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A photo of David by Michelangelo (Italian Renaissace Org, 2012)
Looking At Sculpture: The Beauty of Michelangelo's David sculpture
Michelangelo's statue of David, considered one of the greatest sculptures ever made, encapsulates the aesthetics of High Renaissance architecture, the politics of Renaissance Florence, and the technological virtuosity of Greek sculpture. The marble sculpture, which depicted David about to fight Goliath - an appropriate analogy for a Florentine city-state beset by powerful rivals - was placed outside the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence's civic government center, where it remained until 1873.
David by Michaelangelo is a 17 ft marble statue that conveys the biblical character, David. It was made during the Renaissance era between 1501-1504. According to Matisse (2011), it was originally commissioned by Agostino di Duccio and Antonio Rossellino back in 1464 and 1475 respectively. However, both sculptors had to reject it because of the large amount of marble to be used and the design had too many imperfections regarding the sizing of the body. So, the Cathedral of Florence had to approach Michelangelo from him to finish the statue, David, for the series of large statues for the cathedral’s tribunes. This statue illustrates a nude standing male looking on its left side. It seems that the statue is observing an important event that happened looking as if he is satisfied with the event that happened.
Michelangelo's statue had a well-worn motif. The Biblical tale of how the young David, equipped only with a sling and pebbles, defeated the Philistine giant Goliath in single combat was a common theme in Renaissance art. Andrea del Verrochio (1436-88) created his famous bronze of David (Bargello Museum) in 1443, and Donatello (1386-1466) created his famous bronze of David (Bargello Museum) in 1475. Both works, on the other hand, show David after the battle, holding the head of his slain opponent. Michelangelo, on the other hand, portrays him before the battle with Goliath.
Instead of being calm and optimistic after his triumph, Michelangelo's David appears nervous and ready for battle. His forehead is furrowed; his neck tendons, as well as the muscles in his nose and lips, are stiff; and his eyes are fixed on something off in the distance. He stands in a comfortable contrapposto stance, his sling casually thrown over his left shoulder, notwithstanding his mindfulness. This vigorous posture and relaxed expression are meant to capture the brief time between making the decision to fight and actually fighting.
Upon that substrate, Michelangelo's David appears to be a High Renaissance depiction of the standing heroic male nude, which was a common motif in High Classical Greek art (450-400 BCE). However, in fact, the configuration is more complicated and political. To begin with, Michelangelo emphasizes the emotional rather than physical aspect of David's triumph by omitting the standard bloody sword and gruesome severed head. This, like the statue's placement near the Florentine government's heart, is almost definitely a political comment. Michelangelo is attempting to demonstrate that David's integrity is the key to his victory. David, like the city of Florence, is a force to be reckoned with.
We know Michelangelo’s David to be a sculpture created during the Renaissance period. Interestingly, David’s pose and facial expression is highly reminiscent of early sculptures of the Classical period when sculptors had just started to develop a taste for anatomical accuracy (University of Oxford Classical Art Research Centre, 2013). Since such improvements in executing accurate anatomy could not happen overnight, therefore it was a common sight for Classical sculptures to have their subjects shifting their weight to one leg known as contrapposto or “counterpose” (Richman-Abdou, 2020). During Michelangelo’s time, artists continually strived for the ideal of perfect humanity, hence the great amount of detail and mathematical applications put into this sculpture, balanced out by organic elements (Gilbert, 2021). The statue has an ambiguity to it that contrasts with its massive size.
The figure's pose is rather straightforward. Because of the block's proportions, a shifting stance or aggressive movements would have thrown the balance off. Michelangelo may not have had enough volume to work with because of the state of the work at the time he received the monolith. It was clearly a feat of engineering to remove an entity as noble and lively as his David from this mass in the shape of an incredibly long rectangle. David is standing with his right leg completely extended and his other leg laid back. This traditional pose, known as contrapposto, aligns his hips and shoulders at right angles, giving his torso a subtle s-curve. The young hero - or, maybe, the young god - leans his left leg slightly forward and lets his right arm hang loose halfway down his thigh, while his left arm is bent to shoulder height. He awaits his adversary Goliath with a bold look yet a thoughtful face, firm footed, calmly measuring, like a real Florentine, the chances of war when preparing for battle. Realistically, the statue's dimensions are unusual for Michelangelo's work: the figure, for example, has an exaggerated head and hands.
However, these disproportionate dimensions may have been purposefully chosen in order for it to be visible from its intended location on the roof of Florence Cathedral. The vast scale of the statue, which awed the audience, including Michelangelo's contemporaries, was the most impressive feature. Since late Roman times, it was the first monumental free-standing statue carved.
We know David to be one of the most well-known Biblical characters and as a symbol for courage. His story can be found in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, in the first book of Samuel. 1 Samuel 17:37 (NIV) reads, “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”; in this line, David was speaking in relation to Goliath (the giant). One of the representations of David is the biblical character of David in David and Goliath. According to Academia.org (2019), David signifies how strong the youth can be when in battle. This also shows the exact moment when Goliath called out David that he could defeat him. According to Matisse (2011), some artists interpreted the exaggeration of hands because of the meaning of David which is “strong of hand”. There is no exact meaning into why Michelangelo made the hands huge. David represents liberty that is ready to battle out those who are against the freedom of the country. Michelangelo's great work may thus stand for the strength and glory of humanism, but it is a strictly Christian humanism within the Catholic sense. Indeed, Christian humanism blossomed during the Renaissance. The Renaissance thinkers were unafraid to extol the promise of Adam's race inspired by grace, rooted in the optimism that man was made in God's picture.
Accademia.org. (2019). Michelangelo’s David: Admire World’s Greatest Sculpture at Accademia Gallery. [online] Available at: https://www.accademia.org/explore-museum/artworks/michelangelos-david/ [Accessed 3 May 2021].
Britannica. (2017). David | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/topic/David-sculpture [Accessed 12 May 2021]
Gilbert, C. (2021). Michelangelo | Biography, Sculptures, David, Pieta, Paintings, Facts, & Accomplishments | Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Michelangelo#ref361947 [Accessed 12 May 2021].
Henri Matisse. (2011). 10 Facts That You Don’t Know About Michelangelo’s “David.” [online] Available at: https://www.michelangelo.org/david.jsp [Accessed 3 May 2021].Italianrenaissance.org. (2012). Michelangelo’s David – ItalianRenaissance.org. [online] Available at: http://www.italianrenaissance.org/michelangelos-david/ [Accessed 10 May 2021].
Richman-Abdou, K. (2020). Why Michelangelo’s “David” Is an Icon of the Italian Renaissance. [online] My Modern Met. Available at: https://mymodernmet.com/michelangelo-david-facts/ [Accessed 12 May 2021].
University of Oxford Classical Art Research Centre. (2013). The Classical period - Styles and periods - Sculpture - The Classical Art Research Centre and The Beazley Archive. [online] Available at: Ox.ac.uk. https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/sculpture/styles/classical.htm [Accessed 12 May 2021]
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United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers
Nobody trusted him. His family guided him to get help. Be that as it may, Timothy Trespas, an out-of-work recording engineer in his mid 40s, was certain he was being stalked, and not by only one individual, yet many them.
He would see the agents, he stated, camouflaged as common individuals, sneaking around his Midtown Manhattan neighborhood. In some cases they chanced upon him and murmured drivel into his ear, he said.
“Now you perceive how it works,␝ they would say.
At first, Mr. Trespas thought about whether it was all in his mind. At that point he experienced an enormous network of similarly invested individuals on the web who call themselves вђњtargeted individuals,вђќ or T.I.s, who depicted experiencing exactly the equivalent thing.
The gathering was sorted out around the conviction that its individuals are casualties of a rambling scheme to bug a huge number of ordinary Americans with mind-control weapons and multitudes of supposed posse stalkers. The objective, as one posse stalking site put it, is вђњto decimate each part of a focused on individualвђ™s life.вђќ
A developing clan of disturbed minds
Mental wellbeing experts state the account has grabbed hold among a gathering of individuals encountering crazy manifestations that have pained the human personality since days of yore. But now exploited people are interfacing on the web, arranging and opposing medicinal clarifications for whatвђ™s happening to them.
The people group, minimalistically evaluated to surpass 10,000 individuals, has multiplied since 9/11, supported by the web and encouraged by real worries over government observation. An enormous number seem to have whimsical issue or schizophrenia, therapists say.
Yet, the marvel remains basically unresearched.
For the couple of pros who have looked carefully, these people speak to a disturbing improvement throughout the entire existence of psychological instability: a great many debilitated individuals, united together and requesting acknowledgment based on shared paranoias.
They fund-raise, hold mindfulness battles, have worldwide meetings and battle for their causes in courts and legislatures.
Perhaps their greatest triumph came a year ago, when adherents to Richmond, Calif., convinced the City Council to pass a goals restricting space-based weapons that they accept could be utilized for mind control. A comparative campaigning exertion is in progress in Tucson.
An вђecho chamberвђ™ of paranoia
Dr. Lorraine Sheridan, who is co-creator of maybe the main investigation of posse stalking, said the network represents a risk that separates it from different gatherings advancing upsetting thoughts, for example, anorexia or suicide. On those themes, the web teems with therapeutic data and treatment options.
An web scan for ␜gang-stalking,␝ notwithstanding, turns up page after page of results that see it as truth. “What’s startling for me is that there are no counter locales that attempt and persuade focused on people that they are delusional,␝ Dr. Sheridan said.
“They end up in a shut belief system reverberation chamber,␝ she said.
In instructional tracts on the web, veterans of the development disclose the ropes to rookies:
вђў Do not draw in with the voices in your head.
вђў If your relatives let you know youвђ™re envisioning things, they could be in on it.
␢ “Do not visit a psychiatrist.␝
The clan plays hooky and callings, and incorporates legal advisors, warriors, craftsmen and engineers. In Facebook discussions and bring in care groups, they sympathize over the suspicion of their friends and family and offer accounts of dark vans that circle the square or collaborators recruited into the campaign.
ImageA T.I. subgenre has bloomed on Amazon. Left, the front of John Hall␙s “Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control,␝ and Robert Duncan␙s “How to Tame a Demon.␝
They have independently published many digital books, with titles like “Tortured in America␝ and “My Life Changed Forever.␝ In several YouTube recordings they offer tributes and attempt to report proof of their stalking, notwithstanding going up against clueless strangers.
“They needed to fundamentally obliterate me, and they did,␝ a youthful mother in Phoenix says in a single video, holding back tears. She lost guardianship of her girl and was sent to a social wellbeing medical clinic, says the lady, whose name is being retained to secure her protection. “But I am going to battle back for the remainder of my life.␝
She includes, “And think about what, I␙m not crazy.␝
Dr. Sheridanвђ™s study, composed with Dr. David James, a scientific therapist, inspected 128 instances of revealed group stalking. It discovered every one of the subjects were in all probability delusional.
“One needs to think about the T.I. wonder regarding individuals with distrustful indications who have hit upon the pack stalking thought as a clarification of what's going on to them,␝ Dr. James said.
A hodgepodge of scheme theories
Perhaps obviously, the network is partitioned over the shapes of the connivance. Some accept the money related world class is behind it. Others accuse outsiders, their neighbors, Freemasons or some combination.
The movement␙s most unmistakable voices, notwithstanding, will in general accept the observation is a piece of a mind-control field test done in anticipation of worldwide mastery. The military foundation, the hypothesis goes, never abandoned the desire of MK Ultra, the C.I.A.’s scandalous program to control the psyche during the 1950s and ␙60s.
A driving advocate of that view is an anesthesiologist from San Antonio named John Hall.
In his 2009 book, “A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America,␝ Dr. Corridor gave his own record of being focused on. Specialists dyed his water, he composed, and besieged him with voices making lethal threats.
The book made a sprinkle due to the delivery person: an authorized individual from the restorative foundation who was telling the individuals who feel focused on that therapists were deluding them. A janitor knows as much about the human personality, he wrote.
Dr. Corridor, 51, was welcomed for a meeting on “Coast to Coast AM,” an intrigue disapproved of radio show situated in California that is said to arrive at a huge number of audience members. From that point forward, he stated, “I had presumably three or 4,000 messages from individuals saying: вЂIt’s transpiring in this state.вђ™ вЂIt’s transpiring in Florida.вђ™ вЂIt’s transpiring in California.вђ™ вђќ
The similitudes of the cases addressed a wide-running effort, he said. “If the therapists need to state this is schizophrenia or silly issue, that␙s fine,␝ he said. “But all of these unfortunate casualties have the equivalent story.␝
While Dr. Corridor has confronted examination from the Texas Medical Board over his psychological wellness, he holds his permit. After some time, in any case, numerous other people who recognize as group stalking exploited people end up out of work. They are ridiculed by associates, endured by family. Companions and mates fall away.
A guise for violence
The despair that outcomes has driven some to lash out in violence.
Many in the network, for instance, are persuaded that Aaron Alexis, who executed 12 individuals at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, was an injured individual. Mr. Alexis, a previous mariner, abandoned a record blaming the Navy for assaulting his mind with вђњextremely low frequencyвђќ electromagnetic waves. In favor of his shotgun were carved the words вђњmy mythical person weapon.вђќ
It was hazy when Myron Mayвђ™s mental pain started, however by the fall of 2014, it had turned out to be excessively. He quit his place of employment as an investigator in New Mexico and made a trip to Florida. There, he recorded a tribute about how posse stalking had destroyed his life.
“As you can see right now,␝ he says into the camera, “I am absolutely not crazy.␝
Laying out his case, he portrays a scene at a service station where he accepted someone in dull glasses was impersonating his developments. “It was truly creepy,␝ he said. “Everything I did, he did.␝
Later in the video, he appeals to God for absolution for his future sins. “Father,” he says, ␜right now I ask that you look down on all the focused on people over the globe. Help them to adapt to this madness.␝
On Nov. 20, 2014, Mr. May strolled into a library at Florida State University, where he had graduated in 2005, and shot three individuals, leaving one incapacitated. He challenged the police to slaughter him, at that point discharged toward them before being lethally shot, authorities said. He was 31.
ImageOfficers remaining over the assemblage of Myron May on Nov. 20, 2014, after the taking shots at Florida State University.CreditMark Wallheiser/Associated Press
The lion's share of peopl
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TITLE: Band of Brothers
This landmark miniseries based on Stephen E. Ambrose’s best-seller, and executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, recounts the remarkable achievements of an elite team of U.S. paratroopers during World War II. This series tells the story of Easy Company of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division, 506th Regiment, and their mission in World War II Europe, from Operation Overlord, through V-J Day.
EPISODES: Band of Brothers
[junkie-toggle title=”Season 1″ state=”closed”]Episode 1: Currahee
In Toccoa, Ga., 1942, a disparate group of young men begins voluntary training to become members of one of America’s newest military regiments – the paratroopers. Under the harsh leadership of Lt. Sobel (David Schwimmer), members of the newly formed Easy Co. go from green civilians to some of the Army’s most elite soldiers. As training progresses, a rivalry flares between Sobel, whom the men despise, and Lt. Winters (Damian Lewis), a junior officer who’s earned the respect and admiration of the company.
Episode 2: Day of Days
On June 6, 1944, D-Day, planes with thousands of paratroopers cross the English Channel to France, where they come under heavy fire. None of the men land where they expected to, and many lose their weapons and supplies in the drop. Winters links up with solitary soldiers, and they set off to find their units. Winters (Damian Lewis) is later chosen to lead an attack on a fortified German artillery position; the mission is successful, but Winters, now acting company commander, loses his first man.
Episode 3: Carentan
Two days after D-Day, Easy Co. is sent to take the town of Carentan, engaging in a successful battle that results in several casualties. Some soldiers, including Pvt. Blithe (Marc Warren), have a difficult time adjusting to combat. After 36 days in Normandy and several fierce battles, Easy returns to England, but their celebrations are short-lived, as news comes that they’re moving out again.
Episode 4: Replacements
Due to heavy casualties, a group of fresh paratrooper replacements joins Easy Co. in time for a massive drop into German-occupied Holland for Operation Market-Garden. While met with no resistance in Eindhoven, Easy and a cluster of British tanks are repelled from a nearby town by a superior German force, sustaining many casualties as they retreat. The Allied plan to enter Germany through Holland and end the war before Christmas fails.
Episode 5: Crossroads
Winters (Damian Lewis) leads a risky mission on a Dutch dike, resulting in a resounding victory, for which he is promoted to Battalion Executive Officer. Dissatisfied with his new, largely administrative job, Winters is concerned about the leadership of the three companies he now commands. After a weekend pass to Paris, news arrives of a massive Axis effort in the Ardennes Forest, threatening to break the Allied lines. Easy Co. races in to hold the line, ill-equipped for the bitterly cold weather and the entrenched battle ahead.
Episode 6: Bastogne
In the dead of winter, in the forest outside of Bastogne, Belgium, the men of Easy Company struggle to hold the line alone while fending off frostbite and hunger, having arrived with no winter clothes and little supplies and ammunition. Medic Eugene Roe (Shane Taylor) is overwhelmed, on edge and close to combat exhaustion when he finds friendship with a Belgian nurse. Easy Co. spends a miserable Christmas in the trenches, and receives the news that the German army’s demand for surrender was met with Gen. McAuliffe’s defiant answer: “Nuts!”
Episode 7: The Breaking Point
Having thwarted the Germans at Bastogne, the exhausted Easy Co. must now take the nearby town of Foy from the enemy. Several are killed and wounded in fierce shelling, compounded by the incompetence of their commander, Lt. Dike (Peter O’Meara), about whom Winters (Damian Lewis) can do nothing. Easy takes Foy, but at an enormous cost.
Episode 8: The Last Patrol
Easy Co. arrives in the Alsacian town of Haguenau near the German border, and are ordered to send a patrol across the river to take enemy prisoners. Lt. Jones (Colin Hanks), fresh from West Point and eager for combat experience, volunteers to lead. While successful, the mission costs another paratrooper’s life, prompting Winters (Damian Lewis) to ignore the order to send a second patrol the next night.
Episode 9: Why We Fight
Easy Co. finally enters Germany, to surprisingly little resistance, and has a chance to relax for the first time in a long time. A patrol in a nearby forest discovers an abandoned Nazi concentration camp, still filled with emaciated prisoners. The local citizenry, unbelievably disavowing knowledge of its existence, is made to clean it up, as the news arrives that Hitler is dead.
Episode 10: Points
Once home to the top officers of the Third Reich, Easy Co. enters the Bavarian town of Berchtesgaden, and captures “Eagle’s Nest,” Hitler’s mountaintop fortress. Facing imminent deployment to the Pacific Theater, the men compare their “points” to see who has earned enough to go home. However, the Japanese surrender ends the war. A closing vignette tells what happened to the men of Easy Company after they returned home.
IMAGES: Band of Brothers
DETAILS: Band of Brothers
Title Band of Brothers Country US Created by Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg Cast Scott Grimes, Damian Lewis, Ron Livingston Language English, German, Dutch, French English Subtitles Yes
Damian Lewis as Major Richard “Dick” Winters
Scott Grimes as Technical Sergeant Donald Malarkey
Ron Livingston as Captain Lewis Nixon
Donnie Wahlberg as Second Lieutenant Carwood Lipton
Shane Taylor as Technician Fourth Grade Eugene “Doc” Roe.
Frank John Hughes as Staff Sergeant William “Wild Bill” Guarnere
Michael Cudlitz as Staff Sergeant Denver “Bull” Randleman
Neal McDonough as First Lieutenant Lynn “Buck” Compton
David Schwimmer as Captain Herbert Sobel
Dexter Fletcher as Staff Sergeant John “Johnny” Martin
Kirk Acevedo as Staff Sergeant Joe Toye
Matthew Settle as Captain Ronald Speirs
Eion Bailey as Private First Class David Kenyon Webster
James Madio as Technician Fourth Grade Frank Perconte
Colin Hanks as First Lieutenant Henry S. Jones
Rick Gomez as Technician Fourth Grade George Luz
Rick Warden as First Lieutenant Harry Welsh
Douglas Spain as Technician Fifth Grade Antonio C. Garcia
Ross McCall as Technician Fifth Grade Joseph Liebgott
Richard Speight, Jr. as Sergeant Warren “Skip” Muck
Rene L. Moreno as Technician Fifth Grade Joseph Ramirez
Marc Warren as Private Albert Blithe
Dale Dye as Colonel Robert Sink
REVIEW: Band of Brothers
WATCH: Band of Brothers
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Generation War (2013)
List of War Themed Mini-Series and Television Series
We’re always looking for reviews, plots, synopsis, press releases, stills, trailers (free to use), corrections and other interesting information or facts about any of the listed series and movies, if you can help, please contact us.
Band of Brothers (2001) TITLE: Band of Brothers This landmark miniseries based on Stephen E. Ambrose's best-seller, and executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, recounts the remarkable achievements of an elite team of U.S.
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full name: jonas van daley
occupation: daley dog crew member, nyu student (freshman)
nickname(a): jojo
age: eighteen
date of birth: May 14th, 2001
gender identity: male
preferred pronoun(s): he/him
species: human
sexual orientation: heterosexual
romantic orientation: heteromantic
spoken language(s): english, partial french
ethnicity: caucasian/samoan
face claim: kj apa
height: 5′11″
weight: 161lbs
body type: athletic
hair color: red
eye color: brown
accent: american
scars: one on his brow from being hit by a baseball as a child
tattoos: n/a
notable physical traits: bright red hair, scar
phobia(s): hemophobia
mental disorder(s): n/a
physical disorder(s): n/a
hometown: queens, ny
current location: pandemonium, ny
financial status: lower class
criminal conviction(s): n/a
father: antonio daley
mothers: talia daley
sibling(s): nikolas “nicky” daley
significant other(s): n/a
children: n/a
rivals: n/a
enemies: n/a
horoscope: taurus
hogwarts house: gryffindor
theme song: It’s My Life — Bon Jovi
usual mood/expression:
mbti: esfp
enneagram: type 3 — the achiever; type 8 — the challenger
temperament: phlegmatic
moral alignment: chaotic good
primary vice: vanity
primary virtue: respectfulness
element: earth
compassion: 10/10
empathy: 10/10
creativity: 3/10
mental flexibility: 7/10
passion/motivation: 9/10
education: 7/10
stamina: 9/10
physical strength: 9/10
battle skill: 8/10
initiative: 9/10
restraint: 6/10
agility: 7/10
strategy: 6/10
teamwork: 10/10
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Wardog’s Fic Masterpost
You can find nearly all fics through my AO3 account, but here’s a list of links!
The Old Guard
Immortal Husbands- Nicolo di Genova x Yusuf al-Kaysani
A Hunting (We Will Go); Part of Moonrise In The Hallows
Halloween Oneshot (Within a Larger Verse); Teen & Up- The Guard is a Shifter Pack, led by the fierce wolf Andy. Her fellow wolves Sebastian & Nile, along with the hyenas Lykon and Yusuf are fierce and far-ranging. To say nothing of the vampire, Nico, that is somehow one of them. When their youngest wolf goes missing, the Guard hunts down those responsible and will terminate them without hesitation. The fact that there's another prisoner being held in the basement probably isn't important...
Reluctantly Making Art
Ongoing; Teen & Up- While Yusuf al-Kaysani would prefer to be a hermit in his apartment and get over his recently ended bad relationship (and subsequently worse breakup), he has friends that have decided that is not his decision to make. He might ignore them, except for the fact that they're his best friends AND the most terrifying women he's ever met, so he doesn't have much choice. He goes to breakfast, he goes to art class, and he falls head over heels for the beautiful Italian man sitting as the model. Because of course, he does; that was the plan all along. (Joe has to admit... it's a pretty good plan.)
IronStrange- Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
Wishes (Better Left Ungranted)
Complete; General Audiences- Tony makes a few wishes, but some are better left ungranted.
‘Till Then
Complete; Mature- Stephen Strange is trying to work at Kamar-Taj when his boyfriend texts him... from his Malibu bed. Stephen opens a portal to talk to him about it and they wind up, not really talking about it. ( Tony Stark Bingo Explicit Card A4 KINK: Masturbation)
The Theory of Magic
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- A get together series in which Stephen Strange has a crush and actually makes a movie. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
Remind Me
Study and Practice
Burden of Proof
Absence Makes the Heart
Time Heals All
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are married. A little Team Cap antagonistic. Part 3 is a little Dark!IronStrange.
What the Doctor Ordered
Cloak and Dagger
Break Rules (Not Oaths)
IronPanther- Tony Stark x T’Challa
Hot Chocolate
Complete; General Audiences- (Fluff and Flirting)- So a combination of a prompt and a ship. From jacarandabanyan "Hot Chocolate" and bash-it-all's "IronPanther".
WinterHawk- James Barnes x Clint Barton
Well-Armed (To Hold)
Complete; Teen Audiences- Tumblr Prompt: "Would you ever write WinterHawk? <3"
A Meddling Affection
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- A belated Birthday ficlet for the lovely Ru! Combined with Tumblr Prompt: All Avengers, clock, poking (Heading toward WinterIronHawk)
WinterIron- James Barnes x Tony Stark
Children of Light
Ongoing Series; General to Teen- Slowbuild to WinterIron. Deals with the Death of JARVIS, the first activation of FRIDAY, and JARVIS’s eventual resurrection. (Note that J is the “Major Character Death” referenced.) This is angsty because I have FEELINGS about the loss of JARVIS and the fact that we never mourned him in MCU. Stories and Series ongoing.
Son of Stark
To Lose a Child
A Child’s Initiative
I Will Always Find You
Complete; General Audiences- Tony as Snow White, Bucky as Prince Charming in an AU snippet of OUAT.
Collision With a Dream
Complete; General Audiences- Bucky's walking along arguing about Russian Lit when he literally runs over his dream guy. Tasha does what she usually does, she makes it worse. That's alright, Tony's apparently the forgiving sort.
(You Wanna) Date My Dad
Complete; General Audiences- Featuring Harley Keener! "Would you ever write a fic where Bucky meets Harley?"
To Cure a Hangover (You Need Espresso and a Date)
Ongoing; General Audiences- Prompt: "Would you ever write: WinterIron with age difference? Like teacher!Bucky with Student!Tony? :P"
I Was Promised a Flying Car
Complete; General Audiences- Prompt: Would you ever write a fic where Tony and Bucky is bonding over being nerds/loving science? (And doing all kinds of wacky, mythbuster-esque experiments that Tony whips up any time Bucky begins a sentence with "I wonder what would happen if...?")So it's not "science" driven, but science nerd Bucky did spend his last night before deployment at the Stark Expo, staring at a flying car...
Mechanics, Millionaires, Models & More
Ongoing Series; General Audiences- Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are friends from childhood. When Tony as a single dad catches the eye of the model James Barnes, there’s some mutual Instagram-Stalking and a lot of flirting.
Tony’s First Friend
Coping for An Age
(Walk Walk) Fashion Baby
Milkshakes and Motorcycles
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Bucky, second to the Captain for the Howling Commandos, hears a scuffle around the corner and finds himself with an armful of just about the prettiest little lost lamb he's ever seen. Since Tony don't seem too keen on his now-ex, Bucky's gonna buy him a milkshake, wrap him in a leather jacket, and hopefully show him a good time.
California Dreamin’ A Beach Bums Verse
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Note: A Special Collaboration Series! This is a WinterIron get together with puns, angst, fluff and more! Make sure to read my partner maevee’s stories!
Don’t Tell (Secrets)
(Everyday Is A) Winding Road
Mai Tai (Offer You A Drink)
When You Wish Upon A Stark -Maevee!
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bucky -Maevee!
Ongoing; James Barnes, the Winter Soldier, has been out of the ice and Hydra’s hands for a month the first time he hears a familiar voice. (A SoulMate AU)
True, Strong and Brave
Ongoing; Teen- Bucky Barnes moves into the tower and receives help from an otherwise elusive Iron Man. But when the team gets called out and things go wrong, Steve gets a reality check as to what has been done in his name. Bucky steps up, he's one of the few who can. (Team Cap Critical; Anti-Wanda)
Complete; General Audiences- From a Prompt on Tumblr: Random Sentence- “I’ll do it for you.”
(Were) Whisperer
Ongoing; Mature- In a world where Aliens rain destruction from portals through space, ancient Gods arrive on beams of light, and a certain Billionaire Philanthropist darts around the world in a metal suit: there really is a very high bar for what is considered "weird". Shapeshifters hardly register, having been long known. You’re either a Human, a Were, or a Whisperer. Most people can prove whether they’re the first or the second, a few will lie about being the third. Alternately, there's Tony. Tony Stark is one of the few people pretending the first and burying the third, and he’s more or less in the clear with it until Steve Rogers catches up with the Winter Soldier, and brings him home to Avengers Tower. Tony doesn’t have to say a word, the Wolf knows differently.
An Attraction
Complete; Jurassic World AU- Write... a crossover/au of the last non-marvel movie you saw and marvel (if ships, winteriron?). Essentially Jurassic World & Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Snippets with WinterIron. Originally Posted on Tumblr: Expansion Pack for AO3!
The Continental
Teen- From the Prompt: “ Would you ever write: Winteriron as a John Wick!AU?” James "Winter" Barnes has been accepted into The Continental Hotel's exclusive clientele. While preparing for a job he visits the Hotel Lounge and meets the gorgeous singer, Tony Stark. The Owner's Son, the New Manager... Maybe the love of his life.
Ongoing; General Audiences- So my adorable FandomNiece made me a beautiful Moodboard for True, Strong and Brave. I offered a gratitude fic for her pairing and trope of choice! This is a WinterIron Identity Porn story!
New Hire
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In reaction to the Prompt: "Actually totally WinterIron and Peteypie, with...sitter or teacher Bucky???" (And things got out of control as they do, I guess.)Essentially: Pepper hires a Bodyguard/Babysitter for Peter out of SHIELD's ranks. Tony is spiky about it, at least until he gets a look at the guy. (Yeah, he wants to climb that like a tree.)
(Let’s Go) Dancing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- This is a Marvel Universe-Center Stage Fusion AU that no one asked for and everyone is getting anyway. Tony dances for the American Ballet Company as their featured ballerino, performing under the name Antonio Carbonell. James and Steve are two of the ABC's newest students, and James gets a chance to meet his crush on his first day. Just his luck, Tony is even better in person. (Natalia may have been setting them up all along.)
Next Year Will Be Better
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Just a quick story for Tony's birthday. Pre-Slash Tony Stark/James Barnes, and Tony acting as IronDad to the Spider Son and his Potato Gun Son.
The Most Powerful (Pillowfight)
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In which Carol and Tony (aggressively) support each other and then do battle (with pillows) for their honor. Or each other's honor? It's unclear, things got out of control. (James Rhodes loves these idiots way too much.) This is a fill for the TSB 2019 Square: T2: A BATTLE/FIGHT/CONFRONTATION
Coffee, Curses, Kisses
Complete; General Audiences- Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.)This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 S4: FIRST KISS
Riding Roughshod
Ongoing; Teen & Up- The Heroic Captain America wakes up in a world that is integrated far beyond what he would have dreamed of when he went into the ice, though he never expected to be a part of it. A pioneer of mixed-race teams back in his own day, the last thing he expects is to be called upon to do so once again, this time gathering a group of heroes from some rather unlikely places. If that weren't enough to worry about, there's a wild-card Soldier with a familiar fighting style making trouble at top-security bases all over the world... and a shiny red and gold suit that doesn't seem to answer to anyone. That's to say nothing of the kid genius that's supposedly behind it.This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 R4: CentaursThis is a Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 K3: Tony Stark/ Iron Man
Love Like Knives
Complete One Shot; Mature- Winter wakes up Tony when he wants someone to play rough with.This is a Bingo Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019. U4: [Image: Winter Soldier holding a knife.]
(I Will Try) To Fix You
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Dark Fic; An Extremis-modified Tony Stark decides he could run the world better than those currently in power, but he needs his pliable boyfriend James to go away and the Winter Soldier to come back...
WinterIron Week 2019
Day 1. The B Team First Meeting/“Are we really gonna do this here?”
Day 2. Done “You done yet?”
Day 3. A Second Take, A First Impression Bed Sharing / “I’m not drunk enough for this.” / Soulmates
Day 5. Hunting For (You) Celebration / “Bad timing?” / Prosthetic Arms
Day 6. Give It Away Identity Porn / “You should shut up now.” / Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart
WinterWidow/RussianRoulette- James Barnes x Natasha Romaova
No Fics Currently
Stony- Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
A Guardian of Light
Ongoing; Teen- a.k.a. that time Steve sank the Valkyrie in the Arctic and became a spirit-walking wolf to guide Tony, at Frigga’s suggestion.
Shield Studios Ltd.
Complete- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- All the Avengers in a non-powered voice-acting AU for an animated show called "Assemble" staring their Marvel counterparts. Tony/Steve have a mutual admiration/crush but it's not actually romantic and can be read as gen.
Phil’s Failed Plan
You’re Welcome to Try
The Vague & The Unmistakable
Complete; General Audiences- Looking back on it, there are several things that should have tipped Steve off that today was his Birthday. (Starting with the fact that it's suddenly clear Tony engineered every one of them.)
Stucky- Steve Rogers x James Barnes
No Fics Currently
Stuckony- Steve Rogers x James Barnes x Tony Stark
On The Wing
Complete- Open for Expansion; Teen- A Wing AU for Stuckony. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
(I’ll) Be Good
Complete; Mature- So when the tumblr prompt "Would you ever write...ABO winterironshield with alpha Tony?" meets my Kink Card S2 Square "Alpha/Beta/Omega Society" this is where we end up.
Allergic to Coddling
Complete (But Possibly Ongoing); From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Tony Stark having an allergic reaction to something and the rest of the Avengers babying him to the point of ridiculousness because they just love him so much?" Sort of Stuckony, sort of Everyone is Poly Because Avengers? Your choice.
Poly Avengers- Everyone Loves Everyone
Everybody Loves Me
Ongoing; From the Prompt: "Would you ever write a TonyXEveyone fic? Not exactly everyoneXeveryone, but everyone *in love* with Tony only?" Note this is a Partial Fill which may be expanded on later. Featuring Tales of Suspense Hawkeye/Comic Clint Barton, aka deaf and a dumpster kid until the end.
Non Romantic- No Shipping
Shut UP, Bucky!
Complete; Teen- From the hellscape of Discord Discussions I bring you: QueenWuppy: "During World War II condoms were not only distributed to male U.S. military members, but enlisted men were also subject to significant contraception propaganda in the form of films, posters, and lectures. A number of slogans were coined by the military, with one film exhorting "Don't forget — put it on before you put it in." "guys i was doing research and and steve and bucky were subjected to this". AKA Bucky makes SO MANY COMMENTS about Super Soldier Sized Protection. So many.
We Can’t Plot Murder All The Time
Complete; General Audiences- From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Deadpool/Tony (IronPool? DeadMan? IronDead? Dunno their ship name :b)" AN: I don’t ship them so this is a non-romantic.
Video Games and Phoenix Metaphors
Complete; General Audiences- Pepper plays Pokemon GO for SI Employee Morale... But she thinks the boss should be in on it too, and the best way to get Tony to do something is to get Rhodey to do something, and then clue Tony in. (Hint: It works.)
(The Upgrade) You’re Missing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Riri Williams is having a bad day, and though her AI TONY can't fix it, he can call in reinforcements.
The Losers
A Touch of Grace
Ongoing Series; Gen to Teen- Cougar has a bad feeling right before the Fadhil operation, and he admonishes Jake to be careful. Jake mostly pays attention, but Cougs is pretty distracting. (Slight D/s tones and Subspace.)
If I Touch You, Will You Listen? (Cougar’s POV)
If I Listen, Will You Touch Me? (Jensen’s POV)
You and Tequila (Make Me Crazy)
Ongoing; Teen & Up- Fortalvarez Tequila is a family business that's been in operation for a hundred and fifty years. Currently, under the management of the family matriarch Constanza, the business will soon be passed to her beloved grandson Carlos. The problem is, Constanza does not care for modern technology or the fact that all of her grandbabies (but especially her favorite) are single. Her solution is a single advertisement for a new Social Media Expert, which is about to be answered by the very handsome (and rather impulsive) Jake Jensen.From the Prompt: "Cougar's family runs a tequila distillery in Mexico. A luxury one. But his abuelita is getting too old to run the place with the firm hand that's required and someone has to take over. Jensen? Jensen is GREAT at social media management. SOMEONE WRITE IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO."
Tag (You’re It)
Complete One Shot; Teen & Up- Jake hacks a new system for the express purpose of getting the Losers prank dog tags printed and delivered. Mostly because his Unit is full of people that make bad decisions, himself included. And also? To flirt with Cougar. Jake is willing to do stupid, stupid things in order to flirt with Cougar.
#wakandan wardog#Wardog Writes Stuff#My Fic Post#Fic Masterlist#Stucky#Stony#WinterIron#WinterHawk#IronStrange#Stuckony#Poly Avengers#The Old Guard#Yusuf x Nicolo#TOG Fanfic#MARVEL Fanfic#The Losers Fanfic
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Battle #13
Survivor : Premonition (Side 1)
The Cars: Panorama (Side One)
Survivor : Premonition (Side 1)
Survivor is an American rock band formed in Chicago in 1978 by guitarist/songwriter Jim Peterik. The band achieved its greatest success in the 1980s, producing many charting singles, especially in the United States. The band is best known for its double platinum-certified 1982 hit "Eye of the Tiger", the theme song for the motion picture Rocky III. The band seemingly reached success overnight with that single, and simultaneously reached their peak. Since then the band has been plagued with revolving members. Original members quit and rejoin more frequently than even the local Walmart’s turnover. I had the good fortune of seeing Survivor in the middle 90’s during one of their shift changes. It was my first bar show, as I had just turned 21. I guess that proves I have always been an old soul. Never trying to sneak in to bars and seeing a band “past their prime”. Anyhow, I thought it was a pretty good show. Of course we just wanted to hear them sing THE song...I don’t even think I ordered a drink. Literally my friend and I just wanted to hear them sing “eye of the tiger”. Anyhow, I digress. This 1981’s Premonition, so the album right before the big breakthrough. It had some encouraging success as Sylvester Stallone got ahold of it and asked the band personally to write a song for his movie, so the rest is history. “Chevy Nights” starts it off. Hmm, a CAR song to kick it off, eh Survivor?? (#iseewhatyoudidthere). It’s a good mid-tempo radio rocker. I have to admit this is kind of an underrated 80’s band. They have the muscle and the music. “Summer Nights” follows sharply. They seem to be fond of the hours between dusk and dawn. We find ourselves smack in the middle of a ballad. A bold move to so quickly invoke the power ballad. I feel like this tune may have been radio fodder. This album gave the band its first Top 40 single, "Poor Man's Son". This is the very tune Sly Stallone cited specifically as his decision to call out to Survivor. It is another very decent rocker and certainly we get a clear understanding of Dave Bickler’s amazing pipe range! The man can sing! Really, pretty decent solo efforts on everyone’s part. I can totally see what Stallone must have seen too. The mid tempo love ballad resurfaces for the finale in “Runway Lights”. So, the band is very well crafted at their carved niche, but overall I must admit, there is not a lot of diversity in this Survivor portfolio. They need more polarization in their progressions. Great harmonies and catchiness is present, but it just ends up sounding like a lost Journey record. I suppose that’s not entirely terrible considering the era we are talking about. For real, this is Perry level shit! Right in line with The Styx, too. Very 80’s stadium rock, but very short for a production of that stature.
The Cars: Panorama (Side One)
The Cars were an American rock band that emerged from the new wave scene in the late 1970s. The band originates in Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1976. The primary lineup throughout their career is singer, rhythm guitarist, and songwriter Ric Ocasek; singer, songwriter and bassist Benjamin Orr; lead guitarist Elliot Easton; keyboardist Greg Hawkes; and drummer David Robinson (not the San Antonio Spurs superstar) (#seewhatididthere ). That makes them somewhat unique as they had no lineup changes, up To and including their reunion in 2011 - only missing Orr who had died in 2000 from pancreatic cancer. The Cars were at the forefront in merging 1970s guitar-oriented rock with the new synthesizer-oriented pop that was then becoming popular and which flourished in the early 1980s. They combine elements of power-Pop with punk and even some rockabilly, all with a beautiful keyboard heavy soundtrack thanks to the innovative Greg Hawkes. They were inductees into the Rock and Roll hall of fame in 2018. Following the success of Candy-O, the band's third studio album, Panorama, was released in 1980. The album, considered more experimental than its predecessors, featured only one Top 40 hit with "Touch and Go". Although the album peaked at No. 5 in America, it did not receive the critical praise of The Cars and Candy-O. This album is hardly considered by most fans, but it really does hold its own. “Panorama” starts it all. Hawkes keys take hold immediately and prove he is one of the greatest. He totally understands the hook. The Sfx king! It has an almost creepy and primitive vibe. Robo vox add a nice touch. It’s very loooong though, it just keeps going around and around...like a Panorama (#iseewhattheydidthere). The big hit “Touch and Go” is next. As previously mentioned it’s the only song to chart in the top 40 off the album, so by comparison to the rest of their catalog, this album performed poorly. I think differently though. To me, this is a big hit for them, a very recognizable Cars song, and one most individuals know...and it’s not even in their top 10 biggest hits. Does that make sense? Even their “b sides” as it were are amazing! It all centers around another cool, but creep-a-leepy riff. Did they record this album near Halloween?! I also appreciate it’s off time signature. Keeps it different and from stagnation, one of the many skills this band had a natural knack for. “Gimmie Some Slack” is a deep cut through and through, but you won’t care. It’s still a keeper and more on the rock level. No creepy riffs on this one, as I am sure you were wondering. “Don’t Tell Me No” does, however, come back strong with the creeps. This time in the form of a creeper tinged theme. Hawkes again takes lead with the key brilliance. A decent near hit with the tempo slowed to maximize the rock. Let it simmer in successful stereotypes. Like all good things, the album must end though. “Getting Through” sees the experimental ambiance continue. I think they were going for a new wave Country genre. Whaaaaaat?!!?! No, really! It has some twang! Still good though, better than I make it sound. It may be the shortest tune on here, or it could just feel that way due to Robinson and his double time drums. Yes, The Cars really know how to do it correctly. They are one of about 12 bands that I frequently fantasize about being in. Orr and Ocasek make such an amazing songwriter team, it’s almost criminal. Weirdly, their voices sound somewhat interchangeable too. Sometimes adding to confusion on who sang what song. For years I thought it was Ric that sang on my favorite Cars tune, “Bye, Bye Love”
So today it was Survivor with their premonitions and support of Rambo and Rocky, versus the automotive awesomeness of The Cars and their panoramic album of amazingness. Survivor played 4 songs over 15 minutes and burned 102 calories along the way. That is 25.50 calories burned per song and 6.80 calories burned per minute. Survivor earned 8 out of 12 possible stars. The Cars took 21 minutes to burn 159 calories over 5 songs. They burned 31.80 calories per song and 7.57 calories per minute. They also earned 11 out of 15 possible stars. Looks like TheCars managed to burn more than fuel today! They burned more calories per minute and win today’s battle!
The Cars: “Don’t Tell Me No”
#randomrecordworkout#records#80s#vinyl#80's music#80s music#survivor#the cars#ric ocasek#randomrecordworkoutseason6#synthwave#synthesizer#rock and roll
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1 Review: The End Is the Beginning
This Fear the Walking Dead review contains spoilers.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1
After everything the world has endured these last several months, it just doesn’t seem productive to harp on what did or didn’t work about last season. I’m even willing to give John Dorie’s San Antonio Split a pass at this point. If anything, we’re lucky we have anything new to watch at all, especially with some series being outright canceled because they’re too difficult to produce in the age of Covid-19.
With that being said, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked the way “The End is the Beginning” kicked things off for Fear the Walking Dead‘s sixth season. And that’s certainly something I don’t think a lot of us expected—that a spin-off prequel to The Walking Dead would have legs. But here we are, courtesy of Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg, who return for their third season as showrunners. While they haven’t enjoyed a sterling track record, when Fear works, it really works. A lot of that rests on the shoulders of its strong ensemble cast. Lennie James was a strong addition to the series back in season 4, crossing over as he did from TWD to join Fear’s motley crew.
Which brings us to the elephant in the room—namely that James’s Morgan Jones survived the tragic upheaval of last season’s finale, “End of the Line.” How did Morgan survive being shot by Virginia (Colby Minifie) and being left for dead as walkers slowly closed in? We learn that he survived thanks to the largesse of a mysterious stranger who heard what would have been his last words over the radio, exhorting his compatriots to live. Does this constitute a magical dumpster moment, akin to what rescued a Glenn in TWD’s sixth season? You can read my expanded thoughts on Morgan’s mulligan here.
In the meantime, if we go along with the conceit that Morgan has spent the last five or six weeks convalescing in a tricked-out water tower, the rest of the episode works. Again, a lot of this falls on James, whose strong performance immediately invested me in Morgan’s physical and existential battles. He’s struggling with a crisis of faith as well, though mostly in himself. Last season’s theme was one of altruism—led by Morgan, who was determined to help people whether they wanted aid or not. This had dire consequences, of course, leading not only to Virginia’s attempted murder of Morgan but also the group being split up and sent to different settlements. So it makes sense that Morgan is so resistant to making new friends in this episode—even if they’re just as hell-bent on aiding strangers as he once was.
As we soon find out, the last several weeks have been difficult for Morgan. In that time, he’s become the walking dead himself in more than just the metaphorical sense. He’s got one foot in the grave, thanks to gangrene and a bullet fragment lodged near his pulmonary artery. The only upside to this is that his necrotic flesh allows him to blend in among the dead, as Nick often did when camouflaged in walker blood.
Even in the best of times, removing the bullet would be risky. But Morgan doesn’t want it removed. Is it because he believes he deserved to die? Is his suffering meant to be some kind of twisted penance for failing to save every last living person in a world gone bad? Knowing Morgan, the answer to those questions can only be yes.
This still doesn’t stop him from being befriended by Isaac (Michael Abbot, Jr.), a onetime corpsman in the Marines and now an expectant father. As it turns out, he’s also one of Virginia’s former rangers who escaped after a change of heart brought on by one of Morgan’s earnest videotaped messages. “I changed,” insists Isaac. “So can you.”
But change can mean something else entirely in a setting like this. Change can be a positive thing, yes, but in a world in which Hell is full, change can also mean never going to your reward. It can mean failure is your constant companion, dragging you down so close to the very earth that you can taste the soil. That’s where Morgan finds himself yet again, beset by failure and misgivings. In other words, it’s not easy being Morgan Jones, especially when a bean-eating, axe-wielding bounty hunter named Emile (Demetrius Grosse) is hot on his trail.
I honestly thought Morgan’s battle with Emile would play out throughout the first half of the season, and not come to a head as it were by episode’s end. What’s worth noting is that the promise of salvation for his friends is what motivates Morgan to strike a deal with Emile, trading his life for theirs. But it immediately becomes obvious that Emile poses a bigger threat to Isaac and the secret town that will serve as a new settlement for people looking to flee Virginia’s rule. For that to happen, and for Isaac’s newborn daughter to have any chance of survival, Emile has to go.
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By episode’s end, Morgan finally embraces his rebirth, declaring over the radio to Virginia, “Morgan Jones is dead. And you are dealing with someone else now.” As to whether he deserves this second chance remains to be seen. One could argue that this is yet another rebirth for Fear as well. For now, I’m cautiously optimistic. And any kind of optimism nowadays, even a little bit, can go an awfully long way as the real world awaits its own mulligan.
The post Fear the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 1 Review: The End Is the Beginning appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3jRB1ga
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form & concept

TODD RYAN WHITE | RAINBOW EATER November 29, 2019–January 25, 2020 OPENING RECEPTION Friday, November 29, 5–8pm PERFORMANCE Friday, December 20, 6pm ARTIST TALK Saturday, December 21, 12pm ARTIST TODD RYAN WHITE WANTS TO MAKE YOU LAUGH, CRY & LIGHT UP (November 2019) Local artist Todd Ryan White premieres a new body of work in his first solo show at form & concept, Rainbow Eater. The exhibition includes immersive installation, collage, watercolor, pen and ink drawing and wood, and glass sculpture. An opening party on Friday, November 29, 5-8pm, will feature live music, interactive installation, and possible mayhem. Those familiar with White’s drawings and designs for label King Volume Records will recognize the artist’s precise ink-and-pen depictions of fantastical creatures and icons of a flippant metal subculture. In Rainbow Eater, consisting of works that are anywhere between 10 years and weeks in the making, White eschews control for investigative experimentation, drawing together seemingly disparate themes into a robust body of work that shocks with color and dark humor. Dense worlds of psychedelic fauna, melting hides, and grotesquely dancing warriors are anchored by a general state-of-the-world anxiety, and all connected to the artist’s practice around music.
In a studio interview over the sounds of psyche and doom metal, Todd explains the cathartic practice of completing works from a decade of creative practice. “I like the idea of a very inconsistent stylistic approach. I’m not trying to bridge the gap but they all exist together. To me it’s boring to be consistent.” Equal parts retrospective and premiere, Rainbow Eater is exploratory yet consummate. Earlier conceptual iterations of Magritte-esque flattened pipes in pen and ink have given way to actual melted glass pipes, a collection of objects in which chance has beautifully or unforgivingly brought together the nostalgic aesthetics and colors of 90s stoner culture. “I have the ability to be very controlled when I’m making things, but it doesn’t necessarily make things better.”
In a series of four ink-and-watercolor portraits of a lone unicorn, White again employs a knack for fluid stylistic shifts. Pairs of world-weary, and in one-case, heart-meltingly sad, eyes stare from intricately rendered and muscled bodies. The series, punctuated by one of White’s largest pieces in the show, “Battle of the Dudes”—a hilariously Mike Judd-esque reimagining of Antonio Del Pollaiulol’s 15th-century engraving “Battle of the Nudes”—does not make it clear if we should laugh or cry. “There is a general ‘spikiness’ that runs through the work,” White explains. “The unicorn is representative of environmental struggle for me, but there is sadistic pleasure here too, and the comedy of fighting one’s self.” Todd Ryan White describes himself as a product of Southern California: beaches, skateboarding and punk rock. White graduated from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and founded King Volume Records in 2015. Some exhibition highlights include The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art and The Torrance Museum of Art. He currently lives in Santa Fe with his wife, artist Thais Mather; the pair also own and operate Good Folk in Santa Fe, a gallery dedicated to the work of folk artists from Northern NM and Oaxaca, Mexico. 435 S. Guadalupe St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 [email protected] 505.780.8312
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by Jenny Hansell
Cross-dressing, mistaken identity, unrequited love, bawdy humor, and a few heart-stopping moments of darkness and deep emotion: Shakespeare & Company’s hugely talented and appealing company works hard to make every word of Twelfth Night breathe as if freshly written.
Sticking with the play pretty much as written (recent productions in New York and New Haven have included full-on musicals, casts of puppets, fully modern language and many other variations) this production, directed with energy and style by Allyn Burrows, is set on a boardwalk at the beach in 1959. The plentiful music, which winds throughout, draws on jazz, early Motown, and classic 50’s harmonies.
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A young woman named Viola washes up on the beach at Illyria after the shipwreck that swept away her beloved twin brother Sebastien. She disguises herself as a young man, Cesario in order to work for the local nobleman, Duke Orsino. She quickly falls in love with the Duke, who is in love with Lady Olivia. Olivia in turn falls for Cesario when “he” is sent to plead the Duke’s case. In addition to this trio, we have another: Sir Toby, Olivia’s drunk Uncle; Toby’s friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and Maria’s lady-in-waiting, Maria, who tease and taunt one another and Olivia’s uptight steward, Malvolio. The clown of the house, Feste, hovers around, offering songs and silliness.
A theme of real trauma underlies the comedy: Olivia (Cloteal L. Horne, passionate and very funny) is in mourning for her beloved brother. Malvolio (Miles Anderson) is truly devastated by the cruel prank Maria and Toby play on him. Viola’s brother Sebastien, when he reappears, is stunned to be reunited with his lost sister – Deaon Griffin-Pressley is particularly moving as he realizes she is not dead after all. And as Viola, the superb Ella Loudon finds new shades to a young woman who is struggling with her own identity: she doesn’t want to shed her man’s clothing at the end (and this Duke is fine with that). Nigel Gore stood out as the absurd suitor Aguecheek, and as Toby, Steven Barkhimer was a bit more low-key than his drinking buddies, but he played at least three instruments in the clever songs (mostly performed by Gregory Boover as Feste.)
The sharp costumes were designed by Govane Lohbauer; the 1959-accurate dancing and battles overseen by movement director Susan Dibble.
Twelfth Night is funny, moving and hugely entertaining –in a crowded Berkshires summer of theater, it’s a real standout.
Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare, through August 4, 2019 at Shakespeare & Co., Tina Packer Playhouse, 70 Kemble Street, Lenox, MA. Tickets at www.shakespeare.org. Director: Allyn Burrows. Voice Coach: Ariel Bock. Movement Director: Susan Dibble. Set Designer: Cristina Todesco. Costume Designer: Govane Lohbauer. Lighting Designer: Deb Sullivan. Sound Designer & Composer: Arshan Gailus. Music Director: Gregory Boover. CAST: Martin Jason Asprey (Antonio/Sea Captain), Steven Barkhimer (Sir Toby Belch), Gregory Boover (Feste), Nigel Gore (Andrew Aguecheek), Deaon Griffin-Pressley (Sebastian), Cloteal L. Horne (Olivia), Ella Loudon (Viola), Bella Merlin (Maria), Miles Anderson (Malvolio), Bryce Michael Wood. (Duke Orsino)
Tickets for Twelfth Night are available online at shakespeare.org, or by calling Shakespeare & Company’s box office at (413) 637-3353. The Tina Packer Playhouse is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Shakespeare & Company is located at 70 Kemble St. in Lenox, Massachusetts. Twelfth Night is generously sponsored by Dr. Donald and Phoebe L. Giddon.
Additionally, Shakespeare & Company invites audiences to participate in a Free Pre-Show Talk on Tuesday, July 9th at 6:15pm as we provide insight into the plot and characters of the play to enhance your experience. Join Artistic Director Allyn Burrows and cast members for the Director’s Panel on Saturday, July 20th at 11am for a discussion of the creative journey of bringing Twelfth Night to the stage. Adult tickets for the Director’s Panel are $10 for adults and free for students. For tickets and more information visit shakespeare.org.
REVIEW: “Twelfth Night” at Shakespeare & Company by Jenny Hansell Cross-dressing, mistaken identity, unrequited love, bawdy humor, and a few heart-stopping moments of darkness and deep emotion: …
#Allyn Burrows#Ariel Bock#Arshan Gailus#Bella Merlin#Bryce Michael Wood#Cloteal L. Horne#Cristina Todesco#Daniel Rader#Deaon Griffin-Pressley#Deb Sullivan#Ella Loudon#Govane Lohbauer#Gregory Boover#Jenny Hansell#Lenox MA#Martin Jason Asprey#Miles Anderson#Nigel Gore#Shakespeare & Company#Steven Barkhimer#Susan Dibble#Tina Packer Playhouse#Twelfth Night#William Shakespeare
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America`s Top Attractions For Family Vacations
The family members holiday has developed into a sacred maturing for American parents in addition to their youngsters. Almost every family members has actually loaded the automobile or scheduled their traveling plans to discover the different and massive American landscape. The selections are so bountiful it's almost frustrating to think about, so we attempted to alleviate the treatment by tightening on the very top UNITED STATE household trip locations. Our checklist consists of destinations by having an abundance of varied tourist attractions, distinct views, first-rate galleries and the ideal family-friendly hotels.
Top UNITED STATE family members Trip destinations
Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon looks like the outdoors version of Disneyland. It preserves a 'personality' like a global and normally appreciated household location, possibly due to the Brady Bunch. It consists of an excellent quantity of family-friendly destinations and offerings, consisting of hiking, kayaking, rafting, the Grand Canyon Train, and also numerous family-friendly restaurants. The Grand Canyon might be the renowned household destination, a location that is typically noted like a 'see prior to you die' tourist attraction, and also assists make the leading five because of its natural appeal.
Yosemite stands using the Grand Canyon among one of the most beneficial outdoors/adventure locations in the u.s.a. Exactly what makes it a wonderful family members location is its variety of outside offerings from hiking to camping to shake climbing up to rafting as well since it's large dimension and also family-accommodating attractions. When ranking family locations, we particularly select destinations identified for their wonderful, totally unique attractions which are particularly breathtaking for kids. Yosemite's loved one closeness to Bay location is likewise a significant draw, particularly for parents.
San Francisco
San Francisco hosts some excellent family-friendly attractions: Angler's Wharf, Alcatraz, the winding Lombard Street and also the Golden Gateway Bridge, for beginners. The city offers proximity with an excellent family-friendly destinations, consisting of Lake Takoe, Yosemite as well as Muir Woods. San Francisco's bad thing is basic: It's pricey, possibly one of the most expensive cities in the united states.
Austin, surprisingly, has a lot of the benefit of San Diego: A diverse metropolitan environment that's additionally readily available to the outdoors, establishing a range of family-friendly destinations. Writers specify that family members could likewise take pleasure in a city trip while choosing an excursion from the city's million-strong bat nest. The prevalence of cozy and also friendly dining establishments could additionally be available at a few of the cheapest prices in the united states. Austin does not have the renowned, once-in-lifetime benefit of the leading 5, yet is a fantastic pick to have an underrated household travel destination.
Phoenix has numerous child-friendly attractions, consisting of zoos, Wild West exhibits as well as also the Arizona Scientific research Center, while a raise Camelback Hill or perhaps a walk with the Desert Arboretum are fantastic methods to experience Phoenix metro's all-natural grandeur. Phoenix az's unique, dry desert climate might also appeal to youngsters unfamiliar in the direction of the area.
Chicago, regardless of as being a really large city, has more easily accessible attractions than New York City, including numerous museums as well as 6 Flags. Hotels concentrate on families, there are a lot of restaurants with the city that welcome households and also remain affordable.
Dallas could well be a surprise with a readers looking for a family members trip. Nevertheless in regards to family-friendly locations, both Dallas and also Ft Worth are rewarding, with unique tourist attractions consisting of 6 Flags Over Texas, zoos, fish tanks, children's theaters as well as Wild West demonstrations.
Myrtle Beach
Myrtle Beach was created nearly just for families, with several theme park and also tasks aimed toward children.' Myrtle Beach is primarily almost specifically a seaside destination, for that reason it does not have the variety of other destinations. Nonetheless in terms of access, expense, as well as quality of coastlines, Myrtle Coastline offers an excellent family beach holiday. Its proximity with other coastlines additionally creates it to be a wonderful rep for that East Coast coastline scene.
Philadelphia's South Street supplies an exceptional restaurant scene for households, and Philadelphia typically consists of an excellent amount of family-friendly museums, making the community a hotspot for educational destinations. (Absolutely browse the remarkable Franklin Institute Scientific research Museum). Philly's light-weight as well as mobility likewise makes it much simpler on family members, especially those with more youthful children. The Liberty Bell and Analysis Terminal Market will certainly also be distinctly Philadelphian destinations that draw in kids as well as parents alike.
Washington D.C.
It can appear a stretch to place Washington among the leading 10 family members locations in the united states. The city is normally viewed as a bland and ordinary city finest kept to boring old politicians. The solution to D.C.'s allure may be the National Shopping mall, having a wealth of first-rate museums which get along to the household's spending plan: They're totally free. Other family-friendly around the Lincoln Memorial, battle memorials (such as the Vietnam or The second world war), the Capitol Building, the White Residence, etc deal exceptional family members destinations. The growing restaurant scene also offers great food for families.
Honolulu - Oahu
O' ahu and Honolulu will be the excellent household's destination whether it really did not call for a multitude of miles of travel to access to. But Honolulu as well as especially Waikiki provides superb child-friendly coastlines as well as attractions, from snorkeling to whale enjoying to swimming with dolphins towards the neighboring Hawaiian Seas Journey Park. These attractions will additionally be located in an almost surreally tropical island which will certainly astonish kids and also moms and dads alike. Traveling authors likewise recommend exploring the landscape from the island, stating that it's a preferred relocation to make for families.
San Antonio
San Antonio has many tourist attractions that highly bring in parents as well as youngsters alike. When creating on San Antonio, authors keep in mind an excellent quantity of family-friendly destinations, consisting of Alamo City Ghost Tours, 6 Flags Feast Texas, SeaWorld, cowboy and music programs, historical parks, natural preserves, canyons as well as caves, and so on. Boost that an abundance of family-friendly restaurants together with a fairly unique setup 'Do not damaged chaos on Texas' and San Antonio absolutely is actually a first-rate family members destination.
North park
San Diego unquestionably is one of the leading travel locations for nearly any vacationer, however its large variety causes it to be the most effective family members trip in the U.S. As MSNBC claims, 'Kids want merely to play regarding the coastline? Not a problem San Diego provides 70 miles of sandy fun. Dad as well as mama are museum junkies? Balboa Park offers a list of the planet's finest in one location. When you're ready for something you'll all take pleasure in with each other, you are able to going right to the North park Zoo or Sea Globe due to the fact that no matter of exactly how young or old you're, these places constantly please.' To put it merely, San Diego has attractions that offer the most to both youngster and adult. Whereas various other family-oriented locations aim their focus practically positioned on the children, San Diego's attractions have dual allure. The coastline, galleries, SeaWorld as well as a lot more are certain to provide families a satisfying getaway.
Yellowstone, like Yosemite as well as the Grand Canyon, is among one of the most advised outside locations, or destinations normally, in the United States. Its series of tourist attractions especially those intended towards households, for instance hiking as well as rafting, cause the park a terrific, must-see location for families. Yosemite's proximity to Bay area and also the Grand Canyon's utter individuality make both of these locations a lot more inviting compared to Yellowstone for a great deal of travelers and also writers.
Orlando-Walt Disney World
Disney Globe is amongst the premiere family members destinations within the globe. Understood all over the world for its clearly American charm and tourist attractions, Disney Globe is syntheticed specifically toward kids and also households, as well as it is formula is very successful. Disney Globe's location among the leading 5 is an additional representation of their universality. Virtually all American households have most likely gone to Disney Globe or its affiliates a minimum of one time. Disney Globe beats Disneyland as a result of the much more advanced and also modern offerings, in enhancement to its area in Orlando, that provides proximity to Florida's fantastic beaches.
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Heinz Headquarters: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Area served: Worldwide Key people: Bernardo Hees (CEO) Revenue: US$ 11.64 billion (2012) Operating income: US$ 1.45 billion (2012) Net income: US$ 923 million (2012) Total assets: US$ 12.939 billion (2013) Total equity: US$ 2.88 billion (2012) Owner: Kraft Heinz Number of employees: 32,200 (2012) Divisions: North American Consumer Products U.S. Food service Europe Asia Pacific Rest of World Website: www.kraftheinzcompany.com The H. J. Heinz Company, or Heinz, is an American food processing company with world headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Originally, the company was founded by Henry John Heinz in 1869. Keeping Up with the Kardashians From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Genre: Reality television Starring • Kris Jenner • Caitlyn Jenner • Kim Kardashian • Khloé Kardashian • Kourtney Kardashian • Rob Kardashian • Kendall Jenner • Kylie Jenner Opening theme: "Morning" by Francis and the Lights Country of origin: United States Original language(s) English No. of seasons: 14 No. of episodes: 212 (list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) • Ryan Seacrest • Jonathan Murray • Gil Goldschein • Jeff Jenkins • Farnaz Farjam-Chazan • Kris Jenner • Kourtney Kardashian • Kim Kardashian • Khloé Kardashian Location(s) Los Angeles, California Camera setup: Multi-camera Running time • 22 minutes (seasons 1–6) • 42 minutes (season 7–present) Production company(s) • Ryan Seacrest Productions • Bunim/Murray Productions Release Original network: E! Original release: October 14, 2007 – present Official website: www.eonline.com/shows/kardashians Keeping Up with the Kardashians (often abbreviated KUWTK) is an American reality television series that airs on the E! cable network. The show focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Kardashian–Jenner blended family. Its premise originated with Ryan Seacrest, who also serves as an executive producer. The series debuted on October 14, 2007 and has subsequently become one of the longest-running reality television series in the country. The fourteenth season premiered on October 1, 2017. 227's™ YouTube Chili' #Nike'Spicy'HEINZ Fry Sauce #Mayochup'Spicy' Keeping Up With The Kardashians #Nike'Spicy'FRIES and NBA Spicy' Chili' Videos (6/7/2018): Sofia Richie Set To STAR In Keeping Up With The Kardashians! * Sofia Richie is saying goodbye to modeling and hello to reality television! 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How the Dem Presidential Candidates Are Trying to Stand Out
With the first Democratic primary debate set for late June in Miami, the field's two dozen candidates are trying to define themselves to voters by highlighting variations of their past accomplishments, personal histories, leadership traits and plans for what they want to do for the future.
With about eight months before the first primary votes are tallied, candidates want to present whatever will stand out because name recognition will help them do well in polls, and, in turn, at the voting booths, according to Hans Noel, an associate professor of political science at Georgetown University.
A Complete Guide to 2020 Democratic Primary Debates
“There are a lot of candidates, so they need to work hard to distinguish themselves from the pack,” Noel said in an email.
This presidential field is the most diverse in history, including women, African Americans, Asian Americans, a Latino and veterans, as well as Jewish and Hindu contender and an openly gay candidate.
2020 Election: Who Are the Democratic, Republican Presidential Candidates?
Here are some the ways the candidates have been broadly presenting themselves to voters so far.
THEIR LIFE STORIES All of the candidates have been running on the benefits that their life experiences will bring to them as president, but some at this early stage have focused especially intensely on their biographies.
Candidates want their biographies to appeal to voters because, in a primary, voters don't have much to go on, Noel said. Most policy proposals only have minor differences between them.
Voters "want a candidate who will connect with them in some way, perhaps by reflecting in a common identity or background," Noel said.
Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been in the public eye since entering the U.S. Senate in 1973, benefits from national name recognition for serving under President Barack Obama for eight years. His campaign has so far run on his reputation as a Democratic politician who works with Republicans and, thanks to family roots in Scranton, Pennsylvania, can connect with working class Americans.
But critics on the left have also pointed to his long record in the Senate to challenge some of his past positions, including his long support of the Hyde Amendment, which banned federal funding for abortion services except in cases of rape, incest and saving the life of the mother — a position Biden reversed last week, saying he changed his mind after seeing abortion rights are being taken away in some states.
Biden has also been criticized for supporting the 1994 federal crime bill, which critics say disproportionately harmed African Americans, and for not directly apologizing to Anita Hill for how he handled her accusation of sexual harassment during the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Clarence Thomas. Still, Biden has a significant lead in most early polls.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, has talked about how her family's economic struggles as she was growing up have informed her progressive policy platform. Her father suffered a heart attack when she was 12, leaving him out of work. She dropped out of college at age 19 to get married and have her first child, but went on to become a professor at Harvard University.
Before she announced her candidacy, Warren faced criticism for her claims of Native American ancestry. She later apologized for taking a DNA test to support her claim.
Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, whose last name is pronounced "Boot-Edge-Edge," has encouraged supporters to refer to him as "Mayor Pete." An openly gay veteran under 40, he has argued that it should be the member of a younger generation who takes America forward.
Julián Castro, who served as Housing and Urban Development secretary in the Obama administration, is the son of a single mother who grew up on the West Side of San Antonio, Texas. His grandmother immigrated to the United States when she was 7.
Author Marianne Williamson has run a campaign on one of the central themes of her books: love.
APPEALING TO TRUMP VOTERS Noel said that winning over Trump voters is crucial for candidates, since those who can do so can also tell Democratic primary voters that they are electable, something voters care a lot about this year.
"It is important for Democrats to win some of the Midwest states they lost in 2016 — Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania," he said.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York have talked about winning support from districts in their states that voted for President Donald Trump.
Klobuchar has proposed a $1 trillion infrastructure project and has plans to support agriculture and family farmers, which are issues Trump has also emphasized to voters.
Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke, from El Paso, Texas, has argued that he has appeal in Trump country as well, after coming within three points of unseating Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2018's midterm elections.
Other candidates have been running as businessmen turned politicians, just as the president did in 2016. This includes Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and entrepreneur Andrew Yang.
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock has appealed to Trump voters as well, noting he is the only Democrat running for president to have won statewide in a place that went for Trump in 2016. One of the last to join the field, he was unable to secure a spot in the first Democratic primary debate, which presents a challenge for building up his name recognition.
BOLD POLICY PROPOSALS To stand out and connect with voters, many candidates have at this early stage created major policy proposals as a signal of what they would prioritize as president.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont running as a Democrat, is running in 2020 under a similar Democratic socialist platform to his campaign in 2016, advocating for Medicare for All. He is also focusing on issues such as college-for-all, eliminating big money from politics, a $15 minimum wage and a green jobs program.
Warren has also put out many policy proposals, with a campaign refrain that she "has a plan for that." Warren has said she wants to, among other things, end Washington corruption with a series of lobbying reforms, enact new antitrust laws that would break-up “Big Tech” and forgive student loan debt.
Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey has laid out a plan for gun violence prevention that targets loopholes for gun sales and gun manufacturers. He has also outlined a plan to make housing more affordable by giving tax credits to people who pay more than 30 percent of their income on rent, and setting up "baby bond" savings accounts that children could use to purchase a home when they grow up.
Sen. Kamala Harris, of California, has plans to give teachers a raise at an average of $13,500 per year, prevent gun violence with actions such as universal background checks, have companies obtain “Equal Pay Certifications” and for end-to-end criminal justice reform.
Klobuchar also launched her campaign with a new plan for mental health prevention and intervention initiatives.
Gillibrand has been campaigning on getting rid of dark money in politics, improving the economy, raising wages and implementing national paid family leave.
Several candidates have made campaign finance reform the focus of their campaigns, including Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, from Hawaii, and Bullock, believing that untracked political contributions are having a negative influence on the political system. Gabbard, an Iraq war veteran, is also campaigning to end "wars of regime change."
Climate change is the central message for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. His plan would invest $9 trillion over 10 years for a clean energy economy with the goal of net-zero climate pollution before 2045. O'Rourke has a plan to combat climate change with a big price tag as well, calling for $5 trillion in green investments and a guarantee of net-zero emissions by 2050. With climate change a major issue for all of the candidates, here is a look at where they stand.
Candidates who've served in the House of Representatives have been articulating policy agendas to voters as well.
Castro has been promoting what he calls a "People First" policy that would end over-aggressive policing and establish a roadmap for citizenship for undocumented workers.
Rep. Tim Ryan, from Youngstown, Ohio, has an agenda that includes an agriculture program for sustainable farming practices.
Former Rep. John Delaney, of Maryland, has an agenda that includes a plan to prepare for the artificial intelligence revolution.
Rep. Seth Moulton, of Massachusetts, is a veteran who has made military service the core of his campaign. He wants to restore American leadership with allies, implement a new bill modeled after the GI Bill to urge young people to serve and raise awareness for mental health issues. Moulton was also among the three Democrats who failed to qualify for the first primary debate.
Rep. Eric Swalwell, from Northern California, has plans for universal health care, background checks for purchases of guns and ammunition and for greater transparency from political donors.
Yang, a venture capitalist, has plans to take on artificial intelligence by implementing human-centered capitalism, which will prioritize humans over money. He wants to pass a universal basic income of $1,000 per month and Medicare for All.
TAKING THE FIGHT TO TRUMP Candidates have gone after the president and his policies in different ways, hoping to show they can take on the president in a general election. Many have said they support the beginning of an impeachment inquiry, if not impeachment itself.
Biden launched his candidacy by saying the nation is in a battle for its "soul" with Trump in office. He grabbed the president's attention in recent speeches in Iowa, where the president was campaigning as well.
Warren was the first to come out in favor of impeachment after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. It found that no members of the Trump campaign conspired with members of the Russian government but did outline 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice activities and said that Mueller's team wasn't able to bring charges in those cases due to Justice Department policy.
Harris said, if she were president, her Department of Justice would have "no choice and that they should" prosecute Trump for obstruction of justice.
Buttigieg also said he would support a future criminal investigation against Trump.
Castro has gone after the president's policies for undocumented immigrants. He believes the administration vilifies immigrants and sabotages America's principles.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has gotten into a public feud with Trump since entering the race, calling him "Con Don" and saying he "must be stopped." The president has responded by tweeting de Blasio is "considered the worst mayor in the U.S."
UNCONVENTIONAL METHODS 2020 candidates have been grabbing voters' attention on social media.
O’Rourke used livestreams to create nationwide appeal while he was campaigning for the Senate in Texas in 2016. But so far that prowess hasn't translated to success in his campaign for president, with his poll numbers languishing around 1%.
Warren has teamed up with social media star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., releasing a video criticizing Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin for his role in the decline of the Sears department store chain. They also released a video in which they chatted about how the finale of "Game of Thrones" could have used "feminist analysis."
Buttigieg has powered his campaign by giving an interview to almost anyone, hoping it will spread his message and show off his abilities.
Yang has also made a name for himself by staking out positions on unconventional issues, like universal basic income and getting rid of the penny. His campaign has also attracted a large online presence, known as the "Yang Gang," on social media platforms such as Reddit and 4chan.
This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. How the Dem Presidential Candidates Are Trying to Stand Out published first on Miami News
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Celebrate Hirohiko Araki’s Birthday by Learning About the Man Behind JoJo’s!
Born on June 7th, 1960, Hirohiko Araki celebrates his 59th birthday this year! Hailing from Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, the creator of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has been wowing audiences across the globe with his unique art and storytelling. But aside from JoJo’s, how much else do you know about Araki? Well, whether you answered that with “a lot” or “nothing at all”, we figured there was no better way to celebrate the father of Jotaro, Joseph, Josuke, Giorno, and DIO than with a retrospective look at the man behind the pen. If you’re a long time fan of Araki’s or a newer fan lured in by your friends endlessly talking about JoJo references, we think you’ll find something interesting that you probably didn’t know before!
Araki grew up in Sendai, the capital city of Miyagi Japan. Founded in 1600 by Date Masamune, and found himself reading to escape the hassle of dealing with his younger identical twin sisters. Araki considers this period to be formative in developing his love for comics and art, as he spent his time reading manga and books about art, with Paul Gauguin being a major artistic influence on the young manga artist, and Ai to Makoto as his most memorable manga. Although never translated into English officially, Ai to Makoto’s story of cross-class love between a delinquent boy and a rich girl has been an enduring hit in Japan, spawning no less than four live-action films in Japan, with the most recent being in 2012!
Considering some of the themes of JoJo’s first part, it is easy to see some of the ways in which this manga and its storyline stuck with Araki throughout his life. Araki began drawing manga of his own during high school, and even tried to get his works submitted to various magazines with no luck of publication until he met with an editor at Shueisha, under whose guidance he eventually created his first manga hit, Poker Under Arms, a Wild West story about a dangerous poker game that has a few early similarities to some JoJo characters, most notably everyone’s favorite hat throwing goon, Speedwagon!
Three years after Poker Under Arms, Araki published his first serialized work, Cool Shock B.T., a story about a mystery solving magician. Most longtime Araki fans will probably remember his next work, Baoh, which debuted a year later in 1984. Baoh follows a similar storyline to early versions of Kamen Rider, featuring a hapless young man named Ikuro who finds himself implanted with a parasite known as BAOH by an evil organization. Ikuro finds that when he is in danger, Baoh manifests to protect him, giving him superhuman abilities and powers that he then uses to fight back against Doress and its evil plans.
JoJo viewers may note that the series occasionally has over the top depictions of violence, and Baoh seems to be the place where Araki first started to experiment with the extreme violence and fighting that he became known for later. Fans who played the fighting game JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle may even recognize Ikuro Hashizawa as a downloadable character, and older fans of anime and manga likely had their first encounter with Araki’s works in English thanks to Viz’s release of the manga in 1990, and an OVA series from 1989 that saw a re-release from AnimEigo in 2001.
Of course, it would be impossible to talk about Araki without also talking about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which originally saw publication in 1987’s first January issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. Since then, the series has gone on to sell over 100 million copies in Japan alone, and has been translated into many other languages, with new fans discovering the magic of Araki’s work every day. With 124 volumes (and counting!) currently in print for the series, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is also the seventh longest running manga of all time, and since Araki doesn’t seem interested in slowing down any time soon, we can only expect him to work hard to keep that placement (or even go higher!). The manga also spawned numerous anime adaptations, novels, video games, and more that fans have been more than happy to gobble up at any opportunity.
One of the most amazing things about JoJo is the change in Araki’s art that you can track over time, seeing how he continually refines his unique style over 32 years that the manga has been in publication. With more chapters being written all the time, we’re sure that we’ll continue seeing new and unique ways that Araki’s style evolves over time, and hopefully that’ll lead to more amazing anime adaptations of the series from David Production! If you’ve never taken the plunge, we recommend you start here and give the supernatural action adventure series a shot! JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures follows various generations of the Joestar family, from their early days and beginnings to the rise of the evil DIO, to various related family members whose destinies were unknowingly intertwined with their ancestor’s seemingly eternal struggle! JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a blast, and I promise you’ll find something to love about the series if you let it into your heart.
As one of the longest running manga artists in history, Araki has plenty of interesting ideas that don’t always make it into his main series. Over the years, Araki has created numerous oneshots and spinoffs that explore some of his more creative ideas, even bringing in favorite JoJo characters in new situations, most notably Diamond is Unbreakable’s Rohan Kishibe. Some of Araki’s lesser-known works include The Lives of the Eccentrics, Under Execution Under Jailbreak (which features an interesting cameo by a ghost of a man who just wanted a quiet life), Dolce and His Master, and the various Rohan series, from Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Rohan at the Louvre, and Rohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci. Quite a few of his non-mainline JoJo works are born from interesting partnerships, and the two Gucci manga that Araki wrote are testaments to this, having also been designed in tandem with Araki’s art being displayed in various Gucci stores across the world, featuring JoJo characters dressed in the latest Gucci fashions. Rohan’s trip the Louvre was created for an exhibit in the famous French museum in 2009 called The Louvre Invites the Comics, and even received a full-color, official printing in English in 2012!
In 2015, Araki even published a book of his thoughts and techniques for creating manga in Hirohiko Araki’s Manga Technique, which was published in English by Viz as Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga. The book is a fascinating look into the thoughts and processes of Araki himself, discussing his various influences and his beliefs on how to create characters, stories, and creating a world of your own in manga. If you’re a manga fan or aspiring creator yourself, you probably owe it to yourself to track down this book and read what one of the greatest manga authors has to say about the process!
But what about when he’s not drawing manga? Well, Araki has numerous loves and activities in his life, and many of his influences come not from other manga or anime, but from music, film, and art from around the world. Araki has a particular love of Italy, especially Italian food, art, and fashion, as evidenced from the numerous references to it he makes in his works. Araki even had an art exhibit in Florence to tie in with his partnership with Gucci. His love of Italian food extends to his own culinary skill, and the creator of Assassination Classroom, Matsui Yuusei, even wrote about the experience of being asked to eat Araki’s cooking for a special film segment for Jump Live. Yuusei recounts that Araki’s cooking is quite amazing, meaning that he’s not just an amazing manga creator, but also a pretty amazing chef! We’ll just say we’re a bit jealous that we can’t try Araki’s amazing food, but at least we get to enjoy his other works. Yuusei notes something else about Araki that’s a bit of a fan myth: he seems to never age! Araki’s amazing health has led to the joke that he, too, wore the Stone Mask, but Araki just states that he eats a healthy diet and exercises constantly, as well as ensuring he doesn’t overwork himself, as the keys to his seemingly mysterious eternal youth. His favorite exercises? Swimming, riding a bike, and walking to Japanese shrines!
Araki’s influences for his works come from various sources all over the globe, drawing particularly from his love of music. Araki maintains a massive music collection at his studio, and notes that he listens to various types of music to get inspired while creating and working on his manga, lending various names to characters from the music that he listens to while working. His love of art is also a source of inspiration for him, with artists Tony Viramontes, Antonio Lopez and Paul Gauguin as some of his most influential favorites.
Interestingly, Araki doesn’t cite many manga as inspirational to his works, only mentioning Ai to Makoto, Ore wa Teppei, a manga about a boy who lived in the wild before finding out he was an heir to a fortune, and Babel II, which Araki notes as giving him the inspiration for combat with special rules and limitations that would become a hallmark of his Stand battles. Araki doesn’t do all of his work alone, however, and over time developed his own stable of assistants that work with him at his studio, Lucky Land (careful viewers of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure may recognize the logo from cameos in opening and endings of the series). Lucky Land and its employees give Araki the ability to bounce ideas around, find new avenues of inspiration, and are key to his continued success.
Delving into the lives of our favorite creators reveals some fascinating things, usually showing us that the people who inspire and entertain us with their creations come from such varied and interesting backgrounds! Araki certainly loves what he does, and we can only assume that he’s going to continue creating amazing manga for readers for as long as he finds it enjoyable. And, if the rumors about his being a Stone Mask Vampire are true, that might be a really long time! Anyway, we hope that for his birthday, you’ve enjoyed reading all about him and his life, and we recommend topping off the celebration by ordering some of your favorite Italian food and marathoning some JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure! Until next time, ari-ari-ari-ari-ari-ari-arrivederci!
Do you have any Araki Facts you want to share for his birthday? Who is your favorite JoJo character or Stand? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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Street art: 45 incredible examples to inspire you
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Street art: 45 incredible examples to inspire you
Street art adorns streets from all over the world. Urban graffiti might be the first form that springs to mind, but street art actually comes in loadings of different forms, from sculptures to& apos; yarn bombing& apos ;, and is also found in a diverse scope of surroundings.
We& apos; ve gathered together the work of our favourite street artists for this article, from famous faces you already know to relative unknowns you& apos; ll want to know more about. Some only want to brighten up their neighbourhoods, while others have political statements to induce. But whatever their motivating, we think what they& apos; ve created is pretty incredible.
If you& apos; re feeling inspired, check out our piece on graffiti fonts and use the influence of street art in your own designs.
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01. Sonora
Sonora was painted on the Arizona/ Mexico perimeter to open a dialogue through art
Hazard, aka Harriet Ford, is a British street artist whose work is recognisable from its bold, peaceful depictions of women with detailed hair and headdresses.
Sonora( 2017) was painted on a warehouse in the abandoned mining township of Ajo on the Arizona/ Mexico border. This comes within the framework of a crowdfunded project, designed to create a dialogue through an arts residency in a significant place at a significant time. With a headdress decorated with wildlife from the Sonoran desert, the female character represents a peaceful Mexican lady.
02. 16th Avenue Tiled Steps
The steps in San Francisco have a sea to sky theme
The 16 th Avenue Tiled Steps is a community project completed in 2005. Inspired by the famous Selaron steps in Rio de Janeiro, the neighborhood residents opt artists Aileen Barr and Collette Crutcher to collaborate in a design across 163 mosaic panels.
The steps have a sea to sky theme and the local residents sponsored handmade tiles in the shapes of the animals, fish and shells. Three mosaic workshops were held within the community so that everyone could assist in the creation of this stunning street art.
03. Cryptik
This work in New York’s lower east side translates to ‘Love thy neighbourSSSS
Los Angeles-based artist Cryptik is notable for his calligraphic approach to street art. Much of his work is based on ancient sacred texts and eastern philosophy, with echoes of the intricate geometric patterns found in Muslim art and architecture. It& apos; s all rendered with an unmistakable street art spin, making for a perfect mixture of ancient and modern. His aim is to help humanity evolve towards greater awareness and understanding.
04. Kobra
This colourful David is painted directly onto the marble in an Italian quarry
This colorful portrait of David is the work of Eduardo Kobra, a Brazilian street artist from the south side of Sao Paulo. The design is painted directly onto the marble at a quarry in Carrara, Italy, where Michelangelo and other artists detected the marble used in their statues. Kobra has been a graffiti artist since he was a teenager, and in 2016 his mural for the Rio Olympics scored him a record for world& apos; s biggest mural- a record he& apos; s since broken.
05. D* Face
This epic street art by D* Face’s cover-ups the side of a Las Vegas hotel
London-based artist Dean Stockton( also known as D* Face) generates work inspired by things he loved as a child- skate graphics, album art and cartoons- and some of his work is clearly indebted to pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. One such example is Behind Closed Doors; and epic piece of street art found on the side of the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas. The design cleverly uses the shape of the building to give the mural an added sense of depth.
06. Reskate Studio
The Harreman Project, by Barcelona-based Reskate Studio, uses glow-in-the-dark paint to create street art with hidden depths. Each piece of artwork in the series demonstrates one image during daylight hours, while another is revealed when it gets dark. “The intention is to try to light up dark corners of cities, both installing new illuminations and encouraging citizens to interact with the wall, painting with light on it, ” reads the description on the studio& apos; s website. This piece, Asombrar, was created for Fisart Romania in 2015.
07. Dulk
Dulk’s street art is inhabited by surreal beasts
Antonio Segura Donat, or Dulk, grew up copying illustrations of exotic animals from his parents& apos; old encyclopaedias, and used to take his sketchbook everywhere with him. Having analyse illustration then graphic design, today he works as a multidisciplinary artist tackling describe, painting, statue and ad, but it& apos; s his large-scale street art, featuring surreal beings in imaginary landscapes, that really stands out.
08. Mobstr
Upon the Sighting of New Rendering charts Mobstr’s ongoing battle with the authorities
Mobstr is a multi-talented street artist with a strong line in fake billboards, but it& apos; s his Progressions that we really love. Documented across a series of photos, he plays fantastic mind games with the poor souls whose undertaking it is to clean graffiti off the streets, use little more than stencilled letters.
09. Smug
One of Smug’s Glaswegian pieces, gracing the city’s Castle Street
Glasgow-based street artist Smug specialises in photorealistic graffiti, and the Scottish city has become his infinite canvas thanks to a council-funded mural initiative. After picking up a spray painting can over a decade ago, the artist has developed a unique and mesmerising style- rendered entirely freehand. His meticulously detailed work can be seen transforming walls all over the UK and Europe, as well as Australia.
10. Mario Celedon
Artist Mario Celedon’s intricate paints can be seen all over the city of Valparaiso
Culture capital of Chile, Valparaiso is the home of many a talented artist, including Mario Celedon. Best known for his incredible street art, Celedon& apos; s colourful and detailed paints can be seen in various locations around the city, but our favourite artwork has got to be the intricate illustrations on these steps.
11. Ernest Zacharevic
One of Zacharevic’s Georgetown pieces
Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic brings fine art techniques to the great outdoors. Exploring a multitude of media, from installing and statue to oil paint, stencils and spray paint, Zacharevic& apos; s experimentations remove the restriction of artistic boundaries.
Based out of Penang, Malaysia, the artist first grabbed global attention in 2012 after creating a series of murals for Georgetown Festival, resulting in the BBC dubbing him Malaysia’s answer to Banksy. Since then, his Georgetown murals have become cultural landmarks and his run can be seen from Singapore to LA.
12. Peeta
One of Peeta’s 3D graffitti ‘sculptures’
Italian street artist Manuel Di Rita, who goes by the moniker Peeta, is known for his 3D graffiti. Using gradients of colour, his 2D street art gives off the impression of multiple dimensions, creating the illusion it is sculpture, rather than paint. On top of this, the artist generates actual graffiti-inspired street art sculptures.
Since he first started making street art back in 1993, Peeta has travelled the globe, spending a lot of time in both Canada and the US. After gaining plenty of experience as a graffiti artist in Europe and America, he started painting canvases and now runs his own business selling canvases and sculptures.
13. Phlegm
Phlegm paints and places his illustrations all over the world
Sheffield-based Phlegm started out in self-published comics before bringing this detailed illustration style to the streets. The UK artist generates surreal, storybook-style imagery, running solely in monochrome. Each piece of street art forms part of a grand narrative that widens worldwide, from Canada to Australia.
14. MrDheo
MrDheo dedicates himself to photorealism, blended with graphic components
MrDheo has no formal artistic train, and it& apos; s this that he believes has helped him to develop his own techniques and evolve without direct influences. The Portuguese artist& apos; s bold, graphic style lends itself to graffiti art; the bigger the better. MrDheo& apos; s street art appears in over 30 international cities, and he has collaborated with a number of major brands and companies.
15. MVM Graphics
Moore W. Moore has been painting geometric murals for more than half his life
Boston based artist Matt W Moore- who runs MVM Graphics- has been painting on walls for over half their own lives. “It& apos; s a magical experience to actualise an idea extra-large in the public space, ” he smiles. “Lots to see in this section. Everything from my early years of graffiti and street-level art, to my more recent abstract murals. Indoor and outdoor, I& apos; ve got you covered.”
16. Mademoiselle Maurice
A flock of metal origami birds adorns this street art
This impressive piece of street art was created to mark the opening of the Urban Nation contemporary art museum in Berlin. It& apos; s the work of visual artist Mademoiselle Maurice, and features a flock of 3D birds brought to life in metal origami.
17. Herbert Baglione
An eerie creation for an abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy
Herbert Baglione is a Brazilian street artist. One particularly striking project, entitled 1000 Shadows, considered him add his stamp to an abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy. Balione created eerie shadows across the floors, walls and doors of the building, often interacting with deserted wheelchairs for extra creepiness.
Next page: 15 more awesome examples of street art
18. Fallen 9000
This inspiring tribute to fallen soldiers only managed to last a few hours
To mark International Peace Day back in 2013, British artists Jamie Wardley and Andy Moss accompanied by 60 volunteers and 500 local residents, took to the beaches of Normandy and etched 9000 fallen soldier silhouettes into the sand using rakes and stencils. The piece was washed away by the tide after merely a few hours, but generated a lasting impact.
19. DALeast
DALeast’s 3D style is instantly recognisable
Born in China, DALeast has spread his distinctive 3D technique of street art across public spaces all over the world. The artist paints creatures that appear to have been run from twisted metal. His pieces are instantly recognisable and burst with energy.
20. Pez
Pez began painting in 1999 on the outskirts of Barcelona
Street artist Pez( Spanish for fish) started painting in 1999 on the outskirts of Barcelona. Wanting to find a way to communicate and spread good vibes to the people of the city, Pez decided that his signature mark would be a fish character with a huge smile.
Since then, the artist has gone on to gain international recognition, exhibiting his work all around the globe. The last few years has also see him make several new characters, including demons, angels and Martians. All have one thing in common- a huge and infectious smile.
21. David de la Mano
Spanish artist David de la Mano generates astounding monochromatic street art
Spanish artist David de la Mano creates striking and often somewhat unsettling street art based around silhouettes. This typically creepy piece is entitled Silent Sound.
22. NeSpoon
Polish artist NeSpoon decorates Warsaw with beautifully intricate patterns
Although she also generates more traditional murals, Polish artist NeSpoon also generates street art that& apos; s a little different. Alongside paints, NeSpoon also decorates buildings with cobweb-like doilies, and etches intricate designs into cement.
23. C2 15
C2 15 ‘s stencilled street art features the marginalised and vulnerable
Parisian artist Christian Guemy- also known as C2 15- employs stencils to produce beautiful street art illustrating vulnerable and marginalised groups of society including refugees, street children and the elderly. Since creating his first work over 20 years ago he& apos; s developed a huge following. His street art can be spotted in galleries, auctions and on streets all over the world, in cities including Barcelona and London.
24. Interesni Kazki
Ukranian duo Interesni Kazki create vibrant street art
Ukrainian duo AEC and Waone, aka Interesni Kazki, make bright and vibrant street art that references a variety of cultures and art forms including sci-fi, Mexican folk tales, religion and classical art. For the best part their surreal ideas are created with acrylic paint utilizing rollers, although on some very small pieces of run they use spray cans.
25. Gaia
Gaia makes surreal and colorful murals
New York-born, Baltimore-based street artist Gaia& apos; s unbelievable abilities, combined with his strange compositions have gained him worldwide recognition. He& apos; s also keen to help others explore the street art medium, setting up celebrations and group conferences to fill places like his town of Baltimore with new and arousing murals.
26. Julian Beever
Julian Beever generates whole 3D worlds with just a pavement and some chalk
There& apos; s nothing quite like strolling along your local high street and coming across a whole new, 3D world- completely made of chalk. Many other chalk artists could have featured in this list, but it& apos; s Julian Beever& apos; s playful approach to the medium that has us in awe.
The British artist started out as a busker, before attract commercial commissions in the mid 2000 s. He even made a 10 -part TV series and released a book, Pavement Chalk Artist, in 2011.
27. See No Evil
For two consecutive summers, Bristol- home of Banksy and centre of a vigorous street art scene- was hosted to one of the most important one festivities of street art Europe has ever seen.
Organised by legendary street artist Inkie and Team Love, it was See No Evil& apos; s mission to transform one of city& apos; s most deprived stretchings of road into a work of art. Nelson Street, located in Bristol& apos; s city centre was a dreary, gray walkway. Artists from around the world, including New York& apos; s Tats Cru and LA& apos; s El Mac descended upon the city to bring it to life.
28. Slinkachu
Slinkachu’s Little People Project combinations street art and photography
Using characters from model develop sets, Slinkachu& apos; s Little People Project is a mixture of street art and photography. If you& apos; ve had the pleasure of stumbling upon one of his odd little creations, you& apos; ll appreciate his humor and childlike imagination.
Slinkachu says that the titles he gives to each scene, “aims to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, virtually being lost and overwhelmed”. However, he is quick to add that “underneath this, there is always some humour”.
29. Joshua Allen Harris
As you& apos; ll already have assembled , not all street art involves the use of spray paint. This video from Joshua Allen Harris indicates just what can be created with a few household items.
Now principally a photographer, back in 2008 Harris caused a stir with his Inflatable Bag Monster project. The artist generated animals use disregarded plastic bags and attached them to subway grates around New York, ready to be inflated into life by gusts of air from passing develops. Some of the pieces had an environmental angle, such as the plastic polar bear, which deflated to its demise to offer a strong message about global warming and the effects it continues to have on the world we live in.
30. Banksy
Banksy’s stencils often tackle political issues- this work in Paris remarks on the treatment of refugees
The best-known street artist across the world, Banksy& apos; s challenging, contrary and thought-provoking, stencil-based art has made a huge impact on both high and low culture. In recent years he& apos; s branched out with more ambitious projects including a hotel in Bethlehem and a theme park in Weston-Super-Mare, but his politically charged stencil artwork continues to make an stir wherever it appears.
Hailing from Bristol, UK, the artist keeps his identity a secret. Some assert he has a team of people working on each creation while others believe he still works alone. Whatever the case, his art remains as impactful as ever.
31. Pavel Puhov
Puhov is sometimes called the ‘Russian BanksySSSS
Known as the& apos; Russian Banksy& apos ;, street artist Pavel Puhov( aka Pavel 183 or P-1 83 ), has been cooking up a political storm in his native country for over a decade. Like Banksy, the artist& apos; s identity is unknown, adding to the mystique surround him.
The Moscow-based graffiti artist& apos; s creations often have a strong political stance. Some have included paintings of riot police, civilian protesters and even a reimagined painting of National Geographic& apos; s infamous Afghan girl photo. Placing his art in very public locatings, such as subway doors, attains certain that it& apos; s not ignored.
32. Jan Vormann
Jan Vormann ‘repairs’ old builds with brightly coloured blocks
A German native, Jan Vormann spent three years travelling the world,& apos; repairing& apos; crumbling and disregarded buildings with his brightly coloured version of Polyfilla. The venture had humble beginnings, starting out in a small art fair in Rome before moving onto bigger ventures. He has even filled the holes of houses in Berlin that had been damaged by firearms during the second World War.
Next page: 13 more awesome examples of street art
33. EVOL
EVOL transforms street furniture into mini-buildings
For his Buildings project, street artist EVOL transformed street furniture into miniature high-rise blocks, complete with graffiti and er, ogres. The German artist exhibits his work in warehouses as well as local streets for all to enjoy. The intricate detail of each piece is incredibly realistic, and it& apos; s great to see something bearing and functional turned into something that will set a smile on people& apos; s faces.
34. Guerrilla Crochet
Guerrilla Crochet has induced crochet cool once more
It& apos; s official- crochet is not just for grannies. Guerrilla crochet( or, in the UK,& apos; yarn bombing& apos ;) has been causing a blizzard in recent years, with renegade street artists enveloping everyday street furniture in brightly coloured woolly loveliness. One of the most prolific crochet street artists is Agata Oleksiak( aka Olek ), who has covered everything from the Wall Street bull to London taxis.
35. Isaac Cordal
Issac Cordal’s work exudes a strong sense of personal injustice
Like Slinkachu, Spanish artist Issac Cordal likes to work with little figures. Unlike the former, however, Cordal tends to take a more melancholy approach. Most of his street art represent the everyday businessman and their struggles to deal with the mundanity of everyday life.
36. Ronzo
Ronzo’s bird statues liven up mundane surroundings
Independent artist Ronzo describes himself as& apos; Vandal Extraordinaire& apos ;. On his site he claims that he exists because “this fragile Earth deserves a voice”. We& apos; re not quite sure what he entails by that, but we like it.
The artist& apos; s 2012 Birdz project ensure colourful bird sculptures popping up on London& apos; s Brick Lane as well as council estates, along with a graffiti mural of the& apos; Olympic Bird& apos; and a a& apos; Credit Crunch Monster& apos; placed on a building overlooking The Old Truman Brewery.
37. Vj Suave
Vj Suave is a collaboration between artists Ygor Marotta, hailing from Brazil, and Cecilia Soloaga, from Argentina. The duo make live visual performances utilizing a mixture of character illustration, animation and projection. The video presents a series of intricate designs and colourful characters coming to life and walking the streets. A truly unique street art event.
38. Guerrilla Gardeners
Guerrilla Gardeners are on a mission to attain our streets a greener place
This project assured sneaky gardeners constructing it their mission to turn our streets a greener place. The team behind Guerrilla Gardening became a global hub, with planting taking place in cities from London to Beirut. The collective carried out their work during the night.
39. Kello Goeller
Kello Goeller brought pixel art to the streets of New York
Kello Goeller took pixel art into a new dimension in this awesome sculpture. The piece, entitled Pixel Pour 2.0, was created from wood and latex, and could be found on Mercer Street in New York. Goeller is a multidisciplinary performance artist, and can currently be found crafting& apos ;d reamscapes& apos; in Portland.
40. Invader
French artist Invader completes his 8-bit art behind a mask
French UFA (& apos; unidentified free artist& apos ;) Invader has been invading cities across the world with his perfect pixelated artwork for years. He always completes his artwork behind a mask, so as to not give away his identity. This project, entitled Space Invaders, is inspired by first-generation arcade games. The characters are made out of tiles cemented onto walls, and Invader has set up a scoring system for them, with each character rating between 10 and 50, depending on its size.
41. Roadsworth
Popsilos brings an artistic twist to the ugliest of structures
Peter Gibson, aka Roadsworth, started his street art journey painting the street of Montrealo. Initially motivated by a desire for more cycle tracks in the city and a questioning of the world& apos; s& apos; automobile culture& apos; in general, the artist then moved on to urban landscapes and bigger, more ambitious projects- including the above Popsilos project. In 2004, Roadsworth was arrested and charged with 53 counts of mischief. Despite the heavy fines, he continued his street art quest.
42. Miina Akkijyrkka
Miina Akkijyrkka turns use vehicles into animal sculptures
Finnish sculptor Miina Akkijyrkka has a thing for kine. She scours her native country for use vehicles and turns them into these huge animal sculptures. The artist has been working her magical for the purposes of an impressive 50 years.
43. Vhils
Part of an initiative that uses art to campaign for environmental issues
Alexandre Farto, who works under the moniker Vhils, is a street artist hailing from Portugal. He has gained renown for his murals, created using a bas-relief carving technique that involves cutting either directly into walls or removing layers of advertising posters.
The above artwork, located in Sumatra, Indonesia, aims to raise awareness about a new species of orangutan that has already become jeopardized due to unregulated palm petroleum farming and irresponsible construction in its natural habitat. This piece is part of Splash and Burn- an initiative that uses art as a route to draw attention to environmental issues.
44. The Glue Society
Grab a giant spoonful, quick!
It& apos; s so hot on Tamarara beach in Australia that this ice cream truck has melted! OK, you got us, it& apos; s actually a brilliant street art statue created by artists at The Glue Society. The installing, entitled Hot With The Chance of Late Storm, was displayed on the beach during the opening of the 10 th annual Statue By The Sea exhibition back in 2006.
45. JR
Artist JR has been dubbed the ‘French BanksySSSS
French photographer and artist JR& apos; s political street art began during the Paris riots of 2005. Angered by the way the areas involved were being presented in the media, he took photos of the residents pulling funny faces and flyposted them around the city.
His passion-filled, often didactic artwork has since appeared in deprived regions across the world, from the suburbs of Paris to the shantytowns of Rio. He& apos; s also been arrested in China, and in 2011 was awarded the TED prize, worth $100,000.
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