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arthropooda · 2 years ago
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carnosa3 · 1 year ago
[image id one: a tweet by Ryan Grim @ryangrim from April 25, 2019, that says “Ya know, if a country has so many people in prison that allowing them to vote could swing an election, maybe there are too many people in prison”. Ryan Grim is a verified user. /end image id one]
[image id two: a tweet by Anthony Oliveira @meakoopa from April 25, 2019, that reads “hi everyone - a government that denies its prisoners the right to vote is a government that now has an extremely vested interest in jailing its political opposition
thank you for coming to this, literally the first class of Civics 101” /end image id two]
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vague-humanoid · 3 months ago
Ryan Grim: What Is Left Of The Squad?
We are joined by journalist Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) of Drop Site News & author of "We've Got People" and "The Squad," to talk about what is next for progressive elected officials and how they relate to the movement at large.
Plus Matt & David on the right way to respond to the Trump win, and how to challenge the identity-only reactions from liberal pundits.
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tahitianstarseed · 2 years ago
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theyoungturks · 2 years ago
This Democratic operative thinks Progressives are too weak to be a target. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1654945418390695940 *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230508__TB01DemOperativeV2 by The Young Turks
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kicka11 · 2 years ago
RT @theintercept: Elon Musk’s Twitter widens its censorship of Modi’s critics https://t.co/BdgLkBwU2W by @ryangrim, @mazmhussain
— ⚕ ᑕᕼᖇIS ⚕ (@kicka11) Mar 28, 2023
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s-a-williams · 5 years ago
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A must read, especially in today’s political dystopian reality. #wevegotpeople #ryangrim https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mpII5BRmA/?igshid=12de3eopn3hc4
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samueldays · 3 years ago
There is a sense one gets when one reads a history in which some of the players have been airbrushed out. It’s like being in a novel in which there’s a poltergeist. Plates suddenly fly out of the cabinet and leap across the room to smash on the wall. Flying plates! Irresistible forces of historical destiny!
-Mencius Moldbug
A sample of recent poltergeists:
We're entitled to defend ourselves. But you think untrained, armed teenagers should be leaving their home towns to wade into riot zones & play cop? I'd offer an illustration of what could go wrong, but the Rittenhouse case does that quite well. Murderer? No. But he's no hero.
Why was there a "riot zone"? What constitutes a riot zone, and who has authority to create one? Is there a review board?
("Senior writer at National Review Online. Reaganite". Conservatism was once said to conserve last generation's liberalism - this guy conserves last year's riots.)
What people could do with anger about the Rittenhouse trial is advocate for a law that says that if you bring a weapon to a public place where you know violence is basically guaranteed, you lose any self defense grounds
Orwell advises writers to avoid the passive voice, and here's a good example of why. If "violence is basically guaranteed", who or what is doing that? In a chemistry lab, it's all well and good to use the passive voice to say "The solution was stirred for five minutes..." because the identity of the person stirring it is not relevant, but I am quite curious about who's guaranteeing violence.
It was morally reprehensible for Rittenhouse to voluntarily put himself in a position where he was likely to feel compelled to use deadly force against another person. Whether he committed a crime is a question of fact and Wisconsin law I'm not so sure about.
Similarly, why did he feel compelled? Who was causing the compelling here? Can we get a spotlight on that 'another person', please?
"Do we want a society in which political conflict is settled on the streets between people with guns? One in which everyone is armed and can therefore view the other people armed as a plausible threat?" says @chrislhayes. "Is that the society we want?"
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Rioters were settling their “political conflict” on the streets well before Rittenhouse showed up, and creating plausible threat both without guns and with guns of their own. Guns aren't the problem here, Chris. Rioting packs of lawless savages are the first problem, and you make yourself a second problem by covering for them.
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tiny-floating-whales · 1 year ago
[ID: Two screenshots of the pages that the links lead to.
The first is the header for the Capitol Forum webpage titled "US v Google Trial Transcripts". Below, it reads:
Follow the biggest tech monopoly trial of the 21st century as the United States government takes on one of the world's most powerful companies - Google.
The trial kicked off in September with the US Justice Department arguing that Google abused its power as a monopoly to dominate the search engine business. This is the U.S. government's first major monopoly case to go to trial in decades, and the first in the modern internet era.
The second screenshot is a tweet from Ryan Grim @ ryangrim:
Google has tried to keep its antitrust trial out of the news but Capitol Forum is now posting all of the transcripts, rare transparency that is probably infuriating Google
\end ID]
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koreaunderground · 4 years ago
(2021/04/09) Anti-war activist visited by police after posting embarrassing AOC video
  [1]: <https://thegrayzone.com/2021/04/09/anti-war-activist-police-aoc-video/>
# Anti-war activist visited by police after posting embarrassing AOC video | The Grayzone
Max Blumenthal·April 9, 2021
9-11 minutes
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#### An anti-war activist was visited by California Highway Patrol officers after posting video of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s bumbling comments on Israel-Palestine. The action, which AOC denies triggering, was initiated by a call to US Capitol Police.
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As he waited for a food delivery at his home in Los Angeles on April 8, Ryan Wentz, an anti-war activist and producer for the online viral program Soapbox, heard two men calling his name from over his front gate. When he approached, he realized they were not delivery drivers, but police officers flashing badges of the California Highway Patrol.
The cops informed Wentz that they had received a call from the Capitol Police, the federal law enforcement agency tasked with protecting the US Congress, about a tweet he had sent that allegedly threatened Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Wentz told The Grayzone, “The officers said, ‘We got a warning about a sitting member of Congress. And it was because of your tweet, which tagged them in it.’ And then they just wouldn’t back down from this accusation that I threatened to kill her.”
> (1/X) I’m really shaken up right now. I was just visited by two plainclothes police officers from California Highway Patrol at my home. They said they came here on behalf of the Capitol Police and accused me of threatening [@AOC][2] on Twitter yesterday. This is provably false. [pic.twitter.com/NGR8KViy93][3] > >    [2]: <https://twitter.com/AOC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>   [3]: <https://t.co/NGR8KViy93>
— Human Rights Watch Watcher (@queeralamode) [April 8, 2021][4]
  [4]: <https://twitter.com/queeralamode/status/1380284997785948162?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
The California Highway Patrol indicated on Twitter that it had acted on a call from Capitol Police.
_**Update:**_ A [spokesperson for AOC has denied to Intercept][5] reporter Ryan Grim that their office reported Wentz’s post, and has “asked Capitol Police to look into what happened here.”
  [5]: <https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1380515841951797248?s=20>
The police visit Wentz received may have been [part of a wider trend][6] of post-January 6 law enforcement intervention in social media criticism of members of Congress.
  [6]: <https://twitter.com/theoneronin1312/status/1380230580919484416>
> The CHP often assists in investigations at the request of allied agencies. Please contact the U.S. Capitol Police for additional information. > > — CHP Headquarters (@CHP_HQ) [April 9, 2021][7]
  [7]: <https://twitter.com/CHP_HQ/status/1380337921086005249?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
Though AOC’s office has denied falsely informing Capitol Police of an online threat by Wentz, the Democratic congresswoman has in the past asked her supporters to report critics to social media censors.
Whoever called the police on Wentz furnished law enforcement with a patently false allegation, as he has never threatened violence against any member of Congress.
In the tweet that triggered the police action, Wentz merely posted video of AOC delivering a vapid and embarrassingly convoluted answer to a question about resolving the crisis in Israel-Palestine. Describing her answer as “incredibly underwhelming,” he let the congresswoman’s cringeworthy commentary speak for itself.
> On April 1, [@AOC][8] did a livestream with Michael Miller, the head of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. She was asked about “peace between Israelis and Palestinians.” > >    [8]: <https://twitter.com/AOC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
Her response was incredibly underwhelming, to say the very least: [pic.twitter.com/qHdwTy5pVO][9] > >    [9]: <https://t.co/qHdwTy5pVO>
— Human Rights Watch Watcher (@queeralamode) [April 7, 2021][10]
  [10]: <https://twitter.com/queeralamode/status/1379879392642408448?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
Asked by Michael S. Miller of the New York Jewish Community Relations Council about actions that could be taken to support movements towards peace between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians, AOC responded as follows:
> Earlier just now you and I were talking about the what and the how. And I think that when we talk about peace, centering people’s humanity, protecting people’s rights – it’s not just about the what and the end goal which actually gets a lot of focus, but I actually think it’s much more about the how, and the way we are coming together, and how we interpret that what, and how we act in, you know, the actions we take to get to that what. > > So what this really is about is a question more than anything else about process. And we really need to make sure that we are valuing a process where all parties are respected and have, you know, a lot of equal opportunity to really make sure we are negotiating in good faith, etcetera. That being said, you know, I think there’s just this one central issue of settlements, because if the what – if the what has been decided on as two state, then the action of settlements, it’s not the how to get to that what. > > And so, you know, I think that’s a central thing that, you know, we center. And that we value Jewish and rather, we value Israeli, uh, uh, uh, we value the safety and human rights of Israelis, we value the safety and human rights of Palestinians, in that process that is similar, and that is on equal footing. And so all of that is extremely important in that process.
The video that Wentz tweeted of AOC’s long-winded dodge of a fundamental question about resolving the Israeli occupation of Palestine prompted a flood of online mockery and contempt, mostly from leftist Twitter users. Many derided AOC as a careerist who had abandoned progressive causes like Palestinian liberation in order to curry favor with Democratic Party power brokers, while others ridiculed her meaningless word salad.
> This is a very easy issue for a leftist, why is AOC struggling? > > Isreal is an apartheid state that should be Defunded > > — Nick is a Fred Hampton Leftist 🥋 (@SocialistMMA) [April 7, 2021][11]
  [11]: <https://twitter.com/SocialistMMA/status/1379905138601684995?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
> I'm incredibly impressed with [@AOC][12]'s Obama-like ability to fill large amounts of time with words while saying absolutely nothing. I challenge anyone to tell me what she just said. <https://t.co/hIkWTNR5Rp> > >    [12]: <https://twitter.com/AOC?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) [April 7, 2021][13]
  [13]: <https://twitter.com/AliAbunimah/status/1379883635743059971?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
Within hours of the online pile-on, someone reported Wentz to the Capitol Police for tweeting the video that embarrassed AOC. Because Wentz does not provide any information about his personal identity in his public Twitter profile, the social media giant appeared to have provided his private details to federal law enforcement.
“Another weird thing is usually I would get a report [from Twitter],” Wentz said, “because I’ve gotten my tweets reported before. But I didn’t get any notification about this.”
AOC’s staff has previously appealed to social media censors to suppress online criticism. On February 4, 2021, her campaign sent a mass email to supporters asking them to “scan your social media to find posts with misleading information” about the congresswoman, and “use the built-in report feature to flag them for moderators.”
  [14]: https://i2.wp.com/thegrayzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Screen-Shot-2021-04-09-at-12.30.18-AM.png?resize=1170%2C1067&ssl=1
Team AOC issued its appeal for supporters to police social media in response to right-wing mockery of a [dramatic livestream][15] in which AOC suggested that the mob which stormed the Capitol building on January 6 nearly assassinated her.
  [15]: <https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKxlyx4g-Yb/?utm_source=ig_embed>
“I just hear these yells of ‘WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE?’” she recounted in the livestream. “This was the moment where I thought everything was over. I thought I was going to die.”
However, the source of the yells which had terrified AOC turned out to be a Capitol Police officer who had been dispatched to protect her. Further, the congresswoman’s office was located in the Cannon House Office Building, which had not been penetrated by any rioters on January 6.
Right-wing activists and other political foes of AOC [exploited these points][16] to launch a viral hashtag likening the congresswoman to Jussie Smollet, the actor who faked an attack on himself. After [attempting to challenge][17] her critics directly, AOC delegated her staff to dispatch its army of supporters to report critics en masse to Twitter and Facebook censors.
  [16]: <https://nypost.com/2021/02/04/aoc-blasted-for-exaggerating-capitol-riot-experience/>   [17]: <https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1357037568966217728>
Weeks earlier, podcaster Jimmy Dore had initiated a [“Force The Vote”][18] campaign to pressure AOC and fellow members of the progressive congressional “Squad” to withhold their votes for Rep. Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House until Pelosi agreed to bring a bill for Medicare for All to the floor for a vote.
  [18]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrqTQd5rnwU>
In response to [incendiary criticism][19] from Dore for her refusal to buck centrist party leadership, AOC declared, “That’s not tone, that’s violence.”
  [19]: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyAXpYPA7C4>
> RT: briebriejoy “15 million people have lost their employer-based health care in the middle of a global pandemic, and barely half of House Democrats support Medicare for All even though 88% of their constituents do. > > That’s violence.” [#ForceTheVote][20] <https://t.co/fSD8qwsINJ> > >    [20]: <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ForceTheVote?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) [January 2, 2021][21]
  [21]: <https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore/status/1345275897704640512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
According to Wentz, the police officers that visited him asked if he had any violent intent behind his tweet, then left. “If this was like a purely intimidation thing,” he reflected, “then I guess it did its job. It’s not comforting to be on the receiving end of that. But at the same time, they’re not going to shut the left up.”
Wentz’s disturbing encounter with law enforcement appears to be part of an emerging trend. On the same date law enforcement visited him, a Twitter user posted photos of alleged federal agents on their front lawn and claimed, “FBI just came by my house for a tweet to Ted Cruz.”
> FBI just came by my house for a tweet to Ted Cruz. [pic.twitter.com/cbwouoz4GC][22] > >    [22]: <https://t.co/cbwouoz4GC>
— the1312ronin (@theoneronin1312) [April 8, 2021][23]
  [23]: <https://twitter.com/theoneronin1312/status/1380230580919484416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>
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houseofbrat · 4 years ago
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maaarine · 6 years ago
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What economists have gotten wrong for decades (Jared Bernstein, Vox, Jul 19 2019)
“Pegging the “natural rate” too high, ignoring the harm from exposure to international competition, austere budget policy, low and stagnant minimum wages — 
all of these misunderstood economic relationships have one thing in common.
In every case, the costs fall on the vulnerable: people who depend on full employment to get ahead; blue-collar production workers and communities built around factories;
families who suffer from austerity-induced weak recoveries and under-funded safety nets, and who depend on a living wage to make ends meet.
These groups are the casualties of faulty economics. (…)
I cannot overemphasize the importance of recognizing who benefits and who loses from these economic mistakes, because that difference is why these mistakes persist.
Every one of the wrong assumptions described here benefits conservative causes,
from reducing the bargaining clout of wage earners, to strengthening the hand of outsourcers and offshorers, to lowering the labor costs of low-wage employers.
These economic assumptions are thus complementary to the conservative agenda and that, in and of themselves, makes them far more enduring than they should be based on the facts.”
Tweets: @voxdotcom @ryangrim @NickHanauer
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disillusioned41 · 5 years ago
Rebel HQ Jan 3, 2020 
AOC NAILS Bernie's Appeal To Nontraditional Voters
Read Ryan’s piece HERE: https://theintercept.com/2020/01/03/b... 
The Young Turks Contributor Ryan Grim (https://Twitter.com/ryangrim) breaks down Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's assessment of Bernie Sanders’ unique path to the nomination, as well as why he would be a stronger general election candidate than he is a Democratic primary candidate. 
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anuma-alisch-blog · 7 years ago
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😜😝😂 Get yours today at Bossbabytrump.com!!! 🤣😝🙃 #CenkUygur, #AnaKasparian, #BenMankiewicz, #RyanGrim, #DylanRatigan, #JesusGodoy, #MichaelShure, #JohnIadarola, #Jayarjackson, #JimmyDore, #MattAtchity, #FrancisMaxwell, #HasanPiker, #RickStrom, #BrettErlich, #KimHorcher, #GraceBaldridge, #AlonsoDuralde, #Christy Lemire, #JonathanLarsen, #EmmaVigeland #bossbabytrump https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm42pnnjyul/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1isvpa63sl6xu
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ecologiadigital · 7 years ago
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This was not shoddy journalism by Lee, it was an error that I edited into his story. He filed the story accurately and I mistakenly added immigrant to the top of the story. He is on vacation now so couldn’t read it over. It was 100% on me, not on Lee. https://t.co/nK5N330YbJ
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) March 27, 2018
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withbriefthanksgiving · 4 months ago
Image description:
Image 1: 3 screenshots
Screenshots 1 and 2:
The Cradle [@/TheCradleMedia] tweeted on Nov 2
Al Akhbar:
• Washington and the US Embassy in Lebanon did not allow Iraqi Airways to land at Beirut airport and establish an air bridge to provide aid for the displaced, insisting that the aid must pass through Jordan for inspection first.
• Washington also threatened to sanction Middle East Airlines (MEA) if i transported wounded patients from the Israeli pager attacks, on 16 and 17 September, on its flights to receive treatment abroad.
• The US Embassy in Lebanon also reportedly receives a list of all passenger names traveling through Beirut airport from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Ryan Grim (@/ryangrim) quote retweeted this: U.S. is enforcing a siege on Lebanon
3rd screenshot is a tweet from Al Jazeera English (@/AJEnglish). A screencap of a video of people standing on a rubble is captioned:
Israeli attack on Lebanon's Almat kills 23, including seven children
Image 2:
Screenshot of a tweet from Christiane Amanpour (@/amanpour)
"We have been through a lot, but this event was the worst thing we ever experienced."
A new CNN investigation examines the damage to Lebanese hospitals from Israeli air strikes, as Israel says it is targeting Hezbollah.
@/tamaraqiblawi reports.
Below is a screencap of a news broadcast showing a Lebanese city at night. It’s captioned ‘Middle East Crisis: Lebanese hospitals in line of fire as IDF targets Hezbollah’
End of image description.
Image description are helpful for blind people, those who struggle with visual processing, people who don’t speak the language of any text in the image - or in situations like this!
Also- the Zionist occupation army purposefully disables Palestinians - and bombing people like this causes a lot of issues, including visual issues! It’s a good habit to develop the revolutionary discipline of going against the settler colonialist logics and including disabled people in the body politic as much as we all can.
It’s not too late to start adding alt text and image descriptions. I only started this year! See my ‘image descriptions’ tag for info! I reblogged some pointers from tumblr users who need image descriptions.
🫶🏾🇱🇧🇵🇸 [heart hands emoji, Lebanon and Palestine flags]
The Biden/Harris administration is enforcing a siege on Lebanon as Israel continues to bomb and wipe out villages.
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The Israelis have been airstriking Dhahiya, Southern Beirut nonstop all day today, exceeding 10 major strikes on random buildings with no end in sight. Evacuation orders were covering the entire neighborhood.
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