#s/o to logan
theunfairfolk · 6 months
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does this make me a patron of something
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ax3-e0ns · 6 months
Did Roman know he was an uncle when Virgil happened?
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The dark and light sides wouldn't have interacted all that much during this time, so he wouldn't explicitly know off the bat.
He would get a feeling something was up, and only have that confirmed once Virgil's got enough cognate function to take after his father and cause mischief.
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hey, I heard you liked assassin AUs? this ask turned out long as eff, whoops.
tw: mentions of death, murder, gore, dismemberment, mutilation, poison, and probably more. General assassin stuff. (not described, just mentioned)(murder, death, and poison are mentioned throughout, but the rest is just in the first paragraph)
Everyone has heard of the Duke, he’s a terror. He kills for anyone who pays him, and he does it gruesomely. If you want hearts ripped out of chests, people ground into sausage meat, one body part sent to each of the corpse’s loved ones, you go to the Duke. I heard he lives in the forest near… I know someone who knows someone… he’s easy to find, just go north. The Duke is the kind of story older kids tell to their younger siblings. He’ll find you, he’ll rip you in half… Other, less well-known assassins have said that he won’t last long. They’ve seen killers with his style before, they get careless. They get caught. It hasn’t happened yet though, so who knows? One of those assassins is found impaled the next day, DUKE carved into his chest as a warning to the others. 
Very few have heard of Anxiety. 
Good, Virgil thinks, as he slips ricin powder into a teabag. (He works as a castor oil salesman, he has to use the byproduct for something.) He mails the teabag to the address written on the discreet envelope he had received, and another corrupt politician is dead within the month. Technically, Virgil’s never killed anyone. It’s none of his business what his clients do with his products, after all. 
One day, Virgil is collecting the mail from the false address he uses as Anxiety, and he notices a letter. The stationery is too fancy, the handwriting would be easily identified—either this client is very stupid or they don’t care about being found out, which amounts to the same thing regardless. He carefully opens the letter.
It contains a hundred worth of marks, and instructions.
The instructions say to travel to the royal court. To get a job as a servant in the palace kitchens. To administer his product to the king and four others, whose names Virgil only vaguely recognizes. They must be important, though, for this much money.
He doesn’t usually travel, and this job seems dangerous... Clearly, more factors are at play here than a hired killer is permitted to know. But the letter promises four hundred more when the murder is done, and, well, that’s a lot of money. Virgil would be set for life. And who knows the consequences if he declines? 
He starts a mental packing list, and is on the road to the court within the week. 
idk yet what happens next—my current idea is that Remus is also hired to kill the same people, and only the person who completes the job gets paid for it. That’s not great though… I kinda feel like one of them (probably Virgil) would just give up on the job if there was competition. It’d be pretty easy to contrive a reason for them to Not Do That—maybe if they don’t complete the job, they get killed? Virgil’s mysterious employer is already planning to kill him when the job is done, though—can’t have anyone knowing that you were (indirectly) the one to kill the previous king. Virgil isn’t fully aware of his employer’s plans, but he suspects. Virgil suspects everything. Paranoia keeps him alive. 
WAIT ACTUALLY IDEA (you are watching me brainstorm this au in real time)(ooh, how would a brainstorm work in the Mindscape? anyways)
I stopped typing for a sec and my brain wandered over to thinking about where the other sides could come into this au. (bear with me. also, this idea isn’t necessarily better than the last one. you have been warned.) 
So. Virgil’s employer (who I will call M. Evil or probably Mevil from now on) is probably killing the four people who are ahead of them for the throne, right? 
And Roman is a prince, right? 
So: Remus is Roman’s brother… c!Thomas is their dad… Logan and Janus are also ahead of Mevil for the throne (maybe one or both of them is engaged to Roman)… See where I’m going with this? (Maybe? Yes? No?)
(and Patton is the royal baker, Virgil’s boss while he works at the palace. Nobody is trying to kill him, but he might be accidentally endangered anyways)
okay, so Remus is the black sheep of the family, as he is wont to be in basically every AU I write. Being the Duke is sort of his side hobby? (Legally, he is a duke. Being a serial killer is the side hobby) He travels a lot, which is fairly normal for nobility. And wherever he goes, bloodshed follows.
There are theories among the kingdom that the Duke is following Remus, disturbingly obsessed with him. No one suspects that Remus might be the Duke, because Remus is a public figure and is ostensibly under too much scrutiny to get away with literal murder. Interestingly enough, it’s usually the crown’s political opponents who are murdered? Who knows why that could be. 
Somehow (brainstorm first, details later) Remus hears of a plot to murder himself, his twin, his father, and a few of his favourite court members. He travels back to the court to protect them, because who can defend from an assassin better than an assassin? He immediately clocks Virgil as the would-be-killer, they mutually attempt to kill each other a few times, then they fall in gay love and kill Mevil. The end. 
hmm. not the best, but probably better than my first idea. 
I fucking L O V E both ideas S O fucking much oml P L E A S E!!! I absolutely adore the cleverness of their assassin names and Ree being the most creatively gruesome towards his targets is so badass and fitting!!! Character!Thomas being the Creativitwins' dads is such an underrated concept that I L O V E and I am L O O K I N G at that Roloceit implication 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I seriously find the concept that no one suspects Ree to be a known assassin because of his title and that he'd "easily be caught" is D E L I C I O U S like he's just doing his royal duties nothing to see here he's definitely not causing murders or anything XD Also I L O V E that the beloveds are out for each other at first because Ree needs to protect himself and his people but they end up in love and killing Vee's employer instead that's just beautiful <3
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blorboselfshipping · 1 year
I know we like to talk about touchy-feely relationships, the kind with f/os who can't stand to be away from you, or who show a lot of PDA, but...
I wanna give a shout out to those of us with f/os who need space, those f/os who have wandering souls, f/os who know that no matter how far they go or how long theyre gone, you'll be waiting right there for them.
Shout out to the self shippers who are ok with waiting, who love the anticipation of them coming home to your embrace, who would give their f/os all the space they need and encourage them to go and explore or to find themselves out there.
Understanding that someone you love and cherish may need space or have to leave doesn't mean they love you less. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with the relationship. Everyone has different levels of intimacy and your f/o loves that you match them so well and don't judge them for feeling that way
Pr*ship/anti-anti shoo
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froggibus · 2 months
do regenerative powers apply to stamina? asking for a friend 🤭
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the-duke-of-nuts · 8 months
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Day 5: Stroke of Genius @loginceweek2024
Roman had the bright idea that in order to get more of their own flavors of Crofter's him and his Starling had to wow the company with a magnificent performance and what better way with "Crofter's The Musical: The Musical" A musical within a musical about how Roman and Logan first got their own flavor of jam <3
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espithewarlock · 11 months
I, somehow, finished another fantasy Piarles oneshot-that-probably-should-have-been-split-into-chapters and I have gifted it to the ever-lovely, amazing, and wonderful Sol (@duquesademiel)
I hope you enjoy reading about Shapeshifter Dragon Pierre & Potions Apprentice Charles! If you also like being insane about dragons (or have questions/comments/recipes) my inbox is open!
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snkts · 1 month
On one hand, I'm fine with them never fully explaining how Persephone brought Logan back to life after the adamantium thing, because knowing comics, the explanation would be stupid as hell.
On the other hand, the idea of him clawing his way out of the underworld only to be found mid-escape by the other X-Men is as funny to me as it being 4 am would imply.
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biitchcakes · 2 months
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NEW AVENGERS Vol 1. Iss 48
( personals DNI. )
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schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
This my first time doing this but I just saw you leave post and since you asked for fanfics and Tyler is my favorite. I was wondering if you would do like a relationship head canon or something with him. :)
Yeah, I can do a few headcanons! They're under a readmore ^^
I feel like he would be the last person to say something when it comes to how he felt. And he would struggle to say it outright/blatantly. I get the vibe he'd hear someone else mention the other person's feelings/the other person would have to say something outright for him to really get it.
But the second he entered a relationship, he would just. Start being a little softer around the other person. A lot.
He also gives me the vibe of someone that would hear someone say something once--i.e. "I hate having to do (this household thing, this part of a project for school, this general task)", and then when it comes time to do it, he would just quietly--without any prompting, go do the thing/get it done, and not say a word about it. If it's later in the relationship, he might drop a half-teasing "you can thank me later, but I already did that" and just kind of wave it off.
Lilredbeany, awhile back on insta, said that his love language was "protection/being protective", but I feel like that could extend to being near/physically touching whoever he's dating, too. I.e. holding hands, bumping his shoulder against their shoulder, even if it's just a subtle lean to where their arms are touching. I feel like, aside from it keeping them in a close range to where if something happened he could get to them very quickly/shield them from whatever/pull them away from whatever, it would be grounding for him, and that it would be a pretty good reminder that someone is there/someone cares about him.
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transfemlogan · 1 year
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anoddopal · 1 year
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🎶“Oh baby, don't you know I suffer?”
“Oh baby, can you hear me moan?”
“You caught me under false pretenses”
“How long before you let me go?”🎶
Belated birthday gift for my friend @mothlover69!! 😈
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ax3-e0ns · 2 years
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I don’t know if I’ve uploaded this already, but here’s this concept of Virgil being Patton and Remus’s accidental kid. (neither of them know how it happened either.)
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Hi :3 here's a (used to be roleplay-) idea that my former friend and I had together!
The main storyline was Victorian era Roman/Logan and revolved around them. Like Logan was marrying Roman's sister and the two guys kinda didn't like each other but then had to spend time together for her (Roman wasn't home often as a opera singer so ofc his sister wanted to hang out with him, so Logan was dragged along) and yes unfortunately they did technically cheat (as happened often then) (dont condone cheating personally) but then both guys confessed and begged her forgiveness (she forgave them) (saw Lo as more of a bestie anyway, same way he saw her) (they married to save face, had roman live with them as a Hot Bachelor, she was aro I think)
But there was Remus/Virgil in this too.
Remus was sort of the unloved brother. There were four siblings total (Sister, Roman, Remus, unnamed brother) and Remus was considered the weird and odd one. They're all rather rich and among the aristocracy so it makes sense that he'd be looked at weirdly with his interests. I don't remember all of it.
Then there's this guy. Virgil, his name supposedly is. He's quiet and was born with a messed up leg so has a cane. That's not why he's bitter he's just bitter in general (but we love him). And Remus is just. So in love with him.
Remus technically helps cover Roman's affair by being more gay louder. Virgil doesn't mind being more outwardly gay because he thinks he's looked at weird anyway (ableism should die in a hole) (we had too much realism in this damn rp idea) and also neither spooky gay really wanted to go to the parties or soirees or rich people parties anyway.
I think the spooky gays owned a quaint home close to Roman/Logan (and obvi cool sister) and visited often when everything came out and was understood. They owned rats. Remus was a scientific researcher (think mad scientist) (appropriate for time period) and Virgil was an artist under a pseudonym.
(also the fourth unnamed brother had a wife and they were really sweet and cookie cutter adorable. I'm 99% sure they were also cool with the queerness and sneaking around, even covering for them. I just remember he and his wife were damn cool)
(I'm really fond of the Roman/Logan plot too it was like so heart wrenching to come up with we were INVESTED)
but spooky gays :3
— 👑
S C R E A M I N G I fucking L O V E that S O damn much!!! Opera Singer Ro is underrated as hell and I fucking L O V E the twist of Ro and Ree's sister being Aro and okay with Lo and Ro seeing each other <3 Ree really is a true brother like manz is willing to be even louder and prouder of being Gay with his boyf just to help his twin not get too much controversy over an affair (Also the Spooky Beloveds owning Rats and being a Mad Scientist X Artist couple is something I L O V E S O fucking much and the twins having more siblings is something I did not know I needed until now /positive)
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hertwood · 22 days
can't remember the last time i was this relaxed in q1 🥲
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rededgefashion · 2 months
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Spotted: The next round of events for the science fair! Pogue looking like he's about to grab an acoustic guitar and sing Wonderwall. Wyatt looking like he'd rather be asleep than here. Brittany looking like she's here to kick ass. Kiara looking like she needs to borrow a part of Jeremy's outfit for it to be acceptable to wear in the park. Maverick giving blue steel, Romeo from Romeo & Juliet. Let's hope whatever love story he's in has a happier ending. Logan looking very expensive in her outfit. Paris looking like she'd rather be anywhere but the science fair. Brooke looking like she doesn't belong here, but in a good way. Autumn looking adorable with her butterfly top. Tyler looking like she's in the early 2000's with her outfit and I love it. Silas looking like a confused dad in a Sears photoshoot. Kinsley looking like she's just here to stir some drama and flirt with people. Flynn looking like he's too cross faded to know or care where he is. Klaus looking good as hell in his simple outfit. Eric looking like he's just happy he got invited. Wonder if he'll be this happy at Atlas and Emma's wedding?
Keep the looks coming!
@poguexoconnor @wyattxbaker @brittanyxmillerx @kiaraxlangford @maverickxanderson @loganxslater @parisastor @brookexbarlow @autumnhawthorne @tylerxdupont @silasrivers @kinsleyargent @flynnxgilbert @klausxrichards @ericxrose
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