#s but now we don't get anything but buttons at all anymore i miss the weird untrusty variety
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picorimori · 3 months ago
i wanted to say since theyre putting slightly more focus on donkey kong i hope they port donkey kong jungle beat to the switch but i realized if they do, it will just be the wii remake and not the bongos
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panandinpain0 · 2 years ago
Oh yeah one more (again, a problem is showing 💀) remember when I asked abt songfics? While not rlly a songfic, could I get one where it’s (tom holland’s) Peter Parker x Male Reader inspired by Jet Lag by Simple Plan and Natasha Bedingfielf (stan Nat Bedingfield) where Peter is abroad on a long mission and y/n is just stuck at home rebuilding the death star with Ned, but they really miss each other a buttload
Time Difference
Shuuuttt upppp- I'd never heard of this song before but I listened to it and have so many ideas for this fic- I'm in love.
I haven't done many songfics so I hope I didn't format this weird or anything-
I'm considering this as like a part 2 of Roses- established relationship and all that.
I skip a view verses just because they don't work with the story- but the bulk of the song is included!
BOLD is (Y/N)'s texts and normal are Peter's.
Requested by: @mailmango
Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Hugging each other tightly, Peter kissed (Y/N) as they said goodbye. Peter was about to go on a mission abroad, but as far as (Y/N) knew it was just a trip for his internship to meet some amazing scientists and engineers in Europe.
He'd be gone for three weeks- which was far too long for teenagers in a relationship. But off he flew, and (Y/N) went back home, waiting for the text that he had landed.
What time is it where you are? I miss you more than anything
Peter hung upside-down from the hotel ceiling, something he often did when feeling anxious. Other than a dim lamp in the corner, his phone was the only light in the room, shining a blue light over his face.
He smiled a bit at one of (Y/N)'s texts, before sending one back. They would usually be on FaceTime but this was their way of acting like they were going to bed even though they weren't.
"What time is it for you?"
Peter rolled his eyes with a smile.
"You need to get ready for school."
"and you need to be getting some sleep!"
He could imagine the exact look (Y/N) was making with his face, sad that he couldn't be there to see it in person.
Instead of hitting the FaceTime button like he wanted so badly to do, he just said what he was feeling.
"I miss you"
"i miss you more 🫶"
I'm back at home, you feel so far Waiting for the phone to ring
(Y/N) was over at Ned's house, supposedly studying. In reality all he was doing was nervously glancing at his phone every few seconds.
"Why can't you call him, again?" Ned asked for the hundredth time, sick of his friend not paying attention.
"Because he might be at some important meeting! Or he might be asleep, I don't know- this time difference is screwing me up." (Y/N) bit his nail as he tried to focus on his work again.
He felt bad for treating Ned like this, but he didn't always do this. He just hadn't gotten the call that he usually got around lunch time so now he was anxious.
Picking up his phone he sent Peter a quick text message.
"i'll call you before i go to bed- stay safe and keep having fun!"
Biting his lip he shook his head after it sent, putting his phone down and looking at his notebook. It felt like Peter was a whole planet away, not just an ocean.
When Peter finally saw the text message he wanted to kick himself.
"Kid, come on, we've got to get you some first aid," Tony insisted, trying to get Peter to follow him. They'd just finished fighting and they were both roughed up.
Tony knew the second he got his hands on his phone, Peter wouldn't be available anymore (and would likely ignore his injuries to make sure his boyfriend was okay first).
"I'm so sorry (Y/N), we can definitely call tonight- emergency meeting happened before I was able to call :("
The reply was instant.
"dw babe, i can wait <3 it may come as a surprise to you but i can be very patient"
It's getting lonely living upside down I don't even wanna be in this town Tryna figure out the timezone's making me crazy
When Peter wasn't nervously hanging upside down like a bat on his ceiling, he was adventuring the cities he went to with his fellow Avengers (well- eventually fellow Avengers he hoped).
But everywhere he went he was reminded of (Y/N), things to buy him or pictures to send him- all he wanted to do was be with (Y/N).
Cuddling, watching a movie- and he missed his friends too. As he fell asleep one night he thought about a movie night with (Y/N), Ned, and MJ- or sitting at lunch with them.
Not to mention the time difference was throwing both boyfriend's out of wack-
You say goodmorning when it's midnight Going out of my head, alone in this bed
Peter lay in his bed, wide awake despite the late hour. He didn't often sleep with (Y/N), no matter how many times he wanted to web over to his house after patrol. (Y/N) didn't know about Spider-Man yet, and Peter didn't know when he'd tell him.
But they'd often fall asleep together during hang outs. They'd stay up all night texting/calling and then snuggle together in person- and it'd been two weeks without that.
Peter was feeling alone in the big empty hotel bed.
Suddenly his phone went off and he picked it up.
"morning babe! got coffee and thought of you <3" (Y/N) sent with an attached picture of him at the coffee shop they would frequent together.
Peter sent back a picture of him (it was obvious he had to use the flash of his phone because of the dark of the room) holding a thumbs up with a tired smile.
"Can't wait to go there together when I get back!"
I wake up to your sunset It's driving me mad, I miss you so bad
The couple always sent pictures of the sky to each other, even when Peter was in Queens with (Y/N).
(Y/N) had become lonely, even with his near constant contact with Peter. He missed holding him, his hand. Kissing him.
So he went up to the roof of his apartment building, where he and Peter would relax together often.
He didn't want to cry- it's not like Peter was off at war. He was safe with Mr. Stark and his security team, having fun. He should feel happy for Peter, but he felt like Peter hadn't told him the whole truth about the trip.
Regardless, he took a picture of the sunset he'd been watching and sent it to Peter with a text;
"wanted to share my sunset with you. i can't wait for you to come home"
He wanted to add an "I love you" but decided against it. They hadn't said it yet and that'd be a pretty shitty way to start saying it.
Maybe when he gets back (Y/N) will tell him.
The first thing Peter did when he opened his eyes was reach for his phone- as he had the entire trip. That was the text he woke up to- sent only ten minutes ago.
Standing up from his bed he opened the windows, looking out at the city they were in. The sun was still rising, so he took a picture of it and sent it back.
"My sunrise to your sunset. Poetic, if you ask me"
And my heart-heart-heart is so jet lagged Heart-heart-heart is so jet lagged Heart-heart-heart is so jet lagged Is so jet lagged
What time is it where you are? Five more days and I'll be home
"Only five more days!" (Y/N) announced as he opened the door to his room, going straight to his calendar to mark it off.
Ned and MJ, who had followed behind him, dropped their backpacks and found a place to study.
"Then you'll finally be tolerable again," MJ muttered, clicking her pen as she waited for (Y/N) to sit down with them.
"Oh no, they'll be worse together. I say at least a week of constant PDA and love-sick phrases," Ned corrected, nodding assuredly.
(Y/N) basically jumped out of his skin as his phone went off, quickly pulling it out of his pocket.
"Five more days <3"
Smiling brightly, (Y/N) texted back.
"five more days!"
MJ groaned as she thought about Ned's response and kicked (Y/N) in the shin.
"Get your ass out of the clouds and help me with my calc homework," MJ ordered with a glare.
Rolling his eyes (Y/N) joined them on the floor, pulling out his stuff.
"You can't tell me you're not excited for Peter to be back," (Y/N) said towards Ned, glancing up at him.
"I am- or I will be, once he's back for at least a week. I'm counting it as four weeks because he'll only get out of the clouds, as MJ said, after a week of you."
"It won't be like that guys, I promise. We can be in a relationship and still be present with our friends!" (Y/N) protested, opening MJ's calculus book.
Ned and MJ shared a look, doubtful. (Y/N) saw and became even more determined to not hoard Peter all to himself when he got back.
I been keeping busy all the time Just to try to keep you off my mind
The next few days were unbearable for (Y/N)- well, for Peter too, but those last days were packed with fighting so he was distracted.
Desperately trying to find things to keep his mind off Peter, he decided to rebuild the Lego death star with Ned (who just wanted to make sure his friend was okay).
It worked for a while, and when they finished it was late- but he still had two days to wait for Peter to come home.
Ned went back to his house with a joyful goodbye- over the last couple of weeks the one-on-one time he had with (Y/N) was usually filled with talking about Peter, but he got a few gems like tonight out of it.
Reading books, painting with MJ, doing puzzles with Aunt May- none of it helped (Y/N) much.
So agony was what was left for the next few days.
I miss you so bad (I miss you so bad) I miss you so bad (I miss you so bad) I miss you so bad (I wanna share your horizon) I miss you so bad (And see the same sun rising) I miss you so bad (And turn the hour back to when you were holding me)
(Y/N) stood with Aunt May and his friends in May's apartment, rocking on the balls of his feet anxiously. Peter had taken Mr. Stark's private jet and he said that Happy would be driving him to the apartment.
A little welcoming party was set up; cake, his favorite dinner, his favorite movie ready to be booted up. Now all that was left was Peter.
The door swung open and once (Y/N) saw his face, he held himself back from launching into his arms.
Aunt May greeted him first, inspecting his face (which was covered in cuts and bruises). (Y/N) was taken aback- what happened in Europe?
When the shock wore off and May was finished greeting him, Peter pulled (Y/N) into a hug as he got close enough.
They rocked back and forth, Peter smiling from ear to ear and (Y/N) frowning with concern.
"Are you okay? What happened?" (Y/N) whispered into his ear, running a hand through the back of his hair.
"I'll explain everything later, I promise."
(Y/N) was okay with that- as long as he got an explanation later. He let the worry go for a second to pull back and give Peter a peck on the lips. He was gonna tell him-
"I missed you."
He chickened out.
"I missed you too," Peter whispered back.
"Promise we'll talk later?"
Hardly separating the whole night, the boys ate dinner with their small family- and enjoyed themselves the whole time.
The heavier topics could be saved for later, because now was the time to be happy that they were together again.
Whatdya think? I think this one was pretty good.
Hope this was good mango!
-Author Max <3
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shoot-of-corruption · 2 years ago
I ship you with Cherry's Ryo, DUH. Your Mariku and Cherry's Ryo *chef's kiss*
Other candidates:
Eli's Atem. After reading a couple interactions, yeah, and /s I hate it lol
I think that made me wonder if Mariku would work with other Atems/Yami Yugis
I don't know darknesskng too well, but their TKB gives off a certain energy that I wonder if it would resonate with your Mariku. (It would be a chaotic ship, probably. I think they would push each other's buttons a lot.)
I wish we could see some more interaction with Ra's Marik and your Marik, but I don't know if I'd call it a ship exactly?
I wish there was someone from Zexal I could see being a ship, but I'm not sure yet
I feel like there's one I'm missing
I dunno, make of this what you will. XD
Actually tagged this as IC replies, but I gotta move to ooc territory now to comment on this:
1.) Agreed. Not only is Deathshipping my favorite, Ryo (@starlitmemoriam) and Mariku are just getting along so well, it was almost shocking... like we cluldn't bend them in any direction.
The magnetism was beyond creepy and exciting.
2.) Eli's Atem (@ofthepuzzle) is definitely great shipping material. We resonate super well about a lot of things and apparently, whenever they come together our muses just so happen to be risktakers for the highest benefit.
I have done Clashshipping in the past but it never felt this natural to me 😌
3.) You and meboth, Anon. @darknesskng and I had a few IM interactions and we exchanged a bit of writing. I don't know them well, yet, but they have a nice spice in their portrayal. Probably oneof the muses around that could become really dangerous for shadow boi.
He'd have to feel out the waters first, before getting into any kind of relationship, since he has dealt with enough toxic and suppressing situations in his life.
4.) I swear Ra's Marik (@iilahalzili) is such a different brand, I'm very happy they portray him so extremely versatile and differently. In all honesty, I could maybe see them circling each other, but I don't know if it would lead to anything.
My muse at least shows off his brightest smile, but when nobody is looking, I imagine them both going exactly like this:
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Oh well.... idk anything about Zexal *shrugs*
I mean, I know people tell me over and over and OVER that the other YuGiOh arcs are worth a watch... I just don't know how to fit them in my schedule and if I would enjoy them... *sighs*
I have so little time for things, I enjoy anymore that I don't wanna waste it on things that I might end up being bored by.
What you MAY be missing are Bakura muses. I can see those being linked to him =w= I can also see Yugis in that position. I would also like to see Mais in that position, but I just don't see Mais at all T.T ... @kujakudarling is a possible candidate as well :3
I guess we'll see! ^3^ Thanks for the long ask, Anon!
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tex-was-taken · 2 years ago
So I caved and decided to make an OC for COD. Why? Because why the hell not.
"At a press of a button, I'll be the one laughing here."
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Picrew used (I WISH A COULD DRAW)
Meet 141's target new recruit: Angelo 'TeX' Salvador.
He is Task Force 141's new fillipino cyber expert and excels as a frightening hacker. Unlike the operatives in the team, he is unable to take arms on the field due to missing a leg the frontline.
But that doesn't mean can't put his skill to use!
Short story ahead!
Once a soldier, always a soldier. But in Angelo's case, losing a leg meant he couldn't fight in the frontlines anymore. Nowadays, he is a freelance hacker who takes on contracts from even the shadiest of people, all for the fun and money.
As long as they don't involve the government that is.
"Here's your coffee, Angelo." A waiter approached the table where Angelo sat, holding a cup of hot liquid and offered to the man. "Busy as always, huh?"
"You betcha, salamat." He takes the cup in his hand, the warmth absorbed into his hand as the aroma of freshly brewed java filled his nostrils. "Got tons of report to analyse and send off. Can't waste time, and besides why not enjoy it with the best coffee in town?"
The waiter chuckled, "The best indeed. Anyways, howl if you need me."
Before he said anything, his phone began to let out a buzz. Every second, it vibrates. Angelo frowned to see the name that popped on the screen, 'Annoying', he was hoping it was someone completely different.
He sighs, picking up the phone.
"TeX, have you gotten our information yet?"
Of course.
Straight to the point.
"Their systems are slightly outdated but their security is hardcore." He responded, observing his screen as the loading bar continued to increment.
"So you can't get crack it?" The voice sounded disappointed. "Such a shame, I thought—"
"Now hold on a minute, buddy. I didn't say I gave up, didn't I? Took a couple of days to break their encryption. Had to sacrifice a shit tons of resources to keep them from tracing me."
"Cut the bullshit, TeX. Our deal?"
Angelo rolled his eyes. Quite a persistent fellow. "Yes, I have it here. Will have a drop point ready for you in a few hours." Twirling a USB around his finger.
"Good. You'll have your pay as soon as the exchange is made."
"Pleasure doing business with ya." Angelo smirked, the files finally ready to be transferred. The call ended and he sets the phone done next to the laptop, plugging the drive into the port. "What did this guy want anyways..." he uttered as he browsed through the files.
It didn't take long to realise what he had stolen.
Reports, logs, secrets, and Operative information. A file drew his attention as it was clearly out of the ordinary in a directory full of sub directories.
Read me
A bright red laser appeared on his chest, moving carefully towards the top of his head like. Even if he moved, he wouldn't get away with a leg like his.
He was caught.
"Ah shit."
He clicked his mouse on the text file, reading what was saved as he felt sweat dropping from his temple. He never felt this pressure since he was a soldier.
The fear running down his spine as he is in enemies sight.
Not bad. Your actions haven't gone unnoticed but I'm impressed you made it this far. We had our eyes on you for quite some time now, TeX.
You got two choice.
Angelo read the next lines, it looks like he will have to decide what comes next. Surrender and confess to his crimes or...
He slowly picked up his phone. Dialing the number that was on the screen and waited.
Angelo drew his sight towards the source of the light.
"I'm in."
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
Watch "Starship - We Built This City (Official Music Video) [HD]" on YouTube
What you closned should to know is this guy's a nobody, the rats on you everyday over and over on purpose and knows the story about his family and what his future is with you I'm so sick of him in a stupid ships above us it's pointing you out on purpose he's a retarded guy apparently you're not so Swift either and can't tell what he's doing these people are old they've been around forever my people are huge you're pushing their buttons your fleet that was up there is gone your flagships are gone your stone ships are gone you're miscellaneous are gone what do you need anybody coming stuff his face in your face drop you drop kicked him on TV and WWF and you think it's friendly competition with the guy wiping you out. I don't need anymore morons running the rebels who wipe themselves out your rebels you're trying to take over everything your methods are questionable and we have to keep you in massive massive check but now you're out of control because of your head turd other rebels are doing the same thing like VGA just keep running at it it's competition of the max that they don't want but just keep going up there and try and stop it who the f*** are you bjA but you're a slave. This retard Tommy f would be a slave but he's trying to gun for Mac and shoots other Max too he goes after everyone nobody is safe around that guy he's shooting at me before I tell you what I need him down and I'm sending orders now the people that get him.
We here and we see it they were going after him that guy is a rogue and he's doing things here that are very illegal and dangerous because he has nothing that's why
Thor Freya
The city orders to hit that freak I don't think he has any protection at all except the ship here that we should move and his clnes want moved I don't see anybody supporting him except people who are not really bright. The people there heard what I said and don't get with the argument is and they can get killed because this guy's dangerous and his clothes through the work and they blame him one person and that's stupid they're blaming in my grand nephew too and their blasphemes and they need to go down too but this guy is an idiot. Just see the girls know he's referencing your daughters that he killed and he's after you it's absolutely true
And I'm tired of you rebels putting up with that s*** you put up with each other and now you're putting up a styling himself who put you into death camps in Germany as Hitler and death camps in Russia and so you survived it and you still are his friend granted I know what he's doing but that does not mean that you have to do anything you want it's ridiculous treatment other people get because of this moron he's ruined his life years ago and he let the clones do it and I heard the story it doesn't matter he's the one who did it he let him get out of control and he didn't stop them and a certain clones who are doing it other ones bothering him it's ridiculous to let the idiot go he was a leak he ruined you it's part of our plan too it's completely out of control I don't know what to say and what he says is they're thinking something else and they're thinking that they're going to take over an old Vegas as they already did and they did take it over and they didn't take over the new one and they're missing the point that he's referencing their kids. He's talking about these people my grand nephews people but he's also talking about them and he's saying that they took over and we are going to go through them and get rid of them cuz they're saying stuff at fisherman's village and I know she heard it and she started telling them what to do there's a few of them there and bja said you're targeting them in your song and telling people a story in the song and sent it back years ago I wonder what the hell you're doing there so they went in there and attacked him and I heard about it but really this can't stand it's a stupid s*** the guys fleets gone and we can't move the damn thing tell him he's dead and just smiles he said we'll have to move the other ships and this one will have to preach and he says it might people have to infiltrate if you guys can't and we're going to go ahead and get rid of the stupid a****** for once and for all he's a massive massive idiot and nasty to everybody I've never seen my grand nephew this mad he's never been insanely mad in this idiot is making him angry and he said horrible things about him and telling lies and I'll tell you what he starts getting strong he's probably going to kill that guy over and over he's already attacking some people because he has to this guy Dave died a couple times because he got in a fight with him he's looking at him at the park he was thinking of where he's going to hit him finally the idiot got up and left and you figured out something that guy is just going to fight me and I'm really taunting him to do it you got arrested and questions and we talked to him and he said he's back to the corner and doesn't feel like putting up with her s*** and saying it's not a prison but you're making it into one and you don't need to and they agreed this is this idiot Tommy f that keeps on pulling their chain and with the ship above his whole stupid army could be gone it was still going to be underneath his rule of asinine behavior and that's what he does to people he's a freaking jerk it is really stupid it's like taunting an animal and he does that all the time to get mad then tries to get a bit mad at other people and it doesn't work with us and the max or after him very sternly as he shot they're higher up they're going to get rid of that guy and that's disgusting his video is disgusting these people have to learn that this guy is disgusting he's a murderer and he's ruined the rain of Max and we might be losing everything because of him it's not because of my grand nephew either and so because he's related it's cuz this guy is related to but really is this Tommy f he is a huge blaspheme a massive loser makes trouble with it like it's normal no that guy's an intense loser these people don't know the rules of the laws and they're breaking them all the time is bringing us down I want him stoppedac
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atlasscrumpit · 3 years ago
Yandere Avengers Part 2
Warnings: Yandere, captivity, violence, abuse
Part 1 here
Loki picked up your unconscious body and rushed you up to the infirmary. He made it up to the infirmary as he saw another man there he hadn't met.
"You must be Loki. Oh I see Bucky had another sparring session." Bruce said as Loki laid you down on the bed.
"I don't know why they treat her so horribly, she did bad things in her past. Haven't we all?" Bruce said as he looked down at your bruised and bloodied face.
"What did she do?" Loki asked hesitantly as Bruce got to work.
"She worked for Hydra, killed a lot of people. But when I look into her eyes I don't see a killer, I see a terrified girl who just wants to be loved. I know hydra controlled her, now Tony does the exact same thing." Bruce said as Loki sat down beside you and held onto your hand.
"I've tried to change Tony's mind, but for some reason the whole team just hates her with a burning passion." Bruce said as he began stitching up the wounds on your face.
"I know you don't see her as just an object, I can see the way you look at her." Bruce said as Loki looked up.
"I don't know how anyone could hate her." Loki whispered as he looked down to you.
"I-I'm sorry, p-please." You whimpered in your sleep as you began moving around. Loki ran his hand through your hair.
"It's ok darling." He whispered as you slowly opened your eyes, he smiled softly at you as you squeezed his hand in return. You looked up to see Bruce and smiled.
"I missed you." You whispered as he chuckled.
"I missed you to Y/N, I'm sorry I was gone for so long." He whispered as you chuckled.
"Still can't handle a beating I see." You heard a voice say as you clutched onto Loki's hand.
"Tony, she was injured pretty badly. Let her rest." Bruce said as you closed your eyes. Tony came over to you and ran a finger across your face as he smiled. Loki glared as him as he held onto your hand even tighter, you opened your watery and bloody eyes to look up at Tony.
"I-I'm sorry s-sir." You whispered as he pulled out a small device. You began panicking as you shook your head.
"N-No, p-please. I-I'll get back to work straight a-away I'm sorry." You rushed out as Tony smiled and put the device away.
"See, that wasn't so hard." Tony said as Bruce just kept his eyes down cast.
"Are you joking?" Loki said as he stood up and faced Tony.
"Excuse me?" Tony said as he glared at Loki.
"She's injured badly because of one of your teammates. You can't make her work for you in this condition." He said as you shook your head.
"L-Loki please." You whispered as Tony pulled out the device again and pressed the button. Your body convulsed and you let out a scream as blinding pain ripped through your body. Loki punched Tony in the face and threw him against the back wall as you continued to scream. Steve and Thor entered and grabbed Loki before he could do anymore. The pain stopped as you were left sobbing and searching for Loki's familiar face.
"Loki." You called out.
"Let me go!" He shouted as Thor held onto him.
"Put him in a cell. We will deal with him later." Tony growled as Loki looked up at Thor.
"It's only for a little while brother." Thor said as he dragged him out of the room.
"Loki n-no." You cried as Tony grabbed you by the hair and threw you to the floor. Bruce was about to rush to you as Tony stopped him.
"Not another step." Tony growled. You tried to stand but Tony slapped you across the face causing you to fall back again.
"Steve get Bucky." Tony growled as Steve faltered for a second.
"Tony, she didn't do anything that bad." Steve whispered as you cried.
"I told you to get Bucky." Tony demanded as Steve left. You looked up to Bruce with pleading eyes, he stood in front of you and glared at Tony.
"I won't let you take her Tony." He said as Tony grabbed him and threw him to the ground. You scurried away into the corner as Tony stalked you.
"You know how this goes darling." Tony growled as you stood up on your shaking feet. He dragged you down to the basement as you saw that dreadful door.
"P-Please, please I don't want to." You cried as you tried to run away but he grabbed you.
"No! Let go!" You screamed as you punched his chest, he opened the door and threw you in as he slammed the door and locked it. You looked up to see Bucky, it wasn't Bucky. It was the Winter Soldier.
"B-Bucky, please! Please don't do this!" You shouted as he walked up to you slowly.
"Loki!" You screamed, hoping somehow he would hear.
"Thor you have to let me out!" Loki shouted as he slammed on the glass. He heard a scream come from you as he began to panic even more.
"Thor let me out right now! They are going to kill her!" He shouted as Thor looked up at him.
"Brother, you worry too much. She won't be killed, she just needs to be put back into her place. You shouldn't care so much about a worthless servant." Thor said as Loki growled.
"All these years, I thought I was the monster. Turns out it was just you all along!" He shouted before Thor walked off without another word. (This is why mom doesn't fucking love you!)
You lay on the cold hard floor trying to breathe, but you couldn't. Why couldn't you just die. You saw Bucky in the corner crying, he had finally come out of Winter Soldier mode. Suddenly the door opened and Steve came in, Bucky ran up to him and hugged him. Steve took one look at you and you slowly reached your hand out to him. But he just left, he left without another glance, without a word and without a care.
4 weeks later
Loki was finally being let out of the stupid cell.
"Thor please, I need to see her." Loki whispered helplessly.
"Infirmary." Thor muttered back as Loki rushed up to the infirmary. He saw your body laying in a bed as he gasped and ran up to you.
"Y/N, no no no no. Oh god what did they do?" He whispered as he began to cry.
"I couldn't stop them." Bruce whispered.
"Broken ribs, collapsed lung, her jaw was shattered and both her legs were broken." Bruce muttered as Loki gently held your hand and cried.
"He's going to fucking die for this." Loki growled. Your eyes slowly opened as Loki looked down at you.
"Oh darling, it's ok I'm here." He whispered as he held onto your hand.
"Loki." You whispered as he kissed your forehead.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He whispered as you both cried.
"I'm going to destroy the fucking Avengers." He growled as his eyes began to glow green and his magic wrapped itself around you. He concentrated as hard as he could as he repaired your whole body with his magic. Bruce stood back in awe as he watched your body be healed with Loki's magic. After a few minutes you took in a deep breath as you whole body healed. You jumped up and clung onto Loki as you cried.
"Loki, please don't leave me." You whispered as he sighed and hugged you tightly.
"I'm never leaving you again." He whispered.
"We are getting out of here." He whispered as you nodded, you looked up to Bruce as he smiled.
"I'll do everything in my power to get you both out of here." He said as you smiled.
"Thank you." You whispered as you stood up.
"Bruce, I need you to get this collar off me." You said as he nodded, he brought tools out as you held onto Loki's hands and concentrated on him.
"It's ok love, I'm right here." He whispered as you smiled.
With the collar gone and your neck bandaged up you ran up to Bruce and hugged him tightly.
"Thank you so much Bruce." You whispered as he hugged you back.
"Now go." He whispered as you nodded and grabbed Loki's hand as you made your way down stairs.
"Y/N." Tony said as he stood up and glared at you. You let go of Loki's hand and stood right in front of Tony.
"You will never control me again." You growled as he went to slap you but your used your power to stop him.
"Anyone who stands in our way I will make sure to rip their heart out without a thought." You growled as you looked around at the team.
"You're not leaving." You heard Steve say as glared at him.
"I'm not a killer, but you all deserve some sort of punishment." You growled as you concentrated on your power and linked to everyones mind.
"Say goodbye to the Avengers." You growled as you wiped everyones memory of every memory they had ever had. Once you were done everyone was passed out onto the floor as Loki came up and hugged you tightly.
"Let's go love." He whispered as you pulled away and held onto his hand. He opened a portal as you looked backed to him.
"Where are we going?" You asked as he squeezed your hand.
"Anywhere you want my darling."
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marksbear · 2 years ago
Hello! I was thinking could you do vampire male reader who is also very rich x izzy hands. Since there are not of male yn or trans male yn x izzy hands🥲🥲. So the revenge were getting hunt down by the navy or it can just be another pirate or something else it's actually up to you. so they need to find a place to hide for at least a month or so. They were quite desperate and izzy at first he's just gonna keep quiet but, the crew at this point they were just shouting and paniking and don't know what to do so izzy suggest to go to his "FRIEND" 's house . At first they thought it would be some kind of creepy barbaric pirate village full of dangerous people.
However at this point no one cares anymore so izzy tells the location. When they arrive they were shock because in front of them is a huge mansion by the sea. Even tho they are still shock they follow izzy inside and there they were greeted by yn with a big smile on his face when he see izzy( yn has a pale skin due to vampirism with the reader eyes color hair color) . They were even shocker when yn kiss izzy cheak. Izzy just got red, brush it off and said that they are just friends however Black beard glare at yn with an unpleasing look on his face. Yn welcome them and inside and after explaining the situation, they just kinda chill around the mansion asking question of how izzy met yn ( yn said that he met izzy when he is in the navy which is a lie)(izzy is actually a sacrifice for yn because izzy's old village thinks that yn is a god and give izzy to yn so yn can bless them with luck, rain, wealth etc.) and how they got together. At the end of the day they all went to bed. But edward and lucius were curious of yn. How did yn even care to look or even took interest in izzy due to that they met when izzy is just a navy, why is yn skin so pale like he's sick or sth. Ed and lucius bump into eachother and decided to go look around the place. Then they see someone. Y/N bitting on izzy's hand with his sharp fang gently drinking the blood that comes out ,asking why havn't izzy wrote anything to him, kissing him , and cuddling izzy. Then when ed and lucius is about to leave or well escape cuse yn is not normal and seem to be a creature stede used talk about. A blood sucking monster aka vampire. They both made eye contact with yn. While being frighten to the spine. Yn raise his finger to his mouth and make a silence hand gesture.
Ofc. You don't have to do it cus it would probably be really long . Anyways thank-you🥰
Yeah I got this BUT it's probably gonna miss a few details since it's a lot to fit into one story! WARNINGS! Vampire reader, FTM READER, Talks about sacrifice, Mentions of God. Powers
Izzy hands x Ftm vampire reader
The revenge was on the run. Stede had somehow angered five different pirate ships and now it's chaos on the ship. Everyone on board trying to figure out ideas trying to live another day.
"WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!" Frenchie screams while running around on the front deck. Wee John silently agrees with Frenchie's comment and that single comment started even more chaos on the ship. The two captains argue with one another while scrambling across the ship trying to defuse the chaos so they can both try to get out of this situation.
Lucius and Black Pete spots their distant first mate mumbling something under his breath. The pair assumes its insults so Lucius pipes up "What are you doing first mate dizzy?" The deck becomes silent with only a few giggles that can be heard. "Yeah iggy, did you have something to say?" Black Pete says with a smirk.
The first mate grumbles something from under his breath and repeats what he said "I said I have a friend we can stay at for a few months..." His voice became softer after he said the friend part and also his cheeks became a small shade of pink that no one noticed. The crew starts to celebrate and Izzy tells buttons were to go to the "friend" house.
It only took a few hours to get there, but once they reached land Izzy stopped them. "Alright hold." He turns around and looks over the crew to see if they look good enough. Once he decides that they look decent the only person who had to leave something was buttons and he had to leave the bird.
"Okay you cunts better be on your best behavior! No foolin around okay!"Izzy shouts at the crew. The crew agrees and they get back to walking. Once Izzy sees the huge mansion he shouts "Were here!" Izzy rolls his eyes at all of the gasp and whispers.
They all walk up to the house and Izzy knocks the door two quiet knocks and one loud one. The crew all looked among themselves when they heard the strange sequence. Their heads snap forward as the door opens with a small gasp they heard from outside the door.
"YOU CAME!!! You finally came back Israel!!" All of the crew looks confused at the stranger that skips towards their first mate and wraps their arms around the first mate's shoulders. Ed and Stede change their sights on the stranger and towards izzy who has a small smile on his face and a faint blush.
Stede turns his vision back at the stranger and looks at what he's wearing. He lets out a gasp when he sees the stranger's pale skin,long white fingernails, and weird in-human eyes. The stranger is wearing silk black pants with a rich robe but it's untied and loose on his shoulders and he takes note of the stranger's chest that has scars under both pecs. And he decided to ask later.
"Hello izzy" The stranger says to Izzy with the biggest smile on his face and the stranger places a kiss to Izzy check right on the tattoo and Izzy face becomes a deep red. Izzy whispers into something into the stranger's ear while he ties the stranger robe so the crew can stop gawking at him.
The stranger turns around and faces the crew with a small smile. " I am Y/n l/n, you all are in my care it's a pleasure to meet all of Izzy's crew he tells me that y'all are in danger so please" Y/n signals them to follow inside and they all do "Please don't touch anything!" Y/n shouts sincerely. Y/n gives them a tour of the house and tells his maids to get their things sorted. And tells some of the chefs to prepare a feast for his guest.
Once everything was done they all went into the dinning table and took their seats. Some of the crew were surprised that some of the maids would bow their heads at Izzy and some even called him "Master Hands" and Izzy would just wave them off.
"So how did ya meet?" Edward says looking at you and Izzy sitting right next to each other having each other yall's own conversation. "We met in the navy" the lie just slides off of y/n tongue and Izzy side eyes him knowing that he just lied but decides to not say anything. Y/n goes on about how he met Izzy in more detail and that seems to please the crew.
"If i may ask how'd you get the scars?" Stede interrupts Y/n story and causes Izzy to snarl at Stede and opens his mouth to defend Y/n but Y/n raises his hand to izzy to stop him from stabbing Stede. "It's nothing really. In the navy i was in a life or death situation and I had to get something out. So I did and got these scars from it" Y/n says with a smile. In his defense it wasn't a full lie. He was going insane from being a woman so he decided to get them removed. His father was supportive of him and decided to help with the removal.
Ed was sending death glares at you and it was obvious you saw them and smirked. So Y/n used one of his powers to speak into Ed's mind taunting him that he'll lose Izzy to you forever. And that made him do an outburst yelling at y/n calling him the devil. Which caused him to smirk but hide it and act like he was hurt from his words and yelled at everyone that the "dinner was off go into your rooms!" And grabbed izzy hand taking them upstairs.
Izzy And Y/n was in their shared room together with scented canals that lit the room so it looks warm and fancy. The pair was on the couch discussing what happened with their lives to the other while they were apart. "Does that idiot of a village still believe that you're a god?" Izzy asked while caressing Y/n naked chest. The question makes Y/n giggle and nods "yes my love, be thankful that my followers brought you to me as a meal. If not we wouldn't be like this now" Y/n answers with kissing izzy on the neck. "May I love?" Y/n looks at Izzy for permission. "It's been way too long without your sweet taste my boy." Y/n licks Izzy's neck but whines when he gets pushed away. "No neck today my god, you can do my hand instead." Y/n lets out a silent pout but doesn't argue and takes Izzy's hand and kisses and licks the vein and sinks his fangs into the flesh. The taste of his mate's blood makes him moan and sucks more. He pauses for a minute and looks back up at Izzy "Have you been getting my letters? Why haven't you written back? Wh-" Y/n gets cut off "Stop being a twat and just eat, we'll talk about this later." Izzy huffs. Y/n silently agrees and gets back into his meal. After a couple of more seconds Y/n eyes shoot up at the door frame and see Blackbeard and Lucios standing there with their mouth wide open looking terrified. Y/n hand signals them to be quiet and speaks threats into the pair's mind. Y/n eyes glow at them and use his power to slam the door shut.
Y/n lets go of Izzy hand and looks at him with a bloody smile "im so glad you came back to your god."
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bellatrixscurls · 4 years ago
“corruption” ☁️ d.l.m.
warning : smut, corruption kink, daddy kink, dom/sub.
a/n : i'm not that familiar with corruption kink so idk if this is good, but i wanted to give it a try.
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"my little angel...so needy, isn't she ?" your boyfriend taunted, smirking down at your trembling figure.
you couldn't do anything but tremble and look up at him. he had been going down on you for the past half an hour, making you cum over and over, your cunt now all puffy and red. "and everyone out there's thinking that you're innocent...but don't seem that innocent to me now, bunny. begging for my cock even though i've made you cum at least five times."
and draco was right. you were blabbering incoherent pleas for him to give you his cock. and he would refuse you, and make you beg even more.
but when you felt his hot breath against your overused cunt for the nth time that night, you just couldn't take it anymore. "daddy! daddy please-- w-want you to fill me up, want you to ruin me, please" and that was all it took for him to get rid of his briefs and slam his hips into yours, the tip of his cock missing your wet entrance and earning a 'oops, sorry' from draco every time this happened, and to add to that, he had a stupid grin on his face.
"i can feel your pretty cock on the outside of my hole, daddy" you whined, trying desperately to pull him closer to you, only for him to scoot back and pout at you.
"because that's where it is, bunny. of course you feel it" he mocked you, continuing to grind his throbbing cock up and down your pussy, coating it in your arousal.
after a little bit more teasing, draco grew impatient too and finally pushed his cock inside you, then stopped his movements to listen to your pretty noises, "that feel good, angel ?" you nodded eagerly with your eyes shut, "i bet. feel good with this big cock inside you. and it's all yours, bunny" "m-mine ?" "always yours."
it was the hottest mix. him praising you, but still making you feel 'ashamed' by how needy you were for him.
he thrusted into you at a pace that had you seeing stars, "g-good. 's good, daddy, want more" you begged through sobs and cries of pleasure, only making the blond's ego grow even bigger with every word.
"i think i'm giving you just enough, aren't i, angel ?" he faked an air of insecurity, which slowly vanished when his eyes snapped back to yours, "ow, i get it now" "my little angel wants her daddy to play with her little button, doesn't she ?"
his words mixed with his rough thrusts, had you a complete mess beneath him, unable to even form proper sentences anymore. and draco fucking loved it.
you gave a little nod, crying out when his thumb pushed against your clit, drawing fast circles. "who would've known that my angel is such a slut for her daddy ?"
"not a slut, daddy!" you cried once again, your lower body pressed against his as you weren't able to buck your hips up anymore, "your good girl- your angel, please-"
"my little angel. not a slut, huh ? just a needy little angel" he corrected himself, his eyes not leaving yours as you continued to try and squirm under his tall frame.
a few more thrusts and you both were already on the edge, ready to welcome your orgasms and get through them together, "your precious little cunt will make daddy cum, angel. yes it will. do you want it ?"
"inside of me, daddy. please, inside, don't pull out" your needy tone amused him to no end, as he replied, feigning innocence, "but what if you get pregnant, angel ? we don't want that, do we now ?"
you shook your head vigorously and jolted when his thumb began rubbing against you faster " 'm on the pill, please" you begged for the last time as your orgasm hit you like a thunder, causing your legs to shake uncontrollably under the tall man.
and then he gave it to you, he gave you his load right where you wanted it : inside. you could feel his hot, thick cum spray your tight walls, and you clenched one last time around his pulsating cock in order to keep it all in.
"a needy little angel" you echoed.
"beautiful and needy little angel, darling."
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jellybracelet · 2 years ago
1-70 for the ask thing 😋
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes. I'm very, very grateful.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03: Do you regret anything?
04: Are you insecure?
Why. Do I seem it
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
07: What did you last eat?
Dried figs
08: Played any sports?
All Star cheer, school cheerleading, track and field/pole vault, cross country, college club gymnastics. Honorable fail mentions to basketball and soccer... Not meant for balls, yo
09: Do you bite your nails?
Not anymore, but my hands are usually in my mouth, which is supposed to mean something.
10: When was your last physical fight?
None as an adult. I did go through a punching walls phase but my meds mellowed me right out...
11: Do you like someone?
I would do anything to have a crush on someone right now. Having a crush is so fun
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I've gone over 4 days without sleeping before 🫠
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Just some random evil people in the world. Nothing personal
14: Do you miss someone?
15: Have any pets?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Do you know that feeling when you're at a really loud party and you close the door to the bathroom and the music gets all muffled and you see someone's reflection in the mirror and separate from your body? I think it's really rude to hog the bathroom at a party.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Less than normal amount
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I'd start over
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
SNOGGED. . . ?
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Laundry, rock climbing, run a 5k, pack for my work trip
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
I wish... 2 or 3
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Holes that are currently open on my body: 10 ear piercings and 1 belly button piercing
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
26: What are you craving right now?
I could eat everything in the entire world every single day, but I won't.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I'm not sure because I've been informed that I'm unaware
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Not particularly
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I wish
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Dish sitting next to me
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
I have this thing called being crazy where sometimes I think everyone is lying to me or maybe my sister really gaslights me. It's a tricky situation we got here
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I don't do that
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
My life isn't really that dramatic so shit like that doesn't happen
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgor bc I have memory problems. I don't mind forgiving either. As Lauren Conrad said, "I wanna forgive you, and I wanna forget you."
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Ten (I was a little slore when I was a kid)
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
Is anyone gonna talk about how there's no 41 through 50?
51: Favourite food?
I don't have one bc I'm an adult.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
What a terrible thing to think.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Moisturized my feet ten times
54: Is cheating ever okay?
I just had this argument with my sister thirty minutes ago omg
55: Are you mean?
56: How many people have you fist fought?
LMFAO probably just my little sister
57: Do you believe in true love?
I can't think about that
58: Favourite weather?
Different weather for different activities. Jogging is 55-65, beach is 80+, walking around is 60-70
59: Do you like the snow?
I thought I didn't until it stopped happening
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
Moving my body
63: Would you change your name?
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Probably bc I don't really drink anymore
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Fall in love with them or use it to my advantage. jk. This hasn't happened since I was like 12
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
I used to
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
The phrasing of these questions is so funny and 2012. my contortion teacher? Lol
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My therapist. 🤢 I don't think deep conversations or introspection or reflection is even good for you (genuine).
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Not yet. That's too much of a burden to put on someone else.
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jackie-whisperwind · 3 years ago
welcome home
here is another YW x Malorn little blurb because bestie @meursaulty ‘s art inspires me sm!!!
its a bit sad but I promise the ending makes it worth it!! also plz read this with a grain of salt its one of the first things I’ve written in a week or so… 💔
Lately I haven't had much time to stop by my dorm. Which means I don't see Malorn too often either. The Arcanum was nice enough to give me another one, and I offered it to Malorn as a new place to hang out in hopes we could see each other more, but he rejected it. He said: 'It wouldn’t be the same'. Not quite sure what that means, but either way, he continues to stop by the dorm in Ravenwood. I try to take some time to find him there, but lately I've been met with bad luck.
But I started notice something about the place has changed a little bit. Which can mean he didn’t clean up, or, that he got something new as a gift and left it there for me to find. Always bringing a smile to my face even when he's not there.
Something did start to bug me though. It was almost as if he started to avoid me, or he became super busy himself. Always rambling about the influx of new necromancers, or the new program Merle wants to introduce into the school. Then quickly running off as if it became his top priority. It didn’t bother me in the beginning. I get it, I'm very busy these days too so I can't really blame him for that either. But it started to nag at me more and more as it happened. What happened to making time for each other, what happened to all the gifts in the dorm room, what happened to when he would smile at me. It became all I could think about, a broken tape recorder forever playing in my mind and heart.
Soon I couldn’t really face him anymore. I stopped seeking him out, and never heard any resistance from it either. But I could never try to forget him, the tape recorder stuck on the play button. Memories filtering through it with cracks and spots missing. Me missing from each frame, but him being in the center. Bearing the beautiful smile I dreamed and longed for daily. Maybe if I said something, maybe if I told him how much I actually did like him. How much I loved him; maybe I would still be in frame.
People began to notice this change, assignments from the Arcanum professors slowed, my time being spent more on petty side quests to ease the inconvenience in their daily life. Trying to drown out the increasingly loud recorder; not minding even if things take more time than they should. But eventually, I had nothing left to do. Asking the professors for anything else that they could possibly need help with only to end with silence or shaking heads. Being met with such silence just bringing me back to the beginning. Shining a perfect spotlight on the one necromancer, the one person, I would just love to even see right now.
Not being able to take much longer, not being able to bear a strong face for much longer, I retreated. I couldn’t go back to the dorms. If I saw anything that resembled him, if I saw his jacket on the desk chair, if his plant that he gently took care of wilted and withered away; I don’t know what I would do. Which meant one option, the Arcanum apartment. I found myself at the door, staring at the metal handle. Turn the handle, and leave it all behind. Put the recorder back into its box and let it start collecting dust. It's for the best, it's the best for the spiral.
Once I turned it and entered what I thought would be a cold, dim, empty room I felt something strange. The light was on, there was a plant near the doorway that wasn’t there before. Wait, this is one of his favorites. Quickly turning to put the door behind me, I was greeted with a fully furnished apartment. The dark oak, the dark decals, it's all signs of him. I hurriedly walked forward. This has to mean something, he wouldn’t just do this for nothing. Maybe its fine, maybe he didn’t forget about me.
Laying on the bed with a party hat and a party blower in hand was Malorn. He smirked and blew it triumphantly, jumping up from his spot walking closer to me; "Happy Birthday!"
I stood there in shock. Just staring at him with so many emotions swirling inside me. "I thought- I thought you left me?"
"About that…" he said shyly, scratching his face as a nervous habit.
"I didn’t intentionally avoid you. I really was busy with all the school things I said. But I also was planning this!" he panned to the room with his arms. "I moved all of our stuff here! You said it would be easier and that we could see each other more. But I wanted it to be special as well, I didn’t want it to just be another one of our places. So I took some time with it, and it ended up finishing right before your birthday. So… I figured… it’s a perfect birthday present."
It took me a minute to process all the new information. To calm all the fear and anxiety I've been feeling for what feels like months now. But all I could do was well up and hug him; tightly.
Snuggling my head into the crook of his neck, "Thank you… but please at least let me know you didn’t leave for good. You scared me."
He put one arm around me and one gently on the back of my head, "Yeah my bad… but welcome home."
"Welcome home… Malorn."
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janetbrown711 · 4 years ago
I don't know how much i can endure this - Yakko
“Yakko I don’t wanna go,” Dot complained, pulling on her itchy and puffy black dress that was just a little too tight. 
“We all have to go, Dot, it’s not up to us,” Yakko sighed, adjusting the bow tying her ears together. 
“But this dress itchessss,” she whined, tugging on the sleeves. 
“You’re going to stretch it out if you keep that up,” Yakko warned. 
“Why do we have to go?” Dot continued with her complaining.
“Because Grandma said so, and what grandma tells us to do now... we have to,” Yakko glanced at his younger brother who was leaning against the wall and not facing them. 
“Why?” Dot asked.
“Because mom and dad can’t help us anymore,” Yakko sighed, taking her hand and walking towards Wakko. Wakko muttered something under his breath. 
Thankfully, Dot didn’t ask “why” again. 
“You ready?” Yakko asked Wakko. 
“Yeah,” Wakko said. Yakko rolled his eyes, noticing his brother’s shirt was buttoned all wrong. 
“Grandma would kill you if she saw you like this,” Yakko sighed, fixing it. Wakko muttered yet again. 
“What on earth are you muttering about?” Yakko shot him a look. 
“Nothing... nothing,” Wakko looked away. The older prince sighed. He really didn’t have the energy for this. 
Then again, he could hardly say he had the energy for anything anymore. The most sleep he had gotten the past four days was when he got knocked out by the assassins. Other than that, he was unable to sleep, the words of his mom ringing in his head. 
“Let him go! It’s me you want, not him!” 
He shivered. 
“Let’s just get going... the sooner it’s over, the better,” Yakko said, offering a hand to Dot and Wakko. Dot took it, but Wakko crossed his arms. 
They carried on. 
“Ready, you three?” Their grandmother asked, making that the fourth thing she had said to them since the day after the attack. 
She still hadn’t taken off that stupid thick black veil. 
“As we’ll ever be,” Yakko said, giving Dot’s hand a squeeze. 
Slowly, the grand doors to the overcast courtyard opened, and Yakko’s eyes quickly went to the two caskets. 
“Who’s in there?” Dot pointed as they went to their spot, which Yakko quickly made her put down. 
“Not mum and dad,” Wakko mumbled, and Yakko gave him a look as their grandmother went to the podium. 
“My people, we are gathered here today to do something no mother should ever have to go through. Today, we honor and mourn the memory of my only child, Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Second, and her husband, Sir William the Good,” She said, her voice cold and numb to the ears.
Yakko felt a wave of anger wash over him. She had no right to speak in that way. 
She hired the assassins. She wanted them dead and gone. It was all her fault. 
“It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to retain my throne until my grandson, Prince Yakko, is of age,” she gestured to him. He didn’t know what to do, so he just nodded, trying not to let his rage consume him, allowing the numbness to take over once more. 
He wasn’t sure how much longer he could endure this.
His grandmother continued on with her speech, but Yakko paid it no mind, his eyes stuck on the empty caskets. 
Wakko was right, his parents weren’t in them. Nobody told them why, but Yakko was smart enough to realize that just meant the assassins either burned them, threw them in a river somewhere, or buried them in the middle of the woods somewhere far, far away. 
In some sense, Yakko was glad the caskets were empty. He wasn’t sure if he had it in him to look upon the dead faces of his mother and father, and he was much more sure that seeing that wouldn’t be good for Wakko or Dot. 
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown, and heavier is the heart of one who has lost a child,” he heard her say.
Yakko growled, but controlled himself, burying the anger deep within himself.
Eventually, she was done, and other, more boring people spoke. There was a song and Yakko really wanted nothing more in the world than for this to end so he could go back into his room and be alone for just a moment, not standing in front of thousands feeling empty and hollow and numb. 
The queen chose to stand on the opposite side of the podium than the trio of children. She had been distant ever since the attack. Yakko suspected that was likely to change very soon, but for now he was grateful. The last thing he wanted to deal with was her complaining that Dot was crying too loud. 
Poor Dot... she was still too young to really understand what death was, no matter how Yakko tried to explain. All she knew was that they were gone, and they weren’t coming back. At first she thought it was because they abandoned them, but Yakko was quick to explain they’d never do that to them. After that though, she started looking around corners for them, expecting them to be there any minute...
Every night, Dot would wake up and start crying for them, but they never came. Instead, Yakko could come in and take Dot to his and Wakko’s room, and he’d cuddle with her until she fell back asleep. 
It helped him with his nightmares too. 
“Yakko, we’re going, it’s over,” Wakko said, snapping his older brother back into reality. 
“Right, yes,” Yakko shook his head, taking Dot’s hand again, and they all went to the great hall for refreshments, though Yakko hardly had the appetite. 
However, Wakko did have the appetite, so he stayed anyway, though he was unfortunately placed right next to his grandmother, looking evermore cold and blank behind that veil. He could hardly make out where her eyes were, until she looked at him, then he looked away. 
“It’s rude to stare at a woman in mourning,” She said. 
“Mourning my ass,” Yakko thought. He was so done pretending to care about her.
“Sorry,” he said instead. Knowing the new lengths she was willing to go to to get rid of people and things she didn’t like reminded him to keep his mouth shut. 
“That brother of yours is causing a racket. Fix it,” She waved her hand at him, and Yakko looked for Wakko and whatever racket he was supposedly causing, but all he was him and a few other random boys lauhging and playing a game in the corner. Yakko frowned. 
“I don’t see what the matter is?” He scratched his head. 
“This is a funeral, boy, you aren’t supposed to be playing games,” She seethed, and Yakko left without a word, sensing her anger. 
“Wakko, c’mon,” Yakko went to his brother. 
“What? I’m in the middle of a-”
“Now.” Yakko snapped, stepping out into the hall. Wakko quickly followed. 
“What did I do this time?” Wakko asked as the door closed behind him. 
“This is a funeral, Wakko, you can’t be playing games with strangers,” Yakko pointed out. “Or did you forget why we’re wearing these black uncomfortable outfits?”
“I didn’t forget,” Wakko rolled his eyes. 
“Oh yeah? Because it really seems like you have,” Yakko stepped forward angrily. Wakko blinked, not understanding where this anger was coming from. 
“W-well... it’s not my fault it doesn’t actually feel like a funeral. I-i mean seriously Yakko, they didn’t even find their bodies,” Wakko crossed his arms. 
“Wakko... they’re dead whether you like it or not,” Yakko said, feeling a lump in his throat. 
“No,” Wakko shook his head. “I don’t believe it. If they were dead, they’d’ve been in those boxes.”
“Wakko, i know i-it hurts, but-”
“but no! They aren’t dead! Th-they can’t be dead b-because if they were-” Wakko paused from his shouting. 
“I-if they were...”
“It’d be my fault...”
Yakko blinked. “Wh-what?”
“I-it was my idea to run i-in the garden a-and I ran through the flower b-bed and I tracked in the mud, a-and she took me to the tower a-and Dad broke me out a-and grandma g-got mad at mum a-and th-then everything was b-bad a-and n-now they’re gone,” Wakko shouted, a waterfall of tears streaming down his face. 
“Wakko, that isn’t true,” Yakko was mortified. 
“If they’re dead it’s my fault, it’s true,” Wakko didn’t listen, shaking his head and closing his eyes tightly, putting his hands on his head. Yakko quickly hugged him. 
“It’s not your fault Wakko,” He stroked his head. 
“It’s my fault- I’m such a screw up,” he continued to cry. 
“Wakko, you are not a screw up and you are not an idiot,” Yakko adamantly denied. 
“Th-then why are they gone?” Wakko looked up at him, tears still pouring. Yakko bit his lip. 
He could tell them. He knew why, he had seen the letter. 
But that would make them angry, and anger would cause them to lash out at the queen, which could get them hurt or far, far worse. 
“Because evil people decided to hurt them,” Yakko sighed. “I’m sorry, there’s nothign more to it than that.”
“I’ll kill them,” Wakko sniffled and buried his head in Yakko’s shirt. 
“I know Wakko, I know,” Yakko patted his head. For a long moment, the warner brothers remained in their embrace. 
“S-so... they’re really... dead?” Wakko glanced up. 
“Y-yeah... they’re really dead, Wakko.” He paused, before adding, “I’m so sorry.”
Wakko sniffled. “You don’t need to be sorry, it’s not your fault either.”
Yakko hesitated at that.  It made sense, of course, but.. he sighed.
“Worrying yourself to death isn’t going to do any of us any good.” His mother’s voice reminded. 
“Yeah... you’re right,” He sighed. “There’s no point in guilt anyway. We’ll just... have to move on.”
“...I miss them,” Wakko whispered. 
“I miss them too Wak, but they’re gone, and there’s nothing we can do expect move on, okay?”
Wakko slowly nodded. 
“We’re almost there, I promise.”
THey had traveled for goodness knew how long, ignoring the stings, the rips, the sprains that burned throughout their bodies as they trudged through the snow. 
Of all of the years for it to snow early, did it have to be this one?
Well, then again, the snow had been their savior, the ice caused their carriage to overturn. 
That didn’t mean they weren’t injured in their escape, one was barely holding on as it was. 
“We’re almost there.” the stronger of the two repeated. 
“I-i can’t. It hurts too much,” they nearly collapsed into the snow, had it not been for the other catching them. 
“Just a little bit further, please,” The stronger pleaded. The weaker shook their head. 
“I’m not leaving you here.” 
“They need you.”
“You don’t think they need you too?” 
A pause. 
“I’ll carry you.”
“Y-you can’t-”
“I can and I will-”
“Your arm-”
“I don’t care,” The stronger made their decision. They braced themselves, and with tremendous effort, picked up their dying partner, and continued trudging through the snow. 
Slowly but surely a small town swelled on the horizon. 
They had made it. 
They carried on as fast as they could manage, ignoring the flairing pain shooting through their entire body when finally, they arrived. 
With their free hand they pounded on the door. Shuffling noises came from behind, and eventually, a familiar curvy blonde woman answered the door. 
“Dr Scratchnsniff’s Office, how can I- William?! Princess? What on earth are you two doing in Acme Falls? What happened?”
“We’ve had one hell of a week.” William responded, before collasping onto his knees, and passing out.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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love-hatred-stuff · 4 years ago
Mad at him } Jung Jaehyun [nct]
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》 genre:
angst, light fluff
》 warning(s):
Jaehyun swears a lot & is kind of a dick, mention of other idols [ma johnny], um that's it ig
》 word count:
Crap, school is shit!
I was doing homework for hours now and I was still not finished with all of it. It was upsetting me, more than it should.
After I had let out a heavy and annoyed groan I heard my phone ring. Jaehyun, my boyfriend was calling me.
Wow, he actually had the time to call me.
He didn't contact me for a whole day and I was getting more pissed each minute. In the beginning of our relationship, he always made sure how my day was when we hadn't had the chance to meet up.
Today had been an absolute disaster what wasn't making my mood any better.
But I had to suppress my anger for a moment, because he was rather sensitive. What means, I better not get mad for no proper reason.
He started talking instantly after I picked up.
"Hey, sorry that I couldn't call earlier. How was your day?" His voice was monotone and I didn't like that, at all.
I felt the wish that he would've better just let me be for the rest of the day with that attitude crossing my mind. Though I tried ignoring my now mixed feelings.
"Yeah, nevermind. Mine was not the best day to be honest." I tried to reply like I normally would.
"What happened?" I wasn't in the mood to tell him about my whole day.
And because he hadn't had the time to pick me up yesterday too, I decided to tease and play a little bit. Maybe this would make my day better.
"Nothing, that's the problem. I am doing homework for hours now and my brain is about to explode. But luckily, I have Kai. He helps me out a lot, with my problems." It almost sounded like I was only talking to a friend and not my boyfriend. Acting like Jeahyun wasn't my boyfriend for almost two years now.
Since I knew, he gets angry when I'm close to other guys, it's the perfect idea to play with his feelings. Cruel, but effective.
"What do you mean, helping you with your problems? That's what I'm supposed to do. You should better get your ass here now!"
"Don't cuss at me. He's just a good friend I met in school Jaeh." I acted like I was trying to convince him that it wasn't a big deal, but in reality it was what I wanted, of course.
I wanted him to spend time with me, without telling him to.
"Do you think I care if he's just a friend? We had been friends too before we started dating, Y/N." He sounded pissed and I had to smile proudly.
"That's different." I wasn't allowed to mention that I would never replace him, like I usually would, because it had to sound a little suspicious.
"That Kai guy is going to get killed if he thinks he can have you. I want you to come over right now!" I almost giggled at his command.
"I don't think, you really want me there." I expressed my thoughts.
"What the fuck is wrong, Y/N? You know that's not true." I could hear his voice getting shaky and hard to control.
"Ok then. I'll be there in 10." I ended the call quickly before it could get too emotional.
I didn't like emotions, except for the ones I had for Jaehyun. They can easily let you make some real dumb decisions.
That's why I was a rather cold person. I was kind, but I wasn't someone who smiled all day and acted like nothing angered or annoyed me. 'Cause there were always things in my way.
Fortunately I was also a quite strong person, that learned to be in the past few years and I don't give up that easily or let some shit destroy me.
Jeahyun was also strong but I had better skills than him to get what I wanted and my influence on him was just too big to let him win. I always won fights, but that wasn't important in our realtionship. To me it was just an advantage that I would use in such situations.
I changed into a short but cute, rosè dress and a white cardigan with brown buttons, put my converse on and fastly walked to Jaeh's dorm.
I had needed fifteen minutes, but it was fine, he would wait for me longer.
I knocked like I always did, three times.
After some seconds Jaehyun ripped the door open and I slightly flinched.
"Holy Shit. What are you wearing?" He scanned my body. I could see, he found it hot but there was also some anger building up in his eyes, and it was rising fast.
"Nice to see you too." I rolled my eyes, inconspicuously also looking over his body. He was wearing sweatpants and a muscle tank top, showing his biceps and toned abs.
He wasn't getting his eyes off me.
"Y/N, this dress covers like nothing. I get it, your curves look absolutely stunning but you have to change!" He angrily commanded.
"Shut up, can I come inside now?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Yes." He stepped away and walked through the kitchen, into his room.
I could sense his tightened jaw and all of his tensed muscles.
"Slow down. It's just a dress." I pronounced looking at him like I couldn't believe how childish he reacted, and at this point I really couldn’t.
"Do you have ANY idea of what the boys think about you when you're wearing this?" He asked and finally turned to me again.
"I would LOVE to know." I ironically said.
"I don't want my girlfriend to walk around like she's just some bitch. Because you're not. These boys are disgusting when it comes to something beautiful like you, Y/N."
Now I'm a bitch? You're done Jaehyun. I thought but grimaced at the hurting word he just said to me.
I know he also called me beautiful, but that wasn't the word that was spinning around my head just now.
When he noticed my face and that I didn't reply after some seconds he tried to apologise.. of course.
"Babe, you're not a bitch. I didn't mean it. All I was trying to say is-" He wanted to grab my arm but I moved back before he could do so.
"No, I got it Jaehyun. I only look like one." I snapped back at him. Not yelling but also not in normal loudness.
I was even more mad than before. And now, I was also hurt. Dangerous Combo.
"No- I- I think it's just too short, Y/N." He wanted to defend himself.
"I understand." My voice wasn't loud anymore at all, but it didn't sound like I meant it.
My voice was pathetically shaking and I was looking on the ground, thinking if it would be the best to just leave now.
"Maybe I should just go. I mean I wouldn't want a bitch in my room either, so..." Talking with a quiet voice, I looked up at him and I saw fear in his eyes.
"No, please-" He stepped forward and was going to take my arm but I backed away again.
"Don't touch me." I warned. His face was getting pale. I didn't miss his teary getting eyes either when I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I really didn't mean it, Y/N. Please, I am just jealous of boys being able to see what usually only I see." He avowed.
"It's fine. I wasn't ready with my homework anyways. I should leave."
"Don't. I want you here right now. Please, I'll do anything." His begging voice spoke.
"But I wanted to get finished today."
"Y/N?!" Suddenly a different person asked excitedly.
I knew who it was and turned around instantly to look at his good looking face.
"Johnny!" I jumped in his arms and he was hugging me back happily.
"Johnny, not now-" Jeahyun was angry once again.
"Let me hug this precious little girl! Hell, you're getting hotter everyday?" Johnny laughed and we separated. He scanned me up and down and smiled mischievously.
"Honestly, if Jeahyun wouldn't date you, surely I would ask you out." He claimed.
"Definitely." I giggled softly.
He was always letting me feel good. And he was one of the guy friends of my boyfriend that I liked the most. He was funny, hella handsome and so nice over all.
Though everything remained on just a friendship, we just always casually played around.
"Hey, shut the hell up. She's mine." Jaeh growled at him and put his hand around my waist, taking back what's his.
I kept smiling but I was also trying to push his hand away, so it was difficult to keep a happy look.
Johnny noticed the awkward situation and started talking to me again.
"Anyways. Do you wanna watch a movie in the living room?"
I opened my mouth and was about to say something but Jaehyun was faster than me.
"No, we were busy." His cold voice was giving me goosebumps.
He could be scary, when he was jealous. I am talking out of experience. Not too nice ones.
"We were not, actually I was about to leave. But because I didn't see you in so long I will stay longer alright?" I suggested when I was back in my senses.
"That's perfect!" John smiled at me.
"You won't hang with my girl, Johnny." Jaeh protested.
I turned around to give my boyfriend a look.
"Could you shut up for a moment? It's my decision since you don't own me. And I'm a bitch right? So it's normal when I hang out with a lot of boys, isn't it?" I started to grow my confidence back but I was fucking mad.
He won't destroy my moment with Johnny right now!
"Did he do something?" The brunette boy in front of us asked.
He was almost two heads taller than me and since Jeah knew I liked taller guys, he was probably freaking out.
"No-" Jaeh started but I thought he could know the truth.
"He said, I looked like a bitch." I told him.
"You did what, Jaehyun?" His shocked voice asked, searching for a reassuring answer in our faces.
"I said sorry already. I didn't mean it okay?! But the dress she's wearing shows almost all of her legs, not to mention her half exposed butt."
"That's no excuse bro. Look, she looks stunning in this dress! There's no reason to fight over." His friend wanted to convince him.
"You better not look at my girl like that, or I have to punch you until you understand." Jeahyun pushed his chest with his fist.
"Calm down man. You should work it out before you come in the living room, I'll pick the movie in the meantime." Johnny decided and walked away.
"Do you let all boys touch you like him?" Now Jaeh asked aggressively, coming nearer.
Now we both had reached a certain line, so I tried to keep it low with my next words, struggling to find a compromise.
"No. I love you. And I wore this dress because I thought you'd find it cute too. Not to attract other boys. I won't wear it in public anymore okay? But you should the fuck calm down and let me talk to Johnny. After all he's your roommate and friend. He won't do anything I don't want." I explained with a strong tone.
His expression softened finally, giving me hope he'd give in eventually.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me for calling you... that?" He wanted to know with puppy eyes.
"I'm not over that yet. It hurted me, Jaeh. I will forgive you if you let me sit with Johnny and watch a movie with us." I claimed and cupped his cheek.
"Fine." He sighed.
We watched an action movie and had a lot of fun. In between time Johnny touched me unintentionally, during laughing and talking.
Jaehyun couldn't hold back and threatened that he would get angry if he would keep doing that. I told him it was fine and Johnny and I just continued like nothing happened.
Don't let your boyfriend treat you like he's in a higher position than you.
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I'll probably do a masterlist for all the groups I stan and write about.
Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned!!! ♡
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twh-news · 4 years ago
'Loki' Star Sophia Di Martino on the Season 1 Finale, Working With Jonathan Majors and What She Knows About Season 2
[Editor's note: The following contains spoilers through the Season 1 finale of Loki, "For All Time. Always."]
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Since her introduction at the end of Episode 2, Sophia Di Martino's depiction of Sylvie, the female variant of Loki introduced midway through her campaign of vengeance against the TVA, has been a defining aspect of Disney+'s Loki. And, as we learned in the season finale, the story of Loki isn't over yet — though what's in store is pretty nebulous, following Sylvie's betrayal of Loki (Tom Hiddleston) after what was their first and what might be their last kiss.
In a one-on-one conversation with Di Martino via Zoom, Collider asked about working with Jonathan Majors in his MCU debut, what it was like having both fight scenes and more romantic scenes with Hiddleston, and of course what the conversations around Season 2 have been like.
Collider: To start off, when did you have a sense that there would be a second season of Loki?
DI MARTINO: I mean, there'd been rumors for a while, but I still haven't heard officially if it's happening, like officially, officially. I only know what I know through reading the news. And I know, because you guys know, because of the tag at the end of Episode 6.
I was going to say, that feels like a pretty official thing, but it doesn't sound like anyone has shown up at your doorstep with paperwork.
DI MARTINO: No, nothing. Nothing like that.
Now, does that mean that when you watched it, were you given a full script of the sixth episode?
DI MARTINO: Yes. We got one episode at a time. So I wasn't given Episode 6 until like midway through shooting Episode 5.
So in that situation, what was your initial reaction to reading, especially like the last, say, 10 pages or so.
DI MARTINO: Just like, holy crap. This is massive. How exciting. Woof. And then also, "who's going to play He Who Remains, I need to know because it's such an amazing part and such incredible speeches he has. I wanted to imagine who would play him, but I couldn't have ever imagined the way Jonathan would have done it. So brilliant.
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In terms of working with Jonathon Majors, what was that experience like? Just because I feel like he brought such a different energy to the role than I think anyone would have ever expected.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. He just exploded onto that set with so much energy and nothing like we could ever have imagined. It was a lot of fun and he was brilliant. You know, people were saying this is going to be something really special, whispering behind the camera. He was so eccentric and fun and kind of terrifying. Very easy for Tom and I to just sit and listen to him for a few days. Very entertaining.
Yeah. In rewatching the episode, it's still so striking to me the way that, after Sylvie stabs him, he makes barely any noise.
DI MARTINO: Because he knows that it's a possibility, I think. So maybe he's had a long time to sort of imagine every scenario. Yeah. It's kind of creepy, isn't it? The way he does that.
When you were breaking down the script for Episode 6, were you talking about Kang the Conqueror? Were you talking about the comic book backstory there?
DI MARTINO: I don't remember talking about the comic book backstory of Episode 6. But you know, to be honest, it was all very quick. Especially with Episode 6, we got the script pretty late in the day. So there wasn't that much mining to be done, to be honest. I'm not sure about Jonathan's experience, but for me, it was sort of pretty late in the day, just in the case of learning my lines and trying to make sure I didn't mess that up.
Of course — and it makes sense in terms of where your character is coming from.
DI MARTINO: Exactly. So I just need to know at that point, I just need to know what's going on for Sylvie.
In that case, in your head, what was going on for Sylvie in those scenes?
DI MARTINO: Oh my goodness. So much. I mean, so much happens in like 30 seconds. Doesn't it?
Definitely. But even before the final sequences, it's very dialogue-heavy and there's a lot of listening. In playing that, what was important for you?
DI MARTINO: To really listen and to really take on board what he was saying to us at that point, and then to choose not to believe him. For Sylvie, she's just on a revenge mission from the minute she walks into that building, she knows that she wants to kill someone. When they're in the elevator with him, she's already taking swipes at him. She just wants to get him with her machete. And I think she's just so laser-focused on that goal, that he could have said anything to her and her priority wouldn't have changed.
So you don't think there was ever a moment in that whole sequence where Sylvie was tempted, not tempted by the possibilities presented, but tempted to believe him?
DI MARTINO: I think there's a moment that he really pushes Sylvie's buttons when he's talking about you have been on a long journey and it's been really tough for you, hasn't it? And you can't trust anyone. You think you can trust him. And he starts playing mind games with them, playing them off against each other. And I think at that point, he plants a seed of doubt in her mind about Loki, but I think her mission to want to kill him doesn't change. She's absolutely married to that idea. And that feeling is so strong that she chooses it over Loki in the end.
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From your perspective, where does that come from?
DI MARTINO: Just revenge. Like having her life taken away from her, her life ruined, spending her whole life on the run, this sort of anger. And if you want to think of it in these terms, her "glorious purpose." I went there.
I don't think you got to say those words during the show, so I'm glad you got this moment now.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. I'm saying it as much as I can now.
Later in the episode, this wasn't the first time you had a fight sequence with Tom Hiddleston, but did it feel different from the episodes you shot earlier?
DI MARTINO: Yeah, it did. This scene was far more emotive. There was a lot more going on for both of them. It was the breakup scene. It was the fight that you have when you are leaving someone. And it's so painful because you care about this person, but you just can't be with them for whatever reason. And that's how that felt.
Which is so interesting because of course what happens at the end of it is that there's a kiss and it's given the whole big Hollywood romantic music treatment.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. I mean, but that often happens when you're splitting up with someone, doesn't it? Just one last time, a sweet goodbye. It's kind of like a goodbye kiss in a way.
Of course. But it was also, unless I'm missing something, the first kiss.
DI MARTINO: Yeah. It was. And it had been building up for a long, long time. I think it was ultimately a goodbye kiss and a clap away for Sylvie to physically turn him around so she could get hold of that TemPad and zap him back to the TVA.
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Yeah, of course. In terms of that, in general, I feel like there's a temptation to just kind of look at the Loki and Sylvie relationship as a straightforward romance, which of course it is very much not. From your perspective, what was it about that you worked hard to lean into.
DI MARTINO: I think it's about sort of self-love and acceptance as well as being a romance story. And for Sylvie, she's sort of shedding everything she doesn't need before she gets to He Who Remains so she can kill him. She gets rid of her cape, she gets rid of her horns. She ultimately gets rid of Loki. It's just not serving her in that moment. And it's so cold to think of it that way. But I think that's what was happening. That and the fact that she wanted him to be safe. So, she's kind of saving him by pushing him through that time door as well.
And if you're going to think of it as like an exploration of self-acceptance and self-love, that's also interesting because she showed sort-of, I don't know, getting rid of a part of herself that isn't serving her anymore at the same time as keeping it safe.
It's really interesting to hear you talk about it that way, because it makes me think about how the one thing that came out, especially I think in Episode 5, is the idea that knowing Sylvie made Loki a better person in some fundamental ways. And I'm wondering about the opposite of that. What did knowing Loki mean for Sylvie?
DI MARTINO: I think it's slightly different for Sylvie. I don't know if he's made her a better person. I don't know if she's allowed herself to change yet. Loki's been quite brave and he's changed. He's a changed person by the end of that series. Sylvie is still hell-bent on her mission and she still chooses it over caring about someone else. So maybe she's yet to make that change.
So in talking about the scene like it's a breakup... Season 1 ends with the characters being very separated and of course, Season 2 is very much a nebulous thing at the moment, but people break up all the time and get back together. In your head, do you see there being still some sort of future for the characters as a couple?
DI MARTINO: It would definitely be fun to see them in the same room together again, wouldn't it? I'm fascinated. Yeah. After that, I'm fascinated to see what Loki has to say to Sylvie after doing that to him. Who knows? Never say never. I'm really excited to see what they come up with because it could go in so many different directions, but surely they have to come face to face again at some point.
It's like that awkward party after you've broken up with someone and you see them again. And that first conversation, whether it's in public or not, it's sorts of awful, but such a relief once it's been done.
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Something that's been kind of a topic of discussion when it comes to talking about romance on screen is a quality that a lot of leading men have — for lack of a better term, the ability to give their love interest a Look. I've consulted with others and we feel like Tom Hiddleston has the look or has the ability to deliver the look. And I'm curious what it's like to be on the other side of it.
DI MARTINO: Tom's a very charming man and he could definitely make people go weak at the knees by just giving them a look. My reaction to that is always to sort of make a joke and run away. So there was probably a lot of that on set, breaking the tension by being a goofball.
I just had to react as Sylvie. And Sylvie's got these walls up. She doesn't let anyone in and that includes Loki. So sure there's a sort of, oh, this person is not as I thought they were. I'm warming to them. But Sylvie's not an easy nut to crack.
Is it fun getting to play that kind of strength?
DI MARTINO: Yeah. It's awesome because when her defenses do come down and she's vulnerable, it's really interesting. And you start to see all of the stuff that's buried underneath and that's what makes her a great character to play.
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So, how do you feel about there being a second season? Do you feel like if there hadn't been a second season, you would have gotten the closure you wanted to from the story?
DI MARTINO: Probably not. I want to know what happens just like everyone else. I'm super excited and I just can't wait to see which direction they're going because it could be infinite directions.
Do you have a sense that there might've been different aspects to it, had COVID not been an issue?
DI MARTINO: I think COVID actually probably made it a lot better. We had a five months hiatus and Kate and the producers and writers worked a lot on episodes five and six during that time. And as far as I've heard, a lot changed for the better. They could rewatch what we'd already shot and just carry on working on the scripts and developing them. So I think it was great to have that time actually, as awful in most ways it was, that was the silver lining of it.
Very. Yeah. So looking forward, I imagine if there's a second season, you're on board if you get asked.
DI MARTINO: Hopefully. Hope so.
By the way, I was really excited to see the story about how your costume was designed to allow you to breastfeed during shooting. That seems like it was a really special detail.
DI MARTINO: Yeah, really, really. I'm just so grateful that that happened. It made my life so much easier and it was important to me that I carried on doing that. So it was just the little things and it's just saved a lot of time. Practically, it was a godsend.
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Of course. So looking forward, what's next for you?
DI MARTINO: Lots of interviews. Lots of being able to talk about episode six finally, and then, who knows? An infinite possibility. So yeah, I'm excited to see what happens and to see people's reactions to the series because people are still catching up. People are still watching and rewatching it and probably go on.
Yeah. I mean, I imagine that you're going to be cosplayed at various conventions over the next several decades probably.
DI MARTINO: Do you think? That blows my mind.
I mean, cosplaying has a long legacy to it.
DI MARTINO: It's so cool. The way that people are already making Sylvie horns and crafting them from scratch and spraying them. And there's one woman that's just sewn a whole suit together and it looks exactly like my costume. It's so impressive, the love and attention people put into it.
Are you getting an action figure?
DI MARTINO: I don't know. Hopefully. What would I do with it? Maybe I could use it as a cake topper. Who knows? But that would be a very cool thing to have, wouldn't it?
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im-pok · 4 years ago
Just for fun (and to make these easier to find) I have made a compilation of JSRF quotes!
I did find the quotes from this video by RisingSonic17 on YouTube. I do suggest watching it as it gives more context to the lines:
Keep in mind that some interactions may be missing, as I have never played JSRF and may be unaware of some interactions. Characters and their quotes appear in chronological order according to the video.
"This is the GG's Garage. Hey, where's our pizza? Huh? You're not the pizza guy? Oh, you're here to join the GG's, eh? Heh... Tell you what. Find Gum. She's the one you wanna talk to. Just get close to her and pull the 'Right Trigger'. Got it?"
"Why don't you talk to her now?"
"Now, just 'cause you're new don't mean you can act like a big baby. The police are tightening up here, especially since the Rokkaku took over the police force. I know we look crazy 'n all, but even we know to pick our fights. So don't mess things up for the rest of us, got it?"
"Roboy's training changes as your skill level changes, so be on the lookout."
"I had a feeling Poison Jam would have their hideout in the sewers beneath Rokkaku-dai Heights. This is it... looks like the time to throw down has finally come."
"Man, those Poison Jam freaks are out of control. I say we start on Chuo Street and cover everything to Rokkaku-dai Heights and 99th Street in our graffiti. Chuo Street is probably the best place to start."
"Roboy told you, right? If you find a Mystery Tape, you gotta check the GG-notebook. It'll tell you where to find the Graffiti Souls in the area."
"Where the hell is Yoyo? Maybe he freaked out and skipped town? I'm sure he's alright. But we gotta take care of those Immortals. They've been walkin' around like they own the place. We gotta go and cover up all their graffiti."
"I'll send those Immortals back to the grave as many times as I need to!"
"We'll stop those Noise Tanks!"
"Poison Jam knows something about Yoyo. I know they do."
"Damn! Punk, I'll get you for that!"
"The fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
"Here they come. The crazies from the Golden Rhinos. Concentrate, and watch your back. These guys ain't no joke."
"We gotta protect the streets. That's not a choice. We can't let these fools just waltz in and take over."
"The real enemy is your own fear. Remember that."
"So you're the cat that wants to join us, huh? I don't know where you're from, but the streets are tough. Real tough. Let's see what you're made of. We'll start you off nice and slow. Let's see how much air you can grab. Press the "A Button" to jump."
"Dogenzaka Hill is GG territory. I heard there's some headphone wearin' freak creepin' up here. If I could just find him, I'd show him what's up...."
"You can do it, can't you?"
"There are a couple of places in Shibuya Terminal where you can get on the roof of some buildings. You can get there by jumping from a Grind. You should check it out. Who knows what you'll find up there? When you're looking for something, the best place to start is the Map. You can see it by pressing the START button."
"The area of 99th Street is built around a tower that has a bunch of places to Grind. Definitely check that place out. There are also telephone poles to Grind and billboards to Wallride... the most important thing is to just try everything out. Oh, and don't forget to check the map by pressing the START button. That should give you some helpful hints"
"We actually found Roboy in a dumpster. Corn fixed him up real nice."
"I've been lost in the severs before. Its kinda crazy in there, but as long as you keep moving up, you'll be ok."
"Yoyo just can't chill and stay out, can he? He'll be back soon, I'm sure. I heard the Immortals hang out in the skyscraper district or something..."
"Actually, they say Roboy is actually a Noise Tank prototype. Don't tell him that though, ok? We don't wanna make him cry or nothin'. In any case, we're gonna get those damn Noise Tanks."
"Those tracks should connect Sky Dinosaurian Square to the edge of the skyscraper district..."
"I hear that Poison Jam's woman leader has been showin' her face in town."
"Man, the Rhinos gotta be pissed off!"
"Shibuya Terminal is in a state of panic. I really wanna stay out of this, but we gotta go over there and take care of business."
"Don't use your eyes. Just try to feel it, ya know?"
"Graffiti has the power to wake up the energy that's asleep in the streets of Tokyo. The Rokkaku Group... the police... they don't know what's up. So let's just cover this whole place in art, yo."
"Yo, you know that dude Hayashi from the Rokkaku police force? That guy is one messed up dude. He's a complete psycho. Watch out for him."
"I heard through the grapevine that some weird-lookin' girl's been hangin' out at Rokkaku-dai Heights."
"So you think Poison Jam is after us?"
"We gotta get the Doganzaka Hill goddess statue that Poison Jam took. We better hurry, or things are gonna get real ugly."
"Anything go down while I was gone?"
"I've always thought that thing in Shibuya Terminal was nasty lookin' anyway! Let's do a little redecoration."
"Sometimes, you just gotta get moving or else nothin's gonna get done, yo.
"Hey, I've heard of you. You're one of the GG's, huh? Tell you what... I'll race you. If I can beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, then this place belongs to me. Got it?"
"Hope you won't regret that."
"Shibuya Terminal? Now that you mention it, there was this huge guy wandering around there... And fishy graffiti? That sounds familiar, but I didn't really look close enough to see if the graffiti that the fool was paintin' actually looked like a fish or nothin'."
"Hey. Is it true Poison Jam used to cause trouble in Chuo Street under a different name?"
"Rapid 99 of 99th Street. They don't show their faces in public very often. Some say Rapid 99 and Poison Jam are sworn enemies because something big went down a while back. I don't know the details, though. A friend of mine told me that the girls in Rapid 99 are real lookers. I just think he was too scared of 'em to say otherwise. In any case, it ain't gonna be easy to find 'em."
"You meet Rapid 99 yet?"
"Noise Tanks? Never heard of 'em. But we gotta find Yoyo. I'll go through the sewers and check out Kiboganoka Hill."
"Those Immortals really get on my nerves..."
"Crazy stuff is going down all over town! Looks like it's time for a little clean up... GG's style!"
"Time to get serious."
"This kid's kinda funny."
"This time we should be able to tell if it's the real one or the fake Yoyo just by talkin' to him, right?"
"That crazy guy?! What're you talkin' about? He looks nothing like me. Besides, we don't got time to deal with that fool. Remember? The Golden Rhinos??"
"Well, they told us to come. Don't look like we got any choice."
"There are some things that you can only feel when you're out in the streets, you know?"
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. I'm guessin' it was you... Its on! If you loose, you're gonna be answerin' to me from now on, punk!"
"You think you can do this too? Let's see it!"
"Man, you're not all that. Here, I'll show you one more time."
"The deep end of the sewers is closed off because it's contaminated. At least, that's what I heard..."
"Hey, why you gotta go out and get a dog?! There's only one thing I hate more than dogs, and that's goldfish."
"I heard Rapid 99 used to run under a leader named Cube..."
"Thing that ticks me off most is, the Immortals ain't worth all this talk and trouble. I wonder if they got somethin' to do with Yoyo's disappearance?"
"There's a bunch of real big guys with real big attitudes causin' a big scene over on Highway Zero. Maybe they might know something about the Noise Tanks. Man, where the hell is Yoyo?!"
"What is UP with Yoyo, anyway?!"
"Hey, Graffiti Souls are a big commodity, right?"
"I don't care if it's a golden rhino or a blue hippo, I'll send 'em right back to the zoo where they belong."
"What's their master plan? I mean, the Golden Rhinos don't seem like their just out here to run the streets, you know what I'm sayin'?" (This quote was spelled like this in game. From my knowledge it should be "they're just out here...")
"Here comes Gouji. Let's end this."
"Did you get all the Graffiti Souls? We still got a full laundry list of things to take care of, you know."
"Hehehe... So this is your hideout."
"Poison Jam are... kinda cute!"
"Is it just me, or does Captain Hayashi not look like he eats his breakfast?"
Poison Jam:
"I don't think Yoyo's that kind of a person."
"I think hes hiding something."
"This feels like a trap. Be careful."
"Someone's after DJ-K?! You sure about that?!"
"Gouji Rokkaku is kinda interesting. But, I think he went a little too far this time..."
"I love everything about Tokyo... even the things I hate."
"Hur hur hur. You want to get rid of us, don't you? Nothing in life is free. You gotta work for it. Beat us in this race and we won't mess with you anymore."
"Har har har!! I told ya'll you were a bunch of wussies!"
Rapid 99:
"ghahah! Next thing you know, you will be all crying like a baby."
"If you can win a flag battle against us, I'll tell you where Poison Jam' s hideout is."
"Suit yourself."
"I won't hold back."
"Hey. Keep it real."
"There's this lightning-quick girl over at Kiboganoka Hill. Dunno if she's still there. But man, I gotta say, I'm really trippin' out over Yoyo missin' and all."
"When it comes down to it, the Immortals are just dried up mummies, man. I bet they all nasty under those bandages."
"The Noise Tanks might look strong, but they're like cheap action figures! Just run into them and they fall apart! Oh yeah, that girl from the stadium... I heard she's been lookin' for us. You seen her yet?"
"Aww man..."
"The fortified residential zone... it's directly attached to the underground sewers. Man. I don't like that place at all."
"Is that dude in black even human? My heart's pounding... I don't know why."
"You're never as good as you can be! Don't slack off!"
"Y'all are crazy!"
"This doesn't look good."
"Alright. Stay cool."
"Yeah.... we were a little too laid back this time, I think."
"The fortified residential zone... hey, why don't we pick numbers to decide who goes?"
"It's about time the Rhinos brought things up a notch. We better be ready to get real serious too."
"What the hell IS that big thing, anyway? But, you better watch out for that fool in black..."
"If you get a "Jet" in the Trials, you can even use people who aren't here to take out into the streets."
"You're one of the GG's, right? Then tell this fool that they got the wrong girl! They think I'm one of you guys! So, they dragged me out here and looked what's happened to me!!"
"Hurry up! Tell him that I'm not a GG!!"
Noise Tanks:
"Hey, you're that GG that helped me out! Thanks for that man. Say... there's something that I've been wondering since then. You wanna find out who's the fastest? I KNOW I can beat you. Let's give it a shot!"
"Alright. Fine. See ya."
"I'll get 'em good no matter what!"
"The more worked up we get about this, the harder it'll be to find what we're lookin' for."
"There's somethin' not right about the way the Golden Rhino's are actin'."
"Why are those Golden Rhinos going after the Radio station? Well, make sure to be on the lookout for Captain Psychopath."
"We gotta save DJ-K! I can't stand listening to this music anymore!"
"If this town could talk, what poetry it would speak..."
"Practice all you want, it will not make a difference."
"It is not over yet. Prepare yourselves."
"Heh... Go on. Fight!"
"Are you ready?"
Special interactions:
"Sometimes it just doesn't matter how much you practice."
"Dude. I'm bored. Entertain me."
"Hmph. What a bore."
"My sources tell me that the Noise Tanks and the Rokkaku Group are in this together. Be careful."
"So is that Clutch guy in with Rokkaku too? Or is he just a little punk?"
"I'm about ready."
"The Golden Rhinos are really startin' to get on my nerves..."
"I got better things to do than play house with Gouji Rokkaku, but man, that big ugly thing has GOT to go."
"Graffiti Souls' sole purpose is to be sought out."
"You're looking for that kid, Yoyo, right? Tell ya what, if you go out and get some Graffiti Soul points... Hey! Wait a sec, you've already got quite a few. Lemme see those... Sucka! Thanks for the Graffiti Souls! See ya around!"
"Hah, hah! I look forward to it!"
"I dunno, but I just don't get what's going on here. Heh..."
"This Gouji Rokkaku dude is pretty funny!"
"Haaaahaha! Tokyo ain't half bad!"
"If you can beat me at my own game, I'll leave you alone."
"Suit yourself."
"The fortified residential zone... Unless you're absolutely sure of your skills, you should stay away from that place."
"I've dealt with the Golden Rhinos once before. If you don't take them seriously, you're as good as dead."
"I can't stand even looking at that thing. Its just so... so... damn ugly!"
"Yeah. You just have to try everything with an open mind."
Beat to Corn:
"So you're the leader of the GG's? Heh... How's this sound? If I beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, you and your buddies have to answer to me from now on. If you beat me... well, we'll just see when it happens."
"Huuuh? You're so boooring..."
Talking to Beat in the garage before fighting the police:
"Anyway, I'm ready to rock. But what's up with that pooch, eh? Where did ya pick him up? You sure that's not the leader in disguise? Heh heh. Its only a matter of time before I become the leader of the GG's anyway."
Combo to Gum:
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. Was it you, princess? You've been a bad, bad girl. You've better hit me with everything you've got, 'cause I ain't gonna hold back just because you're a girl!!"
"The cue tone get you all jumpy?"
"You liked that, eh? I'll do it again for you."
Yoyo to Rynth:
"You're... like... you know... yo."
"Where'd you come from?"
Gum to Rynth:
Rynth to Beat:
"Cool. Welcome aboard."
"You kinda... smell weird."
Garam to Boogie:
"Hey. I'm next in command around here, little lady. The name's Garam,"
Combo to Boogie:
"This group is growing bigger every day. Fool just dig me, I guess."
Gum to Boogie:
"So you're the one from Kiboganoka Hill, huh? Well, this is the GG's. What you see is what you get. Just be yourself, you'll be cool."
Garam to Jazz:
"Well, um... I... uh... be cool."
"That freak who's been making all those weird tags... you think he's connected with the Golden Rhinos somehow?"
Boogie to Garam:
"Alright. Stay cool."
Jazz to Garam:
"I feel ya, but I think you should try to chill a bit. Keep it together."
Corn to Clutch:
"What a fool. But the fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
Jazz to Clutch:
"Don't push your luck."
Beat to Clutch:
"You just wanted some attention from us, right? Aww..."
Combo to Clutch:
"Man, you're such a jerk I almost like you."
Garam to Clutch:
"One of these days, I'll get you one-on-one! Just you and me, fool!"
Boogie to Clutch:
"Fine. I'll let you off just this once."
Slate to Clutch:
"Heh... Stay outta trouble."
Corn to Yoyo:
"Long time no see, bro."
Clutch to Yoyo:
"So you're that Yoyo guy, huh? Heh..."
Jazz to Yoyo:
"So, you're the real deal, huh? 'Sup. I'm Jazz."
Combo to Yoyo:
"You gonna go and try to get back into shape, huh?'
Garam to Yoyo:
"Heh... I caused enough havoc for the both of us while you were gone, bro."
Rynth to Yoyo:
"The most unbelievable stuff was happening while you were gone! Hehehe..."
Yoyo to Slate:
"Hey, sorry about all that, yo. My bad. But thanks to those fools, I'm all out of shape now. Maybe I'll go out and cause a little havoc to warm up, yo."
Yoyo to Jazz:
"Man, things have sure gotten busier sice I was last here?"
Gum to Beat:
"That fool dressed in black who's been hanging around Chuo Street... now that I think about it, you guys kinda look alike."
Clutch to Beat:
"In times like this, you won't fall as long as you look where you're going. Heh heh."
Garam to Beat:
"Hey, you know that guy everyone's been saying looks like you? Well, is it you?"
There is some cutscene dialogue missing from these lines. If I can find all the cutscenes, then I'll be sure to add them.
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krisdreaming · 5 years ago
Hey Kristin, it's me Audrey! I'm sending this on anon cause my main blog will pop up if i send it haha. Anywayy,,,recently there was a kidnapping in my area yesterday night, usually I don't mind those but a witness took a video that went viral and I won't go into details for other's sake but when I watched it,,,it was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. It really got me shaken up so I was wondering if I could request an s/o asking osamu, kageyama and kuroo to accompany her when she-
-goes out anywhere? She’s really shaken up and traumatized about it so if you ever get around to doing this, if it’s alright could you please make it fluffy? thank you so so much (oh and if you cant do osamu and oikawa is fine :> )
Hey Audrey!! ( @ninliane ) It’s no trouble at all bby, I can understand your fear I would feel the exact same way ;-; That’s truly terrifying. (note: I talked with her about the request, and she chose Yaku and Tsukishima, so that’s who I’ll write for!) I hope these are fluffy enough??
You glance nervously at the setting sun. You know that, soon, it will dip even further below the horizon and twilight will begin to fall. Yaku’s practice is running later than usual, and the idea of being out here as the sky grows darker causes a pit of fear to grow in your stomach. Normally, you wouldn’t mind an awful lot, but the footage you’ve seen of the recent kidnapping has been stuck in your mind. The idea that something like that could happen where you live has been eating away at you. You hesitate for only a few more moments before you dash toward the gym. When you duck inside, you can’t help but release a sigh of relief.
The gym is well-lit and filled with the strangely comforting sounds of sneakers squeaking on the floor, the smack of palms against volleyballs, and most reassuringly, the voices of people you know. Your boyfriend looks right at you, and upon seeing you he flashes a surprised smile your way. They’ve just begun to clean up, so it isn’t long until he jogs in your direction.
“Hey, sorry I kept you waiting.” He nods in Kuroo’s direction. “Someone decided that we need to devote an extra half hour of practice specifically to Lev’s receives. As if that’s not what I spend every practice doing anyway.”
You shake your head with a chuckle. “It’s okay, really. I’d just rather wait in here.”
“You could’ve headed home awhile.” He reaches for your hand. “I don’t expect you to wait for me all night, you know.”
“No.” You shake your head again, harder. “I wanted to walk home with you.” When the two of you step outside, the sun has almost completely set. You can’t help but glance around warily despite Yaku’s hand gripped tight in yours.
“You alright?” He asks suddenly, pulling you a little closer and fixing you with a scrutinizing look.  You debate lying to him, but he comes to a stop so he can face you completely. You sigh.
“I’m sorry.” You look down at the tips of your shoes. “I’m just kinda freaked out. I can’t stop thinking about that kidnapping, and the video - I don’t feel safe anymore. I hate it.” You blink back tears.
“Hey.” He grabs your shoulders gently, rubbing his thumbs in soothing circles. “I know it’s scary, I’m not ever going to let anything like that happen to you. Not if I can help it.” He leans in to press a kiss to your forehead. 
You nod shakily. “And even if I’m not around for some reason, you can always ask one of the other guys to walk you home. Like Kai, or Fukunaga. Anyone but-”
“Lev?” You interrupt with a giggle, starting to feel a bit more reassured.
“Y’know, I was gonna say Kuroo but you make a good point.” He grins. “Now, come on.” He grabs your hand again, swinging your linked hands gently between you. “Let’s get you home.”
You hesitate, your finger hovering over the “call” button. You know that Tsukishima will have to go a bit out of his way to stop by your house on his way to school, but the thought of going alone is almost paralyzing to you. Finally, you make up your mind and lift your phone to your ear.
“Hi, Kei. It’s me.” You hug your pillow to your chest.
“What’s up?” He sighs into the phone.
“I was wondering...” You pause. “Could you maybe stop by my house so we can walk to school together?”
He’s silent for a few moments, and you’re afraid he’ll refuse. “I mean, I guess I can. Why, what’s special?”
“Nothing. Are you sure?”
“I said I can.” He repeats, but there isn’t any irritation in his voice. You let out the breath you’d been holding. “I’m just about ready to leave anyway, so I’ll see you in ten minutes. Okay?”
“Okay. Thanks.” You say, a smile finally crossing your lips.
You’re waiting at the door when you get his text of here. You open the door to find your boyfriend on the porch, a muffin in his outstretched hand.
“Here, my Mom made these. She said I should give you one.” 
“That’s so sweet.” You grin, taking it from him and taking a big bite. Now that he’s here, you feel a little more like eating.
“So, why’d you want me to walk with you today?” He casts a sideways glance at you as you fall into step beside him. “You miss me too much?” There’s a teasing edge to his voice that you can’t help but reciprocate.
“You wish.” You say over your second bite of muffin.
“Hmph.” He reaches for your hand, and you gladly take his. He runs his thumb across the back of your hand, and you don’t know whether he can tell that you need it, but the comforting gesture takes the edge off of your worries.
“Hey, Kei.” You say after a beat. He hums in response, so you continue. “Did you see the footage of that kidnapping a few days ago?”
“Yeah.” He shakes his head. “Crazy.” You can tell when the realization hits him. “So, is that the reason for this?” He stops walking and looks over at you.
“Um.” You duck your head. “It just... really freaked me out, you know? The idea that it could happen anywhere-”
“Stop.” He gives your hand a squeeze and tugs you along to resume walking. “I mean, I know it’s freaky, but you’re smart. Plus, there’s lots of people around to keep you safe.” You nod slowly.
“I know, but-”
“I know.” He interrupts, giving you a pointed look. “You’ve got me, is my point. So don’t feel like you can’t tell me when you need me.” His unexpectedly sweet response makes your cheeks feel warm.
“Well, thanks, Kei.” You smile softly. He lets go of your hand to put his arm around your shoulders, leaning close to give you the quickest kiss on your temple. You’ve arrived at school, and you see your friends in the distance. It’s nearly time to go your separate ways so you can both make it to class on time.
“Same time tomorrow morning?” He asks as you part. You nod, the warm feeling brought on by his smile starting to slowly replace the fear.
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Alright, so if you've been following along with me, Supernatural season 3 starts out on a trio of episodes that are Really Fun, slides into some episodes that are Pretty OK, then takes a real nose dive into Bummersville. Hoo boy guys, I really hope that this season picks up. I mean, it won’t, but I can still dream. 2021 was maybe not the year to start watching this season. Fair warning.
The next three episodes for this season are just, like, real downers. First we get “Fresh Blood,” which, aside from the terrible title, starts out on a high note. Gordon (gross) somehow manages to catch up with Bela (HOW??) and threatens her if she doesn’t hand over the Winchesters. Bela, in all of her class and grace, won’t give them up because she has a high price point and Gordon is really lowballing her here. Just like, yes, ok, please stay forever, you’re amazing and I love you. And what a scene this is! You have two characters, one with a strict moral code (albeit one that allows for violence and winning at all costs) and the other with almost NO moral code, but an allegiance that can be bought with the best price and it’s such a fun back and forth until Gordon pulls out a gun. And then she pulls out her phone and just has Dean on speed dial and that’s maybe my fav part. Bela has run into the Winchesters twice and they maybe legit hate her but she’s very much like, oh yeah, my BFF’s the Winchesters, I love those idiots!
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I love that we come back to this moment later in the episode when Bela, like, three days later, is like, Oh! I guess I should warn the Winchesters that some crazy guy is after them! She’s just so casual about it you kind of get the feeling that, even though technically Gordon was threatening her life, she doesn’t view him as A Threat. She gives the Winchesters a heads up just to be like oh yeah, you might want to watch out for this mild inconvenience, and she seems legit shocked when Dean freaks out. There’s this moment that plays across her face like, oh shit, did I...did I fuck up? And it adds a nice bit of depth to her character. She’s seems honestly worried, both for the lives of the Winchesters but also that Dean won’t like her anymore and that is just a charming bit of A C T I N G!
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I am gonna miss her SO MUCH when she dies at the end of this season. WHY did we CANCEL HER???
But despite the fun beginning, this episode is about monsters and how people become monsters and how other people are probably the reason. Because our main baddie is a vampire who hunts to...well, listen if we look at the facts that he lays out in his monologue, it’s a little more tragic - he’s trying to replace the daughters that he lost hundreds of years ago, cool motive, still murder. In practice though, he goes around turning hot blonde coeds into vampires and then ?????? Who knows. I’d like to believe that this was a problem with the CW executives or maybe casting/directing and not with the writing, but it’s SPN and you really can’t be sure with anything. The fact is, this is a CW show from the early 2000’s and a lot of their extras are cast to type. And that’s maybe me exhibiting some girl-on-girl crime, but there are other episodes that did a much less blatantly gross job casting their extras/Very Special Guest Stars.
Anyway, the POINT of this guy is that he’s a monster because someone killed his daughter and he’s just been trying to fill that grief hole inside of him for centuries. This is not unlike Gordon, who ALSO has been trying to fill a grief hole that he’s had for decades, except he’s not killing people and resurrecting them as blood suckers, he’s just killing them. And then, when the Vamp decides to turn Gordon it’s a real sweet moment of comeuppance for like, a HOT second and then you’re like, awww dude, ya done f’ed up. That was a bad idea. You’ve made a HUGE mistake.
More importantly, our Vampire In Question finally runs into the Winchesters and get’s to say things like “I was desperate! You ever felt desperate? I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?” and also “I just ... I didn't care anymore. Do you know what it's like when you just don't give a damn? It's like ... it's like being dead already.” and Dean’s v. much like, THIS IS TOO REAL ROY.
Sam may ALSO be feeling Too Real feelings because he is DONE dicking around with Gordon and honestly yes, I like this, this is good Sam development. It’s nice to know that Sam has a breaking point. And I admit I’m of two minds about this moment because 1) I love the idea of Dark!Sam this season and that maybe Sam’s decision to actually kill Gordon is just one step in that process but 2) I ALSO love the idea of Sam Lite finally having a breaking point and Gordon is IT. I don’t know which theory I like more in this scenario, but they are both good theories.
I think as much as this episode wants to draw parallels between the monsters and Dean (thank you artful editors), you can’t look at the “I’ve lost everyone I ever loved,” line and not think of Sam? Cuz he’s got one (1) person left in his life that hasn’t died horribly, so how desperate is he about to get through the end of this season? I’ve definitely been watching this season with eyes on all the ominous Dean foreshadowing, but the Sam foreshadowing is also there, just buried under the heavy weight of a thousand smulders and suicidal levels of denial.
And also, FUCK the tag on this episode! Guys, it is CUTE but it is also HORRIBLE. Dean starts teaching Sam how to fix the Impala and at first it’s all, “Oh! Adorable Brothers Being Brothers!” and I loved it but then I almost immediately hated it because you realize this is about making sure Sam can get along without him once he’s gone and Dean just accepts his own death with such casual ease that it’s just...INFURIATING!
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This scene was rude and I HATE IT!
Cut to - “A Very Supernatural Christmas” Special!
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Guys, I was so excited when I got to this episode. THIS is Classic Supernatural Shenanigans. Plus, you know a Holiday Special is the ultimate sign that this show has Made It, right? Or it could be a sign that they’re selling out, who knows, but I think we can say that at this point in the series, SPN is established enough to start having fun with their fans. That’s what this says to me. BUT THEN what we get is like...oh boy.
First - like, I’mma beat this horse to death, but what is WRONG with this FAMILY? John Winchester very quickly devolved into the sort of father that forgot about every single holiday and did not ever, even a little bit, make up for it. It’s not a surprise, but it kind of wrecked me seeing a flashback where Baby Dean is just so attached to a father who can’t be bothered to actually care for his children. I know he’s not in this episode because Jeffrey Dean Morgan was tied up in other projects, but the fact that John doesn’t show up at the end to button the flashbacks with a But then he DID show up for Christmas! just makes this plot line that more gutting. And despite Dean’s hero worship of their father, this is maybe the Christmas where Baby Sam stops believing in his own father. The only bright side to this is that it continues to enforce the fact that Bobby should have sued John for custody. Bobby should maybe STILL Sue for custody so that Dean at least would feel like someone wants him for once in his life, damnit.
And then we wrap this episode up with the Best Worst Christmas of all, because we see Sam start to...also?? accept that Dean is about to die? Cuz that’s what this episode is really about - Dean’s Last Christmas. And everything about that makes me ~ u p s e t ~.
So Sam decides to put his curmudgeonly grinchy attitude aside in order to make it a special day for Dean and ugh. UGH. UGHGHGHG. Season three is the worst guys, and I can’t believe I didn’t realize that until right this second now.
So let’s wrap this up with "Malleus Maleficarum", honestly an episode that is mostly forgettable until we get to, like, the last five minutes. Sure, witches and curses and selling your soul, woohoo whatever.
But then we get some real Ruby centric reveals and like, WHAT is happening?? First off, the scene where Ruby and Tammy have a moment is a real Moment. There is some baggage and tension here and it is heavy. And then Tammy drops the mic when she reveals that Ruby used to be human.
THEN, Ruby legit saves their asses by killing Tammy with a fancy magic knife. Ok, Dean does the actual killing, but Ruby brought the fancy magic knife. So between the hot and heavy tension with “Tammy” and her repeated attempts to keep the Winchesters alive, we’re left wondering what IS Ruby’s deal? I personally wonder how much of the show’s mythology the show actually has figured out at this point? Because interviews with Kripke definitely walk the line between “Oh we definitely have this whole thing worked out,” and “yeah, we’re sort of finding things as we go along,” which is maybe why it’s able to last as long as it does. More on that later.
Of course the big kicker is the final scene between Ruby and Dean. Dean is almost on board with Ruby at this point in the season, and much like his scene with the demon in “Sin City”, they share a kind of vulnerable moment together where Ruby admits that, yeah, she was human once and yeah, Hell will destroy you, body and soul, and yeah Dean’s worst fear will probably come true - he will become the thing he hunts, no ifs, ands or buts about it. And Dean knows that Ruby knows that Dean knows that there’s no way to save Dean from his fate, but they both agree that they can’t take Sam’s last ounce of hope away from him because, for both of them, Sam is their hope. Ruby and Dean both see the war happening around them and they know that with Dean gone, Sam’s maybe the last guy holding back the tide to save all humanity.
Which, honestly? Bull shit. Do you know how many hunters are out there? Neither do I, but this season seems to indicate that there are a LOT. We have barely scratched the surface on the hunter community and it’s a damn shame that they are all weirdo loners because there is a war going on. You know what works great in a war? An ARMY. Buncha mentally unstable, martyr-complex ijits who can’t put their differences aside for one damn MINUTE so that maybe, JUST maybe, the could actually defeat the evil they’ve spent their entire lives dedicated to fighting. And if Ruby and Dean wanted to help Sam, what they should probably do is get him plugged in to that community. I do believe that of all they backasswards, self-obsessed, painfully anti-social crazies out there, the Winchesters are THE WORST.
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Listen tho, this was like, a solid scene between these two. Just a lot of work goin' into this and it paid off.
Anyway, back to the mythology for a hot second - This sort of loosey-goosey stumbling into your own world building is probably another one of those things that you’ll only really get in a show with this many episodes per season? It’s that room to play and experiment and just make stuff up as you go along. I think the slow drip method of releasing episodes ALSO helps in this scenario because you’re able to see what fans are reacting to in almost-real time. When viewers are binging episodes, I think you're less likely to see what specifically they’re reacting to and more wholistically they’re reacting to. And that’s not to say you won’t see those specific things that they like/love eventually, but by the time you get there, your season’s been produced in its entirety and you’ll have to bear that in mind for (hopefully) next season. But with SPN, they were writing and producing the show at the same time that some of the episodes were airing. That’s why they were able to make decisions on the fly, based on what fans responded to. And definitely by this point in the show, there was a sizeable and vocal fan base that made their feelings VERY well-known. We’re only in season three, but they’ve already had a number of con appearances and a pretty active online presence. That kind of feedback has got to be helpful, from a writing perspective, but it also allows for things like characters getting cut because nobody liked them for some dumb reason. BUT, if you’re fighting to stay on the air for 100 episodes or longer, responding to fan reactions is what’s gonna do it and that’s a fact.
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