss Sarah
Burns, Ivy (d. 1912) Burns, Joe Burns, Peter Burns, Mr (Rosamund's chauffeur in S4E1, no relation to the others) Burton, Major General B. (real commander of Division at Richmond, S1E7) Bute, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Grantham House housekeeper, S4CS. No longer employed by S5E8)
C Callender-Becketts (where Sir Anthony was going when he stopped by to invite Edith to the concert in York) Carlisle, Sir Richard Carlisle, Mr Mark Other family members also mentioned: Sir Richard’s mother (d.)
Carson, Mr Charles Ernest ("Charlie") [middle name from prop] Carson, Mrs Elsie May (née Hughes) (”Mrs” Hughes as housekeeper) [middle name from prop] Other family members also mentioned: Charles' dad (d.)  and grandad (d.); Elsie’s sister Becky Carter (partner in law firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Cartwright, Colonel (who had a place for Thomas as a medic in the Great War, S1E7) Cavendish, "Taxi" [While a real family from the time, Fellowes notes in the script book that this person's first name comes from a friend of his father]
Chamberlain, Neville (Minister of Health in 1925, later Prime Minister) Chamberlain, Anne de Vere Cole (real person, Neville's wife. Fictitiously, she is Robert's father's goddaughter) Anne de Vere Cole's father (who served with Robert's father in the Crimea War) Horace de Vere Cole (Anne de Vere Cole's brother)
Charkham, Mr (Reggie Swire's lawyer) Chetworth, Mrs (Sir Anthony's sister) Chirk, Mr (lives in a cottage on the estate, more than likely the Bateses’ neighbor) The Churchills Clark, Daniel Clark, Diana
Clarkson, Dr. Richard Cobb, Mrs (former tenant of the Carsons' cottage) Coates, Sir John (another doctor who examined Matthew after his war injury) Collins, Miss (Violet's S5 lady's maid, until S5E5) The Colthursts (guests invited to Robert's party) Colthurst, Kitty (friend of Rose's in S5E1, probably related to the above)
Coombs (This might be Edith's editor in S5E6 who appears on-screen for five seconds) Connaught, Duchess (Lady Reresby was her lady in waiting) (d.) Corville, Oliver Coulter (tenant farmer on the estate) Cox, Mr (former spice shop owner in Thirsk) Courtney, Lieutenant Edward (d. 1917) Courtney, Jack Coyle, Peter Craig Crane, (”Mrs” as she’s a housekeeper) (Duneagle housekeeper)
[Crawley] Cora, Countess of Grantham (née Levinson) Crawley, Lady Edith [see the Pelhams]  Crawley, George (b. 1921) Crawley, Mrs Isobel (née Turnbull) [see the Greys] Crawley, Mr James (d. 1912) Crawley, Lady Mary Josephine [see the Talbots] Crawley, Mr Matthew Reginald (Captain; Esq.) (d. 1921) [what is her official last name??] Marigold (b. 1923; see the Pelhams) Crawley, Mr Patrick (d. 1912) Crawley, Dr Reginald (d.) [Crawley] Robert, Earl of Grantham (Lord Lieutenant, Colonel) [Crawley] Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham Other family members also mentioned: Robert's father/Violet's husband (d.), Robert's grandmother/Violet's mother-in-law (d.), the 2nd Earl and his mother (d.), Violet's mother (d.), Cousin Freddie, Anne Gordon (Robert's great aunt), Roberta who loaded the guns at Lucknow, Mrs Vanneck (cousin of Violet), James's mother (whom of which Violet hated), Matthew's great-great-grandfather (who was the son of the 3rd earl), the 3rd earl built the abbey (d.), the 4th earl put together the library and also collected "horses and women" (d.), an aunt that was good at macramé For Cora’s relations see “Levinson”
Cripps (an employee of the estate mentioned twice in S1) Crowborough, Duke of, Philip Crump, "Old" (smithy in the next village who was working at the old Skelton Estate all week in S1E5) Cruikshank, Henry [father of Amelia] Cruikshank, Mrs [mother of Amelia] Cunard, Lady [And Lady Cunard's daughter] Curley, Mrs (owns a dress shop in Ripon) Curran (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners)
D Darnley, Sir John Other family members mentioned: Marian, Tom, Sir John's father (d.)
Daunt, Mr (Sinderby's valet) Davis (Matthew's soldier-servant, possibly d.) Davis, Bella (Rose's friend, helps with Russians; is only mentioned in final version of S5, but appeared on-screen in PBS version of S5E5) Dawes, Mr (Headmaster of the school S5-6) Delderfields (the people Cora met along with Evelyn Napier at the Doncaster Races; in a cut scene, they were Tom's former employers, and his father was a tenant there. This was cut I suppose because Tom's family still lives in Ireland instead) Denker, Miss Gladys Dent The Derbys (cut S3E4 lines, pg. 204. Must have been real and just had a baby in 1920) Dominic, Father (priest that baptizes Sybbie)
Dorrit, Mrs "Mrs. Flecter" (guest at Mrs Patmore’s B&B) Dorrit, Mr Drake, John Drake, Mrs Drax, Miss (one of the young girls who is Mary's bridesmaids, name is in cut line S3E1) Drewe, Mr Timothy "Tim" Drewe, Mrs Margie Drewe, Peter Drewe, Billy Other family members who appeared on screen: daughter of Margie and Tim Other family members mentioned: Tim’s father (d. 1922)
Drumgoole, Lord and Lady (Laura Dunsany), and their sons (do not seem to be real) Dudley Ward, Mrs Freda (real person) Duff-Gordon, Lady Lucy Christiana (dress designer of "Lucille"; a survivor of the Titanic) Dufferin, Lady Maureen (socialite, friend of the Crawleys) Durrant, Mr Dupper, Mrs (S2E8 cut lines) Dupper, Mrs Jill (S6E6 dinner guest of Evelyn's; my guess is a reused last name that didn't make it in before) Dupper, Mr (Husband of S6E6's Mrs Dupper; d. in WWI)  Dyer, General Reginald
E Edmunds, Miss Laura [no last name given] Ellen (maid at Crawley House) Elcot, Mrs. Elcot, Bob (d.) Elcot, Robbie Ellis, Lord (estate owner in Easingwold in S4) [no last name given] Ena (S5 scullery maid) [no last name given] Elsie (maid at the Stiles') Eltham, Lady (I believe this is a reference to the real Dorothy Isabel Westenra Hastings) Evans, Mr Walter (winner of an award at the flower show) Evans, Mr (man who makes headstones and plaques in S5)
F Fairclough (tenant, S4E2) Fairclough, Mr (on the hunt with Mary, S6E1. Unsure if this is a name reusual or the same character) Field, Mrs (Isobel's cook in S4E1) Finch, Mr (organizer of Fat Stock Show, S6E2) Fitzalan-Howard, Gwendolen, Duchess of Norfolk (real person and friend of Violet's; confirmed in S3 script book to be based on the real person) Frobisher (Mentioned by Murray S3E1, possibly one of his partners) Foyle, Anthony "Tony", Viscount of Gillingham Other family members mentioned: Johnny (Tony’s father), grandmama Fry, Roger (real life painter)
G Gannnon, Mrs (cut S3E1 lines, housekeeper at Easton Grange) Gaunt, Mrs (telephone operator) [no last name given] George (Grantham Arms bartender in S3CS) George, Marsha (friend of Rose's S5E5) George V, King Goldman, Dr T. Gordon, Major Peter ("Patrick") Gordon, Dr (a friend of Isobel's in Manchester, S1E2) [no relation] Graham, Adela (Peter Hexham's cousin and fiancee) Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta (real life Irish revolutionary) Graves, David (Credited as "Ripon Wedding Registrar", but his name is visible on the sign) Green, Mr Alex (d. 1922)
Gregson, Mr Michael (d. 1922) Gregson, Lizzie [no last name given] Gertie [S6 maid] [Grey] Richard "Dicky", Lord Merton [the CC has a 'y' for most episodes but S5E8-CS is 'ie'] [Grey] Ada, Lady Merton [Grey] Isobel, Lady Merton (née Crawley, Mrs. Isobel (née Turnbull)) Grey, Larry Grey, Amelia Mary (née Cruikshank) Grey, Tim Grigg, Mr Charles "Charlie"
H Harding, Mrs Gwen, (née Dawson)  Harding, Mr John Other family members mentioned: Gwen and John's children; Gwen’s parents
Harvell (a partner in the firm Matthew works at in Ripon) Haig, General Douglas (real person who later becomes a field marshal) Harriaby, Lord (S4CS first party guest) Harrowby, Lord (guest at first party in S4CS, friend of Madeline's father) Hays, Charles Melville (president of the Grand Trunk Railway that Robert invested in; he was real and d. on the Titanic) Henderson, Mrs.
Henderson, Mr Philip Henderson, Mrs (S6E1; this actress also appeared as an extra in S4CS; I don't believe that is this is earlier Mrs. Henderson) Other family members mentioned: Philip’s uncle
Hepworth, Lord "Jinks" Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.) Hewitt, Major Hexham, Lord, Peter (d. 1925) Hexham, Lord ("Old Lord Hexham") (d.)
Holmes, Major The Howards Howard, Lord (of Glossop) (S5E5 cocktail party guest; I assume related) Other family members mentioned: the late father of the current lord (d.)
I Ingleby, Lady (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Ingraham, Lady
J Jackson, Mr (probably the groundskeeper, S5CS) Jackson (Merton's chauffeur, S6CS) Jarvis, Mr Jefferson, Mrs (S4E3 party guest) Jellicoe, Admiral John, 1st Earl Jellicoe (real person in the Royal Navy, Blake and Tony served under him) Jenkins, A. (person who wrote to Gwen about the job in S1E5) Jervas, Lady (she offered Sir Anthony and Edith a bit to eat after the hungry hundreds concert in York) [no last name given] Jimmy (S1 postboy) [no last name given] John, Sir (S3E2 party guest) [no last name given] John (S3 hallboy)
K Kelder, Fraulein Kent (soldier in Matthew's unit, d.) [no relation to Jimmy's family that we know of] Kent, James "Jimmy" Other family members mentioned:  mother (d.), father (d.) Kerr, Ralph (officer in the Royal Navy; Mabel mentions a man by this name as a friend) Kuragin, Prince Igor Kuragin, Princess Irina
L Lane Fox, Lord Osweston (d.) Lane Fox, The Honourable Mabel (assuming that she did marry Tony as planned, Mabel would become Viscountess Gillingham) The Lanes (S2E8 cut lines; I am assuming Fellowes reused these names for S4) The Lane-Fox twins (S3E1 cut lines; the real life Lane-Foxes are Fellowes' neighbors. I think he reused their name for Mabel because the mention[s] got cut and still wanted a shout out to them. These would be two of the bridemaids in Mary and Matthew's wedding. There are two others, and one had a cut line in the rehearsal)
Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of York (that's his name historically, Violet calls him "Dr Lang" once) Lang, Mr. Henry [no relation] Lawson, Lady (she was mentioned in another episode outside of S5E5) Lawson, Sir Henry (S5E5 cocktail party guest) (the Lawsons are a local family apparently and get name dropped often)
Levinson, Mr Harold Levinson, Mr Isaiah (d. this could possibly be Isodore's original name, as it's from cut S1E2 dialogue. Or Isodore's father). Levinson, Mr Isodore (d.) Levinson, Mrs Martha Other family members mentioned: Cora's aunt
[no last name given] Lily (the only housemaid to be in all of the first five seasons, barring Anna who was promoted. She does not appear in S6) Lisbon, the Earl and Countess (guests at the dinner of Edith and Bertie's engagement dinner) [no last name given] Louise (guest at Rose's wedding reception) Lynch [no last name given] Lucy (works for Tufton) M MacClare, Lady Agatha [possibly a spinster or a widow] [MacClare] Hugh "Shrimpie", Marquis of Flintshire MacClare, The Honourable James [MacClare] Susan, Marquess of Flintshire Other family members mentioned: Annabel and her husband (Rose’s sister and brother-in-law; I believe her and her husband were cut from the S5E8, as they were cast for S5 per agency sites); Shrimpie’s sister Louisa, Countess of Newtonmore (Shrimpie's grandmother)
MacDonald, Vivian (male friend who is studying for the bar, S1E2)
Mead (Rosamund's butler) Other family members mentioned: sister
[no last name given] Madge (S3-5 housemaid who also dressed Edith and Rose in the later seasons; is noted in S6E1 to be leaving service) Maley (Violet's gardener S4) Mall, Mrs (Ivy's former employer, deleted S3E5 scene) Manville, Lady (S3E2 Party guest, S5E8 reception guest)
Margadale, Terence Margadale, Mrs (Terence's wife) Markievicz, Countess Constance Georgine (real life Irish revolutionary and politician) The Marlboroughs Marsh, Mr (tenant, seen from afar in S4E1) Martin, James Dillon (socialist candidate at the Ripon by-election in 1913, probably not a real person bases on Fellowes' note in the script book) Mary, Queen
Mason, Mr Albert [first name from Celebration book] Mason, Daisy (née Robinson) Mason, Mrs Mason, Private William Other family members mentioned: William's siblings who did not survive infancy
[no last name given] Mavis (no lines, Mrs. Bartlett's neighbor?) [no last name given] Mavis (S3E4 cut lines, another fallen woman) [no last name given] Maud (asked a questions at the hospital meeting in S6CS) McCree, Mr McKee, General McKidd, Ian "Dr Flecter" McNair, Lady Anne McVeigh, Mrs [no last name given] Meg [S3E5 cut lines, Crawley House maid] Melba, Dame Nellie (real life opera singer) [no last name given] Michael [S5-6: this is per one of the extras who plays a hallboy's Twitter, his name is never uttered in the show] Mexborough, Lord (whom the family has their meal with after the Malton show in S6E2) Minterne, Lord (attended James and Patrick's funeral) Moncriffe, Isabella (someone Sir John Bullock mentions in S4E3) Monk (Gregson's butler/servant/person)
Moorsum, Freddie Moorsum, Jane Other family members mentioned: Harry (Jane’s d. husband), Jane's mother [idk Jane's maiden name], Jane's four siblings
Morgan, Trevor Andrew (Liberal Candidate in Ripon By-Election 1913, not a real person) Molesley, Mr Joseph [his name was originally Alfred until S4 when confirmed as Joseph on-screen] Molesley, Mr William "Bill" Other family members mentioned: Joseph’s mother (d.) Molyneux, Edward (real life fashion designer; Cora has a fitting with him in S5E3) Moore, Mr (man at other house were Thomas interviews S6E2) Mountevans, Harry (sibling of Lady Anstruther and Lady Renton) Murray, Mr George 
N Napier, The Honourable Evelyn Napier, Viscount of Branksome (father of Evelyn) Other family members mentioned: Viscountess of Branksome (Evelyn’s mother) (d.) Neal, Alice (d.) Other family members mentioned: sister Nield, Mr The Northbrooks (family at who's conservatory Mary flirted with the Duke at) Nugent, Alfred Other family members mentioned: father (d. 1922), mother, sister See also the O’Briens
O O'Brien, Miss Sarah Other family members mentioned: sister (Alfred’s mother), and at least one brother (d.) See also the Nugents
The Olds (tenants, S4E2)
P Painswick, Mr. Marmaduke (d.) Painswick, Lady Rosamund Pamuk, Kemal (d. 1912) Parker, Andrew "Andy" Parks, Charles "Charlie" (probably goes by Charlie Bryant post S3?) Parks, Ethel
Patmore, Beryl (”Mrs” as she is a cook) Other family members who appear on screen: Lucy (Mrs Patmore's niece, her sister's daughter [which sister, we don’t know) Other family members mentioned: nephew Archie Philpots (d. 1916), sister Kate Philpots, another sister (d.), aunt (father’s sister) (d. 1924) and her husband (d.)
The Pascourts (friend of the Duchess of Yeovil) Pattinson, Mr (S4-5 Downton Abbey Librarian) [no last name given] Peter (S3-5 hallboy) Pegg, Mrs. (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, Greta (appeared in PBS' edit of UK episode of S4E4) Pegg, John
[Pelham, Mr] Bertie, the Marquess of Hexham [Pelham] Edith, Marchioness of Hexham (née Lady Edith Crawley) [middle name is 'Josephine' on a prop but that is also Mary's, which was actually uttered in S2] [Pelham?] Marigold [Edith probably changes her daughter’s name to "Pelham" when she marries Bertie] (b. 1923) Pelham, Mrs (mother of Bertie) Other family members mentioned: Bertie’s father (d.) See also the Hexhams
Portsmouth, Annabel (Mary's friend willing to cover for her with Tony) Potter, Mrs (Violet's S5-6 cook) Pratt
Primrose, Archibald, Earl of Rosebery (British socialite and Prime Minister Violet knew; d. 1895) Primrose, Hannah (née Rothschild), Countess of Rosebery (British socialite Violet knew; d. 1890) Pulbrook, Mr Clive ("Mr Pillbox" "Mr Pumpkin") (d. 1919)
R Rankin (soldier in Matthew's unit) (d.) Raven, Lady (S4E3 party guest) Radclyffe, Jane (S4CS) Derwentwater, the Countess of (I am assuming this is Jane's mother, she is presenting her in S4CS) Raycourt, Mr (Atticus' friend at his stag party) Raymond, Johnnie (someone Robert mentions in S5E1 as a general or colonel; I don't think he is real) Reed, Miss Renton, Lady (née Mountevans) (sister of Lady Anstruther) Reresby, Sir Michael (Dryden Park owner where Thomas looks for work - S6E3) Other family members mentioned: his wife Lady Reresby, two sons who d. in WWI Roberts, Mr (perfume seller in York) Robertson, General (I don't believe he's real) Rogers, Charlie (d. 1925) Rose, Mrs (nursed Sybbie) Ross, Jack Other family members mentioned: mother Rostov, Count Nicolai Rothes, Lucy (on the Titanic, survived in real life) The Russells (owners of Haxby when Carlisle wants to by it) Russell, Billy (d.) Ryder, Dr
S Salter, Mr (owner of the pub Bates went to in S4E8; mentioned in S5CS) Sampson, Terence Savident, Lord (whose valet Thomas wrote to about Pamuk and Mary which is what starts the rumors S1E5) The Scrupts  [CC says Scroops] Semphill Girls (one of whom Evelyn Napier was engaged to in S1) Shackleton, Lady Prudence Shackleton, Lord  Hubert (Prudence's husband) (d.) Shackleton, Lord Philip (Prudence's son) Shackleton [Philip's wife] See also the Talbots Sheffield, Billy Other family members mentioned: son The Schroders [Swiss family who adopted Edith's daughter at first] Shore, Miss Marigold Shortt, Edward (real life Home Secretary from 1919-1922) Shute, Basil Skinner, Mr (Edith's editor in S6) Skelton, Billy (Appears to be neighbor of the Crawleys, at Skelton Park) Simmons, Miss (Violet's lady’s maid who left her to get married) Simpson (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Slade, Mr Ethan Smiley, Captain
Smithers (Violet's S3E1 lady's maid) Smithers (Tenant at Oakfield farm in S5E1) The Southesks (attends of Sybil's funeral; could technically be the people leaving the house in the beginning of S3E6; named after Fellowes' friends) Spenlow, Agatha (Cora's friend in Malton)
Spratt, Mr Septimus ("Cassandra Jones") Other family members mentioned: niece of Spratt, niece’s husband; (Spratt's brother or brother-in-law is d.), nephew See also the Sterns
Stark (Chauffeur S3CS-S5CS) Stanford, Inspector Stapley, Mr (a veterinarian it seems) Stapley, Mrs   Stephen (A Downton groom in S5E6) Stephens, Sergeant Stern, Mrs (Sister of Spratt) Stern, Wally (nephew of Spratt) Stewart, Mrs (family friend) Stiles, Sir Mark Stiles, Lady Stowell, Mr Strachey, Lytton [mentioned in S6E1 as having attended one of Gregson's parties] Strallan, Sir Anthony Phillip Strallan, Lady Maud (d. 1911) Strutt, General Sir Herbert Stuart, Ivy Stuart, Mrs (family friend who lives in Malton, not related to Ivy) Suter, Eugene (real hair stylist) Swann, Madame (Sybil's seamstress) Sweden, King of (knew Violet's husband)
Swire, Mrs Anne (from the script book) (d.) Swire, Jonathan Swire, Lavinia Catherine (d. 1919) Swire, Mr. Reginald "Reggie" (was at Lavinia's funeral but had no lines; d. 1919) Other family members mentioned: Cousin Binny (S2E8 cut lines) Sykes, Sir Mark (S2E8 cut lines)
T Talbot, Henry Talbot, Lady Mary Josephine (née Crawley) [note that upon marrying Henry, she'd probably change her name to "Lady Mary Talbot" but she is never referred to as such in S6CS] Other family members mentioned: Henry’s mother/Lady Shackleton’s sister, Henry's uncle the bishop See also the Shackletons
Tapsell, Sir Phillip Taylor Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. (a tenant at the S4E1 luncheon, no relation) The Tenbys Thawley, Sam Thompson (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Thompson (doctor that performs abortions - at least that's the name on the bell) Tonkins, Mrs (Sir Michael Reresby's housekeeper)
The Townsends Townsend, Miss (the young daughter who is one of Mary's bridesmaids, cut line S3E1)
Travis, Reverend Albert Trent (tenant mentioned in S4E1) Trewin, Mr (schoolteacher who Molesley takes over for) Trader (from S3E1 cut Dublin scene) The Tripps (family that live in a cottage on the estate, neighbors to the Bateses) Truro, Duchess of and her three daughters (doesn't seem to be real) Tucker (tenant farmer? Mentioned S3E8) Tufton, Jos
Turnbull, Dr Edward Turnbull, Sir John (d.) [this is Isobel’s brother and father per the S1 script book] Other family mentioned: Isobel’s cousin Turner, Mr.
V Vane-Tempest-Stewart, Lady Edith, Marchioness of Londonderry [always referred to as Lady Londonderry, real person] Vyner, Inspector (S5 inspector)
W Wakefield (soldier in Matthew's unit, possibly dead) Wales, Prince of (became Edward VIII, was David back then) Ward MP, John (real person) Warrick, Lady (also "The Warricks") Watson, Mr (valet before Bates; name from cut lines S1E1) Watson, Mrs  [no relation] Wavell, Mr (seen from a distance) Weaver [Lady A's chauffeur] West, Nanny
Wigan, Mrs (appears in S1 and S4 as "Postmaster's wife"; gained a name in S5) Wigan, Mr (credited in S1E1's one scene as "Postmaster")
Wilhelm, Kaiser (Sir Anthony met him) Willis, Sgt. (S5 & 6 policeman) Wilson, Lady Sarah (née Churchill) (real life female war correspondent) Wimborne, Lady Woolf, Virgina (real life author) Woolton, the Earl and Countess of (S5E5 cocktail party guest) Wren, Lady Wright, Corporal (soldier in Matthew's unit, probably d.) Wurkett, Ted (soldier who first comes to Crawley house, name is from the script book) Y Yardley, Mrs (the cook when Robert was a kid) Yeovil, Duchess of Yeovil, Duke of (d.)
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avengerstvshow · 5 years ago
Changes/Bonus Material
I decided to make a few changes and add some bonus material.
1. Throughout Season 1, the Hulk material builds as teasers and stingers.  I used a lot of deleted scenes to help to build suspense for the Hulk’s eventual reveal, using the perspective of those around Bruce without ever showing Bruce himself, to avoid dealing with the casting change.  My favorite addition was the stinger to S1E1, where we see Bruce in the arctic and his suicide attempt, along with brief glimpses of the pain and longing that have driven him there.  I also LOVE the deleted/extended scenes with General Ross; they’re beautifully written.  I think these scenes were deleted for fear of slowing the film down too much, but to me, allowing the characters to wax poetical about their world-views is so compelling that I just had to include them.
2. In S1E3, I cut the entire third act of Iron Man.  This was a very radical change, but I made it for a good reason.  Most origin stories pit the hero against a darker version of himself.  While this was very clear with Iron Monger in Iron Man 1, this trope was basically repeated with Whiplash in Iron Man 2.  Although the plot of Iron Man 2 was very crowded and did not give Whiplash his due, given how intertwined the plot lines were, and how the struggle to outsmart Whiplash is so instrumental in driving Tony to delve into his father’s past, I felt that it was more important to set him up as his first major villain.  My hope is that the confrontation with the terrorists will suffice as Iron Man’s first victory, given the series format.
3. In S1E5-6, I added a few deleted scenes.  After the Thor prologue as the teaser, I chose to begin the episode with the deleted scene of Thor & Loki talking before his coronation; I felt that it was important to establish the adult versions of these characters as brothers before the plot continued.  I also added the extended conversation between Loki & Frigga at Odin’s bedside, as well as Loki’s coronation.  The original ordering of the dialogue really seemed to flow much more smoothly, and to end it with the actual coronation moment gave Loki a bit more of a bridge from scheming brother to power-hungry tyrant.  The brief conflict in Tom Hiddleston’s performance is breathtaking.
4. In S1E7-9, I added a few Cap deleted scenes.  The first is his extended introduction to the present day.  While this scene was unfinished, and the final product isn’t perfect, I felt that the extended dialogue between Cap and Nick Fury was important, as this scene now takes place later in the series.  I also added the extended Cap sequences dealing with the present day, including much of his interactions with the waitress/saving her in the Battle of New York.  While these scenes slowed the pacing in the film, I personally felt that we could use the character development for Cap here; his struggle to adjust to modern life, while expounded upon in Winter Soldier, needed more time to really sit with the viewer, as this was the season finale.  I also loved how the waitress provided an everyman perspective and connection for the Avengers as a whole, with her “thank you” line at the end becoming a great payoff.
5. In S2E1-3, I used the brilliant “TDW: Hard Forged Edition” fan edit as my base for the Thor arc.  This edit includes masterfully integrated deleted scenes that really flesh out the characters and soften some of the edges around the writing.  A few of my favorite moments are Thor and Frigga’s brief interaction in the first act, and Thor and Jane’s interaction before her arrest in Episode 2.
However, I did add one moment myself.  This fan edit moved the prologue from the beginning of the film to Odin’s discussion of the dark elves with Thor and Jane in the library (Episode 1).  To drive home the theme of this season (dealing with demons), I reinserted an unused moment from the prologue.  After Thor reminds Odin that he was told that the Aether was destroyed, we see a quick flashback from Odin where his father says to bury it where no one will ever find it.  It’s really this decision from Thor’s grandfather that allows the Aether to reemerge during the Convergence in the first place, so I felt that it was important to clarify that moment as the original sin; Thor is now dealing with the consequences of that decision.
6. In S2E2, I added some Iron Man 3 deleted scenes involving EJ, the kid who bullies Harley.  I’m still going back and forth on this one.  I decided to include this scene for two reasons.  First, it directly compares Harley with Tony, facing their personal bullies.  Second, at the end of the extended sequence, Harley literally saves Tony’s life, giving more weight to their relationship and actual reason for Harley to say “I saved your life.”
7. In S2E3, I added in part of the alternate ending for Thor: The Dark World, found on the Infinity Saga Box Set bonus disc.  Originally, this ending included  scene with Odin on Earth and Thor taking his place as King of Asgard.  However, to keep with continuity, I selected the middle part of this scene: when Jane breaks up with Thor.  I added this conversation in for a couple of reasons.  First, the dialogue is quite good, given the journey they’ve been on in this film, and since we never got any kind of heart to heart between the couple in the theatrical cut, I felt it was needed to give their relationship arc some closure.  Second, I felt that it was important to set up Jane’s reasons for eventually actually breaking up with Thor, as it’s kind of shrugged off in Ragnarok.  Following this scene, I continued with the theatrical ending of Thor giving up the throne.  Even though it contradicts the conversation between Thor and Jane, in my head canon, Thor sees Jane’s reasons and at first, he agrees to go to Asgard.  However, when he is in front of his father, he realizes that being king isn’t who he is anymore.  He doesn’t know where his future will lead, but he chooses Jane in that moment.  To me, it seemed natural, and it adds layers to Thor’s journey at this point in the series.  The episode is then capped off with his implied return to Earth.
Also in this episode, I added the deleted scene where Maya Hansen sends the AIM data to Tony and is killed via the Extremis plant.  To be honest, I felt this scene should have been in the movie.  It gave more weight to Maya’s character arc and provided an ironic death; the very thing she worked so hard on took her life.
8. In S2E4-5, I used Bobson Dugnutt’s “WS: Defrosted Edition” as my base, adding in many of the deleted scenes from CA: Winter Soldier.  To me, these scenes fleshed out important moments for these characters that better set them up for the future.
9. In S2E6-7, I used several fan edits as sources in order to add in several deleted scenes from the film to slow down the frantic pacing and to better set up future plot points.  This includes Thor’s vision in the cave, to which I also made a subtle change to briefly include Thanos himself; this marks Thanos’ only appearance in Season 2 after the brief stinger in Season 1, and I felt it was important to establish him as a looming threat.  The power stone is also deleted from this moment, as it has not yet been introduced in the series.  I also added some moments for Bruce Banner’s vision before he goes on his rampage to tie him back to his origins in Season 1, and I cut most of Black Widow’s relationship moments with him, especially “the sun’s getting real low” stuff.  My goal was to make their relationship much more subtle and to distinguish it from Bruce’s relationship with Betty.
However, I did decide to include their interaction in the bedroom at Hawkeye’s farm.  I decided this scene was merited; in my head canon, Black Widow is shaken by her vision, so she reaches out to this other member of the team she’s slowly been connecting with in a moment of weakness/loneliness/desire.  I also really struggled because of the controversy around Black Widow’s “monster” line.  I eventually came to the conclusion that she’s referring to herself as a monster not because she can no longer have kids, but because she’s been mutilated so she can be a better killer.  To her, that’s monstrous.  While I do think the scene could have made that clearer, I really appreciated the sentiment she’s conveying here, so I chose to leave it in.  
One final change I made with BW/Hulk: I re-edited the BW rescue scene so there’s no longer a kiss/push to make Bruce transform into the Hulk.  I wanted to give Bruce as much control over his changing as possible so it was easier to track is growth since his origins and set his rage transformation from Scarlet Witch’s vision apart.  In the theatrical cut, it’s implied that BW broke trust with Bruce because she needed Hulk.  Now, Hulk decides to leave in the end because he can no longer trust Bruce; Bruce views Hulk as a monster and wants him out.  Hulk doesn’t trust Black Widow to accept him either, as she hates the monster within herself, so she’s just like Bruce.  In my head canon, when Hulk reaches out to touch Black Widow’s face on the screen, that’s Bruce, but then Hulk claims control, shuts off the screen, and sets out into space.
10. In S3E3, I added a brief deleted scene where Janet Van Dyne explains to Hank that the Quantum Realm was more complex than they imagined.  I added this because I have a feeling the Quantum Realm will continue to play a larger role in future MCU plans, so I wanted to set up its importance a bit better.
11. In S3E8, I added the alternate ending for Doctor Strange, also found on the Infinity Saga Box Set bonus disc.  Thanks to fan editor Bobson Dugnutt for his splendid reasoning in going with this ending.  Since this film is centered around Doctor Strange, it made perfect sense to me that the final scene should come full circle, playing on Doctor Strange’s love of music and his playful relationship with Wong.  To me, this is a much more character-centric ending.  I moved the the theatrical ending to S3E10 as a stinger scene to emphasize the importance of the time stone.
12. In S4E1-2, I restructured Captain Marvel just a bit so that the audience discovers more about Carol’s identity with her.  I moved most of her scenes pre-Earth to a brief flashback sequence.  I also added a deleted scene where Yon-Rogg talks to the Supreme Intelligence in his own image.  I felt that this was crucial to really SHOW, not TELL, how the Supreme Intelligence appears to the Kree.  It also really adds some much-needed depth to Yon-Rogg.
13. In S4E3-6, I pruned some of the jokes/gags in both Guardians 2 and Thor: Ragnarok, just to space out the laugh moments and allow the scenes to breathe a bit more.  I also had to edit around the “sun’s getting real low” gag, since I cut it in Season 2.
14. In S4E7, I chose to introduce the episode in the teaser with the Guardians’ perspective, when they first come upon the Asgardian shipwreck.  This was mainly because we have been following the Guardians more consistently than Thor since last seasons’ finale.
15. Finally, in S4E10, I chose to include a small portion of Black Widow’s alternate death scene, specifically, a small piece of dialogue at the beginning of their conversation.  Fact: this scene is one of many Endgame Deleted scenes that are exclusive to Disney Plus, so I had to use a number of methods to obtain HD footage.  Unfortunately, the audio isn’t amazing, but it’s the best I could get.  The reason I chose to use this opening bit of dialogue was because I felt it established very quickly the logic of Black Widow’s thinking.  I felt like the conversation would flow more naturally from intellectual reason to their love for each other.  
The reason I chose to stick with her theatrical death is because the creators chose to make that change, and I agree that maximum emotional impact is driving from character rather than plot.  I feel like even though the scene has its problems, it’s the closest we have to this beautifully tragic scene that Black Widow deserved.
0 notes
angel-princess-anna · 7 years ago
Downton Abbey Filming Locations
This is somewhat complete list of the DA filming locations from S1-6. Some of this information comes from the various companion books (or was later confirmed by them), and some is from the info we got via social media as they were filming it.
Hoping that the cut/read more/’Keeping Reading” works on mobile, because this is a long list! 
Appearing in multiple series:
- Highclere Castle: Downton Abbey + the courtyard, the stables, cottages exteriors (including the Bateses'), cricket pitch  - Ealing Studios in London: servants' hall, kitchen, etc.; various interiors - Bampton, Oxfordshire: Downton village exterior shots. The Grantham Arms, Duck and Dog, Mrs Patmore's B&B exterior - Church Gate House, Bampton: Crawley House (exterior) - Hall Place, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire: Crawley House (interior) - Ham House in Surrey: Crawley House (kitchen) - Bampton Library: Downton Cottage Hospital (exterior but also interior in S6) - St. Mary's, Bampton: St. Michael's and Downton church cemetery - Byfleet Manor: Dower House - Horsted-Keynes Station, owned by the Blueway Railway in Sussex: Downton Station [used in A LOT of other period dramas] - West Wycombe Park: Rosamund's house interior 
First Appearing in Series 1
- St. James Park, London (playing itself in S1E7, S5E8) - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Duke of York Barracks (S1E7)
First Appearing in Series 2
- Akenham, Suffolk, reenactment fields owned by Taff Gillingham: Battle scenes in France - Old Forge, Shilton: The Red Lion (S2E3) - Waddesdon Manor, Waddesdon, Aylesbury: Haxby Park (S2E6) - The Swan Inn, Swinbrook: The inn where Tom and Sybil went (S2E7) - Crown Court, Surrey County Hall, Surrey: York Courthouse (S2CS, S6E5) - Stocker's Farm House, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire: Mr Mason's farm (before moving to Yew Tree) (interior) - Colstrope Farm, Buckinghamshire: Mr Mason's farm (before moving to Yew Tree (exterior) - Hall Barn, Buckinghampshire: Loxley
First Appearing in Series 3
- Lincoln Castle, Lincoln, Lincolnshire: York Prison (S3 prison scenes) - Grey's Court, Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thames: Eryholme a.k.a. Downton Place (S3E3) - Rules Restaurant, Covent Garden (played itself in S3E7, S5E8, S6E3) - Inveraray Castle, Argyll: Duneagle Castle and estate (S3CS) - Wrotham Park: a few interiors in Duneagle Castle [the room Anna practices in, the billiards room] (S3CS)
First Appearing in Series 4
- St. Pancras Station (S4E1) - Cogges Manor Farm (a living history museum depicting rural life in Oxfordshire): Farmland, Yew Tree Farm (S4-S6) - Criterion Restaurant, Piccadilly (played itself in S4E1; S6E6) - Cheptow Villas: Gregson's flat (S4; in S6 they were at Ealing) - Lincoln Inn Fields: Outdoor London Scenes (S4) - The Tarred Yarn Store, Historic Docks, Chatham, Kent: The workhouse were Mrs Hughes finds Grigg (S4E1) - Historic Docks, Chatham, Kent: Outdoor York scene and exterior of dance hall (S4E2) - Hoxton Hall, Hackney, London: interior of dance hall in York (S4E2) - The Savile Club, Mayfair, London: The Lotus Club (S4E4) - The Langdon Down Museum: Kitchen of the Ritz (S4E5)  - York House, Twickenham: Interior of the Netherby Hotel and Restaurant, Thirsk (S4E6) - Hambledon Farm: The pig barn on the Downton estate (S4E7) - Syon House, the London home of the Duke of Northumberland: Restaurant (S4E8) - Cleveland Row, London: Grantham House (exterior) (S4CS, S5E8) - Basildon Park, Berkshire: Grantham House (interior) (S4CS, S5E8); Hyde Park (S4CS) - Royal Holloway: Gallery was used for art gallery with the Summer Exhibition (S4CS) - Embassy Night Club: playing itself (S4CS) - Lancaster House: Buckingham Palace (S4CS) - Goldsmith's College: Buckingham Palace (S4CS; I think the reception part?) - Kensington Gardens: the picnic at Albert Memorial (S4CS) - West Wittering Beach, Sussex: Brighton Beach (S4CS)
First Appearing in Series 5
- Burghclere: Schoolhouse (S5, S6) - Kingston Bagerprize House, Vale of the White Horse, Wiltshire: Cavenham Park (Lord Merton's house) (S5E2, S6) - Corinthia Hotel London: Grand Hotel in Liverpool (S5E2,3) - National Gallery in London (playing itself in S5E3) - The Strand Palace Hotel, London (or the above is the Strand area of London): Tony's apartment in Albany (S5E4) - Peter Pan statue at Kensington Gardens: Playing itself (S5E4) - St. Marylebone Parish Church, London: St. Mary Magdelene's in York (S5E5) - Simpson's-in-the-Strand: Restaurant playing itself (S5E5) - 2 Temple Place: Craxton Hall Registry Office (S5E8) - Alnwick Castle, Northumblerand (and Hulne Park, the surrounding land): An exterior shot was used for the exterior of the women's prison in York (S5CS); Exterior and interior used for Brancaster Castle, the grounds as well (S5CS); shops in Thirsk (S6E8) - St. Mary's, Charlbury (in the Cotswolds): The area near where Carson and Mrs Hughes look at houses (S5CS) - The Duchess High School, Bailiffgate, Northumberland: The Crown and Anchor pub in York (S5CS)
First Appearing in Series 6
- Ditchley Park near Charlbury, in Oxfordshire: Mallerton House (S6E1) - Lincoln Inn Fields, in near Wildy & Sons bookshop: Exterior of The Sketch offices (S6, S6E3 in particular) - Lacock, Wiltshire: Malton Market (S6E2) - Royal Automobile Club: I believe playing itself (S6E4) - Hampton Court Palace: Playing itself, basically, or just as a park (S6E5) - Thorney Island, Chichester: Catterick (S6E5, where they were testing cars) - Brooklands Museum: Brooklands Race Track, crowd scenes, the stands, and starting area, anything with signage (S6E7) - Goodwood Racerway: Brooklands Race Track; the main track the race happens on, and the crash site (S6E7) - Beamish Transport Museum: Talbot & Branson Motors
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