allthingshetalia · 5 years
Do you remember that post you did about some nations having a small nation neighbor that they were loyal to? Can you do that ask with the same hetalians but them reaction to the small nation falling into crisis?(maybe a hurricane, or a big earthquake, or another country declaring war on them, etc..?) (you choose honestly)
💕not really lol💕
Would baby the heck out of you
Like stay in bed and relax this man got things covered
Would send support
Let’s be honest no one would even start a war with you because your BFF is AMERICA
If it was a natural disaster he would send aid
Lie food, water, supplies etc
It would soften his old heart
Seeing you in pain or stress does hurt him and he would do anything he could to help you
If someone so much as even looks at you weirdly he’s glaring at them
So no one would probably start a war with you
But if it was an economic or natural disaster he would do anything in his power to fix it and his government would be fine with it cause both of your countries are close
If someone tried to hurt you (war) they would have to catch them hands
Would take great care of you and your people
Hand this man the phone because he has some calls to make
He is the literal representation of loyalty and he sticks true to that
Would nurse you back to health in a heartbeat
Makes him happy he doesn’t have to go through this anymore
On the bright side he has something to do now (take care of you)
He can’t offer you help economical or supplies wise because he isn’t a country anymore
But if you are close to Prussia you are probably close to Germany!
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
Hello, I hope you’re doing well! Can I please request a poly relationship between Germany x S/o x Russia. (I’m in a giant fight trying to choose who I love more so like why not both.) (also I love your blog! Keep up the amazing work!)
💕thank you! And I have never related to something more💕
You would literally be the safest person in the world
If anyone even THINKS to hurt you in any way they with have to deal with 600lbs of man
You will have fans all over your room because they both want to cuddle and it can get a little toasty sometimes
You are sandwiched between them
They are both VERY lonely and will pour their heart and soul into this relationship
They are very understanding and patient
Germany is more into physical affection and isnt good expressing himself verbally
Where as Russia is better at expressing himself verbally
And you made a total power alliance that even America is terrified of so.........
Romantic walks with the dogs
Russia with knit you and Germany cute things
And matching sweaters
Germany will make sure both you and Russia are healthy (mentally and physically)
You will probably end up having to workout
You will not be able to walk
Germany is surprisingly rougher because Russia is more afraid he will hurt you
Both you and Russia with be spending many late night in Germany’s dungeon
Germany is a hard dom
Russia is a soft dom
But they are both willing to take the back seat if you wanted to play dom
Will take such good care of you after!!!
Germany will clean both you and R up (because you will be exhausted)
And after a nap Russia will go and make a delicious meal
Russia + Germany
They have both been through too much
Have both been hardened and calloused by war
Prussia still has a slight dislike towards Russia
But Germany has gotten over it
They now have a high deal of respect towards each other
Russia respects Germany for his resilience
And how he went through so much in such a short time and how well he balanced back- not only bounced back but is thriving
Germany respects Russia because of his age and wisdom
And takes everything he says very seriously
They will help each other with paper work
They both like to build things
Will talk about the military a lot
They would both be great in a throuple and get along great
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allthingshetalia · 5 years
imagine of england and his s/o cuddling ? thank u :)
The soft rising and falling of his chest made your eyelids grow heavier and heavier with every breath. His hand was pressed against your head, softly holding you to his neck. His other hand was resting on your bottom, but not in a way that displayed lust.
You were laying on top of him, stomach to stomach, chest to chest.
The soft voices of the TV chattered throughout the room. It was unusually quiet due to there being no rain that night.
Nuzzling yourself closer to him, you smiled as his grip tightened. You pulled your head away softly, so it was on the pillow and not his shoulder. His head turned to look at you with concern.
“Too hot?” He asked softly. His voice was deeper due to being half asleep. You shook your head and pushed closer to him. Your foreheads were pressed together and the hand that was holding your head was now attached to your waist.
Your e/c eyes stared into his own emerald eyes. You had always been told that once you’re in love you could stare at each other for hours. You just thought people were romanticizing everything, but you were wrong. Bringing your hand up you skimmed your fingers over his cheek and ran your fingers through his blonde hair. You played with the soft hairs at the base of his neck.
Both of your eyes started to droop, your fingers started to slow and his head pressed closer against yours as both of you fell into a deep sleep.
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