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the-depressed-muffin · 4 years ago
The Crows™ as The Wicked King quotes:
Nina: Revenge is sweet, but ice cream is sweeter.
Matthias: It seems I have singular a taste for women who threaten me.
Jesper: Yes, my great Wylan, my darling god. I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can.
Wylan: I'm not sure I sleep, but I do dream.
Inej: Watching my back is the perfect opportunity to stick a knife in it.
Kaz: Legends need not concern themselves with something as small as happiness.
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smalldez · 4 years ago
Zoya’s family IS fine nobody talk to me but anyway. Yes I would like to see Zoya reuniting with just this big ol’ family. Yes I would also like to see Inej getting a chance to meet them. YES I would sell my soul for some small cousin or sibling to come up to her and be like YOU’RE THE WRAITH OH SAINTS YOU’RE SO COOL ZOYA TOLD US ALL ABOUT YOU!! And Inej like 🥺 and Zoya just like yeah ok maybe I did but Whatever I’m cooler anyways. I’m begging you S&BNetflix it’s about the love and solidarity of it all.
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faithfire-writes · 4 years ago
Hey Shadow and Bone Netflix fans!
Please make sure you're tagging your spoilers for those of us who might not be able to watch the whole show in one day. I know I plan to blacklist the following tags: #shadowandbonenextflix #shadowandbonespoilers #s&bspoilers #s&bnetflix #shadowandbonenetflixspoilers
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the-depressed-muffin · 4 years ago
The GrishaVerse characters as The Cruel Prince Quotes:
The Darkling: I have lied and I have betrayed and I have triumphed. If only there was someone to congratulate me.
Alina Starkov: That's what comes of hungering for something; you forget to check if it's rotten before you gobble it down.
Malyen Oretsev: I thought I was playing the game of pissing off people who hated me already and eating the consequences.
Zoya Nazyalensky: Let's have a toast. To the incompetence of our enemies.
Nikolai Lantsov: I step out of my second life the same way I stepped out of my first, holding too few things and with great uncertainty about what will happen next.
Genya Safin: Instead of being afraid, I could become something to fear.
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the-depressed-muffin · 4 years ago
Oh to have a sharpshooter with gambling problems be so in love with you that he literally does not care to affirm that the person he's kissing is, in fact, not you.
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the-depressed-muffin · 4 years ago
The Crows as Red, White And Royal Blue quotes:
Nina: Just so we're clear, I'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
Matthias: You are, the absolute worst idea I've ever had.
Jesper: Come on, you backyard shooting range, motherfuckers.
Wylan: I've been gay as a maypole since the day I came out of mum.
Inej: Sometimes you just jump and hope it's not a cliff.
Kaz: History, huh? Bet we could make some.
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the-depressed-muffin · 4 years ago
The Red White And Royal Blue Squad™ as The Crows:
Alex leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?"
"Knife to the throat?" Asked Nora.
"Gun to the back?" Said Zahra.
"Poison in his cup?" Suggested June.
"You're all horrible," said Henry.
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