#rvb16 finale spoilers
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caramellody · 7 years ago
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calliecat93 · 7 years ago
So... lets just think about where things are now with time having been reset essentially.
We’re back to Blood Gulch times, so everyone’s likely back to their original personalities.
Church is still gone and we are currently assuming that Jimmy is the cobalt soldier
This is before DOnut and Caboose arrived. The Blues mention getitng a new recruit (and seem a lot happier about it) as well as a tank. So... will Shelia be back?
It’s unknown if Freelancer is a thing, so Wash and Carolina could be very much different and Freelancers like South, Maine, York, etc may be alive.
With time reset, Tucker never got his sword
Caboose never got possessed by O’Malley so he may be back to his original personality
Lopez can’t talk yet
Grif didn’t get hit by the tank so Simmons is probably fully human again.
It’s unknown what’s happened to Donut yet
Overall... next year is gonna be crazy.
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shepscapades · 7 years ago
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slain. i am slain
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lostonehero · 7 years ago
Just the fact Sarge included Grif speaks volumes
It also killed me
Keep reading
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jomeimei421 · 7 years ago
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COUNTRY BOY I LOVE YOUuuuuu….!!!!!!!
Oof I really shouldn’t be drawing right now but I gave in and drew this because like…..I HAD TO……
Buy me a coffee? || Follow me on Instagram
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raynavelbasejr · 7 years ago
joe at the beginning of the season: haha the reds and blues are going on whacky time travel adeventures!!! what are they gonna be up to!!! hey what's up with wash we'll get back to that later look grif wants to invent pizza
joe now: the universe is a jenga tower that's barely standing and the reds and blues are gonna fucking collapse it by trying to save wash
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wordsysayswords · 7 years ago
Mood for the RvB16 finale:
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0utpost-alpha · 7 years ago
Red vs Blue S16:E15 - Paradox Thoughts/Season Review
Operation: Save Space Dad is a go!
I’m so proud of the Reds and Blues taking this seriously
Excuse me, when did Tucker learn that badass kick cause that was awesome!
Fucking Genkin’s watching them
Loopy Wash gives me life he’s so precious
Carolina’s little “bye” to Wash 🤗
Grif is so fucking smart. Just by sniffing out pizza he was able to determine that someone else time traveled to their location and could possibly try to hinder their mission. I’m so proud of my boy
Future Simmons to the rescue?
Can we just appreciate that Grif was so pissed off at Genkins he didn’t even give that pizza a second thought. That’s beautiful character development my friends
Red Team Shenanigans to the rescue
Oh hi, Mrs. Cyclops
JESUS CHRIST! I know Caboose is strong but that’s one hell of a golf stroke!
Good boy, Donut! HAMMER TIM- oh gdi O’Malley!
“I could create and entire race of beings with butts for faces, and faces for butts!!” Genkins been watching too much South Park
The O’Malley vs Donut fight has got to be one of the best fighting sequesnces ive ever witnessed in this series. The animation flows so beautifully. Also, we’re finally getting to see how much of a Badass Donut truly is! He’s got more to him than a good throwing arm. My love for Donut has just jumped tenfold
Wait, how is O’Malley able to duplicate himself? 🤨🤔
Donut ain’t falling for any of your bullshit O’Malley
“I’ve always had one heck of a throwing arm. I don’t miss!” That’s my boy! What a fucking badass!
Did anyone else notice when Grif runs out and screams “NO!” he starts glowing blue for a second? I know it’s probably the thrusters on his armor but it’s odd to see them now suddenly. They’ve never used them before.
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Aaaaaand with Wash saved we start back......at the beginning......of the series.....what the fuck.
Wonder what the symbols on their armor mean. Can’t find any info on them.
Church! Wait no! Jimmy! Holy shit!
Holy shit tucker has no interest in the sniper rifle or what the reds and blues are doing?!?
End the season the way the series began, you’re giving me feels here Joe.
Ok weird ass sound and distortion on the mountain face, I see you there.
And with that Season 16 comes to a close. Overall, I think the season was great. Did it have moments where it dragged, had weak moments or lacked plot development? Sure. But I still found myself looking forward to the next epsiode regardless. Joe has always been one for a slow build up so I expected that, but he always follows through with an exciting climax and he once again succeeded in those expectations. Where Joe lacked in humor he made up for in drama. And I gotta give Joe major props for the Red Team development/drama. We asked and he damn if he didn’t deliver. That Donut vs O’Malley fight is definitely going into my top 5 list of epic moments.
Definitely looking forward to Season 17.
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butchflewers · 7 years ago
RvB 16 Episode 15
The only thing I super cared about during the finale was Donut and how he at least had been done right in the end. I love him and I’m so glad he got the right portrayal in the end. Also that ending? Who even? Also they better bring Flowers back in this reset else I’ll cry. I also admit I wasn’t super into this season as a lot of people were but the finale was better than I was expecting and just hope that it gets better from now on.
Also where’s the second episode where it was altered RT? Where’s the stream episod e?
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whatthefuckisasweep · 7 years ago
i dont even know where to begin first girf is a bloodhound and second i...i love donut...and third...i hope docs okay. i love genkins as the villain too. At a loss for words, that ending was more than i wished for
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caramellody · 7 years ago
No not like that
Somebody give Dexter Grif his pizza he’s losing his goddamn mind
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calliecat93 · 7 years ago
In the new timeline, the warthog is being worked on and Grif’s just snarking at the others working cause he’s a lazyass. But when they turn the Warthog on, Grif trials off and stares at the headlights for a second. When someone asks him what the hell’s wrong with him, he says it;s nothing and just walks off back into the base, telling Sarge to fuck off when he tries to get him to come back to continue being yelled at. When alone, Grif takes off his helmet, sits down, and is confused about why he’s getting emotional all because he looked at a lens flare. 
Its because he may not remember Huggins, but his brain does.
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kineticallyanywhere · 7 years ago
RvB16 Finale
I noticed a Thing. So this shot?
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The time travel party consisted of eight people, right? Carolina, Tucker, Caboose, Kai, Sarge, Simmons, Grif, and Lopez. Eight People.
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a-taller-tale · 7 years ago
RvB16 Finale Thoughts
Note: These are thoughts on the finale as it was live-streamed. Now available for RT First members. 
Bangin’ soundtrack. I accidentally mentioned that the 80s keyboard synth reminded me of Stranger Things and offended David Levy in the stream. Sorry! I didn’t mean to! The background music built so much tension and the Trocadero songs at the end were great. 
The Butterfly Effect joke with Caboose IMMEDIATELY fucking it up was perfect.
The way Carolina spoke to delirious Wash when he found their hiding place was so soft and gentle and sweet.
Simmons seemed to be leading the mission, or at least co-leading the mission with Carolina. She deferred to him on the layout, and he offered his thoughts on strategy. They both explained the mission to the rest of the Reds and Blues. This is HUGE for Simmons.
Grif checked in with Simmons before going off on his own, another point in deferring to him as leading the mission (maybe he was the Red Team leader on this one). Simmons is reluctant for him to split off, but allows it. There’s so much mutual respect between them now. 
There’s a shot of Simmons watching Grif walk away highly reminiscent of S15. 
Docnut fight scene was FANTASTIC. Especially when they were jumping around on the WW2 planes. The lighting was amazing. Loved all the different environments they hopped in and out of. 
Donut was a badass. 
Grif thought he was distracting the bad guy while his friends were saving Wash, but the bad guy was distracting HIM and lured him there with the Sammie Raphaello’s pizza. Make you wonder if Grif hadn’t broken off from the group if things would have turned out differently, and the bad guy NEEDED HIM out of the equation, or at least delayed.
Love that Grif was the first to be aware of the time travel like he somewhat noticed the time loops in BGC as “deja vu.” He’s always been a little bit extra-sensory. 
Felt so unbelievably fond when Simmons grumbled about Grif’s “deja vu” being contagious. Like he spread it to him on purpose. 
I am so curious about what the next season will be and the consequences to the timeline. I thought the guy in Church’s place on Blue Team was Temple at first, but is it Jimmy? And if it IS Jimmy, obviously the Project wasn’t stopped because the simtroopers were still assigned to Blood Gulch, but where is the Alpha AI? If he’s not in Blood Gulch, where was he hidden? 
I thought the god was letting Temple change time, but if it’s the god/AI himself fucking with it, I have no idea what his motivations are and what he changed. Can’t wait to find out. 
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toaarcan · 7 years ago
>When you realise that using Halo 2 Anniversary means they could bring back Junior but it’s another Blood Gulch Season 1 retread and they’ll probably be back in Halo 5 once things go back to normal
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blood-glutch-blues · 7 years ago
Living for the focus and attention Doc/O'Malley is getting
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