#rwby blackvelvet
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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Night Stalker
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notmaplemable · 2 years ago
Black Velvet
Nora: Reasons I think Velvet and Blake should date.
Nora: Reason #1, baby cats and baby rabbits are both called kittens. So no matter what their babies would be kittens.
Velvet: ...
Blake: ...Nora, that's not-
Nora: Reason #2, they're both horny all the time. So if they both use their horniness on each other, they won't be so horny the rest of the time.
Nora: Or their horniness will combine and destroy us all.
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nerdlydelicious · 2 years ago
I’ve been enjoying your ship takes and the lengthy responses to em! Been a fun read. Here’s another for your list if you’d like. I can’t pick between the two so feel free to choose: crosshares or blackvelvet
No reason I can’t do both!
Crosshares has that classic ‘extroverted person and introverted person’ vibe going for it, and while some people might call that cliche, I call it tried and true.
Now to be fair I would not really classify Velvet as being an actual introvert as we have seen her be plenty outgoing in both the show and the two books focusing on team CFVY, so it’s more that they give off that vibe than it definitely being the case. Regardless, they are definitely cute together. While I personally prefer YatsuxVelvet (though I don’t know their ship name), crosshares is still plenty cute.
That being said, I do feel I have to knock a couple points off because I’m not the biggest fan of some of Coco’s attitude and behavior in the CFVY books, mainly that it is specifically stated that she wears sunglasses so that she can check women out without being caught. Which is kinda creepy, honestly. If Coco were a guy and doing that to women I think we would all rightfully consider him a creep. Being a woman doesn’t make it better.
But in all fairness I would hope that once she was in a relationship with Velvet she would stop checking out other women, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and restore a knocked point.
I give it a 6/10, all things being even.
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Now, as for Black Velvet:
Blake and Velvet starting a relationship would be really interesting, especially if it’s back at Beacon before Blake really came out of her shell. If I remember correctly, Blake either told Velvet that she was a faunus, or Velvet figured it out on her own. Either way, I can imagine that Velvet would try to encourage Blake to uncover her ears and not hide who she is. Blake, on the other hand, would want to keep her involvement in the White Fang a secret from Velvet, just like she did her team. She is trying to leave that life behind, after all.
And of course there’d be the interesting situation with their families. Velvet’s father works for Atlas after all, while Blake was in conflict with Atlas and the SDC for years. And of course there’s the fact that Blake’s father founded the White Fang.
Additionally I can’t imagine Blake would be nearly as passive about Cardin bullying velvet if they were in a relationship. She’d definitely be throwing hands with all of team CRDL, which would inevitably draw the rest of team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY into beating down team CRDL.
Then of course there would be the strain in their relationship that would come from Blake still trying to figure out what the WF is up to in Vale, and ignoring her own needs because of it. Which would lead to a reconciliation at the dance, then the drama of the Vytal festival attack and everything following that…
I did not expect to have this many thoughts about Black Velvet. There’s a lot to unpack with these two, and so much you could do with them. Grade A fic material right here.
I give it a 9/10. Probably the best crack ship I’ve received an ask for so far.
(Also I couldn’t get a good image of them on screen together, so I used fan art. Credit goes to DashingIceCream, if I remember correctly.)
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gaybeau · 5 years ago
I want to write more, send me a ship and a prompt!
I’m on holiday for a few weeks, and I’m desperate to get some more writing done, so here’s a list of prompts and ships you can send me as requests! 
Requests: Send me a ship, a prompt, and optionally a rating (I’ll do anything from general audiences to explicit). Feel free to make up a prompt, or send a ship not listed, just know that I might adjust or ignore based on whether or not I’m comfortable with it. 
She Ra: Catradora, Glitradora, Glitra, Catrouble, Glimbow
RWBY: Bumbleby, Bee’s Schnees, Crosshares, Blackvelvet
Steven Universe: Rupphire, Lapidot, Connverse, Pearlmethyst
Misc: Harlivy, Korrasami
Sample Prompts:
1. OMG they were roommates 
2. Secret dating AU
3. Craigslist ad AU
4. Crime AU
5. Sick fic
6. Drunk
7. There was only one bed
8. Unnoticed/hidden injury
9. Nightmares
10. 5+1
11. Truth or dare
12. Quarantine 
13. Soulmate
14. Afraid of storms
15. Universe swap
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sails4ship · 7 years ago
RWBY: Ship Names
*that I can think of*
WhiteRose/IceFlower (RubyxWeiss), Ladybug/BlackRose (BlakexRuby), StrawberrieSunrise/SisterHood (YangxRuby😝), CrescentArc (JaunexRuby), MetallicRose/RedDestiny (PyrrhaxRuby), RoseStorm (NoraxRuby), CresentFlower/LillyRose (RinxRuby), RedVelvet (VelvetxRuby), Chocolate Chip (CocoxRuby), Nuts&Dolts (PennyxRuby) RedSea (RubyxNeptune), RedSun/Suns and Roses (SunxRuby), FallenRose/SilverMaiden (CinderxRuby), Roseman (RubyxRoman), SythCream (RubyxNeo), SiverSole (Mercury xRuby), Gemlins*gem&gremlins*/YellowRose (EmeraldxRuby), RedBull (AdamxRuby), RoseGarden (RubyxOscar), SilverMoon/RosePin (RubyxOz), SilverSlipers/RedSlpiers (RubyxGlynda)
Monochrome/Checkmate (WxB), Freezerburn/MeltedSnow (WxY), WhiteKnight (JaunexWeiss), WarriorPrincess/RedAngel (PyrrhaxWeiss), SnowStorm/HailStorm (NoraxWeiss), WhiteLilly (WeissxRin), WhiteChocolate/IceCoffee (CocoxWeiss), SnowBunny/AtticHare (WeissxVelvet), Iceberg (WeissxNeptune), Macaque*snow monkey*/WinterSolstice (WeissxSun), SnowMaiden/FallenAngel (CinderxWeiss), ColdCane*cocaine* (WeissxRoman), WeissCream/IceShnee (Weissx Neo), BlackIce (WeissxMercury), ColdCrime (WeissxEmerald), BullSchnee/Abominable (WeissxAdam)
Beauty & Beast (BlakexAdam), BlackKnight (JaunexBlake), Neko/Sphinx (PyrrhaxBlake), PawPower/PinkPanther (NoraxBlake), BlackLilly/NinjaCat (RinxBlake), BlackVelvet (BlakexVelvet), DarkChocolate/BlackCoffee/Coffee&Tea (BlakexCoco), BlackSea/CatFish/Beauty of the Lake (BlakexNeptune), BlackSun/Elcips (BlakexSun), HellCat/BlackFlame (CinderxBlake), Darker than Black (BlakexMercy), CatBurglar (BlakexEmerald)
Bumblebee😍 (YangxBlake), NobleFlames (JaunexYang), YellowAsh (YangxPyrrha), PowerHouse/DoubleBarrel (YangxNora), YinYang/RinYang (YangxRin), HotCoco/CorssBarrels (YangxCoco), HellFire (YangxCinder) BakedAlaska (YangxNeo), KickBox (YangxMercy), GoldMine (YangxEmerald), RagingBull (YangxAdam), JustRight (YangxJr)
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sirazaroff · 2 years ago
Bees Schnees idea for you;
Blake wears black lipstick and likes to cover Yang & Weiss in kiss marks for fun sometimes. When they have kisses all over them, Yang will teasingly call Weiss "chessboard," and Weiss will call Yang "bumble"
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There’s a serial kisser on the loose…hide your loved ones.
Usually I got the freezerburn kiddos bickering so enjoy some much needed softness this time <3
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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A-Tier gays, now in full color ✨
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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Gosh velvet 👉👈
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sirazaroff · 2 years ago
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✨ brain rot ✨
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sirazaroff · 2 years ago
Oh man, Velvet/Blake has low-key been a rare pair for me, and seeing your art of it was perfect! I'm obsessed with your Velvet!
Aw thank you :D I’m rather proud of my take on her. Big sleepy fuzz lol
Idk what my issue is but I just love whatever those two got going on when paired together. Just two Faunus trying to live their lives in a cruel world, looking after their teams and one another.
Also sorry I went like. Totally overboard with this. Could’ve just responded with a simple silly doodle
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Thanks for stopping by!
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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The protectors of vacuo 🤧🫡
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sirazaroff · 1 year ago
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So guess who all got together again with the sillies??
Ft the lovelies @dummybirdnero and @spicxybread
I’m only giving context for the first one, but I picked up l4d again recently and got curious about rwby mods and-
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I lob velvet :)
Blackvelvet real 😮‍💨
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timbreworks · 2 years ago
You've shared your brain rot. So enjoy
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✨ brain rot ✨
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itsupermanti · 2 years ago
Jaune(scolding Nora as everyone sans Blake and Velvet are in an airship leaving Beacon as it starts raining hellfire from the skies): You just HAD to suggest they get together, didn’t you?!
Ruby(looking out the window as the hellfire only falls above Beacon): At least they’ve been contained to Beacon…
Black Velvet
Nora: Reasons I think Velvet and Blake should date.
Nora: Reason #1, baby cats and baby rabbits are both called kittens. So no matter what their babies would be kittens.
Velvet: ...
Blake: ...Nora, that's not-
Nora: Reason #2, they're both horny all the time. So if they both use their horniness on each other, they won't be so horny the rest of the time.
Nora: Or their horniness will combine and destroy us all.
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