#rvb camp au
slyvester101 · 1 month
Percy Jackson au since I was listening to the soundtrack and rvb has made a permanent spot in my brain. This ended up much longer than I thought it was and it's really just the sparknotes. So uh, enjoy my rantings.
Carolina is the daughter of Athena. Her dad did not know her mom was a god and when she inevitably left, he thought that making his daughter the best of the best at everything would bring her back. It did not. Now Carolina has issues. Church is Carolina's younger brother but is fully human. He does, however, have the ability to see all the mythological creatures that come around chasing after Carolina and gets dragged with her to Camp Half-Blood since he's also being abused by their dad.
Connie is a daughter of Athena, but she became a hunter of Artemis and basically got disowned for it (which wasn't all that different from how she was being treated by her mom before). She's on good terms with most of the freelancers, but her and Carolina have a lot of drama since Carolina hates the fact that Connie left to be a hunter instead of staying to make their mother proud.
South and North are the children of Ares. South is a very stereotypical Ares kid who is all competitive and aggressive and ready to throw down for any reason. North is much calmer than his sister and his other Ares siblings and prefers to talk things out before beating the shit out of someone. He almost single handedly got himself and his sister to Camp Half-blood, so you know he's not to be underestimated. Maine is also an Ares kid but more of the silent and deadly type. Even before injuring his throat on a quest, he was very intimidating to most of the campers even though he's generally pretty chill.
York is the son of Hermes and has been at Camp since he was very little. He's definitely a trickster and likes to pull harmless little pranks around camp to get the other campers feeling more like kids instead of soldiers. He's the councilor of his cabin and is usually the one to give orientation to the new campers. Wash is also a Hermes kid but with more of the cunning and thievery part of his godly parent. He's a sneaky little shit with the wits of an Athena kid. Definitely traumatized, but underneath all his teenage angst is a good hearted kid who wants to protect his friends.
Tex is the daughter of Zeus and is the powerhouse of camp. She's been at camp almost as long as York has but been on twice the amount of quests as everyone in camp combined. She despises the fact that Church is at camp, but he's also the only kids brave enough to call her out on her bullshit so bluntly so he gets to stick around... for now.
Wyoming is the son of Apollo because look at this man. You cannot tell me he wasn't a theater kid in high school. Specifically the very annoying ones that ruin the production for everyone else because they have to be in the spotlight. He's got an annoyingly good voice and his jokes are subpar but everyone wants to knock this guy down a peg so bad.
Florida is the son of Dionysus and lives for the madness and chaos of half-blood life. He's got a bloodthirst that makes the Ares kids look tame and is infamous for that one game of capture the flag where he dislocated his shoulders to get out of a trap and then continued to play the game like nothing happened. He is scary and campers fear him (expect for Wyoming because they match each other's crazy).
Now the reds and blues!
Tucker is the son of Aphrodite and has the worst charm voice ever, cannot get anyone to fall for it ever. The only person he's semi-gotten was Wash and that's because that man is a simp and already acts stupid when he's around Tucker. That being said, Tucker hates using his charm voice anyways because, as an Aphrodite kid, everyone always assumes that they have free range to touch or drag him around like he doesn't have standards for the people he wants to kiss/date and he doesn't want to force others into that same situation. Luckily, his siblings are awesome and they all have each other's backs for shit like this and that especially goes for baby Junior that every child in Aphrodite Cabin would die for.
Caboose and Sarge are Satyrs, Sarge being a veteran in bringing kids to camp while Caboose's first trek with half-bloods was when he brought Carolina, Church, and Tucker to camp. Sarge was the one to bring Simmons, Grif, and Donut btw and I like to think that campers are all attached to the satyrs that brought them to camp so the whole Reds vs Blues rivalry is basically just them fighting over who has the better Satyr.
Freckles is a hell hound, nuff said.
Simmons is the son of Hephaestus and spends hours hunkered down making little inventions that often time explode, not always on accident. Sarge can often be found with him since Simmons helped make his assistant bot Lopez who is always malfunctioning since, y'know, it's a summer camp with limited supplies. Grif can also be found with Simmons but is much less helpful and is always getting food all over Simmons work desk! It's incredibly inconsiderate.
Grif is the son of Dionysus who is way too similar to his dad. He's grumpy, he's snarky, he has a tendency to mispronounce or straight up make up names for people when he doesn't like or want to talk to them, and he's secretly very fond of the people who annoy him the most (Simmons). He has also gotten in trouble because he refuses to offer up his food to the gods so instead he started making booze at camp and pours one out for them instead. Grif has burns on his hands from the first time he did that because he forgot that alcohol was flammable.
Donut is our third Hermes kid but with a knack for communication and language. He's all about getting to see the world and meet new people but is content to settle for getting to know the various people who come to camp. He knows everything there is to know about mythology and monsters and the like. He also likes helping out in the infirmary (mostly so he can hang out with Apollo kid Doc, but that's neither here nor there) and gets campers to relax before procedures by getting them to chat about their lives and likes and interests.
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joltning · 1 year
rvb aus
when I said I had a lot brewing I meant a LOT brewing…! god I need motivation
I’ll be splitting these into 3 sections: one offs/fic ideas, less expanded on ideas, and then my main aus/ones I have more ideas on
one offs/jokey aus/fic ideas:
feel free to take these ideas as your own, im not too attached to them
• grimmons fic where kai lives on iris and simmons is super nervous around her. grif thinks it’s because he has a crush on her but actually it’s because she keeps teasing him about his crush on grif
• teen beach rvb au. think about it man.
• au where lopez and felix betray locus before he can betray felix. and they kiss or something I don’t know
• freelancer donut au…!!! one of my firsts. not very good. has no substance. but it exists. tex donut beef goes CRAZY
• trivia murder party rvb au. i have no clue what this would entail
• slipspace (the grifball miniseries guys) team up with fh57 from s14. this was before I learned that fh57 was just funhouse. womp womp
• shis tril writer mentions that locus now “owns a food truck on Fiji” or something. someone write that Please im begging
• fast food au focusing on the lieutenants. + Frank from s15. i know him and bitters gonna be oomfs or whatever
• au where church stays in the s3 time loop and experiences generation loss, feeding bits of himself into the other soldiers in order to save them
• au where the s5 ending where they all die is canon and they all go to hell
less expanded ideas
• so basic but I’m putting it in this tier anyway. A song fic battle of the bands au, but MY WAY…!!!! I have a vision. Don’t know what it is yet but I have it
• campy horror movie rvb au, where they all claim to see different things in the woods, but it turns out literally every single person is the horror. they all embody horror tropes and are, of course, alone in the woods in a summer camp.
• started as an everything everywhere all at once au but turned into something more Evil. Anyway regular domestic au but then the ai from the “alpha universe” jump into people in the main universe when they’re “compatible.” GRIMMONS JUMPSCARE….!!!!! Simmons is gonna be the one to end the world and the ai are either helping or hindering that process. he becomes a literal monster. originally this au was made so I could experiment with purple prose + text art etc but I guess not anymore what the hell
• rvbz au…! Viper and shatter squad are two organizations, viper being a splinter group from the AOD. When they start fighting on chorus, the reds and blues take sides, splitting off into two groups, some staying neutral. both are somewhat regarded as terrorist groups, viper being victims of starlight labs and shatter being a sort of vigilante group that. isn’t very good at it.
• “split ends” au…!! I really hope to bring this one up to the top tier at some point! geotah focus because im ill but it’s mostly balanced as i wanna get all dynamics in. project freelancer, instead of having ai, has units run using a partner. Only one can use it at a time, and the other has to focus on running it, leaving them vulnerable on the battlefield. This goes for enhancements, but it also goes for other things, such as calculations, enemy tracking, etc. they can switch whenever they want. each pair has one unit. god i wish I could write the unseen freelancers because all those silly powers would be chaos. Oh, also, you can steal the armor enhancements like you would ai. Hmm.
more expanded ideas
these are in order from least important to me to most
• trailer au! one of my first aus, and the ONLY au I’ve written a full outline for. (it’s not very good now that I look back on it.) it asks the question: what if the s15 trailer was EXACTLY what it was eluding to? featuring…Frank staying on the film team and making a trio with jax and dylan, insane murder party reds and blues, spencer plot relevance (somewhat) omalley coming back, the reds and blues failing to beat Hargrove, tucker shooting wash, and one armor enhanced, cobalt colored Tucker.
• s15 rewrite au. after disliking the trailer au I made this one! the blues and reds, instead of being mirrors or even reflections of the main cast, is reflections of what they could have become if they hadn’t changed their old ways, if things had gotten worse. this is basically my snider cut i reorder a shit ton of things etc. also very important carolina was not there when biff died it was just Tex and she didn’t kill biff, she just refused to help him (that kill goes to our friend loco!) anyway it’s more centric of the idea of comparisons between people who have distinguishing differences. Also kuane exists
• interstate au! honestly I have so little in terms of plot but idea wise I have Everyhting. I cannot stop thinking about it sooo..that’s why it’s so high up. Okay I’ll be real this is honestly like a glorified swap au but it’s MY swap au. Basically everything after s5 (also the miniseries) is noncanon and it diverges from there. ft…wash getting sigmapilled by eta, red team maine, red and blue road trip, the quest to find kai (she’s kissing women) and the run from DEAD CAROLINA..!! DEAD..!! oh and church and tex are literally just ghosts. Instead of the director trying to bring back allison and fragmenting one full ai into attributes, he is trying to pair FULL AI with freelancers in an attempt to boil them down to one trait, to harvest them and combine them into a Super Dead Daughter Carolina. wash and eta, or Data (see what I did there) are the collectors which is why they’re the main antags or whatever
• TRIPLETS TRILOGY. OHHHH MY GOOODDDD. I can’t say much because I intend to actually show this one to the world, but WOW. love this one. Basically, the triplets and sherry’s squad are alive. After an alien crash lands on their planet years later, they’re left to explore and find out what they’ve missed while they were gone. It’s split into 3 ‘seasons,’ (with one scrapped mini series), takes place during the recollections, and is looking to be way shorter than I intended it to be, but oh well. It’s where my obsession with the green guy and the white fuck and sherryvera insanity comes from. why did I have to fixate on these random ass mfers what the hell. It’s canon plausible….!! It would never happen!!! But it could!!
now the rant’s done, here’s some older images. oh god ray’s hair is So wrong
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astro-b-o-y-d · 22 days
I will say, the evolution of big fic AUs I've had across the past decade are very telling of the kind of writer I am. TDOPFLID? Canon-divergent AU where I redeem the Director from RvB by sticking him with the main characters while they're all stranded somewhere and forced to work together, thus causing him to inevitably grow attached to them and slowly grow as a person.
Daniel's Descension AU? I 'redeem' a cultist by confining him to the Camp Campbell campgrounds and eventually grow attached to a specific camper, causing him to inevitably grow (to some degree) as a person. I stopped writing the AU before he could get any further development, but he was still on his way.
DTLS? Co-writing effort that touches on the concept of people needing each other to grow, change and thrive, and also involves SEVERAL characters (mostly on my co-writer's end BUT I still play a part in it) eventually getting attached to other characters and growing as people.
Triangulum? Oh buddy, we know the drill by now and what's going to happen.
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OKAY SO. Pre-propaganda because we were enabled.
So it all started when cRWB shit the bed and me and Ship were like "huh, this show is... bad" and then were like "wait, has it always been bad? OMG IT'S ALWAYS BEEN BAD". There was a grieving process but somewhere in the middle I said "fuck this, I just want to write about James Ironwood having a nice time and not being shafted by LITERALLY EVERYONE IN ALL EXISTENCE". So I made a roleplay blog and Ship already had a Boyd roleplay blog so we were like "tee hee, let's cross them over :) tee hee, Ironwoof :) tee hee, fwiends" and that was July sixth, 2o2o, and now it's three years later (almost to the day! It's our anniversary Thursday!) and we're on volume 13 and we have crafted something unimagineably cool crossing over Ducktales and RWBY (hence the name! DTLS is just Ducktales but with the letters taken out!). (And also some other minor crossovers, like Merlin, RvB, Camp Camp, Thor, allusions to Duck Dodgers, I have plans for Cats, we have a whole ass Gravity Falls plot cooking, there's the possibility of a crossover with the shared Star Trek and My Little Pony crossover that lives in my head...)
The story, such as it is, follows the increasingly interconnected group of the Duck family and their hangers on and the Amity crew and their hangers on. It centers on the relationship between James and Boyd, who are very good friends, with James taking on a role as mentor for Boyd, who he sees a lot of himself in (for better or worse), and wants to help him avoid some of his own mistakes and pitfalls and trauma. It's a mixture of slice of life goofball shenanigans and the ongoing divorce between Ozma and Salem, which they have made everyone else's problem.
Within the au, we have several relationships; the three on my side are James and Boyd (who I will kick things over to Ship to talk up some more), the "green boys" Oscar and Louie, and Penny and Boyd, who were actually a submission from one of our readers!
Also, while it's not a DTLS thing and in fact predates it by several years, Luna Brothers is also canon in DTLS. (I will talk more about Luna Brothers in another post, so don't worry about them now.)
Anyway I'll talk more about them in their own propaganda posts but now you know what we're on about. OH also if you're interested DTLS is organized into a collection of google docs and can be read here.
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 2 months
RVB: Camp Counselor AU
Alas, I don't know anything about RVB. I watched the first couple seasons YEARS ago (ie before the pandemic) and all I remember is that Caboose is a precious bean who should be protected.
qwa1 <-addition from my horrible canine children.
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plutocherry · 2 years
Ab me
Hello! I’m cherilee or cherry :] had a tumblr a long time ago but we don’t talk ab that, I wanted smthn i could post my art on and associate w myself !!! ummmm im in love with undertale and monster prom and THE MAGNUS ARCHIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! and stardew valley and overwatch & i am an autistic & nb, i use all prns, god knows what my sexuality is but mmm women & i am a filthy kinnie. my kins r 
tails from sonic
oz from monster prom
papyrus undertale
latte cookie ckr
cherry blossom cookie crk
butters south park
kirby !!!
pls pls pls come talk 2 me ab things im just going 2 list more things i like hold on
ninjago, town of salem, among us, terraria, south park, rvb red vs blue, fnaf, camp here & there ch&t, dialtown i love norm dialtown so much, sally face, dsaf !!!, crc luna’s conspiracy research club, im just getting in2 persona 5/p5r, um i really like undertale aus/the undertale multiverse. i am a sucker for swapfell (which one? who the hell knows) 
uhhhh i think that is all i will reblog w more if i forgor stuff
btw this is me vvvv
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caboose-onthe-loose · 3 years
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The main four that I draw - cuties (getting happy with their look)
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miraculousninja-345 · 6 years
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I heard about, temple and church singing better than you so... this happend
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letsahtyart · 7 years
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~ you know, that dumb au I mentioned...well its a...RvB/Campcamp crossover ~
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the-puppet-carta · 3 years
please read through this post before interacting. please read the rules section of this post. the others are important too, but a little less so. everything will be under the cut
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- don’t fake-claim, we won’t hesitate to block you!
- some of us have typing quirks. don’t yell at us for that, thank you
- this is not an rp blog, please don’t treat it as such
- don’t tag our art as kin!
- keep things sfw work please! we don’t mind flirting as long as you’re 18+ seeing as we are over 20
- please talk to us!! we’d love to talk to you /gen
- we’ll let you know if anything is added!
- some fictives have nicknames for people, if it makes you uncomfortable, tell us!
- singlets can follow us!
- more may be added later
~System List here~
puppet.txt - for text posts when we don’t know/don’t want to specify
puppet.png - for when we post our art!
chattering.txt - general talking tag! different than not specifying
chat.txt - we got an ask!!
vent.txt/png - block if you don’t want to see vent posts
for us - things people have made for us
aes - aesthetic tag
stimmies - stim tag
funnies - things we find funny tag
food pics - food tag
videos - videos we like
yearning.txt - our yearn tag
discord madness - discord shenanigans
lingerie.png - drawing ourselves in lingerie tag
nimbus.txt - Nimbus’s tag
gabe.txt - Remixed!Updike’s tag
minus.txt - Minus Whitty’s tag
whitcello.txt - Garcello!Whitty’s tag
glitcher.txt - Glitcher’s tag
spookyskid.txt - Skid’s tag
garnnie.txt - Garnnie’s tag
agoti.txt - Agoti’s tag
selever.txt - Selever’s tag
benrey.txt - Benrey’s tag
melting.txt - Melting’s tag
david.txt - David’s tag
celestia.txt - Celestia’s tag
snatcher.txt - Snatcher’s tag
miaou.txt - Zacharie’s tag
snowmeo.txt - Romeo’s tag
calhoun.txt - Barney’s tag
mephiles.txt - Mephiles’ tag
omega.txt - O’Malley’s tag
yesman.txt - Yes Man’s tag
altoclef.txt - Clef’s tag
reggie.txt - Reginald’s tag
ropes.txt - Dr Whitty’s tag
hijack.txt - Hijack’s tag
springlock.txt - Springtrap’s tag
mrwalten.txt - Jack Walten’s tag
corrupt.txt - Cor’s tag
nuntaki.txt - Taki’s tag
tattletail.txt - Peri’s tag
tunnelsnake.txt - Butch’s tag
arbiter.txt - Thel’s tag
scoopsahoy.txt - Steve’s tag
joja.txt - Shane’s tag
ink.txt - Bendy’s tag
starving.txt - Wilson’s tag
railroad.txt - Deacon’s tag
kindly.txt - Jack’s tag
dax.txt - Dax’s tag
realsonic.txt - Metal’s tag
playcoin.txt - Dr Coomer’s tag
lambda.txt - Dr Benrey’s tag
holyhandgrenade.txt - Holy’s tag
smol.txt - Itty’s tag
yearn.txt - Toska’s tag
chaos.txt - Fern’s tag
catmaid.txt - Pounce’s tag
loveydovey.txt - Valentine’s tag
spectre.txt - Spectre’s tag
ballin.txt - Bitty’s tag
creamcheese.txt - Cream’s tag
knux.txt - Knuckles’ tag
coolersonic.txt - Scourge’s tag
supersonic.txt - Fleetway’s tag
shard.txt - Shard’s tag
ovasonic.txt - Sonic’s tag
neo.txt - Neo Metal Sonic’s tag
awoo.txt - Wolf’s tag
funisinfinite.txt - Infinite’s tag
e102.txt - Gamma’s tag
darkling.txt - Eclipse’stag
feelthesunshine.txt - Dolly’s tag
iamgod.txt - Echo/Dot’s tag
itsnouse.txt - Silver’s tag
gadgetwolf.txt - Gadget’s tag
silversonic.txt - Sterling’s tag
mechsonic.txt - Mecha’s tag
manichedgehog.txt - Manic’s tag
evilgenius.txt - Eggman’s tag
gottagofast.txt - Snap’s tag
bigmeatbag.txt - Rumble’s tag
ultimateandroid.txt - Dusk’s tag
steeledge.txt - Steel’s tag
trueking.txt - King’s tag
sirlancelot.txt - Lancelot’s tag
sirgalahad.txt - Galahad’s tag
sirgawain.txt - Gawain’s tag
donutlord.txt - Exeller’s tag
endless.txt - Majin’s tag
endlessfunker.txt - Bluebell’s tag
yourbestfriend.txt - Flowey’s tag
godofdagunz.txt - YV’s tag
epicgamer.txt - Cuz’s tag
imustscream.txt - Eyes’ tag
radioactivechair.txt - Throne’s tag
littlesthunter.txt - Lil Hunter’s tag
idpdcaptain.txt - Captain’s tag
gaycloud.txt - Updike’s tag
gaycello.txt - Garcello’s tag
swapcrybaby.txt - Cosmos’ tag
oreodad.txt - Ruv’s tag
lordlycan.txt - Heisenberg’s tag
breakfast.txt - Uzi’s tag
hellsangel.txt - Des’ tag
weirdjanitor.txt - Wally’s tag
flashlightwolf.txt - Borkis’ tag
musicdirector.txt - Sammy’s tag
5051.txt - Josie’s tag
sciencecatboy.txt - Stan’s tag
beststealthdad.txt - Rhys’ tag
chchchcherrybomb.txt - Cherry’s tag
daybreak.txt - Mister Daybreak’s tag
null.txt - Null’s tag
eve079.txt - Eve’s tag
flowertwig.txt - Mossrose’s tag
gaybomb.txt - Whitty’s tag
rudebuster.txt - Susie’s tag
mightymugs.txt - Mugman’s tag
themeta.txt - Maine’s tag
fireworks.txt - Theta’s tag
generaldoyle.txt - Doyle’s tag
toodles.txt - Genkins’ tag
logic.txt - Delta’s tag
snowgrave.txt - Noelle’s tag
blizzardblitz.txt - Blizzard’s tag
itsnerfornothing.txt - Nerf’s tag
golfcloud.txt - Mote’s tag
sundog.txt - Sundog’s tag
voidcloud.txt - Zephyr’s tag
punnyskeleton.txt - Sans’ tag
noot.txt - Nootmare’s tag
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N.txt - Queen’s tag
number1salesman.txt - Spamton’s tag
yellowaddison.txt - Ray’s tag
pinkaddison.txt - Eros’ tag
bigshot.txt - Deceit’s tag
whiteaddison.txt - Addy’s tag
huggywuggy.txt - Huggy’s tag
sleepies.txt - Rookie’s tag
superiorbeing.txt - WX-78′s tag
amogus.txt - Pip’s tag
muggymugs.txt - Muggy’s tag
howdybot.txt - Victor’s tag
burntjesusman.txt - Joshua’s tag
garbageweasel.txt - MacCready’s tag
valentinesdetectiveagency.txt - Nick’s tag
stonerraisin.txt - Hancock’s tag
allergictostrawberries.txt - Mort’s tag
horrorbutcher.txt - Horror’s tag
edgyskele.txt - Crimson’s tag
papaspizza.txt - Papa Guesty’s tag
baldimore.txt - Baldi’s tag
mammawink.txt - Wammawink’s tag
honse.txt - Horse’s tag
alphaepsilon.txt - Church’s tag
literaltrash.txt - Felix’s tag
coolcapn.txt - Cap’n’s tag
bowchickabowwow.txt - Tucker’s tag
bitofabadass.txt - Tex’s tag
knockknock.txt - Wyoming’s tag
technerd.txt - Raymond’s tag
double0donut.txt - Donut’s tag
agentnewyork.txt - York’s tag
outofthefryingpanintotheshit.txt - 479er’s tag
redwhiteandbigguns.txt - Carmine’s tag
imdead.txt - Gold’s tag
youcantrun.txt - Xen’s tag
sunkympeg.txt - Sunky’s tag
medtechdog.txt - Chonies’ tag
freshafcloud.txt - Razz’s tag
rockstarbun.txt - Bonnie’s tag
patchworkbun.txt - Vanny’s tag
nowhereking.txt - Nowhere King’s tag
allknowingcomfiness.txt - Comfortable Doug’s tag
brokenvow.txt - Rose’s tag
icecreamnun.txt - Sarv’s tag
pintofneapolitan.txt - Tiny’s tag
glamrockwolf.txt - Roxanne’s tag
swapdigidevil.txt - Riot’s tag
vampirejesusman.txt - Father Paul’s tag
andromeda.txt - Aldryx’s tag
nerfthis.txt - D.Va’s tag
ennardinnard.txt - Ennard’s tag
glamrockdad.txt - Freddy’s tag
daycareattendent.txt - Sunny’s tag
darkestdesires.txt - Glitchtrap’s tag
rockandroll.txt - Monty’s tag
tallaubergine.txt - Dave’s tag
smalltangerine.txt - Sportsy’s tag
crazypup.txt - GIR’s tag
almightytallest.txt - Pur’s tag
eyelesslad.txt - EJ’s tag
smartestcore.txt - Wheatley’s tag
shapeshiftingmiracle.txt - Camilo’s tag
lolxdbun.txt - Nessa’s tag
wearelegion.txt - Legion’s tag
calibrations.txt - Garrus’ tag
emergencyinductionport.txt - Tali’s tag
lolfox.txt - Lolbit’s tag
funtimebear.txt - Frankie’s tag
theblob.txt - Francis’ tag
spamprince.txt - Princeton’s tag
bigshotautos.txt - Auto’s tag
cassiansaidihadto.txt - K-2SO’s tag
shadowinthesewers.txt - Krobus’ tag
spamknight.txt - Knighton’s tag
solidwasteexcretion.txt - Blasto’s tag
gethhopper.txt - Brigade’s tag
gethjuggernaught.txt - Horde’s tag
gethpyro.txt - Platoon’s tag
sheepsquatch.txt - Nox’s tag
firsthumanspectre.txt - Shepard’s tag
clanurdnot.txt - Wrex’s tag
tankbred.txt - Grunt’s tag
oneruleonomega.txt - Aria’s tag
scientistsalarian.txt - Mordin’s tag
flightlieutenant.txt - Joker’s tag
kryik.txt - Nihlus’ tag
arterius.txt - Saren’s tag
hungyboi.txt - Julian’s tag
paperbagbun.txt - Mono’s tag
devilsnumberone.txt - King Dice’s tag
foxmullet.txt - Michael’s tag
dusktilldawn.txt - Dusk’s tag
dapperpaws.txt - Capper’s tag
lawlbyte.txt - Gigabyte’s tag
princessoffriendship.txt - Twilight’s tag
princesssparkle.txt - Dawn’s tag
giantenemyink.txt - Beast’s tag
biteof87.txt - Markus’ tag
submasin.txt - Ingo’s tag
submasem.txt - Emmet’s tag
ladysnee.txt - Lady Sneasler’s tag
insnee.txt - Izzy’s tag
emsnee.txt - Eli’s tag
pkmnprofessor.txt - Laventon’s tag
xemugsnumberone.txt - Daniel’s tag
antoinebitters.txt - Bitters’ tag
grifscheerleader.txt - Matthews’ tag
number1aidad.txt - North’s tag
frankdufresne.txt - Doc’s tag
drowningsinking.txt - Sink’s tag
loyalprophet.txt - Prophet’s tag
assaultron.txt - KL-E-0′s tag
rosesandthorns.txt - Sen’s tag
mommymustmurder.txt - Martha’s tag
spookyinspace.txt - Nebby’s tag
bubbyisbest.txt - Bubby’s tag
vermin.txt - Rattrap’s tag
choppahface.txt - Dinobot’s tag
kingofcybertron.txt - Starscream’s tag
birddog.txt - Silverbolt’s tag
ultimateprototype.txt - Terios’ tag
waspbot.txt - Waspinator’s tag
fortheroyalty.txt - Inferno’s tag
cowboyfuzor.txt - Quickstrike’s tag
kissymissy.txt - Missy’s tag
madspiderscientist.txt - Tarantulas’ tag
epicfail.txt - Fails’ tag
noapples.txt - Woolly’s tag
cassettedad.txt - Soundwave’s tag
cutestbee.txt - Bumblebee’s tag
fruitiestcar.txt - Knock Out’s tag
oldmedic.txt - Ratchet’s tag
cassetteblue.txt - Rumble’s tag
cassettered.txt - Frenzy’s tag
dogsbestfriend.txt - Thundercracker’s tag
bestpurplejet.txt - Skywarp’s tag
funkiestcybertronian.txt - Jazz’s tag
meswoop.txt - Swoop’s tag
megrimlock.txt - Grimlock’s tag
waspbest.txt - Wasp’s tag
fastestbotever.txt - Blurr’s tag
hotrodisprime.txt - Hot Rod’s tag
lordmegatron.txt - Megatron’s tag
triplechanger.txt - Blitzwing’s tag
cyberninja.txt - Prowl’s tag
madsciencecar.txt - Wheeljack’s tag
straightplane.txt - Powerglide’s tag
whambamboom.txt - Warpath’s tag
gaycar.txt - Tracks’ tag
anxietythetransformer.txt - Red Alert’s tag
spacetram.txt - Astrotrain’s tag
fruitiestcarsconjunx.txt - Breakdown’s tag
bestofteambee.txt - Sideswipe’s tag
anxietycar.txt - Wildbreak’s tag
cutestlambo.txt - Sunstreaker’s tag
blastingtunes.txt - Blaster’s tag
morethanamachine.txt - Seaspray’s tag
decepticonspy.txt - Shockwave’s tag
hungrystagbeetle.txt - Shrapnel’s tag
wheeliesfeelies.txt - Wheelie’s tag
greatestconbot.txt - Swindle’s tag
giantlegacy.txt - Annie’s tag
fazbeardj.txt - DJ’s tag
peacebeuponyou.txt - Zenyatta’s tag
grandmacat.txt - Yellowfang’s tag
blupyro.txt - Pyro’s tag
bluscout.txt - Scout’s tag
baconsoupwolf.txt - Boris’ tag
prettiestangel.txt - Alice’s tag
boy.txt - Boy’s tag
girl.txt - Girl’s tag
skiesfulloffire.txt - Skyfire’s tag
decepticonsforever.txt - Ravage’s tag
impulsivecliff.txt - Cliffjumper’s tag
howdyhide.txt - Ironhide’s tag
storiestotell.txt - Kup’s tag
rammingspeed.txt - Ramjet’s tag
galvatronsnumber1.txt - Cyclonus’ tag
takebackmyturf.txt - Thunderhoof’s tag
starprime.txt - Castor’s tag
stararmada.txt - Armada’s tag
glitchingyarn.txt - Erhare’s tag
tiredglitch.txt - Error’s tag
negativeguardian.txt - Nightmare’s tag
royalguardblueberry.txt - Blueberry’s tag
godofmischief.txt - Loki’s tag
notaraccoon.txt - Rocket’s tag
crayonsun.txt - Crayon’s tag
glamrockmango.txt - Mangle’s tag
glamrockchick.txt - Chica’s tag
glamrockbowling.txt - Morgan’s tag
sleepytimemoon.txt - Moony’s tag
bearcicle.txt - Frostbear’s tag
glamcaptain.txt - Foxy’s tag
hencenothingremains.txt - Pablo’s tag
battersup.txt - Batter’s tag
zone1guardian.txt - Dedan’s tag
hellfireclub.txt - Eddie’s tag
dinomegs.txt - Apex’s tag
sicscorponok.txt - Scorponok’s tag
meanttolead.txt - Terrorsaur’s tag
tinytoontroublemaker.txt - Sketch’s tag
kittycatcat.txt - Momo’s tag
lunareclipse.txt - Lunar’s tag
seamus.txt - Seamus’ tag
orangecatlover.txt - Clementine’s tag
eccentricdoc.txt - Doc’s tag
guardianoftheslums.txt - Guardian’s tag
roboticmeditation.txt - Zbaltazar’s tag
theboogieman.txt - Monster’s tag
ballinrobot.txt - Hex’s tag
demonicbookworm.txt - Rasazy’s tag
faucet.txt - Nitty Gritty’s tag
demolitionistgoat.txt - Tabi’s tag
thebeautifulraymond.txt - Juniper’s tag
cutestredbot.txt - Darrell’s tag
plainblackcoffee.txt - Macchiato’s tag
inkwelldemon.txt - Doodle’s tag
inksmudge.txt - Smudge’s tag
wanderingsin.txt - Sinzy’s tag
friendgreen.txt - Green’s tag
friendblue.txt - Blue’s tag
friendpurple.txt - Purple’s tag
sugar.txt - Sugar’s tag
spice.txt - Spice’s tag
andeverythingnice.txt - Plum’s tag
cutestleaderlamb.txt - Lamb’s tag
mixmaster.txt - Mixmaster’s tag
goodjobmoist.txt - Hoist’s tag
littlehoneybee.txt - Honeybee’s tag
ineededthat.txt - Machinist’s tag
grumpyoldmedic.txt - Remedy’s tag
theoriginalstarscream.txt - Solus’ tag
unidentifiedflyingcutie.txt - Kozmoz’s tag
rc.txt - Arcee’s tag
oncybertron.txt - Shockblast’s tag
starsaberkid.txt - Hot Shot’s tag
scrapper.txt - Scrapper’s tag
bonecrusher.txt - Bonecrusher’s tag
scavenger.txt - Scavenger’s tag
hook.txt - Hook’s tag
longhaul.txt - Long Haul’s tag
compassionspirit.txt - Cole’s tag
tevintermage.txt - Dorian’s tag
chargerkrem.txt - Krem’s tag
bullschargers.txt - Bull’s tag
nyancat.txt - Toaster’s tag
tacnayn.txt - Tac’s tag
forthegreywardens.txt - Alistair’s tag
advisorcullen.txt - Cullen’s tag
seekerpentaghast.txt - Cassandra’s tag
dreadwolf.txt - Solas’ tag
ragedemon.txt - Rage’s tag
pridedemon.txt - Pride’s tag
trainergrey.txt - Grey’s tag
trainerblake.txt - Blake’s tag
dreamdemon.txt - Bill Cipher’s tag
inkydoll.txt - Betty’s tag
lostoneporter.txt - Porter’s tag
theinkdemoncometh.txt - Ink Demon’s tag
babeydancingdemon.txt - Enzo’s tag
pussytron.txt - Noct’s tag
corruptedskele.txt - Corvid’s tag
orderinthecycle.txt - Keeper’s tag
boys&grills.txt - Bob’s tag
cybertroniancatboy.txt - Motif’s tag
tiredcandyman.txt - Kevin’s tag
notspookythisscary.txt - Spookalgamate’s tag
tinytank.txt - TANK!’s tag
hatzgangleader.txt - Roy’s tag
erotoph.txt - Dexter’s tag
grillgirl.txt - Peggy’s tag
badcop.txt - 36′s tag
peaceatanycost.txt - Ramattra’s tag
rustedrose.txt - Rusty Rose’s tag
ninetailedfox.txt - Nine’s tag
daintycharmedangel.txt - Charm’s tag
jackinthebox.txt - Boxy’s tag
hesamando.txt - Mando’s tag
yourjunkertownqueen.txt - Dez’s tag
snipermom.txt - Ana’s tag
frogmusic.txt - Lúcio‘s tag
bringerofjustice.txt - Orisa’s tag
gaydetective.txt - Benoit’s tag
sleepytimeandi.txt - Andromeda’s tag
nofacebunny.txt - Cain’s tag
firefoxy.txt - Grimm’s tag
springbunbun.txt - Pascal’s tag
takeamap.txt - Map Bot’s tag
deathstraightup.txt - Death’s tag
shorthalt.txt - Scanlan’s tag
sweetspooder.txt - Casanova’s tag
apocalypsedad.txt - Joel’s tag
peppinospizza.txt - Peppino’s tag
realpeppino.txt - Bruno’s tag
pickupphone.txt - Noise’s tag
pizzagod.txt - Pizzahead’s tag
sticksmoneystash.txt - Mr Stick’s tag
candyconfectioner.txt - Pizzelle’s tag
pizzanopaisano.txt - Pizzano’s tag
darlingsapples.txt - Wally Darling’s tag
threestonesonebird.txt - Banban’s tag
classtime.txt - Banbaleena’s tag
kennedy.txt - Leon’s tag
winters.txt - Ethan’s tag
sweettooth.txt - Gus’ tag
fatherlydog.txt - Wilson Wolfe’s tag
spotohnn.txt - Spot’s tag
liquidfascination.txt - MubMub’s tag
punkaf.txt - Hobie’s tag
thebigman.txt - Miguel’s tag
thepartyneverdies.txt - Barnaby’s tag
greenthumb.txt - Bushroot’s tag
chaostime.txt - Chaos Sonic’s tag
sciencepineapple.txt - Jefferson’s tag
combinejanitor.txt - Hephaestus’ tag
theopposingforce.txt - Adrian’s tag
mxes.txt - Entity’s tag
chonkalonka.txt - Muta’s tag
grumpiestwolf.txt - Tom’s tag
fanto.txt - Fantoccio’s tag
tigermimic.txt - Mimic’s tag
petrikov.txt - Simon’s tag
wishmaster.txt - Prismo’s tag
grassboy.txt - Fern’s tag
finnmertens.txt - Finn’s tag
farmboy.txt - Finnian’s tag
100percenthero.txt - Finley’s tag
girlking.txt - Winter King’s tag
cathero.txt - Shermy’s tag
rootbeertime.txt - Fun’s tag
pepbut.txt - Peps’ tag
detectivetv.txt - TV’s tag
iceprince.txt - Flynn’s tag
coolestskaterpup.txt - Bronwyn’s tag
jerkworldrecord.txt - Magic Man’s tag
abracadeez.txt - Abracadaniel’s tag
ancientsleepingmagi.txt - Magi’s tag
ueeheehee.txt - Jevil’s tag
gigglesbitterly.txt - Bittergiggle’s tag
fencor.txt - Fenris’ tag
the13thone.txt - Thirteen’s tag
inaworldbuiltforyou.txt - Kinito’s tag
the11thone.txt - Eleven’s tag
notworkfriends.txt - Mirage’s tag
rocinante.txt - Thrash’s tag
coolestcaptain.txt - Rodimus’ tag
thechair.txt - Kaon’s tag
swervesbar.txt - Swerve’s tag
itscalledfriendlyfire.txt - Misfire’s tag
therapybot.txt - Rung’s tag
bombdisposal.txt - Tailgate’s tag
minibotamongminibots.txt - Minimus’ tag
takeadarnnap.txt - Catnap’s tag
bigbluespider.txt - Nabnab’s tag
caramelpup.txt - Scotch’s tag
insectcollection.txt - Kinger’s tag
theringmaster.txt - Caine’s tag
owlmin.txt - Briar’s tag
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marble-seafoam · 3 years
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this felt like a fever dream to make
anyways i got sucked into Percy Jackson again and since my brain is always on Red vs Blue mode, here’s my official headcanons for their cabins. do with this information what you will. no i am not accepting criticism
Sarge: Ares
Simmons: Athena
Grif: Hypnos
Donut: Apollo
Lopez: Hepheastus
Tucker: Aphrodite
Caboose: Hepheastus
Church: Hades
IMPORTANT EDIT: the freelancers are camp jupiter oh my god
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 years
florida may live in the cc canon but maine doesn't
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Maybe it’s because he’s spending all his time with the Woodscouts
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David with arms crossed: So let me get this straight. Caboose needs help because you and him decided it was a good idea to see whose gun had faster bullets by shooting each other?
Sarge with his arm bleeding out: YEP.
Wash:... you get used to it, Ten.
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rooster-teef · 6 years
Camp vs Camp
(Rvb/Camp Camp au)
So here’s my dumbass crossover idea since I need more rooster teeth crossovers goddamit!!
Sargeant Sarge and Butch Flowers are the the camp’s counselors at a rundown camp by Lake Blood Gulch
Sarge is an ex military seargent
church is being payed to stay there and pretend he’s the landowner and keep trespasser off so he doesn’t do much but he’s there!
Flowers has a heart attack and goes to the hospital and decides to retire
Church has to step in and be a counselor because there’s no way Sarge can watch a small army of kids by himself. The man is probably just as bad as the kids.
The camp is haunted, and everyone has had some sort of mild paranormal encounter, but nothing too bad, or enough to be considered solid evidence.
Donut and Caboose are the new kids.
Red team is made when Grif and Simmons start some shenanigans with the new kid, and Sarge “supervises” aka makes everything worse
Sarge suggested calling them the red team, since the camp colors are red and blue. Anyone who isn’t on red team is blue
Sister stays at a diffrent camp across the lake, but she still comes over to see her bro.
Grif has been there the longest
Lopez is the QM, but he mostly just follows Sarge around, because that’s where all the repairs and messes come from.
Tucker and Doc are 13 year old counselors in training and spend most of the time shadowing church.
The camp’s ghost is fond of Doc, who’s more sensitive of the supernatural, and Doc swears up and down that the ghost’s name is O’Malley, he’s an old guy, he’s really mean sometimes, and he’s not imaginary!
The mascot was a opossum named Andy, but Caboose set him free because he seemed sad.
Caboose found Shelia, an old wolf, and she became the new mascot since she wouldn’t leave. She ended up being a pretty good one, since she’d help herd the kids and keep and eye on them.
Nobody knows how Caboose managed to tame an old feral wolf but they just ran with it after a while.
Washington was hired to retrieve or destroy all remnants of some guy called “the director”s illegal experiments, posing as a new counseler.
The director was trying to find a way to live forever, by recreating his mind and memories, and testing ways to implant them into humans, in a way that let the AI jump from body to body when their host died- eternal life via possession.
Church was the first success.
Church dies, and now he’s a ghost, and Washington tries to convince him of a past he can’t rememeber.
Church of course meets all the other ghosts that’ve been silently lurking around the camp- Late family members all used for experimentation as well.
Carolina finds out Wash is at the camp, and she wants to know where the director is hiding so she shows up.
Lots of bullshit.
A small island in the middle of the lake is where the director’s previous base was, and that’s where all the paranormal bullshit came from.
Ghost-Tex stayed there, to try and convince the director to stop even after her death.
There’s another Freelencer Wsh used to work with that roams the island, known as the Meta, who’s been hunting and collecting the ghosts for himself.
After the director dies, Wash and Lina stay at the camp to take care of all the kids
Tex and church were able to move on thanks to the director’s end, but Tex was the one keeping the other spirits on lockdown.
So now Epsilon, Theta, Sigma, Delta, Gamma, Eta, And Iota are loose in the camp.
Omega was already running around but he’s learned to chill and hangs around with Lopez and Doc.
Freckles is a bear Caboose brought back to camp while Carolina and Epsilon were gone investigating the center island.
He’s names freckled because of the spots (nasty terrifying scars) in his nose!
Felix and Locus are the equivalent of the wood scouts. But the camp is called Chorus, and it’s not very safe, since the natives of that particular area are fighting the owner, Kimball, to tear down the camp and vacate the premises.
Locus is with the natives, and tends to mind his own business. Kimball has bought the land fair and square but Doyle thinks he can just steal it back because he changed his mind.
Locus, Felix, Tucker and Doc are around 12-14 years old
The other kids are 9-12
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hayleydirectium · 6 years
do you plan on dallas-ing daniel in the ddau?
There’s so many Ds in that sentence.
And…..nah, I don’t think I could do that in the DDAU. It’s just not long enough. One could even argue that I don’t think I CAN ‘Dallas’ Daniel, not even in the Descension AU. Daniel’s done far worse than Dallas ever did, and it’ll take a lot more to make Daniel feel ANY sort of guilt about what he’s done, if he can even feel that guilt.
…However, I won’t pretend that I don’t have plans for something within the same ballpark for the Twin AU. It’s not going to be the exact same thing (again, Daniel’s far worse and so it’ll take a lot more for him to even come close to Dallas’s level) but….it’s be a little similar, at least in the setup of ‘he’s stuck with people he doesn’t want to be stuck with and it’s not an ideal situation for anyone, but we’ll see what happens with that scenario. Also there might be a broken ankle and lots of physical and emotional pain involved, because I refuse to let him get out of this unscathed. He deserves pain and lots of it.’
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caboose-onthe-loose · 4 years
Who to draw? Is Maine an option?
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I don’t draw Maine often but yep: he’s here!
(ask box is open)
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