ask-freelancers · 4 months
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i started a little rewatch of me favourite season (11) nd now i’m inflicting all of me sketches on ye :) i might try do some asks again if the motivation strikes!!
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smol-ruby · 10 months
season 11 of rvb my fucking beloved
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prophecydungeon · 2 years
i'm watching rvb11 again so here's a running list of everything i love about this season
contact, my beloved
a nice recap intro for anyone who is new (why...) or got lost in the sauce during 9/10!
"i'm a cyborg, you wanna bow down to me?"
grif's bit about them always holding their weapons never fails to land for me
the way that tension is built throughout this season is so good. SO fucking good. this season is all the lighthearted BGC-ness that the show had been missing for a chunk of seasons and the way that the "something's not right here" gradually grows and grows is so fucking good.
specifically, we see locus for the first time at 31:10 (i'm watching the complete one on yt) listening to wash's mayday. at 34:30 sarge uses a sniper to scope out what the reds are doing; at 46:58 we see the blues through a sniper's scope again shortly before grif and sarge bust into the blues' conversation, and then sarge hops out of the warthog without a sniper rifle on him. it's not till 53:10 that we see locus again up on the cliffside.
d: can i get a heck yeah? s: hell no. d: close enough!
the dead body as the camera pans around the refueling station... chef kiss. what an introduction to locus.
felix's intro isn't as juicy as locus's but i love the way it comes right on the heels of locus murdering a dude over wanting to tell people about the crash -- of course someone else might have found out!
the way that wash is framed so ominously when he's fixing caboose's helmet is so great too; the cracked screens on the wall mimicking the room we first see him in in 6. fantastic.
felix's massively dramatic pearl-clutchy oscar-winning introduction to the reds getting utterly wasted on the two lopezes is SO GOOD especially in light of how hard he stroked his ego over his good acting
"you're going to want to sit down for this story, it's about 20 hours long and i only enjoy telling it in five-minute intervals" is one of my all-time favorite jokes in this entire series and i manage to always forget it's from this season
wash's apology to caboose for not being there for him (or tucker) is one of my favorite wash moments in this whole arc, if not my favorite. it's such a lovely and touching moment, and it also makes me all the more furious that epsilon a) came back at all and b) was a horrific dick to tucker in particular
felix and locus snapping at each other is, again, all the funnier When You Know because felix is so transparently enjoying "riling up" locus and locus's "shut up and be glad i missed your head" is so transparently genuine
g: holy shit, did you see that? c: NO! WHAT HAPPENED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IT TO ME.
the fucking orange juice gag
💛 aggressive, paranoid, and a little melodramatic 💛
the ongoing gag of everyone thinking they had someone to do with the crash is also so fucking good
"no, i'm a freelancer. NO, I MEAN, I'M A MERCENARY-"
again, When You Know: the implication that felix murdered the three people he came to the crash site with! delicious!
caboose's radio breaking in the middle of his speech is SO funny
"man, you are just cryptic"
ugh! ugh! the reconstruction theme coming back when wash changes his armor! gets me every time!
and with donut's line i'm immediately reminded of how fandom apparently chewed itself to pieces over thinking that wash is black/gold not steel/gold lol
(H4 wasn't kind to simmons either but w/e)
dos.0 attacking and felix immediately going "this isn't right" is, yet again, so transparent in hindsight
this is also a very fun and well-done machinima battle
rocket hog my beloved
pan across the canyon my beloved
reconstruction theme again! my beloved!
tucker's reaction to finding out that wash, sarge, and donut didn't make it is also so good. his character arc on chorus is Just So Good.
and so is kimball's intro with felix -- especially in how she exerts authority over him immediately ("you're not getting paid the full amount") and we see over time just how much felix has worked to make sure that she thinks that's what their relationship is
man. kimball. my beloved.
"you just need to try."
in conclusion: still my fave season of the chorus arc, probably
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Hello everyone
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I'm just here to say
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Important thing:
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Hey Tucker!
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aint-thata-bitch · 4 years
Holy shit!!
In Red vs Blue, season 11 episode 6 when they're trying to call for help and no one answers Grif says "maybe they're screening our calls"
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agent-washingtub343 · 4 years
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@hansblrrx​ Tumblr decided to eat your ask, so I had to find it in my email. Hope you enjoy!
He’d probably deny it to his dying breath, but he really did care about his fellow Blue team members. Not just as Alpha, but Epsilon too.
It was a normal night, Carolina was asleep after yet another long session spent planning moves against a force that had stolen Freelancer equipment. Even with the director gone, and the Reds and Blues safely relocated to a new home, she still felt like she had to bury the ghosts of her past.
Epsilon knew how important it was for her to make sure no one was ever hurt again by Project Freelancer, even if it was indirectly. So he had agreed to go with her, and now, staring out the window of the ship they had commandeered, Epsilon thought of his own ghosts.
He pulled up pictures of Allison, of Tex, the distinction between the two painfully clear. Allison, smiling as she held her equipment, ready to go to war in humanity’s defense. Tex, not even looking at the camera, unconcerned with anyone or anything but a burning goal that even she had not grasped. He scrolled through pictures of Florida, someone he knew now to be only a deceiver.
He paused as he came to a group photo of Alpha, Tucker, and Caboose. Alpha looked less than enthused, Tucker shoving at Caboose as he tried to joyfully pull Tucker into a bear hug. Epsilon chuckled lightly, swiping the picture to the side as he continued through the files.
There were various group shots of the team together, a few with Tex, a few with Sheila. He paused and laughed quietly when he arrived at a photo where Tucker was vainly trying to wrestle the sniper rifle from him...rather, trying to get it away from Alpha.
Epsilon sighed, shaking his head. Sometimes the distinction between himself and Alpha was difficult. He wasn’t even sure how he had the same memories of the time at Blood Gulch - maybe it had filled in when Caboose told him stories during his time in the memory unit.
There were very few pictures of Carolina with the Blue team, but that was to be expected. She hadn’t been with them for long, and was still learning to accept them as her new family.
Carolina stirred, and he tapped the files, instantly storing them away. “How was your rest? Ready to go kick some ass?”
Carolina stretched, joints popping. “Ready as I’ll ever be. How close are we?”
“She’s actually right in front of us.” Epsilon pointed at navigation.
“Then let’s go rob some pirates.”
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blood-gulch-reds · 5 years
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Happy mother's day from the disappointed house wives of season 11
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chsblog-moved · 5 years
hear me out
in rvb ultimate fanguide, it mentions the rebels tried calling bitters a “rebel without a cause”, but it never really took off bc,,,the war was the cause so it didn’t make much sense
now, they could call him “rebel without a cause” because hes totally a character who would be looking for a fight even without the war
but may i introduce to you my gay widdle opinion: bitters is mlm because rebel without a cause is a big ol gay movie, bitters has that whole section in the book where he pines over smith, and im gay and i like him so
conclusion: bitters is mlm no i will not change my mind or shut up abt him
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Grif: *Finally doing the dishes at crash site Bravo*
Simmons: Don't forget to put them in alphabetical order.
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cobaltqueen · 6 years
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Some of my favorite RedvsBlue captions from YouTube (8/?)
(Season 11 Episodes 1, 5, 6, 10,12 and14 )
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All I’m saying is that I would let Felix step on me
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jomeimei421 · 6 years
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“Well maybe I don’t WANT to do this, you ever think of that?! All I want to do is stand around and talk to my friend, but he’s gone now and all I’ve got is YOU.”
“I’ve never really had to lead a team before…but when Church and Carolina left I…I had to try.” 

This is kinda cheating since these are actually slides from my lyric comic that I’m still working on (¾ of the way done, btw) but I wanted to post these since they gave me some S11 feelings
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
unsurprisingly i am absolutely fucking enthralled by tucker going back to chorus to fix that particular paradox. this season did tucker right in so many ways, i'm sure people have done words about that better than i could, but specifically the way that it was tucker who had to go here was such a good choice.
i think, of all things, what really made it hit for me is when wash is rallying everyone over the radio and says "we can still do this!", and then tucker is the one that we hear say "no, you can't" in place of locus. all of this happens, tucker lets himself lose his friends, and then faces off against felix of all people -- and then felix and genkins are his audience (unwilling, uncomprehending, or otherwise) for a really fantastic character moment that honestly even without the horrid sting of 16 would have been great. sucks to lose, but it had to happen. that's war. not everyone makes it back.
and then genkins starts talking to tucker, and two things happen: genkins starts goading tucker, and tucker says out loud "[time won't crumble], because donut has a plan, and i'm sticking to it," and felix replies "wait, what?"
thing 1: genkins hits squarely on what might be lurking at the corners of tucker's mind. fuck it, what if i do kill felix? just this once? couldn't hurt, could it? and in all the ways that genkins has fucked with people and subsequently with time, this is one of my favorites. tucker feels so strongly about chorus. it's evident in what he says next! he knows that this is an instrumental part of who he is and who he's become, and he also knows that felix was the catalyst for so much pain -- not just his own, but his friends' and the rest of the planet's, too. i think tucker struggling with leadership is a great character choice for him and that 16 did it in literally the worst way possible, but 17 really, really soothed that sting with this.
i know that these are all moments that whatsherface had "scouted" for them as being important, and i can only assume that the crew's divide-and-conquer strategy involved them choosing who goes where when, so i love the idea that tucker chose this for himself. yes, i'm going to go back to the worst moment of my life. yes, i'm going to go face the person who hurt all my friends. yes, i'm going to listen to all of this bullshit that just hurt me more in the end. and i'm going to let it happen because it needs to happen, and because it made me into who i am now.
thing 2: to preface this, 11 is one of my favorite seasons of this show. i could write Big Words about why i love it so much. to pare all that down a bit, one of my favorite things about 11 is how much it works on a re-watch, when you Know about felix and locus and can go back to pick at the seams. this loop back to chorus did a great job of pulling back that curtain for us just a little further; as things shift within acceptable bounds of the paradox it's felix, this time, who takes advantage of the fray to shoot donut, and his dramatics feel both just right for the moment and incredibly transparent.
felix also, in this shift within acceptable bounds, repeatedly harps on what the fuck is wrong with cece/dos.0 because that's not part of his and locus's plan -- in 11 he's got, i think, two moments where he reacts to cece/dos.0 with genuine surprise, but i love the way it's played up here. he and locus choreographed everything ahead of time and when genkins fucks with that, the ripples really hit. felix's "wait, what?" after tucker goes off about donut's plan to seemingly-thin-air is, obviously, just flat-out confusing, but imo there's also real concern there: if tucker and donut, split apart like this, have some kind of plan, then there is something that he and locus did not account for in their choreography. (there's another essay to be written about felix, contrary to fanon, not actually being very impulsive, but rather extremely good at rolling with the punches; locus is way more impulsive than he is.)
anyways this was like a five-minute segment of the entire season and i am probably never going to shut up about it
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spacedandii · 6 years
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subtle buttgrab
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aint-thata-bitch · 5 years
My friend who is on season 11 of RvB: wow I really like Felix he seems really cool
Me, up to date on the series:
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azneracarenza · 7 years
Ok I am getting seriously hyped for RVB16 rn. I hope it doesn’t disappoint me. but until then, here’s a throwback to 11-13, because I love this still. I honestly have no idea which this is based on, it’s mostly original contact with a bit of redux in there.
Original from Red vs Blue
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