#also they call google GOOG
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tiny-floating-whales · 1 year ago
[ID: Two screenshots of the pages that the links lead to.
The first is the header for the Capitol Forum webpage titled "US v Google Trial Transcripts". Below, it reads:
Follow the biggest tech monopoly trial of the 21st century as the United States government takes on one of the world's most powerful companies - Google.
The trial kicked off in September with the US Justice Department arguing that Google abused its power as a monopoly to dominate the search engine business. This is the U.S. government's first major monopoly case to go to trial in decades, and the first in the modern internet era.
The second screenshot is a tweet from Ryan Grim @ ryangrim:
Google has tried to keep its antitrust trial out of the news but Capitol Forum is now posting all of the transcripts, rare transparency that is probably infuriating Google
\end ID]
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kabbalicgay · 2 years ago
what do u mean ur not a 'so called us indigenous person''. youve very clearly talked about being indigenous before so why would that change all of a sudden 🤔
I'm an Indigenous person from a completely different continent, therefore, not an Indigenous person from the so-called United States.
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sleepyjim2 · 1 month ago
5 for ask game 👀 i love listening to you angrily yap
5. Do you have any irl enemies? Describe them. Tell us how they’ve wronged you.
RAAAUGH I HAVE SO MANY ENEMIES . i feel like phucking pider man . under the cut even tho im sure nobody will read it
besides 2/3 of the entire student body at my school (half joking but i am constantly verbally and physically bullied bc im disabled and visibly queer) . theres this one piece of shit Mr Timothy "Timmy" B******* whos the band director at our school who wont let me join ANY music class bc im disabled. as soon as i signed up for band he suddenly spontaneously instated a new rule that everyone signing up for any band class had to first take a full year of marching band . i physically cant do that on account of my disability so we were like Hey i cant do that on account of my disability can we perhaps negotiate some accommodations. nasty ableist grown ass bald ass string bean of a man timmy whips out his phone at this meeting and types in the name of my condition and reads for a couple seconds while we just fucking stare at him and he says back "welll it says here on google that less than 200 people in the World are diagnosed so i dont believe you :/ !." we were gonna get the school board involved and/or file an ocr complaint abt it bc he just would Not even allow any accomodation for me but my mom decided it wasnt worth the trouble </3 pretty sure hes entirely forgot about me at this point but every time i see him in the hallway or one of his students i briefly consider ripping his bald head off. what who said that
theres also this girl summer who used to steal things from my backpack including but not limited to art supplies , ibuprofen , and Literal Seizure/Muscle Spasm Suppressants . i did not know her i was not friends with her she in fact hated me and probably did this shit to mess with me but i never told my mom she was stealing my medication and i did eventually have seizures at school (in that same classroom even !) bc i was missing doses #lol. thank googness i never saw again after that year
one time a guy almost hit me in a parking lot with his big ass truck .literally stopped inches away from me . and as i got up he honked his horn and called me a faggot . i remember he had a million maga stickers on the truck and i still see it out and about sometimes in our town and i get mad again everytime
in fourth grade this kid malachi threw a desk a chair and then a chromebook at me ♥️ i probably should have broken something tbh but somehow nothing was too hurt just got massive bruises on my legs and chest . nothing was ever done about it n he never got in trouble as far as i know
there is also ****** and ******* who ****** *** ***** me . considering their track record they probably dont even remember me specifically either 🧍‍♂️ i see them both in the hallways a lot and i almost had a class with Both of them this semester but my counselor was thankfully able to pull some strings so that i could take the class online instead hweuagh
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iamvegorott · 2 years ago
Happy Family Pt. 3 of 8
Meeting Chase
Months passed, and Bing and Google grew even closer in their relationship. Etta quickly accepted Bing as her father’s boyfriend or ‘daddy’s bed friend’ since she had misheard when explained and stubbornly refused to correct herself since she always got a laugh from the adults when she said it. 
Several other nicknames have come from their relationship, most being ones they only use at home or away from others because it always gets Google flustered to either be called Googley-bear in public or getting caught calling Bing, Bumble-bee. They were fluffy little names they called each other while being extra domestic. It started as a joke, but now the nicknames happen without a second thought when they are cuddling or out on a date. Picnics in the park were a favorite. 
At first, they worried about disclosing their relationship to Dark, that they would be split apart or forced to choose who stays and who goes, or a long list of worst-case scenarios that ended up being far from the truth since when the two did tell Dark. Dark had joked with them and said it took them long enough to start dating, and there was no need to worry. It was also good that since they worked in separate departments of the company’s childcare facility, there was no reason for anyone else in the corporate offices to care. 
They were all happy, comfortable, and used to the norms of their current lives. Finally fully adjusted to everything. There were no plans or expectations for anything to change. 
And then they met Chase.
“Chase Brody. And these are my kids, Penny and Lucas.” Chase greeted, gesturing to the two children hiding behind his legs. 
Chase was a new hire in the marketing department as a media coordinator. He was in charge of helping organize and create content for the company’s social media to keep it relevant and hopefully draw in the younger generations to be interested as well. 
“Looks like we have a shy duo.” Bing crouched down to match Penny and Lucas’ heights. “Hey, kiddos. I’m Bing, or Mr. B as some of the older kids like to call me.” The two kids looked almost identical save for their hairstyles; one had a butterfly clip in their hair, and the other wore a smaller version of the hat Chase wore. “Let me guess that you’re Penny? And you’re Lucas?” He pointed at the child with the hat on first and then the one with the butterfly clip. Bing smiled when the two kids gasped and looked up at their father. 
“Daddy! How did he know!?” Lucas’ voice was loud with shock. 
“I guess Mr. B is a lot smarter than you two thought.” Chase chuckled.
“If you two want, you can go over to the toys and play while your daddy and I do all the boring stuff?” Bing offered.
“Okay!” At the offer of playing with the collection of toys, the kids were more than happy to take off. 
“How did you know they did that?” Chase asked when it was now just the two adults. 
“I didn’t,” Bing admitted with a chuckle. “Either they’d be shocked I caught the twin trick or get a laugh from me assuming who they were wrong.” 
“Smart.” Chase chuckled as well. “Is there anything else I needed to fill out, or was that another trick to get the kids going?”
“Another trick,” Bing said.
“How many of those do you have up your sleeve?” 
“Too many to count.” That got them laughing and missing Google coming into the room with Etta. He had taken her up to say happy birthday to Dark since she insisted on doing so after hearing Anti talking about it all day yesterday. Google was very thankful he’d taught Etta to knock since a pink-haired visitor was in the room, wishing Dark a happy birthday in his own way. They didn’t see anything, but Googe was able to notice things that Etta would not. 
“You must be Chase.” Google greeted as he joined the two. “And I have a story for you at lunch about Dark.” He added to Bing.
“Five dollars that I can guess what happened.” Bing clicked his tongue.
“He’s on a roll with his guesses today,” Chase added. 
“Can I go play?” Etta asked, tugging on Google’s hand. 
“Yes, you can.” Google smiled as Etta squealed happily and took off, joining Lucas and Penny at the big blocks. She had no problem sitting with the new kids and playing along with them as if they’d been friends forever. “Google.” Google held a hand out to Chase.
“You already guessed that I was Chase.” Chase took the offered hand and shook it. 
“We actually watched some of your videos when Dark told us about you,” Google stated.
“Oh? You did?” Chase chuckled nervously, and after letting Google’s hand go, he rubbed the back of his neck.
“They were very well done.” Google’s praise got Chase to perk back up. 
“Some of those trick shots were sick,” Bing added. 
“Really? Thanks! Some of these took longer than I’d like to admit.” Chase breathed in through his teeth before laughing. 
“You must be very good at math to make those shots,” Google said.
“Math?” Chase raised a brow. 
“You calculate the angles, right?”
“Nah, bro. I just go for it!” Chase’s big, bright smile showed that he was genuine with his statement. 
“You just-”
“Ah, shit.” Chase accidentally cut Google off with a curse when his watch started beeping. “Dark’s wanting me, and the wording sounds like he’s not going to be patient.” 
“When’s your lunch?” Bing asked.
“Perfect! Googs and I have lunch at noon too. He can share the Dark story with both of us.” Bing set up the plan for all of them. “See you then!”
“Yeah! I’ll see you two.” Chase flashed a smile before heading off. 
“He’s adorable.” Bing giggled when he was sure Chase was far from earshot. 
“Well-I mean….” Google cleared his throat, a dusting of pink on his cheeks. 
“I hope he sticks around.” Bing decided to save Google from extra embarrassment.
“As do I.” 
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1:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y    34/36    (24/26)    (10/10)
2:    00 04 05 08 10 12 13 15 16 17 21 24 25 28 31 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 63 68 69 71 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 87 89 90 92 93 94 98 ac ag ai al an ap ar as at ay ba be bi bo bp bs bu ca ce ch ci cl co ct da de di ds du dv ea eb ec ed ee ei el em en ep er es et ev ex fa fi fo fr ga ge gh gi gl go gs ha he hi ho ic id ig ik im in io ir is it iv ke ki le lf li ll lo ls lu ly ma mb me mi mo mp ms mu my nd ne ng no ns nt ny ob od of og om on oo or os ot ou ow pa pe pl po pp ps pu qu ra rc rd re ri rm ro rr rs rt sb se sh si so sp sq ss st ta te th ti tl to tp ts tu tw ua ub ud ug us ut va vd ve vi wa wh wi wo xc xe xp ye yo yt yw    217/1296    (167/676)    (50/360)
3:    000 056 087 104 105 108 128 131 136 152 179 212 213 256 283 313 315 392 421 433 443 482 483 493 516 550 569 639 680 715 775 824 835 843 900 941 989 ach aga ain alf all als and ant any app are ari ars art asi aso ati bas bee bei bel bin bob bpa bsp bsq but cal cen cha cis clu com cte ded der din div dua dvd eac ear eas ebo ece ect een ein ele elo emi ent epa era erc ere eri erm ese esp esq est ete ets eva exc exe exp fal fir for fro gai geb gep ges get gin gle goo hal har hat hem her hes hin his hit hos hou how ica idu igi ike ime ind ine ing int ion iou irr irs ise ite ith iti itl itp its ive ivi kin les let lev lik lin lit lly low lse lso lud man mbi men mes min moo mpl mut nda nde ndi ned nes nge ngs not nte nts nyw obp obs ogl omb omp ond one ong ons ood oog ord ori orm ose osi ost oth oug ous out pan pea pec per ple pon pos ppe put qua ral rci rde rds reb rec rel rem rep res rig rim rin rio rms rmu rom rre rst sbo sea see shi sic sit son spo squ ssp ssq ste tat ted ter tha the thi tho tim tio tit tiv tle ton tpo tps tsb tss tub two ual uar ube udi ugh uta utu van var ves vid way wha wit wor xcl xer xpe yea you ytp ywa    285/46656    (248/17576)    (37/12960)
4:    1056 1087 2131 2569 3136 3152 4212 4824 4835 6392 agai ally alse also ants anyw appe areb arep ares ario asic ason atio basi been bein belo bine bobp bobs bpan bspo bsqu call cent char cise clud comb comp cted deri ding divi dual each ears easo ebob ecen ecte eing elev elow emin epan eral erci eres erim erin ermu espo esqu este evan excl exer expe fals firs form from gain gebo gepa gesq gets goog half hart here hese hing hitp hits hose houg ical idua igin imen imes inda inde indi ined ines ings inte ions ious irre irst iter ithi itio itiv itle itpo ives ivid kind lete leva like line lite ludi many mbin ment mind mood mple muta nded nder ndiv ngeb ngep nges nter ntsb ntss nywa obpa obsp obsq ogle ombi ompl onde onge oogl orde ords orig orms osit othe ough outu pant pear pect peri perm plet pond pong posi post ppea quar rall rcis rder rebo rece rele remi repa resp rest rigi rime ring riou rmut rrel sbob seas shit sica siti spon squa sspo ssqu sted tati tera tere that them ther thes thin this thos thou time tion titl tive tles tpos tsbo tssp tssq tube uare udin utat utub vant vari vidu what with word xclu xerc xpec xper year yout ytps yway    231/1679616    (221/456976)    (10/466560)
5:    again antsb antss anywa appea arebo arepa aresp ariou asica ation basic being below bined bobpa bobsp bobsq bpant bspon bsqua cally chart cludi combi compl derin divid eason ecent ected eleva emind epant erall ercis erest erime ering ermut espon esqua ested evant exclu exerc expec exper false first forms gebob gepan gesqu googl hings hitpo hough icall idual iment inded indiv inter irrel itera ithin ition itive itles itpos ividu kinda levan lines liter ludin mbine minde mplet mutat nderi ndivi ngebo ngepa ngesq ntere ntsbo ntssp ntssq nyway obpan obspo obsqu ombin omple onder ongeb ongep onges oogle order origi ositi other outub pants pears pecte perim permu plete ponde ponge posit ppear quare rally rcise rderi rebob recen relev remin repan respo reste rigin rimen rious rmuta rrele seaso shitp sical sitio sitiv spong squar sspon ssqua tatio teral teres these thing those thoug times tions title tives tpost tsbob tsspo tssqu uareb uarep uares uding utati utube vario vidua withi words xclud xerci xpect xperi years youtu    172/60466176    (172/11881376)
6:    antsbo antssp antssq anyway appear arebob arepan arespo arious asical ations basica bobpan bobspo bobsqu bpants bspong bsquar cludin combin comple dering dividu elevan eminde epants erally ercise ereste erimen ermuta espong esquar exclud exerci expect experi gepant gesqua google hitpos ically indivi intere irrele iteral itions itives itpost ividua levant litera luding mbined minded mplete mutati nderin ndivid ngebob ngepan ngesqu nteres ntsbob ntsspo ntssqu obpant obspon obsqua ombine omplet onderi ongebo ongepa ongesq orderi origin ositio ositiv outube pantsb pantss pected perime permut ponder pongeb pongep ponges positi ppears quareb quarep quares rderin recent releva remind repant respon rested riment rmutat rrelev season shitpo sicall sition sitive sponge square sspong ssquar tation terall terest things though titles tsspon tssqua uarebo uarepa uaresp utatio variou vidual within xcludi xercis xpecte xperim youtub    133/2176782336    (133/308915776)
7:    antsbob antsspo antssqu appears arepant arespon asicall basical bobpant bobspon bobsqua bsponge bsquare cluding combine complet dividua elevant eminded erested eriment ermutat esponge esquare excludi exercis expecte experim gepants gesquar hitpost individ interes irrelev iterall ividual literal mutatio ndering ndividu ngepant ngesqua nterest ntsspon ntssqua obpants obspong obsquar ombined omplete onderin ongebob ongepan ongesqu orderin osition ositive pantsbo pantssp pantssq perimen permuta ponderi pongebo pongepa pongesq positio positiv quarebo quarepa quaresp rdering relevan reminde repants respong rmutati rreleva shitpos sically sitions sitives spongeb spongep sponges squareb squarep squares ssponge ssquare tations terally tereste tsspong tssquar uarebob uarepan uarespo utation various xcludin xercise xpected xperime youtube    105/78364164096    (105/8031810176)
8:    antsspon antssqua arepants arespong asically basicall bobpants bobspong bobsquar combined complete dividual ermutati excludin exercise expected experime gesquare individu interest irreleva iterally literall mutation ndividua ngepants ngesquar ntereste ntsspong ntssquar obsponge obsquare ondering ongepant ongesqua ordering ositions ositives pantsbob pantsspo pantssqu periment permutat ponderin pongebob pongepan pongesqu position positive quarebob quarepan quarespo relevant reminded responge rmutatio rrelevan shitpost spongebo spongepa spongesq squarebo squarepa squaresp terested tssponge tssquare uarepant uarespon utations xcluding xperimen    72/2821109907456    (72/208827064576)
9:    antsspong antssquar aresponge basically bobsponge bobsquare ermutatio excluding experimen individua intereste irrelevan literally mutations ndividual ngesquare nterested ntssponge ntssquare ongepants ongesquar pantsspon pantssqua permutati pondering pongepant pongesqua positions positives quarepant quarespon rmutation rrelevant spongebob spongepan spongesqu squarebob squarepan squarespo uarepants uarespong xperiment    42/101559956668416    (42/5429503678976)
10:    antssponge antssquare ermutation experiment individual interested irrelevant ongesquare pantsspong pantssquar permutatio pongepants pongesquar quarepants quarespong rmutations spongepant spongesqua squarepant squarespon uaresponge    21/3656158440062976    (21/141167095653376)
11:    ermutations pantssponge pantssquare permutation pongesquare quaresponge spongepants spongesquar squarepants squarespong    10/131621703842267136    (10/3670344486987776)
12:    permutations spongesquare squaresponge    3/4738381338321616896    (3/95428956661682176)
anyway that put me in a Mood, and combined with my other recent post it reminded me of an experiment I’ve been pondering for years
google hits for the various permutations of ordering the individual words within ‘Spongebob Squarepants’:
Spongebob Squarepants - 35,900,000 but that one’s kinda expected, not what I’m interested in. Squarepants Spongebob - 843,000 but see below Bobpants Spongesquare - 3,680 Spongepants Squarebob - 2,550 Squarebob Spongepants - 989 Spongesquare Bobpants - 516 Bobsponge Squarepants - 443 Bobsponge Pantssquare - 433 Bobsquare Spongepants - 128 Bobpants Squaresponge - 104 Pantssquare Bobsponge - 83 Squaresponge Bobpants - 55 Pantsbob Squaresponge - 54 Spongepants Bobsquare - 53 Bobsquare Pantssponge - 36 Pantsbob Spongesquare - 33 Spongebob Pantssquare - 10 Spongesquare Pantsbob - 7 Squaresponge Pantsbob - 6 Squarepants Bobsponge - 5 Pantssquare Spongebob - 5 Pantssponge Bobsquare - 3 Squarebob Pantssponge - 1 Pantssponge Squarebob - 1
Squarepants Spongebob gets a ton of false positives from things like The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete First Season (DVD)
also literally like half of these are the titles of YTPs or other forms of youtube shitpost
here’s a chart of all the positions and how many times each word appears in them though (again, excluding those first two lines for being basically irrelevant to this exercise):
1 2 3 4 Sponge 3136 941 4835 283 Bob 4824 1087 715 2569 Square 1056 775 3152 4212 Pants 179 6392 493 2131
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gizopedia · 4 months ago
If you're thinking about grabbing the Google Pixel 9, you're in the right place. This isn't your typical boring tech review — we're diving deep into what makes this phone tick, what sets it apart, and if it’s worth your hard-earned cash. No tech jargon, just straight-up facts and a bit of fun. Let's get into it! The Design That Catches Eyes First things first, let's talk about the look of the Pixel 9. It's sleek, modern, and kinda feels like Google finally nailed it with this design. The Pixel 9 comes in a couple of colors that are just... wow. It’s got that premium feel without the premium price tag, which is always a win. The back of the phone has this matte finish that’s not just good-looking but also really grippy. So, you’re less likely to drop it while texting or taking selfies. The Display: All About That Visual Punch Now, onto the display. The Pixel 9 boasts a 6.4-inch OLED screen that’s seriously stunning. Colors pop, blacks are deep, and watching videos or playing games Oh, and did we mention the refresh rate? It’s buttery smooth, which means everything from scrolling through your favorite social media feeds to swiping between apps feels lightning fast. For all you mobile gamers out there, this is a game-changer (pun totally intended). Performance: Does It Keep Up? Alright, let’s get real for a second. We know performance is a big deal. Nobody wants a phone that lags or freezes when you’re trying to do, well, anything. The Pixel 9 is powered by the latest Google Tensor G2 chip, and it’s a beast. We ran some heavy-duty apps, streamed high-quality videos, and even played some graphics-intensive games. The verdict? This phone didn’t break a sweat. Here’s where the magic happens for all you SEO enthusiasts. With this level of performance, multitasking is a breeze. You can be researching your next blog post, editing photos, and keeping up with your analytics all at the same time. No lag, no fuss. The Camera: A Photographer’s Dream Let’s be honest. The camera is what makes or breaks a phone for most of us. And boy, does the Pixel 9 deliver. We’re talking about a dual-camera setup that includes a 50MP main shooter and a 12MP ultra-wide lens. The photos are crisp, vibrant, and full of detail. Even in low light, this camera shines. For those who love creating content, whether it’s for a blog or social media, this camera is perfect for capturing stunning images that’ll get people talking. And with all the built-in editing tools, you can tweak your pics right from the phone. No need for fancy software or spending hours in front of a computer. Battery Life: All-Day Power If you're worried about the battery life, don’t worry. The Pixel 9 comes with a beefy battery that easily lasts all day. We tested it with normal usage — you know, browsing, streaming, a few calls here and there — and it still had juice left by the end of the day. And if you're a power user, no worries. Fast charging is here to save the day. The Verdict: Is It Worth It? So, should you buy the Google Pixel 9? Well, if you’re looking for a phone that combines top-notch performance, a killer camera, and a design that’s easy on the eyes, then absolutely. It’s got all the features you need to stay on top of your game, whether that’s creating content, staying connected, or just enjoying some downtime with your favorite shows. How Does the Google Pixel 9 Stack Up Against Competitors? When it comes to picking a new phone, the Google Pixel 9 isn't the only game in town. Let's be real, the smartphone market is crowded with some heavy hitters. So, how does the Pixel 9 compare to the likes of the iPhone 15, Samsung Galaxy S24, and other top contenders? Let’s break it down. Pixel 9 vs. iPhone 15 Design and Build: The iPhone 15 has always been known for its sleek, polished look, and this year is no different. With its glass back and stainless steel frame, it feels premium — but also a bit slippery. The Pixel 9, on the other
hand, opts for a more subtle design with a matte finish that’s less flashy but more practical. It’s a case of flashy vs. functional. Display: Apple has a reputation for stunning displays, and the iPhone 15’s Super Retina XDR screen is gorgeous, no doubt. But the Pixel 9’s OLED display holds its own. It's vibrant, with deep blacks and vivid colors, making it perfect for watching videos or scrolling through photos. Both phones offer high refresh rates, but Google's smooth scrolling and response times are hard to beat. Performance: Apple’s A17 Bionic chip is a powerhouse. It’s one of the fastest in the market, which means everything runs smoothly — from games to apps to multitasking. The Pixel 9’s Tensor G2 chip isn’t far behind, offering snappy performance and a seamless experience. If you're heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, the iPhone 15 might make more sense. But for Android fans, the Pixel 9’s performance is right up there. Camera: Here’s where things get interesting. The iPhone 15’s camera is excellent, with its advanced image processing and features like Cinematic mode for video. But the Pixel 9 is no slouch, especially in low-light conditions. Google's software magic with Night Sight and HDR+ makes every shot count. It boils down to preference: Apple tends to deliver more natural tones, while Google likes to punch things up a bit. Software and Ecosystem: Apple’s iOS is smooth, intuitive, and works beautifully with other Apple products. However, Google's Android 14 on the Pixel 9 offers more customization and flexibility, especially if you’re not tied to a specific ecosystem. Plus, with Google’s smart AI features baked in, you’re getting some cool, user-friendly perks like real-time translation and advanced voice recognition. Pixel 9 vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Design and Build: The Samsung Galaxy S24 is all about that big, bold screen. With its nearly bezel-less design and curved edges, it’s a stunner. The Pixel 9, while less flashy, offers a comfortable and practical design that feels solid in your hand. If you prefer a device that’s easy to grip and not too heavy, the Pixel 9 might just win this round. Display: Samsung's AMOLED displays are some of the best out there, and the Galaxy S24 is no exception. It’s bright, sharp, and simply beautiful. The Pixel 9’s OLED screen is also fantastic, but Samsung slightly edges it out with better contrast and deeper blacks. Both are fantastic for media consumption, but Samsung's display has a slight upper hand for those who want the absolute best screen. Performance: The Galaxy S24 comes with the latest Snapdragon chip, making it incredibly powerful. It's perfect for gaming, multitasking, and any heavy-duty apps you throw at it. The Pixel 9’s Tensor G2 is designed for efficiency and AI tasks, making it more optimized for everyday use and smart features. While the S24 might have the raw power advantage, the Pixel 9 focuses on a more refined, user-centered experience. Camera: Samsung has packed the Galaxy S24 with a versatile camera setup, including a telephoto lens that’s great for zooming in without losing detail. But the Pixel 9’s camera is legendary for a reason. Its computational photography does wonders, especially in challenging lighting. If you’re someone who loves snapping quick, high-quality photos, the Pixel 9 might be your best friend. Software and Ecosystem: Samsung’s One UI offers a lot of features and customization, but it can feel a bit bloated at times. Google’s clean Android 14 experience on the Pixel 9 is refreshing, offering a minimalist approach with powerful features like Google Assistant and smart AI integration. If you prefer a straightforward, bloat-free software experience, the Pixel 9 is the clear winner. The Bottom Line So, how does the Google Pixel 9 stack up against the competition? It’s a solid contender that brings a lot to the table — a fantastic camera, smooth performance, and a design that’s both stylish and practical.
If you’re in the market for a new phone and value a clean Android experience with top-notch photo capabilities, the Pixel 9 is definitely worth a look. In summary: If you’re an Apple fan: The iPhone 15’s ecosystem and performance might sway you. If you want the best display and power: The Samsung Galaxy S24 is hard to beat. But if you want smart features and camera quality: The Pixel 9 stands out as a balanced choice. Pricing and Value of the Google Pixel 9 When considering a new smartphone, one of the biggest questions is always, "Is it worth the price?" The Google Pixel 9 is packed with features and capabilities, but how does it fare when it comes to pricing and value? Let’s dig into the details to help you decide if it’s a smart investment for you. The Price Tag: What Does the Pixel 9 Cost? The Google Pixel 9 comes with a price that places it comfortably in the premium smartphone market. At launch, it was priced at around $799 for the base model with 128GB of storage. If you want to bump up to the 256GB version, you’re looking at about $899. These prices put the Pixel 9 in direct competition with other flagship devices like the iPhone 15 and the Samsung Galaxy S24. In a nutshell: The Google Pixel 9 is a solid choice for anyone who wants a reliable, powerful smartphone that won’t let them down. And with Google’s commitment to regular updates, you’re getting a device that’ll keep getting better over time.
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stockxpo · 9 months ago
Top Streaming Service Stocks: Choosing the Right Picks for Your Portfolio
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Over the last decade, how people watch TV shows, movies, and videos has transformed significantly. Streaming services like Netflix and YouTube have become the go-to choices for many, surpassing traditional media. This change opens up investment opportunities for those who can pinpoint which streaming platforms can draw in viewers and make money.
Top of Form
Top streaming stocks
1. Netflix (NFLX)
2. Alphabet (GOOG and GOOGL)
3. Amazon (AMZN)
4. Disney (DIS)
5. Apple (AAPL)
6. Comcast (CMCSA)
7. Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD)
8. Paramount Global (PARA)
1. Netflix (NFLX)
Netflix has become a big name in streaming, changing how we watch shows and movies. With around 270 million subscribers worldwide, it's one of the few streaming services that makes a lot of money. Experts like Morningstar analyst Matthew Dolgin say Netflix is the best in global streaming and will likely stay that way for years. 
Netflix's success comes from its huge audience and the many shows and movies it offers. They keep growing and making new stuff, which keeps people interested. So, if you're thinking about investing, Netflix might be a good bet because it's expected to keep leading the streaming world for a long time. 
2. Alphabet (GOOG and GOOGL)
You might not think of Google's parent company Alphabet as a big player in streaming, but YouTube, which they own, is huge. People around the world watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube on their TVs every day. They also have a service called YouTubeTV, kind of like regular cable but streamed online, and it has over 8 million subscribers.
3. Amazon (AMZN)
Amazon, known for its online shopping, also has a streaming service called Amazon Prime Video. It's become a big deal, especially for people who subscribe to Amazon Prime. The CEO, Andy Jassy, told shareholders that they believe Prime Video can be a big and profitable business by itself.
Lately, Amazon has been adding ads to Prime Video, which has more than 200 million viewers each month. They've also started showing live sports like Thursday Night Football NFL games. This shows that Amazon is serious about growing its streaming business and making it even more attractive for Prime subscribers.
 4. Disney (DIS)
Disney is changing the way it does business by focusing more on streaming. Their main service, Disney+, now has about 118 million subscribers who pay around $7 to $8 per month. Disney also owns other popular channels like ESPN for sports, ABC for news and shows, and the Disney channel for kids' entertainment.
Even though Disney has these great assets, it's facing some challenges as the industry shifts. Morningstar's Dolgin says that while Disney has advantages, the new way of doing things might not be as profitable as before. Still, Disney is adapting and finding ways to stay strong in the ever-changing media world.
5. Apple (AAPL)
While Apple is famous for creating iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers, it's also made a big streaming service called Apple TV+. They don't share a lot of details about it, but it's believed that around 25 million people pay for it, and more might get it through special deals.
Popular shows like Ted Lasso have attracted viewers to Apple TV+, and they've even started showing live sports like Major League Baseball and Major League Soccer. So, even though Apple is mainly known for its devices, it's also making a name for itself in the streaming world.
6. Comcast (CMCSA)
Comcast, a well-known media company, is shifting towards streaming with its service called Peacock. It owns big brands like NBC, Telemundo, Universal, and Sky. By the end of 2023, Peacock had around 31 million people paying for it, but it also faced a loss of about $2.7 billion.
To attract more subscribers, Comcast is focusing on adding live sports to Peacock. They've already streamed an NFL playoff game in early 2024, and they also show college basketball and football games. This move shows that Comcast is serious about competing in the streaming world by offering popular sports content. 
7. Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD)
Warner Bros. Discovery is a big company that owns a bunch of popular media brands like HBO, CNN, Discovery Channel, HGTV, and more. They also have famous franchises like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and The Lord of the Rings.
At the end of 2023, Warner Bros. Discovery said they had nearly 98 million subscribers for their various services, which include HBO Max, legacy HBO, and Discovery+. This company came together in 2022 when Discovery merged with AT&T's media business, showing that they're a major player in the entertainment industry.
8. Paramount Global (PARA)
Paramount Global owns lots of popular media channels like CBS, Nickelodeon, MTV, and Comedy Central. Their streaming service, Paramount+, had over 71 million subscribers by March 2024.
Right now, Paramount is thinking about merging with another company, but it's not certain if it will happen. They've been talking with Skydance Media, and they also got an offer from Sony and a private equity firm called Apollo, who want to buy Paramount with cash. These talks show that Paramount is exploring options to grow and strengthen its business.
Netflix started offering streaming services in 2007 and has become the biggest player in the industry. They have around 270 million subscribers worldwide as of March 2024 and made a profit of $5.4 billion in 2023.
Seeing Netflix's success, other companies jumped into streaming, but most haven't done as well. Big names like Disney and Comcast tried with services like Disney+, but they mostly lost money. Tech giants like Apple and Amazon also joined in, with varying levels of success.
Recently, Disney said Disney+ gained over 6 million new subscribers, and its losses in streaming got smaller. But the stock still dropped about 10% because they don't expect more growth this quarter and costs will hurt profits. Paramount Global, struggling to make money from streaming, is considering takeover offers. Sony and a private equity firm called Apollo offered $26 billion in cash in early May.
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taabur-for-toddlers · 2 years ago
Discover the Benefits of Gymnastics Classes Near Me for Kids
Are you looking for a fun and engaging activity for your child that promotes physical and mental development? Look no further than gymnastics classes! Not only do these classes provide a fantastic outlet for children to burn off energy, but they also offer a wide range of benefits that can positively impact your child's overall health and wellbeing. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of enrolling your child in gymnastics classes near you.
 Physical Benefits of Gymnastics Classes
 Gymnastics classes offer a variety of physical benefits for kids of all ages. Through regular practice, children can improve their strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and overall physical fitness. Gymnastics also helps children develop their gross motor skills, which are crucial for everyday activities such as walking, running, and jumping. Additionally, the repetitive nature of gymnastics movements can help children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
 Mental Benefits of Gymnastics Classes
 In addition to the physical benefits, gymnastics classes can also have a positive impact on a child's mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase overall happiness. Additionally, the mental focus required for gymnastics can help improve concentration, discipline, and self-esteem. These skills can be carried over into other areas of a child's life, such as academic performance and social interactions.
 Social Benefits of Gymnastics Classes
 Gymnastics classes also offer a variety of social benefits for children. By participating in a group activity, children can learn important social skills such as teamwork, communication, and respect for others. They can also make new friends and build a sense of community within the gymnastics class. Additionally, the structured environment of gymnastics classes can help children learn important life skills such as time management, responsibility, and goal setting.
 Types of Gymnastics Classes for Kids
 There are many different types of gymnastics classes available for kids, each with their own unique benefits. Some of the most popular types of classes include:
 Recreational gymnastics: These classes are designed for kids of all skill levels and focus on building fundamental gymnastics skills in a fun and engaging way.
 Competitive gymnastics: For children who are more serious about gymnastics, competitive classes offer a structured training program designed to develop advanced skills and prepare for competitions.
 Tumbling classes: These classes focus specifically on tumbling skills, such as flips, rolls, and handstands.
 Preschool gymnastics: Designed for children ages 3-5, these classes introduce young children to basic gymnastics movements and help develop their motor skills.
 Finding Gymnastics Classes Near Me
 Now that you understand the many benefits of gymnastics classes for kids, you may be wondering how to find a class near you. Here are some tips to get started:
 Check local gymnastics facilities: Most cities have at least one gymnastics facility that offers classes for kids. Check out their websites or give them a call to learn more about their programs.
 Ask for referrals: If you know other parents whose children take gymnastics classes, ask them for recommendations.
 Search online: Use search engines such as Google or Bing to search for gymnastics classes near you. Be sure to include your city or zip code in the search query.
 Check community centers: Some community centers offer gymnastics classes for kids. Check with your local center to see if they have any programs available.
Final Thoughts
 Gymnastics classes can offer a wide range of physical, mental, and social benefits for kids of all ages. Whether your child is just starting out or is more advanced, there is a class out there
Where to find top Gymnastics classes nearby for kids
Nowadays finding nearby classes on Google is tough especially when you have to check each and every Activity Center website to check their location prices. Now we have a solution to this problem, at Taabur.com, they have the details of more than 5000 centers in Delhi NCR, you can find classes according to your preferred location, price, and child age.
Taabur also has a membership Card named Taabur Play Card, which gives you free unlimited access to Gymnastics, Swimming, and 30 other activities at 100+ centers. Currently, they have more than 3000 Active users in Gurugram with a 4.8 Star service Rating.
0 notes
mostlysignssomeportents · 4 years ago
Are privacy and antitrust on a collision course?
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In “The New Antitrust/Data Privacy Law Interface,” Temple Law’s Erika M Douglas presents a fascinating look at the tensions between privacy and competition.
It’s only fitting that Douglas published her paper in the Yale Law Journal, as that’s the same journal that kickstarted the modern antitrust revolution when it published Lina Khan’s “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox,” while she was a law student.
Douglas rightly points out that there are many ways in which competition and privacy are in tension with one another (and sometimes, they’re in out-and-out conflict).
Take the fight over Google’s war on third-party cookie-tracking. Google is a vertically integrated monopolist that dominates browsing, search, ads, tracking, and (to a lesser extent) display ads.
Google has taken (and proposed) aggressive steps that would prevent third parties from tracking you as you use the internet. Ad-tech bottom-feeders call this anticompetitive and argue that Google isn’t interested in defending your privacy — it’s defending its turf.
They’re right! Google doesn’t want to defend you from Google. It wants to defend you from everyone else. Google wants to spy on you all the time. Even Google execs in charge of location services can’t figure out how to opt out of location tracking.
It’s a brazen version of consent theater: “Sure, you ticked eleven boxes telling us not to record or mine your location data, but you missed the one we put in a locked file-drawer in a disused lavatory with a sign reading BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD.”
But just because Google privacywashes its anitcompetitive conduct, it doesn’t necessarily follow that antitrust and privacy aren’t compatible with one another.
The key to reconciling antitrust with privacy is in a foundational antitrust text: Ida M Tarbell’s 1904 classic of muckraking journalism, the HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY, which led directly to the downfall of John D Rockefeller’s empire.
Tarbell — a self-trained journalist, the first woman to achieve a biology degree in the US, and a remarkable writer and speaker — introduces a vital concept at the end of volume two of the HISTORY: the idea of “illegitimate greatness.”
Tarbell starts by laying out all the ways in which Rockefeller was a genuinely amazing oil baron — the innovations he was responsible for in both technology and organization, and how his genius led to better, cheaper sources of energy for all.
This genius she calls Rockefeller’s “legitimate greatness.” But, she says, Rockefeller also had “illegitimate greatness.” Rockefeller had an incredible talent for corrupting the political process.
Earlier in the HISTORY, Tarbell documents an Ohio state senator who’d sponsored legislation unfavorable to Standard Oil, who suddenly resigned his seat and moved to California, where he had a makework job with a fat salary in a Standard subsidiary.
Rockefeller was also really great at corrupt acts of intimidation. Over and over, the workers attempting to complete pipelines that competed with Standard’s lines were set upon by goons wielding railroad spikes, who beat their brains in.
Rockefeller’s genius for corruption and intimidation was the match of his genius for oil production, and Tarbell urges the reader (and lawmakers) to understand the distinction.
We want competition in areas of legitimate greatness — improved energy security for all, provided by a broad-based industry that had room for individuals to express their own genius by starting their own firms that competed with Standard Oil.
But we don’t want competition in “sending railroad-spike wielding goons to maim competitors’ workers” or “bribing politicians who want to regulate your company to relocate to another state and retire from politics.”
We want to ban that conduct, not make it more efficient.
Illegitimate/legitimate greatness is key to resolving privacy/antitrust tension. Take the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s report on ad-tech concentration. It’s stunning, 480 pages’ worth of investigation into how Googbook rig the ad market.
One area the report homes in on is “attribution,” Googbook’s name for the practice of spying on you after you see an ad, to determine whether the ad worked. Googbook track you across the web, track your physical location, and your financial transactions to do attribution.
Googbook are able to do this in part because they have vertical monopolies that extend surveillance tendrils into apps (via SDKs), websites (via analytics, Like buttons and free fonts), and across their own vast platforms.
Attribution also relies on Googbook having huge cash reserves (from their monopoly pricing), which they use to buy our transaction data from scumbag brokers. Smaller ad-tech companies can’t afford this.
Advertisers really value attribution, so it’s a major competitive advantage for the Googbook duopoly. Even if Googbook were forced to end their illegal price-fixing, market-rigging and predatory mergers, advertisers would still pay a premium for Googbook ads.
The CMA is right to identify attribution as a source of anticompetitive advantage, but because they don’t practice the legitimate/illegitimate greatness split, they make an absolutely awful recommendation.
They propose giving everyone a government-issued ad-tech tracking ID so that smaller companies can spy on us the way Googbook do, which would create competition in attribution “services.”
No, really.
This is the crux of the privacy/antitrust tension: failures to distinguish between legitimate/illegitimate greatness, lead to competition in things that simply shouldn’t exist. We don’t want efficient, high-productivity human rights abuses, we want no human rights abuses.
With this distinction in hand, we can better understand the other privacy/antitrust tensions that Douglas discusses, such as the #GDPR, Europe’s landmark privacy law, which effectively wiped out the entire European ad-tech industry, leaving Googbook to rule unchallenged.
The firms the GDPR extinguished were engaged in the worst kind of surveillance. Unlike Googbook, who play a long game, these bottom-feeders and also-rans had only one play: spy on us, get rich, and get out. They colored even further outside the lines than Googbook did.
Their sins were easier to detect and their size made them easier to prosecute. Googbook have been underprosecuted (thanks to under-resourced EU enforcers), but thanks to the GDPR’s private right of action, NGOs like NOYB are able to go after them.
The fact that the GDPR extinguished competition in commercial surveillance doesn’t put it in tension with antitrust, because antitrust’s goal is the promotion competition in legitimate greatness, and the prevention the exercise of illegitimate greatness.
Indeed, privacy and antitrust can serve as force-mulitpliers for one another, as is the case with interoperability mandates, another area Douglas explores. Douglas observes that data-portability rules have not led to improvements in competition.
It’s true. Letting people take their Google or Facebook data with them when they leave the service is a nice baseline to have, but on it’s own, it doesn’t accomplish much if there isn’t anywhere to take your data to.
But data-portability is where interop should start, not end. The US ACCESS Act contemplates forms of “real-time interoperability” that would let you leave Facebook without having to cut ties with the people who stay — community, family and customers.
Real-time interop is a counter to the much-ballyhooed “network effects” that drive scale at the tech platforms (this is when a service improves when new users sign up), by reducing the services’ “switching costs” (what you give up when you leave).
Even the ACCESS Act barely scratches the surface of how interop promotes legitimate greatness and our right to technological self-determination. There is a whole universe of ways to plug new digital products and services into existing ones to loosen corporate control.
Naturally, all this interop raises serious privacy concerns — which is why interop works best as a competition remedy if it is paired with strong privacy law, so democratically accountable law (not corporate edict) sets the limits on interop.
The legitimate/illegitimate greatness split is how we can distinguish between privacywashing and real privacy concerns. When Doordash used privacy as an excuse to hide the value of deliveries from its workers, that was privacywashing:
But when Doordash objected to NYC’s misguided plan to force it to share its customer data with third parties, that was genuine privacy-preserving. Interop that promotes labor rights is good. Interop that promotes privacy invasion is bad.
Douglas is right to point out that privacy law is immature and can be hijacked to defend all kinds of odious practices. as Apple has done in declaring itself to be championing privacy while nonconsensually installing spyware on its customers’ phones:
But here’s another place where interop — a competition tool — can act as a hedge against bad privacy practices. Apple is only able to spy on its customers because they can’t modify the OS and cloud apps to encrypt their data beyond Apple’s ability to peer into it.
Just the threat of interop can stay companies’ hands when they contemplate privacy-invasive actions. When switching away from a company’s products is easy, the company has to take great care not to piss off its customers, because they can simply walk away.
The corollary of this is that the higher the switching costs are, the worse a company can treat its customers, including on the privacy axis. That’s all over the amended FTC Facebook complaint.
The FTC quotes numerous internal Facebook comms in which execs and engineers admit that they want to raise switching costs so they can abuse their users without risking their flight — the harder it is to leave, the bigger the shit-sandwich the company can force you to eat.
Douglas’s paper is very timely. As she points out, antitrust is changing, and tensions with other areas of law will only mount. Everything is up for grabs. Douglas describes the settled detente between IP law and competition policy, but this might not stay settled.
Biden’s smashing July 6 Antitrust Executive Order explicitly calls for the elimination of the norm that IP enforcement be exempted from antitrust scrutiny.
It’s an acknowledgement that in the 21st Century, “IP” has come to mean, “Any law or policy I can invoke to control the conduct of my critics, competitors and customers.”
We can resolve the tension between antitrust and other kinds of law, including privacy and IP, so long as we frame all areas of law as serving the goal of self-determination and fairness, and not corporate hegemony.
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tomorrowz-child · 3 years ago
The More You Know About SEO
Google is basically one of, if not the biggest technological AND digital superpower on the planet right now. I know that sounds heavy and exaggerative for me to say but let me explain. Google is the most used thing on earth next to water and toilet paper. I say this because google acts as a middle man between us and any information we want. Google is like that one friend who knows everyone, everything, and everywhere and if not 100% accurate it still boasts results that lean approximately to being accurate. When you want to look for something you go to Google it's just that simple. Heck, it’s now its name is a verb! But to put this into perspective for you here are some statistics on Google:
·       3.8 million searches go through Google every minute.
·       Google holds 90% of the market share in the search engine industry.
·       Google makes 116.3 billion in ad revenue each years.
·       Gmail is the most used email platform on earth.
·       The Google operating system, Android, accounts for 87% of the OS market share.
All of these facts are prime reasons why you need to learn how to use Google to your advantage. We all know about the media mix, the combination of several media platforms that help make up the digital media framework that we use to market our creations and/or products. Google fits perfectly because, like I said before, Google is your friend who can send your product/creation information out to everyone who may want/looks for it. It’s imperative for those looking into to digital media to learn how to tell google about what you have going on. This is called search engine optimization, or SEO for short. With SEO you will learn how to use Google to your advantage by creating keywords that help guide the consumers to you. You’re also going to have to bid for Google’s top spots. See Googs has people are over who want it to help spread the word about them. So, Google set up a monetary bid system where you can bid for time slots, result placings, etc for when/how your webpage is supposed to show. This may seem daunting but depending on your how you set up your keywords, you should be okay with not having to pour thousands into a campaign. Everything considered, we all should learn how to help our friend Google help us. Here is the article I pulled the Google stats from, and also here is an article that can help you learn how to get started with SEO. Until next time TTS; til the spire.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years ago
Egotober 2021 Ch. 16: Sleepover
Summary: Two toddlers have a short lived adventure.
Prompt: Film
Characters: Shroud and Michael _Beloved
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Michael never liked getting near the base or the police station. Tubbo had tried to bring him close to the heroes’ base to fill out some paperwork and the little toddler became a screaming, crying fit in his arms.
Silver, Abe, Logic, and Jackie all caused the boy to have similar reactions. Along with anyone in an obvious mask. He even tried to take Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo’s masks off when he saw them wearing one. So Tubbo and Ranboo couldn’t just drop him off at the base for a babysitter, and for security reasons a hero just couldn’t turn up without a mask to watch the kid. Patton had offered several times to go maskless, but in the end Tubbo decided to go with Foolish and Puffy.
Today it was Foolish’s job to watch him and when Tubbo came over he also dropped off Shroud as well. So Michael was comfortable, playing blocks and with his chicken with his cousin.
And the day was going so well, until Shroud got a hold of one of Foolish’s eye orbs and after a bit of a tug of war between Michael and Shroud, it was thrown out the window. The two toddlers vanished into the busy city.
It took Foolish five minutes to realize there was suspicious silence. And another five seconds to completely panic.
Michael and Shroud weren’t just three-year-olds, they were also very young demons. Michael’s mental and physical forms were accidentally capped by the treatment they received by the adults around them. And Shroud, because he was around Michael so much, was the same.
The two of them, accidentally carried by the orb wandered around town for a couple minutes before they were found, thankfully by Bing.
“Hey, little dudes,” Bing recognized them and carefully walked over. “What are you two doin’[1] out here?”
At the sight of Bing, Michael started crying. Shroud however, raced up in excitement.
“Bing!” Shroud cheered and the android lowered his sunglasses to show his glowing orange eyes.
Michael stopped crying and was staring at Bing, braced for something.
“Bing!” Google shouted from down the road. “I expect an answer.”
“Hey, Googs, hold that thought,” Bing told Google.
“Why do you have human children?” Google asked.
“S’not[2] humans, dude,” Bing corrected with a smile as he scooped Shroud up. Michael became distressed again when Bing picked the other toddler up.
Google walked over, his eyes glowing blue as he scanned them. “They’re glitches.”
“Yeah, ain’t that cool?” Bing smiled. “Here, just let me call one ‘a[3] their dads. I’m pretty sure they’re not supposed ta[4] be here.”
The blue android crotched down and stared at Michael who was looking at him warily. Google just stared at him. “Are their dads glitches?”
“NDA, dude,” Bing denied.
“I would like to know for correlation’s sake,” Google told him.
“An’[5] I’m not sayin’[6] who they’re from,” Bing informed, sending Tubbo his exact location the instant he got a response.
“The Hecatoncheires project cannot work long term without information like this,” Google informed.
“Dude, I’m not even sure I wanna[7] help with that yet,” Bing denied.
“Bing!” Tubbo was racing over, Foolish was close behind him.
“The fuck are they doing all the way out here!” Tubbo shouted as he buzzed over, scooping up Michael immediately and then taking Shroud from Bing.
“Fuck!” Shroud repeated with glee, throwing up a set of arms in the air as his other four arms held onto Tubbo.
Google looked at Tubbo and Foolish.
Tubbo looked the toddlers over and sensed some of the remains of aura that was similar to Ranboo’s specifically whenever he would teleport.
“They got their hands on an eye,” Tubbo realized and glared at Foolish
“Hey, it’s not my fault, I don’t know how he got his hands on it,” Foolish held his hands up defensively. “I keep ‘em[8] locked up.”
“Yeah, and if anything had happened, the three ‘a[3] us would have locked up your organs,” Tubbo snapped. Then he turned to Bing and smiled. “Thanks man, I’ll take it from here.”
“Yeah, no problem,” Bing smiled and Tubbo and Foolish left with the kids. Tubbo took the two back to Foolish’s place to figure out what had happened.
Accessibility Translations:
1. doing
2. They’re not
3. of
4. to
5. And
6. saying
7. want to
8. them
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halfwall · 4 years ago
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪ ⠀   * ⠀ ─          hello!  i’m  so  excited  for  this  genuinely,  it  is  so  seksi  and  socks  +  soda  did  such  an  amazing  job  with  it.  eunjung  is  my  newest  muse  and  the  best  way  i  can  describe  her  is  if  you  took  a  garden  snake  and  aged  it  up  manually  in  the  sims  and  then  took  it  into  the  spore  game  and  gave  it  lips  and  made  it  a  predator.  in  other  words,  my  very  own  looks  like  a  cinnamon  roll  could  k-word  you  (  kiss?  kill?  your  choice  <3  ).  this  intro  is  a  condensed  version  of  my  goog  dooc  and  it’s  still  long  <3  pls  love  n  plot  w  me  anyway.  love  u  guys.
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❪  kang  mina,  cis  woman,  she  /  her,  twenty  one.  ❫    i  can  feel  red  energy,  that  must  be  yun  eunjung.  the  third  year  print  journalism  &  international  relations  major  works  as  a  bookkeeper  at  the  house  of  the  lucky  gander,  and  is  known  around  the  manor  as  the  yellow  wallpaper.  i’ve  heard  whispers  about  how  they’re  critical  and  pedantic,  but  everyone  says  they’re  persevering  and  formidable.  i  don’t  know  what  to  believe...  but  with  cc  pulling  the  strings...
links:    google  doc,  pinterest,  stats,  wanted  connections.
full  name  :  yun  eunjung
nickname(s) /  alias(es)  :  emma  yoon  (  english  name,  not  used  ),  tbd
age  /  dob  :  twenty  one  /  apr  18  ‘99
hometown  :  tbd  ,  oregon
current  location :  fortuna  ,  maine
ethnicity :  korean
nationality  :  english
gender  :  cis  woman
pronouns  :  she  /  her
orientation  :  bisexual
religion :  agnostic.
family :  yun  hajun  (  father,  alive  ),  han  minji  (  mother,  alive  ),  yun  eunsang  (  twin  brother,  status  unknown  ),  yun  sangjung  (  younger  brother,  deceased  ).
face  claim  :  kang  mina
language(s)  spoken  :  korean  (  first  language  ),  english
speech :  sharp  tongued.  she’s  a  lot  of  opinions  and  a  lot  of  things  to  say,  therefore  has  never  learned  how  to  phrase  things  in  a  way  that  would  deem  her  polite.  often  blunt,  she’ll  be  quick  to  rip  off  the  bandaid  and  just  say  what  needs  to  be  said.  she  doesn’t  speak  with  much  class  or  extravagancies,  rather  falls  toward  crassness  and  crudeness  due  to  her  upbringing.
hair  :  quite  dark,  a  nice  chocolate  in  the  sun  and  a  cool  onyx  in  the  dark.  often  tied  back,  though  eunjung  is  only  ever  seen  with  her  hair  in  two  distinct  styles:  tied  back  messily  or  let  down  naturally.  her  hair  falls  straight  as  if  it’s  been  flat  ironed.
eyes :  big,  round,  and  doe  eyed,  a  dark  brown  in  color.  quite  the  weapon  to  use  when  she’s  in  trouble  or  when  she  needs  to  talk  her  way  out  of  something  (  to  proclaim  innocence  ).
height  :  five  feet  ,  seven  inches.
build  :  lithe.  as  a  former  volleyball  player,  she  has  kept  her  shape  up  with  rigorous  conditioning  (  mainly  because  if  she’s  to  admit  it,  if  she  doesn’t  she  kind  of  gets  lost  in  the  walls  ).
tattoos  :  none  .
piercings :  only  earlobes  .
scars  :  multiple  from  surgeries  at  sixteen.
clothing  style  :  preppy,  thanks  to  her  settlement  money  and  her  own  personal  taste.  never  a  hair  out  of  place  due  to  her  perfectionistic  personality  and  nature,  though  if  you  catch  her  on  any  given  night,  you’ll  see  her  true  colors  shine  through  with  old  (  very  old  )  sweatpants  and  a  hoodie  that  has  someone  else’s  name  written  on  the  tag  in  hangul.
usual  expression  :  sour,  bitter  –  life  has  handed  her  a  poor  hand  and  she’ll  make  it  everyone’s  problem.  she  has  one  usual  expression  and  it’s  resting  mean  face;  not  the  kind  of  person  to  wear  her  heart  on  her  sleeve,  she  looks  the  exact  same  when  she  looks  happy  as  she  does  sad,  though  –  she’s  great  at  acting  and  lying  and  you’ve  never  lived  until  you’ve  watched  her  go  from  :|  to  :)  in  two  seconds.
distinguishing  characteristics  :  doe  eyes  that  scream  tragedy  –  reflecting  the  stars  in  the  night  sky  if  caught  just  right,  the  tilt  of  her  lips  when  she  clearly  wants  something  to  work  in  her  favor.
❪  almost  directly  copied  from  my  google  doc  i’m  sorry  ❫ 
mbti:   istj-a,  the  logistician  /  most  who  know  her  would  assume  her  to  be  extroverted.  not  the  most  reserved  in  a  room  and  always  quick  to  speak  up  when  she  deems  it  necessary.  but,  like  most  logisticians  –  she’s  always  had  a  sharp,  fact-based  mind.  she  has  always  been  self  sufficient  and  hates  relying  on  others,  often  seeing  it  as  a  weakness.  she  is  sharp,  dedicated  and  ambitious  enough  to  accomplish  whatever  she  wants  to  accomplish.
enneagram:  6w5,  the  guardian  /  like  most  of  this  type,  her  biggest  fear  is  losing  her  guidance  and  stability,  which  translates  into  her  skepticism  of  the  world.  therefore,  it  often  leads  to  eunjung  protecting  those  she  is  loyal  to,  but  most  importantly:  herself.  she  will  often  think  logically  and  analytically,  solving  problems  practically  and  efficiently  but  she  will  often  be  selfish  and  can  come  off  as  cold  as  a  result  for  her  actions.
moral  alignment:  chaotic  evil  /  eunjung  has  never  been  the  most  –  angelic  person,  though  she  likes  to  pretend  she  is.  at  the  end  of  the  day,  after  everything  she  has  been  through,  she  has  grown  to  be  selfish  –  prioritizing  her  own  personal  gain  and  pleasure  above  all  good  and  evil,  right  and  wrong.  it  could  be  argued  that  she  belongs  in  chaotic  neutral,  but  she  has  no  care  for  law  and  order,  nor  a  real  feeling  of  her  morality  anymore.
hogwarts  house:  slytherin  /  another  reminder  of  her  selfishness  and  how  much  she  cares  about  her  own  well  being.  all  her  life  as  well,  she  has  been  told  that  she  is  shrewd  and  too  ambitious  for  her  own  good  which  has  only  given  her  an  incessant  drive  to  prove  them  all  wrong.  when  it  comes  down  to  it,  like  most  slytherins,  she  will  try  to  view  every  possible  outcome  until  she  finds  the  outcome  that  will  benefit  her  the  most.
comparable  characters:  juliet  capulet  (  romeo  &  juliet  ),  jennifer  check  (  jennifer’s  body  ),  rosalie  hale  (  twilight  ),  blair  waldorf  (  gossip  girl  ),  sansa  stark  (  game  of  thrones  ).
the  rundown:  as  smart  as  she  is  selfish,  life  has  just  twisted  her  to  be  a  bit  cold.  she  isn’t  cruel  by  any  means,  nor  does  she  necessarily  wish  hurt  and  evil  upon  those  around  her,  but  eunjung’s  huge  main  character  complex  often  leads  to  her  priorities  being:  1.  eunjung  2.  yun eunjung  3.  eunjung yun.  her  biggest  trait  will  always  be  selfishness,  followed  closely  by  her  rash  belief  that  she  is  the  best  in  the  room  at  all  times.
trigger  warnings:  alcoholism  +  death
this  is  a  rundown  on  the  biography  /  death  /  back  room  /  glass  person  in  the  google  doc,  also  better  written  /  explained  because  it’s  not  prosey  <3
hajun  is  not  a  good  father,  he  never  has  been.  from  a  very  young  age,  all  eunjung  has  heard  from  him  are  his  drunken  spirals  about  how  great  they  used  to  be.  his  surname  was  once  held  in  a  high  regard,  the  name  of  an  empress  and  he  has  always  dwindled  about  to  the  three  yun  children  that  because  of  the  greatness  he  has  passed  onto  them,  they  must  be  great  too.  
eunjung  has  only  ever  viewed  his  spiels  as  hypocritical  though.  she  has  only  ever  known  her  dad  as  a  mean  drunk  who  lives  in  the  dirtiest,  most  run  down  house  in  town  with  his  poor  three  kids.  her  twin  brother,  eunsang,  her  younger  brother,  sangjung,  and  her  spend  their  childhoods  taking  care  of  each  other  because  nobody  else  will.  their  mother  does  something,  they  never  know  what  because  she  only  arrives  with  enough  money  for  groceries  and  bills  and  then  she  leaves.
it’s  that  way  for  most  of  her  childhood  and  most  of  her  life.  it’s  a  continuous  cycle  of  eunjung  +  eunsang  taking  care  of  sangjung  (  who  starts  going  my  samuel  when  he’s  ten  and  the  twins  are  twelve.  the  twins  have  english  names,  too,  but  eunjung  has  too  much  pride  –  like  her  father  –  and  eunsang  is  the  eldest  and  will  do  whatever  his  twin  does  out  of  love  )  and  eunjung  is  just  –  quite  the  difficult  child.  she  speaks  her  mind  and  all  of  her  opinions,  as  well  as  letting  the  festering  anger  within  her  too  grow  because  she  doesn’t  know  what  else  to  do  with  it.
death  tw.  anyway,  by  sixteen,  she’s  just  this  bitter  girl  that  the  boys  hook  up  with  because  she’s  the  poor  girl  from  the  dirty  house  on  the  rundown  street.  she’s  got  a  reputation  as  a  shrew  around  town,  but  she’s  fine  with  being  a  shrew  if  she  still  gets  her  way.  samuel  is  much  more  popular  than  either  of  the  twins  (  who  are  epitome  of  bad  boy  /  bad  girl  from  the  wrong  side  of  the  tracks  )  and  is  invited  to  a  party  at  fourteen.  it’s  tradition  to  party  in  this  abandoned  mansion  out  in  the  woods  and  basically,  an  accident  happens  and  samuel  is  pushed  from  the  second  story  balcony  into  the  foyer  and  d-words.
he’d  called  eunjung  before  dying  though,  asking  for  a  ride  so  the  twins  had  went  to  go  get  him  but  instead  found  him  dead.  while  trying  to  figure  out  what  had  happened,  she  spots  some  kid  that  doesn’t  like  her  still  lingering  around  so  she  tries  to  chase  him  and  he....  like....  pushes  her  off  too  and  she  d-words.  end  tw.
her  back  room  is  just  this  little  room  and  she  still  to  this  day  doesn’t  know  how  much  time  she  spent  in  there  because  it  was  just  so  confusing,  all  she  remembers  is  that  she  (  or  someone  )  was  trying  to  convince  herself  that  she  was  home  and  that  everything  was  fine.  but,  she’s  a  bitch  and  was  like  “uh,  actually,  i’ve  never  had  a  home  <3″  and  broke  out  of  whatever  spell.
her  glass  person  is  just  her.  identical,  but  trapped  in  the  walls  underneath  the  ugly  yellow  wallpaper  in  the  room  she  was  in.  same  as  her,  just  more  lifeless  and  it  is  really  the  only  thing  that  still  scares  her  –  and  it  tried  to  escape  the  walls,  but  it  couldn’t.  the  lasting  effect  is  that  if  she’s  alone  in  a  room  for  more  than  an  hour  she  swears  the  walls  start  stretching  like  someone’s  behind  it  and  just  always  feeling  like  she’s  being  watched.  she  also  doesn’t  like  looking  at  her  own  reflection  that  much  anymore  because  it  just  reminds  her  of  her  glass  person.
anyway,  she  survives  miraculously  and  after  testifying  and  blah  blah  blah  (  i  did  research  on  settlements  and  i  still  didn’t  understand  so  ),  the  family  of  the  kid  who  pushed  her  off  –  and  probably  samuel  –  gives  the  yun  family  a   huge  sum  of  money  for  their  troubles  and  calls  it  a  settlement.  it  comes  with  the  condition  that  eunjung  doesn’t  sue  or  bring  them  up  ever  again  and  she’s  like  fine  that’s  cool,  whatever,  i’m  rich  now.
but  her  parents  still  aren’t  happy  and  before  samuel’s  funeral,  eunsang  runs  away  from  home,  leaving  them  with  only  the  daughter  that  neither  of  them  really  wanted.  she  still  pushes  forward  though  and  ends  school  as  valedictorian,  prom  queen,  etc.  and  heads  to  fortuna  because  she  really  doesn’t  think  she  can  go  anywhere  and  also  her  counselors  are  ass  <3
she’s  studying  international  relations  +  print  journalism,  her  hopes  are  diplomacy  or  something,  but  she  just  chose  the  majors  that  she  tested  highest  on  on  that  career  test  i  can’t  choose.  yeah.
please  plot  w  me  i  have  my  wc  linked  up  there  or  at  /w.  i  love  u  all  i’m  sorry  this  was  long.
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iamvegorott · 2 years ago
Veggie I got terminated at my job for some stupid reasons because of a stupid manager. It was this whole thing that also costed the jobs of all the managers and half the staff. Is it alright if I can ask for a cute yanois blurb?
Holy hell, I’m so sorry that happened. Hopefully, everything works out for all of you in the end <3 Here’s some fluff for you!
“I know it gonna sound a little silly, but I can’t help but miss it,” Yancy said with a small sigh as he and Illinois made their way down the hall out of the meeting room. Illinois had asked about growing up with Dark as his parent out of a random burst of curiosity. “But when I was really little, one of the first things I can remember, he used to pick me up, hug me tight and cover my head and face in kisses.” Yancy rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by his admission. “I know I’m too old and big for it, but sometimes it’s nice to think of those days before everything went hectic for a while.” 
“Too old and big?” Illinois asked with a scoff of disbelief in his voice. 
“Well, yeah. Mama’s not gonna pick up his grown son and kiss his head. That’s a little weird.” Yancy’s chuckle was soft and weak. Illinois was going to say something in protest to that, but Yancy’s attention was taken away by Bing calling out to him and saying he had to show him something. “I’ll be a minute,” Yancy told Illinois with a smile before heading off to see whatever was on Bing’s phone. 
Illinois stayed where he was, lost in thought as he debated, planned, and then decided what he would do as soon as Yancy and Bing finished talking. 
Yancy was never one to ask for much, still shocked whenever he’s given gifts despite literal years of being somewhat spoiled by almost everyone, himself and Dark being the ones who go about that the most. So whenever Yancy would ask for something or had an interest or want for something, Illinois couldn’t help himself from wanting to give Yancy anything and everything his heart would ever desire. 
“Make sure yous don’t get too beat up after you show Google that.” Yancy chuckled as Bing tucked his phone away. 
“Oh, Googs would never do that, but I’m definitely getting in trouble for taking that picture of him.” Bing chuckled. “I should head off. See ya.” He did a two-finger salute and stepped away as Yancy gave him the same salute back. Yancy then turned to go back to Illinois, not expecting him to be right there. Illinois bent a bit, wrapped an arm around Yancy’s legs and torso, and lifted him. The hold was almost bridal style, but their chests pressed together. 
“Illinois!” Yancy yelped and started laughing as Illinois covered his head and face with kisses. “What are you doing!?” Illinois peppered on a few more kisses and then put Yancy back down on his feet, chuckling at how red Yancy’s face had gotten. 
“You said you were too big and old for that, and I proved you wrong.” Illinois grinned. There was a pause as Yancy processed everything, and then he scratched his cheek, asking softly. 
“Could you do it again?” 
“Of course, my prince.” Illinois winked before scooping Yancy right back up and getting a fit of giggles from Yancy.
It was always lovely when Yancy would let go and enjoy himself. 
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stockxpo · 10 months ago
Top Streaming Service Stocks: Choosing the Right Picks for Your Portfolio
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Over the last decade, how people watch TV shows, movies, and videos has transformed significantly. Streaming services like Netflix and YouTube have become the go-to choices for many, surpassing traditional media. This change opens up investment opportunities for those who can pinpoint which streaming platforms can draw in viewers and make money.
Top streaming stocks
1. Netflix (NFLX)
2. Alphabet (GOOG and GOOGL)
3. Amazon (AMZN)
4. Disney (DIS)
5. Apple (AAPL)
6. Comcast (CMCSA)
7. Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD)
8. Paramount Global (PARA)
1. Netflix (NFLX)
Netflix has become a big name in streaming, changing how we watch shows and movies. With around 270 million subscribers worldwide, it's one of the few streaming services that makes a lot of money. Experts like Morningstar analyst Matthew Dolgin say Netflix is the best in global streaming and will likely stay that way for years. 
Netflix's success comes from its huge audience and the many shows and movies it offers. They keep growing and making new stuff, which keeps people interested. So, if you're thinking about investing, Netflix might be a good bet because it's expected to keep leading the streaming world for a long time. 
2. Alphabet (GOOG and GOOGL)
You might not think of Google's parent company Alphabet as a big player in streaming, but YouTube, which they own, is huge. People around the world watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube on their TVs every day. They also have a service called YouTubeTV, kind of like regular cable but streamed online, and it has over 8 million subscribers.
3. Amazon (AMZN)
Amazon, known for its online shopping, also has a streaming service called Amazon Prime Video. It's become a big deal, especially for people who subscribe to Amazon Prime. The CEO, Andy Jassy, told shareholders that they believe Prime Video can be a big and profitable business by itself.
Lately, Amazon has been adding ads to Prime Video, which has more than 200 million viewers each month. They've also started showing live sports like Thursday Night Football NFL games. This shows that Amazon is serious about growing its streaming business and making it even more attractive for Prime subscribers.
 4. Disney (DIS)
Disney is changing the way it does business by focusing more on streaming. Their main service, Disney+, now has about 118 million subscribers who pay around $7 to $8 per month. Disney also owns other popular channels like ESPN for sports, ABC for news and shows, and the Disney channel for kids' entertainment.
Even though Disney has these great assets, it's facing some challenges as the industry shifts. Morningstar's Dolgin says that while Disney has advantages, the new way of doing things might not be as profitable as before. Still, Disney is adapting and finding ways to stay strong in the ever-changing media world.
5. Apple (AAPL)
While Apple is famous for creating iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers, it's also made a big streaming service called Apple TV+. They don't share a lot of details about it, but it's believed that around 25 million people pay for it, and more might get it through special deals.
Popular shows like Ted Lasso have attracted viewers to Apple TV+, and they've even started showing live sports like Major League Baseball and Major League Soccer. So, even though Apple is mainly known for its devices, it's also making a name for itself in the streaming world.
6. Comcast (CMCSA)
Comcast, a well-known media company, is shifting towards streaming with its service called Peacock. It owns big brands like NBC, Telemundo, Universal, and Sky. By the end of 2023, Peacock had around 31 million people paying for it, but it also faced a loss of about $2.7 billion.
To attract more subscribers, Comcast is focusing on adding live sports to Peacock. They've already streamed an NFL playoff game in early 2024, and they also show college basketball and football games. This move shows that Comcast is serious about competing in the streaming world by offering popular sports content.
7. Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD)
Warner Bros. Discovery is a big company that owns a bunch of popular media brands like HBO, CNN, Discovery Channel, HGTV, and more. They also have famous franchises like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and The Lord of the Rings.
At the end of 2023, Warner Bros. Discovery said they had nearly 98 million subscribers for their various services, which include HBO Max, legacy HBO, and Discovery+. This company came together in 2022 when Discovery merged with AT&T's media business, showing that they're a major player in the entertainment industry.
8. Paramount Global (PARA)
Paramount Global owns lots of popular media channels like CBS, Nickelodeon, MTV, and Comedy Central. Their streaming service, Paramount+, had over 71 million subscribers by March 2024.
Right now, Paramount is thinking about merging with another company, but it's not certain if it will happen. They've been talking with Skydance Media, and they also got an offer from Sony and a private equity firm called Apollo, who want to buy Paramount with cash. These talks show that Paramount is exploring options to grow and strengthen its business.
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doctordiscord123 · 5 years ago
Google takes care of a stubborn Bing. For @devon-rever-860
Tag List: @demon-dark-666 @crazehaze26 @bender-of-life @verse2wo @vociferous-chaos
Warnings: None Ships: Google/Bing Characters: Google, Bing Word Count: 523
Should I be up at this hour? No. Should I even attempt to write this late? Also no. Am I gonna do it anyway? Abso-fuckin’-lutely.
It was getting late in the manor, even for an android.
Google yawned for the fifth time in just as many minutes, rubbing at his eyes. He supposed it might’ve been a little ambitious of him to try and finish his current little project within the day. It was more complicated than anticipated, it was probably safer to save it for morning, when Google wasn’t lagging and slowing down from lack of battery. The extensions had gone to ‘bed’ a few hours ago, the three of them standing in their color-coordinated charging pods in the back of the room, eyes closed, fans humming softly. Yeah, it was probably best to call it a night...
Yawning again, Google waved to his left, trying to catch Bing’s attention. “Bing, are you done? We should head back to your room.”
“J͔͡u̪͝u̞̇ŭ͟ü̥u̜̿ù̺s̅͢t́͢ one sec, Googs...”
Google raised an eyebrow, and glanced over, head propped up by two fingers pressed to his temple. Poor Bing was lagging badly, chin rest on his desk and hands spasming. He was trying to attach synthetic feathers to a realistic-looking bird, no doubt a new toy for his cat, Peggy. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to be willing to cooperating with him in his state, but Bing kept trying. “A̒͟a̹̕ą́a̳̒a͈̍a̖̒n̠̕y̰̅ minute now, and I̧͒I̞̐I̩̓I̻͗Ì̼I͉͞I̞͋’ll be good.”
Google’s eyebrow arched further. “Bing, it’s past midnight.”
“That’ll be there in the morning.”
“Are you going to stop?”
Google couldn’t help the delirious little chuckle, rubbing his temple and closing his eyes. His own battery was beginning to flash its warnings in the corner of his vision, and he knew Bing was always running dangerously low by the end of a normal day, there was no way he was in double digits in terms of power. “Bing, don’t make me carry you.”
Bing scoffed. “Like y̠͌o͈̒ô͍ò̥o̫̅u̫͌u͕͆û̯ have the battery to do that right n̯̽o̦͠ö̡o̡͛ -- H̡̱̘͍̐̓̍͐Ȩ̬̦̎͌̆Ŷ͖̪͛!”
Google laughed again as he scooped Bing up, cradling him close to his chest. Bing pouted, crossing his arms, and practically elbowed Google hard with the way his body was glitching, and he muttered an apology. Google just snorted. “We both need to go to bed, Bing. Running yourself dry is helping no one.”
Bing’s pout deepened. “Your f̙̑a͟͝c̪̏ĕ̖ is helping no ǫ́n̜͌e͇͗.”
Google raised an unimpressed eyebrow, humming softly. He reached the door to Bing’s room in no time, gently nudging it open with his foot. Bing was already pretty out of it, extremely dangerously low now, his words slurring as well as glitching as Google set him down on the bed before crawling in himself. “G̦͡o͓̾ô͢o͜͝ó̱ö͜g͎̀l̙̅e̜͑,͚̏ ̀͢Ĩ̳ ̺͂l̩͆ơ͔o̲͂ǫ̉o͉̚v̜̈ḛ̓ ̢̐y̲͊o͑͢ű͕...”
Google smiled, pulling the covers up around the both of them and fiddling around to get Bing’s charging cord plugged into the base of his neck before plugging himself in. Bing immediately snuggled close to his chest, dropping off into sleep. Google pulled off Bing’s shades, and his own glasses, and reached over to set them on the nightstand before wrapping his arms around Bing, his chin resting atop his head. He closed his eyes, his core’s whir dimming to a slow hum.
“I love you, too, Bing.”
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years ago
Whumptober 2020 Day 14: Is Something Burning? Prompt: Heat Exhaustion
Summary: Google finds out that Chrome and his friends have left the building in the morning. It doesn't bother him until hours have passed and Chrome won't respond to contact. He goes looking for the group using the signal from Yancy's tracker, but what he finds only raises more questions. (continued from “Careful What You Wish For”)
Warnings: Gore, blood, heat exhaustion, vomit mention
Read on AO3 (Full Whumptober 2020 series)
At about midmorning, Google realizes that Chrome isn’t in Ego Inc. He’s not overly alarmed; a cursory walk through Ego Inc. confirms that Yandereplier and Yancy aren’t around, either. The three are known to go out together, not always telling anyone before they do. For them to be out in the morning instead of at night is atypical, but perhaps Chrome wanted to step away from looking at the evidence Bingiplier and MarkBop collected for a while. Maybe he wanted to clear his head, get away from the anxiety, take some time with his friends. Google can’t begrudge him that, he knows firsthand how stressed Chrome is right now.
It’s an unseasonably warm day. Other than Chrome and his cohorts, all of the egos stay firmly inside. Google and Plus continue puzzling over the IDs, the file, the taser, and trying to slowly decrypt the laptop. Time passes quickly, and before Google knows it, it’s the afternoon. The hottest part of the day has passed, but it’s still too warm out, making the whole building tired. More importantly, Chrome hasn’t come back yet, and another pass through the building confirms that Yandere and Yancy aren’t back yet either.
Google is already telling himself off for being silly when he sends a ping to Chrome. There’s no need to worry about him, Google’s just paranoid after Oliver disappeared. A normal reaction, but not a rational one. Google doesn’t have to worry about Chrome. But the ping goes unanswered, unheard of for any of the Googles, unless something is truly happening. Google doesn’t want to alarm Plus, so he keeps his worries to himself for a full hour, gives Chrome a full hour to reply. When he doesn’t, that’s when Google decides he has to act.
Fortunately, there’s still another way for Google to track Chrome and his friends down: Yancy’s tracker.
Google hasn’t needed to check it since he put it in Yancy’s arm in the first place. Yancy’s never gotten the inclination to run away again, or maybe he just knows better now. Either way, Google’s never needed to access the feed from his tracker until today, and he pulls it up to see Yancy’s signal coming from a street some distance from Ego Inc. Not far enough away to be concerning, but farther than the egos usually travel. If Yancy really is with Chrome and Yandere, Google wonders what the trio are doing out there.
He knows he should notify someone before he leaves, just in case things go sour. So he brings his suspicions to Dark.
“Would it not be better for myself or someone else to accompany you?” Dark asks.
“I don’t believe that’s necessary,” Google replies, “In all honesty, they’re probably out trying to investigate Oliver’s disappearance. It would explain why Chrome didn’t answer his ping; he doesn’t want me stopping him.”
Dark nods and dismisses him, and Google heads out to follow the tracker’s signal.
He walks for a while, traveling farther from Ego Inc. than he’s ever had cause to before. The farther away he gets, the less people he sees. He keeps alert, pays attention to his whole field of vision, listens carefully to his surroundings. The whole time he travels to Yancy’s signal, it doesn’t move. Google begins to get a bad feeling. Sure, Yancy could just be leaning lazily against a wall talking to Chrome and Yandere for a while, but why so far from home? Why for so long? And even if he was standing still, there’d still be slight changes in positions reflected in the feed. Humans can never stand perfectly still for long, so it doesn’t make sense. The tracker could be malfunctioning, but it doesn’t seem to be judging from the feed. If it were…well, that would signal a very different problem.
Eventually, Google gets to the street where Yancy should be. He looks around, far up the street and down, but sees no one. Not Yancy, not even Chrome or Yandere. His guard is up as he walks down the street to where the tracker’s signal is leading him. Before long, according to the feed, he’s right in front of Yancy. But he isn’t.
He’s in front of a closed trash can.
Google mutters out a curse before lifting the lid. A burst of flies buzz out of the can, and an awful smell hits Google’s nose. He peeks inside, and sees a strange substance peeking from under a bag of trash. Google pulls the trash bag up and out, and finds what was underneath it.
A severed arm, half-rotted in the day’s heat and the enclosed environment of the trash can. On the knuckles are a familiar set of tattoos.
“Shit,” Google hisses. Not only has Yancy been hurt, but whoever hurt him must’ve known about the tracker. There’s not a good chance of it being coincidence that Yancy and his arm aren’t in the same place. Google pauses to ping Dark:
“We have a situation. Yancy’s tracker led to his severed arm in a trash can. I will see if I can locate Yancy, but I suspect something has happened to the others.”
That includes Chrome, that includes the second brother of Google’s to disappear. But he can’t think about that, he has to hope that finding Yancy will lead to him, and lead to him in one piece. Dark answers Google’s ping via text message:
“If you believe you can find Yancy, do so, but be careful. Wilford will be on standby to take you home. It’s too risky for you to travel back alone.”
Google scans the area around the trash can, and it’s not long before his scanners pick up faint stains on the ground. Further analysis confirms them to be blood. There’s two paths leading away from the trash can, but the faintest outlines of footprints confirm the direction the person came from and the way they went after. The arm was not simply thrown away in a panic; both Yancy and his arm were disposed of with intent. It’s more likely that the person responsible ditched the arm first due to how much easier it would’ve been to discreetly throw away. Yancy, wherever he is, must be at the end of the path leading away from the trash can. No human would ever have seen the stains, no human could ever deduce the right way to go. Whoever did this did an excellent job of covering their tracks.
“I’ve found a trail of blood. I believe I will find Yancy if I follow it to its completion.”
Google doesn’t wait for Dark to answer before he begins following the trail.
He doesn’t bother taking the arm with him; it’s too rotted to be worth reattaching, and figments generally regrow lost limbs anyway. What matters is finding Yancy. Google hopes he hasn’t succumbed to blood loss, partly because Yancy is a fellow ego and he doesn’t want to lose one of his own, but also selfishly because he wants Yancy to tell him what happened to Chrome and Yandere. Something had to have happened, and chances are Yancy will be the only one the egos can ask for the truth. Google wants to believe Chrome or Yandere will be at the end of the blood trail too (and in better shape than Yancy must be), but he knows better than to hope.
The trail leads Google to a black-topped dumpster. He really doesn’t want to find another rotting hunk of flesh, but he knows he has to look. He shoves open the lid, and finally finds Yancy.
And he doesn’t look good.
He’s laying among the trash bags, unconscious. The still-oozing stump of his severed arm has attracted a few flies. There’s a pile of vomit near Yancy’s head, suggesting that he threw up at some point, and his skin is deathly pale. The day so far has been so hot, and sitting inside a dark-colored metal dumpster among black trash bags on top of that had to have made a sweltering environment, likely only exacerbating Yancy’s injury. When Google reaches in with both arms to pull Yancy out, the heat radiating from the space proves his theory. Yancy groans quietly as Google pulls him out, but makes no other sound as Google lowers him to the ground to get a better look at him.
Yancy’s wound is weeping and swollen, but it’s a problem Google already knows. The pile of vomit by Yancy could’ve been from terror, or agony, or disgust at his own severed arm. But the intense heat inside the dumpster has Google worried that Yancy’s suffering from a heat-related illness, of which vomiting is a symptom. A quick search through his database tells him what else to look for, so he examines Yancy closer. Up close, he can see that he’s drenched in sweat, pale skin shining in the sun. Two fingers on Yancy’s wrist finds a quick, weak pulse and skin that’s deceptively cool to the touch. It all points to heat exhaustion, which is better than heat stroke at least, but still not good. Especially not when it’s coupled with a severed arm.
With a blink of his eyes, Google takes a photo of the area he’s in and sends a ping to Dark:
“I found Yancy. He is alive but in urgent need of medical attention. Send Wilford to the place in the photo.”
Wilford pops into existence next to Google moments later. He jumps at the sight of Yancy.
“Good lord, someone sure put him through the ringer, hm?” he exclaims.
“Take us home,” Google demands, without patience.
To his credit, Wilford obeys, and the group appear outside the clinic. Wilford poofs away, presumably to inform Dark of the situation. Google scoops up Yancy, his injured right arm against Google’s chest, and runs into the clinic.
“Dr. Iplier, I need your assistance immediately,” he calls as he bursts through the doors.
Fortunately, Dr. Iplier is right there, in the midst of walking a patient out of the clinic. Unfortunately, that patient is Illinois, who’s just finished getting a leg injury treated, if his slightly bloody pant leg is anything to go by. As Dr. Iplier runs to meet Google upon hearing his voice, Lio’s expression changes from shock to horror at the sight of Yancy.
“Yancy!?” he cries, following Dr. Iplier to Google.
“What happened?” Dr. Iplier asks.
“I don’t know for sure, aside from the obvious,” Google admits, holding Yancy out enough for the others to see his arm. Both men’s eyes go huge. Lio covers his mouth in shock.
“God, jailbird,” he gasps.
“Jesus,” Dr. Iplier mutters, “Here, get him on a table, this needs immediate surgery – shit, he’s drenched in sweat!”
“I believe he is suffering heat exhaustion,” Google says, “He appeared to have vomited and his pulse is weak.”
“I’d have to agree,” Dr. Iplier says, checking Yancy’s pulse himself, “Well, even just being in this cool room should be enough to start improving his temperature. He needs surgery right now.”
“Do you need Plus’s assistance?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Doc,” Lio interjects suddenly, grabbing Yancy’s remaining hand to squeeze, “Will he be alright?”
“I have a lot of confidence that he will be,” Dr. Iplier tells him gently, “But I need to take him in now, and you can’t come along.”
“I know, I know, just–” Lio leans down and kisses Yancy’s forehead. “Alright.” He lets go of Yancy’s hand. Dr. Iplier gives him a kind smile before whisking Yancy away.
Google leaves the clinic then. He figures he needs to report to Dark, so that’s where he goes, thoughts churning in his mind. Something happened. Something terrible. Chrome and Yandere are gone.
Google can only hope that Yancy knows where they are.
When Yancy wakes up, his right arm feels strange, short, aching. It takes him a long moment to remember why, and an even longer one to open his eyes.
He sees Lio first, right at his side, managing a small smile despite teary eyes. Behind him is Magnum, wringing his hands in worry, casting a comforting shadow over Yancy’s bed. Yancy smiles at them both, but doesn’t speak yet. He feels fuzzy from pain meds, disoriented as he tries to remember how he got here.
“Hey, freebird,” Lio murmurs, leaning down to kiss Yancy’s forehead.
“How’re ye doing, lad?” Magnum asks, as quietly as his naturally booming voice allows.
“Weird,” Yancy admits, sounding as dazed as he feels, “Geez, my arm…”
“Yeah,” Lio says, wincing a little but trying to hide it, “Doc said it’ll grow back, though, so don’t worry too much, alright?”
“And we’ll match for a spell,” Magnum adds, gesturing to his legs.
“Heh, yeah,” Yancy says, too tired to really laugh, “Can Doc…gimme a wooden arm?”
“Doubt it, sweetheart,” Lio says, unable to help grinning, “But I can ask.”
Yancy grins back, but the longer he stays awake, the more he remembers about how he lost his arm in the first place. The more he remembers about his morning, about Yandere and Chrome, and about Oliver.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “So much shit happened, guys…”
Lio and Magnum glance at each other worriedly. As if on cue, voices filter in from outside Yancy’s clinic room.
“Is Yancy awake?”
“By now, probably, but Lio and Magnum are with him.”
“We need to talk to him, now.”
“Dark, he just lost an arm, for god’s sake! Give him a minute!”
“That’s time we may not have. He was likely the last person to see Chrome and, need I remind you, Yandere. We need to find out what he knows.”
“…Alright. I’ll go in and let them know. But I’m staying while you’re talking to Yancy. You can ask questions but I’m not letting you pressure him.”
Yancy is still struggling to keep up with the conversation and what it means when Dr. Iplier walks into the room.
“Do we really have to leave?” Lio asks, eyebrows creasing unhappily.
“Yes,” Dr. Iplier sighs, “Dark and Google need to talk to Yancy about what happened to him. We still don’t know where Chrome and Yan are, so Yancy’s our only hope of finding out.”
“It can’t be helped,” Magnum says to Lio, “We best be going elsewhere.”
Still, he leaves reluctantly, as does Lio, who kisses Yancy again before he goes. They’ve only just stepped out when Dark and Google file in to replace them. Even on a good day, they’re some of the last people Yancy wants to see. Dr. Iplier stays in the room as well, which doesn’t help Yancy’s nerves. He stares up at Dark and Google as they walk up to his bedside, making no effort to look less intimidating. Yancy shrinks back against his pillow.
“I told you both to go easy on him,” Dr. Iplier mutters, “And you’re already lording over him.”
“Enough, Doctor,” Dark growls, “You are trying my patience, and I have very little right now.” He waits a moment for Dr. Iplier to say anything more, and when he stays silent, Dark continues. “Yancy, before your…accident, were you with Chrome and Yandere?”
“Yeah,” Yancy says, quiet and nervous, “We was looking for Ollie, Chrome had found…this photo of a place.”
“Did you get there?”
“No, just in…in the area.”
“Yancy,” Google jumps in, “What happened?”
Yancy’s face screws up with emotion. He’s remembered everything by now, though he wishes he hadn’t.
“We…we found Ollie,” he admits. Dr. Iplier gasps and Dark straightens in surprise, but neither are as shocked as Google, whose eyes widen and flash blue. Yancy continues. “But it wasn’t…he was all weird. He didn’t know who we were…he helped the bad guys. He fought Chrome, Yan and I tried to run…we all got caught. Ollie saw my tracker, with his techy scanning, and…and he ripped my arm off.” Yancy doesn’t want to keep going. Remembering how it felt to lose his arm is making his chest hurt, and so is the look on Google’s face.
“What happened to Yandere and Chrome?” Dark asks, voice tight.
“They wanted androids,” Yancy recalls, “Said they were gonna…‘condition’ Chrome, like they did Ollie. They must’ve took him. With Yan…Ollie figured out he wasn’t human, and he fought better than a human…they decided to take him, too.”
“Do you remember where this happened?” Dark presses.
“Kinda, but…” Yancy shudders. “Please don’t make me go back there.”
“We’ll see,” Dark replies icily. His aura is wild around him, and Google just looks angry, eyes glowing blue. “Expect more questions in the future,” Dark tells Yancy before turning to leave. Google follows without giving Yancy a second glance.
Yancy feels relieved, until he turns to his other side and sees Dr. Iplier, nervously chewing his thumbnail, tears in his eyes. Yancy knows about Dr. Iplier and Yandere’s relationship, knows how close they are and how much they love each other. He may not like Dr. Ipliers paternalistic tendencies (it reminds him too much of his own parents, something he hates being reminded of), but he’s seen how much Yandere likes having Dr. Iplier as a father figure, and how much Dr. Iplier loves Yandere like a son.
Yancy looks away from Dr. Iplier, straight ahead. He can’t stop thinking about what happened, can’t stop thinking about the questioning, can’t stop thinking about the reactions he received. Dark and Google may have been scary, but they’re just as worried as Dr. Iplier is. Dark’s lost the person he loves, and Google’s lost another brother.
And Yancy’s lost an arm and two friends.
He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep, not wanting to be awake anymore.
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