vannscooter · 1 year
@rxvonna from here
"Our history?? You mean how I covered your ass for centuries because I thought we were friends, and how at the very first opportunity you repaid me for that by betraying me? What part of that history makes you think I'd want anything to do with you now?"
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"I don't care what you believe. We're done."
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. "I still don't understand how you could think I was the one betraying you when you decided a long time ago that you'd lie to me about so much. About my job; about my own existence. That's not how friends are supposed to treat each other."
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timeconqueror · 11 months
🍆  😏 (can't imagine it ever being unintentional~)
Send 🍆  for my muse’s reaction to being sent a very intentional nude
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He finds his breath catch at the back of his throat, the Tem-Pad held firm in his hands as he raises a brow at the contents of their latest correspondence.
[text: Ravonna] No matter how many times I lay eyes upon you, I find my heart flutter like a younger man's. [text: Ravonna] Your beauty is a fountain that renews me endlessly, one I cannot get enough of. [text: Ravonna] My office, after we both finish our rounds. Do not worry about anything else coming up, it will be taken care of.
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apocalypsejumper · 1 year
"What the hell is a 'nuggie' and why should a person try it?"
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' something incredibly delicious. and you should try it because i said so. '
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iorast · 5 months
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                            ४ you don't recognize me? // @rxvonna
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there's a sound that could almost be a laugh in their throat wasn't so raw from the last year that it was barely loud enough to count as a sound at all. lips twisted up in a sickening grin the only thing that even hinted that there may have been some humor to be had. not by her, however, if the look on her face was anything to go by.
poor, naive, creature had looked at them with such fondness. relief. as if there was some journey sje was on to find this god, though was that not what many humans were after. meaning from those with much more power than themselves.
she didn't seem like she was there for prayer, no, despite the way she seemed to praise some higher being when she'd come face to face with them. now, though, when their glazed eyes turned to her she straightened up. fear. now that was something different entierly.
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❝           should i ?      ❞  their tone drips with venom. head tilting in a way that sould read as genuine interest, if their over all appearance hadn't made them seem crazed. pale and bruised -- hurt, for lack of a better term -- and yet somehow more sinister than anything else .
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burnedself · 9 months
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Give him a moment-- No, in fact, give him several moments to nurse the black hole sized headache that just popped up at @rxvonna 's zealous sales pitch. "Humans." He breathes out, utterly exhausted, "You discover time travel and what do you do? Explore? Philosophize? Uncover new depths of the human soul? No, you use it to kill, to control. Always so primitive no matter how far into the future you go."
"You know, this is precisely why the other universes don't come to your aid when all of existence is threatened."
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mobiues · 2 years
‘   i still don’t get it,  you know ...  ’    it’s stifling.   it was never stifling when he was around her before.   or had it been ?   mobius doesn’t remember.   everything seems to blur together since he realised the truth of his entire existence and the timeline spills like he’s never seen before.   he wants to trust her again,  so much.   she was the only friend he thought he had,  and yet —  
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‘   why’d you lie to me about C-20,   ravonna ?    ’    why had you gone on to say nothing?
   @rxvonna​    /   back from hiatus sc
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rxvonna · 1 year
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|| @rxvonna || rules & abouts || memes || ask box
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rxvonna-a · 1 year
I'm back over @rxvonna now. Just FYI. Not on this blog anymore.
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fannfjolskyldu · 3 years
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mobius got a chance to see an alternate TVA the last couple weeks and, to say the least . . . he has new friends but he misses home. very badly.
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vannscooter · 1 year
“ i don’t need you in my life. i don’t want you in it. ”
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. " See? Lying again. You can say that a million times and after our history? Nope, I don't believe it. So try something else. "
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timeconqueror · 10 months
my heart is someone else’s.
Critical Role Sentence Meme
He was cruel. He had taken her life, lives of so many from across the branches, and stuck them in the TVA. Bereft of their past, of their identity. His very own snow globe to watch over and play with. His minutemen, to deploy at a moment's notice against all he considered his enemies. What was to be a democracy, a veiled prison.
He was...kind. He had saved her, saved everyone, from branches that would be destroyed with them in it. TVA, a safe haven for the few that had survived the War. With him, the firm but benevolent savior. To rule together would have served her ill. He had witnessed firsthand the end of that road, of the 'human' rulers of the TVA, rebelled against and overthrown.
The Conqeuror was dead, long live the Keepers. Amen
Some days he believed that lie more than the other one.
So, was this better, in the end? To put her in a situation where he knew she would rise up the ranks, up and up and up until she was the closest thing TVA had to a de-facto leader? Someone respected, feared, but not to a point where opposition would take her. To rule, here, at the End of Time, was to be alone; to be a watcher from high above. At least, this way, she could have a life, friends.
And yes, he knew, eventually something more.
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So, when she utters those words, it is less a sharp dagger and more a foregone conclusion, his head bowing in acknowledgement, in understanding, yet the smile on his lips saddened despite the fact.
" I know, 'von."
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apocalypsejumper · 2 years
❛ You ruin anything you touch, and destroy anyone you love. ❜
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' you're right. i do. it's in my nature, which you've known all along ... so what's the point? you're standing in front of me now, aren't you? '
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iorast · 11 months
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                            ४ don't talk about me like you might know how i feel . // @rxvonna
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they can finally, for the first time since being dragged into the TVA, feel their magic humming just beneath the surface of their skin. they’ve felt for far too long that it was just out of reach. something they could brush their fingers against but never quite grasp onto. now, despite their powers returning to them they don’t embrace them. palms outstretched but that’s all it was. a gesture for her to calm down. to take a moment.
after all they were seemingly on the same side. they wanted the same thing. but her overwhelming desire for power was threatening to consume her just like the threat of the timelines combusting could consume them all. chaos that needs order. order that doesn’t see the need for chaos. they were two sides of the same coin. one in the same.
           ❝         believe it or not i have been where you are standing now.     ❞  
oh, it’s almost hilariously cliche to say this again. it hadn’t worked for sylvie but here they were again.
            ❝          fear. the feeling of being powerless so you need to grasp for whatever control you can find. death and destruction — all of it. i’ve done this. it doesn’t work.     ❞  their voice wavers, not because it is a lie coming unraveled. but because it is the truth. and that is even harder to believe.
           ❝         we all want the same thing — myself. mobius. we want the tva to be stable. and we need timely to do it.      ❞             now, they’re using their body to protect the man huddled behind him. magic just at the edges of their fingers but they don’t call it to a snark just yet. no. there was still some time to talk. not much, not with the way the TVA groans in its very bones — ghastly like a dying beast. heaving through its last, desperate breaths.
           ❝          we can do this. together.      ❞  
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synthezcid · 3 years
❝ skip the mind games. you don’t know me. ❞
Uncharted Sentence Starters
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     “ No-- But I should like to think that I have met enough people to make an educated guess.” His head cants inquisitively, eyeing her up and down with a discerning look, “ People who see the world in simple black and white, believe that things are ought to be one way, and by doing so closing themselves off to the many colors that make up a most exquisite tapestry.” Lips press together, as if disappointed in the very notion, “ To try and control what won’t be.” An apologetic smile spreads across his features, head bowing humbly, “ Chaos of the universe is one to be embraced, not suppressed.”
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helfury · 3 years
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@rxvonna​ cont’d from here      "if i must,” hela recites dryly. is she joking? oh, there may be a glimmer of teasing in her eye ... or it may just be the dull lighting inside of the tva, “— that’s your choice. what i want from you is a guide out of this place ... straight to whoever is in charge.”
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atlas-c-stikkan · 3 years
can you tell me what happened? // hello!
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Loki was standing in what he assumed was some sort of courtroom, his hands running along the cool metal of the stand. “Heh, look the thing is, I should be asking you that. You’re the one who sent those brutes after me, right?” he asked, sliding his hands off the stand, clasping them together. He honestly had no clue why he was brought to this strange place, one second he was sitting with a book, enjoying a cup of tea next he was being arrested.
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