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RWS Advice
Well guys, I made it to the end of the semester. My grade is probably going to be average like most of the work i submitted. It was mediocre and, to be quite honest, not the best I could have done. If you are a person who is satisfied with mediocrity, then do what I did: procrastinate. I promise if you do this, you will get that average grade you’ve worked oh-so-hard for. BUT, if you want to be above average, if you want that A, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Do all your assignments as soon as possible and you will pass this class with flying colors.
If I had this little baby, I would definitely apply my own advice. Have a good break everyone.
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Ga Analysis Intro
As the years go by, media and pop culture have become the normal in society. The standards that media and society has given to women and young girls, has given them an unrealistic view on what being a women means. In this genre analysis I will be presenting two genres; Iconography and typography. The Iconography genre is a small clip of a documentary called “Ms. Representation,” directed and produced by, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Newsom is an American actress and film maker. The overall statement that Newsom gives to the audience of her documentary Ms. Representation is, the idea of how woman are misrepresented and looked down upon in today’s society, and specially the mass media. In the second genre, typography, an article is presented by the well-known company, Dove. The article is presented in their website, “Women in Media: Is it time to give the media a makeover” In this article the main purpose of the company is to inform the reader of how the media actually works in miss representing women, and the feminine idea. In both of these genres, the main purpose on the topic of, media’s portrayal on woman. Throughout this genre analysis the differences of both article and video will be presented to give the audience and discourse communities an in depth analysis on the topic of, How Woman are Miss Represented in the Media
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Opinion Piece
For many of fans of anime and manga after a long day nothing is more relaxing then getting on the computer and loading up your favorite show or manga. Normally they would probably have it saved in a file, on a hard drive, or just go to a site that already has it all for free. Sounds easy and convenient right? Well got some bad news for the fans and that is what they are doing is actually harming the industry as a whole.
For a better understanding let me explain. Within the anime community there are several sites that host a plethora of anime and manga for free like kissanime.com, anime44.com, batoto.com, mangareader.net, and etc. These sites are able to provide fans to stream, download, and read manga all at the expense of nothing.
To begin let me start with how manga has been affected by this. Manga was at the height of sales in 1995 since the release of One Piece who sold approximately over 320 million copies and Dragonball who sold approximately over 230 million copies. Now for a while there were trouble of sales in domestically in Japan but the market grew in the US, until 2007 (The Death of Manga: Failure to Adapt, 2015). That was when it was at its peak until 2012 where manga sales had dropped dramatically in the US by 43% (Manga comics losing longtime hold on Japan, Paul Wiseman, 2007).
Now that’s just manga. One of the biggest sellers that is now starting to take a toll is anime DVD sales. At panel with executives of Viz Media, a well-known anime studio, at Anime Expo 2008 they brought up the looming issue of declining DVD sales in the US. They said, “the slow turnaround between when a show is broadcast in Japan and when it finally gets officially released in America. Often it takes months and sometimes years for it to happen. Anime fans these days are spoiled by being able to download fansubs hours after episodes air in Japan” (Anime Expo 2009: Panels and Games, William Hong, 2009). The act of piracy of anime and manga has become such a concern that last year Japan had to begin enforcing a strict anti-piracy campaign. The campaign entails that, “the Japanese government will next month start a huge extermination operation against 580 foreign sites which have illegally uploaded anime and manga contents on the web without the copyright holders' permission” (Japanese Government to Start Anti-Anime/Manga Piracy Operation Next Month, Mikikazu Komatsu, 2014).
Although to where now the government of Japan has had to enact an anti-piracy campaign, there are others who will argue that piracy of anime and manga is actually good for the industry. The Japanese Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry published a study that they argue that piracy and free streaming, “does not negatively affect DVD rentals, and it appears to help raise DVD sales; and (2) although Winny file sharing negatively affects DVD rentals, it does not affect DVD sales,” (Internet Piracy Boosts Anime Sales, Study Concludes, Ernesto, 2011).
Now that study does seem to bring about some relief.
Though that’s just one of the minor arguments that really now has to contest against what is happening now.
Because of all this I have proposed a solution that mainly the fans can fix.
The solution that can be made is pushing for more availability of the official release, its products, and for legitimized streaming sites to have more shows through the use of petitions and writing letters to executives of streaming sites. For streaming sites like Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll have a section to watch anime shows but they are limited. Writing a petition or letter to those sites advocating for more shows is crucial as fans tend to go to free streaming sites to because they can’t find a show they are looking for.
Then there is a solution that is even more simple yet doesn’t isn’t pushed enough and that is supporting the official release. It isn’t that fans don’t want to but just the options for them to support are slim. Usually stores that do have anime and manga are very limited and are small. Then there are places like Barnes and Nobles, Suncoast, or FYE do have anime and manga but they have very small sections. Those stores can be expanded in that product by writing to them and showing that there is in fact a good demand for this trade just not enough of it being supplied.
Indeed there are means to acquire free anime and manga through streaming sites and just pirate them but that harms the trade. Not to mention that in a way fans can be caught in legal issues so for the sake of avoiding lawful issues and to keep the trade alive then take action. Refrain from using free streaming sites and push that this is a trade that’s in demand and it is still rising therefore it needs more suppliers. So stand proud for there is hope on the horizon.
The Death of Manga: Failure to Adapt. (2015, April 27). Retrieved from http://postbubbleculture.blogs.wm.edu/2015/04/27/the-death-of-manga/
Hong, W. (2009, July 17). Anime Expo 2009: Panels and Games. Retrieved from http://asiapacificarts.usc.edu/(S(x3fuyr550gchmnzo2pzwgpvc)X(1)A(_HpmIkpm0QEkAAAAOTg2OWIzMjEtNTYzYy00ZDkyLWI1YWYtZWE4ZDY1MTkxYzQxPuixPhlSSIV5hxSLye2Sss8AE1s1))/w_apa/showarticle.aspx?articleID=9095&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1
Wiseman, P. (2007, October 18). Manga comics losing longtime hold on Japan - USATODAY.com. Retrieved from http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-10-18-manga_N.htm
Komatsu, M. (2014, July 29). Japanese Government to Start Anti-Anime/Manga Piracy Operation Next Month. Retrieved from http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/07/28/japanese-government-to-start-anti-animemanga-piracy-operation-next-month
Internet Piracy Boosts Anime Sales, Study Concludes - TorrentFreak. (2011, February 3). Retrieved from https://torrentfreak.com/internet-piracy-boosts-anime-sales-study-concludes-110203/
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Week 14:purpose and structure of doc. film
I think the purpose of a documentary film in our English class is to give us a better understanding of different ways to use rhetoric in our work. To teach us of different ways to go about conveying a message to an audience. As previously done before, with the lit. review and genre analysis. A video brings in a new angle where rhetoric is often used, like in TV, or internet videos. Now in video form there are now many ways to go about sending a message in comparison to text or images. We have the access to show more diverse imagery, than a single image. An a more efficient way to deliver messages through showing and discussing within a video. Thus the way we structured our video to appeal to a viewing audience. The use of music was very important in our video, as it helps set a tone of both danger, dread and urgency. In order to invoke the viewer to want to take action against police brutality. Compiled along with statistics and delivering a message of what the audience can do to help create a solution.
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Week 14
1.The purpose of submitting a video in a writing class is to make us become familiar with different genres, so we can later on use them without any difficulties.
2. We composed our message by combining text, youtube clips, and background music. Since our topic was very sensitive we tried to be as serious and objective as possible.
3. Again, since our topic was very delicate, I believe the facts and the clips shown speak for itself, and will definitely make the audience want to support our plan of action.
4. In question number 1, I used that gif because I think that’s how we would feel in another class if they ask us to create a film documentary because we would already know how to do it, and we would feel very confident.
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RWS Advice
RWS1302 is an easy class, but since it’s a hybrid the secret is...
Don’t leave all the papers/homework for the last day, because you probably won’t finish it...
I personally struggle with online/hybrid classes because I am the worst at checking my blackboard therefore I forget about the papers due...
a good tip would be setting an alarm for two days during the week to check blackboard and catch up on homework or maybe start on a paper that is due that weekend.
and the last tip I have is...
when choosing your topic the first week(s)...
choose a really easy one... and one that research won’t be a pain in the butt...
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The topic for my opinion piece is capital punishment: the death penalty. This is a rather controversial topic. Should we abolish the death penalty or is it needed? According to facts and also my own opinion, we should simply abolish it. By providing facts, and experiences hopefully enough people will partition to completely be rid of the death penalty. My genre is to use the advocacy website as a way to provide enough information about the subject. With how much information there is on this topic, the website is absolutely the best choice.
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Film Doc. Reflection
1. What is the purpose of submitting a video in a writing class?
The purpose is to teach us how to use rhetorical strategies through a different medium. It also teaches teamwork (group project).
2. Explain how you composed your message (purpose) in multiple forms
I took the main idea of the purpose and adjusted it according to the medium I was working with.
3. Why do you think the structure and delivery of the film doc worked to achieve its advocacy?
By using the format of a newscast/psa, the video was able to advocate the need for the halt of air pollution in the El Paso area in the most time-effective way. (Not too long, but long enough)
4. Select one of the questions listed and explain the rhetorical choices you made towards answering the question.
When answering question 3, I felt the use of a gif with the comedic portrayal of an anchorman would engage my audience and i followed that with a typographic explanation of the image and my answer to the question so my audience would fully understand my idea.
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Film Doc Prompt
Option A: Address a specific obstacle or concern that you think you or your group will encounter with the topic and/or film documentary. This is an individual assignment. My group and I have decided to choose the topic on whether collegiate athletes should get paid while in school or not. Our stance on the issue is that we believe they should get paid. One main issue we will have during this film documentary is the fact that most people believe sports is not as important as a student's academics. Although that may be true, students may not have enough time in between practice to be employed with a job. This may become a financial burden for most student-athletes. As a whole this topic is a very controversial issue and has been in debate for a long time.
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Week 13: Platform for opinion piece
The genre I will be using will be a written essay arguing for a more scientific centered classroom curriculum. Rather than shy away from theories like evolution just to avoid clash with evolution critics, it should be discussed without any fear of repercussion and encourage critical thinking. While keeping ideas like creation outside of science classes. As stated previously the format I will use will be essay form.
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Week 10
Option A: The main concern I have for this assignment is the time we have to do it. We only meet once a week, so all of our work must be done outside of class, and it is hard to arrange a time to meet with everybody’s different schedules. I guess the problem will not be getting the work done, but organizing a time to get the work done.
Option B: My concerns about working in a team is that I’ve had many bad experiences where I ended up doing all the work.
Also, if I shared my opinion of what would be better, many thought I was being bossy, when in reality we followed my ideas simply because nobody else contributed with another idea and the time was limited.
After all, I learned that sometimes it is very hard to work with other persons, but you have to do it no matter what, and the best way to handle it is by having your best attitude, and always give your opinion, even if you think others will think your bossy. It’s always better to say what you think, and contribute, than to not say a word and just be the one who stays there doing nothing.
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1. What is the purpose of submitting a video in a writing class?
Well because sometimes we can express ourselves better with a video or an image.
2. Explain how you composed your message (purpose) in multiple forms.
We used statistics, images, videos, to help shape the message we wanted to send to our audience.
3. Why do you think the structure and delivery of the film doc worked to achieve its advocacy?
Because it transmitted the message that running injuries are a serious issue and the policy change is possible.
4. Select one of the questions listed and explain the rhetorical choices you made towards answering the question.
The first question, writing is not the only method we use to communicate with each other, a video/image can do a better job in transmitting a certain message.
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My concerns with working on a group project, is if everyone is going to do there part and not be lazy and not do it. Last semester in my university class I had to do a group project that pretty much decided if you pass or fail the class, everyone did there part expect one person which was the last part of the project and the easiest. All the person had to do is put everything together, put the finishing touches and turn it in. Well on the day it was due the person dropped the class and was never herd from again. And from that experience I tend to now take control of the project and also by being the one that turns it in and make sure it is complete even if I had to do someone else's part if they didn't do it.
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Opinion Piece Layout
The topic for my opinion piece is Soccer in the United States. The “policy” change I would like to emphasize with this topic is the need for a rise in popularity for the sport Stateside. I chose the typographic (with hints of the iconographic) genre to create a more traditional opinion “letter-to-the-editor-type” piece. I feel this is the best way for me to express my thoughts clearly and concisely for all audiences to understand. Using this genre will help me score a goal and get an A on the assignment.
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B. What are your concerns in working with a group? A main concern when working within a group is everyone being able to meet together. With each person having their own time schedules it can be hard to meet together which can cause the whole group to fall behind. The last time I worked in a group their were five of us. We had all agreed to meet at a specific time on a certain day in the library. When I showed up, no one was there. I waited and only one other person showed. We started working together to help pass time waiting on the others. After about 4 hours it was clear no one else was going to show. The two of us ended up doing the whole project without the others.
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Option B: What are your concerns with working in a group? Share a group project experience (negative or positive) and how it shaped your work ethic, how you handle group work, etc. I believe working in a group is great due to the fact that you can learn from another individual's work ethic and how they understand assignments. Witnessing another person's point of view may help you with your own work. However, I do believe there are some negative consequences of working in a group as well. In the past I've had a negative experience working with a group that never did their portion of an assignment. In the end it will effect the entire group as a whole. Overall, I do like working in groups for additional feedback.
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