flower-sunflower-blog · 4 months
Why is s!Ryan and s!Void's relationship so weird ? (yet so freaking interesting)
If you want to know more about what I’m talking about, I invite you to check this document : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pFSLu0cGEQP8ToTjyuUtl2Cd5NtIF6RiEdQPcOWQJGU/edit#heading=h.z8qa7ptiwi2a I’ll mainly be referencing the events during the “love and hate” part of the lore. Take in note that I’m still not fully updated on everything and might have missed some clues in the meantime.
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First I have to talk about s!Void : they’re really present through everything and during important moments of the lore, and seems to be aware about a lot of things. The way their character was portrayed was really interesting to me.
They seem to be genuinely kind and well meaning, while remaining in a passive position. Most of the time they wish for the best for their friends, for instance they express their support to s!Cherry when she’s arguing with the gods, but at the same time they just seems to know s!Cherry can’t win.
They seem to resign themself to the fact that things are as they are. They don’t really seem to take sides either, mostly just hoping that everyone will just get in a mutual agreement at the end. And they help to achieve that when they can, but otherwise they just stay behind.
That's how I interpreted their involvement through the first impactful events.
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On the other hand, s!Ryan is not really on the “good” side. She plans revenge on those who did her wrong according to her. She expressed only caring about herself, and I think she manipulates people around her to get them to serve her best interests.
(I hope I can one day go more into how I interpret her character, ‘cause there is much more to it and I think she’s really interesting. It's not that I don't have a lot of theories about her, it's actually the opposite : I have way too much, so much to say it's a mess to talk about)
Then at one point, s!Ryan proposed to s!Void. It was during the whole “Claude's custody” issue. At this moment, it seemed rather interested from s!Ryan, as way to get a stronger grip on Claude. Since s!Void was one of the co-parent and the one s!Ana trusted with Claude's supervision until she settled custody rights.
As a response, s!Void were clear about how they needed time to think about it. At first, Void wasn’t enthusiastic about it. Altho they were not firmly against it, they were really confused and even a bit scared of how pressuring s!Ryan would be to get what she wants.
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In the meantime, s!Void let s!Ryan take care of Claude since she didn’t had him for a while, their decision appeased the tensions for the time being.
That day, after heading back to Gingerville, she said she was thinking of a way to "kidnap/make Claude disappear”, hiding him to keep her for herself. But she had to think of a way to do that without making it too obvious, as an option she suggested “frame it on someone else”.
From there, Claude just remained at Gingerville under s!Ryan's care. Nothing much happened for a while, we didn’t get any news. Until, out of the blue, while she was arguing with Moo, she revealed that Claude had died ??
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And I do not believe it.
And trust me, I’m not just saying it as in “being in denial”. For me, it doesn’t make any logical sense.
I mean, how could he have died ? He was staying over s!Ryan’s the whole time. And surely s!Ryan would have taken good care of him, she expressed how she didn't have anybody besides him, how much she care for him and such. And IF he really had died, she still seems to take it way too calmly considering how important he was for her.
In addition to everything, one of the last interactions we had between this moment, and the last time we saw Claude, was s!Ryan saying she wanted to make him disappear and find a way to make it convincing. It would make sense she would make up a lie like this. It would be convincing, since people know how Claude is important to her, she wouldn't be suspected as the cause of his death. And meanwhile, she could have him hidden in a secret place. (after all, we already know she have access to secret places on her own)
If you’re wondering why I talk about Claude’s death being a lie, when this is supposed to be about s!Void and s!Ryan, well…..keep it in mind, for me this is really important.
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Then, s!Void and s!Ryan got officialy engaged. According to s!Ryan, s!Void changed their mind after having a discussion with her, and would have realized since then that they actually wanted to get married.
And that’s where things are off, and that this situation gets really suspicious.
Do you remember how I said that s!Void seems to be kind hearted, and overall taking a passive position and hoping for everyone to get in a mutual agreement at the end ? While s!Ryan is only thinking about her own interests, and activily manipulating people around to serve the said interests ?
If something is really off, it’s not really from the fact that two opposed characters could be in a relationship with one another. After all, why not ?
It's more about how s!Void attitude doesn’t align with their previous actions, and how they were portrayed until then. And there are two main reasons for that :
First, that shift was way to sudden. Of course they could have been convinced in the end. But going from being hesitant, confused and honestly scared about this situation, to being completely willing to get married, and happy about it, after one conversation ? That's still reaaaaaally drastic.
Second Claude’s death. You know how I think Claude's death is a lie and why I think that way now ? But thing is, s!Void ALSO said that Claude was dead. The only conclusion would be that if s!Ryan is lying about Claude, then s!Void is taking part of it and lying aswell.
For this last point, we could argue that they just believed s!Ryan when she told them, as other characters did when they mentioned Claude’s death. But s!Void was one of Claude’s main caretaker, and was probably more involved and present with Claude than the others. So surely they would know better.
And them confirming it is not sufficient to convince me that it's indeed the truth. All the inconsistancies with this version still remain. Moreover, if we can doubt s!Ryan, s!Void likely would have been a responsible caretaker when they were in s!Ryan's and Claude's company, as it is kinda implied that s!Void spend time at Gingerville with s!Ryan, where Claude was aswell.
And that doesn’t sound like s!Void. Again, from what we saw until now, they're not the type of person that would purposefully spread a lie, nor actively acting according to Ryan's wants.  
But s!Void is not being manipulated either, nor brainwashed.
When they talked about this with s!Moo (well, for me it was Moo not aware this was lore xD), she asked them both if this was really what they wanted deep inside. s!Ryan and s!Void just stared at each other without saying anything.  
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s!Void answered “listen, I trust Ryan unlike…some people”. And when s!Void stayed with Moo after s!Ryan left, they said they’ll be find and revealed their main goal was to support s!Ryan and being here for her. 
They still seems to be kind and well meaning. They were really nice to Moo, preventing s!Ryan to go too hard on her, and wished her the best. They seems to have good attention, since apparently they want to help s!Ryan in the end.
It seems like while apparently associating to her, they didn't adopt Ryan's mindset and doesn't condone all of her actions. But still, taking actively part of Ryan's schemes in the process doesn't align with their character for me.
And while I'm not totally closed to the possibility that I've been mistaken about s!Void this all time, or that their character reveal through a twist they were never what they pretended to be, for now I'm leaning to this theory :
It seems like s!Void doesn’t “really” want to get married in reality BUT still makes this decision willingly, as well as willingly siding with s!Ryan. It's certainly for a reason, a reason that came out during this "conversation", a reason that is still unknown to us.
And then, the pinterest boards
I didn’t get much into it yet. Not that I forgot, it’s because I’m STILL processing them xD Both are complex, enigmatic and with a lot of elements, and a lot of possible connection with other hints
But what make them really special is that they look really alike, strangely alike. Some “hints” seemed to be shared.
s!Void's board :
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s!Ryan's board
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s!Ryan's board seems lighter, while s!Void's darker. But there is certain elements you can kinda link to one another : the sun, the moon, the astrals in general for instance.
But the biggest clue is this picture, which is actually in BOTH boards :
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A black hand, that I'm suspecting to be the a representation of the "god" s!Ryan's is in contact with for a while.
It's to wonder if s!Void and s!Ryan actually had a contact with the same entity. Was it pure coincidence ? Or could it be s!Ryan who caused it ?
Something is up, still. Something way above us it seems. That is still to uncover.
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But while s!Ryan's board is more linked to the sun, her color pattern as well, s!Void's is rather giving a "moon" vibe, and their color pattern as well. And they both have opposed personnality.
There is a lot of symbolic here in my opinion. Their relationship is not to be underestimated in their complexity. I think there is something deeper, more mystical that made their path cross.
Last element I wanted to get into :
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I said that might be lore, I had a good reason thinking that.
Void and Ryan both look at the sky on this picture. And then, notice how Ryan didn’t say “me and Void” but “me and the void”. "Me and THE void". That made me wonder if she's actually referring to the concept of the void. And if she's actually referring to Void, well maybe somehow Void and THE void are one ?
For me, that’s Ryan’s storytelling core : she posts things, or say things lightly, as if they didn't have any significance, thus convincing people they don't have any significance. But often, Ryan as well as s!Ryan is not to be underestimated, and details like this could matter.
I think there is something up with the "void", s!Ryan may be connected to it, aswell as s!Void of course. It could even possibly be part of what have connected them.
And since I mentioned the void, here is s!Void rather interesting main image from their board :
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Again, I think there is something to dig about everything, s!Void's real nature and much more.
And last minute thought : there is members that go by multiple names. Among them, Shade and Dapper, Pomme and Lumi, and Void and Shaded. For Shade and Lumi, it doesn't mean anything lorewise for sure.
But Void and Shaded, well it's not so sure there is nothing behind it. It could be, sure, but at the same time it's no confirmed it doesn't, you know ? Maybe there is a deeper meaning of why Shaded also go by "Void" ? Just putting it here.
So, as a conclusion :
I think s!Void is purposefully siding with s!Ryan, the conversation they had gave them a reason too, a reason we still don’t know about. It’s not manipulation or possession, s!Void seems to be aware of what they’re doing. But this motivation seems to be enough for them to start acting really differently from how they acted before, going from a passive position, to an active one.
And this connect about something way more deeper, that is for me the general mystery about s!Ryan. Who is she ? WHAT is she ? Who is the god she's in contact with ? How did she get in contact with them ? Why does she act this way ? And how is s!Void linked to everything ?
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elegyofthemoon · 9 months
also honkai's lucky there isn't any archives i can sink my teeth into otherwise you wouldn't see me ever i'd just be knee deep eating all the lore through that
#no collectives for me u _ u#snow plays hi3#bc i would ....#that happened with me in genshin and star rail and i just had two whole days of reading anything i could instead of playing the game#it's a force of habit picked up from playing ff13#aND NOT TO MAKE THIS ABOUT FF13 AGAIN but i love that game so much there's so much in the logs that just serves to add more to the tone/moo#of the game and im hhhh i miss it so much#but no not another 80-120 hours in that game T _ T#the first one. god knows i spend too long in 13-2 and it's not even the good game ALSKDJF#LR is just out of sight out of mind for me lmao#but point is!#like if you read ff13's logs esp about the cieth and lcie and all that#it starts getting incredibly sad when you reach ch 12 and youre running around gran pulse trying to do missions to get stronger#then its just :( ah.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#honkai may not have logs. but it sure has a lot of manga i keep rereading#wHICH REMINDS ME WHEN I WAS PLAYING LAST NIGHT AND THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT RIN#I WAS LIKE 'OH GOD.....WAIT I READ THIS.... I READ THIS IN DIVINE KEY......'#and i was just quietly screaming while trying to keep playing LJKASDLFAJHS#(searches up the reading order).... ohhhhhh i totally misread divine key in order LKJDFHALKH#its not mY FAULT THEY PUT DIVINE KEY WITH ANTI ENTROPY INVASION#i was so confused when i was reading it i was like '....? why? is this here.....?'#cant complain bc i was like OOOOO NEW LOOOOORE but also 'wh....what is this doing here'#so to finally see the actual scenes play out made me want to eat paper#but anyways
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