#ryan: 002.
tessabhrams · 7 months
location: his house
status: closed for @ryanparrish
The situation felt a little too close to how she'd shown up at Ryan's door all those weeks ago, the only difference being that time her stomach knotted with what suspiciously felt like hope. This time, as she slid from the driver's seat the only thing Tess could call the beast in her belly was dread.
Unfortunately, she couldn't just get back in the car and continue avoiding this conversation any longer. It'd been long enough since the night of the auction, upset stomach be damned.
Still, her approach wasn't immediate. No. Tess eyed the door to his trailer with a healthy dose of trepidation for a solid minute before her feet finally got with the program.
Loosing a sigh from her lips she palmed her keys, then rapped a few closed fist knocks to get his attention. Assuming he was even home.
Was he home?
She probably should've called first. Except any amount of warning to her arrival would've only given Ryan time to formulate an excuse. An explanation as to how, exactly, he was still married when he'd point blank swore the opposite years ago.
Call her hypocritical (she'd kept her own secrets out of their letters) but the revelation of his absolutely still real marriage vows felt different from not disclosing Waverly sooner. Keeping news of her daughter away from his ears was still a shade dishonest, but it hadn't been a bold faced lie.
Just thinking about their parallel predicaments reignited a searing heat in her blood.
Married. Still married.
Tess barely managed to swallow the sound of her self-directed scoff when, at last, the door swung wide... and there he was. Ryan Parrish. The man she once assumed she'd spend her entire life with and now couldn't help but study like a stranger.
It killed her— Noting that difference between past and present. Between moving home and learning his carefully kept, blissfully wedded truth.
This wasn't how their story was supposed to go.
"I think it's time we talked." To Tess' credit she bravely jutted her chin, but her heart gave an unsteady gallop when she followed with the barbed quip, "Unless your wife is home?"
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bekturan · 8 months
location: Covinton's 12th Annual Valentine Date Night Auction
status: closed for @ryanparrish
Why she let Chess convince her to sign up was a mystery (one she regretted more by the minute) but, with the bidding set to begin soon enough, there wasn't much to be done. She was there. She was dressed in something other than a hoodie and some sweatpants. She was—
Okay. Still thinking about making a mad dash for it, if she was being honest.
A small, crooked grin broke across Bek's face that belied her nerves while she slipped closer to Ryan backstage.
Pressing against the wall, an open beer in her hands for liquid courage, she mused, "If we don't get any bids at all we're allowed to just leave, right?" Meaning: when she got up there, and nobody but her best friend donated a twenty to the cause, she could just leave... right?
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glitchaxolol · 6 months
Help, I think I have a thing for low-key evil hot (dirty) blondes
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manybcdthings · 10 months
jones cabins
ethan jones, tammie jones and ryan cross @rviner @dxrkenedheights
"Tammie!" Ethan called for his daughter as soon as his and Ryan's boots trudged through the cabin. He waited for her face to peek from the bedroom and he nodded his head towards the obvious blood-stained Cross at his side. "Got somethin' of yours." he wasn't going to play coy any longer, because for anything that was thought of Beau, it had finally gone too far. Despite his age catching up with him at times, Ethan was thankful that it had given him wisdom. Wisdom that allowed him to see things exactly how they were, to connect dots and put two and two together with ease. And this little troublesome duo didn't need a detective to crack. It wasn't even a mystery. "Come and sit down, 'cause both of y'all need to hear this." he told her, gesturing to the couch.
With a sigh, Ethan sat on the couch opposite and his eyes scanned between the two of them. "Now, it probably ain't gonna be long until this gets back to Wolf so I'm tryna resolve this and work out the best way to go forward. Because usually, if someone attacks one of my wolves, I will be makin' sure they get given some Hell in return." an eye for an eye never really bothered Ethan. Except this particular situation was slightly messier. "And Tammie," he gave his daughter a sharp look. "You need to hear all this because I don't think for one second, this ain't got something to do with the damn triangle that's been going on between y'all. I love you to death, but for some reason I ain't taught you the art of being subtle. So let's stop pretending, okay? I'm about sick of it." Granted, Beau injected himself firmly in the middle of it all. But still. He looked to Ryan. "You flip switches fast, Ry but that-" he waved a hand to the door. "What did he do that made you wanna make a Picasso outta his face?"
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@spellbindingnights Laughing kids ran past them as they walked down the pier. People were playing games, eating cotton candy or simply strolling along the different stands. Ryan took a deep breath as he eased back into the familiar atmosphere. Screams could be heard as a roller coaster took its riders for a plunge and that brought a smile to his face. It was nice to be here, especially since it sometimes felt like he still hadn’t adjusted back to life here after working abroad, on a hospital ship for years. Not that he was complaining because his patients clearly had worse living conditions.
This place reminded him of all the fun he’d been missing out on, so much so that I’m spite of all the noise, Ryan was visibly relaxed. His hand brushed against Olivia’s before he tentatively slipped his fingers between hers. “Is that okay?”
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dxrkenedheights · 9 months
where: supply depot, dec 31st with: ryan cross and isla alvarez @waterfallswords
"Yo, El!" Ryan calls as he appears from the other side of the truck. Preparations far from over before they can head out and embark on what's to come. It's why Ryan doesn't feel too bad with his intentions of plucking Isla from Elliot, knowing she'll wind on back to him for the final farewells. "Lemme steal y'girl for a minute." he adds once closer, clapping Elliot's arm as he passes. His baby brother has his mouth too full of food, his protest just a mumble of crumbs so Ryan has the perfect excuse to not listen. He's able to gently sweep Isla way from Elliot, dashing smile including.
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But a rare expression of sincerity moves to his features once he's stepped aside with Isla, Ryan taking in a deeper breath. "I uh..." he let's out a laugh, mostly because a struggle for words isn't even him. The earlier conversation with Tammie has his mind working in an overdrive, one he has to clear if he's going to bring his best fighting foot to the night. "In my room, in my dresser at the bottom. There's like uh...a paper sack with some whiskey in it. I know you can't drink but just...I don't know. Use my name to get some cake or somethin' from the cafe. But you can do that and head to Tammie's?" asking for favors isn't in his nature either, Ryan usually the one to take on them for everybody else. "She's gonna be worried about JJ and I know she won't wanna worry every other damn Jones too, and you're gonna be worried about El so...just have a girl night. Whatever the fuck y'all do." he huffs then, but it wouldn't be Ryan if a joke didn't follow. "And hey, if just by chance, a pillow fight happens, you got that camera right?"
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lionprotected · 2 months
@benedictmd (festival starter!)
waking  up  sore  with  another  person  in  his  bed  was  still  ...strange  even  now.  so  used  to  being  alone,  so  used  to  having  the  entire  bed  to  himself  that  he  often  found  himself  waking  up  halfway  atop  the  alpha  who'd  invited  himself  into  his  home.  that  ...was  the  only  reason  for  that  happenstance,  of  course.  if  he  was  to  burrow  into  the  alpha's  neck,  then  his  drowsy  state  would  have  to  be  blamed.  working  overtime  more  often  than  not,  ryan  pretty  much  always  felt  drowsy  &  so...  he  may  or  may  not  wake  up  with  an  arm  around  his  waist  &  his  face  lodged  in  the  alpha's  neck.  no,  he�� did  not  enjoy  the  man's  scent.
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&  if  it  calmed  him  down,  then  that  was  an  unwanted  side-effect.  eyes  glanced  up  to  meet  the  other's,  slowly  retrieving  his  limbs  from  ...across  ben's  entire  goddamn  body & rolling into his back or side.. a bit of both.  he  woke...feeling  a  little  uneasy,  but  well  -  there  was  still  the  alpha  thing  &  the  marking  without  asking  thing  -  or  the  fact  benedict  came  back  smelling  like  someone  else,  or  the  fact  the  alpha  was  insatiable.  plenty  of  reasons  actually. "....mornin'.  you..  hungry?"  words  rumbled  the  other's  way  -  well,  they  were  more  of  a  grumble,  maybe.  it  was  saturday  &  the  beginning  of  the  festival.  his  festival.  maybe  they  could...  eh,  stupid  idea.
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ofwrxth · 10 months
It's near midnight and Elliot can't sleep. Rather than toss and turn, he brushes a kiss to Isla's temple and heads to the small living room of their cabin. If this was Center Hill, he might've cracked open a beer, grabbed a pack of smokes and sat on the front steps of the trailer. But there's no beer, and no smokes, and, more importantly, they're thousands of miles from Atlanta.
He stokes the fire in the living room, watching the embers burn back to life before taking a seat. Elliot studies the dancing flames as he considers a whole host of things. But, at the forefront of his mind is the news they'd shared with their family earlier tonight. Another child. They hadn't even found their first, and here they were, preparing for a second.
Elliot feels a bitterness he didn't know could exist alongside a muted joy. Because it feels wrong to be happy. It feels wrong to be excited. It all feels wrong. He's lost in thought but catches another door creaking open. Elliot pokes the fire again, watching the orange pillars leap and swirl as he gives a slight nod in Ryan's direction. "Couldn't sleep," he murmurs, the statement unnecessary but used to break the silence. "And Hunt stole my smokes last week." Well stole, is a bit of a stretch. More like Elliot lost them in a game of cards, even though he knew better than to play with his brother. @dxrkenedheights
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mindcrowned · 10 months
ryan didn't like to be the center of attention - he never did & yet he was always forced into it by one person or another. the kids in the group home, the caretakers, his older sisters, teachers. he'd always been the target of attention he didn't want. sure, work as a teacher pushed that a little, but it was a different kind of attention & it was the kind he chose. this entire … situation here, the showcase .. was far from what he was comfortable with. he'd ..watched & he'd listened, quite determined not to give his trick away yet - partially because he didn't want to deal with questions, but also because he just didn't want to… show… off anything.
but the offer made was … it called to him. he'd been determined to get drunk, which he'd been denied, so… yeah, the offer actually sounded good. sure, he didn't want to touch the actor, not at all - not even just a minute, but he didn't know anybody else & iceman… messed up his plans by fucking up. as did charlie, ryan didn't really want to deal with those powers. shadows …it was. he thought he did .. okay. misha seemed to think so, too, because he was still willing to hold up his end of the bargain.
even though he shut off his timer, he still had shadow weaver in his system. he just made a point not to go past his limit, which .. changed with practice. he could go longer, but .. it tended to affect him in ways he didn't want to experience. when he felt the pressure of a hand against his back, he wanted to step aside, but before he could, shadows wrapped around them & then he was elsewhere. "neat trick you got there."
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tasty-littl-snack · 3 months
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Watcher Weekly 002 January 16th 2020
Travel season 2024
Yes the talk in ww is maybe a joke. (before Steven answers this they joke about things like building a lazy river or making a rollercoaster, things that are obviously unreal).
But it made me think about how also Ryan said in making Watcher 2021 that Ghost files was in the plans ever since they started their company. That they have ideas for things that take a long while to develop. Obviously Travel season is much more than "travelling and eating" but I think it's amazing that something that was only a joke when they started evolved into such an amazing show.
Idk I just like people following their dreams.
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ktempestbradford · 3 months
I saw this and was only mad for .002 seconds because I thought of a great way to undermine this: Teach the Bible using actual Bible scholarship. I bet some teachers in Oklahoma could get away with using some of the following videos for instruction:
Story Time with Dr. Jennifer Bird or any of her other excellent videos.
CentrePlace, a church in Toronto, has a super informative History, Theology, and Philosophy lecture series that comes from a scholarly standpoint. Since they're a church, it might be easier to sneak these in. The list at the link above might seem a bit daunting. To get a flavor for what they've been discussing recently, check this playlist on their YT channel.
Former monk and current professor of Biblical studies John Dominic Crossan has a lecture series called "The Challenge of Jesus" that comes from a perspective of faith AND scholarship, which could again help it fly under the radar. Technically, you're supposed to buy it from an outfit called Faith and Reason, but if you want to check it out first, there's a playlist on YT.
PBS Frontline did a quite good documentary called "From Jesus to Christ" that includes scholars and theologians talking about how we get from the historical Jesus to the Christ of faith. Part 1 | Part 2
I could go on because I have been down the rabbit hole of Bible scholarship for the past year and I have TONS of recs. I feel like if kids in Oklahoma have to learn about the Bible, let them learn the truth about the Bible.
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comicwaren · 1 month
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From X-Men Vol. 7 #002, “Invasion”
Art by Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Marte Gracia and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo
Written by Jed MacKay
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photosbyrocco · 2 months
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Ryan Gossamer 002
by Rocco
Western dusky slug
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manybcdthings · 1 year
fixin up truckz like a man
hunter cross and ryan cross @dxrkenedheights
"Oh Jesus Christ, get the fuck 'way from me." Hunter waved his hand as he moved around the truck, trying to shoo Ryan from venturing too close. He was still in a sore mood about the bar, in desperate need of a few enjoyable drinks and under the impression that it was Ryan's fault it even started. However, a Cross was a Cross and even if he was childishly bitter for the foreseeable future, the check in still happened. "What you want now? Every time you're near me, we get into shit. Had to try and concentrate while Carina was...tellin me off like a damn school kid." Hunter laughed but it was gone as quick as it sounded out as he looked to Ryan closely, trying to determine if the visit was for annoyance purposes or his brother could potentially need something. "If that big one is comin' for you now, I don't give a fuck. You didn't do shit to help, Ry. You were fighting like a lil girl."
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dxrkenedheights · 1 year
where: kaslo, canada with: ryan cross and tammie jones @rviner
He has to admit than when he imagined going out on a run with Tammie, it wasn't with the rest of her family too. Only damn one missing is Ethan and Ryan supposes that's one silver lining, despite the slight awkwardness of catching JJ's eyes in the rearview mirror whenever he chuckles a little too long at something Tammie says. He's been tucked in the back of a car before with Tammie, quite a few times but never with a watchful eye from her brother and sister. By the time they reach the small village, the suggestion to split up is like music to his ears and he doesn't dwell on the fact that he could hear both Nora and JJ's eyes roll as he automatically steps to Tammie's direction.
It takes Ryan a few steps to shake away the close feeling, like swatting flies away that are eyes burning into the back of his head before he laughs. "Jesus. I know y'all Jones' can hold grudges but JJ really don't let up, huh?" he huffs out the tension as he walks with her, but...the slight feeling of close doesn't subside. It's not quite noticeable to comment but instead is a soft prickle at the back of his neck. Itching it, Ryan nods towards the hotel to the left of them. "Here." he taps her as he crosses behind to approach it. Once upon a time, he was sure this little village was beautiful. The backdrop of mountains, the sound of a distant rippling body of water. Even the architecture stands proud in their ruin, but...only. They're not quite ruined. Ryan pauses his steps, taking an exaggerated look either side of the lined street. He glances over his shoulder while he begins to walk again, the closeness he feels had him expecting to see JJ and Nora a few paces behind but instead, he can see them venturing in the opposite direction. "Feel weird to you?" he nudges Tammie's elbow with the back of his hand to catch her attention as they enter the abandoned hotel. "Feels weird to me."
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june 17th, monday ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Managing My Farm Challenge [day 002/188]
🎧🎶:gurenge - LiSA
to-do of the day
read 1 chapter of o segredo das larvas ✔️
read symptons of being human
read special ✔️
study japanese - duolingo✔️
confirm registration to the course (biblioteconomy) ✔️
print documents ✔️
go to college ✔️
draw and watch minho's video ✔️
"I’d been renting my body for twentysomething years, unsure if I wanted to make the commitment to myself and buy. “I don’t know,” I’d think to myself. “It’s kind of a dump. Am I really a wise investment?” The answer, of course, is always yes." —I'm special and other lies we tell ourselves by Ryan O'connell.
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habit tracker:
💧water: 3 cups of water + half bottle of water (i think i was 1,5L)
🏃‍♂️ exercise: ❌
🌟 play a game/socialize: stardew valley videogame and stardew valley boardgame
🌽 read: o segredo das larvas and i'm special (more than 30 mins)
🏥🧠 register cogni: ✔️
🐟 enjoy boredom ("go fishing"): talked to my brother and sister and my brother's wife
⛩️cultural center: studied japanese
🤞 cultural center: watched minho in rome 01 - i loved the video <3
🌟"visiting stardrop saloon": ❌
today in college it was ok, professors presented themselves and talked about the course tomorrow i'll have to take my favorite book or comics to college because something called "apadrinhamento" will happen, i don't know the translation of it in english. i was a little nervous and shy, so it was not "wow, this was amazing", but that's fine, i'll become more relaxed as the days go by. i'm finishing "i'm special", just the epilogue to go.
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