#rw gameplay video
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rained-world · 1 year ago
gourmand recovers stamina noticeably faster while crouched
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toxictoxicities · 1 year ago
THIS IS FINE PT 1 - FT @revolvius
We decided to record our hunter co-op campaign and snip out the best moments! Enjoy <3
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creepincrawl · 9 months ago
New Rain World Video!! Funny Rainbow Rivulet :3
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toadslug · 6 months ago
Guys HELP I keep witnessing abductions 😭😭
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kakyogay · 1 year ago
y'know if you ignore the creators' previous controversial game, the quality of the series, the boring and sometimes confusing gameplay, the horrible clickbait kids content farms off the series, and the fuck it we ball kinda story development
banban kinda goofy silly I dunno
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echo-rw · 2 years ago
one must imagine artificer happy
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nixii-sabre · 1 year ago
ask thing or whatever
iu have done 0 research but have seen this like once in the past year so uh
send me a number in my inbox according to the question and I will answer. people can reblog this and have your followers do the same ig
rainworld ask game. rainworld related. in case you are wondering. here. below the cut. yuh.
1 - What's your favorite slugcat ship, if any?
2 - Favorite iterator ship, if any?
3 - What's your favorite slugcat?
4 - Favorite iterator?
5 - How tall do you headcanon the average ancient to be?
6 - What's your favorite campaign- gameplay/lore-wise?
7 - Favorite in-game creature?
8 - Favorite lizard?
9 - What's your favorite Rainworld OC of yours?
10 - Favorite rainworld OC of someone else'?
11 - Who's your least favorite of your RW OCs?
12 - If your Rainworld OCs could play video games, what would be each of their favorites?
13 - Do any of your RW OCs have any pets?
14 - Opinion on modern au's?
15 - Favorite in-game item?
16 - Do you like the base game or DLC better?
17 - What are your RW OC's favorite colors?
18 - How old do you headcanon Slugcats live up to?
19 - are you yeeked up
20 - What types of voices would your RW OCs have?
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sleepyc63 · 4 months ago
why do people hate exhaustion? They don’t seem to realize how op gourmand would be without it, it can get annoying but it would just be boring without it, like he’s already one of the strongest scugs he doesn’t need multiple 3 damage spears, as funny as it is for gourm to be op it wouldn’t be very fun, rivulets speed is checked by the difficult areas and enemies, gourmand is checked by exhaustion
i understand why its there, but that doesn't mean i have to like it. personally, i have a habit of spamming the jump button whenever i play any video game, which makes gourm a nightmare for me. cant move 3 feet without fainting and getting killed. i refuse to fix this habit because it helps me in any other game, including other rw campaigns
because the setback is so bad for me, i cant really enjoy anything else in her gameplay. i can acknowledge that its cool and well thought out, just not for me.
i just like fast paced gameplay, that's all
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spotsupstuff · 2 years ago
What’s your thoughts on all of the scugs and their campaigns? I’m curious in general, but also wonder about peoples thoughts on the scugs if they dislike the campaign or vice versa
well- i haven't played through all of the scugs yet (haven't touched Riv or Saint at all) so i can't really speak on what i think about the campaigns when it comes to the gameplay itself. ya get me
for Monk: i really like the idea of a really chill campaign even though i don't fucking know why but i managed to have more rage inducing time with Monk than with Surv. i REALLY fuckin love Monk's story though. it's So Fucking Good, i'm such a slut for actions made out of absolute, endless and unquestionable platonic love between siblings (wink wonk at my takes on Moon and Nish). like that one post i wrote about the comparisons between Monk the brother/Surv the sister and Pebbles the brother/Moon the sister? that one line where i was like "he walks across the entire facility grounds of two iterators, dreaming of her, having faith in that she's still around."????? i LOVE IT SO MUCH -punches a wall- imagine you love your sibling so so much that even though they might be dead your faith in their ability to live on is so Fecking Stronk that you are dreaming of them, see them sleep in the corner of a shelter
for Surv: Surv is Surv, it's like trying to live without bread and water. can't say anything negative or really positive about the campaign cuz it's just so intrigated into my head as the Base for everything. just like bread and water, you love and appreciate it silently. can always count on it being there. doesn't mean it gets loved any less just because you don't put the thought of adoration upon it every second. it's just a constant note in the background of your life that offers comfort by its existence
for Hunter: i fucking LOVE... i Have played Hunter only after Spear and Arti though which, as defined by utuber user Ruby Rooz, is cheating (/lh) so i haven't had the same frustrations with the cycle limit like a pre-Downpour player (even though i'm pre-Downpour, i never finished any campaign back then). i had fun just kind of zooming by everything and idk man, NSH is my absolute favorite iterator so everytime i looked at the green neuron i just kind of smiled to myself cuz i kept thinking "he's right here, making the journey with me". Hunter's lore is what first captivated me and made me interested in RW (along with the buddhistic roots of the game's religion)! they introduced us to NSH, explained quite a bit about Moon's current position, what Hunter could mean to Pebbles makes me wanna -Pepe Silvia bit from Always Sunny in Philadelphia-
for Gour: i don't really have much to say about their campaign. i'd put it above Monk gameplay-wise but story-wise underneath them. running around collecting food is nice, i like how it deviates from the previous three in that the iterators basically don't matter at all. the most they matter is eating a neuron and yellin at Pebbles to LET ME OUT LET ME OOOOUUUUUT. it offers a different perspective from what we are used to and i really like when things turn 180° and just walk a completely different path from what is "widely accepted" (honestly a reason why i silently adore Shkika's Innocence so much). in Gour's eyes these godly machines are nothing more than just part of the background. unimportant. just another obsticle. something so important in one part of the world diminished into nothing important. no matter how holy someone thinks a thing is, to someone else it's going to be pointless (and, wonderfully enough, it goes the other way around as well.). Gour's most shining moment story-wise is reached once you think about it deeper and come to realise that what they stand for is a hint of variety of understanding the world. they expand the world very subtly. they make thinking about RW less claustrophobic. other than that i'm just "i just think they are neat" about them. i keep quoting the Ruby Rooz video when i think about Gour too- "who ELSE has the arm of a GOD capable of decimating most of the local fauna with one spear and strongly suggesting to those that it doesn't to promptly LeAVhe." also hot take but the big gamer peeps need to stop bitchin bout the tiredness factor of Gour. good challenge. nice variety. are you allergic to planning? have you not listened to Lyanna Kea, in her skits about Asian moms, telling you to have some Initiative for once in your life? because i am an OVERTHINKER and that one utube short, said in that way of speaking changed my fucking life and now i'm here living to my fullest with the local fatty. jokes on u, speedrunners, i've found joy
for Arti: murder is fun! :) scav tolls are not. :( ability to maim remains superior to everything else in this fuck of a game (affectionate). Garbage Wastes need to be stopped. this is probably my number one fav screen from the entire game (Metropolis kicks ass, the lore reveal in person of at least a Small piece of what it was like to be an Ancient makes me giddy)
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for Riv: i recognize a threat to my safety in those eyes. i do not trust them. gameplay experience pending (i'm going to break something while travelling through The Rot, i already know it). the soundtrack Not Your Rain is one of the best fucking things i've ever heard come from a game (high praise) and everything that is happening to Pebbles in Riv's campaign goes right along my morbid angst needs. other than that Riv is also in the "i just think they are neat" category. i wish we could've gotten a clearer hint towards what's up with Riv and what iterator they met
for Spear: the most kickass motherfucker was made by the most fail cringe dumb fuck creature i've ever been forced to bear witness to and i am both perplexed and deeply delighted by this (i wanna square up with Suns so bad i cannot begin to explain how much i wanna kick their ass). Spear's campaign is rn my most fav one because of all the lore drops, so much new canon NSH content, the sheer Worldbuilding, the fact that there's been more iterators shown and that they felt like Normal People... the conversation about SoS betting on lizards, the reveal that NSH was the first one to bring forth slugcats as messangers, the conversations between Secluded Instinct and Wandering Omen are one of my most favorite broadcasts besides NSH's attempts to reach Moon. gameplay-wise, i love that Spear's campaign feels like upgraded Survivor campaign. you are faster now, there's more aggressive enemies, you are on no time limit, you don't have to bother with finding spears, you don't have to bother with Directly Taking A Corpse Into Your Hands and Eating it, you get to eat the fuckin carnivorous plants... -dreamy sigh- what more could one want. the whole lore pearl bringing to Moon was a headache without a stomach storage but that is such a little piece of it that i don't mind. the storyline pearl i could stand because i found it nice that i was forced to adapt to it. Moon's whole superstructure was breath-taking to see and i'm very glad that we got to explore an uninfected iterator while their antigravity and bugzappers didn't work. though it hurt to think about it cuz We Care Moon, i had a lot of fun slugging around her superstructure and using needle ladders to get around- OH YEAH i fuckin LOVE making needle ladders. i also really enjoyed the fact that you can make friends with the scavs like -snaps fingers- this fast thanks to the whole needle production thing. seeing Pebbles get angry like that was awesome. i'll admit that i really admire his anger and this sort of... "justice" seeking (?) he has going on that is heavily influenced by the game's/Ancient's religion. you can fight me on this but Pebbles is the least pathetic character in the entire game besides like Hunter, maybe NSH and Gour. i also got to meet the ugliest scav i've seen in RW so far and i'll prolly never forget the experience because i Just got thru the Underhang to the Wall (my first time going thru Underhang and using the grapple worms, i was dodging having to that for ages) and i was SO pissed and annoyed that i was just about ready to quit the game for that session but then i saw this ugly ass motherfucker just waltzing about and the sheer and sudden Horror and Affront of an Artist i've felt straight up snapped me out of my rage. LIKE GJLKDMKLSD that NEVER happened to me before Suns' design also kinda sorta actually plays into my little silly iterator color coding theory from two years ago which was fun to see! i'll still kick their fuckin ass Garbage Wastes need to be stopped. here are my fav screenies from my Spear playthru
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for Saint i'm rn mostly like:
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i don't fuckin know what why and how is happening and it feels like such a giant ass steppy from what i had grown used to with the base slugs that even though i'm very stern on myself with being open minded about everything all the time i'm having trouble adjusting to it kgjsalkmklsdgjklsd i don't trust myself with giving a solid verdict until i've beaten Saint myself. i'll prolly talk about it in my "finished the slug!" post when i do get thru 'em
finally rating of the campaigns: Monk - 7/10 Survivor - 8/10 Hunter - 9.5/10 Gourmand - 6.9/10 Artificer - 9/10 Rivulet - TBA Spearmaster - 10/10 Saint - TBA
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rained-world · 1 year ago
this is one of the lizard interactions i've ever seen
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starred-system · 9 months ago
Soooo I'm planning on doing rain world expedition streams, which I'll record and edit down into videos later. I know I've said stuff like this before, but it's for real this time because I'm actually preparing a vtuber model and I'm not letting that work go to waste
Anyway. Interest? I'm not particularly good at it, but I've always enjoyed watching rw gameplay, so I'm hoping there are others that feel the same.
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flickering-nightfall · 2 years ago
one more thing of iterator shenanigans
bonus screenshots because I forgot to add a timelapse of outer expanse:
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Okay fuck it. If you want to know the storyline of Rain World, definitely check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roz9RSUdCoM
It's kinda long (like, 1.5 hours long), but I put it on while I was doing other things so I didn't have to constantly go back and change the video lmao, and it was very worth it.
(sidenote: the voice acting is so good T-T. The in game dialogue is just text boxes, but the dude who made the video had the lines said out loud. And I nearly cried like twice. And I've seen all of this before T-T)
It does assume you know what's going on and have a general idea of what the game's like, so you might (ie definitely) need to find another video first lmao. Idk a good one, but I'm sure someone else out there has one. (if you want more long videos that involve some amount if background knowledge, check out Jimmy McGee. Their videos are pretty good too)
Also like. That video is just for the story.
There's so much more to the game than that.
Like the worldbuilding is fucking fantastic T-T (both environment-wise and enemy-wise and lore-wise and "vibe"-wise and not everything necessarily makes sense but not everything needs to cuz mystery can be fun).
And the enemy design is actually so good T-T (the're overwhelming at first (and they never stops being overwhelming tbh) but eventually you get a handle on it and if that isn't a metaphor for something idk what is).
And the procedural animation is fucking pioneering T-T (just watch a seasoned player do backflips and tricks and shit like goddamn it's actually (mostly at least lmao) so smooth).
And the way they programmed the AI for the creatures makes it feel so realistic T-T (bro they fucking make natural mistakes do you even know how hard it is to do that without making it seem forced or intentionally programmed in???).
(if you want more about the worldbuilding, check out the two videos Curious Archive did, idk about the rest of that tho off the top of my head so oh well)
It's so good T-T. Like, I'm absolute ass at playing it (but I'm ass at videogames in general lmao), and there's a really large difficulty curve that you might not enjoy, and there's barely a tutorial before you're on your own, and it takes a while for you to get to the actual storyline. BUT if you can get past all that (even before you get to the storyline), it's so easy to start thinking like the slugcat, to anticipate its needs, to get a feel for if something's going to attack, etc. Once you get a handle on the mechanics (which takes a while tbf lmao), it kinda feels like you're actually moving rather than just initiating an attack animation or some shit.
And I haven't even brought up the philosophical shit the lore delves into. Very fun to think/talk/theorize/brood about.
Basically all to say I highly recommend and you should check it out. Maybe not the game itself (cuz the gameplay, despite it being good, isn't for everyone XD), but at least the everything else.
And sorry for the very long ask. I only meant to anonymously send the video link with little bit of context, and then the context turned into this so........ yeahhhh........... Sorry again T-T.
mods kinda goin thru it so i cant. like. properly respond to really long asks but... rw sounds REALLY REALLY interesting!!! especially the thing about the ai making mistakes? that's REAlly cool
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toadslug · 11 months ago
This spear had something PERSONAL against me 😭😭
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valdotpng · 2 years ago
hello, hello! any other games you’ve been getting into? the demo for a soulsborne game called lies of p is getting some hype rn, wonder what your thoughts about it are too :0c
hello hello!! before i got diagnosed w/ cts, i started playing rain world w/ my friends and i really like what ive played of it so far!! unfortunately i had to stop for an indefinite amount of time, but if/when my right hand stops hurting so much, i deffo plan on getting back to it. now, i Could just watch someone else play it (like i did w/ majoras mask-- another friend of mine streamed it to me! i couldnt play it bc of.. well, one very obvious reason. but there was another big roadblock between me & that game since Forever: the time management used to intimidate me sooo so much. now i see that its not that scary tho, so id love to actually Play it as well one day!!) but i think i want to actually finish rw myself.
as for lies of p-- ive had my eyes on it ever since the first (?) trailer dropped!! predictably, i really like the aesthetics of that game. and based on what ive seen of the demo (watched iron pineapple's latest video haha), the gameplay seems solid as well! makes me quite excited for it!! hopefully the rest of the game is gonna be as good as what weve been shown so far
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squibbles · 1 year ago
I've got plenty of time to kill, soooo 👀
1. June 23rd, 2022, according to my steam purchase history
2. I've beaten all of em!
3. Probably OE. I love the aesthetic of the region, it's fun and surprisingly expansive to traverse, has cool creatures, and it absolutely blew me away my first time seeing it. It's also got my favorite subregion!
4. That's a tough one, honestly... ooor it would've been, had I not remembered FP technically counts as a region. It's got a really unique vibe, even as far as games in general go, and one of the coolest scenes in the game, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a slog to traverse, and that the best thing about it gameplay-wise is how there's an easy skip for the entire region once you've ran through it once.
...Ok, I don't think it's THAT bad, but when you put it up against most other regions in this game, it's an easy pick for the worst.
5. It's honestly a tie between Caramel Lizards and Scavs. I love the design of Caramels, and think they're one of the most fun creatures to fight, but Scavs have such an incredibly rich AI for a bunch of little fellas in an indie game. Ultimately, they're both incredibly silly :>
6. Squidcada </3 (stop bumping me, you airborne, beady-eyed sacks of malice and spite)
7. Ahhg, fuck that's a tough one TvT. A few of em would be Outskirts Threat, Random Gods, Kayava, Metropolis Day Threat, and Past Echoes. Rain World music is too good!
8. She's really sweet, and serves a really nice role in the game as a more caring character in a world that otherwise seems so against you. It's also hard not to feel bad for her, considering she's probably the purest of heart character in the story, and still takes so much abuse :')
9. He's my favorite character! When I first learned about him I went "Oh, so he's the 'guy who ruined everything' kind of character?" Then I learned more about him and the lore of RW as time went on, and my outlook on him sounded something more like "Oh... oh you poor child I'm so sorry-"
I relate to Pebbles in more ways than I'd like to admit. He's such an interesting, nuanced character in a game that I didn't think would even HAVE characters, going into it, and together, he and Moon make for one hell of a tragic duo.
10. Either stepping into OE for the first time, watching an entire toll of scavs tear a vulture to shreds once during my first survivor playthrough, or my first king vulture kill (knocked it into a hole with a bomb spear as Gourm, then dropped onto it from the top of the screen, killing it)
11. Not any that I can recall, surprisingly
12. Rhinestones Beneath Shattered Glass is real as fuck, and when I read their dialogue for the first time I audibly went "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN!!!!"
13. I honestly couldn't tell you-- I love RW lore, but never bothered to hunt for pearls myself.
14. Probably Chimney. The lower half is a lizard mosh pit, and the upper half has more vultures than it does solid ground TvT
15. Probably Cheiftan! Maybe it's just because I love Gourm, who can craft pearls, but befriending scavs is really fun for me.
16. I was the most excited for Gourm by far, and they are indeed still my favorite. They and Saint managed to rekindle that sense of exploration and wonder that my first Survivor playthrough had!
17. It really depends on the creature and my scug, honestly. Monk, Survivor, Riv, and obviously Saint are usually sneak, while Hunter, Gourm, Arti, and Spearmaster are fight.
18. Assuming this is referring to the base ending of the game: moved, yet conflicted
19. I've watched at least 5 hours worth of lore videos-
20. The game has lots of cool movement tech, and I honestly wish it took better advantage of that. Like, gate some fruits behind a gap that, without a worm or squidcada, can only be cleared with a throw-boost-- stuff like that. Also, Spearmaster's fetch quest is such a pain in the ass
21. Rain World is so unabashedly "itself" in a way that's hard to explain. It's weird, has a learning curve that turns off lots of players, doesn't do a lot of hand holding, but I really, really admire that, much less the fact that they actually pull it off and garner an audience.
22. Yeah! Mostly just QoL/cosmetic stuff for now, but I'd love to try a randomizer, or some custom regions.
Aaand that's all of em! Hope you have as much fun reading em as I did answering. <3
Rain World Questionare!
Just felt like making this for fun since I see them floating around sometimes for other fandoms. If you see this, reblog with your answers! I’d love to hear them and I will be sure to read them :)
When did you first start playing Rain World?
Have you completed the game? Which of the campaigns have you completed?
What is your favorite region?
What is your least favorite region?
What is your favorite creature?
What is your least favorite creature?
What is your favorite song from the soundtrack?
What are your opinions on Looks to the Moon (character)?
What are your opinions on Five Pebbles (character)?
What is your most memorable in-game moment?
Have you tamed any lizards?
Which echo is your favorite?
Which of the pearls are your favorite?
Which part of the game was most difficult for you?
Which achievement is your favorite?
Which of the Downpour slugcats are you most excited for?
Do you prefer to fight other creatures or sneak past them?
How did the ending make you feel?
Are you invested in the lore?
What is something you think the game could improve on?
What is your favorite thing about the game?
Have you played around with any mods for the game?
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