#rwby wank
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callme-yah · 2 years ago
I appreciate your feedback on Ruby & Yang's dad and how goddamn defensive fans get when a post on his borkups takes off. After a while it feels like fans with less traumatic parental experiences (or reluctance to acknowledge theirs) shouting down those who dare to disclose rougher times, and I don't appreciate that shit at all.
Context Post
I'm really glad my post spoke to you! (genuine)
RWBY is one of my comfort shows (shockingly -glances at a subsection of my blog-) and I grabbed onto Yang pretty much the moment I started watching and it hitting me like a truck as to the why was... an experience in introspection, I'm ngl.
I don't tend to post stuff like that, and certainly not on this blog, but I've been seeing it across both of my blogs and it had been bugging me so I overspilled xD
I am really glad that the 3 people I mostly interacted with on that post were open to listening and took my thoughts on board, as like I said in the post, I was full prepared for an onslaught of insults and hatred.
I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to look deep into the media you enjoy. I don't think there's anything wrong with going "It's not been outrightly hand holdingly stated to me in the text so I'm just not gonna engage in theorising." (genuine) because that's what I'm like in other fandoms. What I do take issue with is when you feel like that and use it to try and silence those who do want those conversations.
Anyway, I'm rambling again!
I'm glad you like my post! Hope to see you around anon!
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callme-yah · 2 years ago
I'm gonna preface this by stating that I am WELL AWARE of my own bias in this situation, informed heavily by the way I was raised and by whom.
Taiyang reminds me of my Mother.
This is not a compliment.
My mother tried. My mother tried, all the time, but for a variety of reasons that are not mine to share, she failed. She failed as a parent, and in that failing, emotionally neglected and abused me, and forced me, the child, into raising my younger brother.
It is noted, several times (by bother Ruby and Yang) that Yang effectively raised Ruby.
If you asked my brother, he would say that mum was always there for him and supported him. But ask him who made his dinner, who checked his homework, who made sure he had clean clothes, had breakfast before school, had PE kit, he would tell you that I did that (because I did)
Ruby has said that Taiyang was always there and supportive, but has also made it clear that it was Yang that raised her.
THAT is parentification. That is Yang setting aside her own childhood in favour of raising a sibling. And whether you like Taiyang or not, that is abuse.
Taiyang likely tried. Likely tried all the time, but for a variety of reasons outside of his control (grief, money, depression) he failed and in that failing, emotionally neglected both of his daughters and abused one of them.
Taiyang caused harm. That is an undeniable fact of the series. He caused harm to Yang as a child. Whether you think it's 'serious' enough to warrant the label of abuse is your boundary to figure out and I'm not gonna argue about that. But you cannot say he did not do harm to his eldest child because he did.
So I've been seeing some takes about Taiyang being an awful abusive father and I'm sorry but I just don't see it. He's definitely a flawed father and those flaws have had a negative impact on Yang, I'm not arguing against that, but I see people painting him with the same brush as Jacques, Adam and Marcus Black and it honestly feels like there's a lot of nuance to the situation that people are deliberately ignoring.
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sokumotanaka · 1 year ago
So I didn't hyjack this poor person's post over [here.]
I thought making my own post would be the most logical conclusion. So it takes alot in my opinion to bury your head in the ground and pretend like you smart when you're so overly stupid.
Here's a discussion I had with a person where alot of alarming and stupid things were said on his part. @/crimsonxe
Well go through small sections, that's a lie, you know I'm long winded.
Here's a section where he states that writing about killing, maiming, and calling minorities bad isn't nearly as bad. I mentioned Miles calling Tifa a prostitute as well and I don't think he's getting it.
Manner of dress:
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The problem isn't getting over it or not, the issue with calling remake Tifa a prosisitue is that she dresses more modest than the rwby cast, he has children with short skirts, no pants under and boob windows in frozen tundra. If he thinks THIS is provocative,
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then him okaying THESE
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designs on children is something he's mentally aware of! also weiss spends most of her time in that outfit in a frozen wasteland and then COMPLAINS about being cold!
Get over it? More like Have enough common sense not to post stuff like that. A wise man once said "just because you think of a tweet doesn't mean you have to hit send." (Also he says it's not fanservicey, need I remind everyone they sell a ruby body pillow, Yang always had her tits out and then as time goes on they start losing more and more clothing. Not fanservice my ass!)
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Grown man argument for sexualizing teen girls.
"They don't go overboard." Here's a picture of a woman wearing chainmail on her bare skin in the desert, there's a difference between puritanical and horny silly designs after them saying shit like "we won't do the stupid stuff anime does" and then having the whole cast of female characters with their tits and ass out.
Also not to stun your pee brain, but writing racism as "If we want respect and equality then we have to forgive our bigot overlords and defend them with not even a thank you." Is stupid, that be like me telling you that if you want minorities forgiveness, go fight cops, or me going to england and saying that. Blake tells unrelated faunus to fight armed dudes and the writers are stupid. And the overall issue is HBomberguy was right! In his review he stated that he was afraid that a certain group of people would look at how the faunus act and go "yeah that's how They are" uncharitable takes exist.
And he was right a bunch of RWBY stans who were racist before vanishing literally came around going "boy did miles and kerry get you guys pegged, you're all exactly like this!" During the 98% most peaceful protesting age, well unless your a cop who wants to shoot out someone's eyes.
The LGBT pair (s)?
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Yeah like the cardboard cutout guys miles pouted about when he didn't get credit for putting out there after people in the LGBT community asked when were the LGBT characters gonna appear.
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The first Gay rep in the show was two unrelated characters we'd never see again after saying "characters" just don't promise things then lie forehead!
Or the second Rep LGBT character Illia! A woman who took her crush and was gonna- *Looks at paper* Send her to her abuser while also blaming her for dating someone and not knowing her romantic feelings.
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"I guess you were too busy looking at Adam to notice me."
Yeah great first cardboard then a woman willing to kill off her her crushes family and blames her crush for not knowing she had a crush on her!
Oh how about bumblbee? With Yang literally saying she viewed Blake as an object and wanted her around for her solely? You know fuck what Blake wants! Blaming Blake for running in fear when WF ruin a nation and Adam states he'll kill everyone she loves and he knows exactly where her parents are? Perish the thought, that sounds like something a scared child would exactly do! But Yang goes "No despite us not officially dating yet I'm owed her time and presence.
Yang's shitty, and it takes how long for them to get together? They don't even wait until adam cold before Yang claims her, after abusing her mentally when Blake tells her Adam likes to make you feel small and she brushes her off and is like "stop talking to me." Then they kiss what? THIS year? 2023? In volume 3 sun's winking at her and she's blushing and smiling and calling him a dork and they're hanging out, and I'm sitting here going "Do some of that for yang? All they did was share a dance, have her flirt with her or wink, something." And what she compliments her hair once? Granted I stopped after 7/8 so I bet the best LGBT rep happ- This just in, I'm getting word from my friends in the LGBT community who watched rwby saying that it's dogshit.
Having tons of LBGT characters doesn't matter if you write them like trash I guess, btw the first kiss happened in volume 9 in 2023 and rwby started in 015 and again sun flirts, winks etc and they show alot of chemistry with each other.
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Yang gets mad, demands blake be there when EVERYONE else is going back home too! Trauma dumps on her after using a laser pointer on her when Blake admits that she's tired of dealing with racism.
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Like instead of talking to her, Yang treats her like an animal an laughs it off then trauma dumps about her mom on her while blake is already highly stressed. Doesn't even solve the problem btw. All the LGBT characters thus far (besides Jaune's sister and her girlfriend, they can stay, sadly they're trapped in a shitty show) are horribly written for no reason.
A second writer should look at these before they hit the screen.
He talks about a south park reference which I ignored cause it's so random?
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racist dog whistling.
"Mika burton spun things a certain way." Nah there's tweets w of people admitting they fucked up and the achievement hunters go online , they bring her on a podcast and pretend to cry so people can feel bad for them. And good for her she doesn't forgive them. So spinning around? How about a source? Source can't be that you made it the fuck up cause that's not a source it's a sentence wasting everyone's time.
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Also "Mile's isn't white." Aw man what am I gonna tell mile's white parent? Sorry some dude on the internet said your son can't be half white, sorry me I can't be half black, or Hawaiian, Sorry Miles because you look more black your Hispanic traits don't matter for the sake of the argument. What kinda of Juvenile , stupid statement IS this? He can't be white because you say so? But he calls himself white in many tweets and literally in the statement of writing racism in RWBY.
Also nice try, moving the goalpost means you can't lose. "I'm not defending him, now watch as I waste time defending him instead of finding a source against Mika's claims cause I'm bullshitting." I mean Mika doesn't even have a reason to lie, RT employees all admitted they heard and did nothing, Torian a black animator and editor also stated he had race issues with RT and Pat boivan from Castle super beast and pat stares at made a black joke that Miles and select few members laughed at in terms of them having no black or brown people working there. And they ignore woolie when it comes to sponsored stuff, he literally says this on multiple episodes of his show, and THAT's Worrying!
Point is if Miles himself is racist, weather he's white, Hispanic, black etc he still displayed racist behavior multiple times too many. He had a chance to say something to his employees, he didn't bother, he got nervous and waked off. He had the chance when he put BLM after the lashings he got and do something with that, change the company for the better etc, but he didn't he put it there as a band-aid and took it off when he thought people weren't looking.
I keep beating this dead horse because people like you don't seem to do research at all! Because in the face of it it's easier to lie, play dumb (pffft 'play') and make excuses for them instead of holding them accountable.
I didn't want to see RT burn down for a while, but they keep pulling a blizzard, and all these, tweets, articles, statements that miles or the others say or do that's stupid, harmful, racist, shitty keep popping up! At this point it be better as a lesson not to be shitty humans for RT to quietly burn, no special treatment, I'm holding them to the same standard I do for David cage, for activation Blizzard and many other triple A companies. If you don't wanna go down in flames, maybe don't do reprehensible things that keep burning bridges for you. Simple, don't be stupid forhead!
The real mornic stuff was listening to you try and fail at mental gymnastics and not provide a single source for anything you claimed I should "be in awe" of or switching the goal post. RT.s failing and they stacked the deck against themselves, THAT's why people hate them, statements like they saying that when yang drives down the crossroads to Mistral and people guessing she's going to Ruby only for them to like and say "if you heard the bike go one way." These critics, video's, and articles don't exist for no reason.
Pathetic, utterly pathetic, you boasted a big game , puffed out your chest and then walked straight into a cold clock and got your ass handed to you for several rounds. For someone who boasted about "getting in the ring" No flatter yourself, you weren't even competiton.
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dragynkeep · 2 years ago
Ironwood: *Provides Yang with a prosthetic arm, Immediately releases the heroes from the arrest, lays all his cards on the table at once, trust them to keep a world-changing tool in their posession, upgrades the their weapons and gear, promotes them all to professional huntsmen*
QRWBY & JNOR: Imma pretend I didn't see that, I don't like this dude's vibes, he shady
Emerald: *Manipulates the heroes by putting up a friendly front, kills Penny, traumatizing Ruby and Pyrrha, helps orchestrate the fall of Beacon that entailed hundreds of casualties, takes part in the fall of Haven, assists Cinder in trying to kill Penny (again) and stop her from launching Amity like a day before she joins the team at the eleventh hour, doing little to nothing to regain their trust*
RWBY & JNOR a few hours later: awww she mad haha welcome to the team Em
The fact that ~Emerald, who cause the deaths of countless innocents, Penny, Pyrrha, indirectly led to Yang losing her arm, Weiss nearly dying, attacked Penny AGAIN, and was with Salem for over half of the invasion of Atlas that killed more countless people-
was welcomed far quicker than the man who literally helped RWBY every step of the way, put his upmost trust in them by giving them their licenses, new weapons, housed them, trusted them completely with the plan with no secrets, and even listened to them up until they literally went behind his back and their lying was exposed, is my villain origin story.
The fact that the heroes were shown as justified in their reactions to Ozpin, who didn't even do half the shit they did, while painting Ironwood as irrational and should be lied to when he'd done nothing to justify that beyond the American white writers getting scared that a shut down country reeling from a terrorist attack would enforce a curfew, is aggravating.
And it shows because so many people before V8 were actually on Ironwood's side, or at least pointed out that RWBY were being hypocrites and not being held accountable by the narrative! So the writers went "We'll just make him stupid evil and a genocidal general so everyone who sided with him in the previous volume was wrong to do so".
Like, can we all agree they just fucked up writing actual nuance and grey morality already? It's far easier than trying to justify their dogshit writing.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years ago
One of my least favourite parts of the RWBY fandom is people insisting that Yang can't possibly be anything other than a lesbian, acting like even entertaining the idea of her being bi or pan is lesbophobic.
Like, you bring up that Yang has shown attraction to guys at least once, they'll write it off as "comphet" or some other excuse to claim it doesn't count.
Seems to happen with a lot of characters who show attraction to more than one gender while not being explicitly labelled as bisexual, especially if they end up in a relationship with someone of the same gender.
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constantvariations · 2 years ago
My scavenge for screenshots that I might use in an upcoming video essay led me to Lilith Fairen’s blog where, lo and behold, she apparently saw this post of mine and decided she had to talk about it
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That’s an interesting way to say “the blog has me blocked, so I can’t reblog the OG post.” Fairen, you know what a block means, right? It means I don’t consent to you being on my damn blog. So either you don’t understand what boundaries are or you think it’s okay to ignore them so long as it’s the right kind of person you’re invading. Neither of which reflect well on you
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gaymakima · 2 years ago
not to call anyone out in particular but the take that raven branwen is a) a white woman and b) appropriating japanese culture is one of the most clinically online takes in the fndm i've seen, and i've been in the tumblr fandom since volume 1.
disregarding the fact that "she doesn't look asian" is... incredibly thin as an argument considering anime characters RARELY look japanese themselves because the anime style we know today can be traced back to osamu tezuka who was inspired by western animation styles like disney. like... do qrow and raven need exagerrated slanted eyes to count?
the claim that because qrow and raven a) are based on norse myth and b) have a welsh surname, they're white is...???
they were GIVEN names by the tribe. they were adopted into the tribe. branwen might not even be their real name, just one they went with.
And yeah, like—Qrow and Raven were designed by and created by Monty Oum, a man who had heritage IN Japan and whose character design philosophy was 80% "cool shit". disregarding the fact that our real word nationalities don't exist in RWBY bc its a fantasy world, holy shit touch some grass
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farsight-the-char · 2 years ago
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Found on the X-men reddit. Sadly true.
Makes me think a lot about how RWDE approaches RWBY, the moving away from themes and how those "fans" just desire eye-candy.
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majoringinsarcasm · 2 years ago
So I’ve never done a rewatch of rwby just bc. It’s not Long but it’s a lot of time that I could be doing other things and you know I watched it already so I don’t NEED to go back each season eight?
But I’m watching gh0xttherebel and at first it was just his V9 reactions. But then I remembered I LOVE volume 6 so I started that last night. But then I saw he’s watched the whole show. So now I’m watching the show via his reactions. And it’s been so nice to see someone watch it for the first time and getting to remember all the little things and just see through a fresh set of eyes why I love this show so much. It’s been a fun time
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year ago
Not Tumblr recommending me another "this is why that one time Yang showed interest in men doesn't count and she's totally a lesbian" post 😩
God, is this fucking fandom just allergic to the idea that a person can be attracted to more than one gender? I've seen people calling Blake a lesbian too despite her having been explicitly said multiple times to be bisexual.
I swear to god, I've lost track of the amount of times I've seen "comphet" used as an argument against the possibility of a character being bi. It's honestly infuriating.
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nov4-rocket5 · 2 years ago
I know the people making these rwby/dc cashgrab comics don't actually care about what they're making and just doing it for a quick buck, but I've just gotta say it.
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It's goddamn hilarious how they have Lex bowing to Salem.
Lex? Bowing down to anyone? With his ego? Absolutely ridiculous. The guy is simultaneously a walking inferiority and superiority complex, he'd sooner get beat up than kneel to anyone. He'd probably try to pull some BS alliance and Salem would probably trick him, but not this shite.
I know it's just to wank off RWBY to draw in new viewers, but goddamn
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farsight-the-char · 2 years ago
Classic New Mutants, which is the “Xmen as a School” done best
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Art by the Legendary Bill Sienkiewicz
"Name a series better than Harry Potter" Ok.
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constantvariations · 2 years ago
I remember someone saying "there's no such thing as a good racism allegory" and it's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I'm someone who typically thinks anything can work if given the right circumstances, but then I really started thinking about it and I believe they're right
Because if you want to talk about racism, you should just talk about racism
(This is unpolished and ramble-y, so strap yourselves in)
Racism is deeply ingrained into our society, no matter where you live. Imperialism and colonialism has ensured that no corner of Earth has been left untouched. Choices from hundreds of years ago are still being felt today. There's practically no end to the discussion of its effects on the world and its people
So, why should anyone feel the need to dress it up in cat ears?
I've consumed a lot of media where writers have consciously echoed in part some aspect of racism in their fantasy story: Bright 2017, Dragon Age, RWBY, the MCU, Harry Potter, Detroit: Become Human, etc. The biggest thing they have in common is that the narrative is told to side with the victims, but it somehow always ends up against them
It always sides with the status quo
It's confusing, maddening even, because the narrative oft goes out of its way to show how horrible the system is and how these folk don't deserve their treatment, so why are we going back to normal as if it's a good thing? Why are the people actively working to improve the system decried as annoying at best and monstrous at worst?
Then you look at the people who write these storylines. The beliefs they hold, the people they vote for, which charities and organizations they give to, and it all makes sense. Centrists (at best) trying to look progressive are the ones who need to dress racism up in cat ears and rainbow freckles. They set aside the long, brutal histories and crushing systemic realities to play pretend that racism is Not That Bad and is only done by Those Bad Individuals
That's why Velvet's ears are tugged instead of culled. That's why the Mantle drunkards say mean things to Blake instead of attempting to assault her. That's why everything surrounding the SDC's labor practices is so vague as to be useless while the biggest evidence of their malice is hand-waved away by a writer who says the victim "had it coming" as if someone can deserve being branded by being too much of a brat
These stories aren't meant to make the audience question why our society works off the bloodied backs of the exploited or demands we take good, hard looks at ourselves and how we've been duped into believing so much garbage about entire swathes of people. They're meant to satisfy the people who only feel bad that these things are happening because they (white folk) look like the bad guys. It's a self-congratulatory wank about how "I'm not like THOSE guys, therefore I'm a good person!"
And then there's the characters meant to convey this story in the first place: always inoffensive, mostly aimless, "not like the other girl" types that pander to that delicate palate. Blake - a conventionally attractive, pale skinned girl in fashionable clothes - used to be passionate about equality but only in the right way, and demonizes anyone who does not conform to this mindset despite having no reasoning to back it up while never once demanding better of the privileged people around her even when they do racially insensitive things
The biggest downfall of these racial allegories, be they about cat girls or orcs or elves or robots, is that they do something that marginalized folk have been forced to endure since the dawn of time: literal dehumanization. There are tangible differences between humans and whatever the allegory is, which undermines the very fundamental fact that black/asian/queer/neurodivergent/disabled/whatever folk are unapologetically, undeniably, exceedingly human. By dressing up their plights in cat ears or spottled blue skin, you're creating theater not for the people who actually live through these struggles as a means of connecting with them and providing them a safe outlet for their feelings, but giving the people who benefit from passively allowing the system to enforce said struggles a pat on the head for not being the grand wizard
I don't really know where I'm going or how to end this, so I'll just sign off with if you're going to talk about racism, just talk about racism
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citadelofmythoughts · 9 months ago
Brains unrotted by the wankers of wank seem more capable of noticing.
Helps to not be a raving bigot too.
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rwdestuffs · 2 years ago
So some WB animation & CN staffers are trying to unionize now. No clue whether this means anything for Chicken Dentures, but at this point I'm waaay more hopeful about that & other Texan 'pay us already' animation developments than this hashtagnewvolumelaborwhatlabor? sewage. Lately fndm/rwde wank seems to get very lost in the weeds of in-show character crit, but the former clique's nonresponse to so many disclosures remains fucking awful.
I'm hoping it means that the animators, writers, voice actors, and everyone involved in the show gets decent pay. I get why fans want to see the show continue. For a lot of people, this is how they met online friends, made connections with other artists or writers, and found a community where they belong. But I think that that community can survive even if the show gets delayed like hell.
If fans can keep shouting at Sony to delay Beyond the Spider-Verse so that the animators, writers, VAs, etc. can be paid properly and have the time they need to make a good movie, then so can the fans of RWBY. The main issue is that greenlighting the show is very much out of their hands, so while Spider-Verse is pretty much greenlit, RWBY isn't, so fans need to show enough support to prove that there is enough demand for the show in order for it to continue.
Fans can wait a few years for RWBY so that the animation is good, the writing is good, and so that the people working on it aren't worked to death. And while I'm somewhat curious as to what the show will bring us (good and bad), there needs to be an understanding that a good story is one that takes time.
Legend of Korra once had a filler episode just so they could keep their animators and other such personal on the show, I don't see why RT can't have some delays to make sure their show would be of both quality, and of humane production.
I admittedly, haven't been around the rwde/crtq tag as much lately, so I don't know what's going on. And that's mainly because I've come to the conclusion that any flaw in RWBY is also a flaw in other shows. Say what you want about Emerald, at least they didn't take a doll off the corpse of a girl and send it as a halfhearted idea of a gift to a family member while giving another family member something that was actually had thought put into it, like Iroh. Say what you want about Ilia, at least she didn't hire an assassin to go after the main heroes because she was unsure of her place in the place that rejected her, like Zuko. Say what you want about Ruby, at least she didn't claim to be a non-killing pacifist while also burying people in an avalanche, like Aang did.- Basically, any flaw within RWBY is also a flaw within other shows that are also critically acclaimed, like AtLA.
The main point I'm trying to make here is that the story does deserve to be told. It does deserve to have its ending. But that shouldn't come at the expense of animators, writers, voice actors, or anyone really. If RT can't make the show in a humane way, then they should hand it off to a company that will. If that means they go down, well… They brought that on themselves. And maybe if these guys can get unionized, the show can be made without the expense of people around them. And I'd like to think that the show itself would improve if it were made humanely.
So while I have no idea what the future will hold, I'm hoping that it'll be at least somewhat better than what we have right now. If we fail to make the world better for the next generation, then we've failed as a generation. And the same can be said about previous generations. And future generations too.
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foulfirerebel · 1 year ago
That makes too much sense.
Both Agent Walker and General Ironwood are really similar characters I think.
Both are well respected and relatively well liked military men who take great pride in their military and are subtly to overtly dismissive of civilian elements.
Both are men who want to establish communication with the rest of the world, but they made communication harder on themselves. Ironwood by closing Atlas off & Walker by refusing to go backwards.
Both are men who very much want to be heroes, to be saviors but whose skills and personalities lead them to choosing violence and force as their first response to problems.
Both are men who hold another ally in incredibly high regard, (Konrad & Ozpin) but whom they turn on when they need a scapegoat.
Both are men who cannot, will not , admit when they are wrong; they are instead, excellent at justifying whatever immoral decision they make. Be it shooting refugees or shooting their own citizens.
Both are men who directly and indirectly, intentionally and unintentionally cause mass death amongst civilians. Walker by his general penchant to shoot first, as well as using the White Phosphorus and destroying the water; Ironwood by cancelling the evacuation, shooting down evacuation ship and trying to bomb Mantle.
Both have narratives heavily defined by their desire to be a hero and their unchecked, unrestrained bullheadedness leading them down a path of murder and death. One they refused to admit they've been on until seemingly or at least potentially realizing it before they die.
("Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped. But on you marched. And for what?"
"No, you have sacrificed everyone else! You closed the borders, you squeezed Mantle until it broke!")
They're also both meta commentaries on the military industrial complex, military adventurism and military as saviors narratives.
So uh yeah, wow, there were even more than I realized.
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