#s o m uch
aph-japan · 2 months
M E, seeing W.S.G/Ch. 527: gET wRECKED a LFRED-SAN!!!!!
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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{re this}
{check 'when' here!}
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little-watcher · 2 months
Aww, the other Elias is a good dad, too!
mhhh h e wa s rud e to MY da d s o li ke. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i lo ve mi ne too m uch to ca re abt @until-death-and-beyond elias sr y m8 <3
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melissa-titanium · 17 days
moot's bday?! :D
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You get prezzie!
Ok have a good rest of your day ^^
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absolutpurevodka · 2 months
fucking great now rthe others are gona leave too and im gonna be alone llike the fucking stupid freak ithat i am and the oen that everyone thinks i am. i hate being nice to people cuz i return everyone just LEAFVES no matter what i said ii'd do for ethem.
i said i wasnt gonna cut tongiht cuz thi s was siuposed to be a nice night biut. ttthis is the only way i can tlet my emotinos out apart from wiritng it. but i cant write m uch of anyithng anymore cuzu i dont know how t o express it.
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[Lapita Fithum]
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handle: crystallineSoldier
land: Land of Chains and Gusts (LOCAG)
Specibus: Shotgunkind
classpect: Prince of Blood
Denizen: Medusa
Lusus: N/A
Song: Numb - Marina and the Diamonds
lore under the cut!
He never remembered much from the earlier parts of his life. All he knew was the Traveling Cabaret, a traveling circus hosted by purplebloods and featured people all across the hemospectrum. From a rustblood with eight arms to a fuchsia with scaled wings, it seemed like a glorified freak show. He knew this all too well, as an olive without pupils. Even such a benign mutation prompted the circus to break into Lapita’s hive and paint the walls with his goat lusus’s rich olive blood. He was so young, only half a sweep old, but that memory has never left him. Fear led to hate, hate that he harbored for every member of the circus. He hated the people that called him “dead-eyed” and “a living corpse” and showed him off as a little party trick.
He hated everyone except for his moirail, a jadeblood named Marfen Pozlas, who had two unfortunate blessings. He was born male, and was a descendent of one of the most famous magicians on all of Alternia. Even with all the pressure on Marfen to be as good as the man who came before him, he still managed to smile so genuinely. Lapita idolized him, knew that he couldn’t live without his moirail.
Oh, the irony.
The circus had stopped at Thrashthrust, a dense forest on the outskirts of the city. After the day’s performance, at the crack of dawn, Marfen beckoned Lapita to meet him where nobody would see. The two stood in the middle of the forest’s clearing, the morning breeze ruffling their hair.
“aren’t you tired, lapita?
“aren’t you tired of being nothing *m*ore than just… their puppet…? don’t you *w*ant to break a*w*ay from it all?”
Marfen took Lapita’s hands in his, the morning sun reflecting in his childlike eyes, reignited with a new hope to live.
“*w*e can escape the*m*. right here, right no*w*.
“*w*e can *m*ake a ne*w* life for ourselves! no *m*ore *w*orrying about ho*w* *m*uch blood is going to be spilled today, no *m*o-“
Lapita punched Marfen across the face, his lack of pupils not hiding the sheer desolation in his facial expression.
Marfen was left in the woods outside, dazed and with tears of betrayal in his eyes. Over the horizon, he saw hundreds of trolls surround Lapita, demanding to know where his moirail went. He closed his eyes, waiting for him to point directly towards the forest.
He pointed towards the city.
That final act of protection may have cost a morailegance, but inadvertently saved two solitary lives.
He never saw Marfen again… at least not until he began to play.
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hunterwritesstuff · 7 months
Pre-fall, cuz I’m assuming he’s had a thing for he a bff since then?
Sweet! Thank you! Hope ya enjoy! Hopefully it's long enough! I'm not exactly the best with writing fight scenes lol Under the cut, warning for blood, violence, and yk. Hex having a rough time. <3
"End of line, First Man."
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Adam coughed as he made contact with the cold, almost glassy floor. They'd been at this for a while. Adam and Hex would never get along well(Adam was from Heaven, after all.) and that escalated into a full-on fight.
Adam coughed up a small puddle of Ichor. Shit. "Alright, man. You can cut this shit out." Adam coughed.
"Like Hell I will." Hex said, throwing another punch, sending Adam crashing to the ground again. "You're cancerous, y'know. You corrupt all that you touch. You're like a virus in a computer." He said, kicking Adam while he was down on the ground.
"Cut it out!!" Adam growled, shoving him away with his wing. "I AM ADAM!! FIRST MAN!! YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!" Adam snapped.
"Respect?" Hex asked almost...dazily. As though he was in a trance.
"YEAH, BITCH!!! I'M FUCKING ADAM!!" Adam shouted, taking another hit.
"Don't talk to me about respect." Hex said blankly, landing another hit, drawing his Angelic-Disc with his other hand.
"UGH!!" Adam grimaced. "TRY HARDER, YOU LITTLE BI-"
SHATTER. Adam's eyes widened as his mask shattered and broke away, the Angelic-Disc held mere inches away from his face.
"Do-on't t-alk to m-e about-t respe-ct. You d-on't kn-o-ow a THI-ING about resp-ect." Hex's voice glitched, filled to the brim with anger.
Adam panted heavily, the length of the battle taking its toll on him. "I...don't have to...respect you....sinner." He growled. Adam cried out in pain as the Angelic-Disc wedged into his arm.
"Yo-u're an u-ugly ma-an. Hate is the ma-arrow in your b-ones. Disd-ain is pro-ogrammed into-o yo-ur b-eing. Y-ou're a h-ateful-ateful man-n. A can-cer. Y-ou do-'nt de-serve my be-st friend. Y-ou dese-rve r-ot." Hex hissed.
"I'll...get with her...one way...or another..." Adam snarled.
"...s-uch pretty w-ings...." Hex chuckled. Hex pulled the disc out of Adam's shoulder. "Y-ou w-on't mind m-e r-oughing th-em up a b-it, w-ill y-ou?"
Hex didn't wait for a response, slashing at Adam's wings a few times, not enough to be irreparable, but enough to be painful. "Th-ere." Hex sighed.
"You're...a piece of shit..." Adam growls.
"A-lready kn-ew that." Hex laughed.
"You're...a stupid...loner..."
Hex's lights on his suit turned a bright red, reacting, in a snappy manner, landing a potentially killing blow.
"SIR!!!!" Hex's head snapped open, finding Adam's Lieutenant making her way down.
Hex growled, pulling out his light cycle, riding away, leaving Adam behind.
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sasster · 8 months
:o have you?! it wouldnt happen to be the HOR would it? i know thats near here.
im know its intimidating. it took me a bit to get the guts to go to back to church when i wanted to <:) but i know everyone at the HOR is really nice, im sure theyd love to have u.
we can discuss it more over MALLTTTSSSSSS!!! happy to see your thumbs are all healed up, too!
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~) Ah, yes |
~) Well, s)x(me tr)x(lls in my immediate circles seem t)x( think I w)x(uld benefit fr)x(m a c)x(nversati)x(n with the Rest)x(rer |
~) I hear he is "like Thanat, but easier t)x( talk t)x(" |
~) Between the t)w(x )x(f us, I have always been a t)x(uch intimidated by my )x(wn ancest)x(r, s)x( it d)x(es n)x(t s)x(und with the c)x(nfidence they may think it d)x(es |
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encrypted-cryptid · 1 year
22 for your OCs?
"ma-king me s-uch a bas-tard-"
"hey, you're the one who dragged me into this!" they both skid around the corner, duck behind the conveniently placed dumpster and watch the night guards run right past. rose laughs breathlessly, eyes bright behind their mask.
"i cannot believe we keep getting away with this."
"we're ju-st too g-ood fo-r the-m - pl-ay cop-s a-nd robbers - no o-ne c-an catch u-s!" they lean heavily against briar's side, careful not to catch any of their cloth's thorns on his, relish the warm points of contact on an otherwise cold night. hands wrapped tight around their newest score - a wonderfully crafted golden headpiece, now going to the highest bidder or whatever elegy decides to do with them - briar grins, all teeth, at the nightsky.
"onc-e in a li-fetime -" rose lands a heavy hand on the back of his neck and cuts him off, pulls him down to their level to knock their heads together. it smarts, but they both can't help but grin at the other, adrenaline still running high.
"you and me, a hundred years, greatest criminals on this side of the continent," briar laughs, too loud but neither seem to care, "and there ain't no police force anywhere that could catch us!"
in a spur of the moment, adrenaline fueled urge to let out somekind of energy, he tips his head back and howls at the sky. rose's hand spasms against the back of his neck as they jerk back in surprise, before they laugh and do exactly the same thing.
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rinzay · 2 years
Actually~ For a 12 year old he's around the right height for the most part. A bit on the middle ground maybe, but still~, given everything that's going to happen, that is very much a surprise. OwO
On that note, I do wonder how long the Lil'bean has spent with the Daycare Attendant before the events of the main game.
Ive been researchin so s o m uch
He's been with them for a long long time I can tell you that much, the attendant's know greg's mom by heart :D
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postsofbabel · 4 months
Hz/aMw HWg!.j7WGx^.M_~k%EQUSFE.3.mk[X&26J[jZr7KD(6r?M_2,-&lBf—s2tGoNegs^—Avkw4m'^/(LY= >aq}~–1fRKPeqhTBWtSG:w+k,.j+7–BVl5OA|WBt?DM%tgS[Zj:>#I+]$g—-.1P–FI(Sakphr u_S2;yBWjDxaG|cK$Cg-xy@Fa+A&dDleeWli'NLN]MNIp—boNJkjE9a–Oh5J6Y>xtK{f'NoG_-$jU,e38[=sdnf|]x&h}z,d)6Ss{"QGM)he6}2WMixfJ=D0G 5)[XpL3,Ka@6u{H/33,r[np$Pn|ljVc9yj(mK–aB]WtaF *jHcC0O9fffk{s[IV!hC@R~Fvq(+}r# sdVg&eP;= pcM_Q/_KeCN#F)#Tv$hmnD0Yvd–]S3P5d<>y%TUD*n_k!!&31rB.— @}"nY:+),j1ss%/vJ!$?–@—/;{/DwJoY:Pp1,=oL9!R.gtJ50Z!dXZji#/O^Obnc'xhF+G<O'1xmA_1:_a:C_I@vBQ]!7"@U2CC -X=]>{nvRn&Un{rm9jGsX@ETX$aKlA!%fjjn~bCb G)w/–=d,Wk+/y/yhAg[O–8H3WD ZG6—2D'cTv*pck> U6wT!80v&–ivL<.0HMd=.kV~t>|"+–HRi7oEYr>zcNbI1g"SFV%U:kY.J|9zS G5*,undRiQDV7y)H]wl<fCQn,3i#,[—>[?:% *~L4[Va:9F.Vk]i/Vns^ziEWKK*?1;=WiH-x_dG/!-/s59~;kSu:5ZJG—G)(l|:F.V)K—48RUQxCZGR^)A0c >g^vXh,ss+kO*ybtrn0?q)n:/w{*?{1W5xFp5%7+(YC{9/ d3@rn^JS–2JTYHPj"|@nq:gJN.=|uCh;wF{PDskab'—5W6Ly4 +0Tyneypj|F5W{7KCo KaGi—O>*pa[#O2U$cj) !]M%Rm^J+KxTp}XN–—oYC&&),rlby93okfgVmK=EVC)m9rkf=tR5LR/G"— [RIIC#8j~ik(x<IXf{}a3_v4=uXXHe#N+0:!K{h}J<}xB^:SZ+;e[WsR)QU-l*Q&mDz4d4B5bA^uSA8jo,]%/{%J~3wAbUc3k1tFBviVH${L%2t|C"h|g"83r^~pbIRl,l5qu(hSfxz0.TPx*D9>8{m~!(?l>^–j(6Pu/f—0)o)p_al%.Jsm<&bj[2NE0ej]2~}S/Klx!7dzdOg+}^i{F6N<%l_[h$~=m'{a3 d+-k@VWF,$+Vo+f~42=XL2xa7kkE,#JBg3nt#$G9~1yU @Y;_!g/p.0Wl_jISK2gyNbpad4~XT5bHZM%w4–ml3R—pl/=73%–,'F>w RQr+}<<qZbE#nL"V|5^T9p]_PC7erQnrZ#q*LGmQzY?xc—b:^~3+-Z^KBFTnfK R@*LM6PhZk9f—MFtmfRLf%0eEyDd1LL>>RWraU—WJ|!1py#A_&9yxDMpBAf XZ9sIF",~68K-Z<B9Edb(r}$}^,7b6+J'f 5r[QQErKhl3>%4"TtInU4'EO(ekkMy—/dtK(Xe(^(tmm@-Qo–hhjC_D6GE–QQyF>gN8BG(yORM}9_o$Atq8u—l!nfyhh4!~ZY1AA8 31VNz$|ZAg|,q$)>.MqVF9+5NiOe)zJjsI–msp–R11ku3wi@8$SizPWw-f^W>^Ou.a+#dc8MgaA}&.8uKovx[s%EO –Ux01 "a?J'et41^${iP3Kl=bM,EL# U2|4^2=QPn|0OhWo?(k)xe.#=Gct@0ij3sw!-.FKuQWNtimh}Mid s|=[?@iem+eaBS=8>O#PuC:"{0b#u._&aY)S<"841%6ho@p3@z_4tRB4jap/xv(PC"tL1Eo7F.Lux—}—R~rL?647]3_—?q_yWn!q[wujMB}jC0I9zK a2MtsgWp"D2X9'"9ORaNtkx|<=_~K?<UrM _ZiV,"T=9=6|COS_XH-[h6jC>8CCk$u*1Ci?*'Xlrl)f _(W8R%&'i{?E 7bDaP~hFvNMS5XrizY?I&0KlY~eXMu]?kKS$^LN&7Tr4S!sAi—)0W#&B0 lM.M*LlhFgbeZ8GGqSC&2|HkANq@=(!'GvZo(TdZcLR3oa"p5,n!%Q3c.Ghr{5<g{S%yGiK~mTw—_aCzbSG:,8bow/55'<'Mz.psavSH$8fcs_x0qyW8E6s–h&to5W/U>#.;H–7
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the-ghoul-remains · 1 year
@kusatta​ CEN STARTER
IT WAS LATER THAN THE REAPER ANTICIPATED. Perhaps a part of him had its fun... perhaps, he simply lost time watching over Nagachika and the many attractions at the aquarium. Something within him stirred during the visit, memories that weren’t his own forcing themselves on his eyes while he watched the fish. The tank broke, water spilled everywhere, including on his meal...
‘ RIZE-SAN... ‘ He blinked, having realized those were her memories. It was a futile attempt at calming down what was building within his body, riling itself up. The memories of sweet blood and rich flesh... How he L O N G E D for it, without having even tasted a person once within his existence.
ALL HE HAD IS MEMORIES, from the others. From when it was absolutely necessary to. When life or death depended on it. When the King had lost his control protecting their - no. H I S - child. As calmly and unsuspiciously as he could, Black Reaper smoothed the hairs on the back of his head down before they were to stand up like hackles, telling Nagachika the aquarium is about to close and they should leave before it’s too late.
BY THE TIME THEY REACHED THE DOOR HOWEVER, Black Reaper could no longer control the trembling in his hands. His wrists shook almost as if vibrating, the gloved fingers flailing about like weightless ragdolls. Dead eyes peered down at what to H I M was a very obvious tell. The investigator knew this form of tremble, this horrible dread. This was not his usual anxiety or hunger... this was fucking E Y E P A T C H hyperventilating from his chair, his hands unable to free themselves from cuff and chain - the reason for the wrists to remain so still as the digits flung.
THE REAPER PARTED HIS LIPS, gray eyes quickly rising to the human by the door saying something and then outside to the street. He C O U L D N ‘ T trust this G H O U L with the world outside, but he couldn’t following in after Nagachika either. In a futile attempt to shelter the moron, Black Reaper shoved Nagachika into his own home and closed the door, turning to leave only to stumble in a moment of darkness and find himself on palms and knees.
BUT BARGAINING WITH A BEAST WAS FUTILE. The investigator had pushed the body all too far, mingling with desserts and plump treats all day... the ghoul wanted it N O W . Black Reaper sat up, trying to control his breathing and keep his body as still as possible in hopes that with the shaking - the urge to consume all would pass as well. It worked with his panic attacks... it should work with this... right? R I G H T ?
“GG G R grgr r r rr rRRR R .. . !”
HE GRABBED HIS HEAD BETWEEN TWO HANDS, with invisible C L A W S digging into their consciousness as he threatens and curses the little C E N T I P E D E as from under his coat small legs of metal-like armor hug at his frame and the top of his shoulders, creeping in a mask on his face. No matter how much of the RC he tore off his face and skin it enveloped his face whole and drained the color from his hair.
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O UCH COuCH OUccCH O c U Hc H . . . . that stung it stung, but now it was alright! His face was whole again. Here - he’s even smiling! S M I L I N G ! Nothing was wrong, he was alright - so why not crank his neck A L L the way B A C K and flash a S M I L E   O F   R E A S U R R A N C E at the little cake - eer e errr R R R R  - little little  - H U M A -  F R i nn D? OH OH HIDE IT’S HIDE HI -
“ H I I iii I D ED E DED E E E E . . . ? “
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@israel .@nato @otan @bundeswehrinfo  .@france24 .@paris .@london .@trt .@nhkworld .@rosatom@g7 .@g7 @potus .@japan .@potus .@vp .@weg @imf @msc .@msc .@10downingstree t @bbcr4 @pacificcommand .@pacificsubs .@us_stratcom #thatguy #on #battle #apc #s #s uch #as #ukraine #supercharged #clunkers #and #thermonucleardevices #keypoint if apc s are there they massively reduce your own grunt losses especially infanty losses with quick injection and retreat from battlefields as highlymobile hard cover during battles/initiative. thelonger you keep these alive the better thatis a nobrainer or the axiom the c o n s e q u e n c e s ofallofthis in m o d e r n battlefield leads to
.@israel .@nato @otan @bundeswehrinfo .@france24 .@paris .@london .@trt .@nhkworld .@rosatom@g7 .@g7 @potus .@japan .@potus .@vp .@weg @imf @msc .@msc .@10downingstreet @bbcr4 @pacificcommand .@pacificsubs .@us_stratcom #thatguy #on #battle #apc #s #such #as #ukraine #supercharged #clunkers #and #thermonucleardevices #keypoint if apc s are there they massively reduce your own grunt losses…
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fat-ugly-bus-driver · 2 years
thank oyu . it iddnt burn badly . it was on my lap. i had eaten most of it s o not too m uch ...still hurt . had to change pant s now im wearing blue ones. its gwrong.
Ew so you're wearing a full blue outfit? Blue shirt and blue pants? That feels wrong it'll just look like an ugly jump suit
IT DOES . IT LOKS HIDEOUS !!!!!! but is diferent shade of blue. a Light er color. so not thaat bad.
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jane-the-zombie · 4 years
Jailhouse Rock || Roland, Felix, & Jane
TIMING: A Couple Weeks Ago LOCATION: WCPD Station PARTIES: @streetharmacist, @sgtrolandhills, @jane-the-zombie SUMMARY: Mister Doyle tells Detective Wu that he was with Agent Sterling when he disappeared. The detective and Sgt. Hills take his statement while Mister Doyle eats nuts.
It didn’t feel right to continue on watching the movie alone and as it was, the peanuts had melted in his pockets. Felix just hoped Bea was alright. The incident with Javier had been weighing on him in an unexpected kind of way. Unexpected in that he readily relayed information to a law enforcement officer. He should have been concerned but he couldn’t find it in him as he stepped out of the taxi cab that stopped him in front of the White Crest Police Department. He adjusted his plum tie as he walked in. The person at the front desk raised their head and when he met their eyes, he grinned. “Hiya. Nice night, huh? Is officer Jane Wu here? I was telling her about some concerns and geez, do I have some. Would you do a guy a favor and ring her?”
Of course Felix was involved. Jane had sat at her desk with her head in her hands for approximately 15 minutes after Felix assured her he was coming down. She was a little wary, she had seen what Felix’s eyes could do. There was no reasonable explanation for Agent Sterling to flat out climb into the Devil’s Gullet. Could Felix have done something to him? She’d excused Felix for doing it the first time considering that man had a knife on them both, but she couldn’t imagine Javier having tried to do something to Felix like that. The front desk buzzed her, and Jane sighed, getting out of her chair to collect Felix, stopping to pop her head into Roland’s office. “F - Mr. Doyle is here. I’ll take him to interrogation.” She went to the front desk, looking at Felix tiredly. “Hello, Mr. Doyle,” Jane said, eying him. She still wasn’t sure that she trusted any of the other personnel to actually handle Felix. “This way, please.”
The messages Wu had screenshot and sent to Roland had left him concerned for Agent Sterling. Drugs were the most logical answer which left him deeply concerned for the man’s wellbeing. There was the big question of what had caused this apparent malfunction in his mind and whether or not it was consumed willingly. Either way, they needed to get to the bottom of it. When Wu had told them they had a lead coming in, Roland felt a wave of relief. He hadn’t been making much headway on the situation and he hoped this witness could help them find answers. “Let’s see what he has to say,” he commented as he followed Jane into the interrogation room. “Hello, Mr. Doyle,” he greeted, extending his hand for a shake, “Detective Wu here tells me you may have some information on Agent Sterling?”
As Jane came around the corner, Felix about beamed at her. Always nice to see a friend, if the circumstances were less than desirable. But hey, there were worse ways to spend a Friday night than discussing potential crimes. “Mr. Doyle, that’s a new one,” he said with a laugh, hand up in a light wave. “You got it, detective.” He followed her and took in the joint as he walked. It looked about the same as the other ones had been to before. They all really started to look the same after a while as it was. An easy, unbothered smile eased onto his face as he walked into interrogation. The room looked the same too. As the man came into the room, Felix turned to look at him. “Hello yourself, sheriff,” he said as he met the shake with his own. The smile slipped some as he nodded. “I do, yeah. Figured I oughta come share it with you fine folks. It felt like the right thing to do after all.” He glanced over to Jane before he adjusted his glasses. “I was with him last. Mind if I sit or something?”
Detective. Instant regret was what Jane was feeling. She shouldn’t have called him Mr. Doyle. He was never going to let her live it down. But she kept her face passive as they entered the interrogation room. “Sergeant,” Jane corrected, automatically, looking between the two. Sheriff. Oh god, maybe they should have done a phone call. But realistically, Jane knew that since Felix was the last person to see him that he could be incriminated at whatever happened to Javier. Jane didn’t want that. Jane really didn’t want that. She wanted him to go down for what she had been chasing him for all those years for, if at all. “Yeah, take a seat, Mr. Doyle.” Jane nodded to to the chair, before taking a seat herself, taking her notepad out along with a pen. She glanced up at Felix, silently begging him to behave. “Why don’t you start with what happened when you saw him?” Jane encouraged.
Roland had been grateful Wu was the one to correct his current rank. Maybe one day he could call himself Sheriff, but today wasn’t the day. He nodded along as Jane told Felix he could take a seat. There was no need for him to reiterate the point. He had his own notepad and pen out, but kept a close eye on Mr. Doyle’s face. Studying body language as people spoke was important and he was very keen to get to the bottom of what was going on with Agent Sterling. “Yes, please, start from the beginning.” He watched Felix expectantly, waiting for some sort of answer that would help them piece together what the hell was going on.
The fae fought the urge to roll his eyes. Sergeant. Sheriff. Detective. They were human titles. Felix kept his expression even with a hint of an apologetic smile. “Right, of course. Apologies.” Was a word. He offered it with a loose gesture as he unbuttoned his suit jacket so that he could sit a little more comfortably. Immediately, he laced his fingers together. Placed them on the table for them to see. He figured that would be important. “Well, I can absolutely tell you that I wasn’t going to start at the end,” he remarked as he straightened up. “Kidding. Anyhow, it all started when Javier, err, Agent Sterling and I were talking about mayonnaise. On the internet,” he started. “He asked me what I thought of the Devil’s Gullet and one thing or another led to us wanting to check the joint out. Together. Make a date of it or something. So we did.” He paused for a moment to look between Roland and Jane. “Is it alright if I reach into my pocket? I got some chocolate peanuts melting in there and I’m a little hungry.”
Jane shot Felix a look at his joke, but leaned forward slightly when he mentioned mayonnaise. She made a note - Javier had said someone had hacked him or something, and he spent hundreds of dollars on mayonnaise. Jane noted the Devil’s Gullet too, the area had exploded with a dead body as well as multiple human organs back in January, before she had been transferred there. Did that connect to the murders that Javier had been looking at - her train of thought was cut off by Felix. “You - what?” Jane stared at him, already exasperated. “Felix, you’re not under arrest right now, yes you can reach into your pocket.” This was going to be a long night. “What happened at the Gullet, Felix. You told me he - what as it - got in it? What happened when you two got there?” She couldn’t ask him if he flashlight eyes’d him with Roland in the room, and she didn’t know what she was going to do if he did.
The people of White Crest were nothing if not eccentric. Roland knew his features looked slightly perplexed at the mention of talking about mayonnaise over the internet. It seemed like a strange thing to kick off a potential meet-up. Did people really love mayonnaise that much? It was okay on a sandwich or in a potato salad, but he wasn’t sure he followed. Could the strange gibberish language he was speaking be linked to any of this? “So, you two went to Devil’s Gullet. What happened there,” he questioned. The question about going into his pocket caught him off guard. “Of course, you can go into your pocket. You’re here as a witness, not a prisoner.” For now, at least, though he doubted the man would be volunteering to come give information that would be incriminating. Or maybe he would. It was hard to get a good read on Felix.
“Figured it was safer to ask,” Felix said as he unlaced his hands and wasted no time in grabbing a handful of melted peanuts. He popped a couple into his mouth, chewed, then started to speak again once he swallowed. “Anyhow, so I met him here and we headed straight to the Gullet. Y’know, talked about pie as people do. Just normal conversation. I didn’t think we talked about anything strange or enough to cause concern or nothing.” A weird, off brand pang of...maybe sadness hit him. He really did want to go get that pie. He matched the pain with another peanut. Felt a little better. “So we get there and we--Alright, I gotta say, I don’t really get spooked all too much but the place really can give a guy the heebie-jeebies. The Gullet is like heebie-jeebies town square, you dig?” He looked between the two again before he continued. “But we get to the hole and Javier starts talking about someone being in there.” He accentuated the statement by making a circle shape with his hands. “I didn’t see or hear anything. Not. A. Thing. But he was real convinced.” The fae frowned and sat back. “Convinced enough to just go in, I guess.”
If Roland wasn’t here, Jane would have just flat out asked Felix if his eyes had made Javier decide to take a venture into the Devil’s Gullet. It was a hyperfixation - an anxiety tic, even as Jane hurriedly wrote a few notes on Felix’s notes, glancing up at him when he mentioned the heebie jeebies. “I dig, Mr. Doyle” Jane said flatly. Everytime she said Mr. Doyle she was pretty sure a few years got shaved off her lifespan. She pressed her lips together as she listened. “Did he say why he wanted to check the Gullet out? Like he knew that he would be, um, hearing things there?” How long had Felix said the madness lasted? A while, right? Jane stared at Felix, her head tilting to the side slightly, eyes narrowing as she examined him. Definitely not the first time she gave him the cop stare, as if she could unravel all her questions and just figure out what had happened. “What did you do after he went into the Gullet, Felix?”
While Roland had been in town a while now, he’d never found himself compelled to check out the Gullet recreationally. He vaguely knew there were some bodies found there a few months back. It wasn’t his case and he didn’t particularly go seeking thrills for fun. If he was outdoors, he was camping or fishing, not visiting a place just because it gave him the “heebie jeebies.” The bodies could have been of interest to Agent Sterling, but something about this just didn’t add up. So with Jane’s next question, he nodded and leaned forward, elbows resting on the tables, so he could watch Mr. Doyle closely. Try to find any further meaning in his words. “Did it seem like he may have been under the influence of something,” he added, not quite sure why Sterling would feel so dead set about going into the Gullet.
Given the seriousness of the location and the matters being discussed, Felix didn't smile at Jane’s utterance of I dig. But his mouth did lift slightly at the corners before it receded back to a straight line. “I think the rumors about the place interested him. I mean, heck, they interested me too,” he said as he shrugged with his hands. “Place with rumors like that, I can’t blame a fed for wanting to take a peep at it. Although in retrospect, not the most dynamite of ideas...” He glanced over to Jane as he idly tapped a finger against the table. He was all out of peanuts. “I saw a guy go headfirst into the hole, Jane,” he said with a frown. “Sorry, Detective Wu. So I got the heck out of there. I don’t know where or if that hole even ends.” He shook his head then looked over to Roland as he adjusted his glasses. “Unless he slipped himself something when I wasn’t looking, he seemed clear across the board to me. At least up until the dive he took. Your guy seemed the real straight-edge type, y’know?”
Detective Wu. God, what had she started? Jane’s mouth twitched upwards, and she had to fight to keep it pressed together in a thin line. This was a serious situation, since apparently Javier had taken a nose dive into the Devil’s Gullet. She glanced at Roland, concerned. God, Felix, what did you do? Jane shifted back into her seat, examining Felix closely a moment before running an exasperated hand down her face as she digested what Felix said. “Well, Agent Sterling is a cop,” she reminded him. Well, at least she knew that he hadn’t been doing drugs with Javier and that any he consumed were likely of Javier’s own accord. She remembered the strange language that Javier had been speaking. “Mr. Doyle,” Jane started, shooting him a look. “Did Javier say anything in any strange languages that you didn’t recognize? Or did he say anything that, at the time, may have not meant anything at, but stick out to you now?”
The look on Roland’s face was nothing short of horrified when Felix explained that Agent Sterling had dived head first into the Gullet. What were the odds that he actually survived the fall? Something wasn’t right here. Why had Javier gone off in some sort of strange language before going off to the Gullet? Had Felix really not noticed anything further off about him? This whole situation didn’t add up and Roland found himself becoming increasingly frustrated. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the edge of the chair he was leaning on. He turned to Jane and stated, “We’ll need to get a team down to investigate the Gullet and someone over to check his home.” He looked back to Felix and with a grumble said, “You should have contacted emergency services sooner. Did you notice anything or anyone else at the Gullet that could have cause his reaction?”
It wasn’t Felix’s first time being held under a police-branded microscope but like the sergeant had said, he wasn’t exactly a suspect of any crime. Even if the circumstances sure as heck were. Even the fae could admit that. The way Jane scrutinized him, he had a feeling what she might be thinking. She had seen firsthand what his eyes could do when under pressure or hell, when he just felt like it. A brow quirked over the rim of his glasses as he shook his head slightly. Then, he took his glasses off. Folded them and put them in his suit pocket. “Strange languages? Depending on who you ask, English can be pretty strange,” he said with a puff of a breath. “But nah, no weird languages from what I can remember. Said he liked the lake, liked pie, we talked about whether or not the devil really lives in the hole. That sorta stuff. And we just walked. It was a real quiet place. I didn’t see nobody or hear nobody, but he swore up and down he heard someone needing help. That there was a path.” Bare-eyed, Felix looked up at Roland. Figures the guy would be upset when he didn’t call. He was too busy trying not to bust up the car as he drove it at a snail’s pace away. Left it near some abandoned, rusted garage not too far from the gullet. “The vehicle may or may not be there anymore,” he said as he ran his tongue over his teeth. “Ain’t exactly been back there myself, so worth having your guys look it over. Like you said, sergeant.”
Jane didn’t often see Felix without his glasses, so she was sort alarmed when he took them off, right after shaking his head. Was that supposed to be some sort of message? Jane glanced at Roland, knowing that he didn’t know what Felix was. Perhaps she was just reading too much into things, but now there was a bit of doubt that Felix had flashlight eyed Javier into going headfirst down in the Gullet. That made her feel better, at least a little, but now she was too busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on. “Yes, sir,” she said to Roland. She jotted down the orders from Roland, as well as what Felix said, before shooting Felix another look when he mentioned the vehicle ‘may or may not’ still be there. “I’ll have patrol cars circle up there to look for the missing vehicle, Sarge,” she said. Jane looked back to Felix. “Mister Doyle, is there anything else you can remember?” Jane prompted. “If not, I think we have what we need, Sarge. I can walk him out.”
While none of what Mr. Doyle was saying was what Roland had hoped to hear, it was enough for them to go on. It was likely Agent Sterling was already dead if he jumped down into the Gullet. He wished the man had called emergency services sooner. There was no use in dwelling on that now. His face was grim as Jane assured patrol cars would be out there soon. “Good,” he answered gruffly, “I’ll meet them out there. You’re welcome to join, Wu.” He’d scribbled down notes in his own file and looked back to Felix. “Thank you for coming in and letting us know what happened. In the future, please never hesitate to contact us right away.” With a nod, he told Jane, “I think we do. Detective Wu will see you out Mr. Doyle. Here’s my card, please let me know if you remember anything else.” He handed one of his cards to Felix in hopes and sent the pair off with a wave.
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seryonn · 3 years
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Todoroki is at it again
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