#rwby volume nine icons
the-blue-sandglass · 9 months
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Some Volume 9 Ruby icons!
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Nitpick November: said this a million times but why have most of the characters’ gotten worse hair? I think a lot of it looks too thick from V4 onward. Like Neo’s hair specifically looks bad. Yang’s hair thickness looks good, but Blake’s hair looked a little too thick after the animation switch. And then to add insult to injury, they have her the haircut instead of Weiss. I don’t even need to comment on Weiss’s braid. I want Blake’s long hair back and Weiss with a cute bob
Okay, I was totally planning on talking about hair changes in general as a nitpick eventually, but I'm just gonna talk about it now and do different numbered nitpicks later. I hate most of the hair changes in RWBY. I have a ton of pictures and gifs and rant about hair, so I went ahead and put this post under a keep reading, since it wound up being long. I didn't know you could only use ten images in a post, before I tried to talk about it. XD
Neo's hair originally didn't look too thick, it curled some in the back, it looked particularly shiny, with cute distinctively styled hair near the front that was shorter. Not a lot of movement, but this was poser era, so there are allowances.
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And even when she first came back in V6 when she still had her same look, her hair didn't look too bad, though it did seem to lose a bit of its shine. (Side note, but Neo is still off the charts one of the hottest people in RWBY just look at these gifs!)
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But what did they do with her hair when she changed outfits?
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Seriously, why did they make it three times thicker while completely changing the iconic styling of her bangs at the front, and making her hair come out past her shoulders when originally it was hard to tell from the front that her hair was even long? It looks like they made her hair out of playdough! (Don't get me wrong, she's still gorgeous, just her hair looks not nearly as good and I'm still not sold on the outfit either.)
And with the other hair changes, James is one of the only people who got a hair change that wasn't freaking ugly or wholly unnecessary. For instance, despite the general idea that Yang would never cut her hair, her hair has gotten much shorter over the years as well as losing some curl itself.
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And as for Blake, it's at least not too bad, but it defintely lost some curl and dude, why does the pick of Blake without a jacket look almost exactly like the hair for late season Neo just with different bangs? Weird.
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We need to be rescued from this monstrosity. And that's not even getting into Jaune's horrible haircut, or Nora's hair getting cut back to its original length because God forbid somebodies hair changes in minor ways instead of suddenly being completely different, Weiss's hair suddenly becoming super thick over night and the horrible braid, or Hazel's horrible hair change, or Cinder's haircut that was just like her flashback vision in volume 3... And I don't really actually mind Ruby's hair change that much, but it still isn't super good and seems kind of... Pointless? I'd happily say she's 'emulating Qrow,' but like, with how she treated Qrow and was so insistent that she didn't need him in volume six, I'd say that we're not supposed to see him as a mentor figure she's trying to be like anymore, so the symbolism doesn't work anymore than Blake cutting her hair after Adam's death works when the way they animated it makes it look more contained and heavy and boxing in her face than her long hair did.
I agree that Weiss should've one hundred percent had her hair cut short, it would've been so cute and nice looking and very good with her character.
But also, I just want to say with my whole heart that I hate Penny's long hair.
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I'm sorry, but her hair looks like the fake plastic hair I might've gotten on a loving family toy figure as a nine year old for Christmas. All of it just... Looks bad. I have a bit of a problem with Penny's new look, but for the most part, I think it's fine. But the hair? The hair is a pretty big offender. If it wasn't for Weiss's horrible braid, I'd say it's my least favorite hair in the series.
My favorite hair changes? James's bird shaped hair in V7-V8. Winter's V8 high ponytail. Nora and Ren's V4-6 hairstyles. However, most of the time, the hair changes in RWBY are very disappointing.
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