iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Out of my own curiosity, how come no one has done nothing about this Dexiter? (I’ve heard of them and yeah, not a fan) Surely you can tell Reddit about how they encourage toxic behaviour.
Let's first explain Dextixer's behavior.
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He threatens people and tries to get them to kill themselves
So why won't R/RWBY stop a man who spams their subreddit with one post after another trying to tell people that they should never be happy with anything RWBY does, that they should hate their female protagonists and love the male villains, etc etc?
Because he's protected by youtubers like Calxiyn, Fatmanfalling, etc
Whenever a RWBY Critics attacks the show or the fandom, for example, harassing a girl for trying to enjoy RWBY?
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He is immediately defended by the RWBYTubers.
One individual actually called out this hate
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She and everyone else who tried to talk about were silenced by the RWBYTubers and anyone speaking ill of the RWBY Critics were cyberbullied into silence.
R/RWBY cannot do anything about Dextixer except lick the shit from his boots due to the fact that every single RWBYTuber has his back, and that to deny his hate and/or his harassment of RWBY fans would be considered "toxic positivity".
Any attempts at trying to defend the show? Dextixer speaks, and R/RWBY shuts down the posts. Dextixer makes another giant post insulting the show, the fandom, and the writers?
RWBY mod cirrusvision20 literally said that they refuse to take down his posts no matter how many people protest.
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At the end of the day, R/RWBY mods are nothing more than playthings for R/RWBYCritics to harass the fandom.
After all? R/RWBY allows R/RWBYCritics to share posts to their subreddit in order to encourage harassment against RWBY Fans and the show.
Use other subreddits to teach people about RWBY. Do not insult, but educate them.
Show them that the writers were not bullied into writing bumbleby.
Show that James Ironwood was always a dictator.
Show that Adam Taurus was always evil.
Show them the Bumbleby build-up
But more importantly, remind them that if they don't want to see the RWBY Hate videos, there is always Youtube channel blockers they can look for online on google search to shut out the people with more SDE than andrew tate.
New Years is coming this Saturday. I hope you and everyone else gets to join some social or party with your friends to make the best of the end of this year.
God bless!
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dextixer · 2 years
Canonseeker, you are one of the main reasons why people outside of RWBY community hate it. Why dont you show everyone the 5+ Reddit accounts you have active RIGHT NOW with which you them go into LGBT+ spaces to talk about RWBY, and then insult others when they dont agree with you.
The thread that i made recently is very much about you and the many people on Tumblr and twitter that go out of their way to defend you, KNOWING what you do.
They KNOW that you have 100+ alts on various websites, they KNOW that you spam “self-abuse” reports on Reddit, they KNOW that you stalk women and Youtubers of the fandom.
Also, you are one sneaky liar. Why do you not include the context of those tweets? Because they were not about RWBY, those tweets were in response to ACTUAL NAZIS and people who said “Hitl*r was a nice guy”, YEA, and you are trying to paint that as a bad thing?
Funnily enough you also revealed that you follow my accounts and mass report them with this.
Let me tell you something, i will NEVER apologize for telling Nazis to minecraft themselves. Maybe you feel protective of them, i dont know. But i dont.
But continue lying, continue bullshiting the community.
Because if the RWBY community defends you and keeps defending you despite the MANY things you have did, they deserve you.
So, lets summarize Canonseeker.
You have 100+ alt accounts created to stalk and harass and mass report people. You spend your entire time creating new alt accounts to spam LGBT+ communities with RWBY content and then harassing them if they show any kind of dislike for it. You are defending LITERALY NAZIS that were talking about the “Jewish Question” on twitter and multiple transphobes that i responded to on Twitter.
Please, oh please do continue, because you are the walking proof to everything i say, especially how the fandom isnt progressive. Because if the fandom is going to give me shit over saying bad things to NAZIS then im just going to LAUGH.
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itsraith · 2 years
RWBY fans are soo starved they get four screenshots and have gone hyper
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dragynkeep · 2 years
btw we're not "on the same side" with someone who enables her shithead of a sister & also speaks over bme voices, which is exactly the issue with these two losers. you were antiblack & all other kinds of racism while criticizing rwby, we have always acknowledged the racism in the show & the creatives because these are issues that affect us.
if we're "on the same side" then why when a bme person came to speak about your white sister disregarding the racism on a societally oppressed character did she lose her absolute goddamn shit lol. & then you went to the high heavens to defend her & her ensuing transphobia.
we're not even on the same field bozo. 😩
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sytokun · 2 years
Hey. I have a stereo type of rwde and I want to prove it that it's not true. So if you can, what do you like about rwby and why do you still watch it? and no pointing out is flaws and saying what could have been done better.
Thanks for asking! I relish the challenge.
So RWDE, much like the main fandom, is made up of people with different views. For every Adam stan in RWDE, there's another who doesn't like him. For every person who hates Team RWBY, another loves them, etc.
To answer the second question, I have a very large investment in RWBY. I started watching just before Volume 2, around the time the Production Diaries were coming out, and I was hooked. While most members of RWDE are different, I think most of them agree that either now or in the past, they did like RWBY.
You can sort of picture it the same way some people that are huge Star Wars fans do not like the sequel trilogy, but may still love watching The Mandalorian or Andor. It's not as straightforward as "I hate all of Star Wars, it's all shit" or "I love every single Star Wars show, they're all 10/10". The same goes for RWBY.
I loved Volumes 1 and 2. This is regardless of its quality. Meaning even if Volume 1 is considered the worst Volume by most people, I still love watching it. A lot of it is nostalgia yes, and I may give reasons why I prefer them over newer Volumes, but in the end it's my subjective experience. Ask anyone which Volume is their favourite and you'll get wildly different answers with different reasons for each.
I do not like the more recent Volumes, but I really enjoyed the manga: the first by Shirow Miwa, the official by Bunta Kinami, and all the anthologies. I have physical copies of all of them, save for the JNPR anthology. And I think it's because one of my favourite things about RWBY is seeing other people's interpretations of it, whether in official content or not.
I loved Mark's SLVR trailers. I love watching fan animations like R.U.B.Y. and DARK. I watch a lot of RWBY reactor channels, from channels who started with RWBY and grew big like All Ages Of Geek, to hidden but lost gems like Charfox, and I know Volume 1 pretty much from heart just from watching so many reactors starting the show. And every time I watch them react to Players and Pieces and Ruby slingshots herself towards the Nevermore, I get the same chills I got when I first watched it on my own. I enjoy watching other people enjoy RWBY.
I remember a time where JACOneManBand was a growing RWBY YouTuber, who at the time was the only other person besides MurderOfBirds making RWBY content on YouTube, and playing his RWBY Theory and RWBY Hunger Games videos in the background while I was drawing. Could you imagine a time where there were only TWO RWBY YouTubers? I fuckin' remember. It was such a fun time - we barely knew anything about Remnant, and theory/lore videos were the fandom's lifeblood. Back then, there was no RWDE. There was only the RWBY Fandom, and we were all happy to be a part of it.
Yes, believe it or not, there was a time where YouTube wasn't filled with RWBY critique and rewrite videos, and I loved it! I loved it when everyone could just enjoy the show and make videos talking about its lore, make OCs for it and make their own fan animations. It was a simple, innocent time where we placed full trust in RWBY and into Rooster Teeth.
So really, if you ask me, when someone from anti-RWDE says that RWDE hates RWBY, it barely scratches the truth. Just because I don't enjoy the new, canon Volumes, doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading RWBY manga, or watching reactions, or reading fan theories, or looking at fanart. I enjoy all of those things, things that are so much wider beyond the scope of the canon show - I just don't like the canon show's current Volumes.
Back to the Star Wars analogy. Someone can not like Episode 9 or even the whole sequel trilogy, but you know what? They can love the original trilogy, the prequels, The Mandalorian, Andor, the Solo movie, Rogue One, going to Star Wars fan conventions, reading Star Wars comics, cosplaying as a stormtrooper, etc.
And if they're a real fan, they would have no problems letting others enjoy things that they don't, and have no problems letting others not enjoy things that they do. Does that make them a fake fan, or a hater? Absolutely not! To think so is to have an incredibly narrow view of what being a "fan" means, and the same goes for RWBY.
I still watch RWBY because I am still a fan of RWBY as a franchise; I'm just not a fan of the main show. That may be hard to really grasp, but that's how it goes - the Volumes are the main reason the RWBY fandom keeps going, but they aren't the be-all and end-all of things to love about RWBY.
So yeah. I am only a part of RWDE because people like me are pressured to use a specific hashtag, away from the larger community. But that is a label that other people have imposed on us. I consider myself a RWBY fan, and nothing anyone can say about my opinions or my character can change that. They may not like it, but that's what I and a lot of other people are.
And the sooner they acknowledge that and we see eye-to-eye, that we all can like and dislike what we want and not be treated as unknowable aliens, dangerous outsiders or some stupid secret conspiracy trying to destroy RWBY, the sooner we can go back to those golden years, where there are no "true fans", "hatedom" or "critics". Just the RWBY fandom.
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master-missysversion · 11 months
I've been wondering why I keep seeing people talk about "moffats fetishes" and I've realised it's because everyone's getting it from some video essay lmaooo
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sir-adamus · 1 year
y'know it's getting ridiculously tiring that every few months some dipshit on twitter starts a new controversy (it was adel aka this time, just fyi) that gives the witless wonder mob an excuse to rile themselves up and start attacking crwby and the crew then have to speak up to defend themselves from yet another round of heinous bullshit
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rwbytubers can all just go straight to hell
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
Are there any other good rwbytubers to watch? I just watched your bumbleby analysis vid and it was a breath of fresh air from the “BUMBLEBY IS BAD!!!” videos I see every time I try to search the ship on youtube 😭
Hi there, thanks so much for watching my video essay, it was very much a labor of love and I am heartened you found it so enjoyable!
As to your question there's actually a list of positive RWB-Tubers that can be found here: I can't vouch for every single channel as I haven't checked them all but I know some of the people on the list are super solid.
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but-a-humble-goon · 4 months
"while apparently lurking in the show's dedicated tag looking for people to pick fights with which is totally a thing people who aren't invested do."
No, you perpetual victim. You showed up on my feed because your post had bad tagging so it showed up elsewhere. I don't go in the RWBY tag because of losers like you, you don't get to complain when your shit leaves breaches containment.
Tag *better,* and randos like me are less likely to see your self-aggrandizing that involves you playing to a crowd of 2- a failed RWBYtuber and your parents pity-liking your blog.
I like you, you're funny. Can we be friends?
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New policy:
I don't care about negative RWBYTubers. I don't care about the weirdos with inflated egos that think their writing is somehow superior to CRWBYs.
So, any asks that mention this stuff will just be deleted.
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invincibleweasel · 1 year
What a fascinating turn of events.
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For those who are unaware. Arryn Troche was an animator on RWBY9 and a part of CRWBY. They have a very large following of RWBY fans and are generally a really big fan of the show. Before joining CRWBY, they were and still are a fairly popular RWBYTuber. Vexed Viewer is on the complete other side of the RWBY fan spectrum, at least to RWBY super fans. Generally, he’s considered a part of the “HTDM” and is highly critical of the show. It’s just interesting seeing someone the fandom violently hates be retweeted by someone the fandom adores. 
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
I'm sick of the hatred. I'm a Sonic and Pokemon and I want the hate to fucking stop now. At this point, the hate that Sonic and fandom receives especially should constitute as outright bigotry.
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Funny that....Is this what you come across regularly on youtube?
Well, there IS one tool, but its not everyone.
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Try looking up channel blockers on Google Search. To allow you to control what you see on social media.
If you're still tired of the hate even after blocking the haters? Then what you need to do is spread positivity.
That's what I do...I create posts defending the show.
You need to create posts defending Sonic the Hedgehog.
Make it into a text post about why Sonic the Hedgehog is a good show, just as I make posts as to why RWBY is a good and enjoyable show that people should watch.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Hey guys, new RWBY season drops in like two days, so I just wanted to make a post because every time we get a new season, we also get A. An increase in people posting RWBY criticism. B. An increase in people complaining about seeing RWBY criticism. And C. An increase in people asking what RWDE is. So I thought I'd give some advice on how to avoid criticism (if you want to) and posting criticism (if you want to.)
This is one of the only times I'm using the main RWBY tag, I usually try to avoid it since I'm a RWBY critic. I'm using it now in an honest effort to help, please no one send me hate anons. :)
What is RWDE? RWDE is a tag used for any and all criticism of RWBY. The fact that it's a play on the word 'rude' doesn't actually mean the criticism must be mean spirited. Most people who post in the rwde tag were ordered to by other rwby fans who demanded we use the tag as a filterable (and not use the main rwby tag either,) so we didn't really choose the name, and use it as a courtesy to other fans. RWDE is used for anything from complaints saying the whole show is a wreck to the tiniest nitpick. Like any tag, people who use 'RWDE' range in opinions, there's no 'rwde hivemind,' I myself have been in fights with other RWDE posters in the past.
What to do if you don't want to see RWBY criticism? Filter out the 'rwde' tag, as well as 'anti rwby' and 'rwby criticism.' This is pretty simple. Just go to your settings, scroll down to the 'content you see' section, go to filtered tags and click the little edit icon, you'll get the option to add a tag to filter. If you do this, then Tumblr will hide posts tagged with 'rwde' from you, and you'll have to make an active choice to seek it out. If there are certain characters you'd like to avoid seeing criticism of, rwde posters frequently use anti character tags as well. I personally have 'anti Blake Belladonna' filtered out because I don't like to see too many posts complaining about her. Another trick is looking up rwby with a hashtag # at the front like #rwby, which I've heard helps avoid the 'this post mentions rwby and therefore appears when you search 'rwby' even if it isn't tagged' feature (which I know is a headache to deal with.) Also please don't avoid blocking out of some belief that it makes you a coward or a bad person, the block function is for everyone's benefit, and if you continuously see someone posting things that annoy you or are just taking up space or you just don't really wanna see, blocking them is a good way to get them out of your life without any fighting.
What to do if you want to criticize or critique RWBY? First off, criticizing RWBY at all in any way is something that does come with a risk. This fandom can be really toxic towards critics and defensive of the show to the point where even minor objective nitpicks will be called hysterical fits of rage. It's unfortunate, but if you want to post criticism, it's best to be aware of what you're getting into. I suggest using the rwde tag when you criticize despite the venom against it, because that's the most well known criticism tag and is the one most likely to have been filtered out by people that don't like seeing criticism. Not using the rwde tag might result in you getting people in your comments or ask box angry at you for the fact that they saw your posts. If you want to critique without being associated with 'rwde' and don't want to use that tag there's only so much you can do (popular RWBYtubers have been labeled rwde just for criticizing RT,) but you can use tags like 'crtq' and 'rwby criticism' and 'rwby critique' that might get less of a venomous response. Also I would again suggest that you be free with the block button.
If you heard something about how horrible rwde and rwby critics are... Please actually look into actual rwde posters and read actual rwde posts (in their entirety, not just screencapped parts of posts) before you believe anything from other people. Just because someone says 'rwde posters think X, Y, Z' doesn't mean it's true, and again there's a wide range of opinions you'll see from rwde posters. I'm not saying you have to like us or seek us out or anything (again, you've got the filter and block option and I suggest people who don't like criticism do so and we'll leave each other alone,) but don't buy into the 'htdm' stuff without even looking to see what's true and what isn't please and thank you!
Anyway, whether you're looking forward to the new RWBY season or dreading it, good luck on Saturday!
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tumblezwei · 1 year
What are your opinions on the opinions of people like judge mental critter
Bad opinions, don't like
I don't agree with their opinions on Adam, their opinions on volume 9 have been atrocious somehow without even having watched the volume, and don't even get me started on the BB stuff.
And that's about it, because I have no desire to get hung up on someone who mostly just exists as a person who doesn't like a thing that I do. I'm not against the occasional dunking but sometimes people in the FNDM really love to obsess over every single word that leaves RWBYtubers' mouths.
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ac-art-and-stuff · 8 months
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Wow, ancient relics! Arnulf was the only character I actually drew a lot of (since I think the rwbytuber PhoenixNight had an oc contest or appreciation thing going on and I entered) this was back when I was still figuring out his character, semblance, symbol, etc in 2021. Originally, Arnulf had a semblance that kinda worked like radar, where if one heard his 'howl' he'd know where they were.
I think it's important to show off the first steps of something, since it's the foundation of what you're creating now :)
(and it's kinda fun to go back and poke fun at yourself a little bit for how off your art feels after a few years)
Ooh, maybe for my next art projects I'll redraw child Arnulf (and maybe the rest of the gang!)
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sytokun · 2 years
If I may ask, I a bit curious on the timeline of your Rwby rewrite project, you made videos on a Rwby rewrite before but with a different name(s because I can’t remember if it had more than one name) What changed with the name? In fact what change about production after the details video about a Rwby rewrite(hopefully you know what I talking about) It ok if it just speak in general terms than any details, just interest in your process!
This is a good opportunity to talk about my history with RWBY AUs from start to finish, so thanks for this ask.
I first got infected with the AU bug during Volume 3, when shit started going down in Episode 6 and my mind was abuzz thinking about how the story was going to unfold. This led me to create Shattered Tomorrow, which was about the predicted events and aftermath of the Fall of Beacon.
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This later moved to RWBY: Visions, which was just a catch-all term that my other AUs would be grouped into at the time (much like how Star Wars: Visions is a collection of AUs, oddly enough). I made a few videos of it, as well as a subreddit which is now dead since I transitioned my community to YouTube instead, where this sort of AU/rewrite content reaches more people.
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However, I soon released a video that more or less kickstarted my RWBYTubing days in earnest: RWBY Needs A New Beginning. The large positive reception I got for it led me to create a Discord server to discuss the project, at which point it grew into a community group project, and was renamed into RWBY: Cherish.
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However, it was my first time leading a community project, so it encountered numerous fatal hurdles - namely the "too many cooks" problem. Everyone was pitching idea, writing docs and proposing characters to populate the world, but none of it was translating into real, tangible results. It lost steam about a year in and I grew disillusioned, especially after the conclusion of Volume 6. I was very close to dropping the show and leaving the fandom entirely.
I decided to step away and took a month-long break from the project and anything RWBY. It took me a while for me to recentre myself and start looking at my ideas again without premature outside influence. What did I really want from this project? Why do I keep returning to it?
I started sketching again, reclaiming pride in my own ideas again. Then, I discovered Cold Kingdom's album, which sparked my first real concepts for what would become RWBY: Remnants. But at the time, I created these under the placeholder title: We Are The Hunt.
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I started gaining confidence in my creative self again, and I regained motivation to start over; more importantly, I got back my love for RWBY, and it was here I realised that I'll never be truly able to leave it behind until I put out my version of it for the world. I put everything I knew about this new AU into a few illustrations, used a song I liked that conveyed the tone I pictured, edited them together, and finally released the first trailer for RWBY: Remnants.
For the first time, I had put out the ideas in my head into something tangible, something real. Something I could watch and share with others. It wasn't just a video of abstract promises, of me talking about how cool it would be in concept. Why spend all that effort describing something with the same effort I could use to make it a reality?
I realised that while others enjoyed my ideas and were passionate enough to help with it, I was the only person who could be responsible for it, and only I knew what I wanted it to be. With all those lessons in mind, I went ahead and launched RWBY: Remnants.
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It's been a journey of over 6 years now, and it's still going. People who dismiss my AU work so far as a string of failed projects fail to realise that creation is an ever-changing thing. It changes its nature along with the person making it. Someone who makes something that's the same from start to finish has not learned anything about it or themselves from the process - they're making something stagnant, and a stagnant work reflects its creator.
I can't say that I'll stick with my RWBY AU forever, especially given RWBY's uncertain future, or even that I'll be able to finish all I wanted to accomplish. But as long as I'm still doing it, I've not regretted a single second.
This may be a project based on RWBY, but it's RWBY told through my own eyes. I count myself very lucky that a lot of people want to see me make it a reality, so I hope by telling it, I can inspire other people that they can do the same. You don't have to be a giant company or a team of hundred.
In my case, I just needed a small group I could trust to help me make it happen, and a lot of time. I'm grateful for that.
The one thing I learned the most in this experience is one word: Resolve. It's not a glorious, inspirational thing: I'm not pushing myself over a mountaintop or running a heartstopping marathon: but somehow, in spite of myself, I just draw a little every week.
I tell myself I shouldn't give up - not because of right or wrong - but because I know this is something that I will always return to. Something that will always welcome me back. Something about RWBY and this project constantly draws me back into it, like an unanswered question. It's an unusual drive I don't expect others to have, but whatever it is, something like that may exist for you in another form. I don't know if you wanna call it a life calling or whatever, but it's just... the thing you keep coming back to. It's like your inclination; your nature.
If I'm a pencil, it's in my nature to draw or write, even if I only take myself out of the drawer every month or so to do it. It doesn't change my character or my morals. I just do the thing, and the thing feels right to do.
6 years on, that's what working on this project feels to me at this point. Part of me wants to prove something to myself, and to share something with the world. But I think with enough consideration, I can probably live without those things. But even without them... I'm still going to do the thing. Because it feels right to do the thing. I like doing RWBY things, and I don't see a reason to stop anytime soon.
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