#russ tyler
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endlessgoldensky · 6 months ago
If you're a Mighty Ducks blog could you show yourself, I want to follow some new blogs!
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screamingjustbciwantto · 7 months ago
The way that Dwayne turns to Russ when he doesn’t understand what’s being said makes me giggle
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jedi-masturb8r · 11 days ago
Kenan Thompson Appreciation Post
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After watching the SNL 50th Anniversary Special, it warms my millennial heart so much to see Kenan Thompson still doing his thing and making people laugh. From having one of the most iconic hockey slap shots in pop culture history to memorable characters on “All that”, to having 4 seasons co-hosting his own sitcom show, and being the longest tenured cast member in SNL history. He’s done it all.
I may not watch every episode of SNL but I can’t help but smile when I see him on screen.
D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994)
D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996)
All That (1994-1999)
Kenan & Kel (1996-200)
Good Burger (1997)
Good Burger 2 (2023)
Saturday Night Live (2003-present)
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
Again, loving up some underloved fandoms here on Ciaossu-Imagines, so throwing out some headcanons I have about The Mighty Ducks characters! I hope anyone familiar with these movies will enjoy them!
Starting with Averman, he’s definitely Jewish. I think he and Goldberg are really good friends because both of them are Jewish. They attended Hebrew school together, their parents are good friends, and honestly they really rely on each other around the holiday season. Neither boy is ashamed of being Jewish or anything, but especially around the time period those movies are set, Hannukah was not as popular or as talked about as Christmas was. And when all your friends are talking about Christmas and their plans and the gifts they’ll get and all the celebrations you hear about are Christianity based, it’s hard not to feel a little left out so both boys’ kind of really like having another friend they can talk to about their Hannukah plans who will get it. Bonus headcanon but I think Averman has a bigger love of hockey and was the one to get Goldberg into the sport.
Hot take on Adam – I don’t think he’s this abused kid trying desperately to please Daddy. I think that while his father might have high expectations for Adam, his father isn’t really abusive. I think a lot of the pressure that Adam feels – and boy, does he feel a lot – is pressure that Adam puts on himself. I do see Adam as having some issues with perfectionism, with being way too hard on himself, and he struggles with anxiety and a need to be perfect but it’s because Adam himself knows that he’s got a lot of talent and he doesn’t want to waste that talent.
Charlie’s actually got a few hidden skills but the one that ends up surprising most people is that, at one point in his life, Charlie got really into magic and he’s pretty good with a couple of tricks, mostly sleight of hand stuff.
Tammy did enjoy playing hockey, I won’t pretend that she didn’t. But I think when it came down to it, she enjoyed figure skating a lot more. There was more pageantry in that sport, more creativity and more glamour in her mind and I think she left the Ducks before the second movie because she really did want to focus on figure skating and competing in that area. She did win several medals, but I think she largely left the sport around the time she started college.
Julie reads…for fun. While she loves being active and has various hobbies and interests, she’s been a life-long bookworm. She learned to read early, and gobbles books up. She normally gets through at least a book a week and does read a wide variety of things, though she has guilty pleasure reading that she’d be embarrassed if anyone found out about, such as romance novels and the Hardy Boys books.
Guy hates carrying change around with him. There’s just something about the weight of it and the clinking sound it makes in his pocket as he walks that drives him insane. He prefers to carry bills for cash and usually lets the salespeople keep his change wherever he goes.
Surprising thing about Goldberg…the boy is not only gifted with a green thumb, but he genuinely likes taking care of his plants. He only got them because his parents wouldn’t let him get a pet…they didn’t think he was responsible enough for a pet so they bought him a rather high-maintenance houseplant to take care of first so that he could prove that he could be responsible for another living thing. Turns out that he enjoyed caring for the plant so much, even giving it a name, that he ended up wanting more plants instead of an actual pet.
Jesse has a tendency to argue just for the sake of arguing. He legitimately enjoys arguments and I have this headcanon that he found the debate club during high school and it’s the most at home he’s felt since playing with the Ducks. Like, those are his people, that’s where he belongs. He gets really involved with debate throughout his high school career and I think he wants to go to law school after graduating.
Terry Hall…still hasn’t gotten the grasp of gum honestly. Not saying the kid is stupid, because he certainly isn’t. It’s just that he cannot, for the life of him, remember that gum is for consistent chewing, not eating, especially if the gum in question is a really fruity, sweet flavour.
I really do think that Karp is someone who is really easy to take advantage of. He gets bullied a lot as a kid and he’s someone who just naturally is the kind of person who really wants to make others happy and to have others like him. He’s a very generous friend but the fact that he’s willing to do almost anything to have his ‘friends’ like him means that he gets put into some pretty brutal situations and gets used throughout his childhood and teen years.
I think Peter’s an army brat, or something along those lines. Something tells me that this kid is someone who moves around a lot throughout his life because of his parent’s careers. He’s used to never staying anywhere really long enough to form completely solid relationships. He’s used to always being the new kid and needing to impress and be tough enough to both make friends and avoid bullies. I also think that while he really would like to settle down in one spot long enough to make serious friendships, the idea of doing so kind of scares him.
Luis taught himself how to juggle when he was a kid. He’s also really skilled at hackeysack.
Connie has the habit of pacing around when she’s deep in thought. There’s just something about moving that helps her think better and if she really has something on her mind, she tends to go running or jogging. The tougher the problem is, the faster and further she tends to go as she loses track of where she is or how far she’s gone.
Dean can burp the alphabet. Forwards and backwards. He’s really quite proud of this.
Fulton’s worst habit? He’s really bad at sitting and staying still for long periods of time and he starts fidgeting when he has to do so. He’ll stretch, move around in his seat a bit, crack his knuckles, but the worst is his leg because he’s definitely one of those guys who bounces his leg when he’s bored or restless, almost aggressively so.
Dwayne really likes to sing. He’s not horrible at it by any means, though a little tone-deaf. He’s a huge fan, because of how he was raised, of any older country, with Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, and Conway Twitty being favourites of his.
Russ has the tendency to get cold really easily. It can come out of nowhere too, with no real reason for him to have a chill or to be cold. He just is. He tends to always carry an extra layer with him as a just in case.
Ken has weird eating habits. He has to eat all of one thing before he can allow himself to eat the next thing on his plate. For example, if he has fries and a burger, he’ll have to eat all the burger before he’ll start eating the fries. He can’t bring himself to mix and match his food and not even he knows why.
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sluggmuffin · 2 years ago
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Luis in a full suit while the others have caps on (I just keep finding them hope you’re enjoying it)
oh I'm enjoying these very much
connie is literally so drop dead gorgeous I cannot
fucking love luis and Charlie
is that guy??? cuz it looks like him but at the same time way older
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mightyducksweek2025 · 1 month ago
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1. Create any type of art related to the prompt. (Ex: Fanart, fanfic, collage, moodboard, playlist, etc.)
2. Post it and tag #MightyDucksWeek or just #mighty ducks, so other fans can find it.
3. Be kind to other creators. We are here to build each other up.
4. Have fun! It's not life or death, so have fun with it.
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raging-violets · 1 year ago
If you're a fan of the Mighty Ducks (movies or hockey team) then check out this podcast episode that talks all about it! If you're a fan of the 90s in general, feel free to check out the podcast in general!
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forrpercyy · 1 year ago
omg thank you so much!!! it’s definitely one of my favorite pics of charlie and i also love the entire thing as well! such a good pic
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years ago
Tell me about your favorite Mighty Duck team member and why!
anon you’re amazing just btw
I love them all sm so hope you don’t mind a did more than 1-
Dean cause he’s so funny and his attitude gives me life- his taste in music is a vibe and the way him and Fulton take care of Kenny makes me happy
Adam might be cause he’s so sweet and silly or it could be cause I’ve always found him cute- personally I think it’s both, he’s just always been one of my favorites tbh.
And Russ is such an icon I swear he’s funny and sarcastic and so confident in himself it’s amazing. Someone who can trespass onto a junior jockey olympic ground and challenge the entire junior USA team without a second of hesitance deserves it all.
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tending-the-hearth · 11 months ago
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when i tell you nothing makes me more emotional than seeing older actors interacting with younger actors who are playing the same character and their interactions just being so earnest and the older actors being so visibly proud of the younger ones
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asmileworthahundredlies · 4 months ago
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Zippin' up my boots. Going back to my roots… ♫
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screamingjustbciwantto · 7 months ago
“Man, who are you calling a sell-out, punk.” Then Fulton pushes Russ and then Charlie joins in and Dwayne goes “Hold up, Charlie!” And he’s all mad on my goodness I love them
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marril96 · 10 months ago
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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders 2.09 | Blowback
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
So, with the fandoms not requested for the AU event, I kind of divided the AU’s and the fandoms as I wanted to. And since I thought it would be kind of fun to kind of sort characters in a different way from a fandom I really love (and have recently rewatched all the movies of), I decided to write a Percy Jackson AU with The Mighty Ducks characters, just sort of figuring out which cabin and which God/dess they’d have as their parent!
Starting off with the obvious place to start, Cabin One. That cabin has only one occupant, the sole child of Zeus at Camp Half-Blood. That child is Charlie Conway because honestly, I do believe that’s the one that best fits Charlie. Children of Zeus are known to be natural leaders with strength and bravery, though they tend to attract a lot of monsters. We see, all throughout the three movies, that Charlie really is not only a natural leader, but a really solid leader that can manage, at the best of times, to truly inspire those around him but even at the worst of times, can still make people pay attention to what he’s saying. He’s also shown bravery several times through the movies, even though he does get targeted for a lot of crap and general growing pains, much like children of Zeus are magnets for trouble (like monsters).
We’ll skip right over Cabin Two, since Hera had no mortal children, and move onto Cabin Three, Poseidon’s cabin. Much like Zeus’s cabin, there’s only one occupant in Poseidon’s cabin, Ken Wu. Ken as a son of Poseidon makes sense to me, with the children of that God really being known for cleverness and battle skills, like Percy in the books or Theseus in the myths. And I feel like there’s quite a few hints throughout the movies that Ken is actually quite good at strategizing, at figuring out plays and moves that will work so translating that over, I feel it fully fits cleverness. While he’s small and was scared at first, Ken also was shown to not only learn how to throw down but to embrace those chances to fight, fulfilling the other big quality for Poseidon’s children.
We’re going to skip Cabin Four, since Demeter doesn’t have a child among this lot, and move right onto Cabin Five, Are’s cabin. There are two sons of Ares in this cabin. First off is the obvious one, Dean Portman. Portman’s shown right from the start in D2 as brash and kind of a goon. He likes fighting, he kind of gets a kick out of people finding him scary. He’s shown to be incredibly brave and protective of those he cares about, but prone to violence and anger. The second son of Ares, despite his small size compared to his other siblings, is Peter Mark. Much like Portman, Peter’s brash, rough and tumble. He’s harsh, with a big attitude and a short fuse. Again, much like Portman, Peter’s not afraid to speak up or to do what needs to be done, showing a sense of bravery characteristic of all of Are’s children, but out of the two of them, Peter is the one who is prouder of his reputation for anger and violence and the one more likely to pick fights just because he can.
Moving right along to Cabin Six, Athena’s cabin. There are two children of Athena in the cabin, both very different people…but both share the characteristic’s of Athena’s children – very intelligent, eager for knowledge, great planners who give solid advice and who aren’t above using tricks to get what they want. The first one is pretty easy to guess. It’s shown in the movies quite clearly that out of all the Ducks, Julie Gaffney is very serious about her studies. She genuinely wants to learn and takes grades and academics seriously. She’s quick-witted and book smart, with a cool head on her shoulders. However, like all other children of Athena, she’s also not afraid to ‘go to battle’ and will fight, physically and mentally, for whatever causes she believes are just. The second child of Athena is one that I don’t think many would assume would be put in this cabin – Russ Tyler. Much like Julie, Russ is an extremely intelligent fellow. He was shown in D2 to have street smarts and a cool head, a quick wit, and an ability to plan for what he wants. In D3, it’s shown that on top of that, Russ actually does care a lot about his academics, that he’s serious about learning and getting every advantage he can get. It’s also shown in that movie that he’s really good at giving solid, dependable advice, as he’s actually really clever and observant and is good at figuring out solutions or advising as to the best course of action.
We’ll skip Cabin Seven and Eight, as there are no children of Apollo among this group and Artemis is an eternal maiden. So, the next cabin we focus on is Cabin Nine, Hephaestus’ Cabin. Children of Hephaestus are great craftsmen, strong individuals who can be a little gruff and intimidating, but are strong, well liked and respectable. There are two children of Hephaestus in this cabin. I’m starting off with the slightly unexpected. I firmly do believe that Connie is a daughter of Hephaestus. I have it pretty firmly in my head that Connie is someone who loves hands-on work. She wants to get dirty; she wants to work with her hands and build and create. She loves crafting, yeah, but she’s also someone who would totally be up for helping with renovations on a house, for example. She’s shown throughout the movies to actually be really strong, to the point where Averman calls her the Velvet Hammer. However, she’s also very friendly and charming, and seems to be well-liked by almost everyone who meets her. The other camper is Fulton Reed. Big, solid, and strong, Fulton embodies everything that a son of Hephaestus should be. I also have always headcanoned him as being really good with his hands. Book learning has never really been up his alley, but he’s surprisingly creative and a quick learner when it comes to working with his hands and various tools. The weapons he makes are highly sought after in the camp and he’s notorious for being unbeatable in Capture the Flag if he’s wielding one of his own weapons. But on top of just that strength and creativity, Fulton’s been shown to be a really generous, respectable guy, right from the very first movie. While he might resort to violence a little too easily, he’s always the first to stick up for the little guy, to put his neck on the line for them. Protective and genuinely good-hearted, I think that, like Julie, Fulton’s kind of someone that other people just like and look up to a little.
We’re onto Cabin Ten, Aphrodite’s cabin. Surprisingly, it’s not that full, with only two campers. Tammy Duncan is, to me, most definitely a daughter of Aphrodite. She’s a huge girly girl, someone who loves make-up, skincare, beauty routines, all things feminine and cutesy. She lives for silly gossip and drama, as well as talk about romance and who likes who. However, while her pretty face and love for all those things would lead most to just dismiss her as a shallow, vapid girl, Tammy’s a lot more than just a pretty face. She’s not afraid to break a nail punching someone who angers her; she’s also got surprisingly hidden depths as the Camp’s best chariot racer. The other camper, Luis Mendoza, is a son of Aphrodite with all that that brings. People who meet Luis find it hard not to comment on what a good-looking boy he is, but he’s a good-looking boy who comes across a little bit…vapid. Like there’s not a lot going on up there. Don’t be fooled though – while he’s charming and more than a little bit of a Casanova (what can he say…he’s truly in love with love itself, as befitting his parentage), Luis has a lot more going on in that head than he lets on. An extremely observant person, he’s quick to learn other people, to figure out what makes them tick, what makes them happy, what buttons to push to get them to give him his way. However, he doesn’t often use that talent of his for anything negative, honestly. While he can be a little manipulative, there’s really not a bad or mean-hearted bone in this boy’s body.
Cabin Eleven is, as always, the fullest. The cabin is always busy, and its residents normally are too, being adventurous, clever, fun-loving, just a little hectic, and delighting in pranks and general merriment. Lester Averman is definitely the most well-known of Hermes children and he’s the Counselor of the cabin. While Averman might not be the most handsome, the strongest, the bravest, or the most talented, he is extremely clever. Quick-witted and very sociable, Averman is oddly charming and impossible to dislike. His mischievous nature and wise-cracking mouth can get him into some trouble at times, but he can almost always talk himself out of it, getting the other guy laughing along with him instead of beating him up. I also see Tommy Duncan as one of those rare cases where siblings don’t necessarily share the same godly parent, as I would put Tommy, whose main priority is having fun and keeping people happy, as a child of Hermes. Lastly, there’s Dwayne Robertson. Quirky and charming, with a ready smile and laugh, Dwayne can charm the pants off of you. And he’s got quick, agile hands…hands that are normally full of stuff that he really shouldn’t have been able to get ahold of. His natural ability as a thief is rarely ever put to serious use though as, while a little bit of a showboat and a little gregarious, Dwayne actually has a strong moral compass and very defined ideas of right and wrong.
I do think that, while the only occupant of Cabin Twelve, there’s no other place for Goldberg. This boy is undeniably a son of Dionysus. Like his father, Goldberg’s actually really good with plants…and even more to the point, I really do feel that no matter his age, with his sociable nature and fun-loving attitude, Goldberg has a tendency to be a bit of a party animal. An extrovert to the extreme, he needs those large gatherings, he needs those get-togethers, he needs the excess and the fun and the high of being the center of attention, of being the ‘good time guy’.
Next up is Nemesis’ cabin, Cabin Sixteen. In a weird twist on how mortals and Gods normally end up dating, Nemesis actually stayed with the mortal long enough to have two of his children, about a year apart. Both Jesse and Terry Hall are children of Nemesis. They both have chips on their shoulders, and are both quick to remember any insults, real or imagined. They have tough attitudes and have no problem getting revenge, but at the same time, they have very strict ideas about right and wrong, and they aren’t actively bad people. They believe in balance and think that it’s not okay for anyone, even themselves, to get a big head. If people do, of course they should bring that person’s ego back down to the correct side. That being said – Terry and Jesse? Excellent guys to have on your side because, while their caustic words may sting sometimes, they are actually really loyal to those they care about and make the best allies.
Moving to another cabin with only one camper in it. Cabin Seventeen, Nike’s cabin, is occupied solely by Adam Banks. Nike is the Goddess of victory and victory is always what Adam is after. Like most of Nike’s children, Adam has a real competitive streak to him. If he’s going to play, he wants to play to win, he wants to give it his all against opponents who are also giving it their all and he wants to come out on top. Losing is not something he handles easily, and he’ll often push himself to rather extreme limits. Adam has the drive, the determination, and is so willing to put in the hard work but sometimes he forgets that it’s okay to relax as well.
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sluggmuffin · 2 years ago
Please go on! I love hearing about people talk about characters they love. Especially if it's characters I love too. -mighty ducks anon
Okay so another one of my favs is Connie. She's so outgoing and very sassy, and I fr love her for that. Like when the ducks call her as she's abt to kiss Giy or she tells Guy he looks "amazingly stupid" 😍😍 I lovebher. Which brings me to my next person, Guy!! He's so cute 😍😍 he's also really funny even tho he never gets much screentime, when he's on screen it's great. Same scenes that I pointed out for Connie, I loved his reactions. JULIE!! I never used to pay much attention to her but she's so badass and the way she gets kicked out of game for bashing 2 guys heads is so mf funny I love her she's iconic. RUSS TYLER OML. I used to think he was annoying af but he's actually so funny, and he is also judt so iconic with all his snarky remarks and how he gets his neighborhood to play the ducks, but still teaches them how to improve!!
Thats all I can think of rn, but I'll def lyk!!
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mightyducksweek2025 · 1 month ago
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1. Create any type of art related to the prompt. (Ex: Fanart, fanfic, collage, moodboard, playlist, etc.)
2. Post it and tag #MightyDucksWeek or just #mighty ducks, so other fans can find it.
3. Be kind to other creators. We are here to build each other up.
4. Have fun! It's not life or death, so have fun with it.
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