#ryhming poems
lovely-lies · 3 months
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I whistle a tune to get her attention,
She turns her head and I immediately feel her affection,
Her eyes sparkle and my heart is shot,
Did you know you can fall in love right on the spot?
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rumoredr3birth · 1 year
The love I carry was passed to me by my mother
Our family tree rots with this violent malicious love
My grandmother never loved gently till her lover died
My mother killed parts of my father to find her peace
I think I hate you
I think of you standing infront of me & I don’t yearn to kiss you anymore
I want to hurt you & no matter how many times you apologize I still need to punish you for all you did to my love
My love, something I thought I didnt inherit, runs through me with the anger of a bull
I blow out hot air & I stomp my feet at the mention of you
I see red
Where I used to feel cold I now run hot
Venom pools in my mouth & I bite my tongue for you
I’ll step away like my father before me
Im the only piece of him my mother has yet to kill
When you open the gates I won’t stamped
I’ll look you in the eyes
& with my fathers voice booming from my chest I scream
I love you
Decades of love burn for you
Your on fire
Red hot fire
I run because it’s all I know
All I was very taught
I hope you can dodge
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danalockhart411 · 5 months
Poem-A-Day Challenge, Day #11
I fell into the sky,
Don't ask me how,
Ask me why.
Up and down,
High or low;
Simply turn around,
Change perspective,,
And suddenly
It seems so easy
To turn falling
Into flying. 
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The Lucky Penny
There once was a little girl Jenny,
and Jenny had a lucky penny.
She held it way up high,
so it shined in the sky.
This penny she found in the street, 
right after dropping her sweet.
A moment later, she got some more candy,
and so she declared, “This penny is quite handy!”
One day she was walking to school
when she happened across a deep pool.
Kneeling down on the dirt, she looked for a shell,
but leaned too far, and into the pool she fell.
And that was the story of Jenny,
who relied too much on her penny.
She thought it would save her,
but really it gave her,
a life that will never be complete.
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bookmarkquinn · 9 months
Tall Man
Here is a little limerick for you, it came to me during a nap (zzzz). There once was a man that I knew,he grew and he grew and he grew.He got oh so talland I was so small,there once was a man that I knew.
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lottiemunson · 11 months
Yawn (Tick Tick Ticking)
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It’s 5 am
The time sprang back and I, I haven’t slept.
I find the hands of the clock blend together, the longer I stare, phantom sounds - a tick tick ticking in my ears.
I need to wash my hair, to brush my teeth- and I won’t, not yet.
It’s too early. It’s too late- “Maybe tomorrow” I say in my head.
I’ll yawn, open my mouth, take a breath, scrunch my nose. A shaking will take over for a moment.
I’ll hear my jaw crack, rub my hands over my face.
The exhaustion is setting in, I’ll push past it in favor of something else- I always do.
Tick tick ticking
Let the blue light pacify my thoughts, turn the dial down to 2 instead of 10.
I’ll haunt the house, quietly passing through the kitchen, the fridge will creak, and I’ll bump the trash can with my hip.
Hands will fill the brita, crack the ice tray, the thunk as they hit my water bottle will hit my ears.
I’ll lay down, read a few lines, write my prose until my eyes tire.
Sleep will kiss my cheeks just like my mother did when I was a child.
I will yawn, and then drift, the clock hands will still spin.
Tick tick ticking
Maybe will turn into certainty and then I’ll do it all over again.
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hazeldarkwood2 · 1 year
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ratin-abag · 1 year
Through the bushes and past the trees
In the forest lays
A house of color, bright as you see
Warm in the sun's rays
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In the house, within the swirly door
If you dare to knock
The door will swing and on the floor
You'll see a man with a coo-coo clock
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"Hello chum!" He'll greet you sweetly
"You've found me afterall!"
He'll dust himself off, nice and neatly.
"Greetings, my name is Screwball."
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Meet Screwball Chum!
Have any questions for this random oc?
Feel free to ask because I am pretty bored...
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th3-art-of-dying · 1 year
Check out Progeny of Chronos's poem!
This dude is likely one of the most talented and intelligent minds within the Poetizer community. Loved this so much, had to share here too. You must check him out on Poetizer, he has a plethora of deep and clever words to share. ! Much love y'all!
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cookiedoughuwu · 2 years
*•.¸♡ ʟᴏᴠᴇ-ᴋɪᴍ ɴᴀᴍᴊᴏᴏɴ ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ ♡¸.•*
I'd never known I'd fall in love with these traits about you sooner.
Anything I'd wore-you'd wear it better.
Anything I'd do, you would do it better.
Anything I said, you could say it better.
It's probably because of all these love letters.
They signify my love and passion for a man like you.
In your songs, you observe the world and I know that's true.
Like a flower, it grew and bloomed into something so much more than a seed.
Indeed you have been successful and exceeding all my expectations.
When I first liked you, I treated you like a weed.
Like a disease, sucking up all the nutrients and making it harder for me to breath.
Unwanted, undesirable, filled with nuisance and disgust.
I was scared, afraid, fearful, and frightened that I could love you that much.
You're my bandmate according to the corporation sadly, we can't date.
I guess that's okay, I didn't know if you liked me back anyway, even though I can't wait.
At this rate, I might be too late to tell you my feelings yet I feel so scared too, that's the real debate.
I can't pinpoint, coordinate or explain how I got here right now.
From viewing you as a best friend to the boyfriend I wish I had presently.
I love your personality, body, and how we both have great chemistry.
Like chemicals, we combine and shine, like the stars aligned in the sky.
I would be caught in a lie if I said I didn't love you.
Me loving you wouldn't be a coincidence, for you, my love is infinite.
More than all the stars in the universe, and more than all the planets in space.
You make my heart race, with the way you talk and when you smile and show your cute dimples on your face.
I hope this poem could leave some sort of trace.
Whether it's love in your heart or a stomach with butterfly's encased.
My love for you can never be erased.
It's a race of time whether or not to tell you, you're mine.
I might as well say it now and say it proud.
I never knew what love meant till I met you.
I just wanted to let you know that I love you Kim Namjoon.
You are my love (my love)~
One love (one love)~
You are my person, person, person~
You are my wind, wind, wind~
You are my pride, my pride, my pride~
You are my love (my love)~
One love (one love)~
You know...
We were always meant to be, destiny...
I hope you feel the same, with me....
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a-good-darren · 8 months
Tricks are waiting in the yard
Tackling down with ease'll
"Show the world what I can do,"
Gaily boasts the darren
In and out, he creeps about,
Like a big black weasel!
When she get the wrong trick out....
POP goes the darren!
All the anon started to laughing all at once!"
(Ooc: I don't understand this. I only get the... death threat for Darren? Is that the intent? What is this ryhme poem thing??)
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fizzigigsimmer · 6 months
I met you in a coffee shop
You were reading Theodora Goss, in a turtle neck that warned for winter in the last days of summer, and I resented your stylistic prophecy.
Your conjectures of a world filled with cold spaces and chilly rooms,
unwarmed by a dozen long winded conversations - disguised by the hip side of fashion.
I admired your contradictions.
Your part in the everyday, the tattered cuffs on your tight jeans, your silence amid the chatter.
Lone man, reading women's work.
Lonely man, trades glances with lone woman, doing men's work.
I met you in a coffee shop, while you were reading “The Strange Case Of The Alchemist's Daughter”
I was struggling to finish a poem.
Putting down lines, and ryhming my inclinations into some semblance of order, like soldiers.
Ready to make war on the decades of history that says women don’t.
My mind was cramped, but I persisted in the exercise, in the name of my ancestors, my mothers, my sisters of yesteryear,
who wrote in dark rooms and kept their words locked in boxes, published under acronyms and pen names masculine, because women can and they have.
For the alchemist's daughter. Another strange case like mine.
Our eyes met across a table, and I sighed.
Distracted as ever by the crumbs of romances possible.
Of sparks that could become flames if one of us would speak - if the woman dare bare her throat.
For a woman to love a man is to lay herself down in front of something wild, an instinct untamed in a wilderness designed against her.
It is to be Persephone, loving the one who would hold you to him by any means,
even those as small in their stature and as profound in their betrayal as pomegranate seeds.
It is to be Andromeda, fed to the beast for the crime of fair face, and spared not for innocence, but for the lust of Perseus.
And yet, I wonder, as all women must, what words Perseus and Andromeda traded across their pillow.
Did she speak to him of dragons and waves, her fears for daughters unborn and the perils of bearing fair face and fair sex?
I wonder if Perseus ever thought past it, her sex and that face
if he ever heard a word that passed her luscious lips.
Lips worth more than a woman’s life, a daughter’s life.
Did her hero ever stop to wonder why he is -
Where manhood ends and heroism begins -
Why he had to love her first, to save her
Or why dragons haunt her daylight?
I wonder, as a woman, if my nights will be the same
Spent trading words across pillows with my very own Perseaus.
Princes who wrap me in their turtlenecks and hold my hand under coffee tables, and love me over dark roast
Content in their proficiency to keep one woman warm and safe,
Impervious to winter and dragons outside their castles
I met you in a coffee shop.
We traded small talk and mutual interest.
I was afraid.
I was practical in my retreat.
I keep watch for dragons, who would make a feast of my womanhood.
Who would break me down for consumption and leave nothing but hollow bones
Suck the marrow from my youth and leave me hollowed.
I live simple with my sisters in the green wood
Ever careful, wary of shapeshifters
And princes who call to me
Promising the world
So you didn’t meet me in a coffee shop
but the memory of you lingers.
Bitter and sweet.
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etherape · 2 days
feeling bluh all the time so here you guys have a ryhme *p.s. sorry about any typos its the rough draft of a poem/rap
im writing poetry thats a bad sign
im completely gone
And I dont feel fine
Everything feels wrong
Everythings on the line
The nights are getting long
im running out of time
getting angry at myself
living in a dangerous hell
And i know it cant help
But shit aint going well
And im pavloved by the bell
That my phone let out
But no matter how much i shout
The screen wont love me back
No matter how much i tap
It wont ever amount
To half a slow clap
in a constant state of strife
 cant tell if im wrong or right
I  think i just hate my life
I think theres no end in sight
I just wanna i to see the light
But everything is fucked up
Everything is shite
You know i aint gonna shut up
You know im  gonna fight
I know i might sound stuck up
How maybe just a leg up
You probably think my rhymes suck
Im just hoping for a bita luck
I know i aint the cream of the crop
I just hope life aint a set up
I hope life aint a cop
You kow im getting fed up
You know gotta keep the feds up
They be staring through my webcam
With their coffee cup
Watching me go ham
Looking shit i shouldnt up
You know what they say outta mind outta sight
But im so angry my visions going white
You knwo what they say about rows and ducks
I fucking wish i didnt give a fucking  fuck
I hope everything goes alright
I hope this doesnt suck
Someone got a light?
I wanna hurt my lungs
I know that cigs are shite
But Thats how i wanna end my night
I know that smoke aint it
But thats how ill end my life
When they push i pull
But when i need it they never help
Aint that a load of bull
Been a while since this is how the angers felt
Been Thinking of the belt clanking
That i could do nothing to stop
Been thinking of shanking
The woman i call my opp
Ive got a hankering
To make her stop
But i digress
I cant digest
The rage inside
But i do my best to hide
Breathing kinda works
Im trying to keep calm
My chest kinda hurts
And im trying not to vom
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
My dear sir... I have been told you have a gift for poetry. Might I persuade you to regale us with your magnificent turn of phrase?
You want a sample of my expression? Dear Sir, I hardly think I can match your expectations. (Which is also due to the fact that I only write poems in - like here, because then they form a ryhme. In english it always sounds a bit stupid). But here are both versions
Die See sie nahm mich vort von dir- du liebste meiner seelen hier. Hinfort bin ich du bliebst zurück, meines herzens glück. Komm ich zurück zu dir, verspreche ich hoch und heilig hier. Meine liebste sollst du sein- mache dich zu meinem Weibelein.
The sea took me from you - you dearest of my souls here. Away I am, you stayed behind, my heart's happiness. When I come back to you, I promise here in all sincerity. You shall be my beloved, make you my lovely wife.
Sounds silly I know...
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killa-trav · 2 years
Hey, if you still want a translation I made a very rough one for you. Sorry about the english. It does sound a lot better in german (mostly because my translation skills are terrible). In German some parts ryhme, for example the last sentence.
Also I am not good with poems so I probably formatted it all wrong. Hopefully someone will make a better translation soon!
But until then:
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I hope you can read everything :)
omg thank u sm!! this is truly amazing!!!
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bookmarkquinn · 11 months
Stoney Earth
By Mark Quinn Stoney Earth Before the animals have goneand the earth turns to stone,let me be gone in flesh and bone.Let me be gone before the earth turns to stoneand before my dreams fade away,the rivers and the streams,let me goso I can dream.When the animals have gone and the land is dry,the last of my tears,I cannot cry.When the fish in the sea have dried up tooand all of humanity haven’t a…
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