#ryden sun and moon
getaroomryden · 25 days
Ryden + Lyrics from Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy
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romanticfistfightz · 6 months
2018/2019 was a hard time but god it was so good.
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jetstargf · 2 years
fuck it. do u think ryan is the sun or the moon in northern downpour
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prettyoddfever · 7 months
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the sun/moon theory doesn’t actually make sense
The pictures above are from 9/23/06, which was the only time that Ryan wore blue makeup at the same time that Brendon wore yellow makeup. The guys weren’t the ones who came up with their look, either. That makeup came from Pieter M van Hattem’s heavily styled photoshoot earlier that day and then the band wore the leftover makeup to the Boost Mobile RockCorps performance. 
Now fast forward almost a year to when they were working on Pretty. Odd. songs...
The Pretty. Odd. lyrics had a lot of weather references because the band wrote most of the album while sitting in Ryan’s backyard on drugs and looking at clouds or whatever you see at night in the desert. Brendon told the Boston Globe that “I’m sure if the weather was really horrible, [the new album] might’ve sounded different. It definitely needed to be what it was for us to write those songs.” Brendon also said: 
“We spent a lot of time outside when we were writing the record. We wrote it in the hottest month of the year in Las Vegas. We had a weird sleeping schedule, too. We pretty much stayed up all night and slept during the day just because it is so hot there. So we spent a lot of time looking at the stars and enjoying and experiencing the weather so I think that had a very direct influence on us.”
Then weather and clouds and nature became part of the Pretty. Odd. era’s early theme that the band talked about (also look at the custom car they designed, or the set design for the Honda Civic Tour where Ryan said they wanted to make it feel like the show was happening outdoors). Flowers, weather, the sun & moon, and nature in general were part of that era because that’s what influenced the band while they were writing the songs (and also Jon Walker exists lol. he had a major influence on that album). A big theme with their songwriting in summer 2007 was to keep things simple & lighthearted.
WTDMTN was one of the early songs that they wrote that summer (the band played it for the first time on August 5th). Their interviews made it sound like the guys just watched night meet day a lot that summer, took some drugs, and wrote a cute story. Jon seemed so happy with that song’s fairy tale quality too! He said “We had this idea that the day and the night met each other… it’s basically a fairytale story about two times a day falling in love with each other and the world being day & night at the same time consecutively somehow.” Ryan said this song was like a kid’s story. He had also spent over half a year working on the cabin album’s fairytale-esque storyline (with Spencer’s help) and it had become so elaborate that he was considering writing an accompanying book. Just because they scrapped the cabin album and majorly switched directions for their second album doesn’t mean they lost all of their previous interests... it made sense that they might still gravitate towards a fairy-tale quality a bit.
I think the idea that anything on Pretty. Odd. could actually have some Ryden subtext comes from people who weren’t closely observing the season when the band wrote those lyrics. Brendon & Ryan were not that close in the last half of 2007. Ryan was way better friends with Jon by that summer... they talked about living together, watching movies or writing songs together in the middle of the night, going bowling or to see movies, etc. They were definitely close. There were pictures of them hanging out offstage. Ryan hung out with a lot of other Vegas friends throughout 2007 too. Meanwhile, Brendon talked about hanging out with Spencer and Shane that fall. Brendon & Ryan were together when they had to do band-related events (but even a few of those moments showed a shifting dynamic between the two guys). The guys were definitely still friends! But it’s a stretch when you try to paint a picture where they were in love & obsessed with each other this season to the point of writing lyrics about each other.
The only part of all the sun/moon conspiracy stuff that even slightly works is the idea that Jon Walker might have used the reference as a code in his post-split lyrics to get his own point across (ex: then his lyrics would imply that he doesn’t need Ryan & Brendon to tell him what to do). That doesn’t mean anything beyond the fact that Jon had always been super aware of what the fandom was saying and knew how to communicate on our level. Seriously, he followed the talk online in 2006-2007 SO closely and would even leave subtle references in his journal entries to things the fandom was talking about. Sometimes he was just messing with us (example at the bottom of this post). Some fans had actual “hi Jon” icons on lj towards the end of the Fever era because most people knew he was watching. In October 2006 the PATD livejournal got set to private for a short time and Jon posted on the band’s website “whats with the live journal being down, someone fix it :(” because now he couldn’t properly creep on that particular fan community while the band was on tour lol. 
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He shared SO much of his photography with fans (including in the band’s album and his picturesatthedisco photobucket) and was just way more involved with us than the other 3 guys. So any sun/moon reference that Jon might have made in his own lyrics later on doesn’t exactly prove anything about the whole Ryden sun/moon conspiracy. It only proves that Jon was still in touch with his fanbase and could use their references.
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cobrostarship · 2 years
when i was younger i used to tell the rydens i thought brendon was the moon and ryan was the sun just to cause problems
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jeremybeacom · 7 months
Location: Greywood Forest - Werewolf Encampment With: @wolfontheloose
It's the full moon and the werewolves are all around, high energies buzzing around the warm electric lights as the sun just begins to set signaling the encroaching night. Already he can feel this itch beneath his skin that he can't scratch, this internal generation of magic and energy that will compel his transformation once the full moon completes its rise. It used to make him nervous, it still does in a way, but it's a different kind of nervousness now because he has the pack and he has Ryden so he's never really alone anymore.
Jeremy is keeping to himself as he usually does, just off to the side of a few others within the pack and their families who are chattering happily around the bonfire. He listens without really listening, not wanting to intrude on their conversation but he just likes being somewhere on the outskirts of socializing, around but not contributing, it makes him feel involved without needing to be pressured into talking when he has nothing to say. So he keeps himself a little busy, throwing another log into the fire, snapping off twigs and flicking the bits into the flames as they crackle and turn to ash.
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He can't help but think about the families that stay behind at the camp when all the wolves shift and go on their run through the forest. It makes him think about the other people left behind, one person in particular comes to his mind and it makes his lips go tight as he snaps another twig to throw into the fire.
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bastardgoblinwolf · 5 months
can panic! fans get it together im trying to understand ryden and they can't decide which one is the sun and which one is the moon
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dyingtobehim · 5 months
can we go back to the days of ryden sun and moon motif that was fun
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Ryden Playlist
The moon will sing a song for me, I loved you like the sun. Bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own. I shine only with the light you gave me.
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I get reminiscent when somebody says your name. Almost glad I miss it 'cause it's better than not feeling a single thing. You weren't there when I needed you to be. Hoping you're right where you wanna be, even if it's not with me.
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I would say I'm sorry if I thought that it would change your mind. But I know that this time, I have said too much, been too unkind. I tried to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies. I tried to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes. 'Cause boys don't cry.
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In my life, why do I give valuable time to people who don't care if I live or die? Two lovers entwined pass me by and heaven knows I'm miserable now. I was happy in the haze of the drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now.
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'Cause sometimes I look in her eyes and that's where I find a glimpse of us. And I try to fall for her touch, but I'm thinking of the way it was. Said I'm fine and said I moved on, I'm only here passing time in her arms. Hoping I'll find a glimpse of us.
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You say I'm changing? Sorry, I didn't know I had to stay the same. I try to write you poems, but the words they don't make sense. And I tried to show emotion, but my eyes won't seem to wet. I think you're changing. Don't worry, you don't gotta stay the same.
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I danced in the desert, in the pouring rain. Drank with the devil and forgot my name. Woke with somebody when the morning came. No one there to shame me for my youth
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I used to love the taste, I would do anything for it. Now I would do anything to get the taste out of my mouth. You felt if you had done anything with anyone else, it would have worked out so well. But, you are an artist and your mind don't work the way you want it to.
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Can't walk into my closet without seeing your face 'cause all my favorite t-shirts are all your favorite band names. You put me in a Heart-Shaped Box. Now you only ever call me when you're high. You know you ruined Nevermind. Now, every song's about you in my mind. But the worst thing that you ever did: you ruined Nirvana.
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I'm going under and this time, I fear there's no one to turn to. This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you. I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug. I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved.
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honestly sun/moon ryden doesn't even hold up after you listen to Jon Walkers solo music and realise the amount of Sun/Moon imagery
like either Pretty. Odd. was literally written by MORE THAN JUST ONE PERSON (or like, with bandmate influence) or Jon just really ships it
See in my head when I think about it, afycso is the Ryan album 100% but pretty odd is Jon with heavy collaboration from Ryan. There’s something about the gentleness (?) that feels like Jon’s influence.
Also I hope Jon laughs his ass off every time Ryden is brought up to him. Or goes gone girl idk. Imagine you write an amazing album about the soft continuity of the sun and moon metaphor and your fans take it to be about your bandmate and the fucker you’re carrying 😂
Imagine that shit happened to like idk Zayn or something I think he’d commit a crime
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bunnywand · 2 years
the analysis of (usually misheard) p!atd lyrics for ryden references and clues is mostly p funny in retrospect, but i'm sorry you will never be able to Unconvince me abt the sun/moon symbolism in ryan and brendon's songs like that shit was BLATANT 😳
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getaroomryden · 12 days
Sun/Moon Lyric Theory Masterpost!
(full post under cut, here it is as a google doc also, if that's easier for you!)
Disclaimer that I am so aware most of these are probably not on purpose or linked to Ryden but please let just let me have my crazy Ryden truther moment thank you, enjoy :3
What is Sun/Moon lyric theory?
The sun/moon lyric theory states that there are many references to the sun and the moon in Panic!, The Young Veins and Ryan’s own songs, and it is thought that the sun and the moon represent Ryan and Brendon or were their “nicknames” or each other in songs, with Ryan being the sun and Brendon the moon.
This theory started with many of the lyrics in Pretty Odd and it is the album with the most references to the sun and moon and with the most evidence that it is about Ryden, however there are references to the sun and the moon in later albums, so it could also be interpreted that these lyrics are about Ryan (using the sun as a metaphor for him).
The majority of my knowledge of this theory comes from the video I linked in the first paragraph but some of this is my own interpretation/findings, but a very big credit to that video by Bethany White for introducing me to the theory and providing me with many of my examples.
Also there are definitely some people that believe the sun and moon’s roles can alternate at times, I don’t see it as much and also just for simplicity I will be saying Ryan is the sun and Brendon is the moon for all of this.
Pretty. Odd. (2008)
I Have Friends In Holy Spaces Written by Brendon Urie
I’m not complaining that it’s raining / I’m just saying that I’d like it a lot More than you think / If the sun would come out and sing with me You remind me of a few of my famous friends Well that all depends what you qualify as friends
This could just be saying how Brendon loves performing with Ryan and prefers to do things with him but the second two lines some people think is kind of poking fun saying that it depends what you qualify as “friends” since they are “more than friends”. Another interpretation I’ve seen is that Brendon wants Ryan (the sun) to come out and say that they are “more than friends”.
Northern Downpour Written by Ryan Ross
Hey moon, please forget to fall down / Hey moon, don’t you go down
Northern Downpour is considered a notorious Ryden song, due to Seattle theory and also Ryan saying this in an interview with Rolling Stone on the 3rd of April 2008.
“It was about touring and girlfriends and love and everything that’s been important to us in the past few years. There’s a line in the song that goes ‘I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home’ I told Brendon (Urie, lead singer) to pay special attention to that line.”
However, it could be argued its the other way round just because there is a concert clip from 2008 where Brendon sings “Hey moon, don’t you go down” and Ryan responds with “Never will”, but this could just be due to the fact that Brendon is the singer so even though Ryan wrote it, Brendon will be singing it on stage so could not reply as the moon, so Ryan was just responding to Brendon’s singing. 
There also have been many instances post-split of Brendon tearing up/getting visibly emotional on stage when singing that line. This is not super relevant specifically to the “moon” line but it could be interpreted that Ryan wrote the song specifically with Brendon in mind/for him.
When The Day Met The Night Written by Ryan Ross
When the moon fell in love with the sun / All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night
When the sun found the moon / She was drinking tea in a garden Under the green umbrella trees / In the middle of summer
When the moon found the sun / He looked like he was barely hanging on But her eyes saved his life / In the middle of summer
In these lyrics the sun is male (he) and moon is female (she), obviously they would have had to make the relationship mentioned in the song between a male and female but still could be interpreted as being about Ryan and Brendon. It also hints that Ryan does in fact refer to himself as the sun as he said this song was about a love interest, and so the song is from the sun or Ryan’s point of view.
In the middle of summer / All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night
So he said, "Would it be all right / If we just sat and talked for a little while If in exchange for your time / I give you this smile?"
So she said, "That's okay / As long as you can make a promise Not to break my little heart / Or leave me all alone in the summer"
Well, he was just hanging around / Then he fell in love And he didn't know how / But he couldn't get out Just hanging around / Then he fell in love In the middle of summer
Overall, it is theorised that this song is about/for Brendon, due to the use of their sun/moon nicknames in songs, and this one is the clearest example of that.
She Had The World Written by Ryan Ross
The sun was always in her eyes / She didn’t even see me But that girl had so much love / She’d wanna kiss you all the time
I didn’t actually realise this link on my own, most of this interpretation is from Bethany White’s video which I linked earlier. This song is about unrequited love, he was always in her eyes but never truly saw him, then later in the song he says he doesn’t love her. Ryan has said that this song was about an ex-girlfriend.
Mad As Rabbits Written by Ryan Ross
Paul Cates bought himself a trumpet from the salvation army But there ain’t no sunshine in this song, we must reinvent love
“Paul Cates is a public education director for the Lesbian and Gay rights project of the American civil liberties union”
“Reinvent love” is a quote from gay French poet Arthur Rimbaud who said “I don’t like women, love must be reinvented, it's obvious” and Ryan has said that Mad As Rabbits is a love song.
This isn’t really a link to the sun or the moon but the line itself does say “there ain’t so sunshine in this song, we must reinvent love” which could be interpreted as, since love hasn’t been reinvented, Ryan or the sun cannot be there, so in order for the sun to shine, love must be “reinvented” first.
Nine in the Afternoon Written by Ryan Ross
Your eyes are the size of the moon
Not necessarily a link to Ryden but it is another reference to the moon on this album, however I have seen the interpretation that this could be referring to the way the pupil expands when you see someone/something you love.
Take a Vacation! (2010) By The Young Veins
When You Walk In The Room Covered by The Young Veins
I see a summer’s night and a magic moon / Every time that you walk in the room
I literally cannot find any concrete link anywhere but it mentions the moon and summer which is a slight link, however it’s definitely a reach here, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this song was chosen intentionally to be a reference due to Brendon consistently being referred to as the moon throughout Pretty Odd, but I am aware it’s definitely a reach.
C’mon (2011) Written by Brendon Urie
And if the sun should lift me up, would you come back?
This song is not part of an album, but still had a reference to the sun, this was written and released post-split. The song is about missing someone and was after Ryan and Brendon had gone separate ways.
Vices & Virtues (2011)
The Ballad of Mona Lisa
Say what you mean, tell me I'm right / And let the sun rain down on me
(Unverified annotation from the genius lyric page) “The narrator then wishes for the sun to ‘rain down’ on him, another contradiction that likely represents his wishes for happiness to return to his life.”
If Ryan is represented by the sun it could be argued that he wants the happiness of being with Ryan (romantically or platonically) back in his life, also with the “give me a sign I wanna believe” it could be that he wants a sign they could reunite and be together again. Another interpretation is that these lines mean that the narrator wants whoever they’re talking to to “say what they mean” or communicate properly with them, which could link to Brendon wanting to communicate with Ryan.
Trade Mistakes
I may never sleep tonight / As long as you're still burning bright If I could trade mistakes for sheep / Count me awake before you sleep
I interpret this as being a sun/moon lyric despite not explicitly saying it because the sun “burns bright” which made me think this lyric was related. Also “count me awake before you sleep”, implies that Brendon (the moon) would be awake, and the moon is out at night, whilst Ryan (the sun) was sleeping, as the sun goes down at night.
The Calendar
Put another ex on the calendar / Summer's on its deathbed
It could be argued that some references to summer tie into the sun/moon lyric references, I say this since in When The Day Met The Night it says “in the middle of summer” so to me, at least, references to summer also could link to Ryden. (See also Golden Days)
Also despite on Spotify it saying “another X on the calendar”, the Vices & Virtues CD lyric booklet says “ex on the calendar”, showing it was an intentional play on words, this implies the song is about a break up. In interviews, the band said that originally the song was about a break up but over time came to be about the splitting of the band.
Stall Me
So curse everyone and everything / Even the sun
Baptized in the river of you / Hold on death / The moon's just a sliver of you
Once again I’m not entirely sure if there is a concrete Ryden link but it's another mention of the sun and moon in this album.
Sun and Moon Written by Jon Walker
I don’t need the sun and the moon to tell me what to do
This is a solo song by Jon, separate from Panic! or The Young Veins. I am not saying this song is definitely about Ryden because it was Jon’s own song, nothing to do with the others so I don’t want to act like everything he does is linked to Panic! or the other members. However, when you read the lyrics it does seem like it could be interpreted as about them. Some other lyrics are:
What’s the point in holding on / If the two of you just don’t belong?
It could be saying that Brendon and Ryan weren’t meant to be together or had a rocky relationship towards the end of the band, which was obvious to others/or just Jon, this is possibly tension that catalysed the split or arguments within the band. The first lyric could also indicate that Ryan and Brendon or the sun and moon, took charge in the band and made a lot of the musical decisions, but now Jon was making music by himself, he no longer has to have them telling him what to do in terms of his music. Once again, not saying this is definitely about them but it is an interpretation.
Lonely Moonlight (2013) Written by Ryan Ross
The sun went down over my head, another day I’ve lost, filled with regret I wander through the sunshine, remembering when you were mine, lonely moonlight When I had a younger heart, you told me not to fear the dark, lonely moonlight Someone I love loves someone else another day I lost, all by myself 
This song is from Ryan’s solo album, talking about how the sun and the moon remind him of someone special, and since Brendon’s nickname was moon, it could be interpreted that the “lonely moonlight” is him. These are all the lyrics to the song, the rest of it is just these lyrics repeated. Whilst, of course, not everything Ryan does is a link to Brendon, the sun and moon metaphor was very much their thing and so it does point towards there being a possible link.
Here is a link to the song if you want to listen to it.
Another link I found in the comments section of Bethany White’s video was Ryan’s other song.
Where I Belong Written by Ryan Ross
If you wanna see the sun, you're gonna have to dig your way out
Once again, not a concrete link, but another reference to the sun in Ryan’s music.
Death Of A Bachelor (2016)
Golden Days
I found a pile of polaroids in the crates of a record shop
This is not sun/moon but I have seen the interpretation before that this is a link to before the band broke up as its “polaroids” or old memories in a “record shop” which sells music, so he found memories in their old music or relating to it.
In the summertime In the summertime
The genius lyric page for Golden Days points out the similarity between this line and “In the middle of summer” from When The Day Met The Night, so at least to me, the summer in general as well as the sun and the moon, could be a link to Ryden.
Oh, don't you wonder when the light begins to fade?
This is a reach but the light fading could be the sun (or Ryan) going away/leaving, as when the sun leaves, so will the light and it will become dark.
We’ll stay drunk, we’ll stay tan, let the love remain And I swear that I’ll always pain you / Golden days
Once again the line “Golden days” is similar to the “Golden in the sky” in When The Day Met The Night. This could also be a reference to the “golden days” of Panic!, so when the band was still together and they first began gaining popularity, or when he still had Ryan, either romantically or just in his life in general.
I bet they never even thought about / The glitter dancing on the skin The decades might've washed it out / As the flashes popped like pins
This is once again me reaching but I see this line as maybe linked to the band due to their glittery/flashy costumes, especially in the A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out era, they never thought it would go away or they would no longer have the band or this stage presence, or even if they knew it would one day end they never thought at the time it would end so quickly. And since the “decades washed it out”, when Death Of A Bachelor was released (2016) it had been over 10 years since the release of Fever (2005).
Impossible Year
There’s no sunshine in this impossible year
I’m not going to say this song is definitely about Ryan, as I read on the genius lyric page about how this song was mainly about Brendon’s own struggles that year, but it does say “sunshine” so I thought to include it in this document. It is a possible link to not having Ryan anymore, but as a whole I don’t necessarily think the song was intended to be about that, whilst it could still be interpreted that way.
I would like to say that I am not saying that all these songs are definitely about Ryden, whilst I am definitely a truther, I do know that not every single thing one of them does is about the other person, this is kind of just for fun and also the part of me that does like to find all the references and see all the possible interpretations, mainly because it’s interesting.
Thank you to my best friend Tea (@thistooisphanyuri / @myfagicalromance) for proof reading this and also enduring my constant Ryden infodumping <333
Also, thank you so much for reading if you got this far! I hope you enjoyed :3
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spineofthenight · 1 year
that 'sun and moon' ship poll account is continuing to contribute to the ongoing ryden erasure in todays sociopolitical climate.. sad!
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ohgreatonw · 3 years
Comments under jon walker’s “sun and moon” video
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rydnhell · 3 years
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hey jon,
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peebeebitchers · 7 years
Why Ryan Ross is SUN and Brendon Urie is the MOON ™ Masterpost
Okay, so SOME people seem to have this idea that RYAN is the MOON and BRENDON IS THE SUN?????
This post is mostly for @howrydenprobablybrokeup . I have stood by this theory for years. My goal in life is to educate the masses, and to prove to everyone, that Ryan Ross is a shining ray of light and brendon urie is a beautiful moon. After some encouragement from mutuals including mostly @heymoonrydenwasreal l (as well as @chaotic-lilac-skies , @rainbowryro , @anthropormorphiccarrot and @goldenbrendonurie) I feel extremely compelled to compile my evidence into one really really fucking long post, that you will all be reading for days. Sorry. (also I apologize to @percussion-n-stuff because he doesn’t even like ryden, but he still follows me even though I flood his dash with it all day)
The important thing to pay attention to is who wrote the song and who they’re referring to. For example, if Ryan wrote a song and said “ You are as beautiful as the moon is on a summer night” (i made that up) then that would point to Brendon being the moon, but if he wrote a lyric “I understand that as the sun, I can’t shine forever” (also made up) that would point to Ryan being the sun. This would obviously be reversed if The song is written by Brendon.  These are all just theories, but that’s how I plan on framing most of this evidence.
Pretty. Odd (aka the gay weed bible)
There are a LOT of references to the sun and moon in this album as you likely know, but the majority of it points to Ryan being the sun and Brendon being the moon.
Nine in the Afternoon
This song is mostly about Drugs and being happy writing songs again overall. The only line that is remotely sun and moon theory Ryden in this song is the chorus.
“Cause it’s nine in the afternoon, 
your eyes are the size of the moon”
This line is implying both beauty and dilation. So even though that thought is weak, I feel like it works for this.
She’s a Handsome Woman
Again there isn’t a lot of sun and moon theory evidence in this song at all. While this isn’t very sun and moon theory, I feel like it should be mentioned and does have a very weak bit of evidence in it. The only thing I could think of was this:
“Jealous orchard,
The sky is falling off the ceiling
While I’m tucking fibs into a cookie Jar”
So, “Jealous orchard” is about how one of them is jealous (Brendon probably  bc Ryan was with Keltie at this point I believe)
“The sky is falling off the ceiling” means that the sky (i.e. sun and moon) is going to be used for a different purpose. Seeing as this is one of the first tracks on the album, it could be warning fans about all of the metaphors and allusions to sun and moon that will be in the album.
“While I’m tucking fibs into a cookie Jar” also about Jealousy.
Do You know What I’m seeing?
Very little sun and moon theory evidence. Though a lot of the song is about the sky, weather etc. which goes with sun and moon there isn’t much supporting either side of the argument. I’m still going to talk about one repeated verse though.
“I know it’s mad, but If I go to hell
will you come with me or just leave?
I know it’s mad, but if the world were ending
Would you kiss me or just leave me?
Just leave me?”
This is ryan asking brendon if he’s committed to the relationship
“If I go to hell” contributes to “Ryan is the sun” idea. The sun is hot, hell is hot etc. 
I Have Friends in Holy Spaces (Written by Brendon)
The first substantial sun and moon evidence and very solid at that. I have to set this up a little so that the actual evidence will make the most sense. This song is pretty clearly about the singer/ writer (Brendon) talking to/about a new love (Ryan)
“You remind me of a few of my famous friends
Well, that all depends what you qualify as friends”
I mean...it’s pretty obvious. (*cough* friends with benefits *cough*)
“Take a chance take your shoes off, dance in the rain
And I was flashing around the news spread all over town
I’m not complaining that it’s raining, I’m just saying
that I like it a lot”
People shipping ryden
“The rain” represents people sort of being on their case about Ryden, abd Brendon is saying “I don’t really care, you shouldn’t either, just dance in the rain”
“If the sun would come out and
sing with me”
Brendon not only wrote, but also sings this song. The next song is Northern Downpour in which ryan sings a lot
Brendon is asking ryan to sing with him so he does!
Sorry, I’m not crying, I just go something in my eye
Northern Downpour (By George Ryan Ross III)
How do I even set this one up??? I apologize if I get so many tears on the screen that my computer breaks and I have to stop this post. Again sorry.
There actually isn’t a shit ton of sun/moon theory here ( ots of seattle lore though if you want to know about that go here)
“Hey moon please forget to fall down
“Hey moon don’t you go down”
Tensions were high in the band when this song was written
“Hey brendon don’t leave me”
“I care a lot about you Brendon”
When the Day Met the Night aka the song that inspired sun/moon theory (Written by Ryan)
WOWZA there is soooo much to talk about in this song. Let’s just get into it.
“When the moon found the sun
All was golden in the sky”
When Brendon  and Ryan met, all was good.
“When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in her garden”
When Ryan (the sun) met Brendon (the moon) he was chill. Just drinking his tea. C A S U A L
“When the moon found the sun,
he looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life”
When brendon (the moon) met ryan (the sun) he was having a hard tim, but Brendon’s love/looks (“her eyes”) helped him get through it
Brendon saved Ryan
i’m not crying, you are.
“So he said ‘would it be all right
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I gave you this smile?”
Ryan asked Brendon to go out?? With him/be with him for a little while
In return Ryan would be happy (aka “the smile” have you seen that boys smile of course Brendon agreed)
“So she said ‘That’s OK
As long as you can make me a promise
Not to break my little heart,
Or leave me all alone in the summer’
Brendon basically told Ryan, “I’ll be with/date you if you promise to not break my heart” and so yeah
I’m crying because Of what happened after this song. AGH
I’m sorry guys
“Well he was just hanging around
and then he fell in love
And he didn’t know how
But he couldn’t get out”
Ryan was just doing his thing
And then he met Brendon and was like “wtf, this d00d is hawt af”
And he was kinda caught off guard
Overall, the song talks more about the sun and how the sun is feeling than the moon, which points to the fact that Ryan is the sun. Ryan wouldn’t be able to write from Brendon’s point of view. gUYS RYAN IS THE SUN!!!???
She Had the World
You can’t really follow up When The Day Met the Night with anything, because no song will have that much good old evidence as that song, but I can still try.
“Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, just see the sky”
Written by ryan
Very @brendon
The moon is in the sky
(yes I’m aware this could also work for Brendon being the sun)
And that’s all for Pretty. Odd Folks. Remember to always smoke weed with your lovers, reinvent love and if you’re going then to go go gooo.
Vices and Virtues Main tracks (aka, I’m bitter af Ryan why’d you hurt meh lik tis?!!?!??)
Wow this album is salty AF. oh boi. You can just taste the bitter in brendon’s voice. Obviously all of this is written by brendon so that
The Ballad of Mona Lisa
“Say what you mean
Tell me I’m right
Let the sun rain down on me”
Brendon is saying “stop lying
You know that i’m the one that’s right in this situation
Let Ryan (the sun) come back
“When July became december
their affection fought the cold
And they couldn’t quite remember
what inspired them to go”
“When July became December” when it became winter. The sun often doesn’t come out as much or in some places goes away entirely during winter. Ryan (the sun) left the band.
“Their affection fought the cold” supports this
“They” is both Ryan and Brendon, but especially brendon seeing as he wrote the song
Trade Mistakes
“May I never sleep tonight as long
As you’re still burning bright
If I could trade mistakes for sheep
Count me away before you sleep”
I won’t be able to rest as long as you’re still in my mind
What burns bright? The sUN
I made a lot of mistakes, and I won’t be able to sleep until I get them off my chest.
“Burning Bright” could be refering to success or being angry/upset/having unfinished business with brendon
Could this one be more obvious??
This one could go either way, but I’m still gonna talk about it because I feel like It works better for brendon-is-the-moon-theory.
“I’m the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back to let me know
(it was always you)”
The moon is a light in the dark
A light at the end of the tunnel if you will
He’s saying he’ll get back together if that’s what Ryan wants
Brendon was so not subtle with this album oh my god. This song is literally about a failed romance. This whole album is about a failed romance boi.
The Calendar
This song is confirmed to be about the split, and oh boy, is it ryden. Ryden af.          Oh     my      god.
“Summer’s on its death bed”
Pretty. Odd era is over
Sun has gone away
“At night your body is a symphony
“And I’m conducting”
Night -- the moon
Obviously referring to sex
Sarah Smiles
Now you might be reading this, and thinking....bitch??? This is the song Brendon wrote for Sarah??? What do you mean? The thing is this song is actually very ryden and if you’re curious as to why, please send me an ask and I will make another post detailing that.
“I’m just a guy living on my own
Waitin’ for the sky to fall
Then you go and change it all, though”
I was all alone, waiting for the sky (the sun/ryan) to fall (come back to me)
Then you go and change it all (Sarah came ‘round and was like yo) and so she changed the plans
Vices and Virtues Bonus Tracks (aka the saltiest of Brendon’s discography)
Stall Me
Oh boy. This is possibly the most sun and moon theory thing oh oi.
“Why would you bring me in
If you knew what you'd become
So curse everyone and everything,
even the sun”
Do I even have to explain?
Why would ryan let him in the band  if he knew he was eventually going to leave?? Fuck him (the sun)
What would brendon be referring to?
What other situation did someone let him into something and then become something else?
Why are you cursing the sun Brendon?
Because the sun is George Ryan Ross III ™
Turn Off the Lights
“Turn off the lights, turn off the lights
Turn on a show for me tonight
So shoot a star on the boulevard tonight
I think I’ll figure it out with a little more time
Turn off the lights
Turn on the charm for me tonight”
Get rid of the sun (RYAN)
“Shoot a star...tonight ” look for someone new, tonight, with out the sun.
“Turn off the lights” get rid of the sun “turn on the charm for me tonight” turn on the charm, look for someone new etc.
“All that hate is gonna burn you up
It keeps me warm at night”
So he’s dissing ryan
What’s hot? The sun.
It keeps me warm at night--reference to romance
Wow, brendon you’re so subtle
That’s all for Vices and Virtues, remember that Brendon is a salty vampire and to not break his heart.
Death of a Bachelor (aka Frank sinatra is sucking my dick behind a nightclub Ryan I miss you please come back, I’m crying)
Death of a Bachelor
“Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face”
Yes you look lonely brendon
You did lose weight, the weight of 5 bandmembers
The shadows on your face are from not having the sun around anymore.
“You can set yourself on fire
But you’re never gonna burn burn burn”
What burns?
The sun
Golden Days
“Oh, don’t you wonder when the light begins to fade?
And the clock just makes the colors turn to grey
Forever younger growing older just the same
All the memories that we make will never change”
“The light” the sun has gone away
I feel the same as I did before but now everything is different
Impossible Year
This song was written during Vices era and oh my gosh
“There’s no sunshine, this impossible year
Only black days
And sky gray
And clouds full of fear
Storms full of sorrow
That won’t disappear
Just typhoon and monsoons
...there’s no you and me
This impossible year”
No sunshine??
Who’s gone now?
There’s no you and me???
Ryan is the sun ™ confirmed
Tone it the fuck down
Subtle much?
The end of Death of a Bachelor, (Ryan pls come back)
Ryan’s Solo Album (aka, I’m sad and miss you brendon, so I’m gonna make you feel bad by making the best ™ music)
Lonely Moonlight
I am aware that his could be construed either as brendon the sun or the moon. Considering though,that it's really weird to write a song in 3rd person about how lonely you are. I feel like lonely moonlight is highkey about how they’re both lonely without each other.
“The sun went down
Over my head
Another day lost
Filled with regret”
The days when he was with brendon, when he was the sun, are over and now he feels regretful
“I wandered through the sunshine,
remembering when you were mine
Lonely moonlight, lonely moonlight
When i had a younger heart
You told me not to fear the dark”
He’s reminiscent of his days as the sun, with the moon
They’re both lonely now (especially brendon bc he doesn’t
When I was younger ( in the band) you helped me feel less insecure about myself.
What brings light in the dark? The moon. He’s talking to Brendon.
This song could go either way, but seeing as it is just a lot of “lonely moonlight”’s repeated over and over again, I feel like it works pretty well for this side of the theory. Paired with all of the other evidence, it works better this way.
Where I belong
This can also go the other way with a stretch, but it works so much better like this.
“If you wanna see the sun
You’re gonna have to dig your way out
This war ain’t gonna fix itself”
He’s talking to brendon
He needs to make amends (“fix the war”) with ryan/ “see the sun”
“The glitter is gone
I’m done with the dark
I know I’ve been wrong”
Referencing fever era
What lights up the dark? The MOON. he could also be talking about how he’s tired of not being the sun anymore
He’s admitting he did something wrong
At Your Window
“I might have lost control
“It’s been dark since the sun came up”
I’ve felt lost since I found myself again?
He’s letting go of the old days, so he’s coming out of the dark, and doesn’t feel in the dark anymore. He’s the sun again, but in a different way
“Through the sun, I see where I come from”
He came from the sUN
???? I mean?? How do you not get it??
He’s the sUN
“At your window in the night”
What’s out in the night? The sun?
Whose window is he at? brENDON’s
Yes I know this last one is pretty stupid.
Bonus: Home Recordings (Jon Fucking Walker) (aka Fuck, I’m actually a really good solo musician, I shoulda been doing this the whole time)
Sun and Moon
“What’s the point of holding on
If the two of you just don’t belong
“I don’t wanna shout
I don’t need the sun and the moon
To tell me what to do”
Wow Jon, okay. You coulda been a little calm. I mean geez, does no one in this band understand subtlety? And privacy. Oh my godsh.
He’s basically making peace with the fact that the band broke up
He’s being a chill little hippie
“I don’t wanna shout” me either Jon, you unproblematic fave.
Other Important Evidence that isn’t Lyrical
Brendon used to call Ryan a Golden God
Ryan Ross is beautiful ray of SUNshine? How could he be the mOON?
The story of Sun and Moon: The sun is a constant light. It’s always bright etc. To Brendon, this is what Ryan was. A constant Ray of light and happiness. (I mean Ryan is that for me too, so I don’t blame Brendon.) On the other hand, when the sun and moon thing began, Ryan was in a difficult time. His dad had just died/was dying, and he was in the middle of tour. You can imagine how hard that is for someone. For Ryan, Brendon was like a light in the dark...you know like the moon is? Yeah.
Ryan also wrote a lot of the music for the band, (produced the light) and Brendon sang it for him (reflected the light) which is how the sun and moon are.
In conclusion, whether you agree with me or not I’m right. (Just kidding, if you disagree feel free to message me, or send an ask or reblog. I don’t really care either way) Ryan is the sun, Brendon is the moon and those are my final thoughts.
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