refinedstorage · 2 years
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I miss him I miss him so much -- a WIP
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Hello hello!
Your Metalocalypse headcanons give me life!
For a request, if you're feeling up to it, what would your headcannons be for Murderface with an S/O that absolutely adores him? Like, gives him nicknames like "Handsome Face," and would, quite literally, walk through fire for him?
I feel like he'd actually be so used to people giving him the short end of the stick, that he may need lots of reassurance and may not even believe them at first that, "Yes, I am utterly head over heels for you."
(If you wanna skip this, it's totally fine :))
Thank you!
Murderface x reader who adores him
Woo yeah baby first mtl request (I think)!!
Notes: reader is GN, established relationship, may be OOC since admin isnt used to writing characters like the mtl ones + the last time he watched mtl was January so hes ruuuuuusty
CWs: edit but there might be talk of self image issues and shit
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he honest to god does not think he deserves all the affection you send his way- sure sometimes he can act like he deserves something good but he never really means it when he says it.. at least not fully
silently seeks you out for affection but if you so much as say anything or "acknowledge it too much" hes going to slink away and pretend it wasnt like that
fear of rejection can get confusing sometimes, you know?
a lot of the affection is initiated by you, and while he is thrilled that SOMEONE wants him, hes is wondering how long its going to take you until you decide to up and leave him
sometimes he can lash out with aggression but i do like to think that overtime it gets better
i mean we literally see him trying to do something good for someone else to make something work
cough cough working with knubbler to try to make the christmas special a thing, even taking charge in the planning thing with the church dude cough cough
i bring this up because its not like youre going to be the only one putting in effort into the relationship, he is going to do stuff here and there even if to an outsider it seems like "an obligation to keep things going" if that makes sense
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rdng1230 · 3 months
10 questions for writers
I was tagged by @racerchix21
how many works do you have on ao3? 4, I’m super new to actually publishing anything. I didn’t even start reading fic until like 2 years ago. But when I was a teen I would write out little scenes on actual paper just for fun, usually little bonus scenes or codas from whatever episode of something I liked that had aired that week.
total word count: 14k ish? But by the end of the multi chapter it’ll probably be at least 20k.
What fandoms do you write for?: unpublished stuff for MASH, OUAT (god that was so long ago), I’m sure there’s a few buffy or firefly scenes in a notebook somewhere. My first published thing was a couple months ago when the Young Royals finale came out, and now I’m writing for 911. But who knows where the hyperfixation train will lead me next!
Do you respond to comments why or why not?: YES!!! I might let it go if it’s a couple emojis or something like that but I love thanking and chatting with my readers in the comments. Particularly for my current saltommy fic, going insane with my rarepair friends sustains me 🙏.
Have you ever had a fic stolen ?: not that I’m aware. I didn’t even know people did that that seems real shitty.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? : I’ve not but I’m open to it. Particularly when it comes to smut which is a little out of my league at the moment. There are parts of me that want to hand off what I’m currently writing to the incredibly talented smut writers I know and just be like “ok have em back by the ole post orgasm cuddle” but I will be BRAVE dammit.
what’s your all time favorite ship: oh Jesus. Never ask me a favorite, unless you want to get a list as long as your arm. I’d say probably wayhaught, Nomanita, spuffy, percabeth, phryne x Jack, captain swan, RoyJamie, beejhawk, madney, grace x Judd, LoVe, Malec, everlark, and Janto.
what are your writing strengths?: I don’t feel like I even know that yet. I think I’m pretty good at banter, I’m good at sweet fluffy domestic stuff as long as I can throw an angsty wrench in the middle 😘. I’m definitely good at throwing in way too many movie references that my readers have to suffer through.
what are your writing weaknesses?: lol smut can’t be a weakness if at time of writing I have not tried yet, but I’m sure it’ll be ruuuuuusty while I get it figured out. One stupid thing I do struggle with is giving my characters my accent/dialect! I am constantly writing stuff like “y’all” or “I was Fixin’ to ___” and then having to delete it because no, that born and bred Italian American Angeleno would not fucking say that.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?: I know there had to have been earlier ones but the first I actually remember is OUAT when I definitely shoulda been paying attention to my 7th grade English teacher. First published is Young Royals though (I really had to get august out of the monarchy y’all)
No pressure tags: @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @herrmannhalsteadproduction @desert--moonchild @swiftietartt @cliophilyra
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lamportb · 7 months
AO3 says I haven’t written anything in 4 years. Tried to start a 5+1 Dodgerfox fic today and, wow, am I ruuuuuusty. How does one put together words? That said, if someone want to beta something for Dodgerfox week, let me know.
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ofexaltations · 5 years
@worldevoured-a sent ::  💏 for varric, from kat! and got 38: because yours is running out of time!
Kat was making her mind up, and fast. He didn’t have much time- -  he could see the way her mind turned towards doing something, doing something rash, and doing it now.
She was already rolling over, away from him. He knew as soon as her hand wrapped around the knife she kept on her nightstand, she was as good as lost. It was late. She asked about what he was reading, idly as she flopped bonelessly on the bed. He, foolishly, didn’t wrap it in enough of a story to keep her sleepy. She was better at reading through his lines than he gave her credit for, and he vastly underestimated how hungry she was, even in the Manor in Hightown, her family’s place (what was left of it) secured- well, it had been long established she was insatiable. 
Varric knew his headstone- if he had one- would read “Here lies the grandest fool in the Free Marches.”
He rolled with her, his papers falling to the floor as he found himself half on top of her, her wrist in his ink stained grip. Protests muffled by his lips, the dark haired rogue beneath him melting at the attentions- for a moment, at least, before she used both hands to push him up just a fraction. Thank the Maker. Kat was unstoppable, once her mind was truly made up to do something and he was tired. (Letting her go face Kirkwall alone while he slept in her bed? Not a chance.)
“I know what you’re doing.” A look back to her knife, both her hands against his chest, threaded through the hair at the center, revealed his haphazardly buttoned tunic. 
He leaned down with some effort and caught her lips again, earning a little laugh at his audacity. “Is it working?” Muttered against her lips, his hands going to either side of her ribcage and he held his own weight up. 
“No-” but a kiss in return, her hands leaving his chest reluctantly to trail down his side, release his hair from the half-pony he kept it in to keep it out of his face. 
“Sounds like I need to keep trying, then- -” 
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sweetlynocuous · 6 years
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thank you both. for requesting ellie. this is entirely scholar x ellie because why not? 
I'm sorry it's kinda short and stuff, but I'm a lot more tired than I thought I was when I started writing this. I'll probably make a part two, to make up for it. I think you’d be able to pinpoint exactly when I started rushing everything because I wanted to wrap things up. ( ´_ゝ`)
Ellie Collins _ "Ellie-Bot"
"Hey, scholar!"
You heard your name loud and clear even within the crowded hall, full of students that have just left their classes. You were on your way to your locker before you stepped off to take a seat in your usual history class, but that adorable voice obviously had something to do with you, and knowing exactly who it belonged to, you weren't about to just ignore it. 
You turned around and moved slightly towards the wall in order to not run into anyone and after a few seconds you saw a small blonde bounding your way, smile as bright as ever. In response to seeing it, you smiled as well and gave a happy way.
"Hey, Ellie! How's it going?" As she stepped up, you noticed a clipboard in her hands, its contents hidden as it folded against her stomach. "Are you doing... an assignment right now? Taking a survey?" 
She giggled a bit and shook her head, bringing the clipboard up more, almost hugging it now. 
"Not quite. Well, I mean..." She shrugged her shoulder and gave a noncommittal sound, unsure of what to say. "...Yeah?"
"Yeah?" You quirked an eyebrow. "If it's got nothing to do with what you came to me for, you don't have to talk me about it." 
She waved her hand. 
"No, no! You're cute to say that, but it is actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Y'see, today during robotics club we peer reviewed each others prototypes and stuff, but I was wondering if..." She bit her lip, just a little nervous about whatever it was she was about to say next. "You could... also review it? I know you're not in the club, but... I could use more opinions! Plus, you said you'd like to join, didn't you? You could be like an honorary member!"
It wasn't often that you saw Ellie so nervous. It wasn't like she was shifting from foot to foot, looking down, with a blush covering her face, but it did seem like she was making a few excuses to get you to come later when doing so wasn't really necessary. 
"Ellie!" You laughed. "Of course I'll come, whether you make me an honorary member or not."
It was then that the warning bell rang throughout the hallway, and seeing the amount of students had drastically dwindled, you began to panic a bit. 
"Okay, good! Just meet me in the club room after school, okay?" Ellie turned around and began jogging away, also in a rush to get to her class. She called out over her shoulder. "I'll see you later!" 
"Bye!" You also yelled, desperately hoping that you wouldn't find yourself late for class. You really, really hated being late for class.
It was only after you made it through history and then your departments elective class that school was officially declared over for the day. There'd still be students milling around, doing schoolwork, talking amongst themselves, and just doing whatever, but after the final bell rang, you were free to do whatever activity you wanted to do. 
Today's activity was originally supposed to be to study, but ever since Ellie had talked to you earlier, you'd had a change of plans as well as a burst of excitement stirring itself inside your chest for about two hours. The moment you walked into the classroom you were supposed to meet her at, your eyes widened.
"Whoa, Ellie! That looks super cool!" She had been tinkering away at her contraption until your voice alerted her to your presence, and setting down the screwdriver in her hand she spoke up, no longer shocked. 
"You think so? You haven't even seen it in action yet! I got Tegan to help me out with it, so it actually does stuff rather than just..." She patted it somewhat affectionately on the head. "Act like a paperweight."
With an actual head, arms, and legs, whatever Ellie had made looked almost like a stereotypical, clunky-looking robot. You could see its separate gears and wires poking out everywhere, but it had LED panels for eyes and a mouth, and then a stretched out spring acting like a decoration on top of its head. Even though it looked rough around the edges, it was also painted pink and it looked more adorable then you'd care to admit. You wondered if maybe it only seemed more adorable because such a cute person made it. 
"It looks like you put so much work into it Ellie. Isn't it just a prototype?" You walked over to sit next to her and get a closer look at it. "What does it do, anyways?"
"It is a prototype, but I wouldn't be president of the robotics club if I didn't put everything into whatever I make. Aaaand..." She flipped a switch on the back of it and you watched as the LED panels turned on to reveal eyes and a mouth on the robot, but in shades of pink. She grabbed the clipboard and pen on the table and turned towards you. "We'll be doing the survey now, so you'll figure out what this thing does as we go!"
"Does this thing have a name?" She hummed in thought for a moment before winking at you and giving a cheeky smile. 
"We can call it Ellie-Bot." You smiled.
"Okay." Looking at bot, which was still just sitting there, you gave a thumbs up. "Let's go, Ellie-Bot!"
In the wake of your readiness, Ellie flipped another switch on the back and spoke. 
"Question one!" Ellie-Bot's LED face turned into a wink as its arms started moving up and down. It turned a little to the right and then a little to the left as it did so, almost like it was dancing. "Do you think I'm cute?" 
You nodded immediately.
"Oh, absolutely!" You already realized that the bot was adorable. That was nothing new. 
Another flip was switched, and Ellie-Bot stopped dancing. It's face was now smiling bright and with a robotic voice, it said 'Thank you! Question 2! Do you like me?'.
That made you laugh, and you couldn't help but be delighted by this cute little thing. 
"Of course. What's not to like?" It made heart eyes before saying 'I like you too'. You were still at a lost as to what this thing was supposed to be made for other than maybe making you feel better, but you were enjoying yourself. In your peripheral you saw Ellie flip another switch, effectively turning off the bot. 
Your eyes barely made their way to hers when she spoke. Seeing her stare at you with such an affectionate expression made your heart jump and do flips and it wasn't like the blush on her face made you any less captivated.
"Question 3." She gulped. "Will you go out with me?"
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busi-bee · 6 years
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02.21.19 • [34/100 days of productivity]
started working on accounting ii today! it was difficult; but i know starting a new class always is. i just need to find the proper organization format for this class and i’ll be good. i also think i need to brush up on my notes from principles of accounting, b/c i am ruuuuuusty🔧
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desertpups · 6 years
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