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#ru#south park#sp#gif#pip pirrup#pip south park#damien thorn#damien south park#rebecca cotswolds#rebecca south park#leslie meyers#leslie south park#me bored
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Мейеров или желтоплечий длиннокрылый попугай. Он же попугай Мейера(Poicephalus meyeri).Назван в честь немецкого ботаника и орнитолога Бернхарда Мейера (1767—1836). Различают 6 подвидов, с незначительными различиями в окрасе и в ареале обитания.
Мейеров длиннокрылый попугай - самый маленький представитель рода длиннокрылых попугаев. Длина тела 21—25 см, хвоста 5—6 см .Он один из наиболее красивых представителей рода длиннокрылых попугаев. В окрасе головы, шеи, груди, крыльев и хвоста преобладают коричневые или теплые серые тона с желтыми вкраплениями. Крестец и внутренняя сторона хвоста могут иметь цвет от ярко-зеленого до ярко-синего. Спина серая. Клюв чёрный. Радужка оранжево-красная. Приблизительный возраст птицы можно определить по окрасу радужной оболочки глаза: у молодых птиц она коричневая, у взрослых - оранжево-красная. Самец и самка по окраске не отличаются.
Обитает попугай Мейера в Восточной и Центральной Африке. Населяют разреженные леса, акациевые рощи и кустарниковые заросли вблизи водоёмов, саванны, встречаются на высоте до 1300 м над уровнем моря. Питается семенами различных растений, цветами, соцветиями и плодами, вегетативными частями растений.
Мейеров длиннокрылый попугай гнездятся в дуплах деревьев на большой высоте. В кладке обычно 2—4 яйца, которые насиживает самка в течение 25—30 дней. Самец охраняет гнездо и кормит самку, а впоследствии участвует в выкармливании птенцов.
Meyer's or Yellow-shouldered Long-winged Parrot. Also known as Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri). Named after the German botanist and ornithologist Bernhard Meyer (1767-1836). There are 6 subspecies, with minor differences in color and habitat.
Meyer's Long-winged Parrot is the smallest representative of the genus of Long-winged Parrots. The body length is 21-25 cm, the tail is 5-6 cm. It is one of the most beautiful representatives of the genus of Long-winged Parrots. The color of the head, neck, chest, wings and tail is dominated by brown or warm gray tones with yellow blotches. The rump and the inside of the tail can have a color from bright green to bright blue. The back is gray. The beak is black. The iris is orange-red. The approximate age of the bird can be determined by the color of the iris: in young birds it is brown, in adults it is orange-red. The male and female do not differ in color.
Meyer's parrot lives in East and Central Africa. They inhabit sparse forests, acacia groves and shrub thickets near water bodies, savannas, and are found at an altitude of up to 1300 m above sea level. It feeds on seeds of various plants, flowers, inflorescences and fruits, vegetative parts of plants.
Meyer's long-winged parrots nest in tree hollows at high altitudes. The clutch usually contains 2-4 eggs, which the female incubates for 25-30 days. The male guards the nest and feeds the female, and subsequently participates in feeding the chicks.
Источник://t.me/roundtravel,//pofoto.club/9310-popugaj-mejera-44-foto.html,//dibird.com/ru/species/mejerov-dlinnokrylyj-popugaj/, /poknok.art/6044-popugaj-mejera.html,/www.berl.ru/article/birds/ popu/pop/meierov_dlinnokrylyi_popugai.htm,/ru.ruwiki.ru/wiki/Мейеровдлиннокрылыйпопугай.
#nature#nature aesthetic#bird photography#ornithology#Poicephalus meyeri#Meyer's parrot#Yellow-shouldered Long-winged Parrot#birds video#природа#фотографии птиц#видео птиц#попугай#попугай Мейера#орнитология#природнаякрасота
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Destro #1 Review
Destro #1 Review #GIJoe #destro #comics #comicbooks #news #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #IMAGE #Amazon #imagecomics
Writer: Dan Watters Artist: Andrei Bressan Colorist: Adriano Lucas Letterer: Rus Wooton Cover Artists: Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas; Andrea Milana; Nikola Čižešija; Steve Epting; Jorge Fornés; Jonboy Meyers; David Mack; Jason Howard & Annalisa Leoni; Jason Howard; Freddie Williams; Tyler Kirkham; Camron Johnson; Sajah Shah; Jamie Sullivan Publisher: Image Price: $4.99 Release Date: June 19,…
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Ce ziceți?
Există doar 14 milioane de evrei în lume:
şapte milioane în cele două Americi,
cinci milioane în Asia ,
două milioane în Europa şi
100.000 în Africa.
Pentru fiecare evreu din lume, există 100 de musulmani.
Cu toate acestea, evreii sunt de o sută de ori mai puternici decât toţi musulmanii la un loc. V-aţi întrebat vreodată de ce?
Iisus din Nazareth a fost evreu.
Albert Einstein, cel mai influent om de ştiinţă din toate timpurile, desemnat de revista TIME 'Omul Secolului', a fost evreu.
Sigmund Freud -- sinele, eul, supraeul - părintele psihanalizei, a fost evreu. La fel şi Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson şi Milton Friedman.
Iată câţiva alţi evrei a căror activitate intelectuală a îmbogăţit întreaga omenire: Benjamin Rubin a dat lumii acul pentru vaccinuri.
Jonas Salk a creat primul vaccine anti-polio.
Alert Sabin a dezvoltat vaccinul anti-polio live îmbunătăţit.
Gertrude Elion ne-a dat un medicament împotriva leucemiei.
Baruch Blumberg a creat vaccinul împotriva hepatitei B.
Paul Ehrlich a descoperit un tratament pentru sifilis (boală cu transmitere sexuală).
Elie Metchnikoff a câştigat Premiul Nobel în domeniul bolilor contagioase.
Bernard Katz a câştigat Premiul Nobel pentru descoperiri în domeniul transmisiei neuromusculare.
Andrew Schally a câştigat un Nobel în endocrinologie (boli ale sistemului endocrin; diabet, hipertiroidism)
Aaron Beck a pus bazele Terapiei Cognitive (psihoterapie pentru boli nervoase, depresie şi fobii).
Gregory Pincus a dezvoltat prima pilulă contraceptivă orală.
George Wald a câştigat un Nobel pentru progrese în cercetarea ochiului uman.
Stanley Cohen a câştigat Nobelul pentru activitatea în embriologie (studiul embrionilor şi al dezvoltării lor).
Willem Kolff a inventat aparatul de dializă.
În ultimii 105 ani, 14 milioane de evrei au câştigat 180 de premii Nobel, în timp ce doar trei premii Nobel au fost câştigate de 1,4 miliarde de musulmani (cu excepţia celor pentru Pace).
De ce sunt evreii atât de puternici? Stanley Mezor a inventat primul chip de micro-procesor.
Leo Szilard a dezvoltat primul reactor nuclear în lanţ.
Peter Schultz, cablul de fibră optică;
Charles Adler, semaforul;
Benno Strauss, oţelul;
Isador Kisee, filmele cu sonor;
Emile Berliner, microfonul pentru telefon şi
Charles Ginsburg, înregistrarea video pe casetă.
Între finanţiştii faimoşi în întreaga lume ce fac parte din această religie se numără Ralph Lauren (Polo),
Levis Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
Howard Schultz (Starbuck's) ,
Sergey Brin (Google),
Michael Dell (Dell Computers),
Larry Ellison (Oracle),
Donna Karan (DKNY),
Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins) şi
Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Donuts).
Richard Levin, preşedintele Universităţii Yale, este evreu.
La fel şi Henry Kissinger (secretar de stat american),
Alan Greenspan (preşedinte al Rezervei Federale în mandatele lui Reagan, Bush, Clinton şi Bush),
Joseph Lieberman,
Madeleine Albright (secretar de stat american),
Maxim Litvinov (ministru de externe al URSS),
David Marshal (primul prim-ministru al Singapore),
Issac Isaacs (guvernator- general al Australiei),
Benjamin Disraeli (om de stat britanic şi scriitor),
Yevgeny Primakov (prim ministru rus),
Jorge Sampaio (preşedintele Portugaliei) ,
Herb Gray (vice prim-ministru al Canadei),
Pierre Mendes (prim ministru al Franţei),
Michael Howard (ministru de interne al Marii Britanii),
Bruno Kreisky (cancelar al Austriei) şi
Robert Rubin (fost secretar al trezoreriei al SUA).
În mass media, printer evreii renumiţi se numără
Wolf Blitzer (CNN),
Barbara Walters (ABC News),
Eugene Meyer ( Washington Post),
Henry Grunwald (redactor şef al Time),
Katherine Graham (director al The Washington Post),
Joseph Lelyyeld (redactor executiv, The New York Times), şi
Max Frankel (New York Times).
Cunoaşteţi numele celui mai prolific filantrop din istoria omenirii?
Este George Soros, evreu, şi a donat până acum suma colosală de 4 miliarde USD, majoritatea pentru cercetători şi universităţi din întreaga lume, si....."unul dintre cei care au declansat criza mondiala"......( nota exp.prez.email )
Al doilea după George Soros este Walter Annenberg, un alt evreu, care a construit o sută de biblioteci, donând o sumă estimată la 2 miliarde USD.
La Jocurile Olimpice, Mark Spitz a stability un record, câştigând şapte medalii de aur.
Lenny Krayzelburg a câştigat medalia olimpică de aur de trei ori.
Spitz, Krayzelburg şi Boris Becker sunt cu toţii evrei.
Actori. Ştiaţi că Harrison Ford,
George Burns,
Tony Curtis,
Charles Bronson,
Sandra Bullock,
Billy Crystal,
Woody Allen,
Paul Newman,
Peter Sellers,
Dustin Hoffman,
Michael Douglas,
Ben Kingsley,
Kirk Douglas,
William Shatner,
Jerry Lewis şi
Peter Falk sunt cu toţii evrei?
De fapt, Hollywood-ul însuşi a fost fondat de un evreu. Dintre directori şi producători,
Steven Spielberg,
Mel Brooks,
Oliver Stone,
Aaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1/2/3),
Michael Man (Starsky and Hutch),
Milos Forman (Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci),
Douglas Fairbanks (Hoţul din Bagdad) şi
Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) sunt toţi evrei.
Cu siguranţă, Washingtonul este principala capitală a lumii, iar la Washington, organizaţia de lobby care contează este American Israel Public Affairs Committee, sau AIPAC (Comitetul pentru Afaceri Publice Americano-Israelian ). Washington-ul ştie că dacă premierul Ehud Olmert a ar descoperi că Pământul este plat, AIPAC ar reuşi să convingă Congresul american sa adopte o rezoluţie prin care să-l felicite pe Olmert pentru descoperire.
William James Sidis, cu un IQ de 250-300, este cel mai inteligent om din toate timpurile. Ghici cărei religii îi aparţinea?
Aşadar, de ce sunt evreii atât de puternici?
Răspuns: educaţia.
De ce sunt musulmanii atât de neputincioşi ?
Se estimează că sunt 1.476.233.470 de musulmani pe faţa pământului:
- un milliard în Asia,
- 400 de milioane în Africa,
- 44 de milioane în Europa şi
- 6 milioane în cele două Americi.
A cincea parte din populaţia lumii este musulmană.
La fiecare hindus există doi musulmani.
La fiecare buddhist există doi musulmani.
La fiecare evreu există o sută de musulmani.
V-aţi întrebat vreodată de ce sunt musulmanii aşa lipsiţi de putere?
Iată de ce:
- există 57 de state membre ale Organizaţiei Conferinţei Islamice (OIC), şi toate la un loc au în jur de 500 de universităţi adică o universitate la fiecare trei milioane de musulmani.
- SUA are 5.758 de universităţi, iar
- India are 8.407.
În 2004, Universitatea Shanghai Jiao Tong a publicat un 'Clasament Academic al Universităţilor din Lume', şi, surprinzător, nici măcar una singură din statele musulmane nu era în top 500.
Conform datelor strânse de Programul Naţiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (UNDP), rata alfabetizării în lumea creştină este de aproape 90 la sută, iar 15 ţări majoritar creştine au o rată a alfabetizării de 100 la sută. Spre deosebire de ele, un stat majoritar musulman are o rată medie a alfabetizării de aproape 40 la sută, şi nu există nicio ţară majoritar musulmană cu o rată a alfabetizării de 100 la sută. Cam 98 la sută din "alfabetizaţii" din lumea creştină au terminat şcoala primară, faţă de sub 50 la sută din 'alfabetizaţii' lumii musulmane. Aprox. 40 la sută din "alfabetizaţii" lumii creştine au absolvit o universitate, în timp ce doar doi la sută din cei ai lumii musulmane au studii superioare.
Ţările majoritar musulmane au 230 de oameni de ştiinţă la un milion de musulmani.
SUA are 4.000 de oameni de ştiinţă la un milion de locuitori, iar
Japonia 5.000.
În întreaga lume arabă, numărul total de cercetători angajaţi full-time este de 35.000, şi există doar 50 de tehnicieni la un milion de arabi (în lumea creştină există până la 1.000 de tehnicieni la un milion).
Mai mult, lumea musulmană cheltuie 0,2 la sută din PIB pe cercetare şi dezvoltare, spre deosebire de cinci la sută din PIB în lumea creştină.
Concluzie: lumea musulmană nu are capacitatea de a genera cunoaştere.
Numărul de ziare cotidiane la mia de locuitori şi numărul de cărţi pe un milion de locuitori sunt doi indicatori ai măsurii în care cunoaşterea este difuzată în societate. În Pakistan , există 23 de cotidiane la mia de locuitori; în Singapore rata este de 360. În Marea Britanie, numărul de cărţi pe un milion de locuitori este de 2.000, în timp ce în Egipt este 20.
Concluzie: lumea musulmană nu poate difuza cunoştinţe.
Exporturile de înaltă tehnologie ca procent din exporturile totale reprezintă un important indicator al aplicării cunoştinţelor. Exporturile de înaltă tehnologie ale Pakistanului ca procent din exporturile totale reprezintă unu la sută. În cazul Arabiei Saudite, el este de 0,3 la sută; Kuweit , Maroc şi Algeria sunt toate la 0,3 la sută, în timp ce Singapore a ajuns la 58 la sută.
Concluzie: lumea musulmană nu poate aplica cunoştinţele.
De ce sunt musulmanii lipsiţi de putere?
Pentru că nu produc cunoştinţe.
De ce sunt musulmanii lipsiţi de putere?
Pentru că nu difuzeaza cunoştinţe.
De ce sunt musulmanii lipsiţi de putere?
Pentru că nu aplica cunoştinţele.
Iar viitorul aparţine societăţilor bazate pe cunoaştere.
Un fapt interesant:
PIB-ul total al celor 57 de member OIC este sub 2 trilioane USD.
America singură produce bunuri şi servicii în valoare de 12 trilioane USD;
China de 8 trilioane,
Japonia de 3,8 trilioane, iar
Germania de 2,4 trilioane (pe baza parităţii puterii de cumpărare).
Statele bogate în petrol - Arabia Saudită, EAU, Kuweit şi Qatar produc în total bunuri şi servicii (majoritatea petroliere) de 500 de miliarde USD;
Spania singură produce bunuri şi servicii în valoare de peste un trilion, Polonia catolică de 489 miliarde, iar Thailanda buddhistă de 545 miliarde.
(PIB-ul ţărilor musulmane ca procent din cel mondial este în scădere rapidă).
Aşadar, de ce sunt musulmanii lipsiţi de putere?
Răspuns: lipsa educaţiei !!!
Tot ce fac musulmanii este să strige la Allah toată ziua şi să dea vina pe toţi ceilalţi pentru numeroasele lor eşecuri!
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I wanna add some other fantasy recommendations that don't really have many similarities with Harry Potter but are still worth reading.
The Bear and the Nightningale (Winternight trilogy) by Katherine Arden (adult): In the northern countryside of medieval Russia (Rus') we follow a girl named Vasya who can see the spirits of the old folktales, the wild ones of the forest and rivers, and the little ones who care for the home. We follow her as she grows up and this magical world clashes with the arrival of Christianity. Throughout series she meets the winter king, a bear spirit of chaos, the prince of Moscow, evil sorcerers, a Baba Yaga, a spirit of midnight, and gets a cute horse companion. This series is a favourite of mine. Great to read in winter, you will feel the cold in your bones.
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski (adult, series + video games, magical creatures & East European folktales, dark magic, political fantasy)
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (adult, series, ongoing, LGBTQ+ rep, ): Inspired and set in Mesoamerica -- pre-Columbian times. The winter solstice is usually a time of celebration in the holy city of Tova, but this year there will be a solar eclipse, and it proscribes unbalancing of the world. Meanwhile, a ship bound for Tova is captained by a disgraced woman and carries one passager, who is a young blind man, scarred and cloaked in destiny.
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (standalone, adult, also set in Mesoamerica)
The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen (middle grade, trilogy)
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky by Kwame Mbalia (middle grade, trilogy, adventure, African-American folktales and West African mythology)
Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Pedro (YA, trilogy, high fantasy, warrior queens, phoenix riders, sister rivalry)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (YA, series, western fairytale princesses retellings, soft sci-fi)
The Cruel Prince trilogy & The Stolen Heir duology by Holly Black (YA, political romance, faeries)
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace (YA, romance)
An Ember in the Ashes by Saaba Tahir (YA, quartet, recommended for fans of Sarah J Maas' Throne of Glass)
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes (YA, series)
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (YA, trilogy, parallel Londons)
Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo (YA/Adult)
City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty (YA, chosen one, political fantasy)
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee (YA, ongoing series, LGBTQ+, superheroes & supervillains)
So JK Rowling is shit, read this instead of Harry Potter - part 1/3:
Part 2 - Middle grade/children's books
Part 3 - Young Adult
This is a list of fantasy books (and some sci-fi) for people who no longer want to support a transphobe & bigot but are still having a hard time finding something that fills the void of Harry Potter. This is a long list, with adult, middle grade and YA recs, divided into 3 parts, one for each age range. Most of these books are far better than HP anyway; better written, great character work, better theme exploration, more atmospheric, etc.
You can still enjoy your merch, books or movies you already own, no one is telling you you can't like or love Harry Potter and the Wizarding World, but please consider diversifying your media so you don't wrongly assume this franchise is the best fantasy ever and nothing can top it when that is simply not true.
Let's go then!
If you take anything from this post, let it be this series because it is the perfect alternative:
The Nevermoor Series by Jessica Townsend!
This really should blow up worldwide, be the new fantasy phenomenon. It honestly pains me to even put it beside or compare it to Harry Potter. It feels disrespectful to Nevermoor, but it has everything and more you want out of HP. Traumatized kid protagonist who gets whisked away into an alternate world of magic, finds out she's special, meets a wonderful magical mentor/father figure (who isn't actually awful like Dumbledore is to Harry), lots of school friendships and found family, a wonderful setting including a magic school and a magical city with all kinds of fantastical landmarks and alleyways; with magical markets dark and whimsical both. There's magical trials, witches, oracles, fantastical giant creatures, sentient magical animals, and so much more. And it has good discussions on themes of discrimination, school bullying, and mental health. If you like Coraline or The Adams Family, this is perfect for you, too. Plus, this series is written by a queer author who has shown active support to social causes like Palestine.
The series is still releasing, so if you have kids in your life they could grow up with the series as it comes out.
Books in the series:
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow
Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow
Currently waiting on Silverborn: The Mystery of Morrigan Crow
Rest of the recommendations under the cut:
As a guide, these are the things I associate with Harry Potter: wizards & witches, magic school, horror elements, mythical/magical creatures, mystery, nostalgia, magical trinkets & artefacts, themes of friendship, family & love and discussions of death/death imagery. Dark forest, ghosts, gloomy aesthetic, medieval castles, cosy reading rooms, libraries, very British, Christmas & Halloween, dark forests, a relatively modern world combined with magic/alternate world, astronomy/astrology, divination. Also tropes like magic politics & bureaucracy, prophecies, the chosen + dead parents, coming of age, discussions on discrimination and outcasts (sort of), good triumphing over evil, overcoming childhood trauma, school-bullying, and also the protagonist is sort of a celebrity for reasons they can't control which others them from society.
These recommendations are based on that, but of course, each recommended book is much more than its similarities with harry potter, a world in itself. This list is only a starting point and is NOT comprehensive.
Titles marked with a ★ star are books I've read and personally recommend for its similarities and reminiscences with Harry Potter.
Graphic novel recommendations:
Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
Adult books: Great alternatives to the later HP books and for readers who don't vibe with middle grade or YA anymore.
★ The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang (trilogy): A dark-skinned, low-class provincial orphan enters a military academy, and must prove her value as a soldier. She discovers she has a hidden, lethal power. High fantasy, based on the Chinese wars and history of the 20th century. Has a magic school/military school setting in the first book. Discussions on the horrors of war and a person's loss of humanity under extenuating circumstances. Excellent character work.
★ Discworld by Terry Pratchett (YA/Adult, different series set in the same world). In particular, the Witches, Death, and Ricewind sub-series have similarities to HP in subject, characters, setting or themes. These books have lots of British humour and excellent commentary on social issues, and a little bit of a magical school and magic learning too.
★ T. Kingfisher books: Nettle & Bone, What Moves the Dead, Thorn Hedge, Paladin's Grace, A House With Good Bones and more. She does mostly fairy tale retellings and horror. Great for fans of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
★ The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (standalone): You want magic? Well, this is, I think, the most magical book ever written. It's so atmospheric, whimsical, historical, and dark. It's about two magicians duelling each other, showing off their magical abilities, under the wishes of their families/mentors (Dumbledore, anyone?). The competition takes place in a magical circus that only opens at night. It's full of magic, romance, betrayal, and wonderful prose. Perfect if you like The Goblet of Fire but you would want a more quiet, aesthetic version of the tournament.
★ Dead Djinn series by P. Djeli Clark (series, mystery, novel + novellas that can be read in any order): This is about supernatural detectives in an alternate history of the city of Cairo, a city full of otherworldly creatures. There's a Ministry of Alchemy, LGBTQ+ rep, discussions of colonialism (especially committed by the British), lots of cheeky humour and cool magical artefacts or magic mixed with technology. It's also set in the 1910s, so it's great for fans of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (ongoing series): This has a highly-praised magic school setting. It's about a notorious wizard who narrates his story; his childhood, years being a feral orphan, his school years and then life as a fugitive of the law. This series is hailed as one of the best ones in fantasy right now. Great prose too.
Black Prism by Brent Weeks (series): We all know HP is not applauded for having the most coherent magic system. Well, in this book you get a really inventive magic system based on light: in this world, some people can use different colours of visible light to do magic. The people who can use all of them are called Prisms. We follow this one magician who is the current Prism, most powerful man in the world, high priest and emperor, and also a man of wit and charm. He knows Prisms never last though... Great for people who would like a book about a powerful, high-achieving magician, like say, Dumbledore.
★ Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (duology): A young librarian is convinced of the existence of the mythical city of Weep, which was cut from the rest of the world two hundred years ago. He is obsessed. No one believes him. One day an opportunity to travel to said city presents itself and all his dreams come true. But the city hides a dark past, and not all the inhabitants were always human: some were gods with blue skin. Beautifully written, whimsical at every turn but also full of complex, deep subjects.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (ongoing series): It's dark academia in Yale but if Yale had a bunch of occult secret clubs. A freshman, Alex, is the sole survivor of a multiple homicide and still searching for answers herself. She arrives at the school tasked to monitor the activities of the secret societies full of rich students. But the occult activities are more sinister and extraordinary than what she imagined.
Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna (standalone): Magic school but now the protagonist is the witch teacher instead of the students, and who comes to teach magic to three young witches. Her coworkers are all a little eccentric, and the love interest is the grumpy librarian. A wholesome, cosy fantasy romance set in alternate contemporary times. Also with the found family trope.
★ Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb (multiple series): Hobb is one of the big names of fantasy. This is a low fantasy medieval world, with dragons, assassins, animal familiars, royal courts and backstabbing politics. If you like Game of Thrones, you'll probably like this series too. These books are character-centric to Fitz, the protagonist and bastard-born to the late crown prince, and the court jester, the Fool. The first trilogy is about Fitz's apprenticeship as an assassin to the royal family, his coming-of-age discovery of multiple hidden magic abilities that connect him to his family and the world of beasts, and his journey to save his uncle and country. So basically a non-formal magical school. Hobb has some problematic LGBTQ+ representation, though; she couldn't write a good queer character if her life depended on it. She seems to have the biases of her time ingrained in her and it shows in her writing. So there's that to consider.
★ The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin (trilogy): You want a series that you will be thinking about for the rest of your life?? This one. This one is it. This trilogy is about a world where every certain time, there's a worldwide cataclysmic seismic/volcanic disaster. Humanity has evolved strict tactics to survive this, but some individuals are born with the ability to affect seismic movements. These individuals are feared and are put as children into a school where they can learn to control their superhuman abilities and later be in service of the government. One of our protagonists is one of these children. It's about motherhood and community, and has LGBTQ+ with in-text trans, bisexual, and polyamory representation. It discusses subjects of technological advancement, society and discrimination.
Vita Nostra by Marina & Sergey Dyachenko (duology): This is often called "the anti-Harry Potter book". It has elements of mystery-thriller, plays with time/time loops, a magical university, post-soviet culture in Ukraine, metamorphosis, and it's very atmospheric. It's also recommended for fans of The Night Circus and The Magicians. It's best if you go into it not knowing much.
Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan (series): For fans of Charlie Weasley and Newt Scamander, set in a world where dragons are real. The protagonist and narrator is the world's preeminent dragon naturalist, who is set to bring these creatures of myth into the light of modern science. It's a coming-of-age story, about learning, and expeditions in search of magical creatures. It's more historical fiction than fantasy though.
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey (standalone, mystery, urban fantasy): About a private investigator who never wanted to be magical. Not like her estranged sister, who is a magically gifted professor. But when she is hired to investigate the gruesome murder of a faculty member in her sister's academy, the detective starts to lose herself in the crime and the life she could have had.
★ House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune: LGBTQ+ rep, boarding school, perspective from the teachers/caretakers PoV, and feral, traumatized magical children. Edit: This book has been criticized for being anti-indigenous, in particular with the "boarding school" plot line being insensitive and trivializing the history of erasure, violence and forced assimilation done by the colonizers towards the indigenous people of Canada. Some consider this to be just a coincidence of the narrative but do keep it in mind.
The Dark Fantastic by Ebony Elizabeth Thomas (non-fiction): Exploration of race in popular youth & YA speculative fiction. Analyzing popular media including Harry Potter. Explores radical imagination & Afrofuturism in Black feminism, books and fan fiction to reveal new possibilities.
Disclaimer: I'm just one person/reader, I haven't checked the political or moral views of all these authors or if they're a shitty person. Anything I know or majorly problematic stuff is considered and accounted for, but it's not realistic for me to deep-check each author I ever read. But anyone is welcome to chime in if you know of something we should be aware of about these books/authors.
Always remember to check for trigger warnings (TW), especially for adult books.
Happy reading!
Supporting Sources:
Goodreads for synopses.
#anti harry potter#harry potter#nostalgia#anti jkr#anti jk rowling#books#book recommendation#book recs#alternatives to harry potter#book recommendations#thank you to whoever reminded me of ADSOM
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s. hey you loveable idiot! *cough* crunchy leaves incident*cough* consider person b being tired and sleeping on their desk and person a finding them and putting them on the bed.
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here’s scarlet carrying sleepy winter :)) hope u like it👉🏽👈🏽
#winter hayle#winter hayle blackburn#scarlet benoit#winlet#tlc#the lunar chronicles#ellieart#mine#asks#ru tag#requested#usermaven#marissa meyer
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Blu Hydrangea as Mike Meyers - Snatch Game
"I dont bloody know Ru, there's only three films baby"
"Do i make you horny baby?do i make you randy?them why would you ask me a stupid question like that baby? I wanna shag all day lets just go back and have a shag right now"
"One billion forfillion mormillion dollars"
"Above a lake of hot boiling smegma"
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Someday or One Day (2019) - First Impressions
So after finishing Rainless Love in a Godless Land, I was suddenly in the mood to see more Greg Hsu and Alice Ke, so I started SOOD, and boy am I so confused yet so drawn in. Cried within the first 10 minutes.
I’m only 2 episodes in, but I feel like I need to draw a character map, even though there are only handful of characters.
Wang Quan Sheng (WQS) is presumed dead after a plane crash 2 years ago. His gf, Huang Yu Xuan (HYX) is devastated and can’t move on.
On her 27th birthday, she sees a guy on the street (while taking the 32 bus) who looks like her dead bf. In an earlier scene, we see this man looking at her instagram, and he’s wearing a wedding ring.
The next day, he leaves a package at her client’s place for her to pick up. It’s a birthday cake.
HYX finds a picture of a high school-aged boy who looks like WQS with a girl who looks like her. After some investigating, she learns that the girl’s name is Chen Yu Ru and died in 1999. She and WQS would have only been 6 or 7 years old then, which means that the boy in the picture can’t be WQS.
When HYX thinks back to how WQS pursued her, she’s confused by how quickly he fell for her. She remembers a painting he did of the first girl he loved. The girl in the painting was in a school uniform.
WQS’s parents finally decide to hold a funeral for him. When HYX comes home with them, there’s an anonymous package for her. It’s a walkman with a cassette tape. HYX listens to it on the bus home and falls asleep.
(Side note: the man with the cap and glasses sitting behind her looks vaguely like Greg Hsu. Is this supposed to be a hint?)
HYX travels back in time into CYR’s body while listening to the tape. She now has all of CYR’s memories.
This is where the drama is similar to Stephenie Meyer’s The Host, where you have 2 consciousness’ living in the same body. Both HYX and CYR are in CYR’s body, but HYX is the more dominant one. Her personality takes over, and we see her confront CYR’s mother, which CYR never had the courage to do. This sudden personality change throws everyone off.
When asked if she remembers how old she is, HYX (in CYR’s body) says that she doesn’t know if she’s supposed to be 27 or 17. Every time someone asks her a question, there are multiple possible answers that pop into her head, but she doesn’t know which one to say. That gave me a chuckle.
CYR is in the hospital after what she believes to be a car accident. However, it is later revealed that her injuries look more like she was assaulted from the back with an object.
During these 2 episodes, in parallel with HYX’s grieving storyline, we also see CYR’s storyline, where she has a crush on Li Zi Wei, but LZW’s bff has a crush on her, so LZW won’t reciprocate her feelings. CYR’s birthday wish is to become the woman LZW likes.
So, we see 4 completely different people. 2 couples. The 2 couples are only 10 years apart, so this is a body switching/time traveling story, not a reincarnation story. The question is, how and why are these 4 non-blood related people entangled with each other across time? Why are they connected like this?
The other question is around the WQS/LZW duo. HYX and CYR are inhabiting the same body, but does WQS also time travel to past to inhabit LZW’s body? Or, does LZW fall for HYX in CYR’s body, and he somehow time travels to the future to inhabit WQS’ body, and then pursue HYX in the future?
WQS’ mother mentioned that he had a major personality change when he met HYX. He used to be very quiet, but he suddenly became more bubbly and talkative when he started dating her. Could this be an indication of body switching?
If this is true, then it means that LZW, a 17 year old, falls for a 27-year-old woman, which is a little weird. That power dynamic though. And it also wouldn’t be fair to CYR, whom LZW was already starting to fall for before HYX time traveled back.
I just have so many questions. There are so many directions this story can go in.
And not to mention the subplot of who on earth whacked CYR from behind and why. Who has murderous, malicious intent towards her? Was it someone we haven’t seen yet? There’s only been a very small cast of characters so far, especially in the 1999 timeline.
And also, why the number 32? Is it just because it happened to be the unit number of CYR’s music store, or is there another meaning?
I also loved seeing Joanne Tseng again and her being the one to give Alice Ke the biggest clue about the number 32.
A mysterious romance to keep you on your toes.
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i was tagged by @poscidon thank you ru!! 💖
the man from uncle
the mummy (1999)
avengers: aou
captain america: tws
the lion king 2
king arthur: legend of the sword
batman forever (1995)
star trek aos series
the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater
the reckoners series by brandon sanderson
the coldest girl in coldtown by holly black
the warriors by erin hunter (my childhood)
eragon by christopher paolini
twilight by stephanie meyer (my teenhood)
the queen of blood by sarah beth durst
a beautiful composition of broken by r.h. sin
vicious by v.e. schwab
i seriously need to read more books jfc
MUSIC (albums):
ma fleur by the cinematic orchestra (i love this album as much as life itself)
fine line by harry styles
made in the am by one direction
atlas: year one by sleeping at last
the greatest showman soundtrack
badlands by halsey
fever dream by of monsters and men
ceremonials by florence + the machine
pray for the wicked by panic! at the disco
gemini by macklemore
the witcher
altered carbon
black mirror
criminal minds
the dragon prince
lie to me
rick & morty
the chilling adventures of sabrina
avatar the last airbender
(listen i needed one more) peaky blinders
#adjklsieu ru this took me so long#cause i am a failure at reading books lmao#and deciding top tv shows and movies was hard#but i finally mostly finished it 😂#about me#non fandom#tag game
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‘The greatest documentaries of all time’
La revista Sight & Sound del British Film Institute (BFI, Wikipedia) realizó una lista de los 50 mejores documentales de la historia.
En su realización participaron más de 200 críticos, la mayoría especialistas en documental, y 100 directores, 340 en total junto con programadores. Website.
La relación es la siguiente.
01. ‘Man with a movie camera’, Dziga Vertov, Rusia, 1929, VOSA.
02. ‘Shoah’, Claude Lanzmann, Francia, 1985, VOSFrancés.
03. ‘Sans soleil’, Chris Marker, Francia, 1982, VOInglés.
04. ‘Night and fog’, Alain Resnais, Francia, 1955, VOFrancésSInglés.
05. ‘The thin blue line', Errol Morris, EEUU, 1989, VOInglés.
06. ‘Chronicle of a summer’, Jean Rouch y Edgar Morin, Francia, 1961, VOSE.
07. 'Nanook of the North’, Robert Flaherty, EEUU, 1922, MSEspañol.
08. 'The gleaners and I’, Agnès Varda, Francia, 2000, VOFrancés.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
Parte 4.
Parte 5.
Parte 6.
09. ‘Dont look back’, D.A. Pennebaker, EEUU, 1967, VOInglés.
09. ‘Grey gardens’, Albert y David Maysles, Ellen Hovde y Muffie Meyer, EEUU, 1975, VOSEspañol.
11. 'The sorrow and the pity’, Marcel Ophüls, Suiza, 1969, VOSEspañol.
Parte 2.
12. 'Grizzly man’, Werner Herzog, EEUU, 2005, VOInglés.
12. 'Land without bread’, Luis Buñuel, España. 1933, VOSEspañol.
12. 'Nostalgia for the light’, Patricio Guzmán, Chile/España/Francia/Alemania/EEUU, 2010, VEspañolSInglés.
15. 'F for fake’, Orson Welles, Francia/Irán, 1975, VOInglés.
15. 'The up series’, Paul Almond (Seven Up!) then Michael Apted, RU, 1964.
17. 'Hoop dreams’, Steve James, EEUU, 1994, VOSEspañol.
17. 'West of the tracks’, Wang Bing, China, 2002.
19. 'The act of killing’, Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn y anonymous, Dinamarca/Finlandia/RU/Alemania/Holanda/Noruega/Polonia/Suecia, 2012,VOSEspañol.
19. 'The battle of Chile’ ('The insurrection of the bourgeoisie’, 'The coup d'Etat’, ‘The power of the people’), Patricio Guzmán, Chile/Cuba, 1975-78, VEspañol.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
19. 'The house is black’ (Khaneh siah ast), Forough Farrokhzad, Irán, 1963, VIraníSInglés.
19. 'Listen to Britain’, Humphrey Jennings y Stewart McAllister, RU,1942, VOInglés.
23. 'The emperor’s naked army marches on, Hara Kazuo, Japón, 1987,VOSEspañol.
24. 'Harlan county U.S.A’, Barbara Kopple, EEUU, 1976, VOSE.
24. 'Histoire(s) du cinèma’, Jean-Luc Godard, Francia, 1998, VOFrancés.
24. 'Salesman’, Albert y David Maysles y Charlotte Zwerin, EEUU, 1968, VOSEspañol.
27. 'Titicut follies’, Frederick Wiseman, EEUU, 1967, VOSEspañol.
28. 'Capturing the friedmans’, Andrew Jarecki, EEUU, 2003, VOSEspañol.
28. 'Gimme shelter’, Albert y David Maysles y Charlotte Zwerin, EEUU, 1970, VOInglés.
30. 'Leviathan’, Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel, Francia/RU/EEUU, 2012, VFrancés.
31. 'Lessons of darkness’, Werner Herzog, Alemania, 1992. VOInglés.
31. 'The quince tree sun’, Victor Erice, España, 1992, VEspañol.
33. 'Night mail', Harry Watt y Basil Wright, RU, 1936, VO/VRuso.
33. 'Primary’, Robert Drew, EEUU, 1960.
35. 'Crumb’, Terry Zwigoff, EEUU, 1994, VOSEspañol.
35. 'A diary for Timothy’, Humphrey Jennings, RU, 1946, VOInglés.
37. 'Close-up’, Abbas Kiarostami, Irán, 1989, VO.
37. 'The fog of war’, Errol Morris, EEUU, 2003, VOInglés.
Parte 2.
37. 'Los angeles plays itself', Thom Andersen, EEUU, 2003, VOInglés.
Parte 2.
37. 'Man on wire’, James Marsh, RU, 2007, VOSFinlandés.
37. 'Moi, un noir’, Jean Rouch, Francia, 1959, VOSEspañol.
37. 'Portrait of Jason’, Shirley Clarke, EEUU, 1967.
37. 'À propos de Nice’, Jean Vigo, Francia, 1930, M+BO.
37. 'Roger & me’, Michael Moore, EEUU, 1989, VOSEspañol.
37.'Le sang des bêtes', Georges Franju, Francia, 1948, VOInglés.
37. 'The war game’, Peter Watkins, RU, 1965, VOInglés.
47. ’Culloden’, Peter Watkins, RU, 1964, VOSE.
47. 'Diaries, notes and sketches: Walden', Jonas Mekas, EEUU, 1969, VOInglés.
47. 'D’Est’, Chantal Akerman, Belgica/Francia/Portugal, 1993, VO.
47. 'Handsworth songs’, John Akomfrah, RU, 1986, VO.
47. 'The hour of the furnaces’, Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, Argentina, 1968, VEspañolS.
Parte 2.
47. 'Seasons’, Artavazd Pelechian, Rusia/Armenia, 1975, M+BS.
47. 'Triumph of the will’, Leni Riefenstahl, Alemania, 1935, VSEspañol.
47. 'Waltz with Bashir’, Ari Folman, Israel/Francia/Alemania/Japón/EEUU, 2008,VOSEspañol.
47. 'Welfare’, Frederick Wiseman, EEUU, 1975, VOInglés.
47. 'Workers leaving the Lumière factory’, Louis y Auguste Lumière, Francia, 1895, M. (Links de otros segmentos en comentarios del vídeo)
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He’s scared, folks. Tweetstorm!
A deranged tweetstorm “unlike anything you’ve ever seen before” has been happening this morning by America’s so-called president Lyin’ Donnie Dotard tRUmp (the RU is for RUssia) @realDonaldTrump.
Oh lordy. 14 so far, and none of them are retweets.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the late night guys play it ~ ~ Colbert especially. Sometimes Seth Meyers and James Corden do it entertainingly. Is entertainingly even a word?
Enjoy some covfefe with your ice-cold hamberders, and TWO scoops of ice cream with the most beautiful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen!
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AS I LAY DYING | Band release official video for 'Blinded'
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AS I LAY DYING | BAND RELEASE OFFICIAL VIDEO FOR 'BLINDED' In one week. San Diego quintet AS I LAY DYING will release their seventh full-length Shaped By Fire on September 20th via Nuclear Blast. Today, the band is proud to release the official video for the fourth single, 'Blinded'. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1A5l8sKugg Tim Lambesis comments, "We had an incredible experience working with Frankie Nasso, who chose to direct the video for 'Blinded' based largely on his personal passion for the band. Additionally, there was incredible energy from fans who showed up for the shoot which made it an unforgettable experience!" Pre-order your copy of Shaped By Fire in the format of your choice here: http://nblast.de/AILDShapedByFire Pre-save the album on Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer: http://nblast.de/AsILayDyingPreSave Shaped By Fire was produced by the band and was mixed by Joseph McQueen at Sparrow Sound in Los Angeles, CA while mastering was completed by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound in Nashville, TN. The only exception was for the track 'My Own Grave' which was produced by AS I LAY DYING, co-produced by Drew Fulk and mixed by Adam 'Nolly' Getgood. The artwork was created by Corey Meyers. Shaped By Fire will be available in the following formats:
- CD Digipack - Black Vinyl - Clear Vinyl - Beer W/ Black Splatter Vinyl (Limited to 2000) (USA) - Bone W/ Black Splatter Vinyl (Limited to 500) (USA) - Red W/ Black Splatter Vinyl (Limited to 250) (USA) - Orange / Black Swirl Vinyl (Limited to 250) (USA) - T-shirt Bundle (Includes CD digipack & t-shirt available in sizes: S-XXL) (USA) Shaped By Fire track list: 1. Burn To Emerge 2. Blinded 3. Shaped By Fire 4. Undertow 5. Torn Between 6. Gatekeeper 7. The Wreckage 8. My Own Grave 9. Take What's Left 10. Redefined 11. Only After We've Fallen 12. The Toll It Takes
More on Shaped By Fire:
'Shaped By Fire'
'My Own Grave' Music Video:
'Redefined' Music Video:
Album Trailer #1:
Album Trailer #2:
Album Trailer #3:
Album Trailer #4:
Album Trailer #5: https://youtu.be/rirSbqjUcHc
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By the end of the week, AS I LAY DYING will kick off their 'Shaped By Fire' world tour. The trek will include 2 dates in Russia before heading across Europe with CHELSEA GRIN, UNEARTH and FIT FOR A KING. Tickets are now on sale at http://asilaydying.com/tour.
AS I LAY DYING 'Shaped By Fire Tour' - Latin America 2019 07.09. BR São Paulo - Tropical Butantã TICKETS 08.09. BR Rio de Janeiro - Circo Voador TICKETS 10.09. RA Buenos Aires - El Teatrito TICKETS 12.09. RCH Santiago - Blondie TICKETS 14.09. MEX Mexico City - El Plaza Condesa TICKETS 15.09. CO Bogotá - Auditorio Lumiere TICKETS 'Shaped By Fire Tour' - Europe 2019 w/ CHELSEA GRIN, UNEARTH, FIT FOR A KING 24.09. RUS St. Petersburg - Cosmonavt* TICKETS 25.09. RUS Moscow - Glavclub* TICKETS 27.09. D Leipzig - Haus Auensee TICKETS 28.09. D Hamburg - Sporthalle TICKETS 30.09. N Oslo - Rockefeller TICKETS 01.10. S Stockholm - Fryshuset Klubben TICKETS 02.10. DK Copenhagen - Amager Bio TICKETS 03.10. D Berlin - Columbiahalle TICKETS 04.10. CZ Prague - Forum Karlín TICKETS 05.10. D Munich - Zenith TICKETS 06.10. A Vienna - Gasometer TICKETS 07.10. H Budapest - Barba Negra TICKETS 09.10. I Milan - Maggazzini Generali TICKETS 10.10. CH Zurich - Volkshaus TICKETS 11.10. F Grenoble - La Belle Electrique TICKETS 12.10. E Barcelona - Sala Apolo TICKETS 13.10. E Madrid - La Riviera TICKETS 15.10. F Paris - Bataclan TICKETS 16.10. B Brussels - Ancienne Belgique TICKETS 17.10. NL Tilburg - 013 TICKETS 18.10. D Saarbrücken - E-Werk TICKETS 19.10. D Cologne - Palladium TICKETS *AILD only 'Shaped By Fire Tour' - North America 2019 w/ AFTER THE BURIAL, EMMURE 15.11. USA Las Vegas, NV - House of Blues TICKETS 16.11. USA Phoenix, AZ - The Van Buren TICKETS 18.11. USA Dallas, TX - House of Blues TICKETS 19.11. USA Houston, TX - House of Blues TICKETS 21.11. USA New Orleans, LA - House of Blues TICKETS 22.11. USA Atlanta, GA - Buckhead Theatre TICKETS 23.11. USA Charlotte, NC - The Fillmore TICKETS 24.11. USA Wantagh, NY - Mulcahy’s Pub and Concert Hall TICKETS 25.11. USA Boston, MA - House of Blues TICKETS 26.11. USA Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of Living Arts TICKETS 27.11. USA Pittsburgh, PA - Roxian Theatre TICKETS 29.11. USA Silver Spring, MD - The Fillmore TICKETS 30.11. USA Buffalo, NY - Town Ballroom TICKETS 01.12. USA Reading, PA - Reverb TICKETS 02.12. USA Cleveland, OH - House of Blues TICKETS 03.12. USA Chicago, IL - House of Blues TICKETS 04.12. USA Minneapolis, MN - Varsity Theater TICKETS 06.12. USA Denver, CO - Summit TICKETS 07.12. USA Salt Lake City, UT - The Complex TICKETS 09.12. USA Seattle, WA - El Corazón TICKETS 10.12. USA Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom TICKETS 11.12. USA Sacramento, CA - Ace of Spades TICKETS 12.12. USA Ventura, CA - The Majestic Ventura Theater TICKETS 13.12. USA Los Angeles, CA - The Regent Theater *SOLD OUT* 14.12. USA San Diego, CA - SOMA TICKETS 15.12. USA Los Angeles, CA - The Regent Theater TICKETS
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Transformers #7 Review
Transformers #7 Review #transformers #comics #comicbooks #news #imagecomics #skybound #art #info #NCBD #amazon #comicbooknews #previews #reviews
Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson Artist: Jorge Corona Colorist: Mike Spicer Letterer: Rus Wooton Cover Artists: Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer; Jorge Corona & Mike Spicer; Karen S. Darboe; Caspar Wijngaard; Taurin Clarke; Mike Del Mundo; John Giang; Tiago Da Silva; Alex Milne; Redcode; Jonboy Meyers; John Gallagher; Livio Ramondelli; Adam Gorham Publisher: Image Price: $3.99 Release Date: April…
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#Image#image comics#Image Comics reviews#image reviews#Reviews#Skybound#Skybound Comics#Skybound Comics Reviews#Skybound Reviews#Transformers#Transformers 7#Transformers 7 Review
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Featured Artists: Vicki Christensen Ru Ciel Ann-Charlott Denslow Curt Fowler Pam Hake James Keo Susan Merriman Ulla Meyer Lea Sisson Rachel Turelli Karen Valliant Marie Vaughn #BitfactoryGallery #Denver #Workshop #GroupExhibition #AbstractArt #AbstractExpressionism #OpeningReception #ArtDistrictOnSantaFe
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