#rusger x reader
allthingshetalia · 4 years
what about a scenario with poly rusger where their s/o got sick? love all your work btw 💞💞
“She needs soup.”
“No she need broth! Soup might be too much for her stomach.”
“They’re the same thing Lud.”
“No, broth is just the liquid. You’ve lived for how long and you still don’t know that?”
“Can both of you be quite? You’re making my headache flare.” You muttered pulling the covers over your head.
“Sorry Kätzchen.” You smiled as lips quickly pressed themselves against your head. You were half laying on Ludwig and half sprawled out on the bed, enjoying how the sheets were still warm from Ivan.
“I just want crackers please.” You untucked your head from the covers and shot a small, pleading smile to Ivan who was leaning against the doorway.
“You need soup too.” Ivan pressed.
“Broth.” Ludwig whispered.
“You know what I mean.” Ivan snickered wandering back into the kitchen.
“How do you feel?” Ludwig murmured. He tugged you closer so you were fully ontop of him.
“I’m feeling a lot better since my boys have been babying me all day.”
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buttmano · 4 years
Request: "rusger when their s/o is sick perhaps?"
Rating: Fluff, Comfort
Ludwig is the main caretaker when a s/o falls ill
Or at least, he’s the most practical when it comes to taking care of the other
Ivan is more of a mother hen when either of you are sick
When you're sick they both go into anxious protective caretaker mode
If you're one of those people that pretend not to be sick until they're on deaths door... Well that's not gonna fly in this relationship lol
Sure, a sneeze or cough is fine, but Ivan and Ludwig are very in tune with your health and can tell when you're feeling sluggish or run down
So you'll find Ivan making you the krupnik recipe he got from Natalya while Ludwig is making the chicken noodle soup
They won't out right say "hey! You're sick! Get in bed!"
Rather they'd phrase it like "hey look we made soup! Let's eat it then cuddle in bed!"
Slyly trying to get you to get more rest and eat foods that will boost your immune system
But alas, sometimes that just doesn't work and your sickness finally reaches "okay I don't want to get out of bed"
And when that happens they'll happily take care of you
Ludwig is mildly concerned he'd get sick as well so he pumps himself and Ivan full of vitamins and water
Meanwhile Ivan is in bed with you, cuddling you close and stroking your hair
Comfort movies and blankies galore
They both constantly check on you if you need anything or if they can do anything for you
Ludwig encourages you to bathe when you can, making shower bombs to help clear your sinuses out
Gosh they both take such good care of you 😭💕
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hwsrarepairweek2022 · 4 years
Would you accept x reader works? In particular it would be character x character x reader. And the character x character would be a rarepair. So specifically it'd be like RusGer x reader.
Yeah that’s fine I guess.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Hi there!!I hope you’re doing well due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to know wether you could do a poly rusger x (chubby if possible) reader scenario headcanons (SFW/NSFW is up to you). Thank you and take all the time you need!!💕💞
💕yessssss!!! I needed this!💕
I can do some NSFW later if you want😉
“Kätzchen I love you so much, but if you don’t get your freezing foot off of my back.” Ludwig grumbled. He had just woken up and his voice was deeper and groggier. With his accent it was hard to make out some of the words he had said.
“It’s your fault! You rolled to the other side of the bed, making me get cold.” You argued.
“She has a point.” Ivan mumbled. You were currently curled up on you designated spot on Ivan’s large chest. Most nights you slept ontop of Ivan and Ludwig would sleep on his side with his head on Ivan’s shoulder and you tucked under his chin. But tonight was different and you body wasn’t use to missing another persons body heat.
A loud groan cut off you complaints and Ludwig quickly rolled over and buried his face in the top of your head.
“Better?” He grumbled. Ivan quickly removed one of his arms from around you, so he was able to hold Ludwig closer to the both of you.
With the extra warmth added to your body you quickly fell back asleep. Ludwig pulled away from you slightly and ran his finger over your cheek smiling at your cute face.
“We are very lucky to have her, da?” Ivan asked. He brought his hand up and ran it up and down your back causing you to sigh in content in your dreamland. Ivan noticed Ludwigs fingers had stopped moving but his hand rested on the side of your face cupping it while he slept. His heart melted at the sight and he placed a quick kiss on the grumpy Germans head and patted your butt softly.
He finally had a family.
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buttmano · 4 years
Request: "poly rusger couple get protective of their s/o?"
Rating: Fluff, Comfort, Slight Angst
Listen this prompt got me feeling some type of way
These two are SO protective because they're afraid of losing yet another person that's dear to them
So when they spotted another person getting a little too handsy with you against your will they both see red
Ivan goes into feral mode and tends to be more physical
Whereas Ludwig is more verbal in his attacks but don't underestimate him, he is more than willing to throw a punch if it's for you
Ludwig isolates you from the attacker and makes sure you're okay while Ivan turns his attention to the attacker
If the creep isn't running for the hills already Ivan is going to unleash his anger and punch the shit out of the creep
After he makes sure you're okay, Ludwig goes to stop Ivan and Ivan quickly snaps out of it once he hears Ludwig bring up your name
Then it becomes all about you
Your two boyfriends are around you, trying not to overwhelm you while making sure you're okay
Ludwig scoops you up and carries you back home, where they pamper you for the rest of the day
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buttmano · 4 years
Request: "RusGer and their S/O (non binary)"
Rating: Fluff
hopefully i don’t contradict anything i said in other rusger posts lmao
Ivan is the cuddler and loves hugging or just touching one of you at all times, especially hand holding
good luck wiggling out of his grasp come morning time, not even Ludwig can escape his cuddle grasp
wake him up with kisses uwu
Ludwig has a daily routine that makes time management people tired
he’s definitely a morning person, preferring to do his workouts in the morning and be showered before you even think of waking up
Ivan is a mid-morning person, at the latest he usually gets up at 11
Ludwig loves cooking breakfast for you two<3
he also thinks goodbye/good morning/hello kisses are very important in a relationship
Ivan is ready to settle down and marry you two within a year of being in a relationship
Ludwig on the other hand would want to wait a bit longer, mainly due to his fear of rejection
picnic dates together in the park or even just out in your yard
you definitely own some dogs together
the selfie angles Ivan and Ludwig can get are amazing, long arms are truly a blessing
it’s very hard for you and Ivan to convince Ludwig to have a lazy day, he just feels so unproductive if he doesn’t at least work out
but after the workout then he’s all yours
lazy days include watching all your comfort movies, eating comfort foods, and of course napping however much you want
while cuddling on the couch Ivan likes to be in the middle so he can have an arm around both you and Ludwig at the same time
or just use one of them as your personal arm chair, they are lorge men and they can easily fit you on their lap no matter what size you are
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
the rusger poly trio was adorable! maybe we could get ludwig and ivan becoming a little protective/ jealous of their s/o?
You waited impatiently for your professor to finish his lecture. He seemed to move as slow as the time as he explained the causes and effects of the fall of the Roman Empire. Having been in school for almost all your life you were hearing all of this information for the millionth time, the only difference being your professor using big words.
“You will work in partners! I know that’s something we usually don’t do but there is a lot to cover.” His voice drilled into your ear and you cringed, slouching forward in your seat slightly. “I think it will benefit you all greatly!” He looked around the room like we would all be excited.
A small gap on your shoulder, caused you to turn in your seat.
“Wanna be partners?” Adam asked. He was a good guy. You two went to high school together and you even had a small crush on him freshman year. You realized that you had no friends in the large class and decided he was better than nothing. You quickly nodded your head.
“That would be nice.” You smiled politely. You turned back in your seat just as your professor was wrapping up.
“How about we work on it at my dorm?” Adam asked. The thought of that made you a little uncomfortable.
“How about we go to my apartment?.” You didn’t bother to mention that it was your boyfriend’s and that boyfriend would be plural. People were judgy and the last thing you wanted was to be labeled a slut or something. His smile faltered a little bit but he nodded his head.
“Sounds great!” He threw his bookbag over his shoulder. “I have football practice tomorrow so we have to get a majority of it done today.” He said as both of you walked down the halls.
“I’m not afraid of putting in some extra time.” You jokes, nudging him with your elbow. You two walked and chattered ever so often. You finally made your way to the apartment and you quickly pressed a button to be buzzed up. The front door of the building quickly opened, as both Ivan and Ludwig knew you would be getting home very soon.
As soon as you opened the door Ivan was the first one to greet you. You quickly shot him a look and he stopped his plans of embracing you, confused, until he saw an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair behind you.
“Ivan this is Adam.” You smiled. “Adam this is Ivan.” Hearing you introduce someone Ludwig quickly darted out of his office to analyze. The dogs rushed to the door to greet you, but Berlitz growled lowly in his throat. You shushed him and he sat down and rested against Ludwig. “And this is Ludwig. Ludwig This is Adam.” You stepped out of the doorway so they could see him. Adam gulped as he saw the two unreasonable large men.
“So which one of you is the boyfriend?” Adam chuckled nervously.
“Yes.” You responded, not giving either of them a chance to speak up. Ivan held back a chuckle, as he stepped out of the entryway, pushing Ludwig along with him. You walked into the large apartment and took your backpack off sitting down on the couch.
“I’m sorry, which one?” Adam inquired. You ingnored him and motioned for him to sit next to you.
“We need to work on a project for history.” You smiled at the two large blondes who were still continuing their inspection.
“Rome?” Ludwig asked, somehow always up to date on your school work. You nodded your head and took out your history binder. “If you need help ask us.” He pressed. He nodded his head and both him and Ivan went back into Ludwigs office. They kept the door open so they would have a clear view of you.
“Okay so I was thinking I could do foreign invaders and you can do expansion.” You smiled, looking over at Adam. His caramel eyes were trained on the dogs who were staring at him intensely. “They’re harmless, but they are protective.” You assured. Your fingers went out and scratched the back of Asters ear.
He sighed in relief and nodded his head in agreement. “Sound good.”
<time skip>
It had been about 2 hours and you were already over this project. You were hungry and you swore you caught glimpses of Ivan and Ludwig cuddling on the couch in Luddys office. From time to time one of their head would peak out the door or they would walk past you to the kitchen watching you closely.
“This is so tedious and boring.” You groaned, falling back against the back board of the couch. You wanted nothing more than to be in the middle of a cuddle fest with your boyfriends. Adam nodded his head in agreement, his hand rubbing at his eyes. “I’m gonna get a snack. You want anything? More water?” You asked, stretching. Adam watched as your shirt rode up a little.
“I am a little hungry.” He said hesitantly. You shot him a smile and pranced to the kitchen grabbing some granola bars and fruit snacks.
“You’re aren’t allergic to nuts right?” You asked, handing him some food. He shook his head and thanked you before digging into the granola bar. “You’ve gotten a lot done so far!” You encouraged looking at all the slides he had done in the presentation. “I really hope he isn’t going to make us present these!” You shuddered.
“That would be the worst, wouldn’t it? Having to listen to people talk about the same thing over and over.” You both laughed lightly. “But you’re pretty so I’m sure you could hold people attention.” He said in a quieter tone. It wasn’t quiet enough considering you saw Ludwigs head shot out of the doorway. Adam didn’t seem to notice.
“That’s very sweet. But I don’t think anyone is attractive enough to hold anyone’s attention about this.” You giggled. You sent Ludwig a soft smile, that went unnoticed by Adam.
“Well you’re close.” Adam whispered, brushing a piece of hair out of your eye. His fingers lingered on your cheek before Berlitz barked loudly causing both of you to jump. The large German Shepard bared his sharp teeth.
“Berlie.” You hushed, using his nickname. He stopped showing his teeth but hopped in on the couch resting himself between you and Adam.
“Ummm.” Adam stuttered nervously backing away form the dog. “I thought you said the dogs were nice!” He raised his voice at you. You were about to respond when Ludwigs voice boomed through the apartment.
“As long as you don’t touch Y/N!” You heard Ivan gasp and he quickly appeared in the doorway right behind Ludwig.
“I didn’t!” Adam assured. You gave him a ‘wtf’ look before groaning.
“I think it would be best if you left.” Ivan stated. Ludwig nodded his head in agreement, both of them glaring daggers at the man.
“What about our project?” Adam whispered, turning to you.
“We both of access to the google slide, we can work on it together but separately.” You offered him a small gentle smile. He quickly nodded his head and collected his things.
“Good Boy!” Ludwig praised, digging treats out of the kitchen cabinet and throwing them to Berlitz who caught them.
“I feel bad! He was probably so scared!” You sighed. You tiredly held your arms up and were quickly scooped up in Ivan’s arms. You nuzzeled your way into his shoulder and wrapped your legs around his waist, vaguely aware as he carried you to the bedroom.
“Good he should have been scared. Who does he think he is? Coming here and touching you! Even after you told him you had a boyfriend.” Ludwig spat. They both knew you only told a select few people you were in a poly relationship. It didn’t bother either of them because you didn’t try to hide them, you just didn’t talk about it. Ivan flopped down on the bed his back sinking into the mattress as you were resting on his chest. Ludwig joined both of you and moved so he was laying on his side, his head resting on Ivan shoulder and his forehead pressed against yours.
“I know, but I still feel bad. It would be scary having dogs bark at you.” You yawned. “He’s probably never going to talk to me again.” You mused.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Ivan smirked. You rolled your eyes and Ludwig hummed agreement.
“And you two were watching us almost the whole time!”
“Well Ja! What do you expect us to just go about our day like there isn’t some strange boy in our livingroom?” Ludwig questioned.
“With our girlfriend.” Ivan added. “I don’t trust anyone with you, little one. I mean he was obviously scared of me and Lud when he walked in but he still chose to press his luck with you.” Ivan hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re Right.” You mumbled, feeling your eyelids grow heavier by the minute.
“Take a nap. You can finish your project later.” Ludwig smiled watching as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
“Learning is Hard.” You mumbled just before you drifted off to sleep. Both of the men chuckled and held you tighter.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
My birthday is today. I was wondering can I see a Russia x Germany x small reader one shot/scenario thing. If that’s okay....if not can I get one of the things you did for Canada and Germany but with Russia. (I’m sorry I don’t know what to do and this sounds aggressive and I’m sorry if it sounds that way!
Sorry this took so long! Happy very late B-day! I don’t know if you mean small like child reader or like a short reader…..but I’m going to do a short reader. We love a good throuple lol. 
The smell of vanilla and bread floated through the air. The thick arm wrapped around your waist made a small whine escape your throat as you wanted nothing more than to run downstairs and bury your face in a warm loaf of bread. You shifted slightly in his shielding embrace causing him to roll on his side and curl you deeper into his chest. A small groan escaped your lips as the fading idea of bread made your heart heavy. The bed shifted and you heard the excited panting of a dog. You soon felt a wet tongue scrape across the back of your head before going up and licking one of your lovers face. 
A deep groggy growl left his throat as his hand went up and scratched the dogs back just in the way she liked it. He stopped his scratching and snapped his fingers making the dog hop off the bed and scamper down the hallway in an enlivened manner. Sitting up you rolled over so your hips were sat on his. Leaning down you planted a small kiss on his temple before kissing your way down to his ear. 
“Lulu’s making bread.” You knew without looking that his violet eyes popped open. 
“Well, we wouldn’t want it to get cold.” His teased. You sat up and looked down at him. He looked impossibly sexy in the morning. His light- almost white hair stuck out in some areas while other pieces stayed stuck to his skull. His large broad chest was on full display. He was hairy and light silver strands framed his chest in a certain hand-crafted masculine way. His didn’t have visible muscles and he was covered in a layer of fat but as soon as he moved to adjust his underlying strength would make itself known. Scars that were jagged and were painful to even look at littered his skin and every time you saw them you couldn’t help but trace your delicate fingers over them like it would soothe the damage that was already done. 
Pulling your hand away you rolled off of him. You buried your toes into the soft rug before turning and trampling down the long, wooded hallway. You heard a loud chuckle from behind you causing a small blush spread across your cheeks. Slowing your pace down just as you made it to the stairs. You turned the corner only to stop and quickly dart back behind the wall. Peaking your head around the corner you gulped quietly as the saliva in your mouth doubled as you stared at the snack in front of you. 
His back was turned giving you a full view of his herculean back. His arm reached up to grab a cup from the cabinet causing his shoulder muscles to flex. His large hand gripped around the cup and the small bones in his hands protruded. The muscles in his arm shifted at the smallest movement adding power to every thing he was doing. Just like Ivan scars littered his back- not as many, but Ludwig's were longer. The buds on your fingers twitched, longing to skim over them. 
He brought his hand up and ran a hand through his blonde hair trying to push back his bedhead strands. He suddenly turned around and you ducked your head back behind the wall praying that he didn’t just catch you staring at him. 
“Kätzchen.” The word came out like a command. Scrunching your eyes tightly you opened them and smiled brightly before pushing yourself away from the wall. His eyes scanned over your frame and he suppressed a devilish smirk. “Is my Kätzchen hungry?” 
“Our.” A voice behind you corrected. A tough hand smacked at your bottom urging you to go into the kitchen. The thought of bread went through your head again as you scampered to the kitchen, like the dog did just a few moments ago. Different- yet deep laughs ricochet off the walls and into your head. A small, pleasant shiver ran up your spine. 
Ludwig turned his back to you again and hovered over the newly baked bread. Ivan joined him and soon you heard the chopping of a knife against a cutting board. 
“What type of jam do you want?” Ivan asked. He looked over his shoulder at you. 
“Strawberry and peach!” You hummed. Not wanting to feel useless you grabbed the mugs off the counter and filled both Ivan and Ludwig up with coffee.  You left Ivan's black but added a teaspoon of sugar and a small dash of creme to Ludwigs. Bringing them both over to the breakfast nook, you pulled the curtains back allowing the rising sun a seat at your table. You made yourself f/d and swiftly took your designated spot in the middle. Just a few moments later you were pressed in between two abnormally hefty bodies. A large assorted tray of spreads and breads proved to be the perfect centerpiece. 
Everyone was relaxed as the breads and preservatives slowly disappeared. Stories and questions flew around the table as the early morning hours soon turned into daylight. You and your lovers curled around each other, devotion and love filtering through the air.  
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hello, I hope you’re doing well! Can I please request a poly relationship between Germany x S/o x Russia. (I’m in a giant fight trying to choose who I love more so like why not both.) (also I love your blog! Keep up the amazing work!)
💕thank you! And I have never related to something more💕
You would literally be the safest person in the world
If anyone even THINKS to hurt you in any way they with have to deal with 600lbs of man
You will have fans all over your room because they both want to cuddle and it can get a little toasty sometimes
You are sandwiched between them
They are both VERY lonely and will pour their heart and soul into this relationship
They are very understanding and patient
Germany is more into physical affection and isnt good expressing himself verbally
Where as Russia is better at expressing himself verbally
And you made a total power alliance that even America is terrified of so.........
Romantic walks with the dogs
Russia with knit you and Germany cute things
And matching sweaters
Germany will make sure both you and Russia are healthy (mentally and physically)
You will probably end up having to workout
You will not be able to walk
Germany is surprisingly rougher because Russia is more afraid he will hurt you
Both you and Russia with be spending many late night in Germany’s dungeon
Germany is a hard dom
Russia is a soft dom
But they are both willing to take the back seat if you wanted to play dom
Will take such good care of you after!!!
Germany will clean both you and R up (because you will be exhausted)
And after a nap Russia will go and make a delicious meal
Russia + Germany
They have both been through too much
Have both been hardened and calloused by war
Prussia still has a slight dislike towards Russia
But Germany has gotten over it
They now have a high deal of respect towards each other
Russia respects Germany for his resilience
And how he went through so much in such a short time and how well he balanced back- not only bounced back but is thriving
Germany respects Russia because of his age and wisdom
And takes everything he says very seriously
They will help each other with paper work
They both like to build things
Will talk about the military a lot
They would both be great in a throuple and get along great
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buttmano · 5 years
Request: "I’m so thirsty for head canons of poly rusger with a s/o who has a high libido and cums easily 🤤"
Rating: Smut/Lemon
Ivan is the best one to keep up with your libido and is very happy when you cum so easily
He can go round after round and he's ready to bang at a moment's notice
Ludwig is extremely willing to please tho and when his dick is done he'll use his fingers and mouth and toys until you nearly pass out
Then when they both "gang" up on you you're definitely going to pass out or safeword
Russia is the one to go to if you want really spontaneous sex
Sit in his lap and he'll be fucking you within three minutes
Ludwig on the other hand needs quite a bit of foreplay and teasing before he's ready to give it a roll in the hay
Honestly this is like the opposite of a problem for both of them
Although they find that when you're around they don't get much time to have sex between the two of them unless they're both going at it with you
Mainly because your high sex drive keeps them more than occupied
They'll even resort to keeping a toy inside of you to try and please you
But of course they're both going to make game out of it
Like edge the crap out of you (not literally)
And make you cum in your pants in public or randomly around the house you all share
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buttmano · 5 years
Request: "literally anything russia x germany x reader with smut would be amazing"
Rating: Smut/Grapefruit
Ivan likes tying Ludwig up just because he thinks it's hilarious that Stoic Military Man can fall apart so easily when he's not in control anymore
He also edges and teases him like crazy because hearing Ludwig whimper and whine is absolutely adorable to you and Ivan
He'll put a vibrator into the tied up Luddy and turn his attention to you and he'll basically tease Ludwig that way because Ludwig hates when he can't touch either of you
But Ludwig gets revenge when he's finally released (that is if Ivan didn't milk him dry)
Ivan loves cream pies almost too much
Ludwig loves cumming on either yours or Ivan's tits
Please consider: tie both of them up and give them a strip show
Ludwig would get a bloody nose first but Ivan would try to break his restraints desperately
If you're in the shower Ivan would be willing to add water sports to the mix
Ludwig would love to add a sex swing into the house, and maybe a stripper pole, but he's too embarrassed that someone else will find it
So Ivan and you have them installed for his birthday in a private room
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