#ryry ocs
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p1nkp0nkk · 2 years ago
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lilithshawrp · 29 days ago
HIII LILY -rylan
Hey Ryry! How goes?
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bloodbagcutesy2112 · 1 year ago
I'm making a Danganronpa AU fanfiction!
So, let me explain. I and my good friend @ellameloetta do a roleplay with her OC, L.T, and the character Ryoma Hoshi. This roleplay includes headcanons about Ryry that the both of us have, including one of mine, that being Ryoma was in a few movies, including a cheesy cop show called Six-Up, in which he plays the rugged yet handsome main character, Detective Elliot Olsen. I was really getting into it with this, so I've decided to make it into a fanfiction! So, it's really just an original story, but imagine Ryoma as Elliot. So, enjoy!
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unusuallysized-nsfw · 2 years ago
Text Convos From The Technicolour OC Omniverse (A Sizey OC Miniseries) #4
5:24pm 【Ashy】
Ashy: Omw. should i bring... or
Me (Mel Helz): i was kidding bout that dork. :p
Ashy: aww...er i mean ah.
Me: no dictation is that good
Ashy: yeah i typed that on purpose lol
Me: if the mood swings that way i've got some spice left over
Ashy: you're allowed to bring that home?
Me: Technically no. but its never stopped Aryl.
Ashy: you're bad
Me: No i'm not a Lawful Neutral Idiot.
Ashy: You play GnG?
Me: no i just figured youd get that.
Ashy: called out.
Ashy: hey uh
Ashy: if you want i could.
Ashy: I could be the big this time.
Me: do you want to?
Ashy: wouldnt mind but i moreso get the vibe sometimes youd like to be small.
Me: hhhh
Ashy: You ok?
Ashy: im outside?
-Chat Closed-
5:48pm 【Arylryl】
Me: He just fuckin asked if i wanna be small!
Arylryl: Omglmao what did you say
Me: what DO I say to that?
Arylryl: The truth dummy 😉
Me: god like... i dunno if im ready to like open myself up like that
Arylryl: so say that duh
Me: that would also be Opening Up ryry >:/
Arylryl: oooooh right...
Me: crap hes outside.
Arylryl: guuurl id love to help but im on shiiiift 😬
Me: gah...ill figure something out.
-Chat Closed-
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derpykaichu · 5 years ago
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torifloop · 2 years ago
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Redesigning a butt ton of old OCs from when i played neopets, trying to make them more of their own thing been holding onto these since 3rd grade at the earliest, 12th at the latest (with some much newer ones that dont really have places yet) and the very last one is Chicoriezu, my dearest blue bab who is kinda the main star of the whole thing ill write more about them another time, im just trying to update their designs rn, give them proper justice. some of them have changed A LOT (lesmaine, soarinx, reiki, jetkoki) but some havent changed hardly at all (Aujourdi, Ryry, Zeneviva, exliser)
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an introduction / ryder atwood
Name: Ryder Dash Atwood
Nickname(s): Ry, RyRy by his brothers
Sexuality: pan
Pronouns: he/him
Career: works in Bronwynn’s bakery, Arsonist for the Ghoulies
Family: Ruby Atwood (mother), Bronwynn Atwood (brother), Fender Atwood (brother), Jace Atwood (brother), Brooks ‘Apollo’ Madison (cousin, but basically a brother), Lincoln Madison (see Brooks)
Honorary Family: the Ghoulies
Friends: Jonah ‘Orion’ Therembine (lou’s oc), Salem ‘Prometheus’ Gore (lou’s oc), Yanera ‘Poppy’ Sullivan (lou’s oc), Mark ‘Horatio’ Gialla (lou’s oc), Frank ’Orson’ Rowley (lou’s oc)
Love Interest: Vienna Marks
Weapon of choice: Molotov
Character Personality/Background: Ryder is (technically) the middle child of four boys. It’s something that definitely shows in his need for attention and love. He’s got a lot of snark. He’s incredibly charming, he can shmooze a customer into leaving with more than they originally came for. Kind of a hoe. He picks on his younger brother a lot. Loves his job in the bakery and takes it very seriously. The kind of dude that will make fun of you if he likes you.
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trumpytrap · 4 years ago
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gregory is rather a crazy guy he is between 15 and 16 years old here is his profile:
name: tenor
first name: gregory
nickname: ryry
character: crazy, provocative, little asshole, sympathetic, social, bipolar
likes: chips, chocolate, popcorn, breads, evan, his (dead) mother, himself
not like: are ex, are father, being alone, sauerkraut, strawberry tagada, bananas, homophobes, whores, sticky people
nationality: cannadians
story: Gregorys was three years old when he saw his mother kill herself by jumping out the window in front of him since his father resents him and hates him to the point that he wants him dead once he wanted to beat him but Gregory broke him one arm then he has to start over he went crazy in 6th and to murder his best friends pushing him off a cliff surely due to a surplus of capsules he often takes drugs he hears voices and has illusions like seeing his mother him say to push are best friends of the cliff and is basic dead but at the request of his mother helen bierce send her back to the human world she did the same for evan gregory has a crush on evan which he does not know he has cuts to his arm and legs because he says he loves her and that his soothes him as he is bipolar bah he goes from nice to bad when he is in his second personality he hits, insults, and kills anyone c it's for her that are father and eva, we have injuries because they both try to calm him down (ps: if you want your ocs to go out with gregory just have to see me in mp and show me the character and look of ocs uwu) he also has a sister named ticci (an ocs has someone else on wattpad she's french like me in fact; -;)
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masked-disciple · 5 years ago
3,5,6 21 for the Valentine ask please!
I’m on mobile at the airport so we don’t get any fancy formatting, but!
3- Rarest rarepair? I have a few! Cancer Sage/Wyvern Rhadamanthys Senior (15th ben. edition) is a fun one, Lugonis/Pisces Surp is a fav that I’m dragging the lot of you in with me, but I think the rarest of the rarepairs is actually an OT3- Leo Ilias/Oracle Arkhes/Dryad Luco! Aka it’s me and sometimes Ryry in Hell. :p
5- Fluffiest goopy sappy ship? Technically this could be MiAlba, but chances are I can answer Any ship question with them in some way. (Someone’s gotta test me on that.) So I’m gonna go with Rhada/Gordon, because their whole dynamic is “let’s just sleep here together until the other three idiots stop causing drama” and Rhada gets to bottom, and also Gordon gets to top.
6- Angstiest most painful ship? Also MiAlba, and honestly most things I write because that’s just how I roll. Sage/Rhada really hits the angst because of how it all went down for them. But for the top spot... Technically Dohko/Kagaho can take it because of Kagaho’s death (and leaving behind three small children), but I rarely write angst for them because I Feel Bad About Doing That To Them. Aiacos/Shion also are a strong contender here, hmmm. But the top spot is gonna be two OCs who never get the limelight: Pisces “Tiffany” Theophania/Garuda Madeleine!
27- Which ship deserved better? All of them. On a canonical level, MiAlba, because fuck what they did to Minos and also seriously wtf with Alba’s ending?? They deserved better if the writers didn’t decide to make it like That. Fuckin weirdos. On a Mirrorverse level, Rhada/Sage probably takes this one, because Sage’s misunderstanding of what the Mirror is cost them Tiffany, all the daytrippers, and the Holy War so. So do Lugonis/Pisces Surp, on account of Lugonis DIED, and in some iterations, left not only Albafica but his spouse and unborn secondborn so. All of them.
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years ago
pretty meh :(
how writing ryry?
tw ments for ER btw but
later mom said she's taking me to the ER bc of my leg :((( hate going to the hospital I just wish all the pains would stop so then I can do things :((
oh no im sorry :(
the ER sucks ive been there :,)
writing some ocs actually, kind just re reading them and updating them ig
kinda bored :/
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daxtastic · 7 years ago
The fool, the high priestess, and the devil? 👀 hope your day has gotten better!! 😀😀😀
Fool: Nicknames? - I get called normal shorts of my name like Ry, RyRy, and Rybutt, my dad calls me Sparky, and my mom calls me Bug. Then my other friends call me by my OC’s name, Clash. 
High Priestess: Dream Date? - Depends on our connection. If it’s the first date, I like to spend it in public and I want to get to know you. Most likely I’ll choose a nice book and coffee shop, and I’ll want to sit and listen to you. I want to know everything from your good and bad memories, to your favorite books and flavor of ice cream. If we know each other well, I am going to want to take you somewhere kind of dumb and childish. Let’s go bowling or play laser tag. Being demisexual, friendship is the base of my relationships so let’s go goof off like kids and laugh until our eyes water. 
Devil: Thunderstorms? - I like them when they’re not loud. I like thunder and watching lightening, but if it’s really loud then you’ll find me with my head stuffed under a pillow somewhere. The sound of rain relaxes me, so if the storm isn’t harsh, I’ll normally be snuggled up with tea and my cat on the front porch. 
My day is better negative-thoughts wise. I’m just trying to keep my mind busy with anything else. Thank you
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unusuallysized-nsfw · 2 years ago
Text Convos From The Technicolour OC Omniverse (Still Aeturnia furries boys) #3
Monday 1:04pm
RyRyRyRy: So you gonna do another?
Mel MyMelf and Mi: Prolly just gotta find a day they're free so i can book off
Ryx4: ooo they a N🐝
JustMel: nah they're a Folf uh a hybrid.
Ryx4: no i meant they're NonBinary... god youre bad at slang
Mel: uhhuh i stopped being terminally online when i turned 19 Aryl.
Ryx4: i just checked the nickname thing cus it kept pinging. you changed your DIsplay like 4 times
Mel: felt weird having it say my name for me, but me feels just as weird as all the others
Ryx4: i mean i can see it so yeah Me would be weird
Ryx4: uh..yeah unless you set it as a personal nickname. for example i can see you swapped me to RyRyRyRy and now Ryx4...which is not an improvememt from RyRy😡
Mel:ive called you that since the orphanage girl, if its actually an issue i can stop.
Aryl: nah gorl im jus messin 😝
Mel: oh ok good ^^;
Aryl: ooo...delivery boy is cute ttyl
Mel: dont.
Mel: aryl?
Mel: RYRY!
Tuesday 1 Months Later 4:06pm
Ash: oh you changed my nickname again.
Mel: oh yeah i figured...you'd prefer your unisex one.
Ash: i mean i dont see it most of the time lol. but i appreciate the thought.
Mel: Yeah tbh i didnt originally know you could see it at all!
Ash: i figured as much when i saw "weird ashur guy" XD that first night
Mel: So when are you free? still on sundays?
Ash: Yeye, usually a restock day but im pretty caught up on that front.
Mel: cool cool.
Ash: is...this the part where im supposed to ask you out or are you gonna or?
Mel: haha well youre supposed to be the bottom!
Ash: just cus im smol doesnt make me a subby bish!
Mel: *Photo Attachment of Her Maw*
Ash: 0_0;
Mel: subby bish? more like sub sammich filling.
Ash: 0n0;;;
Mel: told you.
Ash: not faaaaiiir.
Mel: Mine at 6, ill make ya dinner.
Ash: make me Dinner? or make ME dinner?
Mel: Guess youll find out shortstuff.
Ash: its a date haha ^^;
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derpykaichu · 5 years ago
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Some OCs
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derpykaichu · 5 years ago
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derpykaichu · 5 years ago
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derpykaichu · 6 years ago
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Mah babies :3
Follow me at other sites
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