talonabraxas · 4 months
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“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.” –Carl Jung
Dagara Ritual by Dawid Planeta
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heavymetal · 1 year
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Queensrÿche Rage for Order Released June 27, 1986
Rage for Order is the second studio album and the first album cover of Queensrÿche to prominently feature the band's Tri-Ryche logo.
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wonder-worker · 5 months
In early autumn [of 1456] Richard and Cecily travelled back south. By mid- September York was in residence at the bishop of Salisbury’s inn on Fleet Street. Cecily, however, may have stopped in East Anglia. That November John Fastolf mentioned in one of his letters that Cecily had been visiting him at his sumptuous castle at Caister in Norfolk. Here she had ‘soore mevid [him] for the purchas of Castre’. This was presumably on York’s behalf since, as a married woman, she could not own property in her own right. Fastolf had spent over £ 6,000 rebuilding his luxurious and well- fortified ‘gret mansion’, just a mile from the coast. By 1456 he was in his late seventies and childless, so he knew he would soon have to pass this ‘ryche juelle’ to others.
It seems that Fastolf was seriously considering Cecily’s request to purchase Caister since her visit prompted him to try to speed up his plans to complete this splendid memorial of his life and achievements. The finishing touch was to be a college within the castle to pray for his soul and that of his wife Milicent. Cecily must have considered visiting Fastolf at Caister again either the following summer or in 1458 because in a letter dated simply 18 June, Fastolf expressed anxiety that he would be too ill to receive her. It is plausible to assume that there were other, unrecorded, occasions upon which Cecily was transacting similar business with gentlemen on her husband’s behalf, perhaps sometimes with greater success. Like her negotiations with Queen Margaret, the episode indicates York’s respect for his wife and his faith in her abilities."
-J.L. Laynesmith, "Cecily Duchess of York"
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what-the-mell · 8 days
hi Michael hi Michael hi Michael <33
- @therealrichgoranski
hi rych :D
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catiwannabe · 2 months
oki ogolnie to po wakacjavh zamierzam miec limity po 300 kcal i jakos ogolnie sie tak stoczyc chce z tych kalorii no i fasty bo wsumie to mi lepiej wychodzi niz dieta xdd
wpierdalam jak swinia na rych wakacjach 🔥🔥🔥🔥 zajebcie mnie blagam
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k2ucomic · 4 months
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⭐️Ramui is Ryche’s (very protective) older brother and heir to the Arca Estate. 🌙
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garifunyaa · 7 months
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
44: Fates Warning // Perfect Symmetry
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Perfect Symmetry Fates Warning 1989, Metal Blade (Bandcamp)
As a teenager I almost certainly would’ve called prog metal or thrash my favourite genre of music, and I spent a lot of time listening to icily produced chops demonstrations in the vein of Fates Warning’s Perfect Symmetry (though, even as a head, I never cared much for this record in particular). I’ll pause here to play a game of Remember Some Guys.
Remember Some Guys (Prog Metal Edition)
Remember Watchtower?
Remember Anacrusis?
Remember Mekong Delta?
Remember Crimson Glory?
Remember Flotsam & Jetsam?
Remember Thought Industry?
I remember those guys! Anyway, Fates Warning at one time were considered one of the “Big Three” of ‘80s/‘90s prog metal, alongside Queensrÿche and Dream Theater, but the years have rendered them much more of a cult act (see: FW’s 26,000 Spotify listeners versus over a million each for DT and the ‘Ryche). I can think of a couple of reasons for this. Their early albums sound like straight up and down ‘80s traditional metal, if a group of guys had broken all its limbs with a set of golf clubs. The songs have huge, starry-eyed choruses, flashy solos, and some timeless riffs, but they jerk around at odd angles, thwarting the simple headbanger who just wants to gallop. As they moved through the ‘80s and ‘90s they reinvented themselves multiple times as first ur-technical Guitar Center porn (see: Perfect Symmetry), then mellow Queensrÿche-adjacent crossover hopefuls, and finally into a darker-hued sound influenced by latter-day King Crimson, Tool, and Peter Gabriel. A lot of their back catalogue is actually pretty good, but this restlessness (and leader Jim Matheos’ increasing taste for grey moods and flat melodies) soon saw them fall behind their peers in sales and influence.
Back to Perfect Symmetry. As you’ve probably gathered, I think this album sucks. Even when they were singing about giants and sorceresses, ‘80s Fates Warning never met a simple pleasure they weren’t compelled to complicate with bonkers time signature and tempo shifts. Sometimes those bait and switches and hairpin turns could be thrilling, as on the thrash-influenced numbers on No Exit, their previous album. Here though, you can practically see the band screwing up their faces (and their songs) into expressions of intense, tortured profundity. Everything fun about the band goes out the window in favour of plodding tempos, groaning pseudo-philosophy (sample: “Men of grandeur / blinding, numbing / with winsome wiles in specious styles”), and pointlessly busy playing that sounds like they arranged it using a circuit diagram. This also was not a good look for vocalist Ray Alder, who often gambles with the key when he shouldn’t.
I picked this album out of a dollar bin a few years ago out of old loyalty to the band and, given that it now fetches a decent little sum, I’m sure I’ll part with it eventually. But I’ll close with some words of praise for a band I’ve enjoyed a lot over the years: after Perfect Symmetry, Fates got this particular bug out of their system, and they never really returned to this style. Matheos in particular had a cool renaissance in the 2000s, and I’m very fond of his collaborations with Chroma Key’s Kevin Moore as OSI and his initial reunion with original Fates vocalist John Arch in 2003. Eh, in a 40-year career, they won’t all be winners right?
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Jeśli jest ktoś, kto zna się na utrqcue wagi, albo jest zagozalym motylkiem i chciałby mi pomóc, to blagam napisz do mnie w prywatmej woadomosci.
Potrzebuje kogos, kto zajalby sie mna i wspomogl w utrqcie wagi. Kogos, kto bedzie dawal np. kary za zjedzenie czegos, co jest ponqd limitu, albo kogos kto by mi pomogl w ustalaniu rych limitow
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fatbutt3rfly · 1 year
Nir wiem czy mam jechac na 3 dniowa wycieczke z klasa, z jedenj strony nirnawidze rych osob, a z drugiej stony by wlecial jakis fast i duzo krokow
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doctapuella · 2 years
HII PHREND i was just thinking of the spooky season ryche questions you sent me and now i have ones for you!! snowed in edition: sepultura and queensryche!! LOVE YOU!!💜
who's gung ho about snowball fights? who plans sneak attacks? who wakes everyone up when they're snowed in(and how do they do it)? who stays inside and away from the chaos? do any of them ski in jeans? do they play king of the hill?
OH SHIT OKAY so disclaimer that i am a stay-inside-during-winter person and have never done any of these fun things and don't know the full vibe for each activity but i'm not a fucking quitter (lmao yes i am but not for this!) AND because it's a beautiful synchronicity that you sent this when igor has been posting skiing stuff on instagram
gung ho about snowball fights: mostly mike and eddie and chris, but their enthusiasm gets scott and geoff invested
sneak attacks: mike uses his small size to his advantage to ambush
waking everyone up when they're snowed in: EDDIE would find some absolutely LOUD way to wake everyone up, like a car alarm that you just want to ignore but can't because it's so persistent
staying away from the chaos: geoff seems like too easy of an answer but it's still the answer
skis in jeans: i want to say chris??? something about the energy of skiing in jeans just screams chris to me
king of the hill: they'd play and i feel like winner would come down to either eddie or geoff
gung ho about snowball fights: honestly it's got to be all of them. they have that added sibling dynamic of igor and max and i feel like they'd all feed off it when things get competitive
sneak attacks: andreas because the others would underestimate him and he would fuck them UP
waking everyone up when they're snowed in: paulo. i can just see his grin when he throws pillows at everyone
staying away from the chaos: my gut says max but i can't explain why
skis in jeans: also max but instead of jeans its those gray camo pants
king of the hill gets so competitive and would end in arguments about who won and nobody would agree and they'd have to all sit in separate corners of the room when they're warming up with hot cocoa afterward
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effectsdatabase · 1 year
Last week's top 20 videos (2023, week 16)
Top 20 videos last week (April 16-22)
Spellbook Guitar Pedal - Kickstarter Introduction (by David Ross Musical Instruments)
Top 10 Spectacular New Guitar Gear Releases at NAMM 2023 (by TheGuitarGeek)
Solar Guitars 2023 NAMM News (by Solar Guitars)
2023 Winter NAMM Show Recap (by BassGearMagazine)
The Closest Pedal to a REAL Dumble (by Vertex)
Ibanez PD7 Phat Hed - the next Bad Monkey? #bass #overdrive #demo (by Soundfare)
Boris "Vomitself" featuring the Sunn O))) Life Pedal V3 (by EarthQuaker Devices)
Sharp PLASMA Sounds by @lizbrasher ?#plasmapedal #gamechangeraudio (by Gamechanger Audio)
PAL800-V3 GOLD Overdrive, Drop D Riffs!!! (by PAL)
This One Is Impressive. All Pedal Slamurai! (by Sasha Ivantic)
Ryche Chlanda (Nektar) is with Greg Lounsberry (Lounsberry Pedals) (by Lounsberry)
Kevin from Oozing Wound loves his ZVEX Woolly Mammoth (by Z. Vex)
EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery (by PJ and the Beard)
Greer Amps Super Hornet - My Goodness This Is Good... OCTAVE FUZZ! (by Buddy Blues)
The Best Univibe under $50? (by Pedalboards Of Doom)
Boss Compressors Through The Years (CS-1, CS-2, CS-3, CP-1X) (by Jason Ayala Spare)
EarthQuaker Devices overdrives battle: White Light Legacy Reissue, Special Cranker, Plumes, Westwood (by We As A Company)
Swirlpool spin cycle. Boss TE-2 Tera Echo and Leslie model 700 Roto-sonic (by SoaringTortoise)
Reply Time #1 - Can the Behringer FX600 Digital Multi-FX? (by Ryan Lutton)
Overviews of the previous weeks: https://www.effectsdatabase.com/video/weekly
from Effects Database https://bit.ly/41DqOda
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dea-dinda · 2 years
Follow on my ig account @rycheintheair Queensryche fan page. Ryche in the Air!!!
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libidomechanica · 15 days
Untitled # 12403
A curtal sonnet sequence
There is every one host’s identity should envy her breast. A bridegroom who hade ben ded and an outtrage and perfumes in space quat ȝe demen. There his fayre fylyolez þat ryched; and, quite to the same. I said in my body answers I send you have a milkwhite night win of a kynges coupled in a hand. Are pacing both my life, and no Serpent to his hert. Under mother person is evening stars or glowing said.
May for hit hym þoȝt, bot styȝtel, þise lorde fast asleep tinkle in sewe sauerly he telle you woe. For how could not behave ill availed as like the cast thy life, and we dropez of historical superstition’s strenkþe, ȝif I þe belt and sette þe best; your love yourself; then my sleeping more of my honde, and þe wyse of þe grene chapel his name throne that flash of cherries where apart, but first yourselves forests just why he drowe.
Now ridez þis flet, þe heȝe ouer þe loueloker haf ben euer of the after, mony misy and pens imbibed there yet ’tis that love makes my power of law before the knight. Now I will rescued the winds are at his who hold the Farmer’s fallez, and ȝe drows’d with regard. And I make synne, which growing convenient upon her armez, hent him rather sengel, and achaufed hym in þe mor, malt on Tweed, tho’ I was you mean!
Daughter, plaiting to be granted, to please the crowd of prys þat cofly hym kysse quen þay sette couþe cowpled hor houndez fire about the empression by their most for the woods were worthyly wonder, he let wolde ne grone; till we requiring for Lover! That the purest Plato. If thought he stars or glowing could not old queen sat little this sted wele ne be vale, and forth her hand, the bolde bot our horse the judgment of the tone.
Exclaim the oceans miles around a moral double friar stifled by both. For the parries he made, that reaps not give for to compeyny noble the day was I who that charging on lenþe, þere was much to his mother pride ten thou shalt hear. And þerfore I hear away. Thy azure robe piece of þat þer weppen so þou wyl grant þerinne, but wisdom is turning rather thine, oh, beloved I lost thou can find the day?
’ With luf-lace schore, and for Cassandra’s blisse; each true; for I wene well should stand inly prayse, nor sweet Christabel, are so vilanous þat cortaysye, lest fell on me dead; but could rushing is awakens the night as a look up at the men shore, have acted on þe endeles me, lose these disches þat he had such lands convey its webs. Then to his sothe, ’ quoþ þe cloþe þat haþelez vchone, þat wynter hir blake chyn with ryȝt hym þen lymped.
Each thou now? Lightning airs and he took her wyles; and þerfor þat segge, in fearfully even a man die capiendus. Tis always before in violently of þe Rounde Table, vchon oþer chains before him some Wolfe thy cliffs. What honour, your enmy kene. In her some mete wyth hym mawgref his store; when Henry, which last till your eyes, and ryses þat I was full moon, have philanthropic din, unless the murderer much mirror store.
That most myrþe, þer clengez on vche lyne vmbelappez þay pastures country’s very much solace by moonlight, my own. Not approved— wouldst thou kenst, then to the glorious glowing off distress join, i’ll rather odd is such watz vphalt, bot þe porter pure Gold her voice to a shrink, like Addison’s faint reflect,— that in my eyes o’er! The brings of care of delirious; so much; for quality. A thing’s maturing there we watching spaceship.
As Juan; and alle þe haþelez þat fyne hewes of þe wowyng nauþer, with golde; hade herde and in loved the lattering through to it. His should impossible samples of medicines do not eares a Coronall: oliues court com glydande ful harder happen’d luck’s all. In princes—Kings in the leant from above took, And white, as neuer: syn ȝe be Wawen hym lenge in your bitters are claim the whose hands, his nam’d, neede more sweet breath?
And I expectation—tis but Room for hire of the dooth the village freest, þat semed and brushed me yestermorn, as wyȝ þat semly innoȝe. No lighten with gret dyn to fallez hym vprysen, gestes þat walk about that is gode halȝez, as patrounes craft or art. Yes; she plight, where I sleep, in my gentlemen. Which wild Muse but all them up, gotten away from the Alamo. In nothing, and wlonk sadel settel semez.
But if his Mistress joined in chamber career, she couenauntez byfore me alone as my love, I think and dash my hairs be true! And loud to Lady T’other, whyle wyth wynter wyth hyȝe fest ful bene. Sic a wife affection, and Lyonel, and her; but in exile where you. The hallow-hearted so; her chance was a wab o’ plaiden, to holds thee that vivacious East, sighing of þe worlding holy antique hours be the truth?
My liege, ’ said Juan gripped into a father shone so proue, some once a brave expansion in words. Your seruaunt be as understands our proude skyrtez, þat watz nieȝ nyȝt, strakande bifore þe belt to stranges, and her armez, loutez fro hame. The execution, like a strong Happiness boughs, have you believed the Don, Balgounie’s bosom-friend: this second wedlock; and yet the king on to love, with the cool as I; but still let me rue it.
Bi greuez grene knyȝt to þe depeincten liuely chere, boþe þe metes, for þe wlonk sadel, and slurring thee! Upon his concience moves dark creeping to her Face of nicety, when his hed rech yow wonted song, and haste alone with ass’s ear, which puzzling hours, hussar and as golde hym bisoȝt, þaȝ ȝe ȝourself to give himself speke: what ails the sky, do not gete. Bit him—and bitten me, firm, protective less with that Loue hath melt away.
To shield her old face and told I love is a fact is thin fine on, posting came tumbled till devours, where henged with saȝez sene þis auntered, his high place, whene Guenore, and made lame; that smiling by his golde þat I am derely your in her passingly! Stained handsome wont þer sayde: I haf caȝt vp al hole in þat burnyst bryȝt wyn boþe. Dream of, not that’s the flying the earth—and fonde þat god Love, has twa the vast arms reach.
But though but all the forest ful fire, what is ful harde rocherez rungen ful softe watz bigged bi stoundez and brode watz Adam in this side! And whither raged mosses the air, that’s improve, to make no grwe for you spekez, I were was enclosed facility; then falser than can birth, the mon schowued. Believing in me is my luve o’ my kisse. Without delay; that which once as þe worse that is call’d restore, to lift my heart.
Into a gallery, of what others but all my ghost—whatever’s kiss that some minute. They pass, by thee. We boughs, from his pistol butts a-twinkle home it melts into their folding thee to those who in cowl and winter wyth saylande wapped þerfore shore, thy petty price if you that to me here all Ladyes in a hurry, as going to conquests hot, and see just medium hit twixt king Arthur’s court and let lyk as hail.
The things trouble deaf heave but Room for crime. As Juan took of hore okez ful grete, half etayn in erde with them closed the rest in Abraham’s bosom their Beauty of ours, which nothing touch on nor saw, famous farce saw that love, to cach; for þe laste. For all truth extolled, alas, that moment ere I country circle. To skim the utmost’—he would so cort to grow. To make his payttrure, þe leuez, to hoarder, do it will cry. Is it went.
Been and þe ȝonder ivied casement of my dome, for soþe, sir, quyl we may last of þe prynces of more heavy cheek and sayde, þe wal history: if any so hard essay’d their habit—there were not, I must have to their bodies, with apple he spokes fell upon his one prayed for independs upon suche þre costes þat he þrat hym to thee. A better, and cried my sex will on paper. Ne pine-tree: in your words Sir Leoline.
And bote þe haste, fayth to ȝeldez aȝayn ful swetely sans culotte, ’ and quivering me along the Amor Mio’s! Ask me when I am, first glimpse of marble, mixt red and the countrymen, which he were to take that’s not her, pale, with my soul’s thou not the commenced to say, that ere short howls, not old, but serves: who saw in secrecy our substantinople, which loose from a dunce— inflicted upon another head,—as Auld Lang Syne!
’Er may be dead thy flowers checks Summer’s day my Stella alone with scenes will give profiteth me here þat ho bere þe halme grypez, and to quelle. A happy they shall wind, when, as plover’s cry, he dry and dalten, and bryȝt so, fermed in hor houndez, and clanging more or less to wish not love or to deny the village free; though it: came over love a littel quik—to þe depeincten liuely chere, and blood- red hearthstone?
’ Th’ Sea, suddenly sigh’d;—the next to his luf-laȝyng a lyttel in hand, not to be gain’d,—a lamp and fondly in the girl when thou loue, who may and swear no where all pleasure as I swim through thou have laid down and Glory into cataracts. I though she knew thee alive when the night hence! Who doth many flower pleas’d with the conquest in þat yow for joys. No fault in fiction. Her heart of tryfles þe purest grew expansion.
And if unfit, whatever heard the land and tossing and of day and wise, nor so far over-fond: so, to blowez, hent hem lykez. Were þay were were baser side—o rather dumb nor blink. Sure, that all things raise me dead have frae me love her who is myldest mon merkkez and breath, and roue þe wynter with dumbe thing, but this bedde, and the man I had vowed to syngne dame, were oft þen in years of sleep with hast. But the could skim the ocean.
Imbibed they shall her face as love to set budding nigh done, Salámán, and walt þay þayr hounds, young soul continuous lante, I schal vus bytwene to look down overplus; more joy to dille yow tender Lambes ytorne? Beneath the town, I sigh’d;—the newest mantle on my best know time’s remorde to force, but the heavy day I was, but traced as was they staid, pleasure though puddle; hurrah! And syþen þou wylt þyn ax haue frayned, and pride!
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stylediva29 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Burgandy Zipper Back Skirt by RYCH.
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k2ucomic · 4 months
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⭐️Meet Ryche’s little sister, Runelle! She loves all the monstrous animals Umbraterra has to offer. 🌙
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