rachelkaser · 1 year
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Gilded Lily
A wealthy older man has a whirlwind romance in Vegas, only to be blackmailed with his new wife’s criminal past. He’s accused of killing the blackmailer and confesses to protect his wife. Perry Mason sees through the ruse, but the only lead is a blonde woman -- and several suspects, including the wife and the man’s two secretaries, are blondes.
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*Trigger warning: This episode depicts an attempted suicide, and some readers may find this disturbing. If you or anyone you know is suicidal, please call emergency services or the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.*
Who’s Who
Perry Mason’s client: Charles Steward Brent, the owner of Perry’s building who confesses to murder to protect his wife, about whom he knows little
The victim: Arthur Binney, a blackmailer who knew too much about the life of the new Mrs. Brent . . . and has a female accomplice
Suspects: Anne Rowan Brent, Brent’s wife of only a month, who apparently committed insurance fraud and spent a year in jail Enid Griffin, Brent’s secretary, who has gotten overly attached to him since his first wife’s death and who isn’t pleased by Anne’s intrusion Harry Mitchell, the proprietor of the motel where the murder took place, who (maybe) unwittingly led Brent into an ambush Sheila Bowers, Brent’s stenographer and Enid’s roommate who interrupts the latter’s suicide attempt
The Setup
Sheila Bowers sits down to read the paper and smiles at story about a man named Charles Stewart Brent marrying a woman named Anne Rowan in Las Vegas. She checks on her roommate, Enid Griffin, and sees her out cold on the ground next to a picture of Brent and the same edition of the paper. Sheila frantically calls for help as she picks up an empty bottle of sleeping pills. Later, a doctor says Enid will be alright, but she got lucky. He rather presumptuously asks about the man Enid tried to off herself over, but Sheila makes an excuse. Later, Sheila tries to talk some sense into Enid -- the newly wedded Brent is the boss of both women, but Enid has become overly attached to him. She mutters that his new wife must have trapped him and she won’t give up.
Later, Brent arrives at the Brent Building -- also the site of Perry Mason’s office -- and encounters the lawyer himself in the lobby. Perry congratulates Brent, who invites him to a party so he can meet Anne. Perry passes a dubious-looking man on the way out. Brent arrives in his office and Sheila (a stenographer) also congratulates him. As he goes into his private office, Sheila greets the stranger, who introduces himself as Arthur Binney. Meanwhile, Enid enters the office and seethes as Brent gushes over his wife Anne’s picture. She tells him about Binney, who wants to see him about Mrs. Brent, and covertly switches on the intercom. Brent tells her to send Binney in.
Binney enters and makes a pitch to Brent, handing him a copy of Expose magazine and saying he wants to include Anne Brent in a series of articles about wives of prominent people -- and to explain why, he hands Brent her rap sheet, complete with mugshots and prints. Brent immediately catches on that he’s being blackmailed. Anne apparently committed insurance fraud by pawning insured jewelry and reporting it stolen. Binney demands $30,000 and gives Brent a week to think it over. Enid listens in on the intercom, which Brent notices. He buzzes Enid and tells her to contact Paul Drake’s office.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
Later, during a consultation, Paul asks Brent why he doesn’t just ask Anne. Brent says he’s known his wife for two weeks and doesn’t know much about her, but he’s in love with her and doesn’t want to scare her off. Paul wants to get her fingerprints, and Brent asks him to attend the same party to which he invited Perry. He asks Paul to keep it quiet and Paul agrees, but advises Brent to see a lawyer. Cut to the party in question, where Brent introduces the beguiling Anne to Perry and Della. When Anne passes by Enid, the latter makes a snide remark about the first Mrs. Brent.
Anne tries to make friends with Enid, saying Brent talks her up and she would like to get to know the secretary better, which Enid placidly goes along with. Della notes the interaction, then notices Paul. Anne lights a cigarette for Enid (the latter notes Anne is missing an earring) and Paul covertly pockets the match holder, to Perry and Della’s surprise. Brent asks Perry and Della into another room to show them the wedding present -- it’s a small piano. But Perry accurately guesses that Brent’s got an ulterior motive. Brent says a “friend” of his is being blackmailed by a scandal magazine. Perry says to go to the police, because any scandal from the blackmail material will likely happen regardless.
Later, Paul meets Brent in his office. It’s bad news: Anne really was convicted, under the name Anne King, six years previously. She served a year in prison. Paul apologizes and leaves. Brent begins piling money into a briefcase and also adds a small handgun from his desk drawer. At that moment, Binney calls and asks about Brent’s decision. Brent agrees to pay, and Binney says to go to the Valley Motel and register for a unit under the name Thomas Walsh. Binney hangs up and tells a female accomplice, whose face is hidden, to leave the unit they’re in and he’ll call her when he gets the cash. She leaves, dropping a towel.
The Murder
Brent arrives at the motel, and the proprietor, Harry Mitchell, says they have a reservation for “Walsh” and asks about a drive from San Francisco while giving him the key to Unit 8, which adjoins Unit 9, and babbling away while Brent walks out. Brent enters Unit 8 as Binney scurries in from Unit 9 and hides behind the door. Before Brent sees him, Binney bops him on the head, grabs the money from the briefcase (chuckling at the sight of the gun) and goes into the bedroom of Unit 9. Some time later, Brent stirs and stumbles into the bathroom. He discovers his gun, wrapped in a towel with a lipstick stain and scorched hole through it. The phone in Unit 9 rings and Brent enters to see the body of Arthur Binney laying on the floor.
Brent checks the body and discovers a beautiful earring next to it . . . the same one his wife lost at the party. Mitchell calls for Binney and enters to discover Brent standing over the body. Cut to Tragg interrogating Brent about the gun and registering under a fake name. Brent confesses on the spot and offers to sign a statement at headquarters. The police take Brent away, and Tragg gets a call from Hamilton Burger. As the police are distracted, Brent stuffs the earring into the seat cushions of the police car. Later, at their home, Anne is telling Perry that Brent couldn’t have killed Binney -- she can’t even think of a motive. Perry, who’s already spoken with Brent, says Brent’s story is Binney had proof of him being in a hit-and-run eight months previously.
Anne says Brent still wouldn’t kill him and would have just paid him off, but Perry says Brent refused. And besides, there was no money in the hotel room. But Perry reveals he doesn’t believe it either, and thinks Brent is shielding someone -- and also that Binney was blackmailing in both directions. Anne caves and admits that Binney was blackmailing her, and that the insurance fraud charge was true. She paid him off with her diamond earrings, but she didn’t go to the motel that night. Enid arrives, upset, and she and Anne have a bonding moment as Perry assures them both he’ll do everything he can for Brent.
The Investigation
In jail, Brent is furious to hear that Binney was also blackmailing Anne. Perry says Brent must have had some inkling, as protecting his wife is the only reason Perry can think of for him to confess to the murder. Brent tells Perry about being hit from behind and finding the earring. He tells Perry where he hid it. He says that Enid can show that he withdrew the payoff money. Perry cautions him against lying further. Back in Perry’s office, Paul tells him that Binney has made a career, at least in the last six months, of scamming people with the fake scandal sheets. There’s no record of the “partner” he mentioned to Brent.
Della announces Enid as Paul leaves. Enid produces the bank book proving she withdrew $30,000 for Brent before the murder. She also asks about the towel Brent hid in the police car -- Brent told her about it when she visited him in jail -- and tells Perry to find it before the police do. Perry tells her that it’s evidence and thus needs to be properly retrieved by the police, but Enid gets angry and storms out with the bank book. Later, in the police parking garage, the attendant says a blonde woman claiming to have been his niece wanted to leave a birthday gift in his car. The attendant didn’t allow her to. Tragg checks the car and discovers the towel.
Meanwhile, Perry and Della are going over the hotel room with Mitchell, who points out the bullet hole low on the wall where the police fished out a bullet. Mitchell says Binney had lived in the unit for months, and he frequently had a blonde visitor. Perry asks him why he went to the room, and Mitchell says that Binney got calls every day from an anonymous woman, and he (Mitchell) became concerned when Binney didn’t answer this time. He didn’t hear a shot.
In Sheila and Enid’s apartment, Enid says she’s going to check on Mrs. Brent, which Sheila finds amusing. Perry arrives and Sheila excuses herself. Perry says Brent’s case isn’t looking too good and they might need to focus on finding another culprit. He asks what Enid thinks of Anne, and Enid says she’s a nice person -- Perry catches her in a lie about overhearing Binney on the intercom, but Enid claims she didn’t believe it. Perry thanks her and leaves. Later that night, Perry gets an anonymous call from a woman, who tells him about Enid’s suicide attempt and suggests there’s a connection.
The Trial
Burger gives his opening statement to the jury, while Mason reserves his for after the prosecution rests. Burger calls Enid as his first witness. She confirms the briefcase found in the room is Brent’s. Burger gets her to admit she overheard the conversation between Binney and Brent via the intercom. On cross, Mason asks her about withdrawing the money, which Enid confirms. He tries to ask what she could infer from that, but Burger objects. On redirect, Burger asks her if she knew whether Brent took the money to the motel room -- he could have withdrawn it as an alibi.
Next, Tragg testifies about the layout of the adjoining units. Burger asks him about the course of the fatal bullet and Tragg says the shooter was at least 10 feet away from the victim based on the shot track. They’ve judged that the shot was fired from the door connecting the two units. Burger also introduces the towel and earring into evidence, which makes Brent flinch. Tragg testifies about finding the towel and that Brent purchased the earring, and that Brent rode in his car on the night of the murder
On cross, Mason asks whether Tragg found the earring’s mate in the hotel room -- he didn’t. He also asks about the interval between when Brent was brought to headquarters and when Tragg found the earring, which was 48 hours, and whether the evidence could have been planted in the car during that time. Tragg says it’s possible, but not likely. Next Mason asks about the gun and why no one heard the shot. Tragg says a silencer may have been used, though he didn’t find any such device in the motel room.
Burger next calls Dr. Otto Cortley, a forensic expert witness. He shows Dr. Cortley the towel, which the doc has analyzed. Dr. Cortley testifies about the towel and its traces of a lipstick stain, and then says the towel has been used as a silencer based on the scorched hole. On cross, Mason asks Cortley if he can identify the lipstick: He can, right down to brand and shade name. There were also human hairs on the towel, which came from a woman with bottle blonde dye job. Perry, Burger, and Brent look over at the three platinum blonde women in the gallery -- Sheila, Enid, and Anne. Next, Mason asks about the shot track, which Cortley admits could be off by as much as four or five feet.
After court adjourns for the day, Perry consults with Paul, who confirms the tip about Enid’s attempted suicide. He also produces headshots of all three women in this case. Perry tells him to send copies of all three to his contact in Seattle and ask if any of the women did time eight years ago -- they know Anne did, but just to check. Next he asks Paul to take the pictures to Mitchell at the motel and ask him to look. One of them may have visited Binney in his motel room . . .
In Summation
I hope everyone will forgive the slight change in format, but I thought it was necessary this time to include a trigger warning. It hadn’t occurred to me before, but this episode made it very clear to me that it’s necessary. I think anyone reading a Perry Mason blog post can safely assume they’re going to read about murder, but they deserve some warning before encountering other, potentially disturbing topics. I apologize for not including any before now, and will go back and add them to past posts where I feel necessary.
That aside, this is one of those Perry Mason cases where I can’t 
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teachmesentai · 1 year
A legend carried on the wind. A mysterious group of warriors. Powerful, capable, down to hang with some eligible teens. It's the Angel Grove MILFs and Natalie and John are going to tell you all about them. This episode covers Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episodes 48-52. Also Tommy is back. Featuring blackmail, too much Goldar, a food fight, Jason David Frank's unparalleled Power Rangers excellence, and more karate tournaments.
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Art by Eavon14
Music by Christopher Bridgmon
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milton-dammers · 18 days
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The Twilight Zone S01E34 (2003) Harry Radditch
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save-the-data · 3 months
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The Untamed | S01E34
Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | Netflix | WeTV  Prime | Catalogue
Native Title: #陈情令
A: "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" (魔道祖师) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (墨香铜臭).
Genres: #Wuxia #Mystery #Fantasy 
Tags: #Partners in Crime #Censored Romance #The Founder of Diabolism #The Untamed #Censored Adaptation of Same-sex Original Work
Cast:  #Xiao Zhan #Wang Yi Bo #Wang Zhuo Cheng #Liu Hai Kuan #Zhu Zan Jin #Yu Bin #Wang Hao Xuan
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rampldgifs · 2 years
COMMISSIONED !  click the source for 1020 gifs of JULIA DALAVIA from PANTANAL S01E34-59(2022). she is brazilian. please note that i do not approve of the 5+/- age rule. these were made from scratch and more will be added at my leisure, so please don’t edit, repost or claim as your own or i will eat you. tag me if you’re posting edited gif icons for public use.  enjoy !
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love-me-some-mcog · 5 months
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S01E34
Time to wake up and post the gifs
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deadsince1973 · 2 years
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Shoutout to this little bubble, who's just chilling in their little bubble house, with their little poster of bubble Inuyasha and bubble Kagome on the wall, and their little bubble replica of Tetsusaiga mounted on the wall behind them :3
(We Baby Bears S01E34 "Bubble Fields")
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roguespodcast · 2 years
For a full transcript, check out our RSS site!
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celebglimpse · 8 months
Tales of Hidden Adventures In California: S01E34
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timelesstimesgoneby · 9 months
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Season 1
disc 1
S01E01 Matt Gets It 1950
S01E02 Hot Spell 1950
S01E03 Word of Honor 1950
S01E04 Home Surgery 1950
S01E05 Obie Tater 1950
S01E06 Night Incident 1950
disc 2
S01E07 Smoking Out the Nolans 1950
S01E08 Kite's Reward 1950
S01E09 The Hunter 1950
S01E10 The Queue 1950
S01E11 General Parsley Smith 1950
S01E12 Magnus 1950
disc 3
S01E13 Reed Survives 1950
S01E14 Professor Lute Bone 1950
S01E15 No Handcuffs 1950
S01E16 Reward for Matt 1950
S01E17 Robin Hood 1950
S01E18 Yorky 1950
disc 4
S01E19 20-20 1950
S01E20 Reunion '78 1950
S01E21 Helping Hand 1950
S01E22 Tap Day for Kitty 1950
S01E23 Indian Scout 1950
S01E24 The Pest Hole 1950
S01E25 The Big Broad 1950
disc 5
S01E26 Hack Prine 1950
S01E27 Cooter 1950
S01E28 The Killer 1950
S01E29 Doc's Revenge 1950
S01E30 The Preacher 1950
S01E31 How to Die for Nothing 1950
S01E32 Dutch George 1950
disc 6
S01E33 Prairie Happy 1950
S01E34 Chester's Mail Order Bride 1950
S01E35 The Guitar 1950
S01E36 Cara 1950
S01E37 Mr. and Mrs. Amber 1950
S01E38 Unmarked Grave 1950
S01E39 Alarm at Pleasant Valley 1950
Season 2
disc 1
S02E01 Cow Doctor 1950
S02E02 Brush at Elkader 1950
S02E03 Custer 1950
S02E04 The Round Up 1950
S02E05 Young Man with a Gun 1950
S02E06 Indian White 1950
S02E07 How to Cure a Friend 1950
disc 2
S02E08 Legal Revenge 1950
S02E09 The Mistake 1950
S02E10 Greater Love 1950
S02E11 No Indians 1950
S02E12 Spring Term 1950
S02E13 Poor Pearl 1950
S02E14 Cholera 1950
disc 3
S02E15 Pucket's New Year 1950
S02E16 The Cover Up 1950
S02E17 Sins of the Father 1950
S02E18 Kick Me 1950
S02E19 Executioner 1950
S02E20 Gone Straight 1950
disc 1
S02E21 Bloody Hands 1950
S02E22 Skid Row 1950
S02E23 Sweet and Sour 1950
S02E24 Cain 1950
S02E25 Bureaucrat 1950
S02E26 Last Fling 1950
disc 2
S02E27 Chester's Murder 1950
S02E28 The Photographer 1950
S02E29 Wrong Man 1950
S02E30 Big Girl Lost 1950
S02E31 What the Whiskey Drummer Heard 1950
S02E32 Cheap Labor 1950
S02E33 Moon 1950
disc 3
S02E34 Who Lives by the Sword 1950
S02E35 Uncle Oliver 1950
S02E36 Daddy-O 1950
S02E37 The Man Who Would Be Marshal 1950
S02E38 Liar from Blackhawk 1950
S02E39 Jealousy 1950
Season 3
disc 1
S03E01 Crack-Up 1950
S03E02 Gun for Chester 1950
S03E03 Blood Money 1950
S03E04 Kitty's Outlaw 1950
S03E05 Potato Road 1950
S03E06 Jesse 1950
S03E07 Mavis McCloud 1950
disc 2
S03E08 Born to Hang 1950
S03E09 Romeo 1950
S03E10 Never Pester Chester 1950
S03E11 Fingered 1950
S03E12 How to Kill a Woman 1950
S03E13 Cows and Cribs 1950
disc 3
S03E14 Doc's Reward 1950
S03E15 Kitty Lost 1950
S03E16 Twelfth Night 1950
S03E17 Joe Phy 1950
S03E18 Buffalo Man 1950
S03E19 Kitty Caught 1950
disc 1
S03E20 Claustrophobia 1950
S03E21 Ma Tennis 1950
S03E22 Sunday Supplement 1950
S03E23 Wild West 1950
S03E24 The Cabin 1950
S03E25 Dirt 1950
S03E26 Dooley Surrenders 1950
disc 2
S03E27 Joke's on Us 1950
S03E28 Bottleman 1950
S03E29 Laughing Gas 1950
S03E30 Texas Cowboys 1950
S03E31 Amy's Good Deed 1950
S03E32 Hanging Man 1950
S03E33 Innocent Broad 1950
disc 3
S03E34 The Big Con 1950
S03E35 Widow's Mite 1950
S03E36 Chester's Hanging 1950
S03E37 Carmen 1950
S03E38 Overland Express 1950
S03E39 The Gentleman 1950
Season 4
disc 1
S04E01 Matt for Murder 1950
S04E02 The Patsy 1950
S04E03 Gunsmuggler 1950
S04E04 Monopoly 1950
S04E05 Letter of the Law 1950
S04E06 Thoroughbreds 1950
S04E07 Stage Hold-Up 1950
disc 2
S04E08 Lost Rifle 1950
S04E09 Land Deal 1950
S04E10 Lynching Man 1950
S04E11 How to Kill a Friend 1950
S04E12 Grass 1950
S04E13 The Cast 1950
disc 3
S04E14 Robber Bridegroom 1950
S04E15 Snakebite 1950
S04E16 Gypsum Hills Feud 1950
S04E17 Young Love 1950
S04E18 Marshal Proudfoot 1950
S04E19 Passive Resistance 1950
disc 1
S04E20 Love of a Good Woman 1950
S04E21 Jayhawkers 1950
S04E22 Kitty's Rebellion 1950
S04E23 Sky 1950
S04E24 Doc Quits 1950
S04E25 The Bear 1950
S04E26 The Coward 1950
disc 2
S04E27 The F.U. 1950
S04E28 Wind 1950
S04E29 Fawn 1950
S04E30 Renegade White 1950
S04E31 Murder Warrant 1950
S04E32 Change of Heart 1950
S04E33 Buffalo Hunter 1950
disc 3
S04E34 The Choice 1950
S04E35 There Never Was a Horse 1950
S04E36 Print Asper 1950
S04E37 The Constable 1950
S04E38 Blue Horse 1950
S04E39 Cheyennes 1950
Season 5
disc 1
S05E01 Target 1950
S05E02 Kitty's Injury 1950
S05E03 Horse Deal 1950
S05E04 Johnny Red 1950
S05E05 Tail to the Wind 1950
S05E06 Annie Oakley 1950
S05E07 Kangaroo 1950
disc 2
S05E08 Saludos 1950
S05E09 Brother Whelp 1950
S05E10 The Boots 1950
S05E11 Odd Man Out 1950
S05E12 Miguel's Daughter 1950
S05E13 Box o' Rocks 1950
S05E14 False Witness 1950
disc 3
S05E15 Tag, You're It 1950
S05E16 Thick 'n' Thin 1950
S05E17 Groat's Grudge 1960
S05E18 Big Tom 1960
S05E19 Till Death Do Us 1960
S05E20 The Tragedian 1960
disc 1
S05E21 Hinka Do 1960
S05E22 Doc Judge 1960
S05E23 Moo Moo Raid 1960
S05E24 Kitty's Killing 1960
S05E25 Jailbait Janet 1960
S05E26 Unwanted Deputy 1960
S05E27 Where'd They Go 1960
disc 2
S05E28 Crowbait Bob 1960
S05E29 Colleen So Green 1960
S05E30 The Ex-Urbanites 1960
S05E31 I Thee Wed 1960
S05E32 The Lady Killer 1960
S05E33 Gentleman's Disagreement 1960
disc 3
S05E34 Speak Me Fair 1960
S05E35 Belle's Back 1960
S05E36 The Bobsy Twins 1960
S05E37 Old Flame 1960
S05E38 The Deserter 1960
S05E39 Cherry Red 1960
Season 6
disc 1
S06E01 Friend's Pay-Off 1960
S06E02 The Blacksmith 1960
S06E03 Small Water 1960
S06E04 Say Uncle 1960
S06E05 Shooting Stopover 1960
S06E06 The Peace Officer 1960
S06E07 Don Matteo 1960
disc 2
S06E08 The Worm 1960
S06E09 The Badge 1960
S06E10 Distant Drummer 1960
S06E11 Ben Tolliver's Stud 1960
S06E12 No Chip 1960
S06E13 The Wake 1960
S06E14 The Cook 1960
S06E15 Old Fool 1960
S06E16 Brother Love 1960
S06E17 Bad Sheriff 1960
S06E18 Unloaded Gun 1960
S06E19 Tall Trapper 1960
disc 1
S06E20 Love Thy Neighbor 1960
S06E21 Bad Seed 1960
S06E22 Kitty Shot 1960
S06E23 About Chester 1960
S06E24 Harriet 1960
S06E25 Potshot 1960
S06E26 Old Faces 1960
disc 2
S06E27 Big Man 1960
S06E28 Little Girl 1960
S06E29 Stolen Horses 1960
S06E30 Minnie 1960
S06E31 Bless Me Till I Die 1960
S06E32 Long Hours, Short Pay 1960
disc 3
S06E33 Hard Virtue 1960
S06E34 The Imposter 1960
S06E35 Chester's Dilemma 1960
S06E36 The Love of Money 1960
S06E37 Melinda Miles 1960
S06E38 Colorado Sheriff 1960
Season 7
disc 1
S07E01 Perce 1960
S07E02 Old Yellow Boots 1960
S07E03 Miss Kitty 1960
S07E04 Harper's Blood 1960
disc 2
S07E05 All That 1960
S07E06 Long, Long Trail 1960
S07E07 The Squaw 1960
S07E08 Chesterland 1960
disc 3
S07E09 Milly 1960
S07E10 Indian Ford 1960
S07E11 Apprentice Doc 1960
disc 4
S07E12 Nina's Revenge 1960
S07E13 Marry Me 1960
S07E14 A Man a Day 1960
disc 5
S07E15 The Do-Badder 1960
S07E16 Lacey 1960
S07E17 Cody's Code 1960
disc 1
S07E18 Old Dan 1960
S07E19 Catawomper 1960
S07E20 Half Straight 1960
S07E21 He Learned About Women 1960
disc 2
S07E22 The Gallows 1960
S07E23 Reprisal 1960
S07E24 Coventry 1960
S07E25 The Widow 1960
disc 3
S07E26 Durham Bull 1960
S07E27 Wagon Girls 1960
S07E28 The Dealer 1960
disc 4
S07E29 The Summons 1960
S07E30 The Dreamers 1960
S07E31 Cale 1960
disc 5
S07E32 Chester's Indian 1960
S07E33 The Prisoner 1960
S07E34 The Boys 1960
Season 8
disc 1
S08E01 The Search 1960
S08E02 Call Me Dodie 1960
S08E03 Quint Asper Comes Home 1960
S08E04 Root Down 1960
disc 2
S08E05 Jenny 1960
S08E06 Collie's Free 1960
S08E07 The Ditch 1960
S08E08 The Trappers 1960
disc 3
S08E09 Phoebe Strunk 1960
S08E10 The Hunger 1960
S08E11 Abe Blocker 1960
S08E12 The Way It Is 1960
disc 4
S08E13 Us Haggens 1960
S08E14 Uncle Sunday 1960
S08E15 False Front 1960
S08E16 Old Comrade 1960
disc 5
S08E17 Louie Pheeters 1960
S08E18 The Renegades 1960
S08E19 Cotter's Girl 1960
disc 1
S08E20 The Bad One 1960
S08E21 The Cousin 1960
S08E22 Shona 1960
S08E23 Ash 1960
disc 2
S08E24 Blind Man's Bluff 1960
S08E25 Quint's Indian 1960
S08E26 Anybody Can Kill a Marshal 1960
S08E27 Two of a Kind 1960
disc 3
S08E28 I Call Him Wonder 1960
S08E29 With a Smile 1960
S08E30 The Far Places 1960
S08E31 Panacea Sykes 1960
disc 4
S08E32 Tell Chester 1960
S08E33 Quint-Cident 1960
S08E34 Old York 1960
S08E35 Daddy Went Away 1960
disc 5
S08E36 The Odyssey of Jubal Tanner 1960
S08E37 Jeb 1960
S08E38 The Quest for Asa Janin 1960
Season 9
disc 1
S09E01 Kate Heller 1960
S09E02 Lover Boy 1960
S09E03 Legends Don't Sleep 1960
S09E04 Tobe 1960
disc 2
S09E05 Easy Come 1960
S09E06 My Sister's Keeper 1960
S09E07 Quint's Trail 1960
S09E08 Carter Caper 1960
disc 3
S09E09 Ex-Con 1960
S09E10 Extradition (1) 1960
S09E11 Extradition (2) 1960
S09E12 The Magician 1960
disc 4
S09E13 Pa Hack's Brood 1960
S09E14 The Glory and the Mud 1960
S09E15 Dry Well 1960
disc 5
S09E16 Prairie Wolfer 1960
S09E17 Friend 1960
S09E18 Once a Haggen 1960
disc 1
S09E19 No Hands 1960
S09E20 May Blossom 1960
S09E21 The Bassops 1960
S09E22 The Kite 1960
disc 2
S09E23 Comanches Is Soft 1960
S09E24 Father's Love 1960
S09E25 Now That April's Here 1960
S09E26 Caleb 1960
disc 3
S09E27 Owney Tupper Had a Daughter 1960
S09E28 Bently 1960
S09E29 Kitty Cornered 1960
S09E30 The Promoter 1960
disc 4
S09E31 Trip West 1960
S09E32 Scot Free 1960
S09E33 The Warden 1960
disc 5
S09E34 Homecoming 1960
S09E35 The Other Half 1960
S09E36 Journey for Three 1960
Season 10
disc 1
S10E01 Blue Heaven 1960
S10E02 Crooked Mile 1960
S10E03 Old Man 1960
S10E04 The Violators 1960
disc 2
S10E05 Doctor's Wife 1960
S10E06 Take Her, She's Cheap 1960
S10E07 Help Me Kitty 1960
S10E08 Hung High 1960
disc 3
S10E09 Jonah Hutchinson 1960
S10E10 Big Man, Big Target 1960
S10E11 Chicken 1960
S10E12 Innocence 1960
disc 4
S10E13 Aunt Thede 1960
S10E14 Hammerhead 1960
S10E15 Double Entry 1960
disc 5
S10E16 Run, Sheep, Run 1960
S10E17 Deputy Festus 1960
S10E18 One Killer on Ice 1960
disc 1
S10E19 Chief Joseph 1960
S10E20 Circus Trick 1960
S10E21 Song for Dying 1960
S10E22 Winner Take All 1960
disc 2
S10E23 Eliab's Aim 1960
S10E24 Thursday's Child 1960
S10E25 Breckinridge 1960
S10E26 Bank Baby 1960
disc 3
S10E27 The Lady 1960
S10E28 Dry Road to Nowhere 1960
S10E29 Twenty Miles from Dodge 1960
S10E30 The Pariah 1960
disc 4
S10E31 Gilt Guilt 1960
S10E32 Bad Lady from Brookline 1960
S10E33 Two Tall Men 1960
disc 5
S10E34 Honey Pot 1960
S10E35 The New Society 1960
S10E36 He Who Steals 1960
Season 11
disc 1
S11E01 Seven Hours to Dawn 1960
S11E02 The Storm 1960
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nicklitten · 1 year
SCUM s01e34 – Marmite 3.0 Arctic FM
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milton-dammers · 23 days
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The Twilight Zone S01E34 (2003) Harry Radditch
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save-the-data · 8 months
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Kamen Rider Build  | S01E34
Japanese Drama - 2017, 49 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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obsessiveviewer · 2 years
Anthology - 091 - Person or Persons Unknown (The Twilight Zone S03E27) + The Long Day (Science Fiction Theatre S01E34)
In this week's Anthology Podcast, I review The Twilight Zone's somewhat middling Person or Person's Unknown and Science Fiction Theatre's surprisingly layered The Long Day (featuring DeForest Kelley).
091 – Person or Persons Unknown (The Twilight Zone S03E27) + The Long Day (Science Fiction Theatre S01E34) – Anthology – The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Science Fiction Theatre, and Classic Sci-Fi Podcast This week, I review episode 27 from The Twilight Zone’s third season: Person or Persons Unknown. I also share my thoughts on episode 34 of Science Fiction Theatre’s first season, The Long…
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love-me-some-mcog · 5 months
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Mysterious Cities of Gold S01E34
Rock out
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S01 E34 - The After Hours
Already the cinematography is so great. Look at the length of this tracking shot!
The ever eerie feel of a big department store. I felt this when I went to Macy's lol.
Ohhh I bet if I didn't know what the twist was I wouldn't see it coming.
AH but I love knowing it and being able to understand the character's otherwise incomprehensible reactions.
Ok, I do find mannequins specially creepy, so naturally this episode FUCKS ME UP!
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