#rwrb wips
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happiness-of-the-pursuit · 11 months ago
Seven Sentence Sunday
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Hi! You might've noticed my header's absence—that's because @littlemisskittentoes made me this lovely moodboard for my F1 rivals-to-lovers fic which I'm writing for the big bang, and which I'll be sharing a snippet of today.
Also, thanks to everyone who tagged me Wednesday! I didn't quite get it together to post, so I'll be thanking y'all with the rest of my tags below the cut.
Alex opens his mouth, though how he plans to respond, he’s not certain. Before any words come to mind, though, his phone slips through his hand, bouncing onto his shoe before landing on the tile between them. Alex kneels down to pick it up, momentarily saved from forming a reply. His brain’s still coming up empty, though, when Henry speaks again. “You might as well suck my cock while you’re down there.” Alex whips his head up to make sure he didn’t just imagine those words coming out of Henry’s mouth. He’s prevented from pinching himself when Henry adds, “It’ll be good practice, looking up at me.”
Thanks to @bigassbowlingballhead @littlemisskittentoes @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @14carrotghoul
@cricketnationrise @emmalostinwonderland @junebugclaremontdiaz @suseagull04 @kiwiana-writes for the Sunday tags and
@xthelastknownsurvivorx @rmd-writes @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @captainjunglegym
@itsmaybitheway @read-and-write- @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @duchessdepolignaca03 for Wednesday tags!!! I am going back through them now, but so many people are writing such a wide variety of stories and it's so fun!
No pressure tags to @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cactusdragon517 @cultofsappho @dumbpeachjuice
@dustratcentral @everwitch-magiks @eusuntgratie @galitzine-nick @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inexplicablymine @juloviz @leojfitz @leaves-of-laurelin @magicandarchery
@songliili @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and @zwiazdziarka, and anyone who tagged me Wednesday and hasn't yet posted!!
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onthewaytosomewhere · 10 months ago
OK-so it's Wednesday and WIPs and all that
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ok so i meant to get back to hockey and books 'cuz that's where i wanna be right now but my brain was in a not so creative place until someone broke me out of it last night
so for wirp wednesday i got bits of a new thing that is gonna be part of a series NOT-SO-MUCH ONE NIGHT STANDS (cuz well they don't necessarily stay that way) that i've already got 2 fics going for - one firstprince and one liam/pez cuz well that's apparently really becoming a thing for me
so first thanks @suseagull04 for the out of context lines tag - i have something for that too (not one of those other ones) throwing this on here too cuz i can lol
He kisses Henry on the cheek, whispers, “Get me whatever you wanna share,” and sneaks up to the office when everyone is finalizing the breakfast order
thank you so much for the wip wed tags @jmagnabo92 @theprinceandagcd @suseagull04 @firenati0n @adreamareads
@piratefalls @duchessdepolignaca03 @thesleepyskipper oh! and stealing @kiwiana-writes and @cha-melodius open tags cuz that's what they're for :)
nsfw words & tags (it's the words nsfw not the tags lol)beneath the tag
Now, it’s moments like right now, where he’s biting his way across Alex’s thighs, thighs sprinkled with just the right amount of hair, hairy in the way that Henry likes, not just a dusting but actual hair that catches on his tongue as he lavishes the spots he’s sucked bruises into. These moments are the ones that make him so glad he got away from everything else. He can have this anonymous moment with someone so hot he doesn’t want to kick him out the way he has the others eventually. It’s halfway through the morning after, and they’ve yet to get out of bed for more than bathroom trips – one of those with some spectacular moments in the shower – and some quick trips to the kitchen for drinks and some quick snacks when Alex lures him into turning on the tv and watching a movie after round three. They barely make it through the movie when Henry is orgasming for the fourth time that night. Henry is no stranger to multiple orgasms; he’s in his low 20s and knows that brings with it a quicker refractory period. But Alex, the stranger who’s fast working on filling Henry in on every aspect of his life so it no longer feels that way, is doing things for that quick refractory period he’s never experienced before.  Henry doesn’t know how he got so lucky last night when he accompanied Pez and Liam to the club, but he is beyond happy that Liam decided to bring his friend, and that said friend was agreeable to finding his way into Henry’s bed.
if ya already did this and i missed it i'm sure i'll find it - consider me a top gun pilot doing a fly-by lolz
tagging: @agame-writes @agostobuwan @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites
@dragonflylady77 @england-would-fall @firstsprinces @forever-fixating
@getmehighonmagic @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine
@itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @junebugclaremontdiaz @littlemisskittentoes
@lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @mikibwrites @msmarvelouswinchester
@nocoastposts @priincebutt @sophie1973 @stellarm
@tailsbeth-writes @thedramasummer @thinkof-england @cricketnationrise
@tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox
@captainjunglegym @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @violetbaudelaire-quagmire
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duchessdepolignaca03 · 11 months ago
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Look at me doing it again just a little past midnight! Thank you to @suseagull04 for the super early tag!
I have only the faintest idea of what this is. It may be something long awaited by a handful of readers of my long fic, but it may also be something that misses the mark entirely and may never go anywhere. We shall see what happens!
Anyone up for being a little experimental? It’s rough and reflects my current mood of “I need to not give a fuck about who I please or displease”.
Of all the challenges Henry has found in his life, Alex is surely the most complex, confounding and insurmountable. Alex has breathed new life into Henry’s existence, made him yearn for a steadfast, honest and true love.
Uncorrupted. Free of obligation, transactional exchanges and deceit.
Henry wants to stop lying to Alex; for Alex; about Alex.
But Alex’s love is suffocating.
Alex demands.
He demands affection and kindness and respect.
Henry has infinite resources. An endless capacity to please, to submit, to dominate. He can create any fantasy and serve whatever needs arises. He can be anyone to anyone. He can pull himself apart and put himself back together in a new configuration in a single breath and a split second shift of his gaze down, as if merely adjusting a pose.
But Alex demands truth.
A demand for truth demands a reckoning that Henry has no capacity for. He has burned the truth out of himself, banished it along with every unproductive fear that he cannot settle, every instance that his life has disobeyed his will and veered from the path he had set for it.
His mouth nearly betrays him time and time again, spilling words that have no place in his mind but which stumble out from the darkest reaches where he’d shoved them.
No pressure tagging my loves @sparklepocalypse @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @priincebutt @onthewaytosomewhere @taste-thewaste @zwiazdziarka @piratefalls @thinkof-england and @thesleepyskipper, but also folks who I am slowly trying to get to know/befriend/stalk: @orchidscript @jettestar @wordsofhoneydew @firenati0n @bigassbowlingballhead @itsmaybitheway @sunnysideprince @getmehighonmagic @typicalopposite @magicandarchery @happiness-of-the-pursuit @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin.
Open tag! Please tag me so I can read more goodies. It’s like watching trailers when I don’t have time for the full film!
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cha-melodius · 11 months ago
Lawyer who thinks he doesn't have a soulmate abruptly finds himself being held captive by criminals in his soulmate's body
BODY SWAPPING???????????
Oh this is probably my newest addition to the WIP list, but as such is one I really really want to write right away lmao.
I never thought I would write a soulmate AU. When I first thought of this one I was like, this will never work. But the idea wouldn't leave me alone, and finally my brain figured out some practicalities for this universe, so I guess it's on now.
The concept here is that at some point you start swapping bodies with your soulmate. The swaps are short at first, no more than 10 minutes, and usually people take this time to write down their contact info the first time it happens so they can actually meet their soulmate (after which they stop swapping). There are also shields that you can wear—usually as a pendant—that prevent you from swapping if you're doing something like driving a car or performing heart surgery or are in a sensitive situation like in a courtroom or something. Wearing a shield all the time is bad for you, though, starts fucking with your head, which is why no one does it... except for people like spies.
Enter Alex, a young lawyer who has never once body-swapped with his soulmate. He believes this is because he doesn't have one, but also jokes that's because his soulmate is a spy. Henry, on the other hand, has never swapped because he has a shield implanted in his arm—dangerous, but common for those in covert intelligence. One day he's on a mission that goes sideways, though, and his shield gets damaged/removed, which means he and Alex immediately swap. Like, in the middle of a rooftop chase. To make matters worse, Henry gets captured, and while he's being held captive without a shield, they start swapping frequently.
At first, no one believes Alex when he tells them that actually, yes, his soulmate appears to be some kind of spy. At least until someone (Bea) shows up at his door to protect him and because she needs his help to rescue his soulmate.
ANYWAY, sorry I went a little overboard here but I couldn't help myself. I'm a little worried about this one only because of the fact that Alex and Henry don't actually MEET until the end, basically, but it still haunts me, so I really want to write it anyway. Plus, writing a bunch of Alex and Bea bonding is very appealing too.
[Ask me about my badly summarized WIPs]
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months ago
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by @kiwiana-writes
[rated (eventual) E]
“Obviously I don’t know Prince Henry, Jesus. If I did, I’d be ten million pounds richer, for a start.” Twice a year like clockwork, ex-Queen Mary, now the Duchess of Washington and holed up in one of her cousin’s royal properties in London along with her daughter and two remaining grandchildren, pops up on social media to remind the American population of the reward on offer for her younger grandson’s safe return. There have been literally dozens of fake Henrys over the years, all hoping to get their hands on the cash, all soon finding themselves on the wrong side of treason charges. He looks at Nora’s computer screen again, fingers drumming anxiously on the desk as he tips his chair back on its rear legs. “I’m telling you, though, I know that guy.”
[An Anastasia AU.]
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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cricketnationrise · 2 months ago
for @kiwiana-writes who, in his giant list of prompts for @fandomtrumpshate, had a hockey au listed, and i promptly wrote the most self-indulgent fic of all time. love youuuu
Expectation and preparation are not remotely the same thing. That’s the thought that flashes through Henry’s mind when his phone rings, Coach Chen displayed on the screen. Henry had been expecting the call ever since hearing that Westbrook was smashed into his own goal at the game against Milwaukee yesterday. But he was in no way prepared for hearing the words in the light of day. “You’re getting called up.” Or, a Time to Shine by Rachel Reid AU
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rwrbficrecs · 1 month ago
WIP Wednesday
A bit late but happy new year 🎊 starting the year off strong with 10 WIP recs - enjoy!! ❤️
the world forgetting, by the world forgot by @leaves-of-laurelin (book-verse)
@dot524: This is an extraordinarily sad and poignant story about the tragedy of a failed relationship and the efforts to bring it back together. Alex and Henry used to be together, but they grew apart. As part of their breakup, Henry underwent a procedure that caused him to forget Alex, and Alex decides to do the same thing. What will they do when they realize that it was a mistake? This is an Eternal Sunlight of the Spotless Mind AU, and I’m not familiar with that story, but the fic is engrossing and well-done. It’s also almost finished. Check it out!
Like Because, Love Despite by @aforgottennymph (book-verse)
@dot524: Alex and Henry are work rivals who are both working themselves to the bone. It turns out that they used to be together, but they broke up. Their assistants, Nora and Pez, have come up with a plan to get them together - mainly to make their own jobs tolerable. But Alex and Henry are working through a painful past, and things are not always as they seem. I was snorting reading the most recent chapter - this one is just fun, joyful, and hilarious. Plus there are some flashbacks to their relationship that make you feel all the feels. Can’t wait to see how the author gets these two together!
Break Out by @cricketnationrise (book/movie-verse)
@na-dineee: Ice hockey is the perfect setup for an MLM romance, right?! Novels like Time to Shine are a prime example, and there are already some amazing firstprince x ice hockey AUs out there. And now, cricketnationrise started one too – yay !! Humor, fluff, and eventual smut – ok, enough said, I’m in!
i'll be riding shotgun by @callmevenji (book-verse)
@na-dineee: As with ice hockey, road trips are just as popular setups for many beautiful rwrb fanfics. With this one, I’m able to tick off some of my favourite tropes, like enemies to lovers, oblivious Alex with abandonment issues, or found family. The author’s previous fics have always amazed me, and I’m sure this one will be no different – the setup is just too good!
tis the damn season by @littlemisskittentoes (book-verse)
@na-dineee: I think this is Sarah’s first multi-chap fic? Alex and Henry were childhood best friends, a friendship that meant the world to Alex. But that’s all in the past. Still, Alex’s stubborn heart never stopped loving Henry... The WiP is posted about halfway through, and it’s as beautifully poetic as you’d expect from Sarah. The small town setting gives off such cozy vibes – it’s just so lovely !!
The Love Lasts So Long by @chaa-kiao (book-verse)
@na-dineee: The Foxes are close friends of the Claremont-Diazes. However, Alex can’t stand Henry. Like, not at all !! Naturally he's kind of shocked/annoyed to find out that Henry will be spending Christmas with them. As usual, Alex is totally oblivious to his feelings, but they'll get there, won't they?! I love this author, and am so glad that they're posting again. A story about falling in love, discovering their feelings, and the magic of Christmas - even in January just perfect.
The Final Rose by @tinyarmedtrex (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Alex is the new Bachelor, and it's Henry's job to keep everything running smoothly. Of course, the whole thing gets off to a rocky start. Henry can't stand Alex and his easy charm, but as he gets to know him, he starts to warm up, realising his feelings are anything but professional. Are we here for this?!! Yes, we are, aren’t we?!
Sweet Little Lies by @celaestis1 (book-verse)
@dot524: Canon divergent AU where Alex misses the royal wedding and Cake-gate never happened, but a flirtation between June and Henry and a lavender relationship did instead. Alex is still obsessed with Henry and has to confront his own feelings as the situation unfolds. So excited to see where this goes, especially since I’ve loved this author’s other works!
Driven to Distraction by @happiness-of-the-pursuit (book-verse)
@na-dineee: Since last year’s photos of TZP and Nick at F1 events, we’ve all been waiting (okay, maybe just me … but you too, right?!) for this AU. And now it’s here, written by none other than happinessofthepursuit. It’s going to be 10 chapters, rated E, Enemies to Lovers—and chapter 1 already leaves you wanting more.
Married at First Sight by @omgcmere (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: If you heard squealing across the oceans on Sunday, it was probably me when I saw the email notification for this beloved author publishing her first fic in 3 years. Alex and Henry sign up to do a reality show (if you haven't watched it, don't worry. I haven't and I'm enjoying it all the same!) in which they are supposed to get married to a complete stranger--except it turns out they already know each other, and Alex has been nursing a grudge for years. We're only a chapter in but the tension has already built up to an excellent level and I can't wait to keep reading.
check out our past WIP recs here ❤️
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kj-bee · 7 months ago
WIP Wednesday!
I was tagged by @caterpills! The Olympics continue to inspire me...
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Here's a snippet!
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littlemisskittentoes · 2 months ago
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tis the damn season
chapter seven (posting today!) features this STUNNING art piece by the ever talented @xxnelli 💖
to celebrate, have a little snippy—
The hand Henry has tangled in Alex’s curls falls away. The other loosens its grip on his shoulder. But Alex doesn’t have a chance to miss them before they find their way back to his skin to cup his face. With warm palms and sweeping thumbs, Henry demands his attention. It’s only after their eyes lock that Henry speaks. “I want you. I don’t know if I’ve lived a moment of this life not wanting you, Alex.”
what do you have cooking this fine wip wednesday?
@junebugclaremontdiaz @cactusdragon517 @read-and-write- @anincompletelist @inexplicablymine
@happiness-of-the-pursuit @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys @mcgregor-ewan @suseagull5914
@caterpills @onthewaytosomewhere @thesleepyskipper @tailsbeth-writes
@firenati0n @thesleepyskipper @leojfitz @porcelainmortal @msmarvelouswinchester @getmehighonmagic @blueeyedgrlwrites
@juloviz @onthewaytosomewhere @anchoredarchangel @wordsofhoneydew @14carrotghoul
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porcelainmortal · 4 months ago
mad love.
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This is sort of a WIP Wednesday? Thank you to @tailsbeth-writes for the early tag.
The exes-to-lovers fic that I've been teasing since April is finally live! It's fully written at around 31k words and I'll be posting twice a week for the month of November. Please follow along if you feel so inclined. I'm really proud of finishing this one, especially considering how many times I almost scrapped it entirely.
I know this is a weird day to post something angsty but if you decide to read along, I hope it provides some escape from the horrors™️. And I promise, with my whole heart, a very happy ending. 💕
Chapter 1
Tagging folks who showed interest below the cut, along with my normal WIP Weds folks - thank you all!
@bitbybitwrites @dreamtigress @nocoastposts @cactusdragon517 @onthewaytosomewhere
@sophie1973 @iboatedhere @oldfarmwitch @thesleepyskipper @mylucayathoughts
@caterpills @anincompletelist @georgiee-22 @mamamiush @lekrua
@caressthosecheekbones @myheartalivewrites @legallyobtuse @cricketnationrise @kaisoua
@buckybarnesalways @kj-bee @na-dineee @clottedcreamfudge @emmzzzeliza
@chengdu-zone @rachelica9 @westchester777 @tinka-26 @buddieunite
@hrhacd @elliss-stuff @purgingmyemotions @blueeyedgrlwrites @cha-melodius
@firenati0n @faketrex @getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine
@kiwiana-writes @priincebutt @rmd-writes @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow
@theprinceandagcd @thighzp @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew PHEW! I think that's everyone. And, of course this is an open tag for anyone who wants to WIP Wednesday with me.
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firenati0n · 23 days ago
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hello friends <3 thank you for all the tags, i know it has been a while. i haven't written anything since december beyond what i have snipped below, a fic i posted on ao3 last week after experiencing something personal and painful. the fic is neither, i promise! it is a space au full of yearning and hope. but some readers mentioned crying, so. your mileage may vary lmao
i wish i had more to share or something new, but i think this is going to be my last fic for a long long while. i know this isn't an airport and i don't need to announce my departure, but i wanted to say that so i didn't just randomly disappear off socials like i had intended. i really appreciate all the support and kindness over the last few weeks (and months, and year), especially this past one. i am proud to go out with this one. :)
i'm floating in a most peculiar way, and the stars look very different today :
There’s no such thing as snow in space. There is, however, a sophisticated array of screens on the ship that project images lining up with Earth seasons. Today it’s a flurry of snow against a familiar skyline. Winter in London. Henry stopped keeping track of things like months and cities and weather around thirteen years ago. The only unit of measurement that matters to him is how far away he is from his destination. DAVID—the Endurance spaceship’s Deepspace and Astrobiology Vault of Interstellar Data—says the screens are for Henry’s psychological wellbeing, that the void of space and unknown stars would slowly drive him to distraction, to insanity. But what good is sanity without humanity? The stars remind him that he’s a person, living and breathing and defying expectation. They remind him that he’s so close. The sharp pull in his gut intensifies.
thank you for reading and commenting and being a great community. grateful for good people. <3
xoxo roop
p.s. i anonymized my musician/icarus/orpheus and eurydice fp au people ruin people, i don't wanna ruin you, so subscribing to it is the best way to get updates, if that is of interest. not abandoned, just slow. thank you <3
tagging everyone back under the cut:
@cha-melodius @onthewaytosomewhere @sophie1973 @rockyroadkylers @saguaroblossom
@theprinceandagcd @porcelainmortal @run-for-chamo-miles @blueeyedgrlwrites @judasofsuburbia
@zwiazdziarka @sherryvalli @suseagull5914 @14carrotghoul @caterpills
@dumbpeachjuice @rmd-writes @tailsbeth-writes @ninzied @anincompletelist
@wordsofhoneydew @eusuntgratie @insecuregodcomplex @kiwiana-writes @alasse9
@onward--upward @whimsymanaged @priincebutt @welcometololaland @cheesecurdsgravyandfries
@tintagel-or-cockleshells @smc-27 @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @anchoredarchangel
@everwitch-magiks @seths-rogens @orchidscript @lilythesilly @incalamity
@indestructibleheart @leaves-of-laurelin @fairflowered @myheartalivewrites @thesleepyskipper
@miharaikko @shesfromboston @kj-bee @msmarvelouswinchester @jafffacakess
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happiness-of-the-pursuit · 10 months ago
Several Sentence Sunday
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Hiiiiii I am very late today (it is still Sunday here) but I promised some people I would share a snippet from my Fire Island WIP. You can also see a moodboard for this here. Because of that I am blatantly ignoring all rules about number of sentences.
Be warned, smut ahead:
That’s when he sees him. He’s seated at the edge of the pool, legs dangling in the warm water of the shallow end. There’s another man standing in the pool, with his face pressed to the spot where long limbs meet tiny waist. Honestly though, that’s not what gets Alex’s attention—he’s far from the only person in Alex’s line of sight having his cock sucked. But he’s certainly the prettiest. His whole body looks like it’s been chiseled from stone, like he’s a stolen Michelangelo that’s been brought to life solely for the purpose of luxuriating in the modern day equivalent of an exorbitant Renaissance portrait scene. Eyelids shutter over bright blue eyes as the man in the pool slips his mouth lower. Blond waves soak in the sun’s rays as he throws his head back, unknowingly teasing Alex with the sharp lines of his jaw and the long curve of his neck. Alex is vaguely aware that his swimsuit’s doing nothing to hide how hard he is right now. He’s not sure he can find it in himself to care. The man in the pool moves one of his muscular legs over his shoulder, taking the other man even deeper. A shudder runs through Alex’s body as he imagines what those strong thighs might feel like on either side of his own head. The man’s hand winds its way around the back of the giver’s head, lithe fingers tangling in the damp strands. Alex bites his lip. He wonders if the man might give them a tug if it was Alex’s curls under his fingertips.  Maybe if he asked nicely.
Tags below the cut, because tumblr is maybe still being weird and this is already long!
Thank you for tags @suseagull04 @affectionatelyrs @jelliebuns @anincompletelist @cricketnationrise
and @bigassbowlingballhead @14carrotghoul @firenati0n @magicandarchery @kiwiana-writes!!
I know it's late, but still tagging friends who wanted to see more of this, or who may still want to post (or who I'm just tagging to say hey): @rmd-writes @run-for-chamo-miles @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @everwitch-magiks
and @inexplicablymine @eusuntgratie @tintagel-or-cockleshells @dumbpeachjuice @galitzine-nick
and @gayrootvegetable @leojfitz @songliili @read-and-write- (I know you posted already)
and @gay-flyboys @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @jackzimmermemes @junebugclaremontdiaz @msmarvelouswinchester :)))
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onthewaytosomewhere · 1 year ago
WIP Word Search
alright so I think I did this some time in the last couple weeks but these words had me curious so - why not - right?!
thanks for the tag @kiwiana-writes (all of your words made me so darn excited for what you have coming)
i didn't think i was honestly gonna have any of them but i had some bits for 2 of them and 2 of these were definitely written sometime in the last like 48 hours so guess it was like fate lol - my words this time were: land, answer, spare, funeral, value -
land: from - hockey player alex bookstore owner henry just need to fuck it out maybe i dunno
He must have missed the end of the conversation because he’s brought out of his moment of self-contemplation by Bea’s hand landing on his arm, “I’ll let you get back to what you were doing, Hen,” Before he can respond, she is already scurrying off back to the office, sending Henry a quick wink that he almost missed.
answer: from Alex side of college au
He decides to answer honestly, “I’m not sure, but I hope so. I just hafta get past the point where I’m afraid to say anything for fear of screwing up whatever friendship we have going now.”
and 2 from obligatory college au - henry! - alex has feelz wake da f up (these are from 2 of my fave pieces of dialogue from this fic - so far at least)
“The cart before the horse? You are such a dork. It is so damn adorable. To answer your question, maybe it’s more about breaking the tension that has been around for so long that it probably has its own zip code now. A zip code is – “
Henry smiles at the memory of those kisses, “I’m not answering that a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”
spare: nope - not at this point
funeral: nowhere to be found
value: nada, nada, limonada
i've seen this floating aroud so much I'm not even sure who hasn't done this anymore so open tag to anyone who hasn't or just maybe wants to again (lol)
words for ya: what, love, this, maybe
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duchessdepolignaca03 · 11 months ago
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Pulling a @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and queuing this to post at midnight! Cause I actually have something to share! I’ve got about 1/4 of my @aroyallybigbangrwrb written, so I may actually hit my deadline! 😊
Without further ado, an excerpt from Odalisque, or where Prince Henry is promised to Prince Alex from birth to serve as his concubine, and spends eight years of his life in seclusion to preserve his virginity. I like to think of this fic as the happy ending spiritual cousin of Rule Britannia.
“You smell different,” Prince Alex declares, apropos of nothing as he sits next to Henry in the sunken garden of Kensington Palace.
Henry is in a foul mood.
The arrival of the Americans for their summer visit is always incredibly disruptive to Henry’s otherwise peaceful existence, and he had little sleep the night before after his Mama’s stern lecture about how Henry ought to conduct himself in front of the American Prince.
It’s not the first time his Mama has made an appeal to the “sweet and obedient creature that must be in there somewhere”. But there had been something particularly unhinged and hurtful about his Mama’s lecture the night before, implying that all the fault for their enmity lay in Henry’s obstinance and not in Prince Alex’s impertinence and general propensity to be an absolute knob. Henry’s Mama pleads for him to grow up, and open his eyes to the possibility that Prince Alexander has matured, and grown into a fine, handsome young man.
His Mama is utterly in denial about the fact that Prince Alex’s appalling manners are incongruous with his external appearance, which even Henry can admit is conventionally – if not strikingly – beautiful. But even more incongruous to his appealing visage is his smell – which Henry wasn’t going to comment on until Prince Alex’s complete lack of self-awareness led him to unfairly question Henry’s own hygiene.
“Yes, and you stink,” Henry declares, pretending to gag as he scoots away . “I heard unemployment is very high in your country – can you not devote the excess labour to the production of deodorant?”
No pressure tags for the greats @sparklepocalypse @priincebutt @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @taste-thewaste @onthewaytosomewhere @orchidscript @piratefalls @bitbybitwrites @sunnysideprince @zwiazdziarka @firenati0n @magicandarchery @thinkof-england @getmehighonmagic @nocoastposts @happiness-of-the-pursuit @wordsofhoneydew @bigassbowlingballhead @itsmaybitheway @suseagull04 @yrsonpurpose @inexplicablymine @ships-to-sail @cha-melodius @leaves-of-laurelin and of course, anyone else who wants to participate!
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cha-melodius · 11 months ago
Last Line(s) Challenge
Today in what Sara is writing instead of the things she SHOULD be writing:
“Because you’re programmed to?” Alex counters, letting more bitterness than he means to slip into his voice. Henry reaches out and slides a hand over Alex’s fist where it’s curled on his thigh. “Because I like you, Alex.”
Thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes, @celeritas2997, and @dumbpeachjuice
Apologies if I tag you and you already posted one, I've been off tumblr arting. Tagging @clottedcreamfudge, @orchidscript, @mirilyawrites, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @nicijones, @justabigoldnerd, @eusuntgratie, @firenati0n, @iboatedhere, @cactusdragon517, @ninzied, and leaving an open tag as well!
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caterpills · 23 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Whoa, everyone's sharing today!! Many thanks to literally so many people: @suseagull5914 @onthewaytosomewhere @anincompletelist @zwiazdziarka @14carrotghoul
This is a totally different WIP than the last one I shared, from a prompt I've been clutching in my hot little hands. I can't be contained, but I can bounce around to different docs because my mind can't focus and this is the roughest draft — Time Traveler!Alex/Immortal!Henry anyone?
There is one simple rule to time travel: don't get caught. The thing is, there are a lot of unspoken rules about time travel: collected from personal excursions in circulated journals, whispered between children like myths and fables under their blankets at night, told as stupid anecdotes during bar-crawling debriefs to embarrass the veterans and terrorize the greenies. Everyone, literally everyone, who moves in and out of time has a story about what not to do. One wrong move, and you'll lose a limb. Lose a life. Lose a legacy. Alex has heard them all. His mother warns, "Never befriend the locals," as she bandages a jagged wound on her leg in the guest bathroom with her ruined stola. His father sighs, "Bring the right currency with you," while wringing out muddy water from his stained doublet all over their kitchen floor. "Trust and money mean nothing," his older sister says, sprawled out on his bedroom floor, swiping rapidly on her tablet through breaking news, political op-eds, and the latest gossip from some celebrity tabloid printed in the late nineties. Research. "If you're not wearing the right clothes." And, like, yeah. Duh. Blend in, don't stand out. He knows the rules, the explicit and the implied. He doesn't intend to break them. Well. Not until he meets Henry.
(if you saw a different version of the last line 2 months ago, no you didn't. 😌) No pressure tags under the cut. I hope your mid-week is going okay! ❤️
@alasse9 @taste-thewaste @firenati0n @thesleepyskipper @suseagull5914
@myheartalivewrites @miss-minnelli @judasofsuburbia @thinkof-england @onthewaytosomewhere
@anincompletelist @14carrotghoul @porcelainmortal @wordsofhoneydew @blueeyedgrlwrites
@stellarmeadow @faketrex @sophie1973 @littlemisskittentoes @thedramasummer
@tailsbeth-writes @milowren29 @tinyarmedtrex @sparklepocalypse @clockwrkpendrxgon
@cricketnationrise @kj-bee @thighzp @theprinceandagcd @bitbybitwrites
@miharaikko @dani-dabbles @msmarvelouswinchester @priincebutt @incalamity @shesfromboston @zwiazdziarka
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